automobiles fob sale, etc. CmUmkC fit I'tUHPER for bsrnlDfc artw. lim n pins* sad wins; Imn cyUadsrs, eastkp> atael u< aluminum welded properly; al guaranteed. M. U. Coleman. W7 I3tb il a.w. Fhews U Odd. Mi WORRY? Let ua duplies# your waati la aato parts. We are. without a doubt. tb< largest aula nieiheis la the city. The largest aaataaeaC of parts. If the part or parte wi aall you doa't dt return them and we cheer TuBy refund your money. We can eaee yo? t least Wk Old cars bought regardless oi rendition. Isadora Glasser Co.. 3060 7th at. a.w fhsae .V. JOSS. Buick, 7-Pass., $850. IMS; is Use shape; a big bargain. Cash ? donas. Port Met. Q?.. 1017 ltth n.w. Standard, 8-CyI., 7-Pass. N?w paint; motor in A-l shape; Hood cord tiros. 191* Maxwell touring: new tires. A bargain. Stodebaker. 7-pats.; motor perfect; runs like new; most aell. Will take In Ford in trade for any above cars. Cash or term*. D. M. Pettit. 477 Pa. ave. n.w. Unusual offerings in ?used cars? INSPECTION WILL PROVE THIS. Reo, late model 3-pass. roadster. Reo, late model 7-pass. touring. Reo. late model 5-pass. touring. Reo, late model, 4-pass. roadster. Peerless, late model 7-pass. tour. Peerless, practically new 7-pass. sedan. THE TREW MOTOR CO. 14th ST. AT P. MAIN 4173. ROAMER?1920 model, 7-pas senger touring car. like new; seat covers; practically new cord tires with one extra. Reason for selling, owner buying closed car. Price very reasonable. Terms can be arranged. Phone Main 748. Bargains in Used Cars.From $250 Up. Chevrolet 4,90 too ring. 1020. Port Model 5, touring. Port Model 5. touring. Port Model 5A, touring. Port Model 5A, touring. Maxwell 1918 touring. Maxwell 1920 touring. Podge roadster. 1917. Ford sedan, 1920. BQtClC "8," 1918. 7-pMMBger. # Boick MiM 1318. 5-piwnrr. Cash and terms if desired. Mr. Herfnrth, Dort Distributing Co., 1017 14th St. Main -153 REAL BARGAIN in rebuilt Detroit electric. Here is a very unusual opportunity of purchasing an excellent 1919 Detroit electric at a real bargain price. Has been completely overhauled and repainted. New tires, new battery and new slip covers. Our guarantee goes with the car. Only $1,500. Terms. Call H. W. Hartman, care Sterrett & Fleming. N. 5050. MUNICIPAL AUTO EXCHANGE. TTf"l?T\ /* A T% T\TC"TnTnTTfrAr?r? UOr,lJ L/131K1DU1UK3. 14M 14th St. N.W. North *43. Washington's Original Auto Bxrhango. Series B Pimr-Am* 48. IrrlM # Franklin touring. 1M(I 34 Harmon touring. 1*20 King 8 roadster. 1*1* Ombl touring. 3*1* IrlMM touring. 1*1 T Chanulat (cloned). WW BTXNIVQB AND BTTNDAT8. VB VOL BUT YOOB TJSBD CAB BOB CASH MONEY. 29 REAL BARGAIN. * 0 Garferd truck; rarer drtrua; Brant* ' mitnr; rnaa and look a good aa raw: worth tl.***; will oell (or *830 cash: don't miss thla . amain- ? H n.o. Franklin 33*3. 27? 1 REAL BARGAINS. FBBD TOCBING. late 1*1*. runs aad looks good as new. *3*0. t 4 Ford tourings. *173 each. ' Boo touring, 8-cylinder. 7-pasacngrr. *330. { An/ demonstration. 1 Buiek roodator. 3130 I Wo hare uat other makes of rare ea hand. * WU1 trade aad take terms. d? H a.e. Franklin *388 IT* FORD-GRAHAM TRUCK?1ton; running order. Guy, Curran & Co., 315 9th st. n.w. WILLARD SALES CO. 4?e 14th St. N.W. Fr. T34B. Boa that jaa get a demonstration here hefan TO? lMfehawt TAUP MF 1920?Cleveland ton ring. 1919?Chandler dispatch. lilt?Chandler touring. 1918?Chandler touring. 1918?Cadillac touring: 3 cord rim. 191T? Hudoon touring 1918? Mitchell touring. 1917?linxoell touring. laik?Cord Kedan. And ollierv Ttmi to rerponvhle parties. Hoc us befara bu/lng or selling /our ua?0 ear. Open Sonda/t aud Evenings. a WE PAY CASH. Real Bargains. 1 roao SEDAN. 1920. *M0 extras. SSBO casta. ? Ford tour . 1918. else, lights aad starter; 8825. b rsrd roadster; excepUooall/ good; $225. ? Fted track: 9250. 8 Manhattan Oarage. 1709 7th sr. a.w. 2d? f I Am Showing and Selling ? A eaglet/ of lata model cars, all prieee. MM * )ost like sew. one oal/ gone 200 miles. J TERMS CAN BE AfiBANCED. I! SOADSTEBS. TOURINGS. G 1921 BVICK 1921 RUICK I 1 IBU. TOCB CAB. FORD TAXICAB and -Ford f .chassis; very reasonable. Apply " 1140 21st n.w. New Taxi Serv- g ice Co. < UUDGE^DUUGES. -j fltt la to medal Doilfrr. In ?r> (ned roadman Tarma or trada. 'H A. J. STABLER & SON. 425 K N.W 28* i> ? Ohat tuna. Thaa* tirao ara originally guaraatcsd 4.0M mliaa. but swtaf to tha fact that ara ara wMaralltoC ara allmdaato tha gaaraataa. With aM tha ara artll aaU aa laaar tab*. r*cardl**a at Ma*. Car CBJB. Only mm taba arlth aarb tir*. r MM MB ?, Main 9 50 " 41*414 a. 10.14 P S2M# 10. M 2 wn 12.28 w. OM 13.00 30x4 1333 34x4 13.84 30x4 13.#7 < 4 14.47 ^ 34x3 H 1213 34x4 H 13.33 33x4* 13.33 33X3 13.43 ? 34x3 13.73 3*3* 17.03 _ 37x3 13.33 ~ Bxtlxxj? xa3 pttcxx an *e 2aw-3kU "** 'iSTOOM 1 1?3 CO, K MB TtB at m n W. 3333. M AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE, ETC. Cnlliut.' ! MITCHELL. I 7-pass. touring car; newly painted; folly equipped with cord tires and one spare, be- ; sides several extras. A bargain. i Chas. E. Miller, 812 14th st. n.w. t $9.75?Ford top recovers?$9.75 ! All 5-passenger recovers. $19.75. , 7-pasaeuger recovers. $23.50. \ YORK AUTO TOIv CO., 7H2 Park road n.w. CADILLAC-^ Passenger eon: rebuilt aad guaranteed. THE WASHINGTON CADILLAC CO' 1IM 40 Conn, ave. Franklin MOB POTOMAC SALES CO., 1111 14th St M Jackson. Metz and Dixie Cars. Used Cars Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Most central "location in city; 4.500 sq. ft. floor space. MIDWINTER BARGAINS NOW ON SALE. _ _ AUTOMOBILES WAITED. j 1918~M AX WELL BODY?Touring or roadster. ! Address Box 290 D. Star office. 27* FORD TOT'KING BODY, cheap. K. E. Dailey, 1401 11th st. n.w. Phone North 41. 26* WILL PAY CASH for 1921 Ford touring oars or sedans; must he in good condition. Auto Rental Co.. 408 13th st. n.w. i WILL PAT PASHT5 Tight"omTor win Mil for you; no sal<* no charge. See Mr. Mead. 418 8th st. n.w. Phone Main 5613. 29* SEVERAL light touring cars and roadsters; must be cheap for cash. Municipal Auto Exchange. 1625 14th ?t. n.w. 28* radiators. ;nr/"p . n~ M(t. 6 >P?iil kind* for Fords. WITTBTATT8. 310 13th n.w. F. 11410. 1421H P n.w. M. 7443. New core* Installed. I WILL BELL yoar automobile for Ita higbeet value; etoroge and advertising free for flfty ! ran. Mr. Henderson, 410 8th at. n.w. Main I 8778. j PARTS ^ ___ PART8_ PARTS | v. >--?? ivunm, sum auu HCMDKea. lire? j and magneto* alwaya on band. Penna. Auto I Wrecking Shop. 110-112 4tt at. s.w. ! I SELL AUTOMOBILES BY AUCTION EVERY Saturday, 12 noon. A quick and satisfactory method. No sale, no charge. Cara listed before Thursday advertised free. "WE8CH LER," 920 Pa. are. n.w. Phone Main 1282. AUTO REPAIRING; " AUTO PAINTING AND TRIMMING. ' BUCKLEY GARAGE. Rear 1131 21?t at. n.w. Phone Frank. 6540. 28* j aluminum welded properly and guaranteed equal to new. Coleman's, the exclusive welding shoo. 207 12th at. n.w. Phone M. 4598. AUTO GLASS ^olTSSSug"" I natal led while 70a welt Turin to * Wu antes, 101T New York ere, n.w. AUTOMOBILES FOE STRB i 7-PASSKNGER TOI'RING CAR FOR HIRE j ! by the trip, hour, day or week. For appoint- , ment call A. Ewing. Main 7844, 1113 17th ' FORD TAXI $1.50 , Kt-K HULK. J PHONE WEST 1701. 