OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 11, 1922, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1922-10-11/ed-1/seq-11/

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How to cut your coal bill by making
a few simple changes in your heating
How to get 50 per cent more horsepower
out of your car? ,
Jack Binns' ten secrets for success '
with radio ?
1 That a shoe has been invented by
a famous manufacturer to prevent
our common foot troubles?
mat vast weaitn win Detnrown open
to our nation by a remarkable new
, tunnel six miles long? I,
k All these and one hundred other discoe- I
I eries in Science described in the Movemher j
L Popular Science
Gct it at your newsstand today
Lift Off with Fingers'
. nrrm
Doesn't hiirt a bit! Drop a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then
shortly you lift it right off with fingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezcme" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the calluses,
without soreness or irritation.
? 1 !
The box ' fill :
L ?blue ??=??> f?| ;
L Opal iar *** '^''
% *""* ;
Be sure to get I
w>o] p ocinnl !
If you want to get rid of eczema,
pimples, or other distressing skin
eruption, you will accept no "substitute"
for Resinol. Preparations
similar in name or appearance are
net "just the same as Resinol.".
Although a few unscrupulous dealers
may offer them as or for Resinol.
they are often crudely made,
of little healing power, and some
may even be dangerous to use. 1
Buy in the original blue package. J
Resinol is never sold in bulk s
x Chew a Few Pleasant Tablets c
Indigestion Gone! J
Instant.stomach relief! Harmless!
The moment "Papa's Diapepsin"
reaches-the stomach all distress from
h acid stomach or indigestion ends, j
^ Immediate relief from flatulence,
B gases, heartburn, palpitation, fullness
^ftor stomach pressure. B
W Correct your digestion for a few
eetits. Millions keep it handy. Drug- a
gists recommend it. a
J,, ? ? n
Headaches 1
H Are Usually Due to I
Constipation fl
When you are constipated, B
not enough of Nature's B
B liihriratincr liauid is Dro- B
H duced in the bowel to keep j
the food waste soft and I
moving. Doctors prescribe H
I Nujol because it acts like I
this natural lubricant and H
thus replaces it. I j
I lubricant?not B
I Mkrioill a medicine or H
I 1,x*Uve ? *? B
. .. . _ , . i
Letter Written in 1780, Urging
Preparedness, Read at
New Ynrk Hinner
Suggests Measures for Nation's
Safety to Extent of "Abilities
and Finances."
B.r the Associated Presa.
NEW YORK. October 11.?An historic
letter written by George Washington
from continental army headquarters
in Morristown to Elbridge
Gerry, member of Congress, in Philadelphia,
on January 29. 1780, describing
the deplorable state of the American
army at that time and urging
preparedness as a means of achieving
lasting peace, was made public
last night for the first time at a
dinner of the American Sulgrave Institution.
"There is nothing so likely to produce
peace," says George Washington
in the letter, "as to be well prepared
to meet the enemy, and, from this
persuasion, and the e(feet you justly
observe, the contrary on our nart
might have on the court of Prance
and also on that of Spain. I think
it would be right for us to hold forth
at least every appearance of preparation
and vigor, and really .to do what
our abilities, and the circumstances
of our finance may well justify."
Extract From Letter.
The refit of the letter reads:
"I received your obliging letter of
the 12th. 1 am sorry to find, that
Congress had not at that time made
any requisitions of men from the
states, as it appears to me that the
army without reinforcements, by the
expiration of the enlistments of so
many men and of the service of the
new levies, as they are called, will
be much more reduced than will be
compatible with our interest and
policy. It was .in part from the
probability that such an idt*a as the
one you suggest to have obtained
with some might take place, that I
was induced to mention in my letter
of the lfcth November the essential
differences between an army 011
paper and its real efficient force, and
to illustrate the point by contrasting
the columns of the present fit for
duty in the return transmitted, with
that of the total.
