Newspaper Page Text
FOUND. JlDTO T1RB?Mot. 38. ?21. on Howtrt to??l Anteostit, D. O. J. Fiummer, 517 iHowara M. so. i ilUFF. Writ? description. MU? H??. S104 P ?t. n.w. ? LOST AIREDALE) PUP, nearly frown. Reward. 2930 Carlton ave.. Woodrldge. 7* BAG?Brocaded gold and fray duvetine bag, containing money; bet. G and H on 15th st. * on H between 15th and 16tb, or on 10th be tween II and K. Return to 1017 10th at. Re ward. Phone Franklin 7337. 7* BAR PIN, black onjz, aet with diamonds. Liberal reward. Phone Franklin 0870. 7* BEADED RAO, containing money in bill*: Sat urday morning on Mass. are. between 14th and XIth sts.: reward. Cumberland apartments. Franklin 1830-J. ? Boston bull terrier, white and brown. Re-1 ward. return 012 H s.w. 8* BOSTON BULL PUP. male, dark brindle, four White feet, white stripe up face. Liberal re ward. 1508 Rhode Island are. Frank. 80. 7* BRACELET?Flexible gold, set with square cut amethyst; during holidays. Reward equal to value of bracelet given for Its return. Val ued as a keepsake. Apt. 4, 1322 15th st. n.w. Frank. r>8*3. 9* BRACELET?Within the last few weeks; flex ible bracelet. 53 diamonds in center, with 107 ?quare-cut sapphires on the side. Liberal re ward if returned to 1723 Massachusetts ave. a^w. CANE, stout dark wood, crooked handle, silver tipped with initials "D. J. M.." silver band with words "Ship Lawrence 1812." Reward. Return to George A. Ricker, 421 Union Trust t>ldf. 7* i DOG?Black and white setter. Reward. Re turn to 3248 Rittenhouse st.. Chevy Chase. Cleveland 1185. EYEGLASSES, gold rimmed; Friday; about 6th and F sts. n.w. Return to Dworkin, 019 F at. n.w. Reward. 8* GLOVE, gauntlet, black: on Sunday. Reward. 410 Bond bldg. Main 3934. 7* GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN. Waterman, without cap; Jan. 5. Walker, 1754 Q st. n.w. Phone Korth 10333. 8* HANDBAG?Black siik, containing coin purse and ring set with diamond and ruby. Finder return to 3171 18th st. and receive reward. 7* fiANDBAG with sum of money, Jan. 5, be tween 3 and 5 o'clock, on D st. between 7th ?nd 10th, or on 7th between F and Pa. ave.. or on 17th and Pa. car to s.e. Reward. E. Mayer. 1418 K s.e. " MUFF?Squirrel; child's; Xmss present; be tween 1331 N st. n.w. and 1331 Vermont ave. ?,w. Liberal reward. Frank. 3800. 9* JfECKLACE?Pearl necklace, Tuesday after Boon, Rial to Theater. Phone North 2570. Re ward T wru. ? ? . | ttEOKPIECE. squirrel. Jan. 5. Jth I Md 2nd. on Fa. ?t>. ?... Lincoln 4K14-W. | ?AY ENVELOPE on Thursday. Jan. 5. 19?. afr.r 4 P m.. contsininR the earnings of a sick ladr. Please return ?nd recei.e reward. Col. 0Krn. 2R2.1 271 h st. n.w. Z TKtr^BTBOOK?Will psrty Who Pi(-Jed,. "p pookotbook containing check, rtiamond rin* watch and Change on 14th ,t. car kindly call Clarendon 84-J-2. Reward. SlNG-f-ady-a .mall gold aqjSmifto: flav. Chevy Chaw car. Reward. SSaw^ * Bniwn Co.. 1114 F st. _? ? - ?ASH. henna colored canton crepe. Rew*J" ? Columbia 1443. ? ? WRIST WATCH?Gold with^ seversl ^pale amethysts on a snap bracelet, A. L. w. to"AdT?. WC!%t. 22. *2139 Wyoming utt. Phone North WANTED?HELP AGE*TS. It WT IT HAS ARRIVED?That corablna tion disability and saving* policy: caatii sur render and extended insurance year. Something new in casualty Aaents wanted. Fine side line 'or live men. Ceo. C. Donohoe. Jordan bldg.. 1301 O st. n.w. ljVE. energetic, clean men to ?nce in amount, from $100 to J100.000 ex oeNent company; liberal commission. Also 3 anod health and accident Insurance meiK Best "n-tn-date policies; clean and square company, miaul contract. See Mr. Ponohoe, Jordan bldg.. 1301 t; st. n.w. tSfl.friTORS for fire and automobile insurance; liberal commission; one of r. S. leading com panies; applicant must he lire wire. See Mr. Xkmohoe. Jordan bldg.. 1301 G st. n.w. S A LESMEX. " \'rVFR "'til ORldlSAl' recommfd"tinn? fn applying for employment. Tie COPIER. - experienced real ESTATE SALESMAN. Wrceptional opportunity Call between 5 and i ? for interview.^ Ask for Mr Sweet. I KAY-ALGER CO.. ISC eg Bond Bids- Main 8075. - MALE. "~yfrFR mail ORIOISAI rfeommendatlmu In apvlyinff for ciwptoyiwewt. Pw COPIES. AMBITIOUS MEN?Become a Cohimbta-traln ?] draftaman and assure yourself of perma nent well paid employment. Learn la your mre time, day or night. In S to S moot ha. Call write or phone for full particular,. Co Inmbii School of Drafting. I4tb and T sta. a.w. AtrrcTSALESMEX. several A-l: a good propo rtion for the right men. Apply Xasb-Itinker Motor Co.. 1419 Irving st. n.w. 7* AI7TO WASHER?Experienced: good pay: bring references. 2434 18th at. n.w. 8' 2A88 SOLOIST for Methodist Church clioir. Addreaa Director, P. O. Box 56, Alexandria. Virginia. . SodKKEEPER-TYFIBT. for auto accaaaoa ?tore; state experience and salary expected. Address Box 257-M. Star office. BOOKKEEPER?Olve qualifications, age and reference: state lowest salary, qualifications. ?tc.: apply in own handwriting. Address Box ?T.2 M. Star office. SOOKKEGPER and clerk with large wholesale corporation; young man not over 23 year, old: vnst be quick and accurate. Address Box ^47-M. Star office. ? BOY, strong, $35 monthly; j room, board and car fare; col-j ored. Stag Hotel. 608 9th st. SRI0KLATER3 (two). Apply ready to work I onday. 5006 14th St. n.w. BRICKLAYERS. Non-?raion. Apply at 8th and Longfellow ?ts. n-w. All winter's work. MAKER, first class. Phone Col. 4975 jnfter < p.m.) 7* CHAUFFEURS, white. 8ee Mr. Clark, Ward-1 mmtk Park Hotel taxi desk (after 6 p.m.) .00AL CLEJRK; experienced preferred; good op- j aortnnlty; large firm: state age and references. J Address Box 83-M. Star office. G5LLECTORS (Catholic) to fill vacancies on ?ur collection force caused by promotion; per manent position and a guaranteed future to willing workers; salary, commission and bonus. Call 8 to 10, 4 to 6. 1311 G st. n.w., room ?12. 1* COLLEGE or business college students of ma ture age for spare-time work. Address Box X9-M. Star office. 8* DEMONSTRATOR for useful household article; Quick seller. Apt. 311, Clifton terrace east. 8* FARM HAND (white), accustomed to milking and taking care of cows; references required. Address or apply to room 1003. Woodward Mdg.. or phone Clarendon 139-W-2. ? GENERAL BATTERY CO., 1217 H ST. FREE -RECHARGING FREE ROAD SERVICE PHONE FRANK. 2626. SeWELBR and platinum worker, first-class. A. Kahn. Inc., 935 F st. n.w. HAN, high class, to sell good proposition to | business men; easy to earn glO a day: $50 de rHt required on samples. McDowell, 12101 st. n.w. J2an to represent an old established office j furniture and equipment manufacturer. Ad dress Box 296-M, Star office. MATT wanted to book orders for nursery stock and hire agents: big pay: exclusive territory: free outfit. Emmons & Co.. Newark. N. Y. * MAN to care for furnace in exchange for xoom. 1119 K st. n.w. 8* if AN with successful ssles experience wanted j T>y bank for outside work: only smbttious, in telligent men of good sppesrance need apply, i Bee Mr. Ellis, 700 Bond bldg., A to 5 p.m. ' MEN?The reason that courses In medical col leges are so long is not that so much study ! 1s necessary to teach doctors how to heal. It ] is simply to keep down the number of prac- j titfoners. Some time the courses in chlro- i prac tic will be lengthened for the same reason. ! Just now there is an opportunity for you to 1 learn this profession in 18 months. STUDY ! IT NOW WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE, j Jfew clssses in chiropractic and osteopathy are I now forming. New school terms starts Jan-1 nary 9th. Call or write: The Riley School of Chiropractic, 1118 F st., Washington. D. C. ? i JtlN?Selling a thorough course without cost! cr obligation. It is those engaged in the sell-! 