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. - .'V . , --.y ......^ . . .. .. , .. ...... ... . \ ^ WEATHER. \0 ^^^7 , a | "h# Member of the Associated Press. X > I M / V W ^ B r\ The Associated Press is exclosirely entitled tm nichrt"y U ??Ier t0" MSm I A Jl^ A A A A a - Al t A . A A| tbe u?e for republication of nil >en dlopitcbeo A B^^l ^^^B |^^y ^B^^B ^B credited to otherwise credited 1b this ci,dine at p.m. today: Highest, at B T I ^ A^B / A A^r \ P?P*' <! ??o the local new* published hcrcla. p.m. yesterday; lowest, a.m. I . K Hr ' M Br All rl*htn publication of apeclal tCMJf>': I J B B B. . B I I .BIB IBB I y B ^L. I I . . diapatcbe* herein aro alio reeeryed. on page ^S I J^^a Closing New York Stocks, Page 20. S V.?^ WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION t^r Yesterday's Net Circulation 88,852 __ _____________________________________________ x v' No. 27,913. po"tereo'mraeS washfngtom Dattcr WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1920-TWENTY-SIX PAGES. * TWO CENTS. ? ' i i t i * Mmmm 99"99!9Si?^ ( mm m mm* ^ mm m*. mmm B"*"^ llll IITF AAtf PRESIDENT ENTERS ' CAMPAIGN, CITING U. S. LEAGUE ROli . Denies America Obligated tc Help Crush Rebellions Within Nations. INDEPENDENT ACTION HELD NEVER LIMITED Xetter Tells Why Case of Ireland Was Not Recognized at Paris Peace Conference. The first public document in thi ' ' icrn t K, present presiaentxan ?.ou.^u.n?. *v ~ Issued at the White House was madi public today. It dealt with the leagui cf nations, and was in the form of i letter to B. M. Swartz of Los Angeles written by Secretary Tumulty a President .Wilson's direction. The White House letter was in re ply to one to the President in whicl Jir. Swartz had declared the force: supporting the republican ticket wen contending that if article X of thi league covenant was ratified thi United States "would be bound to sup port England in holding Ireland undei Subjection." Text of the Letter. The letter to Mr. Swartz follows: "In reply to your letter of Septem Iter 20. I beg to say that the identica questions contained in your letter with reference to article X and th< right of self-determination, found ir the covenant of the league of nations were placed before the President while he was on his western trip las year and fully answered by him. "The President directs me to cal your attention to the following ques 4 tions and answers given by him tc the press at that time, which. I think satisfactorily answer your inquiries The questions and answers are as follows: "Q. Under the covenant does th? nation obligate itself to assist anj member of the league in putting dowr a rebellion of its subjects or conquered peoples? "A. It does not. Independence Assumed. "Q. Under the covenant can this nation independently recognize a government whose people se^k to achieve or have achieved tneir independence ' from a member of the league? "A. The independent action of the government of the United States in a matter of this kind is In no way limited or affected by the covenant of the league of nations. "W. Under tlfe covenant are those bbject nations or people only that re mentioned in the peace treaty enVed to the right of self-determinaon or does the league possess the fright to accord a similar privilege to other subject nations or people? "A. It was not possible for the peace conference to act with regard to the self-determination of any territories except those which had belonged tc the defeated empires, but in the covenant of the league of nations i! has set up for the flrst time in article XI a forum to which all claims ol self-determination, which are likelj to disturb the peace of the world 01 the good understanding between nations upon which" the peace of the world depends can be brought. "Q. Why was the case of Irelanc not heard at the peace conference' And what is your position on the sub, ject of self-determination of Ireland' "A. The case of Ireland was noi heard at the peace conference becauss the peace conference had no jurisdiction over any question of that sori which did not affect territories whict belonged to the defeated empires. Mj position on the subject of self-determination for Ireland is expressed * ? ? YT a# tho Anvonant in wh i nV ill /*! HVIU aw* V4 ??v ? I may say I was particularly interested because it seemed to me necessary for the peace and freedom of tht world that a forum should be createt to which all peoples could bring anj matter which was likely to affect the peace and freedom of" the world." WEATHER CHANGE COMING Gulf Disturbance Moving to Northward, Forecaster Warns. NEW TORK, September 28.?The lo cal weather bureau today Issued thi following warning concerning ^hi gulf disturbance: "No radio report from the gulf thi: morning, but it is assumed that th< center of the disturbance is over thi central gulf and moving very slowly The pressure distribution is such a: to indicate that its future movemen will be toward the north or northeast.' Today's News in Paragraphs Both Americans out of international air plane race for Bennett trophy. Page 1 Vtah solid for league of nations; repub licans face hard fight, with democrat: now in lead. Page Federal employes prepare brief to sim plify reclassification and secure pas sage of measure by next Congress. Page D. C. Republicans at Baltimore rail; for Harding. Page i > Text of Senator Harding's speech ii Baltimore. Page Mid-City Citizens' Association oppose taking of garden land