29* RENT A NEW FORD Drive It Yourself ? TOURING $1.00 CARS t Get our special rates for jour ' particular requirements. }, American Anto Livery Co, A Main 622. 1319 L St. N.W. J 7-Pass. Cadillacs. j* 12.50 t? (3 per hour. Special rates for long ; trips. Phone Frank 7877. S0? j " WANT A TAXI? i." CALL "MAIN 17" ? The only taxicab company co-opera tirely )M owned and operated by the drieera. SERVICE AND COrRTBBY WITHOUT TIP8. JJ 10 blocks^ 50c. City proper, 75c, . rer nour. 9^.do. n AMERICAN TAXICAB CO. j,, RENT A FORD * DRIVE IT YOURSELF ii TOCBING 4-1 Per CAB9 rn ** Hour PJ SEDANS 11 special Rates by Day and Week *! All n#w 1921 cam with self-startera. de- H oontahl? rim* and n#w tirwr. tr WE TEACH DRIVING. 5 AUTO RENTAL CO. ti 108 13th st. n.w. Franklin 6020 J5 BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. *~ lent a Ford; drive it yourself. All ears have aclf-atartcra. SB par day. (1 par hoar. rORD CAB RENTAL. CO.. M S.E. Cor. 14th and W N.W. e North 4728. SS 'V A * T * /- A T> ra P'1 1AAILAH5 *; Phone West 84 " 50c ten blocks. ? 75c anj distance in city proper. bopping and touring, per hour. $2.50. \r OPEN ALL NIGHT. New Taxi Service Co.. Inc. ct CALL COLUMBIA 9600 if! Right in the heart of Mt. Pleasant. sc Touring. Shopping. Calling. *8.00 per hour. ? T5e and $1.00 serving city proper. 93: All new Dodge Limou*ines. lor Washington Taxicab Co. ~ 2400 16th Street. JJ FOR REHT?GAEAGE8. \i 06 COLUMBIA COURT. RITWRRN 14th IS ad 15th. In rear of Columbia road?Prirato 17 rick farmer, to wide alio;. Rent, til per ro< loath. GEO. W. LINKIN8, 171* K it. Mala on *-?? 92 [EAR 2130 PA. AVE. N.W.?$10. H. 8. TER. 706 11th at. n.w. Mala 6840. 5? 16 22nd ST. N.W.?BRICK GARAGE lJl rat. ft P?t month. GEO. W. LINKIN8. 1719 ? : at. My In 8298-99. cm ARAGB? NEAR 16th AND NEWTON HTH. 83 [. HUNTINGTON, South 210. Nortbbrook ho oarta. 27* mi A RAG E?SPACE IN KOR RENT. APPI.Y ?. 122 Harvard at. n.w. Phone Col. 9450. 28* 14! *21 FLORIDA AVf. N.W.?$12 per month. I '!' osseaoion April 7. THOS. J. ITKHEIt A CO.. IVn 11 738 1Mb n.w. Main BK30. KIVATE GARAGE, ONE CAR. HEAR 16th, v|= ptwpen K and L. $11! per uontli. Phone P? ranklin 2967-J. WLd> tllej. ? ?J >ur rare; rent. 140 per month. II* B. r. SAUL CO.. li5 Franklin 53M. 034 N. T. are. n.w. roc FAT*E IN GARAGE, BRICK; CEMENT joj ?or: $7 50 pe* month. 443 P at. n.w. ro 931 kI ST. N.W. on Garage for 3 enra. ter Electric llghta: water. 27* am la.?Prirate ingle garage, 9* month. 1.. E. be< . PRINCE. 1410 H at. n.w. !>lc fS car Parage ? CbmkNt floor. n< ater. electric light, etc.; apace for ?hop: 930 too tr month. 2126 Pa. are. n.w. 27* Pit AfiGte CAR gPACg-PtJR ONE S"05f1ti T" > reeponalble party: Dupoia Circle; $15, In Iain 7858. * 27?_ *11 FOB SALE?OARAGES 2C PRESTON A. ROBERTS. 4012 5th at. n.w. Phone Col. 0068 W. , I'nuanally well bnilt corrugated metal ga- lO igee for unuaually email prlrea. let Roberta t j ire you an eatimate and the addreaa of a ' * rage in yonr neighborhood. 31* 111 M N.W. (REAR)? EQUIPPED REPAIR Ma ?for aale. Fireproof. Steam heat. M. nri or N. 2181-J. 23* !jj$15 DOWN, $15 A MONTH? jj? Own your own metal fireproof I?j araee. $195 uo: immediate con. ? o > ' ? 1 |JJ truction. Only 12 monthly pay- '<" lents. Iron-Clad Garage Co., I St 21 15th st. n.w. Main 5672. 28* JJ?;' illXKT1, At.I,KTKKI. (N() W(>OtT,~ N(T oHi I gauge, portable, fireproof, Immediate da- iij i hi t V. R Galsaalaed Metal (wood frame), No. h..n I gauge. i-? Brick, We aod Cement block garages. ? C. N. BCCKLAND, Agt., "1 ilepboae Franklin 4835. 5 Mass. are. a.w. h"* apl? lid Garages That "Satisfy. We build all kinds. Obtain our prlcea. 185 R. K. FERGUSON, Inc., ? 1114 Ptb at. a.w. Ham N. Ml-BM. nK ARAGBft?Metal. aH-eteel frames, flrspessf. 1?) 1*30. to fit your lot. Wo be lid oil kind*. Oar y-~ fees will ooto yon 00007. Terms. Pbooo 1|fl . ?wti. mimii > !?(? jnif. co.f zuu-a iiS orgit 17.% ,i(iAiiAdisr5ir--mi4'BfTrr!i- otar"? All trp? of conitrortloo. V. T. H. BIEN, Inc., &l 111* llth >!n.w D?f phon. Col 8910. WANTED?GARAGES. m AXTKD?A CARXTIE. " flou. Near 13th and Park road. nea 1310 Park road or Col. *802. 26* jjjj TOR RENT?HALL& UOBPTIONAL STUDIO. FINS FLOOR. CS iltobio club meet tor* or private Amn; rc*. TH cable. 1114 Vtrmoat are. 2?* tm \ BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. HAYDKN. Carpenter and builder. 146 Sea ton pi. n.e. Tel. X. 1* S F. I>EI?OY. Oaroge builder and general jobbing. 1416 A ?t. w.e. 26* GEO ROE SIMON A SON. BRICKLAYERS and contractors of garages and bUildinga. Address 1644 B st. s.e.. Washington. I>. C. Colored. 28*_ CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS THOROUGHLY ~ANI> CAREFULLY cleaned; mattresses renovated. Estimates furnished. ALBERT KAHLEKT A CO., 332 B St. s.w. M. 2036. FLOi MR REPTN ISHIWG. Tom OIJ> WOOD FLOOR* PLANED, scraped and reflnislied: small closet done free to demonstrate my work. C. ADAMS. 607 G st. n.w. Franklin 2518. Gall any time. 18* ^ KEYS. J DUPLICATE KEYS. 25 CENTS. Made while yon wait. TURNER A CLARK, MOT H it n.w. MATTRESSES. FEATHER BEDS, Etc. " MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS Renovated at most reasonable prices. Let its call, give estimate Prompt deliveries and satisfaction assured." EAGLE BEDDING CO.. N. r?210. 1123 7th St. n.w. MIRRORS RgFlNINHEgir HAVE YOUR MIRRORS It ESI LY BR ED " BY expert. New mirrors to order. THE MIRROR SHOP. 142.". F st. n.w. M. 7912. Eat. 1904. M. B. Brotsky. Estimates free. 29* PAI'KK HASi.KR.I AND I?AivirHUV. PAPERHANlilNt; l">ONE: nKASONABLE prices: very prompt. P. EG DAL. 445 New York ave. n.w. Phone 3130. * FOR PAPERHANGING?8BE JACK FERGUSON. 406 9th ST. N.E. 27*_ : PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING: ROOM8. $6 up: spring designs: low prices on imlnting. ! THOMPSON S. 3402 Ga. are. Col. 7587-W. 29* , J. K. IIORSON. PAfNTBit AND PAPEiT | hanger: best work: lowest prices. 700 6th st. I n.w. Phone M. 070fl after 3:30 p.m. 28* SPECIAL OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME. WE will paper a bedroom (ceiling and walla) for *9.50; fine paper. 1629 14tb at. ENTERPRISE DECORATING CO. North 4051. apr3? piano ti1ivimg. COL. 4798?GEO. M. M. WALKER. FORMERly head tuner and player repairer for Percy Foster and Knabe Co.; price reasonable; eatlmatea free. 710 Morton st. n.w. watch and erock repairing. EXPERT WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIfling?We buy diamond*, old gold, platinum, dc. LORENZ JEWELRY CO.. 508 9th at. n.w, welding and brazing. WELDING AND BRAZING " ALL BROKEN METALS. Oxy-Acetylene Process. FRED 8. OICHNER, 1214 D at. n.w. window shades. SHADES?Good quality opaque shades, fitted to your windowa. 95c; the beet quality of >paque shades, $1.25; hung free; we call with ismplea. KLEEBLATT. 11th and H ats. n.e. FOR RENT?ROOMS FURMSHRP ROOMS. VBAR ISlh AND COD. 8D.-Iiim, wrll furlished room on 2nd floor of modern. detached -esidence; hot-water heat; electricity; refer IIITB. WH. " l.-rS\ Y. AVB.. APT. 2?Beautifnl furnished ooms: rpfined gentlemen only: everything up o date. Franklin 51K8. 29* 14 ftth 8T. N.E.?1 furnished room and kitchnotte. ; 27 445 CLIFTON ST. N.W ?Beautiful aduth ront room: electricity: telephone. 27* 22 MP. AVB. N.B.?Nicely furnished room: onrd if desired. Lincoln 5812. 