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ACTION ON SPECIAL STOCKSJEMURE Searching for "Melons" Keeps Market Nervous. I Price Movement Erratic. BY STUART P. WEST. By Special leased Wire to The Star. NEW YORK. October 11.?Interest in the markets today again converged upon the fluctuations on the stock exchange. In other directions, the price movement was small and unimportant. Inasmuch as the Turkish matter, beginning a week ago. had ceased to occasion serious uneasiness,' the formal liitrnintr of thp armistlCP OrotOCOl had Httle effect. Sterling exchange got above $4.43 and Continental rates, including German marks, were higher. These changes, along with somewhat higher quotations for European government bonds, was all the response there was , to the peace agreement. Special Movements. The stock market, following the modern day method of procedure, was rather a collection of special moves for special causes thaq any general ?wing. Fully half, if not more than half, of the list was neglected; there was little tendency one way or the other. But In the stocks which did change these changes were mostly upward, and included a number of rapid advances. Speculative imagination, which has been conjuring up stock dividends involving the splitting up of capital account, was naturally stimulated by the big stock distribution announced overnight by the National Biscuit Company, followed by a similar declaration this morning by the American Itadiator. Had Been Anticipated. Both of these actions had been foreshadowed and pretty well discounted by the extensive rise which their stocks have had during the last lew weeks. But on the rest of the market the effect was to quicken the search for the stocks of other companies whose treasury assets and earning power were such as to justify similar disbursements. Most of the principal individual up* turns were explained by the speculative community on the ground of possible "melon cuttings." Apparently this was the incentive j back of the spectacular advance in j Mexican Petroleum and the PanAmericans. It furnished the motive also for the rise in such stocks as American Woolen and National Lead. Shorts Intimidated. At the outset these demonstrations intimidated the short interests in others of the highly speculative industrials, and stocks like Baldwin Locomotive and Studebaker were bid up a point to two points. But these I ad vances were not well sustained. | In the afternoon the general market became very irregular again, reflecting the confusion and at the same time caution inspired by the i violent performances in these highpriced and easily manipulated industrial specialties. Steel Revival Maintained. The weekly steel reviews threw very little light upon the business movement in general. The important point was that the revival which started with the termination of the coal strikes has been maintained, with a further slight increase during the past week in production, and this is the more notable in view of the difficulties experienced in some sections for want of cars. With the increase in steel output, steel prices have stopped going up; in fact, there has been some shading. Mexican Petroleum. More fireworks in Mexican Petroleum and Pan-American today, carrying the former above 200. onoe again brought forth the usual crop or wiia rumors regarding: both companies. The financial district was literally flooded with rumors that the Doheny companies were likely to declare a sizeable extra dividend in the near future and also that a new split-up In the share was a possibility. Industrial Alcohol. Further talk of a contract with one of the big Standard Oil units for its entire fuel alcohol output was on? of the reasons behind the sharp advance today in the shares of the United States Industrial Alcohol Com. pany. National Lead. With interest in possible stock distributions stimulated anew by the big dividend on National Biscuit, the street today picked out National Lead as another company which might be doing some melon cutting before long. This was the theory back of the rise in the stock, and It did not seem to be altogether unreasonable. ; National Lead has holdings in the ! United States Cartridge Company, j which was credited with making big | war profits, but nothing has been | said from that day to this about what disposition was made of them. Americas Woolen. Some critics casting abou: for other stock dividend possibilities have singled out American Woolen as one, and ascribed the recent advance in the stock to this cause. The main thing against this supposition is that in May, 1920, the company did double its common share capital, but did not hand this out to its stockholders as a gift. Quite the contrary, the subscription offer at par was rejected and most of the new stock had to be taken by the underwriting syndicate. At the same time an increase of from $40,000.00 to $60,000,000 in the preferred stock was authorized, but the new shares were never issued. This would seem to be an important , point to remember in connection with ! the talk of any stock distribution , now. | Regular quarterly^-dividends were I declared by F. W. Woolworth Company, common and preferred, the former payable December 1 to stockholders of record November 10 and the latter payable January 2 to stockholders of record December 9; Union Tank Car Company common and preferred payable December 1, to stockholders of record November 6. BUYING MUCH EQUIPMENT. ST. LOUIS October 11.?Railroads centering in St. Louis placed orders for 43.000 tons of rails immediately prior to October 1, when the price was increased from $40 to $43. The purchases here were as follows: "Katy" road. 10,000 tons; Wabash and Missouri Pacific, each. 15.000 tons. and Terminal railway, 3,000 tons. St. Louis Southwestern has an order of < ft.000 tons placed in 1920, and an order ! placed in the fall of 1921 for 10,000 i tons, which have not been delivered. The line is expected to purchase i 6,000 additional tons shortly. ORIENT ROAD TRAFFIC. ALPINE. Tex.. October 11?More than 20,000 head of sheep and goats and 10.000 head of cattle will be moved to market from ranches along the line of the Kansas City. Mexico & Orient in the next ninety days, according to orders for cars. It is argued these shipments are proof of the necessity of the railroad being rescued from its present financial straits and kept in operation for the benefit of the livestock and other interests along its line in Texas and Oklahoma. NO DROP IN AWNINGS. PHILADELPHIA. October 11?Reports made at the convention here of the National Association of Tent and Awning Makers indicate there will bo no reduction in the price of awning*. nor will the tent makers try to J solve the housing problem. Joseph O. Goss of Detroit, national president, I was in the chair. I > 1 NEW YORK STO I Received by Private Wire I Open. High. Jjovr. Cloee. Adams Express... W 80 80 89 | Adv Rumley pf... 64*4 64*4 64 64 I Air Reduction.... 63 63*4 63 63*4 I AJax Rubber 16H 16*4 16*4 18*4 I Alaska Juneau... 1*4 1*4 1*4 1*4 I Allied Chemical.. 84*4 88*4 .84*4 86*4 Allied Chem pf... 114 114 114 114 I AUIs Chalmers... 67*4 67*4 67 6744 1 Allla Chalmers pf. 101 102 102 102 1 Am Aar Chem pf.. 67 67 67 67 1 Am Bank Note 7444 7S 7444 76 I Am Beet Pupar... 44 46*4 44 46 I Am Bosch 40*4 40*4 40*4 40*4 I Am Brake Shoe... 83 83*? 83 83*. I A'H.Can 06*4 ?7*i 66*4 67*4 1 AmCar&Pdv 195 194 1?4 194 I Am Cotton Oil 26*4 26*4 16*4 26*4 Am Cotton Oil pf.. 63 63 63 68 1 Am Druggist 6*4 6*4 6*4 6*4. Am Express 149 161 148*4 I5'2*4 . Am Hide & Lea pf 69*4 69*4 69*4 6>*4 !ce 115 115*4 114 114 Am Ice pf 91*4 9114 9lii 91*4 Am International. 85% 87% 86% 26% Am La France 12% 12% 1?% 12% Am Linseed 88% 38% 28% *8% Am Locomotive... 132% 13314 131% 132 Am Loco pf 1>1 |21 121 121 Am Metals 4,44 4344 48% 48% Am Radiator 128 129 123% 123"-. Am Safety Razor. 7 7 7 7 Am Ship 4 Com... 2114 21% 21 2114 Am Smelting1 61 61 60% 6014 Am Smelting pf... 100 100 ICO 100 Am Steel Fdy 4414 44% 44% 4414 Am Steel Fdy pf.. 10444 106 104% 106 Am Sugar go 81 80 ?% Am Sugar pf 109V4 10914 109% 109% Am Sumatra 2814 38V4 38% 3S% Am Sumatra pf... 66% 6514 61*4 61% Am Tel A Cable... 63 63 61 63 Am Tel A Teleg... 123*4 12314 123 123 Am Tel A Tel rts.. 314 4 314 4 Am Tobacco 163 16314 162% I6i% Am Water Wks... 27 27 27 27 Am W Wks 6% pf 63 13 6214 6214 Am W Wks 7% pf 90% 90% 90% 90% Am Woolen 10104 llili 101% 101% Am Zinc A Lead.. 19 19 18% 18% Am Zinc A Ld pf.. 6214 63% 62% 61% Anaconda 61% 12% 61% 61% Asso Dry Goods.. 62% 62 60% 61% Asso Dry G 1st pf. 85', 85% 85% 85% Associated Oil 124 124 121% 121% Atchison 106% 107% 106% 107% Atchison pf 92% 9214 82% 92% Atlanta Jlir A Atl. 2% 2% 2% 2% ! Atlantic Cat Line. 120% 121 12044 120% : Atlantic Fruit Co. 2 2% 2 2% ! Atlantic Gulf 80% 3014 3014 30% Atlantic Ref. ... 1405 1406 1406 1405 Atlantic P.etin pf.. 118 118 118 118 Austin Nichols. .. 84% 35 33% 26 Auto Sales S% 3% 3% 3% Auto Sales pf 12 12 12 12 Baldwin Loco 139% 139% 137% 138% : Balto A Ohio 65% 16% 15 66 Balto & Ohio or.... 64% 4% 64% 64% Ramcdall fA>.... *7% 37% 37 37% ; Bayuk Bros 62 62 62 62 ; Beechnut Hacking. 43% 43% 43 43 j Beth Steel 74% 72% 74% 74% j ?..?n stw> (B> ... 75 76% 75 76% j Beth Stl 70S-(111... 97 97% 97 97% Beth Steel SCI Df... 112% 112% 112% 112% I Booth Fisheries.... 8% 8% 8% 8% I Bri| Km St I 1st pf. . 74% 76% 76% 76% < Urtt Bin Stl 2d pf. 33% 37 36% 37 ( Rklvn Edison 119% 119% 118% 118% I Rapid Trn.. 14% 1'% 14% 16 Bk'yn Rap Tr ctfa. 18 14% 12% 14% Burrs Rrns 4 B) ... 46% 48% 46% 48% Rush Term pt..... 98% 99 98% 99 Butte Ccpper 7% 7% 7% 7% . Butte A Supeftor... 83% 33% 33 33 Butterlck 21 21 21 21 j California Pckng.. 841* ?41* 831% 84 Callahan Zinc 9 9 8!4 9 California Petrol. 64 64V. t3'4 63 *4 California Pete pf 96 971* 96 9714 Calumet A Ariz.... 61 6214 61 6;1* Canadian Pacific.. 148'6 148 1461* 14714 Central Leather... 39*4 4014 38?4 384* Central Leath of... 781. 78*'. 7714 771* Cent R P. of N J... 205 2081* 205 2081* Cerro de Paaco.... 4014 404* S91* 391* Chandler Motor 61?* 6244 614* 621% Ches&Ohlo 73'* 7414 7314 7314 Chea&Ohio pf w 1. 1051* 10514 1051* I06V4 Chi A Alton 21* 21* 244 2*4 Chi A Alton pf 41* 4'* 41* 41* C A Bill < new)... 39'* 991* 391* 391* Chi A E 111 pf <n>. 601% 62 601* 62 Chi Great W pf 141* 144* 141* 144% Chi Mil A St P 3244 831* 8244 8314 Chi Mil A St Pot... 6014 614* 6014 601* CnlANerthwn 92 93 82 93 Chi Pneumat Tool.. 82 8714 82 871* Chi RI A Pacific... 44 45 431* 44 Chi R I A P 746 pf.. 100 ICO 100 100 C St P M A Oinaha 87 87 87 87 Chi St P MA Opr. 106 106 106 106 Chile Copper..... 5' :61* 544 7544 Chino Copper 2844 28*4 28*4 2844 CCCAStLpf.... 971* S3 97'.* 98 Ciuett Peabody.... 62 6244 62 6244 Coca-Cola 77 77 761% 77 Colo Fuel 82 32 32 32 Colo A Southern... 44 49 48 48 Columbia Gaa 10844 1091* 108*4 109 Columbia Graph... 3 3 2'4 21* Com Solvents A 49** 49*4 49 49 Com Solvents B.... 45'.* 451* 4514 451* Comp Tabulator... 704* 71*4 70** 7144 Cons Cigar 4014 40'4 391* 40 Cons Cigar pf 82V* 821? 82 82 Cons Gas of N T... 138*4 139*4 138'i 139 Cons Textile 10*4 10*4 101* 101* ContCan 84*4 9014 89 90 Corn Products 123*4 1.'44* 12214 12314 Corn Products pf.. 120 120 120 120 CosdenACo 47'* 47*4 461* 461* Cosden pf KO 100 100 1C0 Crucible Steel 874* 88'* 8644 86*4 Crucible Steel pf..96 96 93 96 Cuban-Am Sugar.. 22'* 23'4 221* 224% < Cuban-Am Sug pf. 981* 98V* 981* 9314 Cuba Can* Sugar. 14<* 14*4 14 14*4 Cuba Cane Spf... 3744 281* 874* 881* < Davidson Chem.... <( <6 44 464 < De Beers 224 234 72*4 234 : Del Lack * Wstn. . 1404 142 1694 140 ; Detroit United. .. . 704 7014 7014 7014 : Dome Mines 2414 >814 > 814 88*4 Dupont (E. I.).... 160 165 ICO 163 J Dupont debenture. 8714 8714 8714 8714 : Eastman Kodak.. 