"The hones indulged from the beginning
of the contest to the present
lay. from time to time, that a peace
would soon take place have been the
source, at least, of great expense, and
iucj iiirtj eviii prove so anu tne
neans of protracting- the war."
SocKention of Preparedne**.
Referring to his recommendation
of as much preparedness as "our
abilities and finances may justify."
Washington continues: "The latter I
)wn is a most important consideration.
but I cannot judge how far the
state of it may or may not require
retrenchment and a spirit of economy
>r. indeed, inactivity in our affairs,
rou will, however, perceive by a letter
to Congress of the 18th by Baron
Steuben that I have again mentioned
ny opinion of the propriety of placing
the army on a more respectable
'ooting than it will be at the openng
of tjie campaign without their
nterposition and that I have offered
he same in my letter to you, Mr.
Jvingston and Mr. Matthews. j
"With.respect to provisions, the position
of the army is comfortable at |
>resent on this head and I ardently i
>ray that it may never be again as j
t has been of late. We were re- !
iuced to a most painful and delicate
ixtremlty?such as rendered the
<eeping of the troops together a
joint of great doubt. The execution >f
the magistrates and inhabitants
>f this state were great and cheerful
for our relief."
Alton II. Pnrker Preside*.
The dinner, at which Alton B. i
barker presided, was given in honor
>f Sir Charles Cheers Wakefield. |
>wner of the letter. Lady Wakefield
tnd other delegates of the British
Julgrave Institution, who earlier in
;he day presented to Trinity Church
i bust of the late James Bryce, fornerlv
British ambassador to the
Jnited States. .
At the presentation special servces
in memory of Lord Bryce were
leld. Sir Charles reviewed Lord
Sryce's services to his own country,
lis friendly interest in America and
lis championing of the cause of oplressed
"We do well to honor the memory
>f such a man," said Sir Charles. "It
s right that I should dwell for a
noment upon his love for the Amerian
nation and his endeavors to
erve it. If he had written nothing
lse at all. I think his monumental
tudy of Am^riean* life, thought and'
nstitutions would entitle him to our:ratitude
and respect.
"It was Lord Bryce who recogized
more than a generation ago the
plendor of the part reserved for the
ui>ru in iiir uririwpiiifill U1 I
ivilization. His work has stood the
est of time and much credit is his
or the Immense progress that has
een made, since it was first given
o the world, in friendship and unerstanding
between the two nalons."
* * *.'
Speaks for Sulgrave Institution.
Eiihu Root spoke for the American
ulgrave Institution, tracing Lord
iryce's career as a student of human '
ehavior and human relationship to
"We shall never realize," Mr.
:oot declared, "how valuable it was ,
>r his country and for our own that
ord Bryce was ambassador to Amer;a
immediately preceding the great
'rench- Scientist Predicts Mixture
of Alcohol and Gasoline.
y the Assoclited Press.
PARIS. October li.?A mixture of >
Icohol and gasoline was announced
a the probable "national fuel" for
notor engines by Daniel Berthelot
f the Institute of France, speaking
or the scientific committee invest!rating
fuels in an address re the
longress on liquid combustibles.
M. Berthelot said that tuts partial
iolution of France's serious problem
n seeking independence in motor
'uels had been proposed by the government's
power and explosives bureau.
The selection was made after
experiments with hundreds of mix:ures.
This mixture of alcohol and gasoine.,
ranging from 10 to 50 per cent
>f alcohol, is now being tested on a
arge scale by numerous Industries.
^ 'miwi ^
Boys' $1 Blouses
"Little Friend" make, of fine quality matei
made with double-yoke back, attached soft collar
open cuffs; an assortment of neat, pretty w
stripes; perfect quality; sizes 7 to 16 years.
First Floor-^Barf ain Table and Third Floor.