in Potomac Pari next year for golf links. I'age J). C. Commissioner Hendrick pledge to help make Washington finest cit in the world. Page tstate Department receives report o amazing atrocities inflicted by tin Serbians upon the Montenegrins. Page Rational board of review says movie are not harmful to children. Page American Region convention at Cleve land flooded with resolutions. Page .Additional Army appointments. Page 1 "Black and tan" reprisals alarm Eng land. Page 1 Commission takes up Russian-Polis peace treaty. Page 1J V. S. Treasury officials deny govern inent has lost money through stole or uncancelled liberty bonds. Page i; R. F. Bradbury has been elected presi dent of the Randle Highlands Assoc! ation. Page IS Mixteen speeches on schedule of Got Cox in middle west. Page 1 Karl Radek, bolshevist leader, say Senator Harding favors recognizin soviet Russia to gain trade. Page 1 t An alleged burglar applies at hospitt to be treated for wounds and is ar t rested. Page 1 Colleges plan to fit men for big Jobs b courses in management. Page 1 JJecrease in trade balance because for eign buyers await lower commodit prices here, sajs O- P. Hopkins. L'. t expert. Page J King's Estates Seized in Italy By the Farmer LONDON, September 28.?'Estate* owned by Kin*? Vletol 1 Emmanuel of Italy at Santi m Maria di Capon Vetre, neai Naples, have been seised bj members of local agrrienltiira . j societies, according: to a dis! patch to the Exchangre Telej grraph Company from Rome. No opposition was offered t< the persons seixingr the property, it in said. UTAH SIANDS FIN i rnn irinnr n n i rUK LtAhUt; b. U. I : FACES HARD FIGl I I Senator Smoot Likely to Re-Elected Even If State | Goes for Gov. Cox. J BY N. O. MESSENGER. SALT LAKE CITY, September 2 r When Utah, in 1912, played the 1 of political Casabianca and st upon ..e burning republican deck u all else had fled, except Vermon ! period of mortification set in. wl ; turned the state over to the de , crats. Wilson carried the thereto; , normally republican state by 30 , on the plea of "he kept us out ' war," and with the aid of prog L sive republicans. In 1918, in the C I gress elections, the democrats . held their own. At this time t , are in power throughout the st All the republicans have is the Un . States senatorship held by Sen; . Smoot. who must face the voters re-election November 2. Indicati i at this time point to the re-elec ' of Senator Smoot, for reasons heri i after stated. Democrats Now ia Lead. There is a chance to carry the s1 for Larding, although surface i; cations would seem to show the de crats to be in better position at time. Five weeks ahead of the e tion. Utah is obsessed with the lea of nations. President Wilson i pianieu me league ueepiy in tue ui ] deliriousl sentiment of the pec who have a hatred of war. WU1 H. Taft. idol of the republicans, cu vated where the President had so Gov. Cox came along and ad nourishment. The Mormon Churcl year ago formally indorsed the leat The democratic candidates, natioi state and county tickets, stand for j league. Mr. Taft is coming to : state later to plead for support : | the republican ticket. If he can c | vince his friends who have follow i ; him heretofore that the league hs i . chance for existence under Hard >;and a republican administration t! may swing the old-time normal . I publican vote back into line. ' r, way is open for him to do this. r I cause the democratic management . | the Mormon Church do not deman . j league of nations without reset . | tions. The democratic United Sti 'senator. Wildam H. King, who a I I ported reservations in the Senate > 1 who, recently returning from a t I | with Cox at Dayton, gave out a sti ' ment saying that Gov. Cox would ' (insist upon the covenant of the lea [ without change, may find himseli !j unity with Taft on the general p ^ j ciples of the league. , Intense Interest In League. r | The republicans expect the wit ' prevailing discontent with the dei I i cratic administration to be reflet I. -1 : ? tvio otofo ;* tv.A 1 ' in llie vuic in mifi aiait, II Hie |<v i . I can be educated away from blind . i lowing of the President on the lea > i of nations. They face the import [ | fact that the democrats are thoroug r intrenched in power in the state, h , a splendid organization, and if church should decide to throw power to the democratic natic ! ticket would have the added per: , ! organization of the church. I Everybody claims that the chi will not go into politics as an org; zation. Be that as it may, the pr dent of the church is a democrat . is supporting the democratic s ticket with contributions. Severa - the twelve apostles, the goven s body of the church, are democr s Yet it cannot be said that word yet been passed down the rank 3 file of churchmen to support the 3 tional democratic ticket. Senator Smoot'a Chance* Good, i Senator Smoot's chances for re-e t tion stand a littleapart from gen political considerations, and the : lief is that even if the state goes ' Cox, he may be returned to he Sen For eighteen years he has been t ported for the Senate. He is oni { 1 the twelve apostles and is seconi . I line for succession to the preside of the church. He delivers serir -i in the temple.. Yesterday he t 3 up in the temple and espoused 1 church's crusade against toba - , which is impending as an issue. - I He is a thoroughgoing churchi 1 at every point and is in aympi 1 1 with the ruling powers of the ec Y ; siastical body