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LABOR UNION SEEKS MS FOR SIKH Central Body Asks $1 Per Capita Membership to Aid Men Idle .Seventy-One Days. An appeal for ilonationr of $1 pei r;iniu memoerrnip was sent to anniaiei bodies of the Washington Central Uaboi Union today, in an effort of the centra body to obtain funds to aid the railroat shop strikers thr- local jurisdiction. The letter which was sent out is i follow-up of the action taken by Centra Uabor Union at its la^t meeting, whicl voted financial and moral support to th< cause of the shopmen. Seriousness of the situation is evi deneed by the second paragraph of th< letter, which says: Several hundred "of our fellow tradet unionists in Washington are. as yoi perhaps know, engaged in a life anc death struggle with that most gigantic of all monopolies?th? railroad trust? gainst Chinese coolie wages and unbearable working conditions indictee upon them by a govern nent tribunal ai foe behtst of this inonopo'y. For seventy-one di.fs there brothers have beer id'c in i rctest of a wag? reduction ant cancellation of working conditions thai made it impossible for them to suppori their families in eping with the American standard or liv'ng." * The letter continues with a state runt that the central body realize: what a struggle working people hav< In order to exist when they an employed, and that it feels confiden i hat every local union will concur it i he actum of thy officers of the cen tr: I body in appealing for a donatio! o at least $1 for each member ii good standing. * If their fight is lost." warns th< letter. we teel it will encourage your employ, r to endeavor to reduc> ; iiu to the level to which the rail 'oads are trying to bring your fel low- workers in the transportation in ilustpy." R -quest is made that dona tions be sent direct to Edward M Bridwell at 1012 i" street northeast secretary of the Washington Ter miital System Federation. No. 10 H which is the organization of the loca strikers. Acknowledgment will b< made by Mr. Brfdwell. the lettci SPECIAL MASS PLANNED. Memorial to Collins and GrifBtt at St. Patrick's Church. Arrangements were completed b; members of the Irish-American Unioi to aUtend the memorial mass to 1> sung1 at St. Patrick's Church Sunda: for Michael Collins and Arthur Grif fith. at a meeting of the organizatioi in Washington Hall. 302 Pennsylvani; avenue, last night. Mgr. C. F. Thomas of St. Patrick' Church will officiate, and the sermoi wilt be delivered by Rev. John rI Coolfhan, one of the most gifted Iris! scholars in this country. A choir o mixed voices will render a specia musical program. It was further announced tha'; man members of the United States Senat and House of Representatives had ac cepted invitations to be present. JSoIHe ?J TheMen's/^ 1 - 9th> Hats > That Ge y Long distance, in qu style, local ill price. Listi GENUINE -BERG" i finest hat you can get for a fiver. IVc chose the styles and shades with great care, as you'll notice jwhen you see the selection. It's time to "ditch the straw kclly" and get under one of these. & m VI Herzog Special A hat value that increases overhead appearance and reduces overhead costs. en And Other Fine H< Nationally known makes that wc cause of their fine quality. STYLEPL If you're wearing a "1 I want another. If you'vt and ivc'll show you a Rl ' " at a bank-roll-pleasing , /' and fabrics that assures |v what you want. *25 g IConservath A good selection of diffei in all sizes; regulars, stouts i slims. Particularly ha worsteds. The right price, jGuaranteec ^ The kind that successj them. The models are Fall wear. The prices < *25 *2 i i i i i ?? * .* z' * * * Book of Pictures J , Used by Ice Man I i In Serving Route | There is an ice dealer serving real- ] Si L dents along the Biadensburg road, Ber- j win and College Park, according to j ql A. J. San ford, financial clerk of the l] Police Court, wjjo keeps a unique set M of books. The man cannot read or write and has to depend on his strange lv| day book in making deliveries. Each sy page of the pocket book of information "jl r contains rough drawings of houses, one, i 1 two or three stories. ( as the case may I . be. For instance, there is a drawing ! tl of a three-story house with ? big auto- | * mobile standing out front; then there a 1 is a two-story bungalow with a smaller I fl automobile in front; then again there j Wfl l 1 is a house of one story with a crude } |w 1 drawing of a cow in the yard; at an- ! if x other small house a dog stands on the j ?Um ? porch; at another a big tree indicates r~l a certain home and on another page . Ivi . is ^iown a house with horse and buggy | JgU , in the road. j M ' oWnnro a hlir tat man in I A>/1 v,,c lm6" ? " o ?