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. r,. __ 5 1 ft co?" wZ^o^t k ^ *W Member of the Associated Press ^ ^B ?Ft ??ut 14 de" MI I ^11^ A A, / > ^ A. _ ^IImL/^JL _ ^ ^ t) Tk* Anortatad Prm i? airloalnly ratltled t? Jj x 1 ^B ' nds. M I H^^k ^^^kp S^HHk ,h* rcpuelicatioo ot all dUpatrhsa -^four B I ^ ^ JB I ' I I 1/ I I I I I A B rrMIt* *? ? <" not otharwiaa cmlitad la tbla f ji UHlv ^nillJj 29iwla -mostr1 \ / ^ Vw^ WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION L/ Saturday's Net Circulation, 90,845 | J ' Sunday's Net Circulation, 89,74# A ~?- "'c 1 | \o. sfo&2. ? sags?. T1" . Washington, d. c., monday, January it, 1921-twenty-six pages! . two cents. D. I DEPARTMENT OF 1LFARE URGED BY VICE PRESIDENT I I1 Marshall Points Out Chaotic Conditions in Charity Laws to Senators. SUBMITS BILL CODIFYING STATUTES ON CHARITY Proposes Department With a Board of Five Members to Handle All Work. The establishment. of a department ?f public welfare in the government of the District of" Columbia, under which all work of a charitable nature would be co-ordinated, was urged Strongly upon the Senate District rommittee today by Vice President Marshall. Appearing before the committee the Vice President declared tnat cnaouc H conditions are due to the fact that there ^^has been no codification of laws re^Klating to charitable work here. He ^Hlaid before the committee a bill ^wodifying these laws and providing for the establishment of the proposed ^Hwelfare department, with a board of ^ five members at its head. This board would be appointed by the District HCommissioners, the various boards re lating to charity now existing would be abolished and their functions trans ferred to the proposed new board. ' Talks of Child Welfare Work. "I learned many things touching the administration of charities and corrections while governor of the state of Indiana," the Vice President told the committee. "During my incumbency of that office Mrs. Marshall became interested in child welfare work and when she came to Washington she took up the same work here. This led to frequent consultations with we about conditions in the District of Columbia. "I discovered, for instance, that while there are some good laws they are very largely attached to appropriation bills running from 1819 down to the present time, so rar as i couia ascertain tnere was only one person in Washington who knew what the law was, Mr. George H. Wilson, and should he be removed by (death it would be necessary to read j2' ;se appropriation acts in order to out what the law is. ^^ The chaotic condition of these laws Hi will And reported by a select ^^ nmittee of the Senate and House 1897. There is an excellent board children's guardians, which was ^Vstablished in 1892, but it had little authority or substance, and no de tined position with reference to other boards which have grown up since its establishment. -s?I Finds Laws Were rbeetle. "The finding of the select commit* tee of the Senate and House in 1897 that the laws of the District were chaotic resulted in the establishment of a board of charities, a general supervisory board which stands now with reference to the other publie p agencies which have grown up since 1900 in a position marked tjy its own practices and not by any legal definitions. "The penal farm, the reformatory at. Occoquan. the Tuberculosis Hospital, the Home for the Aged and Infirm and the Industrial Training Sohool for colored children have ndver been established by a separate aqs of Congress, but have ceme about ^Uitough Incidental reference in ?p^^ opriatlon bills and are governed ^^p discretion and not by law. ^^ 'It is to be admitted that a valua^^ < beginning has been made in the ^^ -enile Court Taw, in the provisions a probation system for police criminal courts, in the child labor and the non-support law. but it ^^ needful to say that they are not ^^ ordinated with the other charities : corrections in the District, nor ' they comply with the best mod- j ikniirht and experience. IPnfm Gtrnrnnt by Law. I am. myself, a firm believer in the I nciple that the world should be gov- I ed by law and not by discretion; that ' various activities which a govern- ; nt is compelled to assume should be , ordinated so as to prevent duplica1 of effort and work harmoniously ! rard a common end. that common! I being the public welfare and that, j refore. in the District of Columbia I se various activities should be j nches of a department of public fare, presided over by a board of I sens interested in the public wel? and who will give their time to thering It without compensation at hands of the government. I am te well aware that this may meet j h opposition at the hands of public j :ials and that it must run the gantof that strange human nature which ! sts that the thing which it is doing 1 he all-important matter and all othare merely secondary #nd incidental. Mistakes Poiated Oat. I discovered through information veyed to me, for instance, that pers are adjudged Insane in this District jugh the process de inquirendo itico. by a Jury, much as though v were criminals, when ail tmodern thought is that they are sick" people, needing treatment. Illegitimacy is treated in the Dis- i trict as though it were a contract between the mother and the puta- , tive father which can be compro- j mised by any payment of money, i however small, when modern thought ! Is that the child and public are the parties in interest and that both father and mother should be compelled. to the extent of their ability, to support the child. "There is no law regulating the boarding of infants The absence of such a law is