8g end of business who are making money. I atructlons two evenings a week. A position i If satisfied. Start with a request to enroll.! llfcMS Box 247?M, Star office. i, three, married preferred; steady work;! nee of advancement. After 10 a.m., 219 , ?d Mdg. rfXLESMAN?Resl estate; excellent opportu alty for honest, capable young man with car; i lettable firm mast Increase salea force In order handle ita large business. Address folly Mi 20-M, 8tar office. UUMMAM to call on city trade: one who fenn knowledge of provisions and smoked meats; | Strienced preferred; good opportunity to t^man^ rsglles confidential. Address Box | SALESMEN?35 to 50 dollars -weekly; experience not neces sary. See Mr. Larman, room Mot McGill bldg., Saturday morning between 8:30 and 10:30 WASTED?TTBT.y MAMB?Coitfiied* proposition to seTl $IS to todMtrtal corporation; first time of rerrt- Add re? Box 824-M, Star office. ? SALESMEN. Apply Premier. 70* 10th st. B.W. SALBSMB^f?We have opening* for aeverai to present proposition of unususl i ?ert* *? aut0 owners; no stock to be sold; pro-1 | ducerti can make big money. Call between 9 oaSj* Ame?can Motor Service, 1612 11?22 Yon st. n.w. j JaLeS RfcrKK8BNTATIVE? Largest manu facturer fancy knit goods wants exclusive rep resentatives of good standing to call on mer chants in this vicinity; large varieties sold snd samples; lowest price; chance for serious men or women to establish permanent, profitable, high-class business. Knitting CorP ? 33 West 84th st.. New York City. 1 SERVICE SALESMAN or woman, with suffl K*.?i ?blI,,J? Perseverance and imagination to build for future. Interview by apointment. Address Box 219-M. Star office. 8* YOUNG MAN to answer telephone; must nave knowledge of stenography; good oppor tunity for advancement; salary, eighteen to twenty dollars weekly. Address Box 248-M, star omce. YOUNG MAN, to start as bookkeeper in in vestment banking house; must have knowl of general bookkeeping. Apply In own handwriting, giving sge, references and salary expected. Address Box 335-M. SUr office. YOUNG man: white, for laundry wagon; ne?t, good solicitor. Dupont Laundry. 253.> Sherman ave. Ask for Mr. Williams. YOUNG MAN as runner in bank; apply in own handwriting, giving age. references and *siary expected. Address Box 338-M, Star of fice. FEMALE. ,rn(1" OSWISAL recommen4ationi~ m applying /or employment. Ve COPIES. ASSISTANT for general office work; young lady who is a first-class penman and typist: permanent position; salary. $25 weekly, with chance for advancement. W. M. Freeney Co.. I4tn st. BmiKliBHPER-TYPIST. for auto accessory J store; state experience and salary expected. Ac-dress Box 238-M. Star office. j BOOKKEEPER, experienced, with knowledge of stenography and typewriting; give expe rtence. references and salary. Address Box 144-M, Star office. BUYER for ladies' hosiery, un derwear and waists. Apply to MEYER BROS. & CO., 937 and 939 F St. N.W. COOK, white, with rood references. Apply W58 Columbia road. Phone Ool. 1424. DEMONSTRATOR?Experienced preferred; sal ary and commission. Address Box 280-K, SUr office. J Dictaphone Operator-Typist? | for permanent position: must be neat, accurate.! able to operate Remington typewriter; refer- i ences required. Box 23S-M, Star office. 0* EMBROIDERERS, experienced, who will take I home work: must spend a few hours in in struction clsss. Reply by letter to Box 298 M. Stsr office, giving experience, name, ad dress and telephone number. Appointmenta will follow. g* FEEDERS, folders, checkers, press h?ndf. Home Laundry, 1120 Queen st. n.e. real estate class meets January 10. 7:30 p.m., -113 Evans building. Instructions i*AOY Ambitious; must bs tactful, serious mlnded, with personality. Splendid opportunity Address Box 29S-K, Star office. LADY TYPIST to write a few letters in spare time and share profits. Address Box 279-M, Star office. ? LADIES?It stands to reason, doesn't it, that there would not be so many men and women studying Chiropractic, if they had not seen how practical a science it is? The Riley School teaches Chiropractic and Osteopsthy and the use of electricity in mastering disease. Women graduates practicing in Virginia, Mary land. New York, Maine and other states are getting results in every way. They are so successful in restoring patients under their care that they have built up the highest repu tations and their incomes often exceed S5.00Q. NEW CLASSES NOW FORMING. New school term stsrts Monday, Jan. 9. Call in person, day or evening, or write the Riley School of Chiropractic. 1116 F st.. Wsshington. D. C. MARCEL WAVING LES80N8 by French pro fessor. 920 17th st. Call Main 3579. A diploma secured if graduate. MARKERS and assorters. white, experienced Apply the Arcade Laundry Sunshine Dry Clean ing and Dyeing Co.. 713 Lamont n.w. SALESLADIES, experienced in millinery, hosiery, underwear and waists. Apply to MEYER BROS. & CO., 937 and 939 F St. N.W. ? SALESWOMEN?35 to SO dol lars weekly; experience not necessary. See Mr. Larman, room I20, McGill bldg., Satur day morning between 8:30 and 10:30 only. STENOGRAPHER and secretary; experience ' and business ability necessary. 1229 G st. n.w. Mr. Shettlemore. g? STENOGRAPHER?Experienced; college grad uate preferred; several hours' work in the ??*?? nl*T* P?r hour. Address Box 270-M. Star office. g* STENOGRAPHER and touch typist; state age, experience (If any), apeed la typing and com pensation wanted. Address Box 300-M, 8tar office. g* STENOGRAPHS^?Young lady, experienced in stenography and typing, with a knowledge of general office routine; permanent position; cltv reference. Apply office manager, Parker Bridget Co.. The Avenue at Ninth. TYPIST?Must be neat and accurate: high acl oo! graduate preferred; shorthand not nec employment. Call between 11-12:30. 103 Wilklns building. 9* WANTED?Young lady with high school trata ing. to assist teacher in marking papers in re turn for business course. Apply at once to Strayer's Business College. 721 18th st. n.w. WHITE; good references; 3 hours daUy, except Sunday: near Meridian place n.w.; $25 per mo. Address Box 308-M. Star office. g? WHITE WOMAN, reliable, for general house work; good cook; excellent home for right per son. 2232 Que n.w. North 872-J. ? LADY for stenographic work; hoars, 8:30 to 5 p.m., 12 o'clock Saturdays; state age. SRS*?!? tn- ?***7 ?*Pected. Address Box 137-M, Star office. YOUNG LADY to serve dinner in tearoom in exchange for board. Franklin 7658. 8? YOUNG LADY for illusion show with carnival for coming season. Address Box 315-M, SUr office. g* YOUNG LADY in studio; must be experienced in reception room work: references reauired. Cllnedlnst 8tudio. 733 14th st. n.w. 8* MALE aWP~FEMALlfi. SEVER mail ORIGINAL recommendation? j In applying for employment. Vte COPIES. 1 AMATEUR PERFORMERS every Thursday. 7 I p.m. The New Theater. 535 8th st. s.e. I BIG field for illustrating; taught evenings by I one having 20 years' experience. 3541 Holmead Place. Phone Col. 1433-W. 10* OLERK with knowledge of bookkeeping, pref^' erably Business High graduate, about 18; good references required. Must live at own home in city. Address Box 200-M. 8tar office. MEN AND WOMEN?Leam the real estate business and make good money while learning. ' All or part time. Need not interfere with present employment No expense. Class meets every Tuesday. 