IT MID)/Hi ID) "TP /
iuiviur wir^. ji it
Autumn Opportunities for Sa
III Knit 1 Me
!: Underwear Sub-su
i W o m e n '8 "Princess May" of $2.0i
I Knitted Pantalettes, with elas- . - T
J tic waist and ankle and refn- V CtltlCS
i'| forced seat; in black, navy .
blue, green, pea, . cn -,| ,
cock blue and <P | /Cfl Special .
gray. Regular and J) | .OV made Oil Coo
extra sizes...... ^ heavv weight
. Misses* Fleeced t'nion Suits, wci^m
i i Pfltch neck and elbow sleeves, account OI ml
I : knee pants; perfect :nCT. n,1ai;.iPc
i I quality; sizes 2 to sf\ ing qualities.
12 years. Worth OVC Values WO!
89c W at $1.29.
. Boys' Gray Fleeced Union Goldenberg's?Firsl
Suits, high-neck and long: ?
sieves, ankle pants; perfect /ftI
quality; sizes 6 to |
16 years.( Worth 1 .UU
Goldenbevg's?:First F.oor.
; Bla
$1.59 Bleached Sheets, ? ,,
a- _Q Good heav
pt.u" large double-l
&lx90 Seamless Bleached Sheets, ?_j
full double-bed size; free from ana k?d\, as
starch or dressing.
, | |
Wc p;n AivracAc 1Bc I '
I 4M6 ; In P? 70x80 heavj
, t 4-x36 Bleached Pillowcases, ..
! hand-torn and ironed ; close-wroven grade cotton wquality,
free from starch or dress- tan and brown;
in?- Goldenberg'*?Foui
; 1 Felt Ready-to-Wear
at $2.98
These new Hats of felt take preceden
0 tutnn wear, particularly by the woman <
g ideas in regard to her clothes.
E A varied assortment of the most desirec
i ; g select from, in all the beautiful fall colors
; ; j the favored high shades.
Exceptional values at $2.98.
p Goldenbert' *?Second Floor.
"niieilllllllllllllliIII"liITiil"UlllllilllHlillli|H~ilnii'lliTIII" T111"iiITIHiIIIIi mil .,^,,1.;
$2.50 Couch Covers, New
i $i.85 TwoI
Heavy Reversible Tapestry
!|1 Couch Covers, handsome oriental, arI
figured and striped designs, in |%/| p-y.
green, rea, uiue, i?tu <*???* uiu??h i w ^
I colorings; 48 inches wide and ZVz
I, yards long.
I Goldenberg's?Fourth Floor.
Boys' $3 Sweaters,
Wool - mixed Sweaters, pull- Y
over and coat styles, in plain
colors and two-toned combinai
; tions; perfect quality; sizes 28 (I ?
to 34.?Third Floor. l\ Y
| ! Women's High Shoes,
Of patent leather, brown and \
I j black kid and dull leathers; I ^
with Cuban, military and low > /tt
i ! he^lsf welted and MoKay sewed - . [J&l
| I soles; sizes 2^ to 7. j
25c White Huck, 15c /J ISi^
Mill remnants of All-white fcja ^
Figured Huck, fine, close-woven
grade, for scarfing or towels. / ^t||r
Only a limited quantity.
59c Table Damask, \SST
1 ' 58-Inch' Mercerized Table Dftm-' MM 1
ask. splendid wearing (trade S
for home or cafe use; neat check
patterns. Good-lookin
_ styles, with larj
Curtain Stretchers, models; kimono.
?-?/ ? brown, gray, ligl
yl.Oy ~ Goldenberg's Fi
Lace Curtain Stretchers, size ?
6x12 ft.; center brace; strongly \A/s??h I
made. ? " a?II I
Heavy Tin.
Ash Cans, $1.39 handles.
Corrugated Galvanized - iron J0, ? "Ize,
Ash Cans, with Iron band top jj?* * ?J?e.
and bottom^-large^size. ~ fro. ? Mlie,
$2.25 Wool Serge, 20c Unb
$1.79 Cottor
5S-inch All-wool Tailor's i6-inch Unble;
Serge, heavy wale, for suits, . Cotton, extra hea
capes, etc.; in navy blue only. grade.