27* 34 K ST. N.W.?Bright room next to bath; rmtinuoss hot water; suitable for 1 or 2 genlemcn. - 91 KT. AVB. S.K.. COR. K 8T.?2 well furished housekeeping rooms; electricity; h.-w.h.: irge porch: laundry privilege: phone. 27* 91 KT. Jk\'E,7 S.E.rCORTE ST.? BedroonT: ,-w. h.: electricity, plione service: convenient >r young man navy yard: board close. 27* 17 Ml). AVB..N.B.?Large. attractive room; i*antiful outlook: $1 day: $20 month. _ 144 HARVARD ST. N.W.?Nicely furnished *>ms: electric 1.: h.-w.h.: reasonable. 27* i0~ BRYANT ST. "room for 1 h.k.: 1st floor back. $10: also small room. 2nd *>r front. $12. Phone North 542S-W. 27* ' 19 H ST. N.W.?Light housekeeping rooms, j opt and back, second floor. 28* 112 PU N.W.?L*r*?. brteht ; om for 2 gentlemen or an employed cbnple. hooe Col. 4455. . 27* I >17 L 8T. N.W.?Attractive room, large oset. 2 bath rooms: telephone; ladies: reason Ic. % 27*_ ' t29 TOU ST. N.W.?Comfortable room; elec- . iciry; semi-private bath; plenty hot water; ' ntlemen. 29* 1 19 m; 4 nn bed*. 27^ J 19 t; ST. X.W.. AIT. 508?Furnished room, joining bath, in well kept private home; ntiemen. 27* 37 IRVINT; ST. N.W.?Front room. $13. ?n?oh. 2nd floor: walk up. 28* *t 4 ?! N.W.?You n ft man want* congenial ommate. 27* BAR DUPONT CIRCLE?Room for 1 or 2 ntiemen. Call North 3152 after 6 o'clock. * 04 14th N.W.?Attractively furnished front Mn for 2; private family; unlimited phone; too; laundry privileges: 1 block from <*ara; taonable. OoU H131. 27* 70 OOL. RD.?Neatly furnished room for ntiemen. Pol. 7009. 27* 127 MERIDIAN PL. N.W.? icely furnished; all. modern mveniences; in private home; leal surroundings; most readable. _ 27* $ 23rjJ ST. N.W.?Bay-window room over- j >king circle, suitable 2 gentlemen or couple ! >ployed. I __ _ | IRKH neatly furnished room* f**r 1*?k? ! tiM-keeping: reasonable rent. ^Call Franklin 1 09-J. 27^_ b 4 B ST. X.E.?Young man to share nicely rnished room. 27* j 88 COL* RI). X.W.. APT. 38? Large. bright 11 >m next to bath, facing Rock Greek Park, C e or two gentlemen. 27* j 8 19th ST. X.W.?2 rooms, furnished, l.h.k.; li cant April 1st. 28* j 7 3rd ST. N.W.?Large room next to both; I i.k. if dead red. t! 5 O ST. X.W.?3 large communicating rooms ? mpletely furnished for l.h.k.. reasonable. 27* 1; I) ALU SON ST. N.W.?To share furnished t use with family of 3 adults: preferably a 4 trried couple: rent $00 mo. After 7 p.m. to- p y or all day Sunday. f II MONROE ST. N.W.?1 room. 2nd-floor: e H'tlic lights, telephone, $15 to 1. $20 to 2; jj mens no other roomers. 27* p I 2nd ST. N.W.?2 handsomely furnished r< 1-story rooms; all conveniences: l.h.k. 27* a 1 N. AVB.-K.B.?2 rooms and alcove com- *: rtel.v furnished, l.h.k.; adults. Apply after 4' l>.m. April 1st. 28* f< M WYOMING AVE.?Attractive rooms: de- u htfui location. ?_ 28* h 13 K ST. N.W.?2 large communicating fj ms: l.h.k.. $31 per month. 27* f< 18 14th ST. N.W.?Would like a congenial _ ing lady to share a lanre. deiiwfc*e?? 2nd floor nnt to hath: "continuous hot wa- J* gas and electricity; 2 closets, roof garden n i reception room. ? H 8PRINO IU>AI> N.W.?Nicely furnlahed r imom with sleeping porch to refined em- m yed couple; new house; n.m.i. 27* aj il TEA H'lT STW.. APT. 22?Large front ** -m, nicelv furnished, in uew apartment bidg. ?' one North 1M3. 27* (iRNTLKMAN AND WIFE, or gentleman, ~~ high-class apartment. Address Box 8-K. ? ir office. 27* %! H EYE N.W.?Beautiful cor- * x on the 3d floor; corner resi- fj ice; all modern conveniences; ? r 2, $60, incluindg board. Fr. * Z^L : ,? OHCROH N.W. (n?r Dupont Olrriy)? ? rried couple or middle-need hdj, employed: ret* family. 27* *= 33 ST. N.B.?Double front room, aecond _0 ir: print* family; homo cooking; reeeon- il_ 2E- & 15 Q ST. N.W.?Clean, attractive front room; ? n beda: a.m.l. : employed ladles. 2** M l.I.CRBST. 2?W> 13th KT -An Idcul homo ^ those away from the comforts of their own 12 ins. with and without board; meals that l?fy. 22 13th ST. N.W.. opposite Franklin Park? 10 ond floor, front room: for two men; also 7? er rooms : with hoard. * 27* i7 O ST. N.W.?Attractive front room with ^ h: accommodate four young ladies with ? rd and room. $80 monthly; phone; piano; J? ndry. Phone N. 6P34. 27* l? O EYE ST. N.W. Rooms, with or without fj rd: English and French spoken. * n r 01. ???nwnto*-n Miction; attrac- ? ?ly furnished second-story front room and h for couple: board optional: phono. 27* * 9 FAIRMONT 8T. N.W.?DnlraMe room*;' ^ r Ogntral High School: references. 28* BT NORTHWEST SECTION?Large front tr m and kitchenette; near bath. Phone North 10 1. 27* hi1 8th ST. N.W.?Three large rooms, inling kitchen: heat and gas: $36 month. 27* 1?< H COLUMBIA HOAD?Delightful large front 24 in: beet location: two car lines; two gen- gentlemen. Col. . * tal T? L 8T. N.W.?Large hay-window, second- 141 r front room; newly furnished; large closets; # r hath: central. f} EYE 8T. N.W.?Two light housekeeping ht ms: firnlshod. 27* |j 8 N N.W.?Boom next to bath; a.m.l.; obi ""p*" *? * K Ar*ABAMA. Apt. 607?!?* nan for R i; -well fnrnlsned. 87* *' FOE SENT?BOOHS FURNISHED ROOMS?Comtlaacd. 1838 17th N.W.?Combination titting-bed room: well furnished; also bedroom adjoining; seroiprlvate bath; separately or en suite, with privileges: electricity; heat and hot water. 27* 1*523 K ST. ?For rent, furnished, two rooms, kitchenette and bath as whole or separately; , no children taken. 28* 1714 yl'E ST.?Bachelor congressman; large outside room: completely furnished; Imthroom across hull: electric lighting: steam heat and telephone: S>40 a month. Phone North 5035. * J?Ot B ST. N.K.?A neatly kept room for one I or two gentlemen: bath same floor. 27* | 2688 ADA1IS MILL B0AD. Apt. 41?Desirable I front room for lad.v; two car lines. 28* MAR.VE. 2418 13th ?t. n.w.. Apt. lOf^Koom with electric lights. 27* COLTMIUA ROAD NKAR 14th?lied sitting room; privilege of light housekeeping. Address Box 39- E, Star office. 600 EAST CAPITOI, ST.?Near Capitol and Library; hod rooms and sitting room; single or en suite; comer house; nil rooms fronting " street: referenees; private family. 27* Old MASS AVE. N.W.?A nicely furnished room: southern exposure. -7* 44- NEW YORK AVE. N.W.?1 ,nrgV~furnished front room, neft to bath: suitable for two persons; heat. gas. with or without light housekeeping. Inquire 4118 New York ave. Rent reasonable. 27* 101S 14th ST. N.W. ? Ivargc double room; large closet: bath on the same fl?s?r; gas and electricity; attractively furnished; large roof garden. j lblS H ST. N.W.?One large single and one < double room; second floor; nicely furnished;! for men. j 11! 11! 121 li ST. N.W.?Furnished room and kitchenette; reasonable summer rent. Rhone. X. 2808-W. 27* 1223 10th ST. N.W.?Furnished rooms for rent: men onljr. 28*_ Idtai PARK ROAD?Bright, airy second-floor rooms in pleasant detached house; closets; electric lights; porch: Mt. Pleasant car. Phone Col. HB81-J. 27* 1323 M ST. N.W.?Facing Thomas Circle; double room; next to bath; also r?K>in for one gentleman. 27* 1307 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.