5 p.m.. In room 320, Colorado bldg. E. H. Russell. 22* MEN AND WOMEN quickly learn real estate business; receive psy while learning; need not interfere with present employment; some mak 'W Sioo a week. Free class lectures every I Thursday, 5 p.m. William F. Matteson. 819 Colorado REPRESENTATIVE?Ample salary paid to ap plicant. .elected to represent one of ttaa large life Insurance companies In Washington. Ad dress Boa 108-H. Star office. .( FEMALE DOMESTIC. SEVER mail ORIQISAL recommendation* <il applying for employment. Vte Copies. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS?Oo home nights references required; good wages competent per soa. Call mornings, Apartment 6U2, 1302 18th ?I: g? COU>RED GIRLfor light general housework. Apply Apt. 609. 2701 Conn. ave. n.w. 7* COLORED WOMAN for general housework 3703 Georgia are, n.w. g? COLORED GIRL, reliable, with reference. Tor general housework. Phone art.?. an* . COI?RED GIRL for general housework and cooking. Apply Apt. 1, 1506 Meridian pi. n.w.? COLORED WOMAN for general housework' Apply 1167 18th at. oousewor*. COOK, first-class; good wages. 261J! Cathedral ?I?; g? COOK and general houseworker. white for small family liring in Edgemoor; references required. Phone Bethesda 20-W. GENERAL HOUSEWORK or none in n.*a 'lS10.P*rk; ,Ur n,,hu: "one Clew! GENBRAL HOURBWOHK; room and nriT.U hath Pjorided; must hare excellent reference! 1 uieve. 9*4, GENERAL HOCSEWORKEB. rellahl. I references. Apply 1109 N st. n.w. C.ENBRAL HOUSBWoKKER In email family must he good cook; references. Nan Tart' quarters H. j. ' LADY or grown girl wasted for general house. work; no cooking. Apply 1370 Perry pi. n.w. g. MAID, coaapetent, small family; references required. Apt. S3, the Oakland. 7. MAID?Oenenl hODsework; referenced iglj Ton St. n.w., apt. 42. ? WAITRR88?Competent; city reference,. 1751 New Hampshire aw., side door. WHITE NUMB~for yearold child; good bona in Cleveland Park; city references required Address Box 851-M. Star ota. ^ WANTED?HELP FEMALE DOMESTIC?Contlwe*. White nursb to take care or baby joy. Apply Apt. 009, 2701 Conn. ave. n.w. 7? WOMAN for central homework; whitt or re liable colored; stay nights. Addresa Bo* 204 M. HUr office. ** WOMAN, experienced; ganeral howework; 8 in family; wages. $40. Phone Lincoln 8485. ? ^ WoMAN. good. neat, reliable, ror general! homework In family of two; reference. Call, between 1 and 5 o'clock, 8148 M at. n.w. 7 WOMAN. Mttled, to look after houae and two I children, aged 4 and 8 yeara. while mother worka; referencea. Call between 9 and 12 a.m. at 411 10th at. e.w. YOUNG OIHI< for general boueework. Apply 1406 Chaptn at. YOUNG WOMAN?Oook, assist housework; go home nights; reference. 2287 Que at. n.w. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. COOKS and general'houseworkera of all klnaj. Scott'# Agency, 903 9th at. n.e. Lincoln 2061. COOK ST *50; laundreases. *2.50 day; chamber maldi. >50. Her. Fuller'a. 1221 25th at. 7? WANTED?SITUATIONS MALE. ? . SEVER mail ORIGINAL recommendatUmj in applying for employment. Use COPIES. ACCOUNTANT?Young man desires position ?? semi-senior accountant. Address Box 102-M. Star office. 8 ADVANCED accountancy student, 28, married, desires position, preferably as bookkeeper, with a firm that appreciates good work and an ambition to advance. Address Box 263-M, Star office. BOOKKEEPER, executive ability; familiar with income tax; $40 per week; best of refer ences; can furnish bond. Address Box 115-M, Star office *2 BUTLER or houseman by Japanese; good ref erence. K. M.. 835 7th at. a.e. 8* CHAUFFEUR or porter; colored; 8 yeara* ex perience; private or delivery; referencea. ljio 6th at. n.w. 7 CHAUFFEUR, French, wishee position with private family; experienced mechanic; best references. Address Box 334-M, Star office. 8 j CHAUFFEUR on delivery truck; references. Apply 1525 frth at. n.w: 8 CHAUFFEUR desirea place with private fam ily. Call Col. 8741. CHAUFFEUR, colored; truck driver or Private family; well experienced, with reference. Wil lie Cottonr .324 Elm st. n.w. ?* OHBF and steward, colored; 10 years' practi cal experience; reliable and economical. Ad dress Box 125-M, 8tar office. R? COOK, colored mas. first-class, wanta place; experience; reference; will leave city. Addresa Box 197-M, Star office. 8 DRAFTSMAN, extensive general engineering experience, designing and detailing, wants po altlon. Addreaa Boa 140-M. Star office. 7 GENTLEMAN of refinement. university and polytechnic education abroad. languages. extensively traveled, ? sober and trustworthy. wishes PO?ltwn as nurae companion; referencea. Addreaa Box 310 | K. 8tar office. __ -? 1 MAN, middle aged, aa watchman or caretaker of playgrounds; best referencea. 63. A at. | n.e. ? NIGHT AUDITOR. hotel; experienced. Ad dresa Box 25-M. Star office. ? PATENT apeciflcation writer; reasonable sal-1 ,rr. Addreaa Box M M. Star office. 9^_ PHARMACIST, registered, wanta ateadyor re lief position; 12 years' experience: referencea. Phone Franklin 5813. H. C. Hughes. 8_ PRESS FEEDER. Job or cylinder, wants Job In open shop: referencea. Phone Col. 1929-J._ PRINTER?Extensive experience in country newspaper and commercial "Anting plants de^ alrea altuatlon. In or out of town. Address H. B. Y., Box 180. Mt. Rainier, Md. tRCrKDRfVER; 7 yeara' experience. Addreaa Box 23-M. Star office. ? TUTORING?Young minister with' aa teacher, high ? ?rade school aubj?-u. E. Taber. Falkstone Courts. Apt. li?. *? WAITER OK BCTLER?Experienced man wanta place. Write 1530 6th at. n.w. WHO needs the aerrlcea of a capable ?*=* Busiaeaa training, successful salesman. tTa.l worthy, willing and adaptable; * *?Z line where intelligence and capacity f?J will be appreciated; atocka. books. Insurance ignored: ready Jan. IS. Addresa Box 227 M' Star office. YOUNG MAN. college graduate, now law stu dent Georgetown UniTeralty.^d^ires pos.tion. lawyer's office preferred. Call North 110?. YOUNG :MAN. experienced In derlosi work, graduate In accountancy, desires position, pref erably in certified public accountant office. Ad dreaa Box 77-M, Star office ? FEMALE. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer; "ecotlTe abil-1 ity; competent. Addreaa Box 224-M. 8Ur_of flce. L__i BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, typist and cash ier- will be able to accept position January 16, conscientious and strictly bus!? fully experienced and best of *jJ5S^isiv nf firm ten yeara. Address Box 814-M, Star of fice^ Z_ DRESSMAKER with reference; will go out^by dav. 926 French st. n.w. DRESSMAKER?Plain aewlng. Ibead wort, em broidery, by day or week. Mlsa C. Harria, j Morgan st. n.w. _!? LADY, middle age. would like position aa com panion, doctor's assistant, or take charge of children in the evening. Address Box J8?-M, Star office. MISS BERT?Street, afternoon and evening Mwsa a specialty. Remodeling. Phone Col. S?nT Addreaa 1704 Kllbourne pi. n.w. P. B. X. OPERATOR?Lady wishes position; experienced. Phone Fraklln 7866-J. PRACTICAL 5B5W wlah? obatatrlcal ess*. Addreaa Nurae. 1211 11th at. n.w. T . s?m V Art) TUIORING. afternoon or evening. Mlsa Joynea. 1827 19th at. Phone N. 3378. 