so very potent in U ' | The argument in behalf of Sen; " ; Smoot which is being used po\ J ; fully and is said to be appealing j Utah people is this: If a republi s : and republican administration are k i in power. Utah, in the person of i 1 ator Smoot. would have an influer s and powerful friend at court. W yJ it would he offensive to say that ,* church considers material thi f ' Utah people tell ine that the chi ' probably would be gratified to k l' that one of its high officers sh< 7 hold a position of prominence and : lluence in the councils of the nal 2 It would offset, it is claimed, s " of the prejudice aroused against - church in the country at large in 9 cent years. At any rate, Utah w 0 be, it is argued, on a better parity 1 some other states lacking such j influential senator at Washington ^ Sugar Case la kutor. > Senator Smoot's opponent is Re , sensative Welling. On the state tl two Mormons are running for i P ! ernor, Charles R. Mabey, republi j and T. N. Taylorfi democrat. So fa - church influence is concerned, - would be fifty-fifty between the ! candidates. It is not yet In evid r. how much effect the prosecution o! 5 Utah-Idaho Sugar Company for s leged pro: teering in sugar will 1 g on politics. The democrats are s ing to connect Smoot with the t pany, but he is getting from u 11 very rapidly. lie is not an ofl ~ and only a small shareholder. J The church owns about one-t y interest in the company and Presi 6 Heber J. Grant, as representativ - the church's interest, is a direi y But he voted against the increas 5. price at the directors' meeting 2 was not included in ^he indicia " MOM ASKED . TO CARRY OUT PLAN ; OF MILLAN PARK r Acreage Needed and Other :i? n:n;44nrl j UCldllb III Dill OUUIIlltlCU to D. C. Heads. A proposed bill providing for the purchase of more than two million ? dollars' worth of land needed to carry out the McMillan Park plan in the National Capital was presented to the Commissioners today by a committee of tho Board of Trade, with Pthe request that they urge its enactment by Congress. ( The proposed bill was read at a hearing in the office of Engineer IT Commissioner Kutz and indorsed by J I representatives of the Chamber of j | Commerce, Federation of Citizens' Associations and other civic bodies. Others at Hearing. In addition to the District CommisBe sioners, the hearing was attended by Maj. Clarence S, Ridley, in charge of i public buildings and grounds, and ' Charles Moore, chairman of the fine j arts commission. In summing up the case for the Board of Trade, F. G. Coldren declared the people of the District | have confidence in the ablity of the g.? board of Commissioners as now con_,rt stituted, and "they expect big things from this board." 00 Seven Projects In Bill. n 1 The seven projects provided for in *' a the proposed bill are: lie "First, the Patterson tract, fronting mo~ on Florida avenue northeast, west of fore Gallaudet College. Area, 8.76 acres. ,000 _4ssesse(j value of land on two-thirds of Rncio f OCT 1 .?A onti.ol uuoio, 9A00.1 uv> j^omimicu aviiuoi res" value. $429,240. ,on- "Second, Mount Hamilton tract, east still Gf Bladensburg road. Area, 449.33. .hey Assessed value. $160,011. Estimated ate. actual value, $264,360.50. ited "Third, Dean tract, Connecticut and itor Florida avenues. Area, 9V4 acres, for Assessed value of land and improveions ments, $416,425. Estimated actual tion value. $700,000. ein_ "Fourth?Klinfrle ford tract, near Rock Creek Park. Area, 9.24 acres. Assessed value, $58,856. Estimated actual value, $SS,284. Late Tract Worth $500,000 Included, ndi- "Fifth?Land for the extension of tno" Piney Branch parkway to the Disthis tr(ct iine. Estimated actual value of ?ue land. $500,000. im- "Sixth?Tracts included in sites of iy the old forts across the north of the I" city from Rock Creek Park to the 'Um Anacostia river, including land for wi Fort drive. Estimated actual value, lln" $740,000. *" "Seventh?Lands required for exaea tension of Fort drive and parkway a a from Fort Davis to and including the >u?- site of Fort Stanton, Anacostia. Estimated actual value, $56,000. Total, $2,777,884.50. the of What the Bill Provides. ion- The proposed bill, which is intended ived to carry out this park plan, provides is a for the purchase of the land and the ling payment for all condemnation prohe ceedings one-half by the United States re- and one-half by the District of ColumThe bia. oe- (jnaries S. Bundy, chairman of the and committee on parks and reservations d a of the Board of Trade, directed the va- presentation of the case for all of the ites organizations. In opening the heariup ing he recited av history of the deand velopment of the park system of the 'isit National Capital from the laying off *te- of the city by Gen. Washington and not Maj. L'Enfant to the present day. He gue dwelt at length upon the McMillan ' in plan and the repeated efforts that tin- have been made to convert it into a reality. "While the great war w^ on," said lejv Mr. Bundy, "the door was closed [no. against all appeals to Congress in be ted half of parks, however desirable they >ple might be. But now the war is over fol_ and the necessities of government are gue in great part abated, the time is proant pitious for the government to resume rhly the prosecution of the park commisave sioners' plan for a systematic and the adequate park system for the Disits trice" >nal Indorsed by Citizens, feet After Messrs. Bundy and Coldren . had