---Well furnished double and single rooms; rent reasonable: la dies only. 27* 1120 13th ST. N.W.?For two gentlemen: large j room: second floor: hot-water heat; electricity;; near bath; $4.T.?keeping; electricity; double rooms; $25 to $35. _ l?fl3 EVE ST.?Very desirable room; water and electricity. _ jj 701 Tf'DOR HALL, 10th and Mass. ave. n.w.? b' Nire 1 v fnrnisneri frr?nl r?v?m with hath- cnnnio n, preferred; private family; reference. 28* JT| 145 llth ST. N.E.?Attractive bay-window bed- ll sitting room: walking distance Capitol; elec- rr tricltjr; phone. 27* () 1644 COLUliBIA RD.?Attractive large room. 2i Huitable for two; brass beds; modern detached 5, residence: spacious grounds; ideal spring and summer location. 28* M' 1118 5th ST. N.W.?Furnished room~~ and kitchenette for light housekeeping. 27* ^ Kit! 6th N.W.?Large front room, 2nd floor; w l.h.k.: $7. 27* f4 114 C 8T. N.W.?Basement room; furnished for l.h.k.: $5 per week. 1* ?r 417 4th ST. N.E.?Two well furnished com- fn munlcating rooms. Lincoln 2105-J. 27* bl APRIL 1st.' large second-floor front room; twin 71 heds; a.m.i.; convenient, desirable city loca- 3 Hon. Can arrange, if young ladies, for use bi kitchen mornings. North 10245. 27* w 1727 F N.W.-?Room, with electricity; good 17 tome for settled white woman in exchange for ro hamber work 2% hour* a day. Call after ?:30. 28* __ JM>1 14th ST.. AFT. 8?One large room suit- go ible for congressman. 81* re 14112 18tl>?Nicely furnished rooms, near Du- Ifl ;>ont .Olrcle; private home; gentlemen. * pi IflTtO MONROH ST. (Mr. Pleasant)?Clean, 13 . omfortable room. Col. 2330-W. 3: iOT~E7TMPITOI. ST.?Large front room, 2nd '? loor: Virginia family. 28 318 3rd St. N.W. m. Large double room; just papered; $13 per 14 nonth for two. gii IPT. 7W. Tt'DOR HAM~ 15 kPT. 8. 1760 COLUMBIA ROAD??u liable for el? nen: may be aeen between 4 and 6 p.m. 27* 17 326 VERMONT AVK.?Nicely furalahed room; J po wat of table board: clone In. 27* 9g vICBLY fvrnltM, bright .room.; front and $9 ?rk: a.m.I.: SSO and $23. Col. 8C33. after 6 jg; > T* M< urr. 5. 120# NORTH OAPITOL ST.?Oomforthie room for one or two gentlemen: modern wo mproTementa: renaonable. Franklin 724k. 28* c,| 311 13th N.W.?-Single and double room*, new Rr r deep rated: roatlnuon* bot water. _28^_ 17. 426 21 at ST. N.W.?Room*: new bonae: two tw tloeka weat of Itiipont Clrrle. J27* g 06 ]2th ST. N.W.?I or 2 neatly fnrrilahed rS ooma: hot water heat: hot and eold rjnning ,, raier: electric ligbt*._ 28* 129 {8th ST.. Apt. fl?Two large annoy room*; arge eloaeta. 29* ("3; ?7 KCOLID 8T. N.W.?On second floor near ? uth; electric lights; telephone; for one gentle- R( aon. 31* 233 IRVING ST. N.W.?Single room, second be( oor; h.-wh.; electricity; porch adjoining. _ iol. 64G7 ^ 27* 261 316 15th N.W.?Large front room, 4 windows, E?J >rge cloaet. phone. 27* 8 HE SAVOY. APT. 21. 2804 14th st. n.w.? *arge. well furnished outside room for 2 gen- 171 lemen; twin beds; telephone. Telephone Ool. ly 598. 27* No 806 FAIRMONT ST.?Nicely furnished room; ? lectriclty. telephone. 26* 15 4t!? N.W.?Very large front room, facing ? *rfc. $7: l.h.k. 26^_ YO 44 N N.W.?large front room and kitchenIte. 27* f? OWNTOWN. OONVBNIBNT TO ALL I>E- 2 artment*. one large front, newly furnished c?r ?m. or 2 communicating rooms, corner 15th ttej nd K sts. n.w. Percy H. Russell Company. 'id 15th st. n.w., corner of K. #r housekeeping.. 27* 531 N ST.?Neatly furnished 2nd-floor room; -w.h.; reasonable. 26* 109 CONN. AVE.?Plrst-class accommodations ? >r 2 or 3 persons; beautiful rooms. Fr. 6182. YO 27* wit - be 117 BUOLID ST. N.W.?Large room, southern ore rpcsnre; water heat; electricity; twin beds; utn asonaMe. Ool. 4541. 27* ? URNIHHBTI ROOM in priv.t. f.mlly for "p. arried couple employed or 2 gentlemen; n{8| m l. Ool. 976-J. 27* >4 14th ST. (opposite park; 3 blocks Treas ry)?One large, clean room adjacent to bath: t.M? ec.; in apt.: ror 1, $2?; 2, $34. Apply 2nd >m after 4:30. 27* 170 KKNYON ST.?Well furnished room, unit?l? for 2: plenty liot w.ter. Col. 790-J. 27 ll-l ? flth 8T. N.W.: flirt H 8T. N.W.?Kunil?h?l ?? w>m?: light housekeeping. 26* T 102 II! N.W.?Large froit room; modern Mine; <*ontinuous hot water; gentlemen only. 122 OAMBRIDG? ST. N.W.?Front room. eaaooable. Phone Weft 2685. 27*. ?/* U6sKovtb-ff&m^ offi< 1810 O at. it.w. 450 rooma; tranalenta, $8.50, $3. $2.50; inning water; telephone each room; bath ad- Jit} Inloa; ratea red need on leaac. HOMA8 C1RCLB?1124 VERMONT?Front om; accommodate two or three. 26* OR RBNT?Rooms with light housekeeping. uy ill Oler. 78ft. 26* 80S 117 UNIVBR8ITY PLACE?Modern front MA om. gentleman. Col. 4882-W. 27* nigi, ill 18th ST. N.W.?Pleaaant room for 8; tlon ar department!; excellent board. Tel. North 323; I*: 10? TO! 18 14th ST. N.W.?Would like a congenial in < ung lndy to share a large delightful room nlon 2nd floor next to bath; continuous hot wa- TW r, ga* and electricity; 2 cloaeta, roof gar- \ n and reception room. 29 M ST. N.W.?Convenient location, large, .,ref tint room: alao single rooms. . 2 5th ST. N.W.?2 connecting room a; elec- r0on ic lights; ateam heat; will rent aingly or en pate ite: no car fare. 26* 143. I RGB. nicely furnished front room, with prlte bath. In new houae; instantaneous hot w?. r: w of phone. Q?U Ool. 9440 after 9. ~ 30* B? 24 17th ST.?2 lane, cool rooms near batli; ctricity: aunts' parlor. 29* gox 19 10th ST. N.W.?Furnished. two noma and i.xfi tchenette. adjotoloa hath: >90 per month. 29* n w 11 IOWA AVE.?Stasia front room, for young dresi ly; between two car Hoes. Col. 8290. 29* y6T 14 PA. XVb. N.W.?CtcfB. attractlre room. In I Joining bath; cootlnuoos hot water; quiet; 87-B one. 27* YOtJ TRY STAG?91 VP. sires BPECIAL WEEKLY. BK8T IN CITY. \ n.w. It OOLClfBIA ROAD?Large south frost Are" in, second floor: big closet, twin beds, firs KHK ndows. Ool. 299PJT . 28* privi 5Tllth'ST. N.W.?2 newly furnished rooms TJPjj it bath. 27* "P-lf IE WTOillSQ. APT. 114?Boom and priests th fee lea tinman. JLGE, plan nan t. well famished front room, TRA liable ne two or Urea gentlemen; h-w.h.: rales ?Udtj; amtbdaail to bath; ualiaKed canes saa: peflcato flans Rr; tanas reaanoaUa. UU ran ? neaaaat at.; phase OntaaWa 4M7. 1* 89-f FOE BENT?BOOMS FIRMSHKI) OR ITXFCR. ROOMS. 1219 HARVARD STREET X.W.-Ptw choiif bright rooms in quiet liome; furnished or unfurnished ; every modern convenience; board optional: strictly home <*ookinft; convenient to 31th and l4th street cars; fifteen minutes fjum Treasury; terms reasonable. 27* 440: four adults. Address Box 265-1). Star office. I.\Fl_ll MMIhl) HUOMM. 1139 4th ST. N.B.?Two .unfurnished moms: heat, gas. 1119 6th ST. N.W. ? 3 or 4 untarnished rooms. 28* 13 MAI'Lft ST.'lTakoitfa Park. D. Two larire communicating rooms for light housekeeping to couple without children; sink and" gaa range: detached bouse; $33 mo. IH43 NTTaPITOL ST. Three room* nntTpon h i emi-private bath: second floor: phone. 27* ?23 X. J. AVK. N.W.--One floor of three or four rooms: very suitable for housekeeping: ;>rice reasonable. 27* T27 6th ST. N.W. -Two unfurnished rooms; private entrance; new paper and paint. 28* 1.128 FKSSENI1EX?3 l.h.k. rooms. 2nd floor, adjoining large porch and bath, to settled congenial couple: no children; at $23. Garage one or. Cleve. 