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FOB SALE?HOUSES. t Cutinel. . "MIDDAUGH & SHANNON" HOMES." (Homea that have satisfied for 20 years.) Mlddaugh Sl Shannon. Inc.. build exceptionally good homes. These detached homes set a new standard for right-living, right-thinking people. BROOKLAXD. Right at the end of the Brookland car line. Sample six and eigh' room homes open daily until 6 p.m. * * 8AUI/8 ADDITION. 14th it. cars to Emerson st., one square cast. Sample six and eight room homes open4' daily until 8 p.m. Failure to see these homes is an injustice to the homeseeker. We will be proud to show them to yon. Middaugh & Shannon, Inc., No place like home. No home like ours. ?Since 1809. Suite 1039. Woodward bldg., 13th and H. Main 15033. rut out tlds ad?see these homes. mnuiAiir.u a- <;ha\t\'D\'. INCORPORATED. 'THE BEST IN USED HOMES." 818 D ST. N.E. $4.500?Varant. Brick. ti rooms and bath. Newly papered ami paiuted. $1,000 cash, balance like rent. MT. RAINIER. MD. $7,500?Pretty detached corner home of 7 rooms, batli. electricity, pas. hot-water heat. Fireplace. Lot 50x120 ft. Garage. Immediate possesion. Terms are attractive. CONDUIT ROAD. $? 000?Detached stucco house of 8 rooms I uv.d bath, attic, porches, electricity. Screened. Immediate possession. MIDDAUGH A SHANNON. INC.. Suite 1060, Woodward bldp., 15th and H. Maiu 0055. * BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. Put the money you are nowthrowing away now so far as any investment value is concerned? into a HOUSE?located in a neighborhood of definitely fixed character?where you will be happy to live?a Home that will be YOURS?and always an asset. The prettiest community in all 1 Washington is AfcMSLEIGH PARK ?midway between Cleveland Park and Chevy Chase. And the prettiest Homes are these six and eight room roTTAr.FQ 4\-n V V X X a L \_l uu i ktl JU' BUNGALOWS. They are WHOLLY DETACHED, wonderfully planned and thoroughly built. Inspect the completed samples -?open every dav and evening. PARK OFFICE, 4415 39th "ST. Phone Cleveland 1490. Tike Chery Chase cirs to Albemarle street, Weat; or Wisconsin ave. cars^o Windom stree:. R. E. HAMILTON, Owner's Representative. 12 ROOMS, S baths. Detached. Lot 75x124. A real buy in n.w. $18,000. , 9 ROOMS, 2 baths. Semi-detached brick. Best n.w. section. $13,500. Don't Miss These W. C. A A. N. MILLER. Main 4392. 304 Union Trust Bid?. BY OWNER, 7 ROOMS; \ a.m.i.; Newton st. n.w.. bet. 18th and 19th; brick garage; $10,500; $1,500 cash, $100 per mo. Phone or call bet.. 6 and 7:30 p.m. W. ! A. BAUM, 617 Gresham pi. n.w. j Phone Coi. 5296. ' rUK RALE. ? VACANT IN 10 DATS. Near Downtown S.W. J Pmi brick, 16 ft. wide, 12 rooms snd bath, < back porches; frame garaire for 3 machines, on 30-ft. alley. Owner leaving city, must sell at once. Call for price. C. F. WARING, 323 Bond Bldg.. 1 franklin 5571, ' FOR 8ALE?VACANT SOON. ' In Georgetown, D. C. ONLY $300 DOWN. { Brick; 6 rooms and bath; cellar, furnace, large back yard, side light. Price for quick Mle. $4,500. J _ C. F. WARING, franklin 5571. ' FOR SALE?BARGAIN. ( Home With 2-Story Brick ! Garage. ' Best n.e. section: 6 rooms and bath: cellar. Art quick. Price today, $5,450. j FOB SALE?VACANT. Two-Family Flat. 2713 11th St. N.W. Newly painted and papered. Key at office. Ea*r terms. Price right. Just offered. Act quick. Will rent for $120 per month. O. F. WABIN?;. Franklin 5571. 323 Boftd bldg.. 14th and N. Y. ave. n.w. FOR SALE? N.E. Semi-Detached Home. NEAR FLORIDA AVE. N.E. Brick: 7 rooms and tile bath; cellar; hot- ; water heat; electric lights; beautiful hedge ; and front porch. Price, $6,250. Act quick to ; get this. C. F. WARING. 323\Bond building. 14th and ! New York ave. n.w. Franklin 5571. $ ROOMS. SEMIDETACHED; A.M.I,; ADjoining Chevy Chase on south; sacrifice for , quick Mlc. Clc.e. 579-W. 30* ,j BoME WANTKR8?I HAVE THE REAL home you are looking for. Col. 5548, or call at 3309 17th n.w., in person. ACT QUICK?BEAUTIFUL HOME IN CHEVY Chase; taken off market in four days; no brokers. Col. 5548. t Uf. PLEASANT?A WONDER BUY; DIT tached; 8 rooms. 3 baths; sleeping porch; 2 garages; lovely grounds; immediate possession. Key at 3300 17th st. n.w. ANAC08TIA?2215 16th ST. 8.E.; SIX-ROOM brick, with porches: large lot; a.m.i.; $5,250: terms to suit purchaser. Phone M. 4128. 30* SIX-ROOM BRICK. NEAR 14th AND E ST8. a.e.: for sale cheap, to close an estate. Address Box 354-T, Star office. 29* 1408 ALLISON N.W.?SEMI-DETACHED; deep lot; garage; h.w.h.elec.; gas; 6 rooms, tile bath; very reasonable. Phone M. 1475. 29* SPLENDID CORNER HOUSE ON 3rd ST. N.E. newly renovated; all modern; $5,750; terms. M. 1475. 29* BARGAIN. BY OWNER?8-ROOM. HOLLOW tile semi-bungalow; open fireplace; latest improvements; lot 40x130; under $10,000. Col. 7225. 6929 9th n.w. $8,500?IRVING ST. N.W.; "ON THE Heights"; 10 r. and b.: terms arranged. $15,000?Webster st. near 16th; 8 rooms, 2 baths; hot-water heat; elec., garage, etc. Liberal terms. $15,500?BUN OA LOW; Saul'ar addition; 8 rooms, i natns, sleeping porch; large lot, 50x150. Terms arranged. $12,500?16th fit. Heights; 9 rooms, 2 baths; all modern improvement*; garage, large lot, beautiful trees, shrubbery, etc. Terms. $18,000?California st. near Conn, are.; 13 rooms, 3 bath*: hot-water heat, electricity. etc.; TKRM8. PERCY H. RUSSELL. CO.. INC.. 903 NEW YORK AVE., Phone Franklin 5732. TWO SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSES?SOS. 1238 #hd 1240 E st. s.e. Apply to W. A. COOPER, 303 L st. s.e. ? 30* EIGHT ROOMS, BAY-WINDOW BRICK; AHranged 2 apts., 4 rooms, bath each: separate entrances; near 6th and Fla. ave. n.e.; rented $38. $4,250. small cash payment. Address Box 6-B. Star office. j 1626 8 ST. N. W.?INDIVID!.* ALLY BUILT house, 12 rms., 3 baths, 2 porches; 7 unusual closeta; open fireplaces; excellent condition; h.w.h.; electricity; abundant garage space; immediate possession Terms, $1,250 or more cash, bal. monthly. Direct from owner. Will not be for sale after Oct. 1. 1634 Riggs pi. n.w. DETACHED MT. PLEASANT HOUSE. Desirable corner house, having 12 well arranged rooms and 3 tiled baths. Modern in err detail. Sleeping porch, billiard room, open fireplaces. 75-foot frontage. Will sacrifice and give immediate possession. Phone Columbia 1920. NEW HOMES WITH GARAGES. 4402 22 7th ST.. PETWOBTH. STORE. ? Ideal location for pharmacy. 706 Webster st.. Petworth. H. J. BIEBER, BUILDER AND OWNER. Franklin 4717 or Col. ?880. ROOM'S AND BATfl. *-STORY BRICK; a m i. Must be aeen to be appreciated. Immediate possesion. Owner. L. 3026. 28 FOB SALE?HOUSES cwtnitl. HEDGES & MIDI 1334 H Street N.W. PRICE, $16,500?CLEVELAND PARK?A most F desirable property located not far frolu the new cathedral. It Is comparatively new. has ten large rooms and three complete baths, vapor heat, electric lights, very large front, breakfast and sleeping porches; hardwood floors and finished in manogany and white. You will appreciate its value upon inspection. PRICE. $6.750?NEAR 14th AND NEWTON 8TS.?Low-priced home of the colonial type, having six rooms and bath, electric lights, hot-water beat, hardwood floors j and trim, front and rear porches. This is now vacant, in good condition and mav be sold on a cash payment of about $750. PRICE. $18,000?GEORGETOWN COLONIAL HOME?A most attractive detached propert.v of brick construction, located in an * excellent block 'east of 31st st. This house is exceptionally well built, all the rooms are large, has a spacious entrance hall with colonial stairway. A new hotwater heating plunt has just been installed and the house is in perfect condition. It is situated on a lot 80x120 ft. F Possession fit once and terms. PRICE. $10,800?MT. PLEASANT?Not far from lrtth and Col. road. A brand-new house, containing 0 rooms and bath, hot water heat, electric lights, hardwood floors and has front and doubl? rear porches. A small cash payment will be accepted and possession given. HEDGES & MIDI 1334 H Street N.W. Northwest. $5,950?Six rooms and bath; good klot; attractive terms. ' an r.nn?xi-r rooms and bath: a m i.: just off 1 14th" sti $6.730?Seven rooms and bath; h.w.h.; elec. $ lights; front and rear porches. $7,500?Six rooms and bath; elec. lights; $ colonial porch. $10,000?Eleven rooms and bath; elec. lights; $ near 18tli and Columbia road. $7.350?Nine rooms and bath; steam heat; * good buy. $7,85^?Six rooms and bath; a.m.i.; house in good condition. * $11,50^?Eight rooms and bath; a.m.i.; just off 14th st. $18,000?Eight rooms, two baths; a.m.i. Near $ 16th and S sts. ^ Mount Pleasant. , $6,750?Six rooms and bath. Overlooking Hock Creek Park. ? $12,000?Eight rooms and bath; a.m.i.; open fireplace. Overlooking Rock Creek Park. ? $13.500?Nine rooms and two baths; hot-water heat. Just off Columbia rd. $14,000?Nine rooms and bath; a.m.i.; garage; vacant. 