outlined the seven projects as a 'r , whole, other representative citizens spoke briefly in behalf of the individual nnH items. tate Evan H. Tucker of the Northeast l of Washington Citizens' Association, told 'i ? of the advantages of the Mount Hamil ats ton tract for the new Botanic Garden. He said it would gove a much needed dignified entrance to the National Capital from the east. William F. Gude of the Chamber of Commerce indorsed the park plan in general and also spoke particularly lec- as a florist of the need for a new eral botanic garden at Mount Hamilton. He said the present Botanic Garden "e" near the Capitol is not befitting a nafor tion of this size. ate Dr. Percival Hall pointed to the need for park and playground space for iup" the thousands of residents of the - of northeast, and said the Patterson tract j in at 5th street and Florida avenue was ,nrv the logical place. He called attention y to the swimming pool and other lmions provements made on this property ook while it was occupied by the soldiers thi as Camp Meigs during the war. _'o D. H. York spoke along similar lines ' for the Trinidad association, man Cite* Greatest Need, ithy Charles Moore, chairman of the cle- pine Arts Commission, said in his tah. opinion the greatest need at present at?r i is the carrvinc out of th? - veJ'" | driveway connecting the old forts ' to I around the northern end of the city. ica" I Mr. Bundy, after presenting the pork I plan, s^oke briefly of the necessity for 5fn i I purchasing additional playground ' space- H<' sai(1 the B?ard of Trade is "''e strongly in favor of adding to the " municipal playgrounds as soon as the jrcii la"d i'an be acquired. f, now * PRESIDENT PARDONS MAN. Lion. ome jjow,ard W. Showalter, Former W. the re- Va. Banker, to Go Free. ould with President Wilson today granted a aa pardon to Howard W. Showalter of l" the National Bank of Fairmont, W. Va., who was convicted three years ago on a charge of misappropriating *ov- thc funds of that institution and sen\ ' tenced to serve five years in prison. ' ' Showalter had many friends in ., Washington arid was more or less widely known in local financial cirtwo cles. Judge J. A. Finch, in charge of F'??'0 pardon cases for the Department of , Justice, made a report to Attorney al" General Palmer recommending Mr. lave yhowalter's pardon, and it was read try- carefully by the President before ap:om proving it nder Washington friends who interceded leer, jn his behalf said today that the President promptly granted a pardon hird when he came into possession of the dent facts, which showed, they said, that he e of was "absolutely innocent." Mr. Shoctor. waiter had been out on bond since his e In conviction and was to have been surand rendered to the court to begin his lent. J sentence within a few days. ^hi I WYOMINGADDED IN SWEEP WED FOR REPUBLICANS Cox Put Life in His Party There, But 5,000 G. 0. P. Majority Is Prediction. BY DAVID LAWRENCE. CHEYENNE, Wyo., September 28.?If there are many more states like Wyoming the sweeping prediction of republican victory made by Will Hays may not be far afield. Splendid republican organization at work eves since. last January; democratic neglect and not even a state headquarters established at this late date?that tells the story. Gov. Cox himself put such life into the democratic party as it has. Before his arrival in the state the morale of the democrats was low. If his speech did nothing else, it convinced the men on the platform that they had an aggressive candidate with a good case. But the problem in Wyoming as elsewhere with the democrats is to get that case before the independent voters. The republicans have in the last year or so secured control of an increasing number of newspapers, so that today about forty-five publications, the largest in the state, are supporting Harding and only - -l- a ; u a a rt | eigiiLeeil are iiiumcu wwaiu \aia. Cox Awnkmi Drmocrnta. The real trouble Is that democratic | prospects got so low last spring that | the leading democrats thought it j hopeless to do anythinfe. They voted for McAdoo at San Francisco and ! didn't know much about Cox till he j got here the other day and made some I stirring speeches. The democrats grew i enthusiastic and privately said that I if the nominee could stump the state : thoroughly he could carry it. That, however, is nothing more nor less than a conviction as to the strength | of the Cox argument if it could be presented to all the voters. The crowds greeting the Ohio govj ernor were fully as large as those 1 President Wilson had a year ago. Even republicans say a good word for ! the nominee's speechmaking and admit it made votes. But the republicans have such a big handicap that they are not bothered about the few thousand people reached by one voice. I* VUld It is true that the democrats have taken on a new lease of life, but they have no money or organization and some of the democrat chieftains whose judgment given privately to the writer can certainly be accepted as accurate predict that the state will go republican by 4,000. The republicans showed me their canvass of the state, and while this ! would indicate an overwhelming victory, the most conservative of the republicans place the probable majority at 5,000. It will be recalled that Bryan carried the state in 1896 by 50dj that Harrison got it by 700 and that Wilson in 1912 won the electoral vote by only 700. However, McKinley carried the state