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w? ii i ?? o Trust Ebonite to put tho kP* , sion gears to sleep. After El ^ cation over the gears you won't EBONITE and differe Itijs on the job all season?one filling ofa ti mission esse is all that is necessary. Ebonite i all metal-to-metal contact?kills friction?ar keen pleasure into driving. Try Ebonite?as! name. Sold at garages, gasoline stations and dealers in five and twenty-five pound tins BAYERSON OIL WORKS Manufacturers Erie, Pi PeaasylTaala Petroleum Products?Mo Oils, Greases S3 / fj Rolfe E. Boiling Ljfl PRIMHI I You M* ?) to go into business K take advantage of YA Prepare for yoi jM your earnings eacl our Savings Depar gi est for you (at the i Y2 annually) twentv-i jfl Call and let us s Q helping you to save IThe Comi Checking Accounts jj Savings Accounts * Safe Deposit Vaults ism SEBEOSSS) | . i I f! How t o i "con incre ingi; enjoy greater However, quite conveni We issue amount, whii make the lose as good as n Store. Ask z third floor. A National T & WW m m m rr????ir??i Puts A Hush n Your Gears se whimpering, grindingtransmisjonite spreads its coating of lubrieven get a whisper out of them. issions ntiat* R. Golden Donaldson Chairman of the Board James A. Cahill Vice Prealdeat iy Have a C for yourself some day, an it because of the lack of ft tr opportunity?by settin 1 pay day and depositing tment. Here your money r ^ ate or dyo per annum, cor tour hours a day. ihow you how we can be to ? nercialNatioi 4th and G Streets psgjjsg i American Banker*' Association. / o bet a P-E ^residential Electior sumption" of men's hai ased. This year, we a f women's millinery w selling. you may pay your e iently by the P-B me engraved gift certificat ch you may pay the >r pay you. These cerl loney, in the Nationa ibout them at our offi A en's Hats are $4 to ! ly Known Store for Men am HE AVENUE AT NINTH Daily, 8:30 to 6 . f Biddy, in Tremor, Flees From Sett in9 Of 9Gator9s Eggs ] CORP L'8 CHRISTI, Tex., September 29.?A hen, owned by Dr. W. E. Will* of this city, is suffering: from ftomething akin to nervous prostration, according: to the physician. Dr. Wills found a nest filled with alligator eggs while on a hunting expedition recently. He brought six of the eggs * home with him. A sedate hen ^ In the doctor's barnyard was e determined to set and although , wonirf have hatched the alligator Dr. Willi* de- 1 rid d to humor the fowl and < put the eitftrM under her. u Illddy waited for but one egg f to hatch, according- to the doc- ' tor, and then left the ne?t on a ^ dead run, cackling- wildly. r | James H. Baden Q Ca.hlrr ^ I a; hance |J (\ tint hp a hip fn CJ * mds. y ? g aside part of ? the amount in yl I will earn inter- L# r npounded semi- rn ? w> of assistance in y lalBank \\ Q y m Capital, 'A I $1,000,000.00 LA I n n Resouces, f* * $15,000,000.00 g e n g rr t; 1 b n ti n v t n t: u h t n Vi r t I 1 > Hat ! 1 year> the i ts is always ' re wonderi ill likewise lection bet ithod. es, to any winner?or tificates are , i lly Known ice, on the $23.50. i Boys i a \ I" rWENTY-FIVE STA RESIDENTS TO National Women's Pa: mary of Laws for of Voters c There are twenty-five states with in >rovisions in their election laws for cl' roting by mail and the national worn>n's party is directing its attention to th women residing in Washington who to lave voting residences elsewhere. To lid in this matter, announcement is , nade that a careful and complete t ompilation of the laws of the states n question has just been completed J"? >y Miss Elizabeth Kalb, literature sec etary of the party. Thirteen states, Alabama, California, . owa. New Jersey, North Carolina, ln 1 u : _ Cv V. f" > UI L11 UilKUla, UlilU, UlCgUII, OUUlll _ iakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and Visconsin provide for voting by mail or all persons absent from the state. , legistration in person is required in ilabama, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota and Virginia. The other seven dates allow absentee voting by afli- ?> iavit. signed before a notary public, md sent by mail to the county clerk >r registrar. Some Sperlal Provision*. In addition to the above states, vot;ng by residents absent in the civil service is provided for in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho. Illinois, Indiana. Iowa. Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan. Minnesota, Montana. New York (in :he primaries only) and Vermont. The privilege of aosentee voting is extended to students also by Idaho, Montana and Vermont. [ Laws providing for voting by mail jy those in the military service only sxist in Connecticut, Delaware, Loui- ,, iiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mis- , sissippi, New Hampshire, Nebraska md West Virginia. States which have no provisions for 'oting by mail are Arkansas, Florida, + leorgia. Maine. Miasnuri. Nevada, f lew Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode f sland, South Carolina, Texas, Utah f ind Washington. | A table has been prepared giving esidence, which must have been es- A. ablisheed, registration required and irovisions for absent voting in those ~ tates which allow