11' stenograph ER?One who can handle your wtfk to i pleasing manner; willing to demon; atrate ability at *20 a week. Addresa Box 120 m star office. STENOGRAPHER?Inexperienced bnt capable; willing to start at $18 a week. Addreaa Box 117-M. Star office. STENOGRAPHER?Experienced: can give best of reference; will start at $30 week. Ad- j dresa Box 329-M, 8tar office, or call Lincoln 208-J. J! STENOGRAPHER?Beginner: will atart at *18 | I wvek: can do good work. Addreaa Box 118-M, | Star office, I TYPIST, experienced; knowledge of atenog-1 raphy; moderate wages. Col. 5385-J. ' I TYPIST desires a position In office, expe-1 rienced. Call North 8944. 9* TYPWt, experienced; general office work. Ad dreaa Box 260-M. 8tar office. l'_ TYPI8T wlahea home work: manuscript copy ing or addressing; terma most reaaonable. Mrs. Wllharte, 1934 3rd n.w. 8* TYPIST?Can write about 50 word a a minute, | accurately; willing to handle clerical work in j connection with typing; aalary dealred, *18 a I week. Addresa Box 119-M, Star office. ] WOMAN, middle aged, of refinement, wonld I like poaition either as companion to elderly | woman or as housekeeper to widower. Address Box 267-M,'Star office. 9? < YOUSG LADY, expert typist, with ateno-, graphic knowledge, also good in general omee work; state salary in answer. Address Box 74-M. Stir office. 8_ MALE AND FEMALE. COLORED COUPLE?Experienced: wish posl ?iona in private family; man aa butler; wife, cook: referencea. Morton. 433 N at. n.w. 8 MAN AND WIFE, colored, experienced, want place aa butler and cook in small family. Address Box M M, Star office. 9^_ FEMALE DOMESTIC. CHAMBERMAID and waitress by neat, re-1 liable colored girl; beat reference. 767 Kenyon j at. n.w. ~ COLORED GIRL wanta a place aa cnamher mald or general housework; can give good ref ?rence. 1338 5tll at. n.w. IL COLORED GIRL wanta work of any kintf. 845 R st. n.w. L: COLORED GIRL WANTS JOB minding baby. 20 Logan place n.w. COLORED WOMAN, middle age, light house work: stay nlghta: reliable. 2318 9th at. n.w. WASHING to take home, by flrat-claea laun dreaa. North 9348. COLORED WOMAN" wanta laundry to take home, or day'a work; flrat claaa. 2225 Cleve land pi. n.w. COOK, chambermaid, waitress or child's nurae: . colored girl. Address Box 288-M. Star office. ? | COOKING, first-floor cleaning in email family; 1 etay nights; reliable cu'ored woman; refer- j ence. Call or write 81 Pierce at. n.w. 8* GENERAL HOUSEWORK, by reliable girl: amall family adults; reference. 1743 Seaton at. n.w. GBNERAL HOUSEWORK, by neat colored woman. 1825 Church at. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORK by a reliable colofed woman. Phone Lincoln 8674-J. 7" GIRL for general houaeworE 1334 B st. n.w. E? GIRL, reliable, wanta place aa maid; city reference. Telephone North 4?7L GIRL, colored, wants general housework. 1516 14th at. n.w. GIRL wanta,nutting or light homework. 332 E st. a.e. B GIRL wlahea poaition; ? houra. Apply 1528 9th at. *.W. . flOUSEKEEPlSR, by middle-aged woman; ref erence It neceaaary. Addreaa Box 277-M, Star HOUSEWORK or cleaning, part or all day. by, colored Kin. 1831 9th at. n.w. 1_ HOU8BWORK by the day or week, hy neat eolored ?lrl. 9 Patteraon at. a.e. HOUSEWORK or cooking, by girt. 1150 Ilet at. n.w. LIGHT WORK or nurae; reliable colored girl. 1787 9th at. a.w. PAHT-TIME WORK by colored woman; beat ref. 1020 W at. n.w. PLACB aa waitress or cleaning apartment by colored woman. 918 6th at. n.w. PLAIN COOK, good; atay nights.* 21# C at. a-w. MAID or cook; colored woman. reliaWe._ wanta work to private family. 2918 1-th at. B.W. r For Your Convenience WANT ADS May be left at any of the following Star Want Ad Branches NORTHWEST. 7th and O sts., Associated Drug Store*. North Capitol at. and R. I. ave., Parkefe Pharmacy. 14th at. and Vermont ave., John C. Haley. S Dupont Circle, Dupont Pharmacy. * 15th and U ats., J. 8. Clemency 2434 18th at., John M. Thai. 14th and Clifton, H. Colodny A Co. 14th and Columbia rd., Henry Evans. 1722 Pa. ave., J. Loula Krlck. 2d and Mast, ave., Hygelan Pharmacy. 7th and K, Goldenberg's (time clerk's desk). 9th and (J ats., McGulre's Pharmacy. 14th and P sta., Day's Pharmacy. 18th and Florida ave., Pearson's Pharmacy. 21st and Q sts., Qulgley's Pharmacy. 25th and Pa. ave., Herbst'a Pharmacy. 1901 L at., Morae Pharmacy. Holmead Pharmacy, Holmead and Otis places. NORTHEAST. North Capitol and Eye sts., Keneal Pharmacy.. 13th and East .Capitol sts., Lincoln Park Pharmacy. SOUTHEAST. 8th and Eye sts., Weller A Moskey's Pharmacy. 11th and Pa. ave., Fealey'e Pharmacy. 14th and Pa. ave., Smyaer'a Pharmacy. GEORGETOWN. 3204 M St., O'Donnell's Pharmacy. 28th and P sts., Prlds's Pharmacy. 36th and M sta., Weller & Moskey's Pharmacy. BROOKLAND. 3600 12th St. n.e., Mayo'a Pharmacy. ALEXANDRIA, Va. , A. S. Doniphan & Sons, King and Columbus sts. Rate?3 Cents a Word Star Office Open Until 11 p.m. In Washington and Suburba for? _ . Help and Situation* Wanted. advertisements for The Evening lost and Found star must be at The Star office by 11 For Bale and Wanted Miscellaneous. P-m. the DAY BEFORE ISSUE, with Poultry. Pets and Lire Stock. the following exceptlona: Automobile! for Sale and Wanted. Booms forjRent and Wanted. Lo,t and round. Business Opportunities, etc. _ " Rate Outside of Washington f*"' 4 centa a word. ?"**2 I,* * . . Wanted Situations. Keal Estate Ads Wanted Booms. 6 words to the line, 3.llne minimum, at line rate, aa follows: Advertisements under the above olassi 1 time, Mc per line. ft cations will be acoepted at The Star of 8 times, 18o per line, See, 11th at. and Pa. ave.. until 10 a.m., 3 times, 17c per line. day of issue. All advertisements for The 1 times, 16c per line. Sunday Star must be reoeired at The Star 14 times, 16c per line. oSce by 6 p.m. Saturday. Cash With Order from transient advertisers. WANTED?SITUATIONS I FEMALE DOMB?T1C-Co??I?m*- I MAID in fraternity, or cook In private family. 1824 L ?t. n.w. ? RELIABLE WOMAN. with ? tm chambermald. waitress or f?i ijjmail Urn Hy. Call 909 R at. b.w., Mrs. Rawlmgs. _ SOUTHERN GIRL, colore*. 170U eral housework; no washing: stay nights. 17W 17 at. n.w. , WASH INC* to take home. 22<ft 12tb at. n.w. Call N. 2002 W. WASHING?Home or out. 219 12th st. a.e. WOMAN, single, colored, wsnts ffTher*' reliable: ?'? night*. Pall 1731 11th st. n.w. WOMAN for day work, clean or walking. lltK. T~*~~ BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS CARPET CIBANWO. SCOTTIE, LIFT AND LAY CARPETS, Price and service that plea*'- DAVID C. I.TXN. 142* 8th at. n.w. N? 7702. 8? ORIENTAL RI G WASHING OUR 8PECIAL ty By our process they regain OTiginal beeu tfful ?lor. and luster. COBBIN C FOX CO.. Col. 10004. before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. ? f'lHPF.NTCR^ *>"D HI II.PKR*. REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY In all branches of the building trade h? E. TYRRELL, 491 8th at. a.w. Prone Lin. ra w. 18 . ?G. G. AUGUSTE & CO.. Carpenters and Jobbers. Repairing. Old floors renovated. Screen work a specialty. Estlmatea cheerfully given. All work guaranteed. Unc. 5408. " " JOHN PILAND. N. 3058-W Carpentry and General Repair Work. Remodeling a Specialty. 91l?. L n.w. CUTLERY SHARPENING. KNIVES, SCISSORS, RAZORS AND ALL klnda of lnstrtmienta sharpened. GIBSON. 917 G n.w. Main 1085. HATS. ETC. ? r amus- AX1? MEN'S FELT HATSI CLSANM# AND BLOCKED BY EXPERTS. VIENNA HAT CO.. 4S5 11th N.W. KEH. DUPLICATE KEYS. 25 CENTS. Made while you wait. TURNER * CLAKK. 1288 New York are. ?.w. MA-PrftES^fcgL FEATHER BEUS, Etc. MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS Renovated at moat reasonable pric*?_Letns call, give estimate. Prompt dsliverisa aM -ttActJo-yugggl. CO, N. 5210. 