by 5,000: Taft by about the same figures in 1908, and Wilson by 6,000 in 1916. Roosevelt alone carried it by the record figure of 11,000. Republican Estimate Normal. So it will be -seen that an estimate of four to Ave thousand for Harding is about the normal republican majority again. The reasons for the shift from a Wilson majority to Harding are not hard to find. A farmer-labor ticket is in the field and will draw votes from the mining camps that ordinarily go democratic. ! Much of the railway employes' vote ; will go democratic, and will, to some I extent, offset the loss of the miners. | But on the ranches the fall in the ! nrice of wool has re_vived the cry for the tariff and influenced stockmen to argue for a change of administration as a possible means of relief from financial embarrassment. Bankers testify to the depression in the stock-raising business, and blame it on the absence of a tariff. Some of the same symptoms of discontent because of declining wool prices were encountered in Idaho. Democrats Get Blame. Whether it is true or not, the fashion of the day seems to be to blame everything on the democratic administration. For instance, many stockmen are being led to believe that the federal reserve banks are giving credit to the cotton growers and discriminating against the sheep raisers. This has been denied, but an impression of a fact sometimes gets far ahead of any denial and thus becomes a fact for voting purposes any way. Unless there is a break in the republican campaign and the democrats suddenly acquire wealth enough at least to put a banner of their candidate somewhere in Cheyenne, the state capital, the size of the republican victory may be a surprise to the republicans themselves. (Tomorrow's dispatch will deal with the political situation in Colorado.) ^j*pyrlgli>, 18l!0.) P'whatpYE Lplitel CANNOT HELP VOTERS. I. C. C. Unable to Replace Trave Rates to "Home States." Railroads cannot be compelled t grant reduced rates to persons wh wish to go home to vote in Xovembe oy tne interstate commerce Commis sion, the commission announced yes terday in a letter to the Harding an Coolidge League of Washington. The commission stated that lowe rates for voters may be establishe by the railroads, but the commissio cannot order reduced rates. PACWSME OF SELLING YARDS OBJECTED! BY U.S Department of Justice Say; Approval Would Sanction Sherman Law Violation. Objections to the entire plan sug gested by the "big five" Chicago mea packers for disposition of their stock yard interests were filed by the De partmenij of Justice today in the Dis trict of Columbia Supreme Court. To sanction the proposal of th packers to dispose of their stockyar interests to a holding company to b formed by F. H. Prince & Co. of Bos ton would mean a sanctioning of violation of the Sherman and othe anti-trust laws, Attorney Geners Palmer declared in a formal state ment. The grounds for the government' objections were set forth in the peti tion as follows: "A proposed holding company t take over controlling interests in sub st&ntially all of the stockyards in th I United States, together with the ter I minal railways, which are in tur | owned or controlled by the stock I Vfl pH o nrrt 111 rl J? t* ' * J ,, -vuiu I.W1IOLIIULC III ILhtflL combination in violation of the Sher man and other anti-trust laws. ] this court should sanction the forma tion of such a company with the pur poses and organized in the fashio outlined in the so-called plan, it woul in effect be sanctioning a violation o the anti-trust laws." Restraint Is Feared. The petition also argued that th formation of the proposed holdini company would place in the hands o those "controlling such a company means of restraint upon the buyint and selling of live stock and dressei meats." It charged also that the propose: holding company would be able ti "manipulate sales and traffic condi tions and the improvements and fa ellities at the respective markets." ii a manner as to retard the growth o and cripple packing houses located a other yards. Objections to F. H. Prince & Co. a a purchaser also were Included in th petition, which declared that thi Prince interests with Armour & Oc already practically controlled the Chi cago stockyards. "In 1911 F. H. Prince & Company ef fected the formation of the present Chi cago Stockyards Company of Maine,' the petition states. "This company through its control of subsidiaries, own: and controls the Union Stockyards Com pany of Chicago. The method adopte< I in the formation of such company, thi employment of devices such as the us> of 'bearer warrants' and of dummy of fleers, directors and stockholders, is cal cuiated to prevent the government fron ascertaining the identity of the person: who owned the controlling interest ii the Chicago yards. "The relations of F. H. Prince & Com pany with J. Ogden Armour and Armou; & Company are such as to make thi petitioner unwilling to permit Prino & Company to take over the de fendants' interest in the stockyards o j to have charge of the formation of an: companies organized for that purpose The bona fldes of the whole plan ii questionable in view of the activity o Prince & Company in the manipula tion of the Chicago yards." No Acceptance Filed. The department's petition also sai< there was on file no acceptance by thi packers of the offer of Prince & Co to take over their holdings, whicl are estimated to involve about $40, 000,000. It also was asserted tha Prince & Co. was not obligated t< carry out the provisions of the plan inasmuch as "the options providi that the defendants themselves ma: withdraw the same at any time, ani this even after the court shall havi approved it." Objection also was entered by thi government to the indefinite nature o securities to be given the packini companies by Prince & Co. Thi government's petition said that then was available in the offer no methoi by which it could ascertain what sor of securities would be sold the publh or what provision would be made to management of the properties shouli they be turned over to the Bostoj bankers. w , [Sim M* : CHANGtS 10 SPEED: ; CONGRESS ACTION1 n - i Federal Employes Prepare ? Reclassification Brief Which Scores Hit. 1 Agreement by the civil service com- i mittee of the House on a redrafted ' reclassification bill, with simplified 1 salary schedules, in order to obtain action at the short session of Con- i a gress impending- is urged dn a brief ! prepared for_the_N^U>nal_FederaUon | of Federal Employes by Robert Moses , and Morris B. Lambie. 5 So important has Chairman Lehl- ' bach of the House committee on civil ] service and retrenchment deemed the t independent study made by these two reclassification specialists '.hat he has had the brief printed by the govern> ment printing office for distribution among the members of his committee, j Both he and Chairman Good of the | House appropriations committee have taken up the study of the brief, the I- salient portions of which are printed here for the first time. Particular interest attaches to the suggestion of c the experts that the House civil servd ice committee agree on a redrafted ree classification bill. Hope for Quick Action. < In such redraft lies the hope of im- ' mediate action on reclassification, actl cording to the brief prepared by Messrs. Moses and Lambie, recognized throughout the country as specialists s on reclassification matters. Repre. sentative Good recently declared that he would do all in his power to assist 0 Mr. Lehlbach and his committee in, 1 bringing reclassification before Con- < e gress "at the very earliest possible _ date " n The authors of the brief declare that r . "it was understood that in preparing t a our report we should act as independ- j, ent investigators, and not as the 1 agents of the employes or of any r _ other group, and that we should not t approach the work of the reclassifl- ^ n cation commission with any object j other than an impartial review of the 1 fundamental facts for the purpose of 1 establishing the best course of imme- , diate action." After declaring that they heartily 1 e concur in the findings of the report of S the reclassification commission, the * * authors of the new brief declare: ' ' "We believe that in general the j4 a recommendations of the reclassifies- 1 ; tion commission contain most of the . j fundamental principles upon which , proper reclassification should rest. . j and that these principles should have s q the whole-hearted support of the employes as well as bf Congress and the I administrative officers of the govern rj UIClll. f I'rgr Changes In Method*. j 1 "But we also firmly believe," they a continue, "that a number of changes t ' in the proposed bill and classification ? should be made before submission to f " Congress. These modifications affect e '* primarily the details of the classifies- 2 tion and the methods of administer- ( ing It. and only in a few instances " the underlying principles of the' re- t . classification movement." e After a review of budget legisla- r j tion, the brief continues. "So far as . salaries and positions are concerned. 1 Congress should ultimately constitute e the budget bureau as the central c ? agency for current administration, but 8 . Congress should delegate this authori- J . ty only if it has approved a standard * 1 classification in accordance with 8 s which executive discretion will be ex- J 1 ercised." Immediately following the "meat" f (Continued on Page 2, Column 7.) c ? 1 ' r MORE GIRLS A \ BOYS PLA Yi * Public School officials today stumbled f * upon figures in going over truancy re- > s e ports that disclose a decline in the num- h ber of boys playing "hooky," and an in- o 1 crease among girls. In 1917 16 girls ? i and 655 boys were A. W. O. L. j from their classrooms. Last year 44 fi girls and 544 boys had their names n e placed on the truancy list of Miss Sadie c f L. Lewis, chief attendance officer of the 0 1 public schools. 0 e Secret la Discovered. What the children do to utilize their f time when their parents believe them n 4 barricaded behind books in the school- '' B rooms, and their teachers concede that b j they are ill at home, would be too v t numerous to enumerate. Of course, ? c some of the boys go fishing, swimming, c r and nutting in the nutting! season. But g j where do the girls go? ii i The answer is "the movies." Naturally all the girls who play hooky a MAIl/ttNIS I URGED BY CITIZENS Jealers and Producers Asked to Act Fairly With the Public. _ c A retail price to the consumer of 17 cents a quart for milk during the coming winter was recommended toiay by the special committee of the federation of Citizens' Associations 2 _ a . a _i.. j? a. i ?ille lypoiniea 10 siuay me unm onus*- i :ion. Asserting- that the peak of high Jrices has passed and that the ten- j ieney now should be downward, the I committee urges the farmers to ac'ept 42 cents a gallon for their