little short of a crime Instances can be produced of children ; being fed upon sour milk One in- I stance came to my attention of a J three-year old child that chartered ' like a monkey. Taken from its un- I wholesome surroundings and put upon 1 proper food it developed into a normal j child. "There never has been any pro- ' vision whatever for so-called feeble- j minded. The recent appropriation bill in the Senate provides for the purchase of a site, but there is no law. if Congress ever erects the buildings to say how persons are to be admitted, how the institution is to be managed or how they are to be controlled. The last word in modern science is that women should never be discharged until after they have reached their second climacteric. Congress >ot I ngenerous. "I need not pursue this subject further. CongresB has not been un- I generous with the District in ap- I propriations of money, but It has j been thoughtless with reference to the control of these institutions, and has not be.-n working toward the ; Ideal of modern scientific methods in charities and corrections That mes- ; sage should he crystallized into a motto. The object of all aid is not onlv to alleviate, but to lessen, and. If possible prevent the recurrence for its necessity. "As illustrative, every alienist, I beiContfijuetToii Page Z, Column-ZJ GEDDES' MISSION REPORTED TO BE ON DISARMAMENT Crow-Atlantic Cable Service to The Star. LONDON. January 16.?It is understood that for the present the government has decided to abandon its big battleship building program. The sudden trip of Ambassador Geddes from Washington to Kngland is explained as due to the de sire of Lloyd George and Lord Curzon to learn at first hand what the real attitude of the United States is and to prepare Geddes to take up the matter of limitation with the new administration in Washington so soon as it may be in office. Sir Percy Scott, who for weeks has been asking: "What's the use of battleships?" believes that the next war will be fought by submarines and airplanes with barrages of poison gas. mines, nets and torpedoes figuring pre-eminately, adds by way of an extra thrill to his picture: "I have lying on my table the photograph of a new weapon, which may be referred to as a gun that shoots from both ends." * NAVYTOBARWIIJ) BMFUGHTS Rockaway Commandant Testifies at Opening of Court of Inquiry. By the Associated Tress. ROCKAWAY, N. Y.. January 17.? Conditions are being corrected at the Rockaway naval air station so that it no longer will be possible for pilots to float into Canada without discussing details of their proposed flight with their commanding officer. This testimony was given here today by Capt. Damon E. Cummings. commandant, at the opening of the court of inquiry investigating the recent spectacular balloon flight of Lieuts. Kloor, Hinton and Farreil. Capt. Cummings. flret witness, testified that he had taken up his duties only last November, and that while he had authorized the flight, he had been so occupied with administrative duties that he left flight details to his executive officer, Lieut. Commander Archibald H. Douglas. The commandant read a report made to him by Lieut. A. W. Evans, sent to Canada to direct search for the missing aeronauts, in which it was said "the trip was intended for a flight into Cans-da." Ces^ilin goes Corrected. Asking for permission to make a comment on this report, Capt, Cmnmlngs saift "Untew% condithyiB wgich were Hr progress of correction. K was possible for s flight to ba attempted into Canada ftpm thlk station' without that intention--being previously discussed with the commanding ofllcer?a con-, ditlon not excusable at an air station and which as soon as it was recognised was corrected." -wnai steps did you take in reference to the balloon,and its possible recovery?" the judge advocate asked. "I kept the commondant of the district Informed," Capt. Cummlngs replied. "1 requested assistance in attcmps to discover the balloon." A lengthy report, written by Lieut. Commander Douglas to the department of operations, was read by the captain, showing that men at the air station provided funds to defray personal expenses of the balloonists before the trip began, in the belief that the government would not pay them. Iuw4 Plight Orders. Capt. Daman E. Cummlngs. station commandant, first witness, said he issued orders for the flight on November 19. directing Lieut. Kloor to take out the balloon, and designating Lieuts. Farrell and Hinton to accompany him. In his order. Capt. Cummlngs said, he directed that the flight be attempted "on a suitable day," and gave no further orders, written or verbal. He said he went on a leave of absen-? December 12, the day before the start, leaving Lieut. Commander Douglas in command of the station. Explaining that the purpose of the flight was to train pilots, Capt. Cummlngs said: "Cold weather is especially desirable for balloon flights because the big bags have more buoyancy then. The gas lost is least when the heat is least and when the sun is low, as during the winter months." He added that he since had issued orders that "flights which are to be of long duration must be detailed to the commanding officer." Although it was expected a large crowd would attend the court, only a few spectators besides newspaper men had assembled when adjournment was taken for luncheon. The balloonist* had not appeared. Today's News in Paragraphs A charity ball on elaborate scale is planned for evening of inauguration. Page 1 Briand's new cabinet provokes only mild enthusiasm in France. Page 1 Job hunters slip into Marion conferences despite watchers. Page 1 Vice