voting by mail by hose in the civil service, students or ? hose unavoidably absent, as follows: The Law In Alabama, Alabama?Residence in state two ears, in county one year, in district hree months: registration required in erson. date to be set; absent voting llowed by mail in the primaries, pply probate judge. Ariwnnn RpsiHpnpp in stafp nnp ear, in district thirty days; registraion May 3 to October 16; absent votng provisions for those in governlent service, must be accompanied by ffidavit. California?Residence in state one ear, in county ninety days, in district ne month; registration, by affidavit, anuary 1 to October 2; voting by tail, apply county clerk for ballots. Colorado?Residence in state one ear, in county ninety days, in preinct ten days; registration, by vouchr of another registered voter, cities f 5,000, three to five days beginning Ictobet 12; cities over 5,000, October and 14; elsewhere, three to five days eginning October 12; absent voting y mail, those in government service r absent from the county in the state. Idaho?Residence in state six lonths, in county thirty days; regisration closes October 2, other local ates: absent voting for government mployes and students. Kales In Illinois. Illinois?Residence in state one year. ii county ninety aays, in aistrict hirtv days: registration in counties f third class October 2 and 26; elsewhere. October 12 and 26, may be tade by affidavit; voting by mail for overnment employes. Indiana?Residence in state six lonths. in county ninety days, in disrict thirty days; registration April 2 to October 4. by affidavit; voting v mail for government employes. Iowa ? Residence in state six lonths, in county ninety days; regisration up to election day; voting by lail for all persons sending affidavit ith ballot, apply county clerk beiveen October 18 and 30. Kansas?Residence in state six lonths. in district thirty days: regisration closes October 23, must be lade in person; voting by mail for overnment employes, apply county lerk between October 8 and 18. Kentucky?Residence in state one ear, in county six months, in district ixty days; registration October 5 to 6; may be made by affidavit ten days efore election or by absentee on elecion day; voting by mail for governtent employes, apply county clerk' within sixty days preceding election. J Michigan?Residence -in state six I nonths, in district six months, in ward j wenty days: registration in person in | owns over 10.000 to October 16: smaler towns to October 26 ; those unavoidibly absent by affidavit; voting by mail 1 "or those in civil and military service: I tpply county clerk, between October 2 I tnd 30. J Minnesota's Voting Lows, Minnesota?Residence in state six nonths, in district thirty days; regisiration in cities of first-class, October 23, other cities October 26, may be made 3y affidavit: voting by mall, apply county clerk, between October 2 and 26. Montana?Residence in state one year; registration closes October 2; voting by mail for students and those in civil service. New Jersey?Residence in state one year, in county five months; registration j cities over 10,000, September 14, 28. j October 19; cities less than 10,000, by I canvass, by affidavit, by mail, before! October 26: voting by mail, apply for J ballot by October 26. j New York?Residence in state one J year, county four months, district thirty days: registration, in New York city, six days, beginning October 4; cities over 5.000, October 8. 9, 15, 16, same dates elsewhere, required in person in other cities over 5,000; voting by mail in primary for those in civil and military service, no absent votELEVEN WOMEN GONE; QUESTION MAN 18 MONTHS After Preliminary investigation Paris Suspect Presents Best Wishes to Judge. PARIS. September 28.?The "preiminary investigation" in the case of Henri Landru, whom the police refer o as the "Gambais Bluebeard" and told responsible for the disappearance jf eleven women to whom he had jromised marriage, has Just been coniluded. It has lasted eighteen nonths. All the documents in the case. imounting to over 6,000, have been urned over to the prosecutor general >f the republic by Judge Bonin, who conducted the preliminary investigaion. The judge immediately left for l delayed vacation. He was accom>ained by the good wishes of Landru, vho told the Judge that it had been i great comfort to him to make his icquaintance, and that he hoped the eeling was mutual. Landru has consistently refused to inswer the questions of Judge Bonin. ind*has made the investigation as iifflcult as possible for the magisrate. It is the feeling In courthouse circles that the case against Landru s weak, and much doubt is being extressed as to the chances of convicion for murder against him. The eleven women have simply vanished. "7 rhe "corpus delicti" is lacking in the f :ase. Bones were found In the villa jccupled by Landru at Gambals, and he prosecution will contend they are luman bones, but the defense will tall experts to Bwear they are rabbit, amb and dog bones. Landru is confident of acquittal, ind is already considering offers from uoving picture concerns in the event jI his being freed. m it TES ALLOW VOTE BY MAIL rty Prepares SumSpecial Benefit >f D. C. fr in general election, apply countj prK t>y October 18. North Carolina?Residence in stat< o years, county four months, district irty days; registration in person Oc> ber 2 to 23; voting by mail if unoidably absent and registered preously in person. "Jorth Dakota?State one year, counsix months, district four months gistration October 13 to 26, by mai by affidavit election day; voting bj all. Ohio?Residence in state one year county thirty days, in district ?r?s Ma t COR BET r Mk N array of T several of * * the highe t cnocoiates. a r< ipert worked out assortment conta T A Po I FOUR MAILINGS i FOR $6. t I COR j w HUUD H 3m&tsx?