5614 8514 5514 8614 i Electric Stor Bat. 6514 6514 64*4 84*4 ; Endtcott-Johnson.. 8614 5614 >514 5514 ' Endlcott-John pf. 115 116 115 115 Erie 16 1614 15'4 1914 I Erie 1st pf 25 1614 74*4 15 | Brie 2d pf 18*4 18*4 18 18 | Fairbanks Co 1614 1514 1614 1614 1 Famous Flayers... 8714 9714 96<4 9614 1 Fed Mines AS pf. 69 69 69 69 Fisher Body 136 135 134 134 Fisk Rubber 12*4 12*4 12*4 11*4 Freeport Texas.... 22 1214 22 22 Jen Am Tank Car. 68 68 6614 68 \ Gen Am Tank pf... 104 104 104 104 . Gen Asphalt 6414. 64*4 63 64 Ser. Clear 71*4 8014 79*4 8014 Gen Electric 182 183 182 183 SenElecspl w. 1... 11*4 11*4 11*4 11*4 Sen Motors 16 15 1414 16 Slldden 13*4 1814 12*4 13*4 ' Soldwln Corp 714 7*4 714 7*4 ' Goodrich 38*4 24 53*4 5814 ' Sranby Consol.. 3114 8114 31 31 1 Gray & Davis 12 12 12 12 I Sreat Northern pf. 934 94*4 9314 83*4 1 Great Nor Ore 3914 39*4 38 4 38*4 1 Sreene-Cananes 3014 8014 304 204 Suantanamo Sugar 12 12 12 12 I Sulf S?" las Steel... 914 914 904 91 I I H utahawCable.. 14 1*4 14 14 I Hartraan Corp.... 854 864 56 86 I Hendee Mfg 25 >5 >6 26 I Homestake 714 714 714 714 I Houston Oil 874 894 864 864 I Hudson Motors... 2114 >14 2114 214 I Hupp Motors 224 224 214 22 I Hydraulic Steel.... 74 8 74 8 I Illinois (.'antral 114% 11494 114 11414 Illinois Central nr.. 1U lit lit lit Illinois Cent ILL).. 74 74 74 74 indlshoma 414 414 414 414 Indian Refining... 814 814 814 814 Inspiration 3394 3?94 3894 38'4 Interboro Metro.... 14 94 14 94 Intsrboro Hat pf... 14 1 94 1 interborough w. L 28 1 8 2794 28 untl Combustion K. 2794 2814 2794 2894 Intl ft at Northern. 2494 2494 2494 2494 Lntl Harvester 1 814 10994 10894 10914 Intl Harvester pf. 11894 11894 11894 11894 lntl Her Marino... 1414 1414 1414 1414 lntl Her Marina pf. 6094 8294 6094 81 intl Nickel 1614 1694 1614 1694 lot! Paper 6094 61 6914 60 InU Paper (sta)... 7794 7794 7794 7694 Invincible Oil 1694 1694 1694 1694 iron Products..... 6014 6094 60 6014 Island Oil. ?.** 94 94 94 94 rawsl Tea 1994 1994 1994 1994 tanaaaft Gkllf Co.. 294 8 894 8 CansaaCttjrBoa... 2394 239* 2894 28% - . i CK EXCHANGE direct to The Star Office Opto. Htch. lam Claw, iayeer (Julius).. 44H 4644 ?4* 446. Celly-Sprlne Tlr*.. 4244 42>i 42 4211 tennecott I4H 8464 8444 *441 Cey&tooe Tire 744 744 744 744 ?res*e(S8) 183 18344 183 18844 Lackawanna Steal. 8244 8344 8244 8244 Lake Erie AW ss'4 8644 34V4 8544 Lea Tire A Rubber. 26 23 vs 26 Lehle'ii Valley 6844 <944 6844 8944 Lima Locomotive.. 61 6144 60V4 604i Loews lno 2144 2164 2W4 ' 2144 Loftlnc 12% 12% 1264 12% Loose-Wllea 6144 6144 60 60 Lorlllaid 174 174 174 174 LoulH A Nashville.. 13764 13!f4 137% 13841 Maekay Cos pf 68% 68% 68% 68% Mack Truck 6844 68% 68 68 Mack Truck 94 94 94 94 Magma Copper.... S3Vi 3V/j 3, ^ M a won*rCo H4 94 *3% M Malllnson & Co pf. 95 95 S5 95 Vlaiiatl Sugar 43 ,3 <3 <3 Manhattan Elev... 6( 6544 64 65* Manhat Elev ctfa. 64 6346 63 63V Manhattan Shirt... 43 43% 43 43* Market St prior 6?V4 66'4 66 66 Market St Rypf.. 9754 3,14 f6l4 37T/, "?'r"l01! 39H 894, 39 S9 !I?m 19,4 30 2944 Math I son Alklll... 4;^ 474., 47 47 Maxwell (A) SBVi. 5714 6644 67k Ma^Tfen/f/ 1744 1744 1744 ?* MelnVvSlo eS--137 13744 134 134 Mei?o.r,D^?rCU-- ,7V' 1744 17M 17* I96W 2054* 196'oi 199 Cte Pf' " 9814 981/4 9844 90V u't'.'fZ*'?,0".- 16H 18 1844 174 Midvnj^steei "" W" 1344 1 344 1344 MKATwl - 34*4 8544 844'. 85 "tKfl*1 17,4 17'4 1754 175, Mo 44 46,4 44 ?* Mo Par So oV 2144 21 w Sfl'-a 81V, wnn*'"Crff 58V. 694, 68V. 69k Montana Power... 72U 72% 72 72 %AnutPOWOrSr"' 10,9fc 107<* 107% 107* MoonMI,e.r> rd- *P4 2,7? 41"' ?1'4 Moon Motor, I7 I7 ,6% ,6^ Mother Lode Cttn. 10H 10% 1054 10* 20944 21,44 204 1,0 Mo.lS"" ' 8644 86,4 8444 ?V Natl Enamel pf... 101*4 101*4 10144 101* ? . T ^ 1,244 ??'? 1?* 114V 1,444 11444 11444 114V vii 5 5 d"" 3,? 344 344 3*' v!wnB?OP^?"* 18 16 1544 164i wTJ?>rneXi? 81,4 87 81 81 2 V o , 37 3744 37 374< N Y Air Brake rta.. H V* 44 V VTne"Lrmi 9744 9844 9,44 9741 vy^hiio 8844 6844 684* 6844 ?TNH4H?" 8944 8944 89 89 rtfor< 8044 3044 3044 3314 Vorfolf2^*rn-- 2444 24S 244t 24Sl Is ^?*tern-121 ,22S 120 121* ^nier n- 98 '"OS 9754, 964, North American pi 47 47 464. 46* Northern Pacific... 8644 8654 8646 ?64i Nova Scotia Steel.. 38 8814 38 38V Nunnally Co 1146 1144 im 114: Oklahoma Prod.... 244 244 944 2M ^neum Circuit... 24?4 2654 24H 54*, ?' ? ?1lV?tor 13144 185 16144 168 Jtla Steel 11 Ji u n Dwena Bottle 4056 4044 4056 405, Pae Development.. 356 354 144 j? Pec Gas A Elec 86*6 85H 85 95 Pacific Mail 14 14 14 14 Pacific Oil 6714 6784 66*4 57 Pac Tel ft Teles Pf- Dili 91*? 91*4 91* Pan-Amer Pata.... 86 90 86 87 Pan-Am Pfte(B). 84 8914 84 86 Parish ft Bingham. 11 11 11 11 Pennsylvania 4iVa 4854 46'? 4891 Penn Seabd Steel.. 614 5'4 4% 481 People's Oas 9774 97*4 97Vi 97* Pere Marquette.... 78 74 68*4 8784 87* Pere Marq pf 74>4 7414 74'4 7411 PhllaCompany.... 4214 4214 4214 42* Phillip* Pete 6184 62 6084 60* Plerce-Arrow pf... 85 8584 36 S59i Pierce Oil 6V* 684 6'4 68t Pierce Oil pf 4984 6014 494 60M Plergly-Wlggly... 43 4314 4284 42?1 Pitts Coal 60*4 6014 6914 69* Pitts Coal pf 10OVA 100'4 100*4 lOOli Pitts Steel pf 9681 96*4 9184 OS* Pond Creek Coal... 20 20 1914 19* PostumCareal 11014 1U<4 114 111*4 Pressed Steel Car.. 91*4 9184 9184 91": Producers A Ret... 4714 4784 4684 461 Publlc Servof N J. 95 9614 9414 94* Public Service pf... 105*4 10584 10584 10581 Pullman Co 1298? 12914 12984 129* Punta Alegre 4784 4814 4714 48* Pure Oil 3154 3P4 31*4 3111 Pure Oil 8ft pf 9984 100 9984 100 Rand Mines 8tV4 34'4 ?4'4 34'1 Ray Con Copper... 14*4 14*4 14*4 14H Reading 79 80*4 78*4 79?( Reading let pf..62*4 63 62*4 62* Reading 3d pf 63 63 63 64 Remtnrton Tvpr... 3554 35" 1 3584 35", Remington 1st pf. 91 91 91 91 Replogle Steel 3314 84*4 23 341! Rep Iron ft Steel... 59 014 69 698! Rep Iron ft Stl pf... 86*4 86*4 86*4 868 Rep Motor Truck.. S8? 284 28? 28 Reynolde (B) 66 6714 66 67* Royal Dutch 68 6384 68 63* St Joseph Lead.... 19 19 19 19 St L ft San Fran... 2a?? 28*4 2884 281St Louis Southwn.. 