-?- | |ii 3 the yard, while on another page a house J-j j with children in the yard is seen. On I [7 i each page are long and short marks? f ,]}/ one short mark means' 5 cents worth ^ of ice. one long mark means 25 cents [T worth, two short marks, 10 cents worth; j three short marks, 15 cents worth, and t t?j one long, heavy mark means 50 cents if j worth. Ml | This merchant's picture hook is an INj { j open story to him. each page indicating il, 1 'a certain house and just how much ice Ml t | they take there. rj" 7~~ St Reasonable M ; Reasoning |l j YOU'VE Probably |j "I -Pmiria nut that worth- i Li g I 1UU11U VWV vxtMv ?? w. v.* J ! | while things don't "just ! ; i happen." flf It didn't - i " just happen" that ; | 12th and G Streets be- * came the mealtime con' vergence of daily thousands. It came about jig because on every table here we place two , things for your money: abundance and excel- s , lence. I v I ^ A ij mains' i "Washington's Largest i? Restaurant" i $ r , i 12th and G Streets N.W. y I i niigMniiiiiiaiiM $ TZO ?rs! l aCornerO i| R ^&F ? I [ cor Fall || t the Call i ality and, IIJ | 1 Stetson's j 1 They're genuine Stetson's , ?America's best known j II men's hats. All Istyles and 1 J| shades. * j w| *7= $3to$5 ! 1 US SUITS || STYLEPLUS" now you'll ^ : nei'cr worn one conic in j | AL QUALITY Fall Suit : t<ricc. A range of styles ' J you're getting EXACTLY ' in 111 re Worsteds 4 'cnt models ^ atf . , stubs and W rd-wcaring g too. . ivi/ n [Blue Serges . defy the sun to fade j many, and all correct for ' i ire equally attractive. i g 10 $35 H * A Great F* ? > Mid-September, with every one's thoughts turned Prodigal with value is the great Coat sale?the Dress ings and Skirts. Our plans have outrun our space in/i ions which interest and values-which attract !v It is i' your needs! ^ ^ Extraordinary Si! All but crowded out of our advertisement today,our ladies' and misses' dress shops tomorrow. Twe PLEASE don't mi?s them!' This Caps ' 300 Coats (not heretofore ready) $65.00 Coats for later selling?go on- s Great Septem at ' iMtiSni 1 // rkl ^ BBS \ f ^SCT^lvIs ^7r B^HB^^BI Misses' Coat, in Normandy. 1 / with novel sleeves; finished I I mi I with long tassels and trim- It wMil HH9 med in self-embroidery: vara U JffJ cul collar and cyffs. $1 H^Hj Misses' Straight-line Coat I^Hj of Normandy; belted style. with huge collar and cuffs of skunk: sleeves trimmed with T^7 elf-stitching. $45. l \l Your choice of eight models?fur trim- wv.m med or embroidered?five of which are pic- <T"u tured here! "th ? Every woman interested in a coat ol cost can he pleased with style?and wil whelmed with value! $m prf Two remarkab Misses, third Ladies,,second Of All Coat Two months ago this sale was planned. York offices, presenting their best for this few were chosen, the makers being willi orders! And now the Coats are here?ready f to our September Coat Sale which will ca For Women?Eight New Styles Normandy, Bolivia and Georgi- A ana?beautiful, soft, lustrous Coatings J/T'O ?Muffler and shawl collars of wolf, scarf col lars and cults ot wolt, caracul, or skunk. Meeves are the new semi-circular and wing types. There are blouse, fulf-back and belted styles. Handembroidery, self-strapping, tucking and cable stitching lend variety to the fur trimming. Navy, black, Hawaiian blue and brown. -The same courtesies extended as in al A small deposit only is required and s Other Sale Prices, The great September sale offers the fashions?and of the most beautiful fi Why don't YOU buy now- , / . New Silk Chemise Am. There are alike end ?ilk? and dozens of ' 1 F ' Tj msnufseturers of silk underwear. but these J yrQBR, I I kflyCWf Chemises featured