1324.? ' 27* I K ST. N.B.?2 large unfurnished rooms; .h.k.: newly papered and painted. 28* 127 EYE ST. N.W. Two or three rooms on leeond floor, adjoining bath: two r'K>ms, $30; hree. $40; gas aud heat. Apply Sunday niornng between S and 11. 27* 44W 11th N.W.- Two unfurnished light houseseeping rooms. 28.* !62l K ST. N.W.?3 unfurnished rooms and nth; light housekeeping. 829 K N.W.?iT unfurnished rooms; light lOUKeKCPping. 2** 3lM? C ST. N.W.?L.h.k., 4 clean rooms, with as and t. 20* 02 F X.E. 2 first-floor front; 27* IX 11th 8T. BBfl h AM' f8TS.?2 unfurlishod rooms: could Ih? used for business purposes or l.h.k.; gas and electricity. Tuquire lome Fur Shop. K23 lltli at. n.w. 20* j STgriNOY PL. N.w.?2 large housekeeping I ooms; batli; electricity, gas; reasonable to! ight couple. 27* j ^43 CONDUIT KI>. N.W.?3 or 4 unfurnished ,h.k. roooms, suburbs. Take Cabin John car r> Reservoir Seltool. _ 27* 42 0 ST. 8.E.?2 large connecting rooms and itchenette on bathroom floor. 27* 7?Hi 12th ST. N.E.?Three unfurnished rooms. Iso pantry and two porches; $30; no chilien. Phone North 3P89 W. 26* 08 I> ST. S.W.?3 unfurnished rooms for light ousekeepipg. $20 per month. ^ 26* MBCHBAN HOOMH. Vnrit It AN?ATT It ACTIVE LA ItGE 8ECONDoor room in detached house; porches: trees: levelnnd Fark; moderate rental to one or two entlemcn. 3210 Newark st. Clove. 1525-J. 20* .PAHTMKXTS. three. four or five rooms; suitWle for meml>er of Congress: also single and cubic rooms. Mrs. Ilirous, Oxford road, Glen !cho. Cabin John trolley. 27* ROOMS WITH BOARD. 533 loth ST. N.W.?Two large second-floor, nantifiil iwimc ovpi'llwif rc. >0 13th X.W.?Convenient location; bright, | iieerful room: excellent table. 28* J H?T~RILTMORE 8T. X.W.?Attractive front I K?m: h.-w. li.: electricity: reasonable. 27* j VBR!^M?KIX>. 27* HREF large double rooms with excellent ta:e:* sleeping porches: large lawn: twenty inintes' walk from Treasury; men wanted. Phone 'est 2273. 28* LI 4 l#?th ST. X.W.?Two girls. ilTlarge room. ant roommate. . 28* U4 MASS. AVE. ? Attractiv^. large rooms: hhI home table board. - 2ft* i K LI^E R SOX~AVE Cla re ndooTv a f)?Nicely irnished room for two: modern bungalow: two ocks from cars. 27* 13 8th X.W.?Large front room. suitable for or 4. $3o and $40 month: 2 meals and lunch: iHineas section; transients; table board. SO eek. ffl P (DCPOXT CIRCLE)?I)esiruble double om. with excellent l>oard: home privileges. >17 FAIRMONT ST. X.W.?Large, cool, front om, balcony. 2 closets, electricity, phone; od fable; ladies or married couple:; asonable. 27* 03 C(>NX. AV H.?Large room, refined peo tr. permanent or transient. 26* 32 COLCMIUA ROAD?I>arge. fronf room for _ also room for 2: first-class meals. Col. 30* 27 27tl? ST. N.W.?Bright double room: prite home; good table; reasonable; near Wardin Park Inn. 20* 22 It. I. AVE. N.W.?Can accommodate 3 flu after April 1st: moderate rates. 26* 37 Ij ST. N.W.?Rooms, single, en suite: prite baths, with board. 20* 26 L ST. N.W.?Double room, single beda. ?ctfic 1 ights. 27 1 23 CX)NN. AVE.?Attractive rooms, well ap- * inted home; good table. 27* j 3 H N.W. (downtown) ?Itoom with board. ' week. 29* j 17 RILTMORE ST. N/W.?Single-and don- ; ? room in a refined home; exceptional meals. ' 27*_ | !)6 K ST. N.W.?Desirable rooms with ex- ' [lent hoard in high-clam house: all home ivileges;*i?rge. shady grounds. West 707. I 19 Q ST. N.W.?Fur. rooms, second floor. in beds, elec.. table beard. 26* LBl'RBAX ROOMS WITH BOARD. J "TR ACTIVE ROOMS, convenient Walter e1; electricity; private; new home. * >OM* WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. ?3 1st ST. N.W.?Large front room; twin Is. A single room. With or without board. 27* 17 13th ST. N.W.?3 large rooms, bath and ch; single or en suite. Coinmbla 5829. 27* IOWA CIRCLE?Large, bright room, sec1 floor, with porch. rrw. N.W.?Beat reaidencesectlan: newfur. rooms; all modern conveniences. rth 1667. 30* WANTED?ROOMS T'NG WOMAN, employed, desires cool room lllftafiln. In n ? *** u.w. ririne ?. e rat*. .Address Box 3.VE, Star office. 27* ITXFfnXISHED KOOMS ne?r 14th ?tr?tt * by employed couple. tiive rate and par- { liars. Address Box 342-I>, Htar office. 27* * I NFrRNISHKD ROOMS for l.h.k. by 2 i lits and child 3 years; electricity preferred; F of yard. Address Box 20-K. Star office. u 37* t APRIL J. large front room and kitchen- ? H u.m.i. Phone N. 10314. 27* ? \ UNO MAN, single, desires outside room o li two usual meals; private family; must 5 modern convenience* and refined; near Rock r ek car lines; references exchanged. Address *j : 77-E. Star nffl.-e. p QJ'IKT OOri'I.B. both omploywl. no chil- j1 n. one large room and kitchenette, unfurled or partly furnished, by April 1st.; must reasonable. Address Box 5-E. Star offi??e. C 27* n .'DlO and small retiring room, convenient ij tiatli, at once. Address Box 64-E. Star . T- T J8K- e I) (XiNN. AVE.?2 or 3 unfurnished rooms y light housekeeping. B. Duffy. 28* ft O GOVT. MEN. permanent. 2 adjoining al na. modern, near hath, near Interior l>ept.; ni over $50. Address Box 320-D. Stur office, li . . 26" in DM with sleeping porch: near Chevy Chase C le; references. Address Box 831-D, Star Ft ?* ? PLOYED COUPLE desire one or two di ns and kitchen; electricity; permanent if J* sfactory. Kent must be reasonable. State :al in reply. Address Box 350 D, Star office. t f, )M for two ladies, employed. Private fam- ov preferred. Stute price. Address Box r*i P. Star office. 26" ^ UIt 1101 > COUPLE, employed, desire fured room by April 1; any desirable loca- io< : reasonable; state terms. Address Box 1). Star office. 26" ^ 'N(? MAN desires single room' in apartment ur lieorgetown; price not to exceed $15 per t-, th. Address Box 320-P. Star office. 26" ^' 0 OK MORE rooms with kitchenette. April II. 8. L.. 307 Evans bid*. tNISflED ROOM, young man, n.w.; apt. ij] erred. Address Box 238-D. Star office. 2fl" Mt (jENTLEMAN in government service quiet *n' 1 within mile distance north or west of on nt office; state particulars. Address Box "P P. Star office. 27' ANTED?ROOMS WITH BOARD. a u?i>i ikeuua.i is omce, a iirf | d right rot i and board in private family. Term* itj enable. References exchanged. Address 101 805-D, Star office. 27* Utf GE ROOM and bath, with tabla board; an section; by man and wife; refined. Ad- $5( i Box 37-E, Star office. 27* 3 NO JAPANESE desires room and board api ?rivate home: state price. Address Box P*: , Star office. 28* 841 NO MAN, employed in Treasury Dept., de- BE room and board in private family; in n.i section east of 14th st. preferred. Ad- 100 1 K?s 302-D. Star office. 26* jsTf I NED COUPLE desire room and board In bat ite family or boarding house near; con- Ne *nt to depta. Address Box 825-D, Star bal 26* _ COUHTBY BOABD. ? INkD NUE8B will board and car, tor cod- j*j least or tldtrif patients, also mBt 1, ob taaa bmt WmUscub. ifapV wood ? Sfdmg, M4. 9M. Mr TABLE BOARD. THD TINTERN. 730 17tb at. n.w.?Brftkfast, luncheon, dinner; table d'hote and a la carte. Special dinner and supper Raster. ^7* OLYMPIA CAFE. PARK ROAD INN. 14tli and Euclid. 1410 Park r?!. Breakfast. 7 to 0. '?*c and 4M. KITCH { eiM ftp and hath; married couple preferred: $70} : pel month. Address Box 01 K. Star office. AFBCTTBSOSB: KItcHEN and BATH": I ! ath; laun , I r- - - . I'uvnr. JIVIUIII^K VI liner I ; ??. 