President Marshall makes plea for District welfare department. Page 1 Miss Kavanaugh. nurse murdered at Annapolis, buried in Naval Academy cemetery. Page 2 New record made in retirement of paper money. Page 2 Sinoot anti-smoking bill found to cover only buildings "owned by United States." while many big departments are in leased structures. Page 2 Whitman forces Hylan and Enright to furnish detectives. I'age 2 It is predicted Samuel Gompers will continue at head of Pan-American Federation of Labor. Page 2 Several nations pay tribute to Gorgas at meeting here. Page 3 Citizens oppose site proposed for trash plant and city stables; not final, say D. C. Commissioners. Page 7 Threat of reprisals in Canada if United States imposes tariff on wheat. Page 13 Shipbuilders discontinue agreement with American Federation of Labor. Page 13 Former crown prince tells why he does not Join his father. Page 13 Shortage of million houses in England arouses Lloyd George. Page 13 Insane man wipes out family and takes own life. Page 13 Former Senator Beverldge begins fight to prevent change in Indiana's direct primary law. Page 13 New officers named for D. C. federation of Women's Cluba Page 14 Protest against anti-Semitic propaganda In P.& lias Ijiiiii pgrtapubWo. Page l? ^ t T* \ C WIFE OF LANGDON SUICIDEINMANILA Russian Woman Kills Self When She Hears of Slaying of U. S. Officer. By the Associated Press. # MANILA, P. I., January 17.?The Russian wife of Naval Lieut. Warren H. Langdon, American killed by a Japanese sentry at Vladivostok recently, ended her life upon learning of her husband's death, according to a Reuter dispatch from Vladivostok. (The Navy Department has no record of the marriage of Lieut. Langdon. His nearest relative, according to records at the department, is his I mother.) Father Calls It Absurd. BOSTON, January 17.?William ('. Langdon, father of Lifut. Warren H. Langdon. U. S.,N.. who was killed by a Japanese sentry at Vladivostok a week ago today, scouted the report that his Russian wife had committed suicide after his death. It was absurd, he said. "My son was not married," he declared, "of that 1 am confident. He was a man who respected all women, yet had declared positively he would never marry. I am sure he left no wife. Mr. Langdon is a dealer in art o-aa/Io in V?n lamolna Plain rtistript. where his son made his home when ashore. COUBT-MABTIAL FOB SENTBT. Japanese Who Shot Langdon Will Be Tried. The Japanese sentry who shot Lieut. W. H. Langdon. chief engineer of the American cruiser Albany, at Vladivostok gave a version of the affair before a Japanese court of inquiry coinciding with the dead officer's ante-mortem statement, said a dispatch received by the Navy Department today from Admiral Gieaves at Manila. The sentry has been recommended for courtmartial, the dispatch added. In his statement Langdon said he had been fired >upon by the sentryafter he had been halted and had turned to walk away, and before he himself drew his revolver. The original story of the sentry was that the .'""prican officer had fired the first shot. .oiniral Gieaves' message to the NavyDepartment today said: "Report of Japanese court of inquiry has been received by Albany. Court recommends trial by court-martial for Japanese sentry who shot Langdon. The sentry so changed his testimony during the court of inquiry that his testimony and Langdon's ante-mortem statement practically coincide." Adniual Gieaves also o the department the following dispatch from Capt. L. C. Richardson, commanuing olncc.- of ,ne jiioaiiy. "Tomorrow afternoon Gen. Oi will call officially to deliver radio, which is -auWvaace will be as follows: "To;Admiral Gieaves. Ipvish te, express my deep regret and condolence ai the death ot Lieut. Langdon, U. 8. K., which was caused by a Japanese sawtry. In a spirit of fairness and good will, I will make every effort to arrive at a satisfactory settlement of the affair, after a fair and open investigation." . (Jen. Oi is the officer commanding the Japanese forces at Vladivostok. SEPARATION IN PROTEST. American Note to Japan Reopens Questions. TOKIO, January 16.?Government officials have not as yet made public the text of the American note protesting against the shooting of Naval Lieut. VV. H. langdon by a Japanese sentry at Vladivostok. Publicists, however, express the belief that Washington lias not only asked reparation, with guaranties removing a probability of similar incidents in future, but also has again pointed out to Japan the wisdom of reducing, if not withdrawing altogether, her troops from the country where she possesses no sovereign rights, but the littoral of which is dominated by iter military power. This would open the old. thorny question which Japan herself has been finding difficulty In settling. A division of opinion exists in government circles as to the Siberian problem, it is reported here. Leaders of the military party insfst Japanese troops should remain in Siberia, while the peace party is seeking ways and means to abandon any adventure which, it is claimed, is ruinously expensive and without hope of compenj sation. The impression exists here I that Japan will insist upon solving i the question in her own way and at | her own time, if for no other reason j than to assert the doctrine that she is paramount in the far east. Hara Cabinet Likely to Last. The Hara cabinet appears to retain its strength, and it Is believed it will ottrvivo fho ImnonH Inc KPS8 io n of the ! Japanese diet, at which relations be- 1 tween this country and America will be discussed. The correspondent of the Associated J Press, who has Just returned to Tokio from a