milk ! his winter instead of 44 cents, the , 'mount they have been considering. A wholesale price of 42 cents a gallon to the farmers would not necessitate a retail price greater than 17 cents a quart to the local iairymen, the committee believes. Committee's Report. Summing up tlr^results of its inluiry. the citizens' committee reports is follows: "That the producers and dealers igree upon a basic price of 42 cents per gallon for milk d>f 3.5 per cent butter fat content, ami that this milk be sold to the public through the usual channels of distribution at a price not. exceeding 17 cents per quart. The oommittee believes that this spread of 26 cents per gallon is sufficient for the profitable handling and distribution of the product, and that the producers anil dealers should unite in the effort to prevent a further increase in the retail cost of milk at this time. "This price, if put into effect October 1, and maintained through the winter period, will result in a saving of more than $250,000 to the people of Washington, and in the opinion of the oommittee it would be unjust > to add that large sum to the living i post of the community under the cir- . cumstancea If it be true that the | profits of producers and dealers will i 1 be curtailed by the above plan, the j I committee would suggest that there , has apparently been a period of considerable prosperity in the milk busi- * ness, and that there must be lfean j years as well as fat ones in that as t In other commercial pursuits; also j that keeping down the price will ] tend to increase consumption to the i end that there may be no surplus j which must be wasted. Asked to Deal Fairly. J "The committee believes that a vol- ! jntary arrangement as above sug- j nrt?9thli?. nractic&ble and graicu as? M feasible and asks the producers, dis- , Lributors and consumers to deal with the situation and with each other frankly and fairly for the general public good. "The committee commends the effort of the District health department 1 to provide a healthful milk supply for j Washington and urge* that every citizen co-operate with the proper officers so that there may be no viola- 1 tions to endanger the health of the I Children ot the community. , "Signed: William B. Westlake, chair- j lake, chairman; G. R. Wales, George . A. Finch, Warner Stutler and B. T. < Woodward." t AMERICANS FORCED OUT OF AIR RACE I I * It Schroeder and Rinehart Lose I Trophy Chances?French- f 11 man Wins. jl ETAMPES, France, September 28 * [by the Associated Press).?Sadi Le 1 ? I -ointe, the famous French aviator, F - ' - - - - .. ! today won the international airplane ; ^ ace for the James Gordon Bennett c rophy. He covered the course of 300 j e silometers, or 186.3 miles, in 1 hour 6! inutes 17 1-5 seconds. F. P. Ftaynham. j f( he sole British representative, with- j Irew after covering the first lap. a After the race had been in progress t ess than an hour the contest nar- j owed down to a possible three com- t jetitors. one of them Maj. R. W. i Jchroeder, an American, but Maj. Schroeder shortly afterward also was sliminated, withdrawing after flying ii 00 kilometers, because of ignition J 8 rouble. Howard Rinehart, the other | S Imerican, withdrew soon after start- i v ng, because of difficulty with the \ iteering mechanism. The Americans n hus were out of the race. I n Two Frenchmen Withdraw. ; I De Romanet, one of the French com- ' ^ >etitors, withdrew after the second lap. | tirsch, a second Frenchman, withdrew fter making 200 kilometers in -is min- ' ites 52 seconds. ; n The only competitor remaining in ! J light at this time was the third French !' ntrant, Sadi Le Cointe, who had made j '' 00 kilometers in 43 minutes 42 3-5 sec- P inds, a new world record. ! " There remained F. P. Raynham, the 1 lole British competitor who. with all the j ' ntrants, save Sadi Le Cointe, one of the . tinning, was still waiting to start. s Bad Flying Weather at Start. \I Bad flying weather hold up the start j g >f the race this morning. None of the ' u iix entrants, three French, two Amerian and One British, volunteered to take |j he air when 7 o'clock, the hour for tl tartiDg the race, came. They regarded ; g he overhanging clouds and damp air as s insatiefactory, and found the visibility 1 j o poor that it would be necessary to ly dangerously low. The sky slowly j feared, however. mnn_n???i???-m?mmm.nn-mnm. g tktt\ i luii'/nn 2 \u rHi wihit WfG "HOOKf "\ X rom school don't visit the movies, but V chool officials admit that photoplay K ouses are the favorite visiting: places h f the young school girls. Therefore, 11 hey are attributed to the increase in ? ruancy. f< The boys also are great "movie st ans." Many of them who have a e' jania for playing truant from school v an be found in a movie show instead f. Ashing or swimming in the waters f the Potomac. i jOne Perfect City. These same conditions, however, do ss ot prevail in Evanston, 111., where m : was reported that the truant of- di cer of the public schools there had f? een discharged, because he had no rork. Supt. Nichols of the Evanston H chools says that-the children of that tc ity can hardly wait until school be- m ins in the fall, and that hooky play- w ig is a lost art there. m Washington has Ave truant officers, ol nd they usually are busy. a fill WHIIuUa SUSPENDED AFTER BEINGINDICTED lomiskey Acts When Chicago Grand Jury Passes on Game-Throwing Charges. By the Associated Press. C HICAGO, Sfptfmbrr 2S,?