1153 7th at. a.w. MIRRORS RESIIWERED. lllbRflftS 8AL?. Wl'4 DEFE^flVB MIRRORS BESILVERED. LIKENEW. SEND THEM TO CHAS. J. HAP.BEC. 46 H N.W.? MOVINt; AMD HACMKC. TRUNKS, FURNITURE AND BAGGAGE OK ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED'TO. LITTLEFIELD * ALVORD CO.. M. 8290. . P4PRRHAMGEES AND k-AlHXlSlta. A. T. GEORGE, Rooms papered. 18 snd np. Franklin B2.VJ. 220 12th a.*. 8* J. E. HOBSON. PAINTER AND PAPBR hanger. Best work, lowest prices. 4M O st. iTvr Phone Main 6708. Prompt aervlce. 18 SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON AL^ J?"* ing January. Give ua ? trial. THOMPSON S. 8413 Georgia ave. Col. 8244. 11? FOR LIMITED TIME WE WILL PAPER bedrooms, ceillnga and waU^ ?8.00 Come alld admire our wonderful wall W? Enterprise Dec. Co., 1629 ^4th n.w. N^4061. ? PIANO TUNIXG. PIAN08 TUNED, CLEANED, POLISHED BT factory expert for $1.50 on orders this B. F. LONG. 516 12th at. n.w. Fr. 7024. 9* Speake & Sanderson, 1222 G St. n.w. Pianos and players rebuilt and repairea. Tuning. $2. Franklin 5580. 10 J. 8CHAEFFBB. Piano tuning, player-pianos and all makes pf phonographs repaired. 20 years experience. r?13 H n.e. Line. 2788-W. HUG WEAVING. HANDSOME REVERSIBLE RUG FROM worn carpets, that last a lifetime: a few for sale. OLD LAUREL ECLIPSE. 309-311 10th st. s.w. Franklin 3977. 1?* ' WINDOW SHADES. ' fillADfcS?Good quality opaque ahades. nttaJ to your windows, 95c; tne beat quality of snaque shades, $1.25: hung free: we call with lirnnl?- KLEKBLATT. tlth and_H_sts. ?.Q. WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS WANTED?Oak liat-top desk; in good condi tlon; also large table. Phone M. 4i0. . PANELED partitions, any wood: also 2 mir rors. 4 feet or longer. Adams 488. 8 WANTED?Auto ride morninga from 5200 Ga. ave. to 14th nnd B ats. s.w. Address 1136 Jefferson st. n.w. FURNITURE. RUGS. ANTIQUES, ornaments. Riley, 431 11th st. Main 6182. 8* ADDRESSOGRAPH drawers, cabinets and frames: also fire proof aafe cabinet. Phone North 617 (Monday). 8* 6 POOL TABLES. Call Col. 8009. 9s " WANTED to buv?Adults' fancy masquerade costumes of all kinds. 611 Harvard at. n.w. Phone Adams 2787. 8* OLD-Fashloned high tucking comb; state aiae. material and price in Brat letter. Addresa Bo* 206-M. Star office. 5!_ HOME FOR DOG in country, either eex; bring to garage. Saturday, 8 to 5, or Sunday, 10 to 4. Rear 604 3rd at. n.w. 7* WANT to buy at once ,for cash, cheap, upright niano. Phone Franklin 4828. ; 7* WOULD like to purchase direct from private nartx. for cash, some furniture that has been naed. Phone Franklin 7716. 7' WANTED?To buy old furniture and feather beda When selling why uot drop a postal to ihi ild reliable Ann? H. Marks, 1440 W at. Phone North 5454-J. WE'LL GIVE you cash for your pianoa and talking machines, antique furniture, old silver, diamonds, jewelry, old china, rugs, brasses. A "- ARNOLD. 1828 G at. Main 8178. WANTED?Feather beda and furniture. Beat 8rices paid. Square Deal Furniture Co., 001 ve n.w. Phone Main 5686. WANTED ? FURNITURE, PIANOS, CAR oets. etc. Phone M. 1282 for wagon or have ra.cslL "H-ESCHUR." ?20 Pa. ave. n.w. CLOTHES wanted; higheat prices paid for la flies,' men'a and childrea'a worn clothing, shoes. North 8315. G. Lltchman. 1744 7th n.w. WILL call In my unlettered automobile, city or suburbs, and pay you highest pricea for ladles', gentlemen's, children a discarded cloth ing of all deacrtptiona. Addreas postal or phone. I Will call. W. Bice. 1382 7th at. n w- North 1755. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Pa>d for all kinds of furniture. 680 Mass. a vs. n-w. Franklin 6188. II* FURNITURE, ruga, antiquea. We pay more than ever for household effects. 8. A. Cam mack & Bro., 637 La. ave. Main 7030. WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS Coat towed FURNITURE?You will feel satisfied with prices I par. S. Weisenberg, 622 ? st. n.w. Franklin 6151-J. FURNITURE wanted of all kinds for a large rooming house. including dining room, bedroom, parlor, rugs and miscellaneous articles. Please call Adams 127. IF YOU HAVE) ANYTHING TO 8ELL, phone Riley, Main 6162. 8* ANTIQUES?Want to buy old furniture, glass, dishes, chintz, ate. F. J. Finnerty, 13211 Kenyon st. n.w. fe2* Send for Louis Notes, 814 E St. N.W. If yon bare any furniture or other goods to I sell, and you will obtain best rasulta. Phone | Franklin 2015. WB BUY household furniture and office fix* | tures. Money advanced on storage. SACHS FURNITURE CO., Cor. 8th and D sts. n.w. Main 6306. IF YON WANT to obtain best results for your j furniture and other miscellaneous, call M. SHAPIRO. 000 LOUISIANA AVE. N.W. FRANKLIN 3785. BOOKS?Used sets of Encyclopedia Britannica, i Harvard Classics, Book of Knowledge. Standard Authors, etc.. miscellaneous books. Pearlman's Book Shop, 933 G st. n.w. Fr. 5416. HIGHEST caah prices for men's caat-off clothes. Call Dare, Main 8868. or 1007 E st. n.w. FURNITURE of all klnda for a six-room bouse wanted immediately, aa a whole or odd piecea. Kindly call Col. 0600. 10* IN IMMEDIATE NEED of furniture for an 8 room house; will buy aa a whole or odd pieces. Call Franklin 3785. FURNITURE for a 4-room apartment. Will buy all or odd pieces. Kindly 011 Columbia 1478-J. 9? OLD GOLD, SILVER, ETC. HIGHEST CASH PRICES" Paid for jewelry, old gold, silver, diamonds, j artificial teetjh and_platinum. D. ALPHER Phone Main 2875. Diamonds, Old Gold, Silver BOUGHT FOR CASH. LOUI8 ABRAHAMS. 815 G 8T. N.W. DIAMONDS. GOLD. SILVER COINS. PLATI-. num bought. ABB ABRAHAMS. 433 9th m.w. Phone Main 5504. BMgNESS OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE FIRM WANTS A COMl'U-, tent aasoclate in their aalea department, one who can furnish half necessary expenses of operation; state experience and g've refer ence: all answers confidential. Address Box 163-M. Star office. A "BARGAIN. 25 shares Florida Citrus Development Co. stock being sold at par, and paying divi- , dend; holder needs money; will sell for 80c on the dollar. Room 85, Home Life bldg. Main 3996. 8* DELICATESSEN reatanrant, 14th at., including soda fountain, at big sacrifice; owner leaving city; good business, no competition. Call OoL FOR RENT?8pace in cleaning shop for dres* maker or tailor. 807 Mt. Vernon place. 9* WD ARB HERB With a good thing and it la well worth your , time to Investigate. Yoa will then agree. A wonderful opportunity for inveatment in a I manufacturing corcern located In Washington. I We absolutely have the goods. Address Box 67-M, 8**r office. ; 8* GROCERY and meat market doing tine busi ness: long lease; 6 rooms. Address Box 266 M. Star office. 9* DELICATESSEN ana light lunch with soda fountain; good reason for selling. 1009 9th at. n.w. 8* FOR RENT?A going cleaning tailor bushiest with room. 1129 14th n.w. ? GROCERY store and meat market, $1,500; 5 years' lease; $40.50 rent per month. Address Box 285-M, Star office. 9* WANT SINGLE WOMAN to help and take ba<lf of tea room house with roomers and board ers, all furnished; a.m.i. 2013 H at. n.w. Phone West 2569. 8* EXCELLENT CHANCE for man or woman of ability and unimpeachable character to acquiro interest in an establiahed and growing insur ance business; $2,000 cash or equivalent neces sary; guaranteed $500 per annum, without services; opportunity of $3,000 to $4,000 per year with service*. Address Box 804-M, Star office. GASOLINE FILLING STATION?will buy or sell; state full particulars first letter. Address Box 301-M, Star office. 20* EXPERIENCED business man will invest $5,000 with cervices. Address Box 299-M, Star office. 