16th Street Heights. * $11,500?Seven rooms and bath; a.m.i. Just off 16th st. . * $12,500?Seven rooms and bath; a.m.i.; lot # 40x115; detached. * $13,500?Ten rooms and two baths; a.m.i.; garage; detached^ Just off 16th st. $24,000?Eight rooms, two baths; a.m.i.; va cant; 16th st. Saul's Addition. $10,500?Eight rooms, bath; a.m.i.; practically * new house. $10,750?Eight rooms and hath; a.m.i.; concrete porches; 22 feet wide. $12,000? Nine rooms and bath; a.m.i.; garage; lot 40x100. $13.000?Seven rooms and bath; a.m.i.; rea sonable terms. > (14.500?Eight rooms and bath; a.m.!.; hardwood floors; vacant. (16,000?Seven rooms and bath; hot-water heat; electric lights; detached brick. Cleveland Park." , (13.500?Ten rooms, two baths; a.m.!.; im- { mediate possession. (14,000?Nine rooms, two baths; a.m.!.; one- $: half square of Wardman Park Inn. (15,000?Eight rooms, two baths; h.w.h.; elec. $ lights; hardwood floors. $15,500?Ten rooms, two baths; convenient to $: both car lines. CHAS. D. : Main 3b, WILLIAM S . 1409 New York Phone M; NORTHEAST? C On oth at. near G?6 rooms, tile bath; brick ... esidence; h.w.h.; electric lights; in good con- 11 lition; owner will give immediate possession. J1 Price for quick sale, $7,500; on very low Tc erms. ^ MT. PLEASANT? South of Park rd., 1% blocks west of Mt. ti Pleasant car line?2-story brick residence. 8 & ooms. tile bath (4 bedrooms) ; h.w.h.: elec- a] trie lights; deep lot with ample room for ga- q age; screened throughout. Price, $12,500; on ?terms to responsible purchaser. TAKOMA PARK, D. .? 2 An 8-roora, tile bath frame residence (4 bed- 2 ooms) ; on a lot 88x125 ft.; garage for one 7 ar; h.w.h.; electric lights. Wee, $11,500; J >n reasonable terms. j NORTHEAST? One block from North Capitol?6-room, tile }* >ath brick residence on a lot 120 ft. deep to h illey; latrobe heat and gas light. This home an be bought at $3,200; on terms. NEAR 16th AND \ COLUMBIA ROAD? g-reom (5 bedrooms) and 2-bsth house, hi rapor heat; electric lights; in one of the most rr lesirahle locations in Mt. Pleaaant. overlook- c? ng 16th at. .Price, $12,500; on terms. m X)LORED BUYERS, ATTENTION! FINE SOME, T ST. NOW VACANT. 12 rooms. 2 laths ; double garage ; li.w.h.; $9,500 ; $1,500 tash; 2 ear lines. F. A. PRESTON, Fendall bldg. M. 1904. ? IMMEDIATE POSSESSION?NEW 8-ROOMS, fj 2 baths, close to car line, south of Takoma. ? Phone M. 4281 or Col. 6217-J. _ For Colored. _ Beautiful home in He Droit Park, baring 9 " large rooma and batb; water on three floors; a hot-air beat; hardwood finiah. The bouse is newly papered throughout and painted; good 3 lot to alley. Price, $6,250; terms; bouse now t racant. 11 Prather & Robinson, . 515-516 Bond bldg., 14th and New York are. Main 442. 13.100?4 HOOM8. BATB: PORCH; YARD. 54,600?6 rooms, bath; cellar; yard; n.e. 15,500?7 rooma. bath; basement; yard; n.w. $7.000?9 rooms, bath; h.w.b.; near Capitol. (7.500?6 rooms, hath ; h.w.h.; nr. Bol. Home. F. A. PRESTON. Fendall bldg. M. 190$. R FINE INVESTMENT; 11 ROOMS, BATH; corner; large basement: good for a shop; ?! rented $125 ; three families ; h.w.b.; $10,500 ; .. half cash : accessible. {J F. A. PBBSTON. Fendall bldg. M. 1904. b BY OWNER?AN ATTRACTIVE 12-ROOM; 2 tile baths, instantaneous water heater, a.m.i.; well located on Columbia Heights; no agents. ' O? o?.T star office. ftuuiran ??? ? ?, Woodridge and Broolcland. r I SPECIALIZE IX THESE VICINITIES AND P ALWATS HAVE THE BEST. r Woodridge?A 7-room bungalow; a.m.l.; large lot; garage;, close to cars. Price, $8,250. r Terms. Krookland?An 8-room house; a.m.l.; large lot: garage: close to schools. A real home, r Price. 18,750. Terms. * G-room house; a.m.l.: large lot with plenty p of fruit. A bargain. $6,850. Terms. r Woodridge?Two 6-room bouses: close to ears; a.m.l.; large lot; garage. $5,750. $500 p cash. A bargain. In Eckington?A dandy six-room brick; a.m.l.; room for garage. $7,000. Terms. G Many other attractive homes. It will pay b you to sec me before buying. b B. F. HOLMES, 1601 R. I. are. n.e. Phone N. 8812. n ATTENTION! J BEAUTIFUL SEMI-DETACHED HOME. 9 c room, 2 baths, just 2 blocks from the President's new home on the Lincoln highway; all n modern improvements. House is suitable for 1 2 families; three garages on rear of deep lot. MEYERS & OSGOOD, J .106 ttiggs bldg. Main 1840. ONLY $10.750?-$750 CASH?$100 PER MO. ' APARTMKNT PEOPLE AND OTHERS. C Do not miss this great opportunity. For 10 days only, I will sell fourteen new houses In I one of the best suburban places around Washington. Only 25 minutes to the U. S. Treas- * ury. on one of the best car lines. These houses I could not be duplicated for less than $14,000, but as an inducement for a quick sale I will r sell, for ten days only, at the low price of I $10,750, on the easy terms of $750 cash and balance $100 per month. DESCRIPTION. Six large rooms. 2 sleeping porches, large I front porch, ho^waier heat, electricity and gas. 2 lurge tiled bathrooms, plenty of closet room, cellar under entire house, laundry trays and servant's toilet; large lots and close to cars. See P. A. LINGER. 2377 Rhode Island are. 1 n.e. from 2 to 9 p.m., I Or M. O. BULL, 2200 Rhode Island are. n.e.. Or JOHN L. KNOPP, owner and builder, 20th and Kearney sts. n.e ONLY $10.750?$730 CASH?$100 PER MO. I WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE?MODern tt-room and bath house, splendid condition. Large porches, deep lot; near 14th and Shepherd. Col. 3052-"W or address Box 4-T, Star office. i FOR SALE?COLORED- , Several very nice homes, located in the n.w. section, containing 6 rooms. Price, $2,650. Very ] easy terms. For further infor- < mation, B. B. PINN, 712 Kenyon st. n.w. Telephone Col. 5817. shook ; WEST OF l#th ST.?A 3-STORY BRICK AND i I .tone dwelling; now vacant; man; cooven- i lencea; lot 21x100 to aa alley. ] STONE A TAIRFAX, 1 L 1312 New York are.' X FOB SALE?HOUSES. C Mtfarae*. JLETON, INC., Phone Main 1028. BICE, $13.505?SUBURBAN HOME?Ideally located on a government boulevard just a few minutes "out of the city. The house in of stone construction, slate roof, has eight large rooms and bath, screened sleeping and breakfast porches, three open fireplaces, hot-water beat, electric lights, garage, chicken house AND THE GHOUNDS COMPRISE TWO AND ONE HALF ACRES. This Is a positive bargain and the owner will accept reasonable terms. 'RICE. $5.950?BLOOMINGDALE?A well built home, two-story, bay-window brick, having four bedrooms on the second floor. Plenty of room for garage. Will be vacant very shortly and may be sold on easy terms. RICE, $12.500?CHEVY CHASE. D. C.?Just a short distance off Conn. ave. Detached hollow tile home, having eight roon.s ana train, nit uie wirsi iiiipruu'ii.i*in!?, front and rear porches, open fireplace in a large living room. Tills shoul 1 be inspected immediately. RICE, $22,500?I6th ST. HIGHLANDS -Colonial house of hollow tile construction, cement porch, tep rooms, three baths, slate roof, hardwood trlin throughout, garage for three cat*, sleeping porch, instantaneous water li3ater and eveiything that goes to make up a complete home. Liberal discount made for cash. Possession. DLETON, INC., Phone Main 1028. Columbia HeightSj $9,000?Nine rooms and bath; hot-water heat; vacant. 