I $50 Axminstei
Alexander Smith and Sons AxminsterF
g deep pile quality, in handsome oriental, flo
| B most wanted colorings.
! 1 $37.50 Brussels Rugs i
1 $26.75
g 9-xl2-ft. Alexander Smith & Sons' Seamless
p Brussels Rugs. In oriental medallion and neatI
If figured designs; colorings to suit any room
E decoration. A gTade that will give unlimited
1 service for any room in the house.
I - $1.25 Rag Rugs, 79c
g" " 27x54 and 25xS0 Hit-and-miss Effect Rag
B Rugs, with band of novelty borders; light and
gs dark colorings; for hall, bath or bedroom use.
| (First Floor?Bargain Table.)
an<i 4
oven |Lboth sides of y at k st.
vings on the Most Wanted Merch
n's Union Suits
""* ;$1.29
sale of 40 dozen Men's High-grade Union Suits,
per's spring needle machines; ecru color and
. These are classed as "sub-standards" on
inor imperfections, which do not affect wearAll
full cut sizes,
rth, when perfect quality, $2.00 each. Tomorrow
; Floor.
3.50 Part-Wool
nkets, $6.50 Pair
y-weight Part-wool Blankets. 70x80 and 72x80
)ed sizes. Choice of plaids of blue, pink, tan
'ell as white or gray with blue or pink borders.
eavy=Weight Blankets, $3.95
r-weight fine grade Blankets, for double beds; fine
ith wool finish; beautiful plaids of blue, pink, gold,
; all with tape bound ends.
th Floor.
inwiiMifri'iiiTiranaa |
? 48c and 59c
Ur 5 _
t; Cretonnes, 24c Yd.
llHTQ ^ Yard-wide Washable
llillO U Cretonnes, in mill lengths
=3 from 2 to 8 yards, but
|| plenty alike for draperies,
s cushions or furniture covers.
as well as for many
other purposes. Light or.
r|? dark floral, bird and folir
age designs.
^ H First Floor?Bargain Tabloa.
it Ash Sifters, $2.69
t vSb Heavy Galvanized-iron ItevolvnJBP
y ?ng Dustless Ash Sifters; fit
*1 y over can.
$1.75 Satin Messaline, $1.39
J 25-inch Colored Satin Messa'
i line, all silk, rich satin-face
J quality, in a complete assortment
^ of street and evening shades;
== also black.
ce for au- $2 Chiffon Taffeta, $1.49
jf tailored ?v 35-inch Colored Chiffon Taffeta
2^ Silk, heavy lustvous-flnish qual.
. y ity, in all wanted street and eve1
shapes to :j ning shades, including navy blue
including jj a'"'
{ $1.50 Crepe de Chine, $1.29
40-inch Colored Crepe de Chine.
-= firm-woven quality, high lustrous
H finish, in all street and evening
shades; also white and black.
Arrivals Added to the Sale of
Trousers Suits for
and Young Men
Another lot of these Splendid
Two-trousers Suits has just arrived
plgjk to replenish the assortments for toK
Hk morrow's sale.
M |\ They are suits that have no equal
\ for the price?with good tailoring,
f ^ ) excellent fabrics and clever styling
rio coiniiiciiu incni lu uic must pa.i- i
ticular men.
Included are fine All-wool Blue Serge
Suits, in conservative models, full
lined with alpaca, in regular sizes as
well as stouts, also Tartan Checks,
Tweeds. Homespuns, Diamond and
Chain Weaves and Cassimeres, in a
. varied range of new and attractive
colorings and effects. Sizes 34 to 44
regular: stout sizes in Blue Serge
Suits. 38 to 50.
Winter Overcoats, $29.50
g. roomy Plaid-back Overcoats, in the newest
je patch pockets, all around belt and half belt
raglan and set-in. sleeves. The wanted shades of
lit greenish gray, etc.
rst Floor Clothes Shop for men?Direct Entrance From K Street.
toilers 25c Outing Flannels,
Copper - bottom 1 ?
rith cold wood lOt
36-inch Outing Flannels, a heavy
nt 91.39 double fleeced quality, pink and
at 91.73 blue stripes, for making winter
at 91*38 undergarments.