'm 8* BUSINESS propositions financed. Atlantic Dis count Corporation. Munsey bldg. FOR RENT?A going cleaning, tailoring busi ness with room. 1129 14th n.w. * GOOD CLEANING STORE for sale; owner leaving city, must sell at once. Macrose, 1413 14th at. n.w. WE HAVE a first trust note secured on bnsi ness property for $5,000 for three years with interest at 8 per cent. Address Box 202-M, 8tar office. BEAUTY PARLOR?Experienced help can buy a nicely fitted place, downtown location, at a sacrifice. Address Box 212-M, Star office. 8* DINING ROOM and equipment in boarding houae for rent; beautiful location. 1119 K n.w. ?? CANDY and confectionery store for sale or will >ell lease for whole corner. Call 523 H st. n.e. THE AGENT FOR A HIGH-GRADE AUTO mobile offers for sale his business, lease of showroom and service station, equipment, parts and cars included. Can ahow s good net profit for last five years. All correspond ence confidential. Address Box 38-M, Star office. 8* COPY FREE to introduce my recent publica tion, "Money Multiplication,'* to the first one hundred requesting it. Different ways by which money can be used to make more money fully explained. Address Box 251-M, Star office. HIGH-CLASS delicatesaen and grocery stores for sale. Some real bargains. HOME REALTY CO., MOT 0?.?T,.n.w. Col. S5H-W. T? DELICATESSEN, dolns flu, SSS5 and grow ing dally: a bargain. Franklin >T1?. 7* GROCERY STORK; W?U stocked; food boai ne.?: ontck sale. tSt H n.e. 9* DELICATESSEN, confectionery .tor,; barfaln for the smonnt. 3700 M?eomb ?t. 7* UNUSUALLY nn opportunity for party with $1,600 to act silent partner ta an eatab 11 abed and rapidly frowlu baalneaa; Tery lit tle competition; caah required t, meet preMnr expansion of bqaineaa; closest InVMtlfatio. ln Tited. Addreaa Box lB-M, Star ofllc. 7* ACCEPTANCES, notea and trnata pnrenaaed. Atlantic- Discount Cornoratlon. Manaey bids. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Gontlinrd STORE for aal., Georgia are., in tka baart of Fctworth; opportunity for srocei7, aoto aup pll?a. notions, barber abop, etc. Phone Co lombia 10248. ~ 10? fc'IS ..KM BUSINESS BttOKKKS and Oo aat handle real estate, except Id connection with buslneas. If jour business ia for sale, call Franklin 2882. We wiU call, list It and ad vertise It at no coat to you. We can rell it if It can be aold. WASHINGTON BUSINESS BROKERAGE CO., 81? Bond bid#.. eoi> 14th and New York are. PERSONAL A. S. SHALL OF" TAKOilA PARK. HD.. who answered personal to Box 206-K end Wishes to mi ad., call LUc. 2131. Ask for Mrs. Prtre. ? _ HERD IB AN IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY to ret a food bunch of cash for all the ladies' and meni worn suits, shoes, orercoats, etc., that you will be pleased to selL We will fladly buy and the deal will be entirely pleasing. Ask any rood dresser about our way. M. 4145. JUSTH'B OLD STAND, 619 P. LADY WIU. GIVE BEST OABB TO YOUNG child of refined family in her country home, where there are no children: references asked and ilren. Address Box 198-M, Star ofllce. 8? SCIENTIFIC VOCAL AND PIANO IN8TRUC tion; new rapid sight reading system ex plained by lectures and lantern alldes. MME. PABOUAX. 117 B at. a.e. Tel. Unc. 808-Q. * LADY WANTS TO MEET SOMEBODY WHO understands sock-knlttlng machine. Mrs. 8. SALIN, 1811 Columbia road n.w. 7* BED BUGS, RATS, GEO. Q. 8APP. 320 Colorado bldg. Main 583. fe3? TOUPEES cleaned, repaired, new on?. 920 17th St. Main 3579. PHYSIOTHERAPY, ELECTROTHERAPY. FOB men and women, given by Dr. Carolyn Anatla. For appointment, phone North 647. EXPERT FURRIER. For coats, muffs snd stoles remodeled Into latest styles. 8. Applebee, 902 11th st. n.w. Phone Frankl in 7260-J. FOE SALE?MISCELLANEOUS DIAMONDS, ETC. RING?Lady's beautiful dinner ring; hss 16 lieautiful blue-white diamonds; will aacriflce for $160. 425 K n.w. T* FURNITURE. PIANO, small square, $25; 3 pieces, mahogany and blue leather, $25; American walnut bed room suite, $115; on terms; couches, etc. Call Main 1494 for appointment. 8* BLBCTKIC vacuum cleaner, brand-new; popu lar make; fully equipped; half price. 8. P. Cannon, HyattavllJe 824-M. 8* COMPLETE LODGE ROOM EQUIPMENT. Also banquet tables, gas heaters. etc. In quire Superintendent, Old Masonic Temple bldg., 9tlft and F sts. n.w. IiKDROOM SUITE, whole or single pieces. West 219. ? LIVING ROOM furniture; library table, two rockers with leather cushions; best quality oak: Morris chair. Main 6839. 8* ANTIQUE wardrobe, sideboard, Japanese ar mor, etc. 2205 Va. are. n.w. 9* OAK LIBRARY SET. 3 pieces, $20; oak hall rack, $10: gas heater, $4; dining table, $8; other furniture. 152 A st. n.e. * GHIFFOROBE, 15. Call Col. 811, apt. 406, between 6 and 7:30 p.m. 8* FURNITURE, brand-new, for 7-roora house, for sale at once. Apply 3605 Warder at. n.w. Phone Adams 467. 12* COTS?Two excellent iron folding. 1748 Church st. 8* PARLOR SUITE snd odd pieces of furniture. Apply 1814 1st st. n.w. 8* CIRCASSIAN chiffonier snd dressing taWe, mission living room suite, solid leather sests; mission chiffonier, brass bed (complete), all like new. Col. 5993. 8* HALL SEAT and mirror, mahogany, cost $60, will aell for $35; davenport table, mahogany, $25. 3944 Morrison St.. Chevy Chase. D. O. DESKS, 6 golden oak, flat top, 82x42; also chsirs. ~ 742 Munsey bldg. 7* j BE WISE. SEE WHAT CASH WILL DO FOR YOU. 9-piece solid mahogany dining suite, with crystal closet; cost $750; sell $250. 54-inch golden osk extension table; coat $65; sell $35. STANDARD, 618 10th st. n.w. Usin 2001. Just below F st. HORSES AND VEHICLES. U. 8. DOUBLE TEAM HARNE8S $25.00 U. S. leather collar 2.50 U. S. Riding bridle 1.50 U. S. Army saddles 8.00 U. S. Leather halters 75 French and English riding saddles, bridles, harness, all kinds, cheap. Cogwell's, 220 11th n.w. MOTOR CYCLES AND BICYCLES. INDIAN; electrically equipped and side car tandem; extras; sacrifice. Col. 5012, or Adams "1 I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PIANO, upright; fine tone; for sale reasonable, cash or terms. 2106 18th et. n.w. PIANO. Hallett ft Davis upright; in good con ditlon; bargain. $80. 653 Morton place n.e. 8* VIOLINS?2. 1230 New Jersey ave. ? CSEED KltAKAtSER PIANO, ?165. Jordan's, G st. at 13th UPRIGHT PIANO, mahogany; perfect condi tion; $125, including mahogany music cabinet! and atool. Lincoln 3056-J. 8* j $15 to $100 Bargains in used talking machines and phonographs. in the following makea. Sonora Columbia rathe Aeolian Vocation Crescent Independent Clsxtonola Charmaphone We per !27 Pa. ave. s.e. Phone Line. 5257. USED CROWN PIANO. ,$235. Jordan's, G st. at 13th HARTMAN upright; cost $350; dark case; per feet condition; $85 cash. 1916 Calvert st. Col. 3669. 8* $135 buys s handsome Bradbury upright piano. 227 Pa. ave. s.e. $265 buya a fitnlta player piano, mahogany case. 227 Pa. ave. s.e. USED KURTZMANN 88 - NOTE PLAYBR PIANO, $840. Jordan's, G at. at 18th $850?AEOLIAN Strond player-piano; like new; a rare bargain for quick aale; $325. ?. F. Arnold, Auctioneer, 1823 O'at. n.w. USED COJiSToCtf PIANO, 1218. Jordan's, G st. at 13th GOOD PRACTICE PIANO. $75; Yoee, $100; Pease, $150; Knabe, $225. A. F. Arnold, Auc tioneer, 1323 G st. n.w. USED ARTISTONE PLAYER PIANO, ?425. Jordan's, G st. at 13th CABINET GRAFONOLA, $65; $125 Victrois, $75; Victrolss, $15, $25, $45. A. F. Arnold. Auctioneer, 1323 G st. n.w. USED SMITH & BARNES PIANO, J1S3. Jordan's. G st. at 13th BEHR BR08. PLAYER, oak case; ased one year; cost $675; for quick aale. will aell for $350. 