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Newspaper Page Text
* - "T , \\. -- . l% -- . -. .. - *' - - . .-r^' .- \ 1 THE STAR'S DAILY PICTORIAL PAGE THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1922. The latest photograph of Donald B. MarMfllan, noted explorer of 1 frozen north, taken on his arrival in Maine. MacMillan's own story of his ' remarkable trip is appearing in The Sunday Star. Copyright by t'nderwood A T'nderwood. mwm ^ Joseph Curamings Chase. New A ork artist, paints portrait of Miss Mary Ki hell, prize winner in Atlantic City beauty 'contest. Miss Campbell, to be knoi year as "Miss .America," lives in Columbus, Ohio. Copyright by tnderw I 4 mk -&k r, . ?PI . Jf ^ ^ *? ' . g Presenting Jack Russell Lambert of Crowborough, Sussex, England, claimed to be the world's smallest man. He is two feet and ten inches high pko and weighs "two stone, three pounds" f thirty-one pounds*. Jack is twenty- gree four years old. * Wide World Photo. ijjj The United States ambassador to England and Mrs. Harvey in Scot- ~ f land. They are spending their vacation near Dunkeld, far from the grind ? of diplomatic duties. __ _ j Wide World Photo. C ' ' 2 < . M.. <V^teca& :&LmimA*? > MLM^yi.j'il< BEv W vV ' x*? w '* - x Hm>VBH? Children in the neighborhood of Rosedale playground were given an opportunity yesterday to di Dolls, lace, rugs and all sorts of handwork were displayed. Prize winners in a doll contest were Ida 01 mnmm iherine Camp- TJThen two flivvers come together there is bound to be trouble. The true vn for the next was owned by George C. Altemus and the touring car by Harvey Dove of Burl ood & Underwood. agreed on the right of way at 23d and California street?. ^ ^ ^ " f^gj jtM '' 1 W ' ^^M^jMtc v >lM|wNb||||^^i|^^^HH^BS^S|^MM^^'Mk' -J". . *S#"**?^2m^H| Bs8BMBBB^^Bw?aaB^y'.g . . Miss Regina Qninn c S. S. Bowdoin, Donald MacMillans ship used in arctic exploration. photograph most perfecdy to snapped when the boat reached Maine. The famous explorer was candidates and sensitive pi ;ted by 2.000 persons when he landed. . Wlde World pho,? ^'jf "? >J|^.'^y^B i; .mfLmm' ifeajK^KWB^^Pi^v _ Munns of Washington entertain society and nobility at house party at their summer home, Dunkel landing: Gurnee Munn, William Slater, Count Zoppola, Count de Wichfeld, Dewese Dilworth, Count) Charles Munn, Cdhntess de Heeren, Gilford Cochran, Countess Zoppola, Mrs. Charles Munn, the hostel iurnee Munn andsEctor Munn. , . ----VT ; ' "' -1 " ~? - ; / j ' J : " . ,w -, -V'-.":.;- - - . : V -: >;A*J)hbi?3t$ . . - j . - ."V.'.-.. J -; -.. "-. . _ v- ' >-. - -* - - . *'?? :-'? . - *1V * * }' '' . ?&'. . tli '_ i*.-,. ;.; ?' These twe splay things they made daring the summer. dale playgroun sen, Olga Diedrich and Marion Bardroff. for a couple o Photo by Pridgeon, staff photographer. f^M|W f 'l^^Bfr Disabled veterans entertained by tl k in this instance to right, hark row: Miss (lolling. Chat Le, Ya. They dis- brook. A. Marshall. Mrs. Dougherty. Fr< National Photo. an(] Donlin. " ; I >f New York is claimed by photographers to of all the nation's women. The judges study New high lotographir plates to reach their decision. 9,300 gallons o Wide World Photo. was made vest* % r. m K d House, Dunk eld. Scotland. Left to right, its de WiAfeld and Noel Munn. Seated: The Talin s; Mrs. Dewesa, Duchess de Chaulnes, Mrs. stop in Paris ei ..... , , i , WHs WorM Phots. to produce fill *'. - * ~*' j." - " *.* , -. V . t-r - ?-* % , * - - - " -" r ' A V - "-, x r . oJua. ;.' -Jit-. ... ':.-j. . / : .J . '. "V^i-.lrMt: .- .. " - u::XL<r r* - > i > * y.;!' ' >/&,, > *^^^^f^lBflWpiBPlW^WMlMWlMMlil^^K^*'"' ' V' H8fiIT fr x, i youngsters edged themselves into the doll ronte~t at Rosed yesterday?and they won honorable mention. Pretty good F boys, eh? They are Daniel O'Connor and Lloyd Draper. Photo bj Prldgeon, staff photographer he Pennsylvania Society in Washington yesterday. Left les Sweeney, M. England. William Jones. John H. Sand>nt row: Harry Nelson. Jack R>an. R. Ha*?ell. L. Wood Copyright t?y 21st Century Frem ~~ gy^^gj ^MppjBPI^^y^g r^SS^^K^m * * Jff?? k ? "^' J*1BBi^^B^Bw 'S9L. jB^lSHHV4- t^^Fij|^^^H^B gi J^HH| .flnBp t '^8r ^8^B^?i^l "' ? ?T Bb/ H^l *k. /ifllL,'> V" y.zjti. K^H^BflH^^^SBi # - 'HHf |j^|. v"-:Pl^im -pressure pumps in?tallcd on New York fire boat throw f water a mrnute at ISO pounds pressure. The official test ?rday aboard the fire boat James Duane. Copyright by L*nd??nrood & I'ndsrvrnod. :; v - ; - \' -. . <$tk | ilp&^$f#*11/ '; * ;HHHHHMV. >i?:s KMfr- *a??l * 1 adge sisters. Norma and Constance. American movie stars, a route to Moscow. They will apply to Lenin for permission as in Russia. Wide World Pboto, ~ ' . '% , ' . n ; .-* ' *' "* ' ? T0* -5