. ? i 1
ileached 25c Shaker Flannel,
i, 15c 16c
ached Sheeting 27-inch Bleached Shaker Fianvv
round thread nel. a heavy, double-fleeced quality.
r Rugs, $36.75 f
tugs, size 9x12 ft. tor large rooms; close, a
ral and medallion designs; all the best and 1
$16.20 "Gold Seal" 1
Congoleum Rugs, $11.95 1
Genuine "Gold Seal" Congoleum Rugs, sise lj
9x12 ft for large rooms. In the newest patterns =
and colorings. Nationally advertised at $16.20, ft
here to tomorrow at $11.95. g
$20 Velvet or Brussels |
Rugs, $14.75 |
7.6x9-ft Seamless Velvet or Brussels Rugs, ?
produets of the Alexander Smith & Sons Co., M
.In rich floral, oriental and medallion designs; .
light and dark colorings, including blue, tan ft
and rose.
The dependable stow
^ \E/T\ID)
0 r \jk\
andise Prevail Througl
P Interest Centers in
\ "Long-Li
j Values Worth I
| $2
?j Already many women h;
1 unusual opportunity this sali
2 addition of a new shipment
jj new triumphs tomorrow.
S The trim, slim silhouette
j| and the boxy type are teatur
i woman and miss who pref
% tailored modes. And the Ioa
B sale makes it possible to {
H Suit at an unexpected savin
Materials are Twill
| and Poiret Twill, in navt
g The styles include plain tai
f] mannish effects, with longer
U coats, snug-fitting shoulders :
S touches of embroidery.
|f Sizes 16 to 20 for misses, ;
% 42jd to 52/2 for stout women.
Goldenberg's?Second Floor.
Women's Sil
Values ) C
Worth >
$1.50 Pair ...) t"
Women's Pure Thread Silk
back, insuring perfect fitting
women like. In black, Russiai
Perfect quality.
Women's Fiber Silk
Hose,' 65c
Fiber Silk Hose, three seam
back, in black and white: some
with fiber silk garter tops, others
with cotton tops; seconds of 89c
Goldenberg's?-First F'oor.
New Lace
$3.00 Values
$1.77 Pair
Several hundred pairs of Lac
ivory colors. 2/2 and 3 yards
Choice of Scotch. Filet. Xotting
neat, heavy worked or plain cei
eltv borders. Curtains by the f
are used one to a window.
Goldenberg's?Fourth Floor.
Boys' $12
C..u0 $0 7C
With Two Pairs of
All-wool Norfolk Suits,
of tweeds, cassimere and
cheviots, in new fall colorings
and mixtures; coats
lined with alpaca; both
pairs of pants fully lined;
sizes 7 to 20 years.
Boys' Overcoats
$8.75 and $10.75
Boys' Fur and Plush Collar
Overcoats, shawl collar models,
with muff and Hap pockets, inverted
plait back and all around
belt; yoke and plaid body riflings.
In plain navy, and brown
and pretty heather mixtures;
sizes 3 to 10 years
Sleeping Garments, $1
Children's Flannelette SleepingGarments;
plain white and
striped effects; with and without
feet; sizes 2 to 10 years.
$2.50 Wool Jersey,
56-inch All-wool Jersey Cloth,
for dresses, in black, navy,
brown, copen and fawn.
Girls' Petticoats, 59c
Girls' Flannelette Petticoats,
with muslin waists attached;
neat flounces; all sizes from 2 to
12 years.
Dressing Sacques,
Women's Flannelette Dressing:
Sacques, dainty floral patterns. In
blue, pink, lavender and gray;
all sizes.