32 3314 3214 33* St Louis Sown pf... 62 63 62 62* Savage Arms 17 1914 17 19* Saxon Motora 4*4 414 414 4* Seaboard Air L<ne. 6*4 614 614 6* Seaboard A L pf... 11 11*4 108, lo* Sears Roebuck 8984 89<4 ,8814 |83* Shell Trad ft Tram 37V4 8714 3714 37* Shell Union pf.... ?3 93 93 93 ? ,?n?.aClflc 15014 15214 160 16ilj Union Tank Car.. 122 122 122 122 S?i?5Tyk?pf-IU* 11144 111 ? ^ atMl- 57,14 3714 37',1 S7M 8214 82H 82 82 United Fnrn 152 152 162 162 [Tn^a?fr,BOard-- 1454 1414 1414 "W United Rylnv 14 j4 14 14 f?n!.t!25yIn.v*'? 3014 3014 3014 s?M a s ?l2e?li. - 80,4 81 80,4 8011 Hff??dP">d ?H 614 614 6H U S Indus Alcohol.. 65 ?gu t'& 67*< U8lteiiJi00h0lPf- Mti 8,74 8814 *>* SSSSSrV:::;;; 2? 23 * USSmHifZl?1,1"--100* 10044 10014 100,1 IIZ?V?V 42,4 4,14 *** uisZZi " *r 47 47 S|S*": 10714 107*4 106% 107 Ij SSraS5iv.:;-.;-? ?* "S% '2 Utah SecuritiM.... 21 ? a n r T T 2* /a-CarChempf.. M ? ? S ?*?? Wi " Sk S vabaah 11% u ..% 12 Wabaah pf (Ai.... 88 MH ? JL Webber A Hellbrn 12% 12% 12 12 Wells-Farpo Exp.. 91 gj% tt 92V! VMt?ralli|,Ct>td' M8S 10814 10814 108H ? 1414 1414 14 " western Md 2d.... 22% 22% 9?u oomt 17H 17H 17* "* ^JtSEjL^nUr.' 11814 11814 11014 >WH *22 ?!?**"wi4 88,4 ^ ?h ??????_** >L-"? ?*?%?%?% 15 12% II 12% ^ y4011'^ *H4 M 8014 ? . ?. ?1- . 41 - -f&- . ?o ' : - ' ' i N. Y. Curb Market (Quotations furnished bj the Associated Press.) INDUSTRIALS. . ? , Hlfh. Low. Close. 12! Jomf 9?" -7" -7S 100 Atna Leslher pf.. 45 45 45 I J00 Amslfs Leather .. 1U(4 13 "i 13)4 100 Am Hawaiian S 8.. SI 21 21 J? Am Lt A Tr 147 144 147 >00 Atlantic Fruit Co.. 2Vk 214 2U fW batigor Arooo pr. .97 9*j 97 600 llkiyn City R R.. 9% 9^ 994 *10. Buddy Bud. IS l3 1* 600 tar bight 2W 2*4 2fc 100 Car bight pr ti;*4 0% git 10O Cent 'iereaa Su Co 1*4 1% 1* 100 Chicago Nipple 4v? 4W 4U, 1800 Continental Motors. 11V* llVfc 11 V* 1100 Cuban Doin Mugar.. 7 t>^ 7 100 liublier Con & ttadio 5% 5v, 5% 1900 burant Motors 51fcj 60?4 51 500 Durant Motors I net 14 13-* 11 320 Cillette 8af Kasor.. 250 248 249 100 U.mbel Bros w i.... 44 44 44 I 111 dia?.. I* ! ?<. nf H-lli ha-al/. kill 200 Goodyear Tire 10% 10% 10% i 600 Goodyear Tire pr... 28% 28% 28% 2O0 Havana Tob pi.... 12 12 12 300 Hayes Wheel 33% 38% 33% 2000 Hey den Chemical ... 2 1% 2 1 100 Hudaun Co pfd 10% 10 % 15% 300 Hudson A Manhat 10% 10 10% loo Intel continental Ku 4% 4% 4% I'M) Ruppeuheuner Co. 32 32 32 13 Lohigh Coal Kales.. 80 80 80 v 100 Lincoln Motors A... 2 2 2 t 100 Macy & Co w i 09 59 59 i 100 Macy & Co pr w 1.. 101% 101% 101% 200 Mercer Motors 2% 2% 2% 800 Mercer Mot v t ctf. 2% 2% 2% " 900 Mesabt Iron 11% 10% 11% 700 X Y Air pr w i 02 01 51 275 N Y Tel pr w i 110% 110 110 390O Packard Motor 19 17% 18 180 Packard Motor pr... 92 91% 92 100 Perfection Tire 1% 1% 1% ? 700 Philip Morris 18% 18% 18% 17(8) Prima Radio 1% 1 ft 1*% 800 Radio Corp com 4% 4% 4% 2300 Radio Corp pr 3% 3% 3% ) 800 Reo Motor Truck... 13% 13% 13% 8t*)o Kouth Coal & Iron.. .41 .40 .40 t 100 Kt Lawr Feldspar.. 9% 9% 9% 100 Standard Motors... 3% 3% 3% ) 100 Stutz Motor 20% 20% 20% 100 Swift Inter 23 23 23 Wto Tenn Kl Pow 17 17 17 : 200 Tenn Ry LA I?... 2% 2% 2% 200 Tob Prod ?xp 7% 7% 7% Pus) t; S Light A Heat. 1% 1 1% ? 000 L* 8 L & H pr.... 1% 1% 1% i 100 Unit Prof Shar new 7% 7% 7% Tinted Retail Can 7 6% 7 " KH) t'nion Carbide .... 84 M 34 ? 100 Wayne Oual 2% 2% 2% UN) West Knit Mills... 10 10 10 ooo Winther Motor A.. 9% ? % ?% . 10O Willys Corp 1st prf 12 12 12 1 100 Willys C 1st pr ctf 11% 11% 11% i STANDARD OILS. 1000 Anglo-Am Oil 22% 22% 22% 8(H) Atlantic lobes 8% 8 8 lo Buckeye Pipe Line.. 98 98 98 3D Continental Oil .. 161 150% 151 * 15 Cumberland PL 153 153 153 ? 4<? Galena Signal OH.1. 05 54 55 L. '"iltt Imnariil till Pun 1?>i I'M VI , 520 Ohio Oil 363 34H 353 1 70 Prairie Oil ft Gas.. 720 005 700 ? 100 Prairie Pipe Line.. 237 284 284 130 South Pipe Line.. 102 lOu 102 . 25 South Penn Oil 210 210 210 lO So of Neb 203 203 203 1 14300 So of NY (new| w i 56 33 35% ? 2180O Stan Oil of Ind.. 128% 127% 128 r 700 Stan Oil Ken. new 116 114% 114% 1320 Stan Oil X Y 652 641 643 430 Vacuum Oil 670 636 664 , INDEPENDENT OILS. ? 1000 Allen Oil 40 .40 .40 . 10UO Allied Oil 00 .00 .00 100 Atlantic Gulf 8a... 11 11 11 1 8300 Iloston Wyoming .. 1% 1 1A 1 400 (arib Syndicate .... 6% 6% 6% i loo Pities H B. 67 67 67 . 50 Pities Service 204% 203% 294% 400 Pities (kr "B" ctfa 21% 21 21% . Mat Pities Service pr... 7o 69% 6?% 1 100 Cities Ser "B" pr... 6% 6% 6% ' 500 Continental Ref .... 2% 2% 2% 200 Creole Syndicate 2% 2% 2% 2800 Federal Oil 86 .85 .86 . 4W?o Gulf Oil w i 65% 64% 65 1 1200 Hudson Oil 14 , .13 .13 9200 Interna Petroleum.. 24% 24% 24% 8000 Keystone Ranger . . .38 .36 .38 1 300 Lance Creek 04 .04 .04 1700 Livingston Pet 1% 1% 1% ICO Lyon* Petroleum... .75 .75 .75 11700 Mammoth Oil 40% 40% 40% 385 Magnolia Pet 251 247 247 I 200 Maracaibo Oil 20% 20 20% 500 Marland Oil of Hex. 3% 5% 5% 700 Merritt Oil 8% 8% 8% 5000 Midwest Texas Oil.. .32 .30 .30 6000 Mountain Producers. 18% 18% 18% II 22000 Mutual Oil 12% 12% 12% ( 200 New England Fuel.. 77% 77% 77% , j 6000 Noble Oil 29 .28 .28 . J 600 Omar Oil 1 % 1A 1A 2000 Red Ranks Oil 24 .24 .24 i 3800 Salt Creek 20% 20% 20% ? 300 Sapulpa Ref 3% *3% 3% , I 600 Seaboard Oil ft Gas 2% 2% 2% , j 700 Shells Union O w i 12% 12% 12% 1 300 Simmft Petro 9% 9% 9% ! 3000 Southern Pet ft R. .17 .16 .17 , ! 300 South 8tates Oil... 18% 18% 18% . ] 7000 Texon Oil ft Land. .49 .48 .48 j 800 Turman Oil 1% 1A 1A 1 j 500 Wilcox Oil 5% 5-* 5% \ j MINING. , J 900 Alas-Brit Pol Metals 2% 2% 2% ! 1000 Am Com M ft M.. .05 .05 .05 I 10000 Boston ft Mont Dev. .14 .12 .13 i 5700 Boston ft Mont Con. .94 .81 .81 t I 1000 Canada Copper .. .92 .92 .92 . j 012OO Candelaria Mining. .61 .32 .57 1 200 Canario 2% 2% 2% l\ 1500 Con Cop Mi ctfs.. 4% 4% 4% t I 1000 Cork Province 15 .15 .15 ;| 40tt0 Cortex 8ilver 1% 1A 1% ; 1 800 Cresaon Gold 2H 2% 2f* ! 