513 H st. a.e. tJ&tiD CAfeLfc NELSON PIANO, $285. Jordan's, G st. at 13th STIEFY, Stein way and a number of used up rights of other makes; also used player-pianos at reduced pricee. Chaa. M. Stleff, Inc., 1108 F st. n.w. USED GULBRANSEN PLATER PIANO. ?So: Jordan's. G st. at 13th AEOLIAN PLAYER?Mahmny case, like new; cost $600; will sell for $350, for quick ssle. 513 H st. n.e. USED HAINES BROS PIANO, $185. Jordan's. G st. at 13th SEWING MACHINES. LATE MODEL drop head; attachmenta; aacrl flce, $12. Col. 323. 681 Keefer pi. n.w. 8* Singer Sewing Machines. NEW AND USED MACHINES. Renting and Repairing. All Makes. Hemstitching and Pleating. Hopkina, 2926 14th at. Col. 1708. Open evenings. Buttons Made to Order. ALL MAKES rented, repaired; hemstitching; phonograph and records. Lerkin, 813 Pa. ave. s.e. Line. 275. Open evenings. LARGEST STOCK of nsed sewing machines, S> np; renting and repairing a specialty. amy. 623 Pa. ave. a.e. Phone Line. 3672. TYPEWRITERS. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, good condi tion, $15; gaa heater, good aa new, $5. 1732 Corcoran at. North 8792. REMINGTON typewriter. No. 6; good condi tlon; >12. 1010 K st. n.w. 8^_ BARGAINS In flrat-clees typewriters for sale and rent; repairing. Washington Typewriter Exchange, 1801 H st n.w. Franklin 1014. WE RENT AND BELL. Underwoods. Remingtons, Royals, Smith. 50 sheets typewriter paper, $1. General Typewriter Co.. 616 14th st. n.w. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO., INC. Sell, rent and repair typewriters. 717 12th n.w. Phone M. 6584. OLIVER TYPEWRITER JfeSNCY^ ?10 14th st. n.w. Phone Main 7680. "Bent" an Oliver, $4 a month; 8 months, $10. "Buy" a new Oliver No. ? for $55; $8 cash, $4 monthly. TYPEWRITER Rental Service. 2301 1st st. n.w. North 2664. Underwood, L. C. 8., Rem., $4 mo.; 8 mos. In adv., $10.50; 6 mos., $18. Bebnilt typewriters for sale. Teraa. 1481 Beat Capitol at. Rent, sell, repair and boy all makea. Standa free. Open evening a. Line. 8681. MISCELLANEOUS. BRUNSWICK pool tabu. Call attar 8:80 p.m.' or anytime Sunday. 107 R at. n.w. Raa?on able. ?? WHITE faaolUa engine pomp, 1U h.p.; Jack aid prcaaora tank; food condition. 0. u Qrabfe. Box 388. Riverdale. Md. 8* OAS RANGE, good as new. 609 6th n.w. 13* HIGH-GRADE second-hand furniture, ruga, etc. Biley. 481 11th at. Main 6182. 8* FOE 8ALE?MISCELLANEOUS I MUCELtAHBOPi-Owttinl. | DRESS, black'trl colette; bio* aerge and aatln j drew, blue tricotine salt, in awn ?olt; all 86; all Is splendid conditio*; Btaaela sweep er. 1706 You at. n.w., apt. 6. Phone North 7810-J. GAS RANGE and Lion gaa heater. Apply 1426 Maaa. ?w. a.e. MEN'S OVERCOATS, two, aiae 40. for $15. 1T48 Kllbourne place. Columbia 6242. 8* DIAMOND ORESCENT. 17 fine white dia monda, weight about 4% carats; in pawn for $400; will sacrifice ticket. Qall North 8898. 9* PRESS O and P. 10x15. 2206 Va. are. n.w. ?? MfcCHAN'ICAL DRAWING SET-Coet #15; aell $7.50. Weat 219. TWO PALMS?Can ba seen at 1184 12th at. n.w. * 8* | COMBINATION folding bed, wardrobe and deak; also bicycle cheap. 1886 Fairmont at. n.w. 9* (SB HOT CZKK!IGB=WEiie reed; good a. new; cheap. Call thla evening or Sunday. 1740 K at. n.w? Apt. 27. 8* ftK'GLANDttft C6UCS?Doable-bed aiae; Splen did condition, $18. Col. 6848 after 5:80. 8* BABY OR IB. drop aidea, hair mattreaa, oouch, aolld oak. bicycle, good condition. Col. 6447 W. 1405 Webater at. SEWING MACHINE, $10; food condition. Line. 461-J. 8* TI1ERMAT1C Fire leas Cooker?Two compart menta; little used; iron atand, $15. 1211 Montello ere. n.e. 9* , PARLOR or Dining Store, "Cole'a Hot Blaat," I used 2 months, cost $28; will sacrifice for $10. Call 910 Vs. eve, a.w. 8* ANTIQUE OHAIRS, tables, ornaments, pic* tnres, etc. Riley, 431 11th st. 8* CLOTHES?Workingmen, it la unnecessary to further emphasize our position. All hustlers of moderate means know of this porch-front atore and the lower prices we name on new panta; the lined corduroy at $4.50 tella all. Orer coats, warm friends, $5 up. Ladles' atore, 616! D. Justh's Old Stand. 619 D. j MULTI-COLOR printing press; reaaonable! price. Abel 4, Co., 908 E at. n.w. 7^_ ! GAS RANGE; 4-burner; side oren; good con dition. Phone Col. 1827 (before noon). 7* LOT OF WHEEL8. single trees, axles, spin dles and iron parts for dump wagons. Call and make offer. Columbia Granite and Dredg lng Co.. 8036 K et. n.w. ROLL-TOP DESK, maple, full aiae; high roll; $20. 500 Barriater btdg. 7* CORRESPONDENCE school course, accounting and business law; unusual bargain. Columbia 6517-J. 8* WASHING machine, "Crystal"; wry reason able. 154 Uhland tellace n.e. 8* EVENING DRE88?Purple and gold nrocade, with gold alippera to match; both practically new; also coats, suits, dresses; in excellent condition; at lowest prices. All aiae 1& Ap-1 ply 2810 Asbmead place. Apt. 38. BABY CARRIAGE, practically new. MS O at. n.e. 8^_ j COLT automatic, .45, belt and holater; like new. 1101 P et. n.w., room 8. 7* OFFICE DESK, massive quartered oak. and chair; Remington typewriter. Call North 4604 (after 5 o'clock). 9* SPORT COAT, pony and squirrel; Ion* relret cost, blue cloth cost suit; all in firat-claaa condition; size 38. Phone Adama 751. 8* RUGS?Several good ruga, slightly used. Riley, 431 11th st. 8* FUR COATS slightly used, en tirely relined. look like new; $85 np. I. J. FOX, 1220 G St. N.W. One flight up. LADY will sacrifice slightly used fur coat, like new. 1126 8th at. n.e. PriTato home. SEAL COAT with squirrel collar and cuffe for 875. Call after 6. 1308 Clifton st. n.w. 7* LATROBE8, mantHs. stores, dressers, doors snd building msterisl. 784 7th at. n.w. 7* HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for 5 rooms; up to-date, first-class condition; owner learing town, will sell reasonable to quick buyer. No dealer or buyer. Phone Lincoln 7114-J. 7* MUSKRAT COAT; full length; raccoon collar and cuffs; $40. 2602 Wisconsin are. 7* TANK HEATER?Menlo No. 12. No. 407 K at n.e. 8^_ WOOD. Oak or pine; any length; 812 cord. Phone Marlboro 15-F-22. fe2* BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES. Coffee urna. steam tables, diah pans, baking pans, frying pans, soap stock kettles, ladles, dippers, coffee pots, water coolers, glasses, knives, forks, spoons, enamel platters, plates, trays, saucers, pitchers, basins, ash cans, gal vanized buckets, white coats, motor cup grease, oil, levels, machine screws snd miscel laneous surplus Army supplies. E. J. ELLIS, 735 12th st. n.w. Phone Frankltn 608. 7* Bank and Office Partitions In stock. Beady for immediate delivery. 918 9th at. n.w. 7* SHOWCASES AND 8TOBE FIXTURES, 8AM PLB FLOOR AND COUNTER CASE8 AT 8PECIAL PRICES. "BUY AT THE FAC TORY." RU8E it COMPANY. 808 LOW ST.. BALTIMORE. MP. AUTOMOBILES FOB. SALE, ETC. DO DOB 1931 touring; new Ln puncture-proof tire,. Adama 2641. 8* FOBD coupe: shock absorber,; new battery; A-l condition; tire, good; $800 cash, lttlo 14th at. n.w. * FOKD sedan; has over 850 worth extras; ran few miles and guaranteed in erery way. Toa take no chance. A bargain for some one. Trl angle Motor Co.. 8 N. Y. aye. REO. 1817; good running order; 8100, cash or terms. Bobej Motor Oo? 142? X. st. n.w. Main 2121. OLDSMOBILB sport touring, 1920; Just about one year old; run lea. than 9.000 mllss; cord tires; motor entirely overhauled; looks and runs like new car. Sacrifice price. Call Hairy Wllmer. Col. 8824. 0LD8M0BILE ? touring, 192t> model; sbaolnte ly aa good aa new ln erery respect; extras. Price. 