10,750?Ten rooms and two baths; a.m.I.; to be vacated soon; 1 square from 14th st. 12,500?Eleven rooms and bath; a.m.!.; house in good condition. 12,750?Ten rooms and bath; steam heat; in business zone. 13,500?Eight rooms and bath; a.m.i.; semidetached; deep lot to alley; open fireplace. West of 14th st. Chevy Chase. $7,500?Five rooms and! bath; elec.; attic; lot 60x125. 11,500?Seven rooms, two baths; a.m.i.; good lot. . y 12,000?Seven rooms and bath; elec. light; detached bungalow. 17,000? Nine rooms and bath; a.m.i.; lot 100x200: garage. 24,500?Twelve rooms, three baths; h.w.h.; elec. lights: seven bedrooms; garage. 3C.OOO?Nine rooms and bath; a.m.!.; garage; large lot. Downtown. jO.750?Ten rooms and bath; just off 16th st. 10,500?Ten rooms and bath; just off Dupont Circle. 13.500?Nine rooms and bath; electric lights; newly decorated; just off Conn. ave. 14,000?Nine rooms and two batha; elec.; newly papered and painted; near Du pent Circle. 19,000?Nine rooms and bath; a.m.!.; English basement; vacant. 20,000?Eleven^poms and two baths; a.m.i.; 2-car garage; near 16th and R. 27,000?Fifteen rooms, three baths; a.m.i.: just off 14th st. Northeast. (3,950?Six rooms and bath; $500 cash. (4.000?Six rooms and bath;* to be vacant soon; pood terms. (4,750?Eight rooms and bath; deep lot; immediate possession. (5,500?Six rooms and bath; attractive terms. (6,250?8ix rooms and bath; a.m.i.; semidetached. (7,250?Detached bungalow; 5 rooms and bath. (9,000?Six rooms and bath; electric lights; 10,500?Eight rooms and bath; electric lights. On East Capitol st. 11,000?Nine rooms, two baths; a.m.!.; detached; lot 50x150. 12,000?Ten rooms, two baths; very attractive home. 5AGER, 923 Fifteenth St. N.W. PHILLIPS, : Ave. N.W. lin 98. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS? 6-room and tile bath brick residence, lot DO ft. deep to alley; h.w.h.; electric lights id in good condition. Price, $8,500; on terms > responsible purchaser. VASHINGTON HEIGHTS? Near 14th st. car line; 2-story brick, 6-room od tile bath house; 20 ft. wide; h.w.h.; elecic lights; practically new. Price for quick tie at $8,450, on small cash payment and balace $60 per month. iAUL'S ADDITION? A detached 7-room and reception hall home, aished attic, containing 2 large rooms editions) * h.w.h.; electric lights; garage for one tr; oak floors; beamed ceiling dining room; eeping porch; in excellent condition; lot is 9x110 ft. Price, $12,500; on convenient Tins. SRIGHTWOOD PARK? Good value, a detached brick, 7-room and ith, 2-story residence, on a lot 50x150; w.h.; electric lighta and garage; front porch; rape vines and garden. Price, 110,400; on i By terms. 1 EAR PARK ROAD iND 11th STREETS? 6 rooms and tile bath, h.w.h.; electric lights; irdwood floors and trim; colonial front porch; ar porches. This home is vacant and in ex llent condition. A good buy at $7,000, on ost attractive terms. AN EXCELLENT VALUE IN A DOWNTOWN mi-detached brick dwelling, located on wide, andsome avenue; exceptionally wide lot, 3D t. to an alley, with acparate garage lot; 10 aoms and bath. Admirably adapted for renodeling into a small 3-story partment, or could be occupied dvantageously now by three amilies. $10,000. LEE D. LATIMER CO., Realtor, 1434 New York Ave. CLEVELAND PARK. Just off Conn, are., on Tilden at., eloae to :ock Creek Park; immediate possession; beauftil textile brick; 8 rooms, 2 bathe, 4 bedims ; inclosed sleeping porch; hardwood floors lirougbout; open fireplace; h.w.h.; electric ghts; Instantaneous water heater; modern usement; large cement front porch; awnings; treens; garage on pared alley; a real value 1 an attractive home. McLachten Banking Corp'n, Real Estate Dept., 10th and O. Main 432. Evenlnga, N. 1026-J. RICE, $16,500; DOWNTOWN SECTION-?12 ooms, 2 baths, with hotmrater heat and elecric lights; just been papered and painted hroughout, with immediate posseaaion; easy arms. Price, $11.500?Near 18th and Park road .w.; 10 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water beat, elecric lights, garage; double porches; immediate ossessioo. Price, $6.500?Just one block of Washington 'lrcle; 10 rooms and bath; newly papered and tinted, with large yard. BUASWELIeGALLAGHER COMPANY. 1517 H street n.w. Main 884. IN CLIFTON ST. WEST OF 14th?A REAL ay; 10 rooms, 2 baths, h.-w.b., electricity, rick garage for 2 cars; vacant. Don't miss this wonderful home near R. I. ve. and North Capitol St.; a box type, coloial style; 6 rooms, bath, h.-w.h., electricity, arage, hardwood trim throughout, awnings, creens, shades; possession in 30 days. $1,000 ash only. In the downtown section, M st. near 9th i.w.; 10 rooms, h.-w.h., 2 baths; possession in 0 days: In fine condition. Near 2nd and Randolph sts. n.w.; one of the iPit sprtinna at Rlnomfnffdlll?r A ntnnta Km ok i.-w.h., electricity. ! On K st. near 3d; pressed brick boose; 6| ooms, bath, and in good condition; vacant, i inly $3,500, and terms. K st. n.e. near 3d; 5 rooms; brick. Only 2.500; $500 cash, balance like rent. On Eye st. n.e. near 13th; brick; 7 rooms, >ath, with 2-story brick stable in rear. Only 3,500; easy terms. Vacant, in Highview, a fine little home; 6 ooms, bath; parquet floors; in fine condition. >6,250; $1,000 cash, and possession. Get our list. We have them in all sections. WM. H. McGRANN CO., 722 11th st. rOR SALE?VACANT SOON. In Georgetown, D. C. ONLY $300 DOWN. Brick; 0 room, and bath; cellar, furnace, arse back yard, aide lisht. Price for quick iale, $4,300. C. F. WARING. Franklin 5571. 'OR SALE?BARGAIN. Home With 2-Story Brick Garage. Best n.e. section; 6 rooms and bath; cellar. kct quick. Price today, $5,450. TOR 8ALE?VACANT. Two-Family Flat. 2713 11th St. N.W. " Newly palsied and papered. Key at office. Sa.y terme. Price right. Juat offered. Act ruick. Will rent for $120 per month. C. F. WAKING. Franklin 5571. S2S Bond bids.. 14th and N. Y. ere, n.w. Washington Heights Section. Ready for Occupancy. Joat like new; 10 roome. two baths, hotwater heat; lot 25 feet wide; large alley; garage to hold two car.. Attractive decoratione. Do not bay a home without first seeing these. Pfe feel confident yon will like them. I STONE * FAIRFAX, 1342 New York avo. FOR SALE?HOUSES. CaitlwJ. Vacant. House. } NEAR 21st AND O 8TS. A most substantial three-story brick and i stone dwelling^ 10 rooms; hot-water heat? i splendid condition: plenty of room for garage; a bargain at $8..~>00. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. 1 ?1? < Immediate Possession. j Colombia Heights between 13th and 14th. An attractive 10-room dwelling; hot-water heat; good condition; $11,000. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1 1342 New York ave. J RHODE ISLAND AVE. IN THE 1600 BLOCK. I Four stories and cellar; 13 rooms; 2 baths; * bot-water heat; garage; $18,000. < STONE & FAIRFAX. 1 1842 New York ave. * Near Dupont Circle. A FINE LARGE HOUSE. t 3 stories and cellar: 12 rooms. 2 baths: hot- t water heat, electric lights; lot 24x115; public ? alley; $17,000. I See about this one. 1 P St.; very substantial; when built, first- * class materials were used, the owner expecting 1 to occupy it; now living elsewhere; will sell for $16,000; 10 rooms; lot 22x120 to a wide alley. \ STONE & FAIRFAX, { 1342 New York ave. Attention! If you are looking for a comfortable home t with about every modern convenience, at: a reasonable price, investigate this one: Note the description. 3 stories and cellar, 12 rooms, 2 bathrooms, hot-water heat and electric lights; garage; good condition; on a lettered street west of 16th. The owner, desirous of moving north, c has fixed a low price for a quick sale?$12,500. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. ] A Special List! LOOK THEM OVER CAREFULLY ANO MAKE A SPECIAL EFFORT TO SEE THEM. PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO GO WITH ONE OF OUR SALESMEN. $9,000?A detached house near Georgia ave.: lot 40x130 ; 7 rooms, reception hall, tiled bath. 4 sleeping rooms, hot-water heat, electric lights; porches. $10,500?In a refined location north of the built-up section of the city; 8 rooms, hotwater heat, electric lights; lot 25x101. J $10,500?Almost new; near the 14th st. car line, north of the city; 2 stories and cellar; 8 rooms; beautiful bathroom; hot-water heat and electric lights; colonial porches; large lot; wide alley. $8,000?An up-to-date honse on Taylor St.; 2 stories and cellar; colonial porch; hot-water heat and electric lights; lot 19x142. $8,500?A new house on Shepherd st.; convenient to the 14th st. cars.; colonial front; 2 stories and cellar: 6 rooms; hot-water heat and electric lights; built-in garage; a very attractive home. $11,500?A new house on Webster st. west of 14th; 8 rooms; hot-water heat and electric lights: porches; lot 20x175; wide alley. ? $10,500?Near 15th and Allison sts.; two stories and cellar; hot-water heat and electric lights; porches; garage; an unusually at tractive home. $11,000?A detached house on 13th st. extended; 9 rooms, hot-water heat and electric lights: lot 40x90. $11,500?A new 8-room house, near 14th and Webster sts.; hot-water heat and electric j lights; porches. i STONE & FAIRFAX, t 1342 New York ave. j FOB SALE? J . I HEADQUARTERS , , FOB REAL E8TATE BARGAINS. t WE OFFER THE BEST PROPERTIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. i OWNERS WHO WISH TO SELL QUICKLY PLACE THEIR PROPERTIES WITH US. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY | WITHOUT SEEING OUirLIST. 1 STONE & FAIRFAX. 1 1342 New York ave. = I ??? --- s $12,500. NEAR WARDMAN PARK INN?ONE OF THB most attractive new dwellings; 8 rooms; botwater heat; electric lights; garage; lot 20x120; In first-class condition. STONE A FAIRFAX, - 1842 New York ave. SEE THIS SEMI-DETACHED DWELLING; , one of the best streets in the Petworth section; . 2 stories and cellar; 8 rooms; steam heat; eleetric lights; lot 23x142, 15-foot alley; pos- 1 session soon. 1 STOVE Ar PATRP1T 1 1342 New York ave. 1 35.000. } NEAR lit AND S STS. N.W. ? 2 STORIES > and cellar; 10 rooms, 2 baths; lot rnns to a T wide alley. Probably the best bargain offered ~ la this section. o STONE ft FAIRFAX, 3 1342 New York are. jj A LAMONT ST. RESIDENCE, BETWEEN 4 17th and 18th; wide frontage; reception hall, parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen on fltst 1 floor; four bedrooms and bath on the second 1 floor; four bedrooms and bath on the third; * hot-water heat, electric lights; possession soon. 5 This is an attnetiv# home; an abundance of light and air; room for garage. Price reduced to 314,500. V STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. 1 1230 EUCLID ST. NEAR 13th. VACANT HOUSE. j 10 rooms; hot-water heat; good repair. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 1342 New TVrk are. i WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. . 311.750; well built. Sold to settle an es- 1 tate; 12 rooms and 2 baths; convenient to cars. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. 37,000?E ST. N.W. NEAR 2nd: 3 STORIES; 10 rooms; lot 20x100; 20-foot alley; a good location for room renting; convenient to the downtown business section. f STONE ft FAIRFAX. 11 1342 New York ave. > 37.960?K ST.; 2 STORIES AND CELLAR; C rooms and bath; hot-water heat; lot 20x100; 1 30-foot alley; flrst-class condition; garage to bold two can. Apply for permit to inspect. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. j, KTLBOURNE ST. WEST OF 17th. A very attnetive dwelling. i' 0 rooms; hot-water beat, electric lights; lot I 22x105 ; 20-foot alley: 312.000. 5 STONE ft FAIRFAX, I 1342 New York ave. ? 310.000. p NEAR THE METROPOLITAN CLUB ? AN d English basement dwelling; Immediate posses- t sioa; 12 rooms; hot-water heat; electric lights; c plenty of room for garage. t D'lU.XIS & I' AIKrAX, 1342 New York ave. Two Good Downtown Bargains. Suitable for private use or room renting, Rhode Island ave. west of 14th st. A substantial three-story ten-room brick dwelling; lot 21x184; alley. To settle an estate can be purchased for $10,500. Bye st. near 18th. Three stories and cellar; t lot 126 feet deep; alley; only $12,000. r Let us arrange to show you these properties; cheap enough for a speculator to buy. 8TONB 4b FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. ^ fi Good Value for $12,000. f Read the Description. t Three atorlca and cellar, 12 rooms, two hatha, I hot-water heat, electric llghta; garage; location on a lettered atreet just off 16th. 1 STONE * FAIRFAX. 1842 New Tort are. Now Vacant. 1 1711 Q STREET. Owner having.moved from Washington will t dispose of this ytell arranged house at very s reasonable price. For their own comfort they spent considerable money on the house, putting in hardwood floors, and all of the rooms are 1 large, with abundance of large closets; two t bathrooms; in all. there are about ten or twelve rooms; 101 -iniuu; auey. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ?T?. jj $15,000. $ NEAR CONN. AVE. AND N?AN ENGLISH basement dwelling; 11 rooma, 2 batba, (team beat, electric Ughta. Posscssipn aoon. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. $14,500. i D EDA FIELD ST. NEAR 14th ? A 12-R00M , dwelling with 2 baths, garage, 40-foot frant; j 3 porches; finished room in attic; hot-water , beet; electric lights. i STONE & FAIRFAX, I 1342 New York ave. J $13,300. \ WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, NEAR THE CONK, i are. bridge?A brand-new dwelling. 8 rooms, . hot-water heat; electric lights; garage; lot .' 20x150; screens, awnings, etc. t STONE & FAIRFAX, ' 1342 New York are. J $13,000. , KALORAMA ROAD NEAR l?th ? A SDR- 1 stantiai 3-story dwelling, with 12 rooms and 3 ' baths; bot-water beat; lot 120 feet deep to a wide alley. STONE * FAIRFAX, j 1342 New York are. BY OWNER?MODERN HOME, SIX ROOMS and bath; colonial porch; double rear porches; back yard, room for garage; electric light*; J cellar; house eight months old; price, $7,000; 1 $2,000 cash required, $55 monthly. THOMAS t DE BARB, 047 15th at. s.e. Open for inspection. 30* WEST BROOKLAND N.E., Between Rhode Island and Michigan a rep.; 6-room and bath detached brick; hot-water < heat; concrete eellar under entire house; sta- y tionary tuba; porcb front, side and rear; lot < ; 45x90; lota of ahade; bouse newly papered and painted; vacant. Price, $5,750. Reasonable I terms. A bargain, Franklin 421* FOB SALE?HOUSES. Continued. i ^ iVE INVITE INSPECTION AND COMPARISON f these houses?prompt possession. The prices and terms are exceedingly atractive, considering construction and select i.w. location. 1326 Emerson St. Piney Branch Park, few feet from 14th St.: ot wide frontage; side pared alley; built by twner about a year ago; 8 large, bright rooms: t porches; attic; built-in garage, etc.; dell for ess than cost. 2923 Tilden St. Don't take your family to see it?unless yon :ake deposit?they will want it?and will show rise judgment, too. 8 big. bright rooms and >ath: shower bath; servant's room; dPrvant's: tath; open fireplaces; attic; 4 porches: garage; ! ligh elevation: very close to beautiful Rock j reep Park and (tonn. are. price $2..~>00 less han duplicate house in row, and no more than i-room houses not as desirably located. 1726 21st St. Suitable for professional office and home com- ' >ined; 24-ft. wide; stone frontage to 3rd loor; also frontage on Fla. are.; 8 r. and 2 b.; iprvant's room and toilet; steum heat; elec. i ights being installed; handsomely decorated, j tainted inside and outside; pre-war price, in- | luding present cost for improvements of j ibout $2,000 thrown in. : 3171 18th St. Very attractive and well finished 10-r. and t. pressed brick; elec.; h.