( harlaa ComiMkey, preiildcnt of the WKtp Sox, today suspended every mrifber of th& team indleted today In connection with the alleged flxlnft of bane ball pame*. Seven of the elpht indicted are affected. Chick f.andil. the Hpbth, In n^t playing this year. The MUMpenalon practically kllla all hope of the White Sox winning the American Leapue pennant thia year. CHICAGO. Srptfmbrr 2S.?The Cook county grand Jury thl* afternoon voted true bllln against the following taut ball player* In it* Investigation of allegrd "throwing" of world *erle* frame* la?t year: Eddie Cleotte. Claude William*. "CWck" Gandll, "Happy" Frl?ch. "Buck" Weaver. Charle* RUbrrg, * Joe Jack*on, and Fred MeMullln. All are member* of the Chicago American*. The player* arc charged with conspiracy to violate a state law. PHILADELPHIA. September 28.? > Billy Maharg, whose story revealing what he claimed to be the plan for "throwing" last year's world series pase ball games was published here :oday, declined to say whether he would go to Chicago to present his svidence to the Cook county grand iury. He said early today that the :elegram sent by Charles Comiskey. president of the Chicago American League club, asking him to come to :hat city and appear before the grand Iury had not been received. "Atteil is the man the Chicago grand jury wants," Maharg's story says, "he ppade the bets, turned over $10,000 to Burns for the Sox players and double:rossed them out of $90,000." Maharg is a former boxer and is well known in local sporting circles. Tell* of the Plot. Maharg's story says that he and Rill" Rums former American League . Jitcher, were the first to be apjroached in the conspiracy. "I received a wire from Burns from Sew York the middle of last September inviting me to take a hunting trip with him on his ranch in New Meico," said Maharg. "While we were :here in a room talking Cicotte came n and started to talk in a low voice 0 Burns. "I heard enough to know that he said hat a group of prominent players of the iVhite Sox would be willing to throw' the coming world series if 1 syndicate of gamblers would give hem $100,000 on the morning of the irst game. "When Cicotte left. Burns turned to ne and repeated Cfcotte's conversaion. part of which 1 had heard. Burns aid. 'Do you know kny gamblers who vould be interested in this proposlionT Referred to Rothateia. "I went to Philadelphia and saw ome gamblers there. They told me t was too big a proposition for them o handle, and they recommended me o Arnold Rothstein of New York. "In the meantime. Burns had reurned to New York and I went over gain and joined him. We met Rothtein by appointment and put the iroposition up to him. He declined o get into it. I returned to Philalelphia. thinking that everything was If. until I received the following telgram from Burns. It read: "'Arnold R. has gone through with verything. Cot eight in. leaving for Cincinnati at I went the next lay and joined Burns. He said that :fter I had left New York he ran into ibe Attell. the fighter, who had gone o Rothstein and fixed things up. i Jurns said he had seen Cicotte and hat eight members of the team were n the deal. Tells of Rig Gang. "Attell was in Cincinnati duartered n a large suite in a hotel and had a ang of about twenty-five New York .amblers with him. He said they were iorking for Rothstein. "X had my first suspicion on the ".orning of the first game, when Burns r.d I visited Atteli. We asked for he $100,000 to turn over to the White ox players to carry out our part of he deal. "Atteli refused to turn over the 100.000. Ttaying that they needed the toney to make bets. He made a ounter proposal that $20,000 would be anded the players at the end of each jsing game. Burns $vent to the Sox layers and they seemed satisfied with Ixo bow arruncpnifnt. "The players, however, told Burns hat if they lost behind Cicotte and I'illlams. they wouldn't win for Kerr. 0 we went to Chicago and bet all of ur personal winnings of the first two ays on Cineinnati to win the third ame. The Sox got even with us by inning this game. "Burns and I lost every eent we had 1 our clothes. The whole upshot of -? he matter was that Attell and his ang cleaned up a fortune and the ox players were double-crossed out f $90,000 that was coming to them." Hnamr Investigation. CHICAGO, September 28??Investiation of accusations that members f the Chicago White Sox had thrown" the 1919 world series was esumed today by the Cook county rand jury, with Presidents Johnson f the American League and Heydler f the National League expected to e the leading witnesses. Two other witnesses for today are ? TT ? anH T~?r Rav. ITS. nruurna * ? lond B. Prettyman. Several of the ^hite Sox players roomed at Mrs. 'elly's boarding house, and she will e questioned about conversations beiveen them which she may have verheard. Br. Prettyman Is dentist >r the White Sox team, and in a atement declared he could produce vidence of an attempt to persuade leaver to "throw" games. C'irottr Makes Denial. In denying Maharg's story today ddie Cicotte said: "I would not know Maharg if I iw him. I do not recall ever having iet>rtm. He might have been introuced to me the same as any other in. but I do not remember him. "Bill Burns called at the Ansonia otel in New York. He did not talk > me alone, but conversed with other embers of the team. While I was ith him he was making arrangeents for a hunting trip. The talk r the world series being fixed Is all joke." ___