visit to many of the larger cities of the far east, found some uneasiness everywhere regarding rela- I tlons between Japanese and the Unit- j ed States. In all Informed circles these misgivings appeared to be ] based more upon what was described as Japan's resentment to any American policy calculated to curb Japanese expansion in Asia" than upon the California question. The latter problem, while touching Japan's national prestige and the interests of Japanese in America, is apparently not regarded with the same serious- I ness as the question of Japan's vital | interests near Nippon. in 01 pioniiii u: circit-H nen* Liie upimuii prevails that the situation roes not justify the pessimism noticeable outside the borders of the Japanese empire. On the contrary, it takes the view that the attitude of both the Tokio and Washingon governments is based on confll dence that a solution for troublesome matters now in the foreground will be discovered, Japan's popular protests against California legislation appear to j have been followed by an attitude of I patience and restraint, cognizance beinfe I taken of the fact that America has en! countered genuine difficulties in finding a solution for the triple problem of satisfying popular opinion on the Pacific slope, serving America's national interests and meeting Japan's desires. Efforts of the American State Department, through Ambassador Roland S. Morris, have profoundly impressed the Japanese with the fairness of the United States. For this reason the killing of Lieut. Langdon is genuinely regretted here because it is believed it will have the effect of reopening, the entire question of Japanese military occupation of Siberia, concerning which America has In the past sent several protests to Tokio. CHIEF JUSTICE RESTS. Chief Justice White was absent again today when the Supreme Court of the United States convened for its regular weekly "decision day," It was said that be had fully recovered from his recent illness, but remained at hone by advice ef his physician. / /\ u? fl nnu in mm nnot ! DUAL 111 1310 ullol LESSEN NOW E. F. Colladay Tells Committee Even Then It Was Soid at a Profit. Edward F. Colladay, who was assistant fuel administrator for the District for some time during the war, told the Senate committee which is investigating the coal situation at its meeting today that the price of ! coal to consumers in this city was j less at that time than it is at the | present. Coal dealers told him then ' that they made more money than ever | before. This, too, notwithstanding that It was a time of great stress and ; it was very difficult to obtain coal. "What did the dealers tell you about their profits .then?" asked Senator Kenyon. I gathered the general impression that the dealers had Had a very satisfactory business," said.Mr. Colladay. .. i "bid one of them tell you he had made more money than ever before'? asked the senator. More Profit Thau Was Nought. "Yes. and added that his firm had made more money than they had intended to." Thts remark caused a general laugh around the committee. Mr. Colladay produced a receipted bill showing that chestnut coal sold at that time for $10.50 a ton. and that the price of fuel went up from $8.$6 to $11.10. I At the request of Senator Cauler i he read the orders of the local fuel ! | administration fixing the gross mar- j gin of wholesale dealers from time i | to time. This margin ran from $2 to j 1 $2.75 a ton. The highest margin al- | I lowed was by the order of Septem-1 ] ber t, 1918. whlrh was $2.75. ) Dr. Francis Walker, chief economist i of the Federal Trade Commission. I produced figures showing the latest i quoted prices on cost of anthracite I coal at the mines. He took one bill for 100 tons of assorted sizes, which! brought $681. It cost the coal com- I pany $572 to produce the 100 tons, i including labor, supplies and over-1 head, showing a profit to the coal company of $89. He said the cost of a ton of egg coal January 14. 1921, was $7.75. The freight rate to Washington was reported as $3.64, which, with the war tax, made the cost of the ton of egg coal $11.50 at the yards in Washington. He said that less than a dozen interests control 80 per cent of the | output of the hard coal, but control I a much larger proportion of the lands; containing the coal. i | At noon the committee took a' recess and reassembled at 2 o'clock | this afternoon. ' MRS. C. H. McCORMICK succumbs in Chicago' Death Follows Brief Illness?Was ; Wife of International Harvester Company Director. CHICAGO. January 17.?Mrs. Cyrus Hall McCormick, wife of the chairman of the board of directors of. the. Inter- i national Harvester Company, died at a' hospital here early today after a brief \ illness. Complications believed to have ensued from an operation several'years ago for gallstones caused her removal to a hospital early in the year, but her' condition had been favorable until Sat-1 urday, when Mr. McCormick, who was in New York on business, and Cordon, the younger son, a student at Princeton, were summoned. Mr. McCormick, receiving more atarming reports of Mrs. McCormick's condition, while en route from the east, engaged a special train at Fort Wayne. { Ind., and reached his wife's bedside before her death. Gordon McCormick, however, was unable to reach here before his mother died. - - - -* Mrs. McCormick was born in England December 21, 1862. but was.brought to Chicago at an early age dnd reared-by an aunt. Mrs. Edward Stlckney, wife of one of the pioneer stockyard magnates . of Ohio. One of the most notable of the many benefactions in which Mrs. McCormick 1 j was active was the establishment of the Elizabeth McCormick memorial fund, founded in 1908, for the announced obi tact of "Improving the conditions of , I child life in the United States." More ' than 1,000 communities are said to have benefited. It was In memory of her ; only daughter, who died in 1905, when . twelve years old. Cyrus McCormick and Gordon, sons, survive her. For many years Urs. McCormlck had been a lead- ' inp figure in Chicago's social, philanthropic and civic activities. 