2000 Dean Cons 55 .54 .55 . 17o0 Dolores Esperanz... 2% 2% 2% SOU Dryden Gold 9% 9 9% i (UYO VI SalrsHnr 1ft .1? 19. . 3000 Emm* 8llver M 02 .02 .02 18000 Eureka Croesus ... .30 .27 .28 ? 2000 Fortuna 10 .10 .10 i 7000 Goldfield Deep 00 .00 .06 2000 Gold Development.. .10 .10 .10 . 1000 Goldfield Florence.. .14 .14 .14 1 1000 Gold Zone Div M.. .12 42 .12 500U Hard Shell Mining. .10 .00 .10 ? 700 Henrietta Silver... 1 .04 .94 ? 17000 Independence L M. .43 .37 .40 100 Kerr Lake 23 23 23 * 1000 Knox Divide 04 .04 .04 ? 24000 Lone Star 07 .06 .07 i 17(100 McNamnra Crea 10 .08 .09 . 2000 Marsh Mines Cons . .15 .14 .15 100 Mason Valley 1% 1% Ms 1000 Mohican Copper 20 .20 .20 4000 National Tin 26 .24 .26 ? 500 Nevada Sil Horn ... .04 .04 .04 i 1300 New Dominion 3% 3 3% . 100 Ntpisstng ? 6 6 500 N Y Porcupine 65 .65 .65 ' 6000 Ohio Topper 34 .34 .34 ' I 600 Ray Hercules Mines 1% 1% 1*4 i 1000 Sandstorm Kendall. .04 .04 .04 . 200 South AmP4 6.. 4% 4% 4% 6000 Spearhead 00 .08 .OS ' 4000 Success Mining 43 .42 .43 i 300 Tech Hughes 87 .87 . 87 5000 Tonopah Cash Boy.. .11 .11 .11 . 1900 Tonopah Extension. 3 2% 2% 100 Trinity Copper Co.. 2 2 2 1 100 Unity Gold 4 4 4 ? 100 United Eastern ltt It# 1H 100 United Verde Exten. 28% 28% 28% 1 r.000 Victory Div Mining. .02 .02 .02 k 10000 West End Ext $7 .06 .06 1 6000 West End Cona 1A 1% 1% ' BONDS, j 4 Allied Packer 8s 88% 89% 88% 1 Aluminum 7s 1825... 104% 104% 104% 1 9 Am L 4k Tr 6s 110% 110% 110% i 7 Am T Jfc T 6s 1924... 101% 101% 101% 2 Am Tobacco 7s 1923. 101% 101% 101% 8 Anaconda Cop 7s '28 103% 103% 103% 2 Anglo-Am Oil 7%a... 103% 103% 103% 6 Armour ft Co 7s 104% 104% 104% 5 Atl Gulf ft W I 5s.. 55 54 % 54% 1 Bethlehem Rt 7s 1023 106% 106% 106% 3 Bethlehem Bt 7s 1035 102% 102% 102% 1 5 Brooklyn Un Gas 6s.. 105% 105% 105% ? 6 Canadian N Ry eq 7a 110% 110 110 i 2 Charcoal Iron 8s.... 05% 05% 05% , 2 Con Gas Bait 6s 105 . 105 105 3 Cuban Tel 7%s 107% 107 107% 3 Cudahy 7s 101% 101% 101% k 1 Deere ft Co 7%s 102% 102% 102% 3 Det City Gas 6a 102% 102% 102% i 10 Galena 8ig Oil 7s.. 105 105 105 l 1 General Asphalt 8s.. 106% 106% 106% 1 Grand Trunk 6%s.. 106% 106% 106% 1 2 Hood Rubber 7a 101 100% 100% ^ 4 Interb R T 8s' 22.. 07% 07% 07% i 44 Interb R T 8s ctf.. 07% 07% 07% , 12 Hans Gas ft Elec 6s. 00% 00% 90% 20 Laclede Gas 7s 101% 101% 101% 1 Lib. McN ft Lib 7s. 102% *>2% 102% ? 2 Manitoba 7s 09% 00% 90% 1 National Acme 7%s 97% 07% 97% , 2 National Leather 8s. 101% 101 % mi% 2 Phil Elec 5%s 101% 101% 101% 1 6 Pub Ber Cor N J 7a. 104 104 104 23 Robert Galr 7s 00% 90 99% i 13 Sheffield Farms 6%s. 101 101 101 10 Solray ft Cie 8? 106% 106% 106% 4 Southwest B T 7s... 103 103 103 1 1 Stan Oil N T 7s *25 105 105 105 6 Stan Oil N T 7s *31 109% 109% 109% 4 Stan Oil N T 6%s.. 100% 109% 109% ? Sugar Bt Orient 7s.. 98% 98% o?% ' I Sun Oil 7s 102 102 102 3 Swift ft Oo 7s *25.. 101% 101% 101% 5 Bwlft ft Co 7s *31.. 102% 102% 102% : 3 Bwift 5s 97 06% 07 1 Un Oil Calif 6s 101% 101% 101% 1 Un Oil Prod 8s .... 99 09 90 i 1 Un Ry Havana 7%s 105% 105% 105% i 154 V 8 GOT 4%s w i.. 100% 100% 100% t 5 Wyckwlre Bpen 7%s 99 99 99 i FOREIGN BONDS. ? 23 Argentine 7s '23... 100% 100% 100% ? 9 Canad Steamship 7s 96% 96% 96% : 196 King Netherlands 6s 05% 95% 95% 5 King Serbs Croats 8s 87% 87% 87% I 1 Mexico Govt 6s.... 54 54 54 II 28 Hamburg 4%s 45 .34 .45 149 N Y. N H Kr 7? 71 70% 70% ? Rep of Haiti fla w i. 96% 9fiVi 10 Russian 6%s ctfa ..11 11 11 23 8wiaa 5%a 10414 104% 104% 11 r 8 Mexico 4a..... 33% 38 38% Wliite Oil 6% 6% 6% 6% Wickwlre Spencer.. 10% 11 10% 11 Wilson Company... 41 43 43 43 Wilson & Co pf... 88% tg% 38% 8)% Willys-Overland... 6% 6'% 6% 6% Willys-Overland pf 41% 41% 41% 41% Wisconsin Central 30% 31 30% 31 Woolworth pf.;.. 125 125 125 125 Worth-ton Pump. 3% 80% 88% 88% Worthinsten (B). 09% 09% 89% 89% Wright Aero 10% 10% 10% 10% Odd lots. High. Low. Last. Call Money 8% 4% 4% HOURLY SALES OF STOCKS. 11 a.m 849100 12m.. 887 100 lpjn-.... 724 800 2pjn 91150S ' ' ' ' " ' i " " SI HOCKS SLOW; SOME FIRM SPOTS ??j BY WILLUH F. HEFFKRNAN. By Special Leaned Wire to The Star. NEW YORK, October 11.?Oil shares on the curb exchange were quieter today than on any day since the beginning of the recent upward movement, with price changes confined to narrow limits. In comparison with the violent upward swing of the last two weeks. Standard Oil shares moved Irregularly and It was noticeable that the demand for these issues had materially slackened. Prairie Oil and Gas lost almost 50 points at one time. Standard of Indiana, Standard of Kentucky and standard or ivew York (old stock) moved over a narrow range, with prices for the most part slightly higher. Standard of New York (new stock), traded In on a when-Issued basis, was active during the early trading, getting a point above its close of Tuesday, but the demand subsided in the afternoon and most of the early gain was lost. Just a IJttle Melon. Despite the fact that Vacuum Oil directors declared an extra dividend of in cash at yesterday's meeting, the feeling in certain quarters is that the real "melon" is still to come. It was said today that the plans for the real "melon" cutting were all signed and ready to be made public. Independent Oils, located in the Salt Creek oil fields, continued firm at slightly higher prices. Salt Creek Producers was actively traded In and reached a new high for the year. Mutual was also prominent and went into new high ground. Mountain Producers held firm around its previous close, while the new Mammoth Oil stock regained some'of its loss of Tuesday. Gulf Oil of Pennsylvania was actively sold again and went lower. Kuppenhelmer common, among the department store stocks, lost a point between sales, while the R. H. Macy common and preferred were quiet and steady. Strong Points. Declarations of the regular quarterly dividend of $3 per