-w.h.; dble. rear torches; good reasons for sacrificing. N. E. RYON CO., INC., Successors to New York Realty Brokers. da in 4597. 1423 F st. n.w. Vacant?Vacant. I have 0 vacant houses, all newly papered md itainted. Prices rielit term? Petworth. 6 rooms, li.-w.h., etc, parage, large lot; iwner leaving; must he sold this week. DANIEL J. BROWN, Room 220, Bond Bldg. M. 5980. ^AGGAMAN & BRAWNER, INC., 914 loth st. n.w. Frank. 7485. (1) $9,750?New house. Near 3rd and Taylor sts. Seven rooms and bath, with large attic. Very well built. Screened sleeping porch. Vapor heat. Electricity and pas. I.?arge yard, with room for parage. In neighborhood with $13,000 houses. Only $1,500 cash required. Vacant. (2) 112,500?In the middle northwest section, near j 16th st. Strictly white neighborhood. Ten rooms and two baths. Electricity, j hot-water heat and hot-water heater. Recently repapered and painted through- , out. In excellent condition. Large yard, with room for garage. Immediate possession. i (3) $8,750?Near Capitol, on B 6t. n.e. Very com- | fortable home of 'ten rooms and two; baths. Hot-water heat. Large yard. This house is so arranged that two floors i coujd readily be rented as separate apart- i meftts, for which there is always a big demand near the Office building. Vacant. 1 (4). 112,500?13th and Park road . (near Church of the Sacred Heart). Comfortable home of ten rooms and bath, with running water on the third floor. Hot-water heat, electricity. Newly redecorated and painted and in excellent condition. Nice front lawn and good-sixed back yard. Vacant. "WAGGAMAN & BRAWNER. INC., 914 15th st. n.w. 233 I ST. N.E.?6-room brick; $3,500. 154 Ieckman st. s.e., 6-room brick; $2,800. 1521 tth a* n ir ft-i-AAm frorna fWiA T *? HOOVER, 3831 14th st. n'.w. ' Phone Col! S95-J. 30? 'OR SALE? N.E. Semi-Detached Home. NEAR FLORIDA AVE. N.E. Brick; 7 rooms and tile bath; cellar; hotrater heat; electric lights; beautiful hedge ind front porch. Price, $6,250. Act quick io ;et this. C. F. WAKING. Franklin 5571. POR SALE?VACANT. Near Interior Department. 1925 G St./N.W. Red press brick; 9 rooms and bath; cellar: urnace heat: larjje closets; newly papered and tainted. Title. Ready move-in immediately, 'rice reasonable. 'OR ?ALE?VACANT. To Colored Family. 1608 6th St. N.W. Press brick; 7 rooms and bath; hot-water ?eat. Terms easy. Will be newly paperefl tnd painted to suit purchaser. Act at once. C. F. WARING, 328 Bond bldg., 14th and X. Y. are. Phone Franklin 5571. j NEAR 2nd AND V STS. N.E. HIGH VIEW HOME. PRICE. *6,500. Six rooms, furnace heat, porches. ? , POSSESSION ON CLOSING. :HAS. W. STEERS, 1420 N. Y. ave. n.w. 29* | lOO BLOCK B N.E.?8 ROOM8 $6,500 j 500 Block 8th st. n.w.?10 rooms 8,000 j 200 Block Euclid?9 rooms 9.500 i 400 Block 22nd st.?10 rooms 11,500 I 400 Block Clifton?9 rooms, 3 baths.. 15,000 ! 900 Block Calvert?10 rooms. 2 baths.. 12,500 j 300 Block Kenyon st.?9 rooms 12,000 1 000 Block 15th st.?10 rooms 9,500 i 500 Block 8th st.?7 rooms 4,500 i 700 Block P st.?7 rooms 4,000 500 Block 10th st.-*-6 rooms 6,500 600 Block 13th st.?6 rooms 7.850 ; 900 Block 8th st.?6 rooms 9,000 i inn t? 1L'a. .WW T rr -nn : tuv uivcm nainaa >c. ? luuius. l,UW 500 Block 11th st. s.e.?7 rooms 6,750 ! 200 Block Euclid?7 rooms 11,000 I 800 Block Newton?6 rooms 9,500 i 'irst Block N. Y. ave. n.e.?6 rooms.. 5.250! 600 Block 11th St.?6 rooms 8,500 ! 400 Block Mass. ave.?7 rooms 5,750 | 600 Block Keefer?6 rooms 7,850 I 200 Block Taylor 8.500 j 300 Block E st. n.e.?7 rooms 5,500 j 500 Block 33rd St.?7 rooms 4,000 | 600 Block Harvard?6 rooms 6,800 ! 700 Block Hobart?6 rooms.. 5,000 j 500 Block Kenyon?6 rooms 6,000 i 300 Block Shepherd?6 rooms, 2 baths. 11,750 800 Block Allison?6 rooms 7.150 I 500 Block 9th st.?6 rooms 4,250 ! High view?6 rooms 6,250 \ 300 Block Shepherd?6 rooms 10,500 ) Orren st. n.e.?6 rooms 5,800 FOR COLORED. Ten good homes. Price. $3,250 up. PETTY 6c PETTY. 1423 New York ave. Main 5127. i BARGAIN?WEST OF 16th STREET, ONEalf block south of Columbia road. 8 rooms, 1 nth, hot-water h&at, electricity and gas. For rice, terms and inspection, McNEY REALTY 'O., 726 14th st. n.w.. Rooms 223-224. Phone ' 8939 WOODRIDGE. Owner is leaving his very attractive home a one of the most attractive locations of this learby suburb; half block off R. I. ave.; 7 urge attractive rooms and sleeping porch; exra room finished on third floor; large recepion room with beautiful mantel fireplace; large Iving room, dining room and kitchen on first loor^.3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch secnd T^oOr; modern tile bath with latest im iroveu uaiuics , mvuuub , i-euifui Iriveway to garage; variety of fruit and shrub>ery. This home must be seen to be appreiated. Owner will give any reasonable terms 0 responsible party. McLACHLEN BANKING CORP'N, Real Estate Dept., 10th and G. Main 432. Evenings, North 1026-J. HARRY E. GLADMAN, 306 Pa. Ave. S.E. Lincoln 346. j Kentucky ave. a.e.?6-room brick, colonial orch; deep lot to paved alley; room for gauge ; vacant. $4,500; $1,000 cash: terms to suit. 12th st. s.e., near Lincoln Park?2-apt. flat; 1 rooms each; electricity; h.w.h.; hardwood Inish; excellent condition. $9,500; terras to suit. Carroll st. near 2nd s.e.?6 rooms and bath; i.w.h.; cement cellar: brick garage. w 15,500; $500 cash, $50 per month. Only 1 left. 11th st. near Md. ave. n.e.?6-room bayrindow brick; latroBe heat; deep lot to alley. $4,000; terms to suit. South Carolina ave. near 14th s.e.?6-room irick, good condition ;#latrobe heat. $3,500; $750 cash, $25 per month. A st. n.e. near 2nd st.?6-room brick; larobe heat; good condition; deep lot to paved illey. $5,000; $500 cash, $50 per month. Flagler pi. n.w.?6-room brick: cement celar; furnace heat; excellent condition; double >nca parage. $6,500; $1,500 cash; terms to suit. C Bt. near 3rd B.e.?*-rooin bay-window trick; b.w.h.; deep lot to alley; excellent conlition. 7,500; $2,000 cash; possession with the deed. HARRY E. GLADMAN, 306 Pa. Ave. S.E. Lincoln 346. DETACHED HOME, ON LARGE LOT WITH parage, overlooking the best residential street n Washington; contains 4 bedrooms, sleeping >orch and 2 baths; thoroughly modern; enamel ind mahogany trim; excellent condition. Imnediate possession. 1 nuift sell. Price, only F12,500. robert h. lewis, Main 1320. 92115th st. n.w. Extra large and new bungalows; ot 163x225; Hyattsville; 5 large rooms, with >retty paper, trim, picture rod and shades; | rellar . 28x28; porch 7x28; large attic; kitchen ange, furnace, eleatric lights, water in kitch n; sewerage. $4,500; $500 cash. GEO. C. iVALKER, Kresge bldg., 11th and G. 28* FOR SALE? 54 Florida Ave. N.W. Go see tnis today; has 6 nice rooms and path, and newly papered; In splendid condT:ion; lot to alley. Price, $5,250; terms. Owner m premises. FOR SALE TO~COLORED? 120 Florida Ave. N.W. Bay window brick; 8 large rooms and bath ?n two floors; h.-w. beat; lot to alley; newly papered and painted. Price only $7,000; terms ran be bad. T. B. BROWN CO., 1311 G it. n.w. Franklin 2833. .... .5* FOR SALE?HOUSES CoitUinei. HOMBSEEKERS?COME SEE MY WlKWf 8-room house; furnished or unfurnished; sale an or lease; large porches; overlooking city; im- LJ mediate possession; title ready. Tel. Co- be lumbia 98T>3. bl< Hyattsville. c? $5,830. $2,000 cash. Balance arranged. Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, electricity, gas, one-pipe furnace, floored attic; half block from boulevard. Takoma Park. i $7,150. $2,000 cash. Balance arranged, tn 5 rooms and bath, garage, lot 50x150; gas I>a and electricity; owner in the house. Other Takoma property. J*1 Dalghren Terrace. c?! $9,000. $2,000 cash. $05 monthly. Half block from Rhode Island ave.; 0 rooms J and bath; hot-water heat, electric lights and gas; immediate possession. 