3 DROWN, 17 INJURED. RIO DE JANEIRO. January 16.?At least three persons were drowned and seventeen injured when approximately 100 passengers were thrown into the ' bay here today by the collapse of a gangplank being used by passengers : boarding the steamship Tras-Os-Montes. It is believed many more lost their Uvea. The Traa-Oe-Uontea plies between Rio Janeiro and Portuguese harbors. - i i * MUCH COLDER TONIGHT, j Temperature of 14 Above Zero Pre- ] dieted for Tomorrow Morning. | Washington may look for the coldest w eather of the winter tonight, according to the local forecaster at the weather bureau, who prophesied a temperature of 14 degrees above zero for early tomorrow morning. A big storm over the St. l^awrence is moving eastward, and will eventuate here in colder weather tonight, although it will be clear for the next thirty-six hours, it is said. The ; weather movement here began last j night with a wind of thirty miles an hour velocity and a temperature of j 30 degrees. i Gales along the Atlantic coast from , Cape sHenry to Eastport. Me., were j forecast for tonight, and probably j some of this wind will strike Wash- . ington. If the thermometer hits the j low point expected it will set a record for the w inter, as 19 degrees was j registered here in November. j WOULDCENTRAUZE DHDPIMW WHIP I UllUlinUllUi 1 UTILIV ' : : \ , r 3 I Labor Proposes Chata of Cooperative Stores as Economic Advantage. labor's strongest weapon in its fight against enemies throughout the country, it is claimed by one leader, will be the centralized economic buying power, exercised through collective groups, it was declared today in a statement by Secretary E. C. Davison of the International Association of Machinists. A plan which contemplates an immense chain of co-operative stores, directed from a central point, whereby the produce of farms and groups of farms will be transported direct to the consumer groui> in labor organizations. already is formed, and the groundwork of the structure is arising. lay Include Other Commodities. Prom the farm products the plan would contemplate embracing all of i the necessities of life, clothing and j fuel included. This stage of evolution. I Mr. Davison said, is so far in the future that slfght thought is being given it. The start is made through co-operation with the National Far in1 Council. Committees in machinists' local unions throughout the country are wording ? ? no nlAod lot u n f ;?r?_ U II 1JI rt. 11 WIICICWJ V?. .V.VU , pies and potatoes will be shipped to' distribution points. As a matter of fact, tlie plan is working out cr-di ably in several locations. Mr. I)avi- 1 son cited instances through Michigan ; towns and cities to show that when : potatoes were being sold to retail- } buying consumers at approximately 1 30 cents per half peck their cost at a , Michigan loading point, free on board >rs 'vis it; cents per peck. . They are being bought direct from j ....--is ,u 'jo cents per sack of. Iu6 pounds. These sacks average | two and a half bushels. Marhlntats' Committee at Work. ! Charles Krazier. business agent of | Columbia Lodge of Machinists of this city, announced today that a com- ' mittee had been working on plans | for the co-operative buying of car load lots of apples and ' potatoes and i that an order was expected to be ] pTaced in1 the hands of the farmers i In the near future. ' "Apples and potatoes will form the i foundation of the plan," Mr. IJavison said. "When the system is working all smoothly in these lines, we will talse up others. The greatest kink | is 'expected to come In the diatribu-| tion. The handling of these few I staples will be the training for the co-operative -distributors. . . "We expect to find that the co-operative buying policy will be the strongest. weapon we can use to defend ourselves against attacks of anti-labor forces." BREAKS SPEED RECORDS. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., January 17.? The Nebula Dreyer. No. 584 in the Constellation of Cettus, has broken sll i known speed records of the heavens. It is dashing through space away from the- earth at a velocity of almost : 2,000 kilometers a second, the highest ; speed ever attained by a celestial ob- ; Ject. This was the word received at the : Harvard College observatory today ; from Dr. V. M. Slipher of. the Lowell 5 Observatory, Flagstaff, Aria., in an- ; noundng the result of spectrographic . observations there. RITES FOR JUDGE HYDR1CK ' SPARTANBURG, S. C.. January 17.? Many prominent men from different sections of the state are here to at- ] tend the funeral this afternoon of the \ late Associate Justice D. E. Hydrlck i of the South Carolina supreme court, who died in Washington Friday night after two weeks' illness from pneu- I monla. > . The funeral service will be con- i ducted by the local commandery of i Knights Templar, of -which, ha was a i member. ' ... J J BALL FOR CHARITY INAUGURATION DAY . Child Welfare Society Hasj Substitute foe Abandoned Presidential Function. Visitors to Washington, not to mention Waghingtonians themselves, will have opportunity to attend a big bali here the night of March 4 next de spite the fact that the olTlcial in- \ ai sural ball was called off in ac- j cordance with the wishes of President- , elect Harding. I It. will be a charity ball, the bene- . ficiary being the Child Welfare So- I clety. which will undertake the entire affair. and will be at the New Wil- j lard. President-elect and Mrs. Hard- ; ing will not be it) attendance, it was i learned today, but participants In the 1 function .will no doubt . take that'' tih i II? 1 1 - 1 v.