share on Gillette Safety Razor was announced, and this stock made a new top at 250. New York Telephone preferred gained slightly and sold within a fraction of its previous high. Durant common again led the motors in activity. Professional selling brought about a decline of more than a point, but supporting orders were encountered around the lower levels, resulting in practically all of the early loss being retraced. Packard issues were strong again on reports of excellent earnings. Mining shares moved irregularly. Candelieria Silver experienced a rather sharp break, while Ohio Copper continued higher. SENSATIONAL INCREASES JN STANDARD OIL VALUES Excessive Speculation in Shares Extends to Stocks of Other Companies. NEW YORK, October 11.?Sensational gains In prices of shares of companies in the Standard Oil group during the past week in response to the announcements of proposed stock dividends by two companies and rumors of such action by several more have resulted In an appreciation of nearly $1,000,000,000 in quoted values above the low prices of the year. Tnis remarkable Increase, without precedent in the annals of Wall street. Is the result of extensive speculation, which has extended to shares of other oil companies and of concerns holding large corporate surpluses. Shares of the Standard Oil of New Jersey at today's closing price of 233 show an increase of $255,000,000. The market value of Standard Oil of New York at its high of today showed an increase of $275,000,000 above the low of the year, while Standard Oil of Indiana added more than $150,000,000 and Standard Oil of California $140,000,000 to their quoted values. All of the other thirty-three units, which were split up by a decree of the United States Supreme Court in 1911. also show substantial increases in appreciation, the quoted value since that time having increased $3,000,000,000. Since the dissolution the various units have . distributed I more than $1,000,000,000 in cash divi- | dends. while the stock dividends, ex- j elusive of those announced this year. | have a market value of an additional $1,000,000,000. John D. Rockefeller is reported to i have owned 30 per cent of stock at the time of the dissolution decree. He is known to have disposed of a large part of his holdings to other I members of his family, but had he j held ms original snares tney would | have Increased approximately $1,000.- 1 000.000 in eleven years, of which nearly $400,000,000 would have been added this year. Distribution of stock dividends is said to have been decided upon to forestall a tax on undivided surplus, which is reported to be in contemplation by administration officials to take care of the government deficit. Stock dividends already have been held not subject to taxation, as such, j by the United States Supreme Court, i The surplus account of the Standj ard Oil of New Jersey was $594,1 525.562 as of December 31. Atlantic Refining holds the record for largest surplus in proportion to the stock outstanding. The surplus at the beginning of the year was $61,709,049 and the par value of the stock in the hands of the public is $5,000,000. ' CHALMERS PLAN TO STAND. NEW YORK, October 11.?Managers of the reorganization of Chalmers Motor declare that their plan of readjustment of the company's finances will be operative. They have issued a call for the note deposit certificate of stockholders who have assented to the plan. They must be deposited with Central Union Trust of New York on or before November 9. 1922, in exchange for stock or cash deliverable by Maxwell Motor on or before November 19. Time for deposit of additional notes with New. York Trust Jias bee? extended to November 6. GRAIN EXPORTS INCREASE. BALTIMORE. October 11.?Exports of grain through Baltimore for September reached 6,627,297 bushels, in comparison with 3,257,233 bushels in September, 1921. Since January 1. 19ZZ, grain e*i?orto nere nave amount' ed to 71,507,955 bushels, as opposed to 45,438.939 bushels during the same period of last year. OIL IMPOSTS LARGE. BALTIMORE. October 11. ? Baltimore's imports of crude oil in bulk are maintaining a large total, 140.000 barrels reaching port last week. It is interesting to note that the tonnage figures recently prepared by the Shipping Board demonstrate that 60 per cent of Baltimore's total import tonnage during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1922, consisted of bulk oil cargoes. FURNITURE TREND UPWARD. A strong situation exists in the furniture trade, with price advances being made by dealers. There is a marked scarcity of mirror glass, and furniture makers also say they have difficulty In getting any large quantity of walnut or gum woods. Warehouse stocks of made-up furniture are low, and the prediction was made yesterday that there would be a scarcity of merchandise later on. Retailers are now asking for immediate shipments, as well as placing orders for spring. Manufacturers are handicapped by rail embargoes in various sections of the coutatry, both In shipping the flnished product and getting raw materials to their factories: ON NEW YOBK BOP Recdved by Private Wirs I UNITED STATES WAR BONDS. Hick. tow. Cloee. Liberty 8*< 183547 100 60 10064 100 66 Liberty let 4*c 1982-47.. 100 00 09 94 10000 Liberty 3d 414* 1027-42.. 9996 9966 100 00 Liberty Bd 4>4 1928 100 04 90 99 10004 Liberty 4th 4*s 1983 38. 10004 '9992 100 04 Victory 4* 1928 100 24 100 16 100 24 Victory 494 (celled) 10012 10006 10008 FOREIGN GOVERNMENT, STATE AND MUNICIPAL. Hlfh. Low. Clooe. Argentine 7s 101* Ml* Ml* Argentine Gs 61 81 81 Belgium 8s..!. 103* 103* MS* Belgium 7Vfca 1?8% 103% Belgium 6s 99 ? J?, Bergen 8s 1946 109* M9* 109* Berne 8s 113 113 H? Bolivia 8b 9714 97 ""J Bordeaux Ss 82 81 81*4 Brazil 8s 102 101*4 "J? Brazil 7%s 86*4 86% 86*4 Brazil 7s 89 88 88% Canada Ss 1926 9914 99% "** Canada 514s 1929 ?2 wl* 'iL. Canada Ss 1931 99*4 99*4 98% Canada 6s 1952 99*4 99*4 99% Chile 8s 1946 104 10314 108*4 Chile 8s 1941 104 103*4 104 Chinese Govt Ry 5s 63*4 62*4 63% Copenhagen 5*4s 91*4 91*4 91*4 Czechoslovakia 8s 96 9414 * Danish Municipal 8s A... 108*4 108*4 10814 Danish Municipal 8s B... 106*4 1<*V? 1084 Denmark 8s 110*4 110 DO Denmark 6s 98*4 98*4 98*4 Dominican Rep 5s 1958... 