29* 101# ^ST\TTHITKOYDON?3 AWRACTIVEl.r furnished room* and kitchen. 27* i 1717 17th WW.. APT. 47 ?WILL TURJf OVER I lease to one rootn. kitchen and bith apartment. new building, to party buying furniture: imj mediate possession. Rent. $.*>0. 3083 l.ltli strxrw. 3 nillCHT ROOMS AND I kitchenette. Will divide into 2-room and 1rooin apartments if desired. _ I TO ADT'LTS. AUi OF R ROOM APAHTMKNT except ??ne room: in high-class apartment 1 ^?tiae; $QO. Address Box #-lC. Star offlcH. 27* 323 MD. A VP,. X.E.-t ROOM AND HITCH enette, fuynifthed for l.h.k.. for employed person*. 27* unoi i?th st. x.w.. apt. 201?five rooms and bath. attractively furnished, flrst-cl.iffs building. $200 per month. Apply to resident Timnneer or llw. WoI ? - 1 '** * r' Hit II HIT. SCNNY. F CRN IRHKD A PA RT meiit. 4 rooms and bath. conven t nt t?> downtown. until Oct. 1. Plume North ft450-J. 27* 143R N BWTON" ST S\W7?F< >U LB A S B. adults. $90 mo.: l?edrARMS kitchen. private hath, glassed and screened porch. well furnished: modern: suitable for medium-sized family or 3 or 4 .voting ladies. Col. 8124-W. 27* 914 22nd ST. X.W.. APT. 1?TWO ROOMS and hath. 2K* j ano n st. n.w.?3-room fiat: convex- I' ienees. $33 per mo. Phone FrankPn 2403. 27* i RY APRIL 1. TWO ROOMS. KITCHENETTE! and t>atli by married couple: must he reason- j I ahl*JL?ra 11 North 237w W 27* j WANTED?A CONOKNIAirciRT TO SHARK i an attrnetive apartment; fine location. Call j , after 5:30. 2000 10th st. n.w.. the Halfour. j Apr. r?3. North 1017. 27* j 1 jiS 5 ST. NW.. SKOONIt FLOOR FRONT? Attractive and convenient 4-roora and hath i apt.: new building: a.m.i.: very low rental. . Will sublease to purchaser oF furniture: available April 15. Oarage in rear: low rental. Phone West llofi-j. 27* MT. PLEASANT, FRONTING PARK?TWO J rooms. kitchenette. ?-edar closet, tile hath, pri- : vate porcii. $75. Pol. 759E-W. 27* ' 421 ?th st. n.w*.? 1 larre room apart- J ment with bath, for light housekeeping: elee- j trie lights; modern conveniences. 27* ; 1.737 O NT. N.W.? APT. 3 ROOMS. KITCHEN ' and bath. fur.: elec.. gas. Price. 370. 27* t POSSESSION- APRIL 1?3 ATTRACTIVE I outside rooms in modern apartment house, best t 0.w. section: no children: referen<-e?. Address f Rot 1G-E. Star office. 27* f K33 22nd ST. N.W.?3 ROOMS. ENTIRE 2nd t floor, bath adjoining; walking distance depart- ? ments; gas furnished: laundry privileges. 27* i 5-ItOOM. COMPLETELY AND ATTRACTIVE- i 1.v furnished, front apartment: ?*entrally lo- J ca ted. $100. April 1st. Franklin 31d-W._ 27* y rBI.HAM POITRTK?ROOMS. JilTPffEN. n bath and porch: southern exposure. (Sill N. d *27. Br. IWT. after 5 p.m. j 2001 16th ST. N.W., APT. 201?.' ROOMS f and bath, attractively furnished, first-class u building. $200 per month Apply to resident a manager or the Washington Loan and Trust n Jo. ' c M0f 16th ST. N.W.. APT. 301?5 RO&M8 AND 1 bath, attractively furnished, flm-class bnild- a ing. $200 per month. Apply to resident mint- A ter or the Washington Loan and Trust Co. (] N'BAR CONN. AVE. Bill DOB?COMPLETE * furnishings of Groom apartment for sale, d H..700: also privilege of lease of apartment ? intil October: rent $110 per month. Address ? Box 159-D. Star office. n FIVE ROOMS AND BATH; o central; $12.7 per month. v Call Franklin 73H0-J. 27* ? 13.78 KENTON ST. Three-room and hath apartment: P light housekeeping; third floor. 27* rHR WBSTOOCRT. 8404 prospbct~ave7. Georgetown?For quiet adults, three rooms, kitchenette, bath; $45. Two small rooms, kitchenette, bath; $30. 27* s: f~BRIGHT ROOMS AND BATH* L.H.K.; outbern exposure: balcony; h.-w.h.; gas; elecricity; central. Call 317 New York ave. or ft rhone North 3873 after 5 p.m. 26* ! LARGE ROOMS. FORMING COMBINATION ? Iving and bedroom: dining room and kitchen: ~ rrivate bath; all modern conveniences; suitable ? or 3 girls or married couple. Call North G302. H fKT? tf lTTIANTIO CITT? FURNISHED APT.?SIX; ? oomi, two batlis. hot and cold aoa water; will la ent (or 3. 4 or 5 months. Boardwalk and At- ? antic are.; prirate phone. Address ROBERT .. CROFTS. 13 N. St. Katlierine'a place, ttlantlc City, N. J. 27* _ AOANT APRII. 1?3-ROOM. KITCHENETTE J? nd bath. modern: instantaneous liot . water, r~ all any time. Col. W3. 27* JJj OR LEASE?5 ROOMS AND BATH APT., m ear Carnegie Library, to party who will buy &e he fnrniture of the present tenant. Price of lei urniture. $750 cash. P. J. WAU3HE, INC., 21 35 13th st. n.w. ba WANTED?MARRIED COUPLE (CHILD NOT bjectionablF) or two girls to share comfortable 17 room apt., near Knickerbocker Theater; very nanonable. Col. 195, after 6 p.m. 27* IE AUTI FULLY FURNISHED. TWO BEDr#om. living room, dining room, pantry and itchen, very light and attractive apartment, i the Wyoming. North 2941. Apply Mauger's Office. *? ECII. APT. not'SE, 15th AND I, STS.?ONE c,f doiu and bath, lease. $450 per month; 2 rooms K" nd bath, $75 per month. RBSTON APARTMENTS. 1743 P ST. N.W. Kr iear Dupont Circle)?2 rooms, kitchen, hath. W >mpletely furnished. 26* tai OR RENT APRIL 1st?2-ROOM AND BATH. **?? irnished. apartment, near 14th and H sts.: 1 iso furnishings for 5-room housekeeping apart- n ent. Phone Franklin 4HB. 20* YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN APARTent register with APARTMENT AND HOME [>., 500 Bond bldf. 1>0R ROOMS AND BATH; NICE KffCHE.N. 22 impletely furnished, including piano, aUyer, sues, iinen. gss ana telephone; ail ror >83: 7r, lildren taken: possession April 1. Apply after 80. T10 14th B.W., Room 3W. 28* FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. ~ IR RENT?APARTMENT OF 4 ROOMS, a.n erlooking Soldiers' Home a rounds. Apply 3 SOlI-i TALBOTT A PP.. 1006 N. Y. are. bat 08 OIJFTON ST. N.W.?VERY ATTRAO- J re. 1 or 2 rooms and kitchenette; beautiful * ration; reasonable. rOXELEIGH COURT, CONN. AVSL AND L N( .?A few desirable apartments, furnished or tfurnished: restaurant. Inquire office. lff~C()UD0N, APARTMENT SPECIALIST. to ft rooms; fur. and unfur.; month or jear. V. 520 Colorado Bldg. Main 583 ne VDSCAL OPPORTUNITY TO SUBLET? A ] >st attractive, new. up-to-date hoaeekeep- 1 f apartment; from May 1; southwest corner rr> 16th at.: cool for aammer; terma to ault plirant. Inquire Apt. 288. The Hsdlelgh. 28* gQi J UNFURN IgHBD. A. th AND OOL.UMB1A ROAD?FOUR IaAROB Vol ma, bath; ITS. Including can. heat, electric'. telephone; between tw car linen. ooi. ?~ 182. 28* 142 roFAIRRONT?-two AN"D TfcUUHD ROOMS "J2 1 hath apartments; can, dortrirlty; phono. ) and 880. IT* 18a ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH. 8TR8T-GLAR8 hot rtment house, Oolumbta Heights, 880 mo., fun ystale 8 months In advance. Addition Box seei f-D. 8t?r office. 718 rTHhBDA. MD.?t ROOMS AND BATH; NR a.i.; One lawn and shade. Boot, 842. SO a abR nth. H. L. LEWIS. 1422 F St. Fr. 7888. trie ;ar 10th AND F N.w^-* Ro6Ma JlNd J0" lb ddA U, ?ww yc* SUV. ar l&th and Ool. road?3 room, kitchen and WA^Sb^A^BROWM. 14fl0 P.W. FU1 nt; prtmte *both. Okee to the Bboreham ^rro^ J^UtaaaWtt an b66tta Iboih.eoch; a*?Mj. Uahtnc tag fntatnhed; ?0 ^ r,o^F*" ?