Just say??^ ^
to your druggist
The simplest way to end a
r~r\r-r\ ie P 1 it iv A tfllirh
stops the pain instantly. Then
the corn loosens and comes
out. Made in a colorless
clear liquid (one drop does
it!) and in e\tra thin plasters.
The action is the same.
Pain Stops Instantly
~ O B & B 1922
For To-day
Before going out cleanse the skin with
I,i?ka ?-l?-ansing cream, then apply der.
willo an<i you will have a complexion as
lw>Hufifnl as a rose. This combination j
beautifies when everything elae falls.
Over a million discriminating girls ami
women use nothing else. Try It today.
If you don't like it. rake it hack and get
your money. At toilet counters everywhere.?Advertisement.
c^#^hat 15
}Zj "The purpose.
k% %
rf/2 Nature designed the Iris tn y,__
t/Jp automatically control the Jf/Ji
CttO amount of the light reflected (oK
yjn through the cornea by enlarg- y/fl
Zffli lng and reducing the size of
rill tbe PUP51- 11 accomplishes the 4ll!
Hill same purpose as the diaphragm |||||
ii in a camera. imr perxecuy II 11
I fitted glasses will make your II 11
I troublesome eyes stop troubling II 11
I Branch Stores II IK
A BAD WRECK?of the constitution
may- follow In the track of a
disordered system. Don't run the
risk! Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery remedies disorders and
affections due to Impure lilood or
Inactive liver. The germs of disease
circulate through the blood; the liver
Is the Alter which permits the germs
to enter or not. The liver active, and
the blood pure, and you escape dlspn?p.
When vou're debilitated, welarht
below the standard, the "Discovery"
builds up the body.
/? ^sje'NS But yon can Promote a
?? Clean, Healthy Csoditlou
Yfl|ir? CyjTVUac Murine Eye Remedy
IUUK LICJ "Night and Morning.Eeep
yonr Eye* Clean, Clear and Heat thy.
Write for Free Eye Care Book.
Berfct EjoBaacoy Co-9 Coal Okie Street, CUcae*
Sage Tea Turns
Gray Hair Dark
\ r* RANDMOTHER kept 1
; V* her hair beautifully 0
darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of
Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on
that dull, faded or streaked
appearance. this simple
mixture was applied, with
wonderful effect. By asking
at any drug store for
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound." you will get a
large bottle of this cld-time
recipe, improved by the addition
of other ingredients,
all ready to use, at very little
cost. This simple mixture
can be depended upon
to darken and beautify the
A well known downtown
rlrug'g'ist says everybody uses
Wyeth's Sag"e and Sulphur
Compound now because It
darkens so naturally and
evenly that nobody can tell
it has been applied?it's so
easy to use, too. You simply
dampen a comb or soft
brush and draw it through
the hair, taking: one stra'd
at a time. By morning- the
gTay hair disappears; after
another application or two,
it is darkened and looks
. glossy, soft and beautiful.
' m ml
Scientists Declare. "N. G. C.
2419" Appears 990 Quadrillion
Miles From Sun.
Discovery Raises Estimated Diameter
of Galactic System to
350,000 Light Years.
By the Associated Presg. j
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., October 11.? |
A new outpost of the stellar system j
has been found. As a result, man's !
knowledge of the limits of the milky ;
way has been extended by 50,000 to
100,000 parsecs, or light years?that j
is, the known stellar system probably
has a great diameter of between two
quintillions one hundred quadrillions
| of miles and two quintillions four
hundred quadrillions of miles. This
j represents a newly estimated great
i diameter for the galactic system of
| 550,000 to 400,000 parsecs. It was
only a few years ago that scientists
placed the furthermost limits of the
milky way at 30,000 parsecs.
This latest increase in the stellar
system as it is known to man came
with observation of photographs of
I a globular cluster of stars in the
constellation Lynx, by Dr. Lampland
of the Lowell observatory and by
I'rof. Harlow Shapley and the staff of
the Harvard College observatory.
Sets ?w Limit.
The cluster, of uncommon interest
because it is one of the faintest and
most distant known, occurs about
; sixty degrees from the nearest previously
Known globular cluster and
nearly opposite the region in which
these dusters are mainly concentrated.
In the official bulletin issued at
the Harvard observatory regarding
this far-tiung bunch of stars a slight
qualification was made, saying that
turther observation was being made
to justify the present beliel. Obj
servatory officials, however, said that
j for practical purposes it could be
assumed that the cluster had been
established as typical, and, this being
true, a new boundary for the starry
spaces had been found. :
105,000 Light Year* From Sun.
This new outpost of the skies is |
known to astronomers as N. G. C.
2419. It appears to be 165.000 light
years, or y90 quadrillions of miles,
from the sun, and, the distance between
the- sun and the earth being
comparatively small in the larger
scheme of astronomy, it would be
about the same distance from the
earth. This distance is exceeded by
only two or three clusters, the Harvard
bulletin said, and these are in
far removed parts of the heavens.
The Harvard announcement went
into still greater figures with the
statement that "the distance from the
center of the system of known globular
clusters is more than 200,OOu light
years, and the distance separating N.
G. C. 2419 and N. G. C. 6517, another
faint globular cluster in the opposite
part of the sky, is of the order of
550,000 light years."