96*4 96 96 Dominican Rep 5 *4s 1942. 91 9014 90*4 Dutch East Ind 6s 47.... 96 95*4 96 Dutch East Ind 6s '62.... 98 95*4 96% French Govt 8s 101*4 101*4 101*4 French Govt 714 s 97*4 9714 97*4 Japanese 1st 4 *4s 93*6 92*4 92% Japanese 2d 4 *6s 93 93 93 Japanese 4s 80*4 80 80 Lyons 6s 82 81*4 82 Marseilles 6s 81*4 81 81*4 Mexico 5s 63 62*4 63 Mexico 5s large 61*4 61 6114 Mexico 4s 39 39 39 Montevideo 7s 93 93 93 Netherlands 6s 95% 95*4 95*4 Norway 8s 1... 111*4 111*4 111*4 Prague 7V4s 82*4 8214 82*4 Queensland 7s 109*4 108% 108*4 Queensland 6s 103 102*4 103 Rio de Jan 8s 99% 99% 99% Rio de Jan 8s rets 99% 99*4 99*4 Rio Grande Do Sul Ss 101 101 101 Sao Paulo, City of. 8s 101*4 101*4 101*4 Sao Paulo. State of, Ss... 101*4 101 101 Seine. Dept of. 7s 88V4 87% 88*4 Soissons 6s 78 78 78 Sweden 6s 101 103*4 104 Swiss Confed s f 8s 121% 121*4 121*4 Utd Kingdom 5%s '22 100*4 100*4 100*4 Utd Kingdom 5 *48 '29.... 108% 108*4 108% Utd Kingdom 5</4s '37.... 103*4 103% 103% Zurich 8s 113% 113*4 113*4 MISCELLANEOUS. AJax Rubber 8s 99% 99*4 99% Am Agri Chem 7%s 104% 104 104 Am Agrl Chem 6s 97% 97*4 97*4 Am Cotton Oil Ss 89 89 89 Am Smelt & Ref 1st Ss... 94% 94*4 94*4 Am Sugar Ref 6s 103 102% 102% Am Tel & Tel cv 6s 117% 117*4 117% Am Tel & Tel cl tr 5S.... w?4 w? Am Tel & Tel cl tr 4s 9Z% 91% 92% Am Water Works 5s.... 85% 85% 85% Am Writing Paper 6s 85% 65% 85% Anton Jergens 6s 79% 79% 79% Armour & Co 4%s 91% 91 91 Atlantic Refining 5s 99% 99% 99% Azucarea Baragua 7%s.. 99% 99% 99% Bell Tel Pa 7s 108% 108 108 Bethlehem Steel p m 5s.. 94% 93% 94% Bethlehem Steel s f 6s... 100% 100% 100% Braden Copper 6s 99% 99% 99% Bklyn Edison gen 5s.... 98 97% 97% Bklyn Edison 7s C 106% 106% 106% Bklyn Edison 7s D 108 108 108 Bklyn Union Gas 5s 98% 98% 98% Bklyn Union Gas 7s 116 116 116 Bush Terminal con 5s... 91 91 91 Can Gen Elec deb 6s 103 103 103 Central Leather 5s 98% 98% 98% Cerro de Pasco 8s 123% 123% 123% Chile Copper 6s 96 93 96 Chile Copper 7s 110% 109 109 Colo Industrial 5s 80% 80% 80% Colum Gas & El 5s sta... 96V4 96% 96% Commonwealth Pow 6s.. 92% f2 92 Con Coal Md 1st ref 5s... 91% 91% 91% Crown Cork & Seal 6s? 95% 95% 95% Cuba Cane S cv deb 8s... 91 91 91 Cuban-Am Sugar 8s 107% 107% 107% Cumberland Telphone 5s. 94 94 94 r?An'fPG>7s mi ioo% ioo% | Diamond Match s f 7%s.. 107 107 107 Distillers Sec 5s 1927 f.9% 59-% 59-% On Pnnt de N"em 7 lis 108'i !18 108'i Duqnesne Right 6s 104'4 104 10414 Ptigtiesne Eight 714s 10714 107'4 10714 Eastern Tuba Sugar 7Hs 100 100 100 Frrnire Fuel & Gas "Vis. 94*4 9414 9414 Fisk Rubber 8s 106*. 10614 106?4 Framrrinan I P 71js 93*4 93"4 9314 Francisco Sug 7K-s '41... 10." 10.7 103 Gen Flee trie deb Ss 105*4 105*4 105*4 Gen Electric deb 5s 10P4 10F4 10115 Gen Refractories fis 99 99 99 I Goodrich IB F) 614s 10214 101*4 10114 Goodyear Tire 8s'31 100 9944 100 Goodyear Tire 8s'41 11514 115 115 Holland-Amer s f 6? 8814 8814 88*4 Humble Oil A Ref 5Us... 9914 99*4 9914 Illinois Steel 414s 1940 9314 9314 9314 Indiana Steel 5s 101 100'} 101 Inter AgriculCorp 5s 80% 80% 80% Inter Mer Marine 6s 93% 93% 93% Inter Paper 1st Es B 89% 89 89% Invincible Oil 8s 104% 104% 104% Julius Kayser s f 7s 106 106 106 Lackawanna Stl 5s '30... 92ly 93'} 92% Lackawanna Steel 5s '23. 100% 100 100% Liggett ft Myers 5s 99 99 99 Liggett ft Myers 7s 116% 116% 116% Lorillard CP) 5s 98 98 98 Lorillard 7s 117 116% 116% Magma Copper cv 7s 116 lis 116 Manati Sugar s f 7%s 98% 98% 98% Mar'.and Oil 7%s 111% 11!'} 111% Mexican Petroleum 8s... 108 107% 107% Mich State Tel 1st 5s 99% 99% 99% Midvale Steel 5s 90 89% 90 Montana Power 5s 99% 99% 99% Morris ft Co 1st 4%s 87% 87% 87% j New Eneiand Tel 5s 99% 99% 99% NTGELHtP5s 99% 99% 99% I New York Tel 6s '41 106% 106% 106% New York Tel 6s '49 107 106% 107 New York Tel 4%s 96% 96% 96% Niagara Falls Pow 6s 104% 104% 104% [North AmerEdison 6s... 96 96 96 Northern States Pow 5s. 94 93% 94 Northwest Bell Tel 7s.... 107% 107% 107% Otis Steel 7%s 95% 95% 95% Otis Steel 8s 100% 100% 100% Pacific Gas ft Elec 5s 94% 94 94 Pac Tel & Tel 5s 1952 93% 93 93 Packard Motor 8s 107% 107% 107% Phila Co ref 6s A 101% 1C0% 101% Pierce Oil deb 8s 99 99 99 Producers ft Ref 8s 105% 105% 105% Producers & Ref 8s war.. 1194} 119% 119% Public Service 5s 87 87 87 Punta Alegre 7s 1937 1081} 108 108 Remington Arms 6s 1932 . 97% 97 97 Rogers Brown Iron 7s... 96% 95% 96% Sacks ft Co sf 7s 102 102 102 Sinclair Oil 7%s '.110 109% 110 Sinclair Oil 7s 102 101% 101% Sinclair Crude Oil 5*4s... 98", 98ij 98*4 Southern Bell Tel 6s 97 97 97 Sou Porto Rico Sug 7s.... 101*4 10m 101% I Stand Oil of Calif 7s 10614 105*4 106V4 Steel St Tube 7s 102 10114 10m Tide Water Oil 614s 103 10214 10214 Toledo Edison 1st 7s 10714 107 10714 Union Bag & Paper 6s... 10064 loot* 100*4 Union Tank Car 7s 10814 10314 10314 United Drug cv 8s Ill 111 n, United Fuel Gas 6s 9914 9914 9914 | United Steam Copen 6s.. 9414 94 9414 US Realty 5s 99*4 96 99*4 U 3 Rubber 1st & ref 6s.. 89*4 8914 8914 US Rubber 5s ct 8914 88*4 89 US Rubber 714s 10614 10614 10614 U S Steel sf 6s 102*4 102 10214 Va-CarChemicallst 5s.. 10014 100*4 loot* Va-Car Chemical 7s 9814 98 98 Va-CarChem 714s war.. 97 9614 97 Warner Sugar 7s 102*4 102*4 10214 Western Union 61*s 112 111*4 112 Westinghouse 7s 10714 10714 107'4 Wickwlre Spencer 7s... 9914 99 99 Wilson & Co 1st 6s 102 101*4 101*4 Wilson & Co cv 714s 10614 10614 10614 Wilson St Co CV 6s 98*4 98*4 98*4 TO CBUISE 'BOUND WORLD. The Cunard Line has announced that the new Ansonia of its Canadian service will sail to Queenstown and liiverpool in place