* ss 1MB Ore at. Main 4TBB. on APABTMENTS TO LET CWrHMSHKP-r?liHB?H. 1S33 K ST. N.W.?3-ROOM APARTWENl for rfnt for S3S. ti> ti i??-t i.itntwu n.\\* Ol uTt U i"'" iir,.> i. ni/A ?x i>. OFFICE. t YOU ST NEAR 14th?S ROOMS ANI> BATH h.-w.h.: electricity; newly papered and painted. Immediate possession. $?5A. SHANNON A LPCH8. 711 14th st. Main ?45. HAI>LEIgii Am.. APRIL 1-ONE BOOK, breakfast rooni? kitehenette. dressing room and batli: partly furnished. Apt. 8J* SINK. r,.\s RAN..K, BLBCIIIO LIGHT* hot-water Appiv 1244 Maryland are. n.e. Lincoln 3377 J. _ 28* N'ON IKX SKKBH'IM; AC.VliTkE.VTS. u>cated at 929 H st. n.w Two room* and bath each: electric lighta; steam heat. Ready for occupan ct. * \\ M. T. BALLARD, 1214 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. THE AMBAS8ADOB, S.W. cor. lftth and S sta. n.w. No. 103? 1 room and bath, open $50 00 H R. HOWENSTEIN CO.. 1S14 F at. n.w. TTIE AI.ToN. JOIS P ST. N.W. No. 31?3rd flov front; 4 pood large room* and bath; o|?en for inapection; no children $60.00 H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO., 1314 V at. n.w. 1712 PENNA.AVE. N.W ?TWO ROOMS AND hath; rent. $35 per month. GEO. W. LIN KINS. 1719 K at. BEAITIFCI. APARTMENT, rontaininc mrxeu rooma and three hatha (Including two serranta' rooma and hath): new building. intersection Connecticut arc.. X and 18th at*. Inspection between S and 5 o'clock. Possession June 1. WILKINS SECURITIES CORPORATION. 1514 H st. O.W. 1408 GIRARD St~N.W.. THE PERKINR, Apartment 42?Two rooms, kitchen and bath. $75. WM. P. NORMOYLE. 810 V st. p.w. APARTMENTS FOR RENT IN The Chastleton, Sixteenth Street at R. New Addition Now Ready. The F. H. Smith Company, Exclusive Ajrent. 815 Fifteenth Street. i22s~mi>. avb-\7r.?for rent. rsfrfTnr?!jed. 2 ror*ns and kitchenette; all modern improvements, by April 1st. 26* IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Modern two-roorf? and bath nonhnusekeepin^ apartments; downtown location. THE CHACMONT. 1336 Eye sr.. overlook in* Franklin Park. MOOIUS_& HILL. INC.. 1422 H ST. N.W. | WANTED?APARTMENTS TWO RfK)MS. 'KITOHKNETTB AND RATH by April 5th; downtown section. Will buy fnmftnre. Address Box 43-E. Star office. 28* I TWO OR THREE ROOMS. KITCHEN AND l>ath. furnished, by married couple; no children; near car line: convenient to bureau of standards. Address Box 55-K. Star office. 27* UNFURNISHED APT.. TWO OR THERE rooms and bafli. in n.w. section, by April 15; must be reasonable; married couple. Address Box 13-E. 8+ar office. 27* WANTKD?BY NAVAL OFFICER. A 3 OR 4 room furnished apartment within 2 miles of i nary yard: liave two children, ayes 1 and 3. Address H. W. DREHER. Optical shop, nary rard. or call Cleveland 340-J. 27* WANTED?IN N.W SECTION. BY APRIL 15. two rooms, kitchenette, imth. in apt. house. Address liox 312-P. Star "Iticc. _ Mi REE ROOMS. UNFITRNISHEI). NOMmuaekeeping. two adults. Address Box 293-D, Star office. 27* flY SETTTLKD COUPLE. 8 ROOMS. BATH ind kitchenette: u.m.i.; unfurnished; in apartnent house or private hf Treasury; reasonable. Address Box 7-E, ttar oflj'f. 27* UNFURNISHED. 2 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE ind bath, not over JWU, by April 1. Call idams 533. 27* FA NOTED?2 OR 3 ROOM HOUSEKEEPING part me nt, apartment house; 2 adults. AdTevn Box 38-E. Star office. 27* "WO TO FIVE ROOM. FURNISHED OR UNurnished. for housekeeping; must hams gss nd electricity sad be in school ward of 10th nd H sts. n.w.; with garage preferred: price tost be reasonable. Addreeb Lock Box 1306. ity. 27* 'WO RIRLS DBSI&H OffittSBB H.Kl pt. within walking distance inanitions bldg. pril 15. Address Box 285-D. Star office. 36* ?NE ROOM. KITCHENETTE AND BAlST lount Pleasant preferred: reasonable. Adrvss Box 2G1-D. Star office. 27* FANTEI)?RY APRIL 15. CNrURNISHKD nartment. three or four rooms and bath: in orthwest section. Address Box 176-1), Star ffice. 26* IB HAVE TENANTS FOR TOUR APARTlents. Agent or owner pays no com mi?Ion. APARTMENT AND HOME CO.. boneMain 2261. 500 Bood bldg. FOB BENT?HOUSES FPRXIBHKP. 120 PARK PL.?? ROOMS. POROHB8. H.W. pat, elec. light; second floor can be used as >mplete aportment; entire house completely , irnisbed; $75. PETTY A PETTY, 1423 New York are. Main 5127. , TTRAOTTVBLY FURNISHED 1S-ROOM 1 ick boose on 18th st. near Dupont Circle? ,-w.h.; a.mi; 3 baths; good servants' qoar- ' rn; ga rare. Lessee leaving city will aacri- J e at $250 per month for remainder of lea? ' tpiring June 15. Rental can be continued j ter. Call A. L. BARROWS. Main 2615. 27* 1 3147 17th ST. N.W. ' Famished house. 8 rooms. 2 hatha. Pill 8290. 27^_ * 33 J EPPERSON PLACE N.W.?1? ROOMS ] id 2 baths: all modern improvements; long A ane: nicely furnished; rent reasonable. 40 ft tit. n.w.?22 rooms and 5 baths; all 4 odern improvements; bail room; separate rvants' quarters; beautifully furnished; Ions < 29 lianeroft place n.w.?12 moras and 4 j ths; English basement; all modern improve- J wits; lease IS months; nicely furnished. 35 19th st. n.w.?11 rooms and 3 hatha; >dern improvements; nice location; rent from iril 1st to Jan. 1st. 20 loth st. n.w.?10 rooms and 2 baths; avcnient to downtown section of city; lease the year. < THOMAS J. FISHER & CO.. INC.. * tin 6830. 738 15th at. n.w. < IMPORTABLE BIGHT-ROOM HOUSE AND c wping porch; all modern consanieuces; op- ? Kite park; $120 a mo. on yearly lease. (fell t anklin 2333 after 9:30 a.m. 27* ( IKIDLKY PARK .SECTION?0 ROOMS. 2 C ths; tastefully furnished; a.m.i.; $175 per e . 3 porches, large yard, far summer or C liter. Columbia 4533-J. 27* S I. AVE.?10 BOOMS. 2 BATHS; A.M.L; p nplctclT furnished: K!H.r? per mouth. ' MrKHEVElt A GOBS, r 1405 Err ?t- Main 4752. * i N. H. ATE. NEAR PARK ROAD. FOB E it for tlx month, or one rear. >ix comfort- i, le, well lighted rooms, pantry end bsth, dec- ,, e. lights And |U range: nenr cmr lines, i, 100U, churches morlng Die tons, stares sad ? rfcet. Phone Old. 8150-J. ? B LTXORE ST.?8 BOOMS AND 2 BATHS; >.1.; <175. 1 1st st. (near Dupoot Orde)?14 rooms. A 1 he; a m.l ; $800. Rth st.?IS rooms and 8 hatha: a.m.L ; $255. tilt mo re at.?10 rooms and 2 baths; a.m.L ; ORTHWEST REALTY CO., 18th and Columbia road n.w. Pbona Ool- 4874-J. r- r\ u t A rrv t?i> a / wtari r w-% E.K. I All 1UVL HVfi t^UJK- ] r house near 21st and O sts.; j bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 servant's 3m; possession April 15 or oner. Asking $250 per month. >ply Randall H. Hagner Co, Si 37 Conn, ave. ? L MONTAGUE sr. N.Wv? BOOMS AND ft > bxggs rr.tmr n booms. 2 baths. water beat, electricity; ami; completely itahed; excellent condition. Immediate pos[ioo. 1100 a month. SHANNON A LOCH 8, 14th at. Mala 2S45. _ IB 17th AND PARK ROAD?A DE8IR- en i hoooe, hating olz rooms and bath; else- at lights, hot-water heat; front and rear la Acs. awnings and screens; well furnished: ha1 rent until Nor. 1 or 15 to adults only; gel rences required; rant, $100 per month, lti Col- B211-J. . |2 INI8HED HOUSE, GOOD LOCALITY, foi 8 months or more, for board of owner and = : references. Address 1?B-D. Bur ogee. IU our "furnished" LIST ji?? or iso wt Z "bsast^rdtohi'is im? ui n?E. RBTAIVin* second floor; central n.w. Address 2>7D. Star oflW. 27* ltlo h ?l kjt.