tomorrow come from the x&sfSXgtp I Wpgjamcj house that 111 our estimation makes the very _W / I V 'TTTnTTT' best $1.85 Silk Teddies, on the market. ?g2?rTj I llllrUl There are uisot different and equally en- nTTTimT I l! \ \ tlcing atyles of Orm quality crepe de chine. I 'I I _ J I \ \ They feature ribbon strap shoulders. The 11 / I \ I .. V Isces used In trimming and In yokes ar# of I 1 il / | \ f 1 met and French rals, Some hare medallions I / I ) I \ of lace or embroidered net. Colors. plAk, / 1 1 I /II r / n llyht blue and orchid. \ \ III 1/ \K One of our customers this past week , ff; IV |.i itM I bought $53 wortli of Roods for Christmas ' , \ \ wtrah WM\ / ' RiTinR. It will pay you to look ahead dur- i \ . \ lv flj . j I Inn September and do likewise. tuaA \\ \ I f . ill Occasion t s to Fall?and this shop responds in overflowing measure! event and the wonderful purchases of Gloves, Silk Stockivhich to tell of them. On every hand are the ilew fashtoo bad our entrance is upset?inside we are alive to Ik Dress Sale?$25 but $35, $40, even $50 Silk Dresses?nearly 300 in all, in , nty styles?new styles?new shades?simply wonderful! the Climax! and conservatively estimated as $55.00 to j ale tomorrow in our iber Coat Sale c jk each I Women's of brown / f modernte Normandy, with caracul col- I )ar and cuffs: circular lines V \\ \l I n ] OVW~ ,ur^jn*f around skirt and ? \\ I j mi ^ w*nm A?\ ' afwaii.k( Iima model, in brown Normandy with muffler collar and cuff* of wolf: eemi-circular sleeves C .with barred self- stitching. MS. J le sales?one for * m art c floor?one for floor. .lues?See These! A stream of manufacturers visited our New / event. Out of hundreds of samples seen,- a ng to make concession in order to get early ' or selling tomorrow, and to give an impetus rrv it through a triumphant Saturday! For Misses?^Six New Styles These are the youthful long-waist- ^ A ^ ed, belted and straight-line types. They J are developed in Normandy, Bolivia and Georgiana m navy and black and rich dark brown. Silk and silk braid embroidery self-stitching give ] individuality to both fur-trimmed and self-col- ? s lared coats. Skunk, caracul and wolf furs of A great beauty will entrance the miss! j II coat purchases made during September. torage is free until November first. >8, 575, $95 and ?115 j _ 1_ _ * _ C 11 t r 11 .1 K cnoice 01 an grades?ot an tne new coat s Lir trimmings at a saving of fully 20%! 0 With the New Fall Suit a N6w Fall Suit Blouse $g.95 and $J2^0 Blouses designed for dress wear, ".W featuring new flowing, cape and slit sleeves, new necklines and, in brief, all ( , yfjt. ' *'ie smartness of the new fall season. '< ^'lnVMfcwBli Hip-length, overblouse designs in j crePe de chine with bright etnbroid^US^BL eries' self-braiding and plaiting. In < .muffin, coffee brQwn, navy and black. j ^ ail?re(^ Silk Blouses, $5.90 -J UVv if* jiT ^ Developed in radium silk with s I I 'ItS either the youthful Peter Pan or the, (S3 In #"\h becoming long roll collar. Narrow ? | \\ plaiting of the material makes a smart 1 Crepe de Chine I finish for the turn-back link cuffs. In i , $12.50 white and bisque. Sizes 36 to 46. ~ j *. * w ... U * -Ml fctUffs I V 1216FSLN.W. # ' ra Summer Sale of Furs jjjj A fur , manufacturer told us this week that kj >ery shortly he would be forced to announce a lun 20% raise over present prices. You know what Ifijl :hat will mean for you. If you are planning on & investing in furs?either a coat or one of the jiL smaller pieces?consider these items carefully. Ml Hudson Seal Coats ji Probable Later Price $300 ^ t $237-50 | 40-inch length with wide flare. Collar and cuffs of all jX seal or natural skunk. Some with seal sash or heavy plaited f?l silk dord; others with belt of seal. Novelty all-silk linings. jk Limited quantity?select yours today. ^ BAY SEAL?$125 % jy Also Wraps and Capes That Probably Will Be M $165 to $195 T 40 and 45 inch models in Bay Seal. Muffler collars, man- 'ijl larin arm slides, long roll collars, collars and cuffs of skunk 'W -ich silk linings?these are some of the features. Copies of J jrigmal" models and mostly one-of-a-kind. & Chokers?$25 and $29.50 Probable Later Prices?