8800. Call between 9 and S. 1511 lrr ine st. n.e. * AUTOMOBILES 70S BALI. XTO. DODOS coop#, 1921; A-l condition; Mir cord tires. Address Box at6-M. Star ottoa. ?* FORD taxi; lit* motel; cheap tt cash. UW Irving n.w. I* ftODGB M<Un, ltlfti 6 wire wkMl*. carte; >775. Adams 3242, KTUDEBAKER. Most so 1L $860; >300 eirt, >80 month, 015 Upshur st- 8* CHANDLER Club roadster; find calk; lent condition. Pol. 8019. 8* STANLEY light taurinf; excellent condition; demonstrate; beet offer before noon 8and*7. 1116 Vermont are. Wbttceell. 8* FORD coupe, late 1921; mileage under 2.800: >109 In extras, including 2 new Urea, tubes and rims never used; >360. or any reasonable offer; private owner. 2121 14th st. n.w. CADILLAC 1917 touring; excellent condition: good tires; real bargain; any terms. Mr. Klb bejr 1065 Wisconsin ave. Welt 168. FORD roadster, 1921; oaed one month; mw Kre tire: wonderful bargain; your own terms. Klbbey, 1005 Wisconsin are. West 168. WILLYS-KNIGHT touring. 1918. If yeo are interested in securing sn excellent used car st s price thst cannot be equaled in Washing* ton, call Col. 8899. / BAKES electric sedan in good condition. 0*11 Miss Pe Forest, the Alban apt. 9* FORD coupe. 1921 model; about 7 mouths old; runs A-l; a bargain, >400. Triangle Motor Co., S New York are. REO roadster. 1919; cord tires, new battery; any demonstration or guarantee; sacrifice >225. Apply (mornings) 124 B n.w. 8* CADILLAC touring. 1914; rood condition; no reasonable offer refused. Washington Garage Co., Inc., 1212 E st. n.w. 8* CHEVROLET, 490 model. 1920. Good tire*. Sacrifice. K. B. Wiseman. Phono Adams 2135 (sfter 8 p.m.) Terms if desired. 8* OVERLAND, 1918. model 85-8; in good condi tion; Red Seal Oontlnentsi engine; owner or dered sway and most sell. Price. >300. Ckil Col. Ennis, 1717 20th at. n.w. Phone North <878. ?' MILBtJRN light jelectric; excellent condition; including rectifier, >1.600. Phone Glove. 89. >718 Ingomar st.. Obevr Chase. 8 HUPMOBILE, 1920. This car Is in sn excel lent condition, mechanically perfect; cord tires. The chespest csr in the market today. H. W. Lockwood. North 1059. HUDSON LIMOUSINE, with 7-paasenger tour ing body; 4 cord tires: nearly new; good coo dltlon: >500. Rear 1131 17tb st. n.w. 7* DODGE LIMOUSINE?Good condition: mw paint; a bargain; >400. Rear 1131 BUICK, 1917; cord tire equipped; mechanically right and a real bargain. Must bo oold. Csll Columbia 8324. __ FORDS. 1920 coupe: Juit orerhauled; fins tires; ex cellent bargain. 1920 sedsn; first-class condition. 1921 rnnsbout; new tires; excellent motor. 1920 touring, shoek absorbers, dssh light snd ether sccessories. Cssh or terras. HILL St TIBBETTS. 14th snd Ohio ave. FORD TOURING?1920; excellent condition; >250. 1119 K st. n.w. 8 FORD sedans (8). aever?i touring care; prices right: terms; trade. 314 Pa. ave. n.w. FORD chassis (2): good tires snd in running condition; for quick ssle to make room, each >85. Triangle Motor Co.. 3 New York are. ON account of sickness, owner hss left for ?s to dispose of his 1922 Ford touring csr, wj little used. Will sell very ressonsble foressh or on essy terms. Thos. A. Jameson, 906 >. Y. are. n.w. Main 5526. DODGE. 1921 aedan; cheap. Adama 2641. 1Q* DODGE roadater, late model: good rubber; ex cellent condition mechanically; terms. Call Col. 2590. 1865 Perry place n.w. 7^__ OAKLAND coupe. 1920; slightly over one year old. Used by one owner only snd run very little. One of the best used closed cars. Avail able at an extremely low price. Call Mr. Prank Thomas. North 4344. VELIB. 1921 model. 6-cylinder, 5-paas. touring car; excellent condition. Phone North lWu. Apt. 102. 8_ PORD aedan, late model: in use only about 1 montha: same as new. Will sacrifice for cash. Adsms 2342. -? >295 EQUITY In 1922 Ford coupe: run 600 miles: msny extraa; better than new: balance payable >45 monthly. Best offer Ukes it. 303 Star bldg. I MILBURN electric coupe: practically a new 1921 car: in perfect condition: has been driven only 2.500 mile*: will sscriflce for quick cash sale: in atorag*: demonntration by appoint ment. Inquire at Pupont Garage. COLB T-plH. touring. 181?; new paint; *1" Kit at a ?aeriflce. Addreaa Box 178-JI, itftr rifcfc HUPMOBILE touring. 1?1T, model M. Her. ia a car In wonderful condition that can be picked op at ft nerlflc* price. B. W. Howard, Col. g?WB. CADILLAC touring. 1916. with aitra limou alne tody. 1800. Addraaa Boa 17MI. Star rtBc. ~ COLB ABRO ?. 7-pa?a., ISIS: newly pal?t?d and thoroughly conditioned: eaay term,. WaJa tr Motor Co.. 1617 Conn, rre. FORD one-ton truck: perfect condition: cheap: no use tor aame. Mcdiaon Cfcrk, 1314 Pa. ave. a.e. Lincoln 4219. CHEVROLET 490: runs like new; new top: unuaoal bargain, 1185. 1321 Corbin n.e. Lln coln Mil. TL HUPMOBILB touring. 19S0. Why pay full price for a new Hupmobile when you can bur thla one, a year old, nKd *ery little, for 1*15 below new price! J. W. Hathaway, CI. gaooj. PACKARD Twin Sli 7-paaa. touring: will aae I rifle, for quick aale for ?500; newly painted and orerhauled: worth three time. tb, pric aaked. Phone North 6860-W. or Franklin 1728. ? DODGE coupe; flrat-claaa mechanical condition i and ftppearanc: wire wheels. 5 ttrea; $800. Term? if deaind. H. B. Leary, Jr., 1321 14th at. n.w. Main 4106. - RHO, 1916: good condition; (130. Columbia 1305J 1* OWING TO THE REDUCTION OF NEW CAR PRICES THERE IS A GREAT REDUCTION ALSO ON RECONDITIONED CARS. SOME NEWLY PAINTED. 2?8-cylinder Oldsmobile Touring. 3?6-cylinder Oldsmobile Touring. i?Liberty Chummy Roadster. i?Buick Roadster. i?Overland Sedan. i?Dodge Coupe. i?Dodge Touring. i?Floor Soiled Coupe. i?6-cylinder Sedan. If you are in the market for a used car, do not fail to look these wonderful bargains over. They must be sold quick to make room for more trade-ins. Our usual 30-day guarantee?that's what we thing of our used cars. OLDSMOBILE SALES COMPANY, Main 7837. 1016-1018 Connecticut Ave. Open Evenings Until 9; Sundays Until 2. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Spring is not far away. Prices will soon begin to advance on used cars. Come in and look our stock over before buying elsewhere. It will more than pay you, as we have a better selec tion of used cars at lower prices than' ever before. And on easy terms, too! By THE AUTO SALES CO., 1707 14th St N.W. Phones North 6568 and North 558. 1920 Ehm Tnnrinf 1*20 Ford Coop*. 3920 Buick 5-Paaa. Toor. IBIS Cadillac Roadnter. 1919 Keo Sedan. S-paaa. 191# Oakland Touring. 1920 Bbick. 7-paaa. tour. 1MB Waatcott, 7-paaa. tour. 1919 Cadillac, 7-paaa. tour. IBIS FMrleaa, 7-paaa. toor. 1B19 Cole. 6-paaa. toor. 1B16 Locomobile, T-paaa. tour. 1918 Buick Boadatar. 1917 HaTnea, 7-paaa. tour. 1918 Oldamobile Boadater. 1919 Franklin timooatne. 1918 National, 7-paaa. tour. 191B Wlllja-Kaif ht Tour. 1918 Wlllre-Knifnt Tour. 191S Buick, 7-paaa. tour. 1918 Wtuton, 7-paaa toor. 1917 Stata, 4-paaa. tour. 1917 Hudaon Sedan. IBIS Wintoa Cbummj. 4-paaa. 1930 Oldamobila Coop*. IBIS Saxoa Cbommr Boadatar. We Fully Guarantee Title and Condition of Every Car Sold. TIRES!!! ALL MAKES. ALL SIZES. FABRIC CORD ' TIRES, < TIRES, 6,ooo Miles. 8,000 Miles. 30x3^ N. S ~ $9.99 32x3^ N. S . 12.75 32x4 N. S 15.25 33x4 N. S . 15.75 34x4 N. S 16.40 All Other Sizes Proportionately Low. TUBES?ALL MAKES?TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE.. Every Tire a First Tire. Every Tire a Guaranteed Tire. 40% OFF ON ALL CORD TIRES. Distributors Henderson Cord and Fabric Tires. DIXIE TIRE COMPANY, 1118 H St. N.E. Open Evenings and Sundays.