-i c-fsom. h rath S. Bnfllah bisMDMit house: 1a food condition; all r modern improvements: 2 era. lea sr. THOMAS J. FISH BR * CO.. INC.. 718 l&Ui st. a w. i?H4 21st ST. X.W.-TWaVB ROOMS AND four baths; gas aud electricity; furnace heat; cry desirable home; pent by the year, rannon able. THOMAS 1. riSHDR A OTV. TVO. Main #?. IS* l.Sth ?t. m.w. ; N*KW. niyrACHWP BOOL NTIAR WAUTTR Rred Hospital. Id rooms and bath, will be finished about April 1Mb. Rent.. $l?r? per mo. THOMAS W. FOWLER 4 bON. r n.w. 1 oomni RBGins-iu: ukb nam. bath ?nd wirepins porch. a.m.i.; $12^ per m?. 1*. ST< NEAR lrtrh?TVn rooms, two baths; , a.u.1.; aouiMf* garasc; ^ per nio. M-hKEYRR * 14/15 Rye st. Main 4752. ' 174H 8 HT. X'w. A moat desiraNe home. containing mom* ami two hath*. hot-water heat. pa*, electricity. Property i$ in perfect condition. vacant. I*irire brick pa rape for two car*. Open for inspection. I??a*e for term of ynr?, S'Jfio month. Apply OWNER. 321 Southern Mdg. Phone Maiti 7M& 1* FOR RFN'T?MAY 1. ON PARK BOAB. QBNB square from Arcade, large three-story house; twelve rooms. two hatha, with all modern improvement*. Including PitlBwrsb automatie hot water heater; newly pa;Hid and painted throughout: suitable for fanfly residence or rooms, very good income in house at present, i Address Ro* 299 P. Star office. 27 FOR RKNT^fi ROOM DU KIJ.ISG AND CE.U tar; ho! water boat: atahio tare* 'in <;? aro . *.V> A. T. HOL.TZMAN. 1X? X. I. iw. M. M?. COI>OKKI??.4.-KOOM AMI RATH BRICK aomi-dotachori buuv. colonial porch, aonthoa.t; M<>J?or tn.'r.Th Room J4, Hl? ltth at. AW. COLORED?BUT TOUR OWN HOME. B.M atarta you EDW M MrNRBLSY. BRADFORD A OO . mg Too at. a w. WANTED?TO BENT BY I1EMAIU.B UOCrU!. UN FURNISH KB 5 or 6 room bouse in suburbs: must be reasonable. Address Kox <84?? P. Star office. 2S* wanted fFrnTshkiT iiousf: op ? to * rooms; detached preferred; modern and in northwest section or Chevy Chase; In replying give full {particulars: reference* furnished. Address Boi 813-I>. Star office. 21* MI'ht HAVJTTTY AfRILIT rNVVknuukd. not lows than 6-room house or 5-room apartment: 911 C at. n e. Lincoln 27* WILL" PAT MO VINO BXPltNilS TO OBtain .Vroom apt. or ft-room bouse; must be reasonable. Address Box ^71 D. Star office. '21* (X>NGBE88 M AS" DUflREti TO RKSrf A. home in the northwest at a reasonable price. Col. 487W. WISH ST R RKNT POR srMWKR SMAIX HOUSE WITH GARDEN SPACE; OH^itc sone Willing paj aenaoa'a rent in advance, which mnat be reasonable. Address Bos 81 I\ Star office. WANTED?^TO RENT PNFCRM8HED HOfsl seven to nine rooms; a.m.i.; rent mnat be reasonable; will pay quarterly in advance. Address Box 180-D, Star office. * WILL RHNT OR BUY WITH LITTLB OARH and small monthly payments. 6 to 8 room house, rood white neirhborbood, northwest or suburbs. Address Box 2MM>. Star office. 27* FURNISHED HOUSE OB APARTMENT, To accommodate four adults, preferably In a*e.; must be neatly furnished and wson Me ia price. Address Box 272-D, Star office. TT* _ OFFICES ACT) STUDIOS lis > feT. WW. FOURTH rLOOb?Mxf: larxe noni; running water and electricity; newly papered and painted: ?ui table far atodio or office. (6S. SHANNON * J AT CHS. 713 14th at. n-w. Main 1345. THE CENTURY ROTIAHNG. 411! 5th ST. N.W. Very desirable rooms. Single or en suit*. $18 to $20 per room. THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. INC* 788 15th n.w. Main 6880. FREE PE8KROOM IK MODERN BUILDING to lady who will stay in during afternoon* Room 410. 818 l'.th st. n.w. _ PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS?NEWLY RFmodeled office so i tea. The Park wood. 1746 K st. a.w.: 2 rooms and reception hall each. ALLAN E. WALKER A CO* lac.. SIB 15th at. n.w. OFFICE HO. 1204. S21 15th ET.?$6T? monthly; magnificent mahogany equipment; or will transfer lease for 65% present coat. 9th and Penn. Ave. N.W. 2,500 aquar# feet of 28 New York tn. a.w. WAHTBD. |OKB COO M. C.VSTR.VISH?; TS THE Woodward bids- State prices, ddtaa Box 318-1). Star office FOB RENT?STORES LEASE OF STORE FOB BALK. 4 TEAKS. rraaoaaUo not; in boot business location; suitable for any be; sis SOS Address Box IE. Star office. STORE AND 4 BOOMS WITH BATH; AJm.1T: in best business section, northwest; low rant; rood lease. TPS H ?t. n e. ? 1531 14th ST. N.W.?DBBIRABLB STORE. IV excellent condition, newly papered and painted: new electric fixtures. Lease $100 monthly to desirable tenant. DOUGLASS E. BULLOCH A CO.. 334 Southern bids Phone Main 744$. 1* FOR SALE?LOTS fAKOllA PARK, HI).?LOTS. SOxllA. WITH all improvements, sold on small monthly parmeats. Col. 581S-W. IV CHEVY CHASE WITH MPROVKMBSTS. 50 aq. ft.?McKinley near Broad Branch road. Broad Branch road near Patterson. Nevada are. near Nebraska are., Livingstone and Legation near Oram. are. Addresa Box 348-D. Star ogee. 3* BOK1NGTON ?CORNER LOT; SJJO ABOVE assessed value; Ml bargain. Phone North 5437. TP BARGAIN BUILDING LOT?ON KARA. AVE. n.w.; $415 to quick buyer. Mils? Box JS4-D. Star office. BP brm>*r or investor-is HBfflnm high loti. M Mock from ot. com; aoor 3rd tod BltMkHK sts n.w.; 10 cento uq. ft. Address Box 388-D. 8tor olBrr. * i 31 -FT. LOTS. BUCHANAN BM'BEKii 13th ind 14th ots. n.w., where popular-price mr souses aril before completion. Phono OWNER, Lpt. 406. North 3?0. oftrr 7 p.m. STuons FOB SOUS IN BUKK 8th AND 0th. L and Pla. are. n.e. L lot for aale on South Capitol at. near H at. L lot for sale, corner lat at. and L a.w. L lot for aale, corner lat and q ata. q.?l L lot for sale on E it. bet. 22nd and 2M m.w. B. W. MggBM, 224 O at. n.w. Buy Now and Baild Your Home. Smnl eplenOJdly locotrd building Ml mnd >thrr properties in Chevy Cbsse. D. O. loir mni ana low prices. Coll Ool. 019 or odIrees S81T7 Livingston St. n_w ond let Mr. lord show you properly at 39c per foot ci elled by none. 1IOFTLAND8 OP THE POTSJMAC?CHOICE wilding sites sbore grade, overlooking the 'ondnlt id. and Potomac river, fronting on londait td. ond on Jewett St.; sewer, water. lecUtcity available: A to IB cents sq. ft. TMte lobln John or Chain bridge ear to Jewett st. ee \V. V. JACKSON, 5424 Conduit rd. Phone Jcve. 483 IARAGB LOTS POR SA1JB?PrfetJO GAsge site near 10th and L n.w.; will call on easonahle terms or assist in financing building; emit granted. Address OWNER, Bex 394-1), tar oflics. ROM PlTk TO THIRTY PRIVATE GARAGE ts. suitable for commercial purposes; near nion station; three alleys. Address OWNER. ox 263-D. Star ottce. CHEVY CHASE DESIRABLE HOME BUILDING SITES. Better Improvements, Mora Pleasing Environment; Lower Prices. FOR GREATER VALUE. Buy Now?Convenient Terms. 'HOMAS J. FISHER & CO, INC, 738 15th St N.W. Phone Main 6830. TILPERa. ATTENTION ? 186.000 SQCAKJ ?t at (nod OB Rhode Island m. turn feal ???-, la the Dtatriet, oaytnlng ML MmU it. ^price. jn ?mhi waee.lwt^flhmit # PRATHER & ROBINSON, ldt^and^ew Tid^ Mala Wt > Ton REALISB THAT 16c 8Q. PT. FOB gaud In tkt northweat D. C-, nenr Mas*, e. and Wla. a**., ta not'aa mnefa aa ground Billing for la laaa desirable sections? I ra teore lota than I can Mid aa and will I a few at 19c ft. ALLAN a HUiXU, 16 T st. n.w. Tb. ovfcftiobKINo lets W. AHb 01T?; aale cheap. Oall Pel. ?H? after 9 > _ WASTED?LOTS. ?6tj wa?T topfc am LMM pay. tad fate eyfc odd.oasBff g^-Q, Sty edfc^. LfrTTO?BT BCIUBB. MgDOTJUOTOB