1111 Woodridge. $6,500. $750 c?sh. $65 monthly. ! 5 rooms and bath; electricity and gas; hotwater heat; cellar under whole house; lot 50x142; immediate possession. Northeast Semi-Detached House $4,250. $750 cash. $50 monthly, lat 0 rooms and bath; furnace heat; gas; house tie newly painted and papered throughout. bu CHevy Chase. $9,950. $2,500 cash. $80 monthly. #n 0 rooms, shingled bungalow; lot 50kll5; stone foundation; hot-water heat, electricity fe, and gas. 13 Chevy Chase Bargain. $11,500. $3,000 cash. $100 monthly. Large house, 5 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, hot- J? water heat, electricity and gas; lot 60x120. . (216S328). a! O. B. ZANTZINGER, bi 903 New York ave. -p Phone Main 5371. r (7LEYELAND PARK ? THOROUGHLY MOD- CC era detached home; 8 rooms, just off Conn. . ave.; leaving city; make offer. Franklin 7059 tC or North 333. MT. PLEASANT?SIX ROOM AND BATH home, in perfect condition; large lot; garage; JYi west of 16th st. Franklin 7659 or North 333. CHEVY CHASE. NEAR CLUB ? COLONIAL; br 8 rooms, 2 baths; every modern feature; lot ro< 100x125; 2-car garage; settling estate; $18,500; sai exceptional terms; make offer. Franklin 7059 tie or North 333. pe "VTA /~* A XTT" XfT TXT T? A C A XTT V ALAi\ 1 iVl 1 . I~ i-#.C,/\0/VL> JL . Newly decorated 10-room modern brick bouse; CI excellent location and convenient to 14th st. gp] car line. Price, $9,850; terms. ag Vacant?6-room modern brick bouse, west of fin 14th st. and north of Park rd.; price, $7,500; dil terms* MT. PLEASANT REALTY CO., 1411 Park rd. Col. 436. 1? BEAUTIFUL HOME. AS NEW; 7 LARGE tocms. hall, bath, large front and back porches. ?a 20-foot Sleeping porch; double garage; poultry Jja, house; well kept lawns, much fruit, shrubbery, gardfen; lot 70x300 on two streets, close J*1 to cars; refined locality. $0,000; $1,000 cash, f3 GEO. C. WALKER. Kresge bldg., 11th and G. br ft 10-ROOM HOUSE AND 10 ACRES OP LAND, ? with fruit and water and outbuildings on place. Apply JOHN FINN, Lanham Station. Md. . ' BROOKLAND BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, a.m.i.; hardwood floors; lot 1 50x150 to alley. Only $750 CASH, balanee J monthly. Frank. 7659. JOHN W. THOMPSON & CO., ? Incorporated Chevy Chase, D. C. ? Keokuk's st. near Conn. ave. Located on lot Q having 60-ft. frontage by depth of 150 ft. Entirely detached. This attractive home has 11 large rooms, 3 baths, hot-water heat, electric light and is of bollow-tfle construction. Sleeping and breakfast porch. Garage for three cars. ' ftn PRICE, $25,000. r Wyoming Avenue Near Columbia Road. Looted on lot bating frontage of 25 ft. by _ depth of 120 ft. A beautiful home, hating 9 rooms, 3 - baths, electric light, hot-water heat. Sleeping porch. Garage for 2 cars. In PRICE. $25,000. J, S Street Near 16th. be Attraetire stone and brick home, bating 9 rooms, 2 baths, steeping porch, hot-water beat, electric light. Immediate - possession. PRICE, *18,000. _ Longfellow Street Near 14th. ?o This modern home, located in Saul's Addi- co tion. has 7 rooms. 1 hath, sleeping porch, elec- pr trie light, hot-water heat. Garage lor 1 car. i,. Stone and shingle construction. PRICE. *17,000. Cleveland Park. pr Located on 34th fit. near Woodley Lane, on large lot having frontage of 37% ft. 10 rooms. 3 baths, electric light, vapor heat. 72 Front and rear porches. Weathers tripped; ? screened. tb PRICE, _ $16,500. ? 19th Street Near R Street. coi Within one block of Conn. ave. car line. ?cj this attractive modern home, consisting of 12 rooms, 3 baths, sleeping porch, hot-water heat, Te electric light, can be purchased at a 17 PRICE OF $16,300. ? Sixteenth Street Near R Street. Attractive modern home of 11 rooms. 2 n baths, steam heat, electric light. Newly- pa- 11 pered and pninted. Third floor ia finished as rr complete apartment. PRICE. (18.500. nQue Street Near Eighteenth. S( Constructed of stone and brick. Thia home can be purchased at a very fair price. 10 rooms, 2 baths, electric light; garage. ,, PRICE. *18.000. JV Lanier Street Near Seventeenth. is Lot has frontage of 21 ft. by depth of 142 14 ft. 8 rooms. 1 bath, electric light, hot-water ri< heat. Garage for two cura. Weatheratripped (a and screened. B PRICE. *10.000. _ Que Street Near Sheridan Circle. F In very best section of city, within one block of car line. 10 rooms, 2 baths, hotwater heat, electric light. ? PRICE. $15,000. D< Euclid Street Near Fourteenth. c< 8 rooms. 1 bath, hot-water beat, electric u. light. Brick and stucco finish. Large lot. L' Immediate possession. V PRICE. *13,750. v Girard Street Near Thirteenth. Convenient to car line; 10 rooms, 2 baths, steam beat, gas light. PRICE. (13.500. V JOHN W. THOMPSON & CO., = Incorporated 821 15th Street. Main 1477. THE PROPERTIES ADVERTISED CEDES Mr name are controlled exclusively by an. THEY ARE ADVERTISED DAILY IK ALL PAPERS UNTIL SOLD. soi WHITE. ci1 28 8th at. a.e.?Frame; 10 rtoau. k, (M80. wi 808-806 E at. a.e.?Brick; 7 rocnts. hath; .c-j latrobe; gas; *4.200. 1121 loth st. a.w.?18 nasi, receptiaa kali, b.; brick; gaa; fnra.; *10.000. *5! *280 N at. a.w?Brick; 14 rai*. * h.; A b.-w.h.; gaa; (8.800. tio 728 8tb at. a.e.?Brick; 8 rma.. b.; latraba; am gaa; *4,000. e Ov 753 Harvard at. a.w.-?Brick, 8 rma. aad k, frn farnace: *4.350. "? 1425 B at. n.e.?Two-family flat, 4 rma. a&d K ? b. each; latrobe; gaa. *4.750. ?'m 508 E st. n.e.?Brick, 8 rma. aad b.; latrobt; r* gas; *3,750. W1 1215 K St. a.e.?Brick; 5 mi; (2.308. ?< 1113 lltb st. n.e.?Brick; 8 raonu. b.1 U- 5 trehe; gaa; *5,800. f 8834 warder at. a.w.?Brick; 7 rma. aad tils 1 bath; 4 bedrooms; largo lot to paved alley; or k.-w.h.: concrete cellar; aja.L; modem garage; atoeirin? porch; hardwood floor*. Pains- m rnr/isan rli Brick; T rooms, bath; la trobe; pi; $2,300. 2420-34-20 P at. a.*.?Brick; 4 rms* 3.; la- pi trobe; gas; 32,900. . 1734 Beaton at. n.w.?Brick; ma. hit la- ar trobe; (aa; 33,350. eU 142 L at. a.e.?0 rms.: brick; fas; 33,50a. 111 2300 N at. a.w.?8 rms.; brick; lot 60x133; ev alley; $4*50#. ISO sod 1M Fraacls St. a.e.?Brick, 4 roams each; la excellent condition; 31.000 sock. _ 1542 8th St. a.w.?Brick; 0 rms.; Utrobe; St gas; 34,250. ,, 42-44-40-48-50 L st. a.w.?Brick; tma.; la- W trobe; fas; 33.000. q: 1504 iSth at. n.w.?Brick; a rms.. hi; Baa; 37,860. TV4 447-440-451 it at. a.w.?Brick; 3 staraal aas ?! comer property; 37,000. m 1002 0th st. a.w.?Brick; Tr. and hit h.-w.h.; ... gas; excellent condltlos; Immodlats pasaaaalaa. Rice. 35,960. 1410 88th st. b.w.?Trams; 3 rooms; passes- iE Slon. 31.900. H J 1117 Congress st. a.e.?Brick; 2-family Cai bonae; $1,650. 5tl 517 6th st. S.O.?0 rms.; latrobs; $2,200. *g 031 K at. s.o.?brick; 5 rms.; latrobs; $2,200- ? 1234 Oth st. n.w.?Brick; 3 rms. a ad b.; latrobe: gas: excellent condition; $5,260. aut 811-813 1st st. n.w.?brick: 8 rooms and ecr bath; furnace heat and gas; $5,500 each. INVESTMENTS. f j ( 2708 N at. a.w., corner lot. 45x39 91 pom. wh 3-story frame boom; $1,500. loe Two vacant lots on Morton at.?Boar Char- ?, man are.; 3,287 square feet; 40c sonars foot, f Cor. B. C. are. and 0 at- i.e.?8,708 sonar* "or (set; 7 frame bouses; lot 238x77x229; 38,003. abl LIBERTY HOTEL. a I (White or colored), 4th and N. J. eve. n-w. tr* excellent colored location; a.m.i.; $15,000. P?3 1000 8th at. a.e. (navy yard catel. Urta ate* a n and living rooms; excellent business Iocs ties; *8-500-' r ALL OP THE ABOVE PROPERTIES CAW B1 pl< PURCHASED ON REASONABLE TERMS. P*! SPECIAL?We need bouses. List sew tee <>7 quick returns. "" BRADFORD A CO., NO Msln S8T7. 187 Sou the re bids. Msis WIS. PI' FOR SALE?BY OWNER, 9- ^ room brick house; corner of al- ? ley; h.