Equity Association Official Says
Producers Demand Scenes That
Result in Injuries.
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, October 11.?Realism J
j in the movies at the cost of en!
dangering the life and limb of the
; players has been denounced in a
! memorial submitted by Frank J. Gilj
more to Will H. Hays and Jesse La.
j Lasky, the executive secretary of the
Actors' Equity Association announced
last night.
) The memorial was submitted to Mr.
, iia< o ao c.iiui n i. ui U1C
! Association of Motion Pictures Pro
ducers and Exhibitors, Inc., and to
1 j Mr. Easky as head of one or the
j larger picture-producing companies.
I Mr. Gilmore said that the Equity i?3
| making an effort to obtain for the
motion picture actor a uniform contract.
The memorial finds that "there are
some directors who still insist on the
actor taking chances," and continues:
"Such scenes as result in injury
or physical disfigurement to the
player are often demanded. 'Realistic'
fight scenes, automobile, train and
ship scenes are often staged with
utter disregard for the players' welfare.
The stars of our industry demand
'doubles' for this work, but the
supporting player is expected not
only to be a good actor, but to do
anything he is told to do or lose
any further chance of employment
with that particular director.
"Very often surprises are sprung
by the director unknown to the actor,
as, for instance, explosives discharged
nearby without the actor's knowledge,
even though at the time he
may be mounted on an unreliable
Relations to Be Discussed at Dinner
in Washington.
CLEVELAND, October 11.?Plans
for a discussion at a dinner in Washington
April 21 of the newspaper in
its relation to public affairs by men
of national and international prominence
were made at a meeting of the
board of directors of the American
Society of Newspaper Editors here
The dinner will mark the close of
the annual meeting of the society,
which the board voted to hold in
Washington April 20 and 21. While
the names of those who will address
the dinner were not made public, it
was said that they would include men
whose activities in public life have
attracted international attention. The
place and time were chosen so that
members from a distance might combine
the meeting with that of the
Associated Press and the American
Newspaper Publishers' Association in
New York the following week.
Keep Looking Young
It's Easy?If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to
feel young?to do this you must
watch your liver and bowels?there's
no need of having a sallow complexion?dark
rings under your
eyes?pimples?a bilious look in
your face?dull eyes with no sparkle.
Your doctor will tell you ninety per
cent of all sickness comes from in
rfiva hnu/plc an/1 Ht/ar
Dr. Edwards, a well known physician
in Ohio, perfected a vegetable
compound mixed with olive oil to
act on the liver and bowels, which
he gave to his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
substitute for calomel, are gentle in
their action yet always effective.
They bring about that natural buoyancy
which all should enjoy by toning
up the liver and clearing the
system of impurities.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are
known by their olive color. 15c and
1005-07 Pa. Ave. TOft
The Man 's Store
^ ^^^^mj^^: -: j- ra||^^^,
Putting New Life In
With a sterling lot of 1922 Fall Hat
New tans, new grays, new browns?fini
that count with most men. A super vah
Match 'em If You
6j.6 17th Tk J
Street N. W. J
10RR0W, 8 A.
s Launch a Mid
or 2\000New Clc
In this drive we're not forgei
jung Fellows we're especially
en neglecting you, and to ma
on the racks the cream ofoi
||||. at two irresistible pr
variety of style
MmMm count with yc
time. Let's Gc
Superb, Vigorous
and Men's New
A Small Deposit Will R
$23-75 & $3375
An exposition of eye-compelling
creations for men and
young fellers. Developed in the
smartest suitings?including allwool
cassimeres, cheviots, finished
and unfinished worsteds,
tweeds, herringbones, etc. Plain
shades, pencil stripes, checks,
heathers, overplaids, hairline
stripes. Three-piece suits, twotrouser
suits, Norfolks, four-button
Brooks models, belted sports
model and conservative styles.
to a Record Hat Season
s, in shapes and shades that are right to a hair,
ished with artful precision as to the little details
re the Man's Stores are proud to offer.
Can far Less Than $3.50
?y's Worth or Money Back'
, ... .
r.Cv a'-'.;' flLv }'*r . . l"v.i ' > 1 ?C r ' ?? '- .
Ti r I ? 1 I
jyi | 61617th Street j
r-Season Drive
Ming Customers 4
ttinganyone. BUT it's you J
* driving for. We feel we've
ke up lost time we're putting
ir vast and wonderful stocks
ices. If volume of stocks, I
and attractiveness of price 1 ^
)u?we're in for a lively 1
Young Men's I
Fall of 1922 r
TT?Tk rrici 1 '
eserve Your Selection
i 1 <
$23-7S & $33-75 I
Big coats, topcoats, coats for 8
all weathers?frosty a.m.'s, snap- B
py p.m.'s?Ulsters, Gabardines, gg
Raid Backs?the better ones are ||
silk lined. Many of Oregon City
virgin wool. Single-breasted, 8
double-breasted, belted all around i|
and loose-fitting models. All 11
shades ? including many new ?
colors of brown and gray. All B
sizes. Some overcoats, boys! S
See 'em?try on a few, and if B
you re nor reaay, a smau aeposu <w
will reserve it. IB ^
$9.39 | r
I r 1005-1007 I
1 Penn. I
' /?