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When a girl needs fiew frock ?she wants a variety in fash ions and fabrics. Righto!?So here are scores of new fashions in woolens, silks, satins and velAU these fabrics in about every desired shade and combi ImMm. Evidencing the moderate IHbBw the dress sketched is only $10.95 If I 11 is of wool canton crepe, 'I / i with ^ hand embroidery and , . rr_ Other dresses $5 to $29.50. IV ool canto* crepe w- . i r i r-? n: ^;0.9j5 Variously tor girls ot 7 to lo years. (The Herht Co., third floor.> ! What kind of coat does your girl like! Does she like the plain-tailored styles of Bolivia or Broadcloth; the dressier Normandys or Velours; the sportier Herringbones or Mixtures? Docs she like them plain or with fur 1 ? cj I \ li ?| ?V \ H IIIIIIIUI^B ? ... j , Is her preference for a flare or belted / flO | n 'I model; kimono, set-in or raglan sleeve; !; 77 !fll convertible or shawl collar? w I / r |T> W'n'r We have what she likes. It would he Vi odd if we didn't, because right now our j coat stork is at its fullest and best. LJ For girls of 7 to 14 ^ sT"7"" $7.93 to $25 mn J }^-<\ Junior Girls 12 to 16 $12.95 to $75 OS Vclour with beazrrcttc (The Hechf Co.. girls' shop. tsird floor) collar, $lo.5o Pollyanr.a Qr(J^ fcr{mmcr silk lining gf r ^ silk lined $29.50 V? v $29.50 You 11 approve these new coats at s29-? Nothing smarter on school ground or campus; and they are equally attractive for business girls and young business women. Sport looking with the easy Prominent among the fabrics drape of outdoors, but dressy is a gray krimmer that is the next enough for all informal oc- thing to fur in luxurious beauty casions. Tailored of those deep- and warmth. Notable, too. are bodied fleecy fabrics that insure the double faced and plaid-back warmth without excessive fabrics. For misses of 14 to 20. weight. - (The Heeht Co.. second floor ) I 1 Misses' Fall Frocks of alluring grace *23:?5 Most of these dresses feature the basque and full skirt; others dash down fashion's page with drapes \ T JB and flying panels; but all are alike in their slender 'Necks may be rounded, as in the style sketched; to somewhat squared bateau or the shirred peasant Sleeves ar* full, generally with v Materials are satin, canton e*fi?5s^=^?9 crepes and silk charmeuse?all 111 soft draping fabrics. Black, navy and brown. V ^ Misses' sizes 14 to 20. This beautiful frock, $23.75 (The Hecht Co.. second floor.) Boys' and girls' btdl-bearing C ? QP Roller skates 1 Extension ball-bearing skates, with clamp toe and half-strap or full-strap SIM \\N heel, with nickel-plated steel loops to ' U U ^ prevent straps cutting or pulling out. m ' This price, we believe, is the lowest yet offered on quality skates, \ A The Hecht Co. annoi New Shops for CI Because erf our steadily increasing business in cl give over the entire third floor to these shops: ?Boys' shop ?Girls9 shop We hope mothers will like the quiet environment they permit selection without noise or confusion. B 1*1 oVlt flAltf nt*A o# tlinit* Tllllaaf 'nttfl TkoqIi ^ ??- UX^ft X UI1COI OJUU tICDU handling nationally known merchandise of proved isfaction. Now open on Little Mis; Sa,urda5'8 has a sh< Store hours gloves, 79c ss A new style in the wanted colors for fall. Made abroad by one of the foremost glovemakers Her aut in Europe. Fine quality fabric ?may be tailored of velours, duv with the abearance of kid. most of them are softened with i mings. Smart strap-wrist style in 82.50 t black, white, mode, gray, beaver and browh, with three-row nov- And to frame f eltv embroidered backs. .... , . , . ... . ?are caps of silks, crepe de chine, All sizes to begin this sale. jnjr confections in white, flesh ant (The Hecbt Co., first floor.) \ Women will appreciate this sale of best silk stock Ka>,er . Si .95 ?n7* Van Kaalte T I ~ Foinle: Mohawk # ^ JL Our 01 Women will appreciate this sale, partly becai makes; more because they know what it means to b Observe, please, that these are FULL-FASHION and all from our own good stocks. All have doubh all have mercerized tops. The Kayser. Van Raalte and Mohawk The other hos hose are glove silk, in lace weave pattern*. include black. New shades of Russian calf, seal and cor- Russian calf an dovan to match the new fall shades. each make. Ch The shoe sale scon Sjf Sale started today with 1,000 Jmm heavy selling will make us short in sizes in one style or another. jfElKBll No "seconds*' or sale shoes, I | jSyill, worthy a place in our regular stoc Choice collectively of all these: ?One and two strap pumps ?Buckle-strap pumps ?Plain-toe oxford -?One-sjrap satin ^umps Patent vamp?gray suede Tony red calf 1 quarter Oh! Boy! I D _ The famous Davis | r ans says Bicycle ^ $29 -65 our Equipped with Corbin coaster y We t brake, mud guards, large spring .\ h seat, non-skid tires, rubber 'Spf\ #<)? hi / pe?ak a?d hand g-jips. / i p| m i \ h sizes for men and boys. / ] sJS \ c The Hecht Co.. flr?t floor.) /_ ' ^ \ . , . , , Thee A mighty sale of nS=i Xvi^Si^T adaPfc Furniture W ?*> 9 i ,pnuu many items sketched?printed loud '.' w,v *vv v crepe de chim, $5. de chl ?? - < ?AJ80 new are satins with Spaniel \j / Q Off ?Again crepe de chine boasts of b ?See, too, the new Jacqnette hip ! See Special Ads on , Preceding Page The ?fech 7th at F _ f f . ' . J inces its - I liildren fcjgj*.ts lildren's wear we now Gr I J ?-Shoe shop ' t of these gray shops*- I- "7 test, and pur policy of excellence insures sat- VrjE'l s Fashion Dp of her own ^ tvhere she may try on her Fall eg? .ev it or hat without disturbance MkU Her new coat A M nay be simply tailored or sumptu- /By 1a\ sly trimmed with fur. Fabrics are Cms I x., J? 1 h and varied: broadcloth, bolivia, nchilla, polaire, tweeds and mix- ^JL ihoose sv^atever color is most bening?canna, blue, tan. red, brown, namon brown and of course the ious mixtures. Ages 2 to 6. $7.95 to $29.50 ' umn hat etynes, broadcloths or velvets, and q' / ! yp <? I chiffon, georgette and ribbon trim- X X/ LvJ vl* o $8.95 ' nearly all with PAJSTI tretty baby faces Good-looking dresses. faille and poplin. Dozens of charm- '^e panty styles espe A J blue. 59c to $2.95. eially suitable for kin- ^ (The Hecht Co.. lots' .hop, third floor.) dergarten tOtS. Ginghams, chambravs. j " kiddy kloth, black sateen j America's ' -whatever you like. U Some hand embroidered j !m /V rt like the one sketched; ?|| VJ I, ? others in checks' and Sjjfyk ^ - plaids. Vie Novelty pockets : belted models, etc., for there JrjS&tsl are upward of 300 dresses X for choice. Ages 2 to 6. cn makes I (The Ilecht Co., third floor. > use they recognize the uy such hose at SI.95. Et)CTy ScflOolgl ED hose; all perfect, , , . s soles, heels and toes; HCCuS tlVO thllXQ e are of pure thread silk and ^ ^^EATER I white, gray, silver, navy. id polo. Not .all shades in for cool days before the coa o-.ce is 51.9o.t^ ^ c<) &r|t floor ( often in -winter to wear unde and alwav6 for the numerous i f in which she engages. - SI in.on mat onrl t.i^n J Q /Y Qf/Y f f numerous weaves and weights. L" *** l*?jft*ft# ft Ages 8 to 14; prices, ^2.93 to $8.93. pairs, and "while the first . rvrn . _ ... , ? A KAIINLOAT: some sizes we will have all Boyish belted styles with slash p< proof Bombazine cloth. Attractiv< lilt all perfect; every pair hat to match. Ages 8 to 14; price. ks. A few styles sketched. ,Th'' HfCht c All leathers: ?Tan calfskin ' . _ _ ?Gun metal calf TY1 r\ 1* Q " 1 ?Black and brown kid A 11. V/ X Vc IV A1 ?Patent leather ?Black satin . Third big shipment within 1( dav6?women buying in half dozen lots?no wonder size anc pattern assortments becamt broken. Plenty here for tonjor Yl' row, and if you want the bes ? * blouse in America for the monev ?atcnt cut out with clastic goring don-t mifls tj,is ga]e (The Hecht Co., first floor.) "PRINTS" | ne youth wM ".L'V *5 pair of long specialize in blouse* a. tve the newest and best * ^ lways at $5. awkwa ic new prints are an juBt^ri ition of the Batik idea swept the country a a CHI ears back. But these \ clothe are richer and more m\\ jlJnBOL carry 'ul. Chiefly of crepe ward ^ i lace or matelasse trimmings. . l/ihave 1 blouses. CM (The Hecht Co., Blouse Shop, second floor.) | mi2 t Co. aPP s In the yonth't own shop on the seclud - - ~ v. : v ; o ? * r-<> * ^ 3*0.. - - -?- \ Lin : Hi Greatest value we know in ) : " : ~ i Boys' suits , witlf two pairs of pants *10 ?for nationally known suits of proved excellence. $10 for a suit in which your bov can hold his head high, for he knows he is as well dressed as any one Two pairs of pants means a refreshing change, with reinforced service. All-wool fabrics; faultlessly tailored. Norfolks and semiNorfolks; coats alpaca (not cotton) lined; both pairs of knickers full lined. Ages 7 to HI. Boys' sweaters, $2.95 Boys' caps, 95c All-woo! slip-over style New pleated back and with deep shawl collar. one-piece top styles. Heavy knitted ^ade in maroon, navy, gray, ' brown and heather blue serges, also neat shades. . ^ mixtures. All silk lined. (Th? Becbt Co.1 ^ , More "Ma-Ma" es _ Dolls $1*95 Sthey talk and walk Sketched at left The little girl at left carries a Ma-Ma doll?an inseparable companion with every little girl who owns one. I , I Blue-eved, bouncing Bettv walks and talks i says "mamma" plainly) and moves arms and legs about at will. Betty is 28 inches tall, is fully clothed as shown.' and, singe she has nothing about her to break, she is practically indestructible. c'j? Betty, in pink, has a sister Sue dressed in blue Either is a delightful companion for little folks. $1.95. ?Tbe Hecbt Co , third floor.) :-i Jr. bovs' wool suits in ^ ?r $3.95 ^ Worsted it is needed. Jersey or wool /Tj V^, r the coat: serge, substan- /"S sport event* w'oolens, ^ j smartly styled, / / M "?! as pictured. L..1 m \ ' "e h"' in Regulation // ixling colors. . , . . I y*W middy mod- I I ./A \ els, also Oliver fy Twist, laced jjP*t J Balkan .and w yv ?cket=. Rain- French styles. ? tan shade; Braid'on collar and cuffs: silk chevron on *3-95. sleeve and stars on collar. Pants full lined. o . third flour I Ages 3 to 10. assy Kid" blouses ) '"Klassv Kid"' blouses are made as carefully as a man's 6hirt. Col' f V ^ lar-attached styles, in new polo button-down effect. White and t ^ ^ ^ m striped percales and tan pongees. ^ Ages 7 to 16. (The Hecht Co . third floor.) I i his first ird age, and it's > hard to fit him Billiken tS&am i>tgf) s are designed to toyi and gIr!; him over this twk- No hard nails period. They are j No harsh seams I llv desiened for bovs I No binding j h school age. They No cramping the swing and snap * Billiken shoes are the highcorrespond to the est expression of comfort footchool spirit plufl the wear?close-fitting, good-lookhat the boy admires in? and long-wearing. Is older brother's Soft and flexible as an Ins. dikn moccasin, with room for every toe and opportunity for the new ideas in every muscle to develop. tion and sports Billiken shoes may be had 1 s,1 with sizes and- jn black or brown leathers? for every bpy of 14 button and lace styles for * boys and girls of all ages. Prices, $3.50 to $6. cd mezzanine?first floor {> , , . ^ : *; . ' v.. :