- T , (.viiinjiFU u/ lire Ulfcr looked-for opportunity to.attend a big! dance on the nighf- following *h?\in-""1 auguration ceremonies. i Sirs. John Allan' Dougherty, treasurer of the Child Welfare Society, who t has an enviable record as the man- i ager of similar affairs which have j been successful from both a social and j financial standpoint, has been de?ig- j nated to serve as chairman of the ball j committee. She will ?nnoun'-e her assistants. the chajrmen of subcommittees and other details in the near future. Final Decision Reached Today. Final decision to hold the big charity dance was not reached until today, pending receipt of word from j Marion. Ohio, that Mr. Hard'ng did! not feel, in v>ew of his prev'ously expressed sentiments about an official hall, that he could attend even a charitable function given for the benefit of the children of the District of Columbia It is considered almost certain that the function planned will be most opportune. Washington will contain numerous visitors, many of them of prominence, who, it is thought, will welcome the chance to celebrate in a suitable manner the beginning of a j new administration. It is thought that the cause for ] which the party has been arranged. , namely, the betterment of the condition of thousands of American youngsters. is calculated to make a uni- j versal appeal. Where Idea Originated. The idea of the ball came first a ie.w uays ago to the minds of a group of prominent Washington women who ] are interested in tw local agencies which minister directly and solely to i children. The plan was to ask a third organization to Join in with them in holding the ball, and an invitation , was d spatched to the President-elect | on the theory that he could with [ propriety attend an affair of jthis sort. I irrespective of his expressed senti- j ments about an expensive official ball. ! Within the last day or two the or- j iginal plan had to he modified and the ! Child Welfare" Society alone is now at the helm. " * The object of the society, wh'ch ': was established twenty years ago, is the preservation apd proper develop-I ment of child life apd the educaiion , of parents, For this' purpose, it main- I1 tains eight child welfare centers in; various parts -of the National Capital. Its medical staff, medical consult ng ; staff and mediol advistyy board in- j elude leading local physicians and ; 1 surgeons of both sexes, while its staff ' of nurses is a large one. List of Hoclety Officers. ] Miss Mary Gwynn is president of the society, other officers being Mrs. \ Thomas R. Marshall, vice president; ; 1 Mrs. David F. Houston, second- vice j l president; Mrs. William A. Hammond, I secretary, and Mrs. John Allan}Dougherty, treasurer. The board oj managers is composed 1 of the officers and the following: I Miss Cornelia Aldis, Mrs. Frederick t Atherton. Mine. Boris Bakmeteff, Mrs. >1 Charles J. Bell. Mrs. Gist Blair, Mrs. l Joseph Bradley, Mrs. Frederick ; D..web/> U-? * S ~ 1 !> uurc. in id. Hums nruwninw, Mrs. ' AlU-rlon Cushnian, Mrs. Charles 1). Easton, Mrs. Lewis C. Ee'ker. Col. Wijliam Eric Fowler. Mrs. Eliot Uoodwin, Mrs, H. C. Graef. Mrs. James S, Harlan. Mrs. Charles M. Hinkle. Mrs. Charles B. Henderson. Mrs. lx?ren B. T. Johnson, Mrs. Henry F. ! Leonard, Mrs. William Littauer, Mrs. Esra B. McCagg, Mrs. James F. I Mitchell. Mrs. Newbold Noyes,- Miss I Marion Oliver, Mrs. H. C. Perkins. I Mrs. William Phillips Mrs. Atlee ! I'omerene, Mrs. J. H. Purdy, Mrs. H. r H. Rogers. Mrs. Charles Sheldon, Mrs. ! A_ L. Stavely, Mrs. Walter Tucket-man. i' Mrs. Frank West, Mrs. Max West. Mrs. John F. Wilkins and Mrs. > l^harles H. Woodhull. CHURCHILL TAKES POST. ??????? | British War minister to Become Secretary for Colonies. LONDON, January 17.?Winston Spencer Churchill, the war minister. It is reliably, although unofficially, stated, has accepted the post of secretary of State for the colonies, in succession to Viscount Milner.) who resigned the portfolio P? 'i ' / HARDING TO CALL SPECIAL SESSION APR. 4, IS REPORT Presidentelect Harding practically has decided to call a special session of the new Congress on April 4. members of the House ways and means committee were ney, who has just returned from new. who has just returned from a conference with Mr. Harding at Marion. Mr. Fordney discussed with the President-elect general taxation and tariff questions which will be among the more important subjects to come before the special session of the new Congress. The chairman was understood to have told Mr. Harding that the date of the session had a direct bearing on the tariff revision hearings which the oommittAA is now r^onductinir and it was said that Mr. Harding informed him that April 4 practically had been decided upon. MARION*. Ohio. January 17.?No date has yet bet n tix'd by i'resident-elect Harding' for the calling of a special session of Congress, he said today, add ng that the da e may not be set until after his inauguration on March 4. April 4 has been suggested for the opening of the extra session. Mr. Harding said, inasmuch as the House ways and means committee expects to be ready to report out a tariff bill by that time. JOB HUNTERSSLIP BY MARION WHICH All But Drive "Best Minds" Out of Place