& .'*J1KiSiS:W ?*. * The No. 30 Rand Automatic Hot-water Starsire Nyitrm recommended where aaa service lines are small. Ruud 33 13th St, N.W. / 'v., \ . twenty days; resgistration Septembe 30, October 7, 15. 16. affidavit by mai before October 16; voting by mail i unavoidably absent, apply for bal , lots between October 2 and 30. Oregon?Residence in state si months, not lost by student or gov ernment employe; registration til October 2, by affidavit, by mail or be fore election board on election day voting by mail, apply county cler for ballot by October 2. South Dakota?Residence in stat six months, in county thirty days, i district ten days; registration close October 26, may register in perso election day; voting by mail. Tennessee?Residence not lost i government service or by temporar ' absence on business; registratio closes October 11; voting by mai s give notice to election board Octobe t 2 to 23. Vermont?Resident of state on year, absence as student or govern ment employe does not disqualify registration required in person Octc ber 18 to 30; voting by mall for stn Hpnti e-nvernment emnloves. Annl I town clerk by September 23. . What Virafnla Requires. Virginia?Residence in state tw years, in county one year, in distric NDEPHONE in 875 for a NWELL'S TY BOX twenty chocolate specialties, each kind. They represent [ !8t excellence achievable in . snowned European candy exthe wonders this confection-, ,] lins for you. vmd Box, $1.50 v i A MONTH OUT OF TOWN ] 50, OR *?0 A YEAR NWELL'S : 15 H Street Jt Ti ^ pvt-~7 ' f jrnl IJ ^ i __ , jsM OT WA1 Steaming hot w for everything and ready at the turn o waiting?that's the is yours when you i Ruud Automat Hot water is ahvaj or a dozen, for the si poo. Ruud hot wal as it flows direct fro; and its inexhaustible or day without foret Not only is Ruud h in the bathroom, bu bor-saving short cut your home. Whether you hav< machine or not, Ruuc the burden of wash < washing easier and h and cleaning. Let our factory-ti with you on your wj Their service puts y< You can see the R direct factory brand or your plumber wil If You Can't or Phone Us Manufac f. Our New Facte r thirty days; registration closes Oc- C I tober 2; must be made in person; vot- ii f tng by mail for those absent on busi- f< - ness; notify registrar thirty days be- s fore election. b x Wisconsin?Residence in state one - year, in district ten' days; registra- c [1 tion by affidavit by mail or in person d - on election day; in towns over 5.000 a ; October 26; Milwaukee and cities the v ^ same size, in person or by mail to I; e ^ ?iM n S Our W y n l; Branch te ?is in an especially i- render every banking sei the great departments i the section west of the O * 3% interest is paid f interest is paid on Checki Exchange is bought and Boxes are available. Loa placed. Investments mad sold. Whatever he youi You11 fl nd our ser (J7f>e WASHlN< \ and Trust 1? i Downtown Bank ' 900-902 f Street Open until 5:30 P.M. 1 ??-?? f2 si cj i J l 4t )) \ nis*-1 (Sfcwn I "ER in the 1 ithout limit, enough r everybody, instantly >f the faucet without i kind of service that nstall a ic Water Heater fa ready for one bath tave, massage or shamter is heated instantly m the cold water main ! supply is ready night hought or attention. i lot water indispensable ( t it is the greatest lathat you can have in > an electric washing I hot water will lighten lay; it will make dishlelp with the scrubbing Ai -ained experts consult iter heating problems. Io, >u under no obligation. uud in operation at our li, at the Gas Company 1 tell you 'about it. Come in, Write for Catalog N. \ turing Co >ry Branch Store i _ October 30; registration not require* n towns uiulor 5,000; voting: by mat I or persons unavoidably absent fro#t tato; apply county clerk for ballot: etween October 13 and 31. t'tah?Residence in state one year ounty four months, district sixtj ays; registration October 6. 12. 2t t nd 27. non-absentee registration oting 1>3- mail if registered previous r in per von. est-End Office favorable location to -vice to all who are in . of the government in White House. on Savings and 2c/o ng Accounts. Foreign I sold. Safe Deposit ns effected. Insurance le. Travelers' Cheques banking need, vice guaranteed. 3TON LOAN) ' Company/ 7-T-J ItWest End Branch j> 618-620 17tb street omorrow and Friday f ^ 1 Bathroom i ? The Standard Road itomatic Water Heater ppljinK instant, tnexlustihle hot water at w cost. t I mpany Phone Main 6985 f t