Women's Pajamas,
Flannelette Paartias, plain pink
or blue and neat striped effects;
trimmed with silk frogs; all
Boys' $5 Rubber
Coats, $3.95
Hodgeman Black Rubber
Coats, warranted rainproof;
sizes 4 to 18 years. Hats to
match. Sou'wester or cape styles,
all size a, *1.00.
"ll Polly Pi
I 5
Women's Polly Prii
ham, in plain colors an<
? J rickrack braid, sash ai
Bargain Table.
tout "The Dependable
the Remarkable Values
ne" Tailoi
Jp to 49.50
5 ,
ave been awake to the MA
e affords, and with the Mn
the event goes on to f 31
: with "long line" coat ' /| *
ed and will delight the L
er these good-looking j\
v price quoted in this / mX
jet one's Fall-Winter :
1 Cords, Tricotine V
/ and black. \
illeurs, semi-tailored and
skirts: 38 and 40 inch '25\ \
ind sleeves; some with '
56 to 44 for women, also
k Stockings
Stockings, with three-seam
hosiery that all particular
i calf, cordovan and gray.
"Onyx" Hose, 19c
Sample line of "Onyx" Hose, in
black, white and cordovan; fine
and medium ribbed; grood wearing
quality; broken sizes. Values
worth to 39c pair.
$5.00 Values
$3.45 Pair
e Curtains, in white, ecru and
long, 40 to 48 inches wide,
ham or Tuscan weaves, with
iters, with elaborate or nov>air
or panel curtains, which
You Are Invit
Miss Lucille Bresru
from the A
Miss Bresnen will be here a
partment to demonstrate the a
Printed Pattern. You are welci
expert on all matters concerning
Subscribe Now for tl
3 Years
Kew ifcCaU Patten
Sturdy CI
Active Y
SUCH a dashing trio!
weather?dressed in w<
clothes that mother made
McCall printed patterns.
The boy's coat is as tail
out of a shop?that's beca
so accurate and so easy to u
The girl's coats?the sv
one, the tiny one shirred
just as pretty as one coul
cause they were made ~ witt
The new Winter Quart<
new clothes for children.
New Winter <J
" !
*im Aprons
m Aprons, of good quality ging1
checked effects; trimmed with
nd large pocket?First Floor?
s Store" Tomorrow
| i ;
in This Sale of
red Suits I
i ill,:'.. .SStBSBESlLT
29c Dress Ginghams,
32-inch Dress Ginghams. In a
large assortment of checks and
plaids; all wanted colors; warranted
$2 Bungalow Aprons,
Bungalow Aprons, of fine quality
dr?ss ginghams, in beautiful
colored checks, trimmed with
plain color sashes and two pockets;
full cut at hips.
P. N. Corsets, $5.00
New P. N. Practical-front Corsets.
of pink coutil, extreme lowbust
and long hip model, with
elastic insert and heavy boning;
also of white coutil. low bust and
extreme long hip models; sizes
23 to 36.
$2.50 P. N. Corsets, $2
I~\ N. Practical-side Corsets, of
white coutil, low bust and iong
hip models, with removable side
steels; guaranteed boning; sizes
23 to 36.
$1.25 Bleached
Sheets, $1.09
72x90 Seamless Bleached
Sheets. three-quartcT-bed size;
perfect quality; heavy roundthread
$2.50 Satin Duchesse,
35-inch Black Satin Duchesse,
an extra-heavy, pure silk quality,
guaranteed to wear; for
handsome street and evening
ed to Consult
*n, Fashion Expert
tcCall Co.
11 this week in our Pattern Dedvantages
of the New McCall
jme to seek the advice of this
the newest styles.
he McCall Magazine
; for $2
: ;ooi, :<)ib ' ^
lothes for
Ready for blustering cold
irm, comfortable, attractive
herself, with the help of
lored as any that ever came
use the printed pattern is
ringing comfortable shaggy
on a high yoke?they are
Id desire. And that is bei
printed patterns, too.
erly is filled with attractive
??? if' Hf i ii i i

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