in Sun at Parleys. Special Dispateli to The Star. MARION, January 17.?During the j last week or ten days the "best tninds" have lfad to look to their ! laurels in Marion. The job hunters j have all but driven them out of their places in the sun. Just how the job hunters had the temerity to come lit re or how they managed to camouflage the real purpose of their visits so as to get by the vigilant young persons who are supposed to guard the I'resident-eioct against this particular type of pest may always remain a mystery. But Senator Harding tjimseif has confirmed the fact chat they have been here and several congressional visitors have plaintively told the I'resldent-to-be that they too. have been pestered to death The republican "pie factory," it must be remembered. has been closed for eight long years and the faithful workersin ;he ranks are hungry un o d e; peration. They are looking forward to the 4th of March as a day of judgment for ail the wicked salarydrawing democrats, anil are hopeful that,Mr. Harding, as President will boC delay the "Swinging Of the politicals*. Encouraged by Bvdnta. % . The national job hunters, it" seems, have been encouraged the past wee& by what has been happening at Columbus in this state. There a' republican governor was inaugurated las iwonriay as ine successor to junmie Cox, who had been in control of state affairs and state patronage for six out of the last eight years. The Ohio republicans were hungry, too. and ilielr new governor. H irry Davis, has been attaching them to- the pay roll as fast as resignations could be demanded and new commissions issued It is going to be necessar" to change some of the state laws to get certain democrats out of long-ter.n offices, hut the faithful have been cheered by the news that these law changes are going to be made just as soon as it Is humanly possible. It is an easy matter to pick out the job hunters from the "best minds" at Harding headquarters. The "best minds" as they await their turn in the little back room where Senator Harding sits all alone, look serious and important. They gaze with a sort of fellow feeling at a three-way picture of Senator Harding reposing on the center table of the reception room. Looked at from the front, this picture shows the well known campaign portrait of the next President. Looked at from the left, the picture becomes that of (.Jeorge Washington. Looked at from the right, it is the nortrait of Abraham Lincoln. The "best minds" are interested in all three views. The job hunters look wistfully at Senator Harding alone. George Washington and Lincoln may have been all right in their time and place, but Senator'Harding is greater than the Presidents with whom the picture links him. because he has the i lirescnt-day power to apptase the office- j hungry. Hnrding Han Sympathy. One would imagine Senator Hard- J ing would be angered by the im- ! pertinent and unexpected invasion of ! Marion oy mo omce sefKprs, out no , seems to have* been more amused , than exasperated. There is no ques- ; tion but that the President-elect has j a big: heart and a tender one. and he ; has (treat sympathy with the fellows who want to pet on the federal pay roll. He has consented to see most | of them for a minute or, two. but it must not be Imagined from this that j he- is going'to be so. considerate in the future. The coining, of the job> hunters has made him more anxious : than ever to get away from Marion , on Thursday night, and-when he goes j to Florida the ofllce hunter who at- | tempts to follow hint there is likely i to get short shrift. Abeutr the surest way of not getting a job will be to pester. Senator Harding while he is taking his last vacation before entering the.White House. Tbe.-wonp will turn and office seekers should .be w are. ., ? ... The aspirants to public service who J lave come to Marlon have aimed high ! n theiftalks with the senator, But as ! :he conversation has progressed they i lave let it'be known that if all the, rlffh places are bespoken they will ,ake whatever is left. One man came ecently seeking an ambassadorship, ife thought it would please his old notber. who is ninety years old. He ' thought in the end it might still please rer if he was just made a clerk in an imbassy somewhere, or a doorkeeper. "The place hunters seem to have an incanny knowledge of all the jobs that ire exempt from civil service protec:ion. Either they have been to Washngton to make inquiries on the subect or have taken a correspondence ioursc. Once they flx their minds upon i particular place they have no modest resltation about telling the senator ust what it is and why they are espeirally fitted to fill it. , Will H. Hays, national chairman and j lext Postmaster General, was in I darion today in the role of grand mas- ! er of the job hunters. He has a lortg : 1st 'of those who rendered faithful ' lervice in the campaign and who ex>ect to be rewarded at the earliest tossible moment. Harry Daugherty. he next Attorney General, who was lere Sunday, and Mr. Hays, who folowed him today, will help Mr. Hardng in all matters of general patronage, t will be agreed by all who know that i new President certainly needs help n this respect. (Copyright, 1101.) W BUND'S CABINET IS RECEIVED WITH : MILD ENTHUSIASM I Most Journals Express Mild Satisfaction or Reserve Their Judgment. NEW MINISTRY WILL BE PRESENTED WEDNESDAY ! Paris Recalls Radical Tendencies of | New Premier?Advocate of Solidarity With TJ. S. By the Associated Press. PA HIS. January 17.?Little enthusiasm was today evinced by newspapers of Paris over the new Briand cabinet, the decrees of appointment of which were printed this morning in the Official Journal. Most journals expressed mild satisfaction, or reserved judgment. The Journal said: "It contains every element except simon pure royalists and communists." The Figaro, which ardently supported former President Raymond Poincare for the premiership, openly expressed its disappointment, saying: "it is the usual patchwork ministry according to the pre-war formula." while the Oeuvre asked: "We I U..,ra ? : * a new iiiiiu?