-w.h.; 209 8th st. s.e. C. R.JYSAN, 818 H st. n.e. *3 1219 Kennedy St. N.W. On 14th st. csr line, besuttful homes with wi four food bedrooms; eztrs large porches; rcry if lsrre lot. Will sell on essj terms. mc D. J. DUNIGAN, 1S21 New Tork see. n.w. Phone Msln 12*1 or 1288. _ I FOB SALE?HOUSES COBtlMfd. [TRACTIVE NEW HOITSE OF 7 ROOMS d bath in SIXTEENTH STREET HIGH1X1)8. Splendid location, wide lot; also autiful bungalow of 8 rooms and bath, doui garage. ROBERT E. HEATER, dorado bldg. Phones Main 1004. Fr. 2996. WE SPECIALIZE IN BROOKLAND Homes and Building Lots. $7,500. Terms. Immediate possession. Must, be sold, as owner has left city;.attctive bungalow near 12th and R. I. ave.. in hlgren terrace; 6 rooms and bath: h.w.h.; ctric lights; exceptionally fine basement with indry and gas range : spacious grounds frontP on two streets. This property is in fine idition and a very attractive home. Fine 8-roora home. 4 bedrooms; nice grounds th shade and shrubbery: running to alley, mediate possession. $7,500. $1,000 cash. McLACHLEN BANKING CORP'X, Real Estate Dept., 10th and G. Main 432. Evenings. North 1026-J. New B. H. Gruver Houses. D3 to 3819 13th st. n.w.; ft rooms, 1 and 2 ths; breakfast porches, sleeping porches, eened, beam ceilings, plate rail, attica, indry and toilet in cellar; houses are exccp nally well constructed and finely finished; ilt on honor, sold on merit. Terms. 616 Union Trust Bldg. Phone Main 768. 21 12th ST, N.W.. BETWEEN MASS. AVE. d Iowa #lrcle?6 rooma and bath, brick use on a large lot, 20 ft. 6 in. front by 105 it deep to alley accessible from 12tli and th sts. For price and terms write C. B. BRADNACK, 227 B at. n.e. 28* OR SALE ?THIS DESIRjle 6 r. and/b. modern home, rick garage, located in Mount leasant; vacant and in perfect >ndition. Price, $9,750. Easy xms.,. HARRY A. KITE, lain 4846. 1514 K st. n.w. 5 O ST. N.E.?VACANT: ft-IEOOM PRESSED ick house, cellar; good back yard to alley; >m for garage; contains 0 nice rooms; good nitary plumbing; house in splendid condlm. Price, $6,000; $750 down, balance $50 r month. Apply to JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS. 515 East Capitol st. EVELAND PARK?10 ROOMS. 2 BATHS; lendid semi-detached residence; built 3 years o; hardwood floors, vapor heat, electricity; ished old ivory and mahogany; in good condon; possession within 30 days. WEAVER BROS.. Main 1821. 735 15th at. n.w. 21 8 ST. N.W.?BY OWNER; ATTRAC'e 11-room house; 3 complete apta.; new per and paint; 2 baths: electric light; large rage in rear. Will sell furnished or unfurjhed. Owner leaving city. Phone North 9949. !CE HOME. VACANT. THOROUGH REPAIR. .000?1307 Union st s.w., 6 rooms and bath fck. Small cash payment and small monthly jmenu. n.eys at store, 4SS>*? N gt. g.w. VNER. 720 A ?t. n.e. ocl7? rOR HOMES AND INVESTMENTS Bee liAHOHNEY A SULLIVAN? "They Know Washington." 1B8T Eye at. n.w. Tel. Main 7881. For Sale?Just off of 14th St. New corner home, 8 rooms and bath; modern rage, with heat and light. D. J. DUNIGAN, 1321 New York are. n.w. Phone Math 1267 or 1268. )ccupancy About October 1st. ONLY THREE LEFT. 1737 KENYON ST. N.W. B large rooms on two floors?4 bedrooms, 2 ths, garage. Best location in city, within e block Mt. Pleasant car, convenient to Bock eek Park. CARL H. SMITH, COL. 1545. OWNER. OR SEE YOUR BROKER. New Detached Home llrst-class location. Containa 6 rooms and tb; erery other modern conrenience. Can bought on liberal terms. D. J. DUNIGAN, 1321 New York ave. n.w. Phone Main 1*67 or 1268.SAR INTERIOR DEPARTMENT?A NICE me with 8 rooms and bath; hot-air furnace; nvenient to everything and in a rapidly imoving neighborhood, where values are growg every day. $8,500. Terms easy. Within five Mocks of White House. Good c-room house with cellar; latro* heat, ompt possession given. Price, $3,500. Terms ,000 cash and balance $50 a month. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. 3 20th st. n.w. Phone Main 5808. 1209 MORSE ST. N.E. (mediate possession. Owner-occupant. Six xns, reception ball and bath; gas, electricity; lonial front porch; double back porches; house reened; wash trays and servant's toilet; deep ; to wide alley; practically new. $6,500. xms. ocl OR SALE?COLORED. * Houses located at 815 24th w. (vacant); containing 6 >oms and bath. Salesman on remises. Price and terms reamable. HiPPV A fTTTT XXX II XV XV X i 1. XVI X Xx, fain 4846. 1514 K N.W. [MEDIATE POSSESSION?LARGE BOUSE. rooms, two-story garage; large lot, with le yard, adjacent to Congressional Library lso suitable for business purposes). No. 212 st. s.e. Price, $12,500. WILLIAM K. ELLIS. 1412 G st. n.w. OR SALE? Located on one of the very :st avenues, near Lincoln Park; intaining 6 large rooms and ith; vacant. Price, $5,550.00. ery easy terms. HARRY A. KITE, Real Estate. fain 4846. 1514 K N.W. WANTED?TO BUT. THOMAS A. JAMESON, ' Heal Estate. Loans and Insurance 906 X. Y. ave. n.w. Phone Main 5526. We want houses to sell in the northeast, atheast and Bloomingdale sections of the :y. If you have houses for 6ale list them tta us for quick results. IOOM COLONIAL HOUSE IN QUIET >ite section; not over $7,500; good cash paynt. Address Box 88-B, Star office. 6 OB 8 ROOM HOUSE IN A GOOl) SKCn; nothing in suburbs; give address, price 1 terms. Address Box 26-B. Star office. INTEL)?TO BUY SMALL HOUSE DIKECT m owner, not over $2,500; cun pay $1,000 :h and ?Hvo first trust for lui 1 xnep n ?? or . section preferred. Address Box 105-B, Star OA. LL BUY MODERN 5 TO 8 ROOM HOUSE right price; description and location. Ad-1 >88 Box 56-B. Star office. * j HERE IS BUT le successful ethod of sposing of your operty quickly, id we use at method , :cl?sively. It sell in ;ven days. r. F. OGLE & CO., 0 Munsey Bldg. . 3711. : LYE A CLIENT WHO WILL PAY ALL ?h for 6 or 8 room house west of 20th st. v.; price from $5,000 to $7,500. GAR A. MILLER, 1412 G st. Main 8808. LVE A CLIENT WHO WILL MAKE GOOD ih payment on 6 to 10 room house, between 1 and 13th, G and R sts. n.w.; price from 000 to $10,000. GAR A. MILLER. 1412 O st. Main 8808. INT HOUSES IN THE NORTHWEST AND rnrbs. If your house is for sale send full deiption, with price, to W ILIA AM K. ELLIS. 1412 G st. n.w. USE, SIX TO EIGHT ROOMS; H.W.H.; ite locality; state lowest price and exact ation. Address Box 239-T, Star office. 28* MUST HAVE AT LEAST A SIX-ROOM e, with all modern improvements, prefery with garage or room for one; must be in [food norm west location or rsrooKiana; atctive terms desifed, but can make pood cash rment. Address Box 95-T, Star office. X) 9 ROOM HOUSE IN ANY GOOD WHITE tiort; city or suburbs. Phone Main 3500. 28* TO 8 ROOM MODERN HOU8E. IN MT. >asant, Columbia Heights or Petworth; will r cash above first trust. I want possession Nov. 1st if possible. Address Box 180-T, tr office. RTHKAST OWNERS ? HAVE READY RCHASER FOR 6 or 8 ropin house. Send ticulars at once. AVID E. BARRY 180"7'? r.. i crrr and suburban homes at <e; stesdr demand; prices most be right. (, write or phone me. IRTHUB 11. connor. Home Specialist. I 14th st. n.w., Boom 222, Phone M. 7178. B WANT MORE PROPERTY TO 8ELL. your price snd terms are right we hare Radiate purchasers. Consult Our Sales Department. THOS. E. JARRELL, 1ST Woodward ttdg. . Mala 788. * ' ' . # . " WANTED?TO BUT. i Continued. HOMK IN GOOD RESIDENTIAL 8BCTION; city or suburbs; 6 to 12 rooms. 301 Southern hlrtg. Main 373. WK ARK HAVING DAILY CALLS FOR 7. 8. 9. 10 room houses. In the NORTHWEST SECTION of the city. If you desire to sell your house, list with ERNEST HALL COOLIDGE CO.. 906 17th st. Main 34*2 34*3 OfWN E RS CoWrEMPLATI NG 8 ELLING. List your property with us; quick results. We have numerous applicants for houses of 6, 7, 8 and 9 room*. THE F. H. SMITH CO.. # 815 15th st. n.w. M. 6464. SIX TO EIGHT ROOM HOUMS IN GOOD northwest section; can pay $1,000 cash. Address Box 132-P. Star otHce. WE WANT A NUMBER OF HOU8E8 IN ALL sections of the city. Some of our client# will pay all cash. List your property with us for quick results. "sAMTTFT WAPTRO ifHnfclln 5442. 