$35 to $50 Stone and Baum Martens?one-skin animals in large jJ selected dark pelts, with head, tail and paws. Blocked animal ft iox chokers in' brown, tan, battleship, taupe, blue cross and 1 J; jearl gray. Your Wardrobe is incomplete without a choker. ( 1 The Hat Makes the Costume ^ Your New Fall Hat 1 $10 $1250 $15 Regularly $13.50 to $25 Because our buyer has just spent most of a w eek r searching every corner of the New York wholesale narket we are able at the beginning of the season to 8 )ffer you these creations of some of America's foremost lesigners at prices much below the usual first-of-the- | season prices. J Felts are the last word in smartness, says our buyer. is ust back from New York today. Small hats for sport ind street; large droopy hats for dress. Velvet and j 3anne combinations, till an entirely different need. Ml are in this group from the deep mushroom and poke ! * shapes?the semi-poke with roll-back brim?trimmings jj >f quills, two-tone velvets and wool embroiderv. All r it $10, $12?0 and $15. m. w mm m INew rail uioves |< ' At a New Low Price The cooler fall days, the "in between" length of sleeves j ! >n the new fall frocks all conspire to make madame realize jj * he need of new gloves. Two fortunate purchases?one of K ine French suede?the other equally as good quality chamoiette. enable us to offer these at the exceptional price of $1.65. > ; ,OOK TO YOUR GLOVE WARDROBE! $2.50 French Suede Glove*, $1.65 ? , Two-clasp style, in fine French suede, pique sewn. Of nedium weight and perfect fitting, these gloves in the new all shades bid fair to be most popular. Mode, castor, beige, irown and French gray. $2 to $3 Chamoisette Gauntlets, $1.65 ^ The ideal glove for wear with tailored suits. Fashioned >f finest quality chamoisette. perfect fitting and of perfect | , vorkmanship, this glove comes in four novel gauntlet style*. [ Colors: Brown, gray. mode, castor and pongee. Two-tone IL mbroidery on the back adds to their smartness. Pj When You Buy the Autumn Browns in Silk Stockings?Suy j Gold Stripe n i can ^ \\ Silk Stockings That j ( pass silk i \\ EAR! ^ 1 THIS II ooy h r- t j r> A stpipc KH Puac fj Golden brown. African t Bfl Jp Brown, Otter, Bobolink?as M well as Black *and _>o other g shades in these famous Silk H1 " Stockings. The Patented Gold Stripe ?saves the stockings from ruinous "runs" caused by 2; farter-clasp cuts, which so often destroy the ordinary Silk Stockings. And the Silk in Gold Stripe Stockings being , 100 per cent pure, wears and wears and gives that n! iervice which makes Gold Stripe Stockings so popular vith women everywhere. Sold in Washington only by is and ready for you tomorrow in great assortments ^ or fall! L: Price with mercerized garter hem only $2.00 pair. SOROSIS ] The Sturdy Shoe for Growing J . , Feet | I y\l Sorosis shoes for children com- {j ' bine the two qualities most neces- jJI sary?right shape for correct foot I . i development and durable quality 1 i\| materials'that mean the utmost & I in wear. Add to this the Sorosis { st><le' which the y?un&sters vvi11 | be proud of, and you have an ^ ideal child's shoe. Children's Lace Boat*. In Infants' Tnn Calf Button lark brown or black calf; welt Boots. Also patent leather K olee. full wlUe toe; also in . . hlap,, or whit<. kid tons r >atent leather. Sizca 8H to with black or wnite Kia tope .1, $3.001 si sea 11H to 2. $3JM)i Hand-turn soles that are sort rires 2 % to 6, $7.00. and flexible. 1 Children'* Strap Pumps, in glxeg ? t0 s lark brown or black calf and >atent leather; welt sole? and oixes 4 to a, cc ull wide toes. Sites 8% to 11, , 4.801 11% to 2 85.001 2% to 6, Iufant* Strap Pump*. With ; 55?. * hand-turn soles that are soft infants* Blnck Kid Batton and flexible Fashioned in loots. Hand-tu^n soles; soft brojvn calf, black kid and patrtid flexible. cnt leather. L Sixes 2 to 5. $3.00. Sizes 2 to 5. $3.23. g. Sixes 4 to 8. $3.00. Sizes 4 to 8. $3.03. Then here are a few heps, not old stock, but badly h i iroken sizes of some late summer children's shoes that we ? j t ire making very special prices, knowing that mothers all ver Washington who are sending children "back to school" kI onday morning will appreciate the'substantial savings. - *" S3 " -1 3? t ?