(.r>; sLia.ii we nave a new government?" Il is iirtibabte the new ministry will present itself before the chamber of deputies Wednesday or Thursday, and 41. Briand will at that time read the government's declaration of policy. Stands for Treaty. The significance of the appointment of M. Briand as premier was not lost upon the people of this city. They ! recalled his friendship with lieorges I Olemenceau, who w hile head of the ! French government assisted In frami iug the treaty of Versailles, and the close ties uniting him with Raymond [ I'oincare, who has stood for the strict | enforcement of the Versailles pact. Speaking before parliameiu and in committee meetings, 41. Briand has insisted that the treaty must be curried ?ut -hat ih. in.ercs.a oi France in ; the near east must bosrrved. He has as\ sorted French troops could not be witb- ~ ' drawn from Cilicia at present because such a step would be understood by the 4loslems as a sign of weakness, and he is known to have viewed the return of Constantino to the tlutifte of clreCce as a circumstance which should be used to her profit by France. 41. Briand has been an advocate of complete solidarity between France. Oreaf Bruain and tbe Fnlted 'States, but has insisted that France must demonstrate to the allies that tier'house is , in order and well administered."* ' t'omaa rated on as Nsdirsl. The radical tendencies ?f the new prenfier are subject of csipmcM here, his . early association with yiii 1>epp i j. urw.' hk- hocmiui imw? a*sm slnated in 1914. being one of the sali&nt features, of his'advance la politics. K.ehcli s r-iall m. which nine -the -upgress at Tours, two weeks ago has been torn by dissension between communists ; and more moderate elemenfs, may lltid ip -V wrb-n-i man who cap do -.n ach ; toward uniting factions tind'aaving (he party as a political power. 'tile m'nit ,y i* matt upJAa follows: i Premier and minister of foreign affairs. A riptide Brinnd; minister of Justice. M. Bonnevay: -interim-.. Pierre. Slarraud. war, Louis Barihou: marine. Gabriel ; Guisthau; finance. Paul Douwer: public instrtlefion. Victor B'rabd;' agrtculj ture. Edmond Lefebvre du Pr y: commerce. Lucic-n Dior; Jabor. Dani.-I VIcentj pensions. Andre Magtno ; pnblle works, Vves h- T; oquer. and libs rated regions, laiuis Louche tir. "It is not 'the great.egblnel.' but t' is a great cabinet I have formed." s-iid Premier Briand. "My minis ers and mj self will be busy men looking after Prance's internal affairs. We have confidence that the American administration will lcok after its own affairs. It i ir.ay be republican. It may be democratic | ?it matters little: it Is always proi French. 1 am sure. Please tell them that | in Ann rica." M. Briand has succeeded in forming j his seventh cabinet, which, as he says himself, embodies "national unity." . ? j LAYS ASfDE 0. C. BILL. Senate Delays. Consideration of Appropriation Jteasure Temporarily. The Senate District appropriation bill, which is the unfinished business of the Senate, vras temporarily laid aside this afternoon in order"to permit the Sennte to continue consideration of the resolution to limit the Army to 175.000 men. Senator Curtis.-in charge of the District bill, in requesting that the bill be laid aside temporarily, said thai he understood the Army resolution could be-t.oinpleted, today. CANE GIVEN PRESIDENT. . t Representative I.ucjan \V..I'ar.rieh of Texas' today presented -to President Wilson a walking stick-as a gift of appreciation from "tlje loyal denecrats" of Wise county,'. Textis.. The pt-esentatfdn was-made in, the President's private study, and he. expressed much pleasure at receiving it. saying: "I appreciate the gift greatly, and will treasure it not only for it* beauty. but . for yie . sentiment. in. the hearts of those who.sent it." T1 a woa twi-j Ho fenm u>n/\>4 ont from the- heart of a "hois <Taif" tree. The_ stick is golden brown In color, with a silver top. The wood was cut by J. E. Boyd, whose father planted the tree fh Wise county forty-one years ak?With the cane Representative Parrish presented the President with a framed picture of Sam Woody, ninetys vent years old. said to be the oldest living "loyal democrat" ir. Wise county. BERMUDANS GREET TAFT. HAMILTON. Bermuda. January 17.? Former Pre?dent William H. Taft. who-is here on a two-month, rest In this au-toless and frostless land, received a notable welcome on his' arrival when-the governor of the colony. Gen. Sir James Willcocks, the most decorated man in the. British army, went out and boarded the incoming ship to personally extend greetings, as did a number of -prominent Americans. *?i - - "An ex-President of the United States is a, very, humble Individual," remarked Mr. Taft -after, the greetlhg. to which the . governor responded: "But not in a British colony." Col. A. W. Swaim, United .State* consul, who during the war served not uly at Southampton. England, gathered a notable committee to welcome Mr. Taft. Dr. Francis L. Pattoa. formerly president of Princeton University. was one of the pkrty whom Mr. Tuff quickly recognised, as In the case of Gen. Robert Snaw Oliver. former assistant secretary sf war of the United States. V ( Jy