717 14th it D.w.. 2nd floor. TO MEET THE DEMAND FOR HOUSES IN various portion* of the city ringing in prims from $3,500 to $12,000. we take this means of L reaching the owners who want to make quirk and satisfactory sales. Personal attention given each listing. PRATHER & ROBINSON, 515-516 Bond bldg.. 14th and New York are.. Main 442. WANTED?APARTMENT BOISE. WANTED?HAVE A CASH BUYER EOIt MOD ern apartment house, showing a fair return; will pay up to $100,000. CHAS. W. STEERS. 1420 X. Y. sve. n.w. 20* f FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 5 MODERN 6 ROOM AND BATH BRICK houses; best n.w. section; valued at $4.wrt) each; will exchange in part or in entirety for home or business property. What can you offer? Address Box 03-T, gtar oflcc. 2* _ INVESTMENT PROPERTY. FIVE 2-STORY 6-ROOM AND BATH BRICK dwellings, on main street, in northwest; rental, $1,950 per annum; not a month's rent lost on any of these houses in past five yeara; eaar P terms. Price, $17,500. JESSE L. HEISKELL, 1403 H at. aua* BUSINESS PROPERTY ^ FOR SALE. 14th ST. HEIGHTS BUSINESSPROPERTY. Good location for any business. Center of tthe roost dense population in city. 4-story brick building; fine, large daylight store: 3 upper floors have a rental value of $200 a month. Now vacant and in perfect condition. w Hot-water heat and electric light. For a quick sale, price, $21,000. Terms, $5,000 cash. WM. B. KRAFT, ^ Exclusive Agent. 1880 X. Y. AVE. MAIN 893. ?th AND O N.W.?6 ROOMS, VACANT: cash payment waived to responsible party. 401 Munaey bldg., Main 2037. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE; STORE WHICH druggist wants; apts. above; nettiug over $1.800: $13.750: terms. N. 5309-W. 11 to 7. ' v FOR SALE?14th ST. NEAR RHODE ISLAND * ave.; 40 ft. front; no leases; modern stores: also a 20-ft. frontage. GEORGE S. REES. 718 Evans bldg. Main 4248. OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE COtSTOY PROPERTY. FOR 8ALB OR EXCHANGE?5 LOTS IN THi: ' heart of a western city of 330.000 population: assessed for $3S,000: free of incumbrance; surrounded with buildings costing from $50,000 to $500,000. A substantial equity in a revenue-producing building here will be entertained ; principals only. ELIJAH E. KNOTT, Room 408, Dist. Nat. Bank bldg, Washington. D. C. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. * FOR ?AtB. $500 Gives Possession. , BALANCE LIKE RENT?$75 A MONTH ?including all interest and principal. Juat think of It. a BRAND-NEW BUNGAU)W. 6 rooms, sewing room and bath, for only $6,900 I ? Unn't Coil to insnect IDT day or evening. This bargain located in nice neighborhood, near cars, one fare, on 36th it. near Newton at.. Mt. Rainier. Electric lights, gas range. Faultless pipeless furnace, laundry tubs in cellar; lawn, hedges; room for garage and garden; has bearing fruit trees. Key at i residence, F. COWARD, concrete t>iock bouse, 37th and Newton sts., Mt. Rainier. Md. * SUBURBAN?KOK SALE OR RENT; LA ROE f 8-room house, including sleeping porch; lawn and garden: a.m.i.; immediate occupancy. Ap- , ply OWNER, Main 4128. 30* VERY ATTRACTIVE NEW COTTAGE OF 5 rooms and bath, sleeping porch, electric llgta:; fine lot. 60x135 feet; finely located, close to city. Price. $6,950. Terms. A. B. CAMPBELL. 1410 H n.w. FOR SALE?115 ACRES OF LAND, COVERED with a fine lot of merchantable timber, pulp wood and sawing timber. See this at once. Phone Woodside 135, SILVER SPRING REALTY CO. A FI$E BUNGALOW AT WOODSIDE, HI Til 21.000 sq. ft. of land; for quick sale, $6,500. / terms. Woodside 135. SILVER SPRING ' REALTY CO. A FINE BUILDING LOT, 100x150. IN WOODside; for quick sale. $450. Woodside 135. SILVER SPRING REALTY CO. 8-ROOM HOUSE. HARN; 'MANY OUTBUILD" lngs, fruit; 2^ acres* good land on macadam road, 1 mile from electric station, 21 miles from Washington. Price, $3,500; terms. MARTIN T. WEBB, Boom 73. Home Life bldg.. 1423 G st. n.w. BUNGALOW?.-) ROOMS, A.M.I.: CHERRY dale, Va.; high corner lot, 50x115; privet hedges, flowers, chickens, fruit; large basement; $5,600. Address Box 19-B. Star office. 1* 7 LARGE ROOMS. ON 'j-ACKK GROUND # Y.n., on elec. line, at station; $2,500, or Jess if half cash. 29* THKIFTOX. VA. Beautiful 6-room bungalow: gas and electricity; li.a.h.; large yard; metal ganyre: bargain; $4,800; no agents. Address Box 335-T, Star office. 29* PAKK LANE. VA. On Old Dominion line, 5 minutes from Georgetown; bungalow, 6 rooms and bath; concrete cellar; a.m.!.; corner lot; $5,500, terms. Apply to FRED H. REEVES, on premises, or Asbton C. Jones, Alexandria county courthouse. 30* CAMP?NEAR GLEN ECHO; FCLLY EQCIPped; two rooms and porch; price reasonable; also canoe. 3403 Dent place n.w. 7-ROOM HOUSE AND BATH: 8 ACRES cleared land; orchard and outbuildings; excel- y lent location: buildings in fine condition; $3,500, terms. Address Box 189-T, Star office. TAKOMA PARK HOMES. MOTION PICTURE MAN, TAKE NOTICE? Takoina Park has 10,000 people who like to be amused. We have for sale the location for a playhouse. 75x260; price low to settle an estate; large 16-room dwelling and 2 acres land; fine elevation; tennis court; plenty fruit; must sell. 7-room house, fine shape, $7,500. j Beautiful 6-room bungalow; h.w.; floors up-to. date; hollow tile; exceptional appearance. I Several 7, 8, 10 room houses, $7,000 to $11,000. J j Large 12-room house; garage for 5 cars; $8,000 cash, this. week. ^ TAKOMA PARK REALTY CO.. / Col. 9508. Takoma Park. D. C. 24 ACRES OF LAND, THREE BLOCKS from High Bridge station on W., B. A A. electric road and having over 1,000 feet frontage on road to Bowie. The property is well wa- , tered, has several good building sites and some good timber. Price only $2,250; $250 cash and balance monthly. Prather & Robinson. 515-516 Bond bide.. 14th and New York are. Main 442. THREE-ROOM COTTAGE; WATER. 8EWEK. / electric lights, large porch: two blocks from cars; some furniture included; price, with Ave large lots. $2,500; with two lots. $1,700; $200 off for cash. No. 108 Bryn Mawr ave., Glen Echo. Md. 3* JUST OFF 16th ST. IN HIGHLANDS?9-ROOM bungalow; a.m.i.: low price, moderate terms and early possession. Apply to owner, 8. T. Hickman. 1433 Longfellow st. 3* BARGAIN?VACANT. Woodridge?Half Acre Ground. Modern bungalow, only 18 minutes* ride to f Treasury; in one of our best and nearest | suburbs; only block and half from R. I. ave. cars at 26th st.: 7 rooms and large sleeping porch; h.w.h.; electric lights; gas; sewer; water and street improvements; over half acre with wide frontage on street; over 55 choice fruit trees in bearing: 20 large grape vines: numerous other small fruits; large variety of ^ beautiful shrubbery. This home is an investment and ready for fruit and poultry raising. Any reasonable terms considered, and the price is right. McLACHLEN BANKING CORP'N, Real Estate Dept., 10th and G. , Main 432. Evenings, North 1026-J. * PARK LANE, VA. Five minutes from Georgetown; 4-room frame; large corner lot; gas. summer kitchen; $2,400. Terms. Apply Mrs. W. C. KIMBALL. Call after 5 p.m. 28* OFFICER TRANSFERRED WILL 8ELL 5-R. and bath home, Riverdale property: perfectly modern; nice location: hen honse; winter's coal in cellar; bargain; terms to responsible party; several homes, 5 to 8 rooms; biggest Talue. t J. H. RIMMER. ' Phone Hyatts. 386. Riverdale. Md. AT HYATT8VILLE. MD. ? BEAUTIFUL 1 home; 7 rooms; hardwood floors; all modern conveniences; hot-water heat; large lot and barn; price, $8,500; terms: $1,000 cash, balance monthly, $55. Address Box 408, Hyattsvtlle. Md. SUBURBAN HOME -OF 8 ROOM8. NEAR boulevard. B. & O. and electric; % acre; going away. Address OWNER. Box 100-T, Star office. 28* $300 CA6H?BENNING. D. O. > Now vacant; on Anacostia rd.; a cosy flve-/jv room house, nicely located; price, $2,250: oalX # $300 cash and balance monthly. L. B. r. \ PRINCE. 1410 H st. n.e. { SUBURBAN HOMES ALWAYS ON flA^D; T pntga ire right. See me fint in buying home. , Wanted. 500 more lubartmn bomei. ARTHUR H. CONNOR. Home Specinliit, 726 14th it. n.w.. Room 222. Phone M. 717*. s? ^ ^ A