of the Samaria, 'leaving New York October 19. This will be the first visit of the steamer to New York. The Samaria makes her first trip to the metropolis November 18, and January 24 will leave New York for a cruise around the world, returning via the Panama canal, IDS STOCK EXCHANGE|j Direct to The Star (Mice RAILROADS. High. Low. Close. Atchison gen 4s 90 89*4 89H Atlantic Coast List 4s.. 90'4 89H 89H Balto A Ohio pr In 3%8.. M * Balto A Ohio cold 4s 85 84% ?4% Balto A Ohio 6s 102 101% 102 Balto A Ohiocv4%s 84% 84% 84% Balto A Ohio ref 5s 90 8804 88% B A O BW dlv 3%s 93 93 93 B A O Toledo div 4s 70 70 70 Bklyn R T 7s '21 9414 94 94 Bklyn R T 7s '21 ctfs 93 92 93 Bkl R T 7s '21 ctfs stm.. 90% 8814 8814 Canadian Northern 7s... 11314 11314 11314 Canadian North 614s 113 113 "3 Canadian Pac deb 4s 8214 82 82 Central of Georgia 6s 10014 100% 1001. Central Paclflc 4s 89 8744 87% Ches A Ohio cv 5s 97% 9714 97% Ches A Ohio cv 414s 8814 8814 8814 Ches A Ohio cen 414s.... 88 8714 88 Chi A Alton 3s 1949 6514 54% 64% Chi A Alton 314s 33% S3 S3 Chi B A Q 1st A ret 5s... 10114 101% Chi A East III geti 5s 84 ' 83% 88% Chi Great Western 4s.... 62 61% 61% Chi Ind A Louis gen 6s.. 100% 100% 100% Chi M A St Pref 414s.... 68% 67% 68% Chi M A St P cv 5s 78 77% 77% Chi MA St Pin 109R 83 U 82*4 82 * Chi M & St PcvV%R..... 72% 72 72% Chi M & 8t P 4s 1934 77 76% 76% Chi M & Puget Sound 4s. 72% 72% 72% Chi & N W 6%s 112% H2 II2 Chi & W Ind con 4s 77% 77 77% Chi Ra IIways 5s 81% 81% 81% Chi R I & Pac ref 4s 85 84% 88 Chi Union Station 6%s... 113% 113% 113% Chi ITnlortStation 4%s... 92% ?2% 92% CCC&StLref6s A.... 102 102 102 Cleveland Term 5%s 104% 104% 104% Cuba RR 6s 86% 86 86 Cuba R R 1st & ref 7%s.. 107% 107 107 Del & Hud cv 5s 100% 100% 100% Del & Hud 5%s 101% 101% 101% Den & Rio G Imp 5s 83 83 83 Den & Rio G con 4s 77% 76% 76% Den & Rio Gist ref 5s... 60% 49 49 Detroit United 4 %s 85% 85% 85% Erie 1st con 4s 65% 85 65 Erie con ext 7s 106 106 106 Erie gen 4s 54 53% 53% Erteconv4sA 61% 51% 61% Erie conv 4s B 61 61 61 Erie conv 4s D 64% 64 64% Erie A Jersey 6s 96% 96 96 Grand Trunk s f deb 6s.. 103% 103% 103% Great Northern (fen 7s... 112 111% 111% Great North gen 5%s.... 102% 102 102 Havana ERL & P 5s. 86% 85% 86% Hudson & Man ref 5s.... 86% 84% 84% Hudson & Man adj 5s.... 62 61% 61% III Central ref 4s 83% 89% 83% III Central 5%s 102 101% 101% Inter-Met 4%s 12 12 12 Inter-Met 4%s ctfs 12 12 12 Inter-Met 4%s ctfs sta... 14% 14% 14% Inter Rap Transit 5s 77 76% 76% Inter Rap Transit 5s ct.. 76 76% 76% Inter Rap Transit 6s w i. 81 80% 81 Inter Rap Transit 7e w I 98% 38 38 Inter & Great Nor 5s ct.. 68% 68 68 Inter & Great Nor adj 6s. 63% 63% 63% Iowa Central ref 4s 43 43 43 Kansas C Ft S & M 4s... 81 81 81 Kansas City Sou 5s 93% 93% S3% Kansas City Sou 3s 1950.. 69% 68% 68% Kansas City Term 4s 84 83% 83% Lake Shore 4s 1928 96 95 96 Lake Shore 4s 1931 93% 98% 93% Lehigh Valley en 4s 2003 . 84% 84% 84% Long Island ref 4s 81% 81% 81% Louis & Nash unified 4s. 91% 91% 91% Louis & Nash 1st 5%s... 104% 104% 104% La & NW 5s 77% 77 77% ( Manhattan Ry cn 4s 68% 68% 68% Market St Ry cons 5s SO% 90% *0% Minn & St List ref 4s... 44 43'* 44 Minn A St L. ref ext 5s... 44 44 44 MStPASSM6%s 104% 104% 104% MK AT 1st 4s 83 83 83 M K A T pr In 5s A 85% 65% 86% MKAT4SB 7! 71 71 M K A T 6s C 97% 97 97 M K A T adj 5s 63% 62% 62% Mo Pacific 6s 101% 100% 100% Mo Pacific 1st 5s'65 91% 91% 91% Mo Pacific gen 4s 66% 66% 66% | Montreal Tram 1st 5s.... 93 .91% 93 Nassau Elec Ry 4s 1957.. 65 64 65 New Orleans Term 4s 80 78% 80 N O Tex A Mex lnc 5s... 76% 76 76 N Y Central deb 6s 106 106% 106% N Y Centra] deb 4s '34... 90% 90% 90% NY Central ref Imp 6s... ?8% 98% 98% N Y Chi AStL 1st 4s 91 91 91 New York State Ry 4%s. 72% 72% 72% N Y West A Bos 4%s 64% 54% 64% Norfolk A West con 4s... 90% 90 90% Norfolk A West cv 6s 122 119% 122 Northern Pacific 3s 63% 63% 63% Northern Pacific 4s 88'% 88 88 Northern Pac.ref imp 6s. 109 1C8% 108% Northern Pacific 5s 99% 98% 98% i Ore Short I> con as'46 104 104 104 | Ore-Wash 1st ref 4s 83% 83 83 Paris-Lyons-Med 6s 75% 76 75% Pennsylvania gen 5s 101 100% 110% i Pennsyivan ia gen 4%s... 93 92% 92% ] Pennsylvania 6 Vis Ill 110% 111 j Pennsylvania gold 7s 10944 109% 109% : Pennsylvania con 4Vis... 100 99% 99% ! Pere Marq 1st 4s 1956 82% 82% 82% J Pere Marq 1st os 99% ?9 99% j Portland Ry L. P 1st 6s... 87V4 87% 87% Reading gen 4S 85% 85 85 Reading Jersey Cent 4s.. 87% 87'% 87% Rio Grande West 1st 4s.. 80 79 79 ] Rio Grande West clt 4s.. 60S 66% 66% St L I M A S 4s 1929 88% 88% 88% St L I M A S R A G 4s... 87% 86% 86% St L A S F pr In 4s A 74% 73% 73% St L A S F pr In 58 88% 88% 88% St L A S F lnc 6s 69% 68% 69% StLASF6%sB 95% 96% 95% St L, A S F pr In 6s C 101% 101% 101% StLASFadj6s 82 81% 81% St P A K C Sh L 4 Vis '41. 84% 84% 84% Seaboard A L (sta) 4s... 67% 67% 67% Seaboard A L> ref 4s 44% 44 44 Seaboard A L adj 5s 27% 27% 27% j Seaboard A L con 6s 69 68V4 69 j Sou Pacific cv 4s 92% 91% 91% ' Sou Pacific ref 4s 89% 88% 88%! Southern Ry 1st 5a 98'? 98 98 | Southern Ry gen 4s 7114 70% 71% Southern Ry dev 614 a 103!i 103 lOO'/i ! Third Ave ref 4s 66 66 66 Third Ave ad] 5s 62 007? 62 Toledo St L & W 4s 76 To 76 Union Pacific 1st 4s 92'j 81 ?1(4 Union Pacific 1st ref 4s.. 87!4 87 87 Virginian Ry 1st 5s 98)4 98)4 98'i Va Ry & Pow 1st 5s 8714 87'4 8714 Wabash 1st 5s 997i 997i 9874 Western Maryland 4s 66)4 66*4 6674 I Western Pacific 5s 85 84N 84% ] Wheel &L.E ref 414s.... 6814 63)4 6S14 j Wheel & L. E con 4s 73 73 73 TOTAL SALES (Par Value): 11 a-m 2 259 000 12 noon... 4 346003 1 p.m 6 959 0C0 2 8 288 000 RUG AND CARPET PRICES UP. j Four prominent rug companies have opened their spring lineg of rugs and ^carpets at prices ranging from 7 to 10 per cent over previous values. It is stated that the new prices will hold only until January 1, after which further advances may be made. It is expected the new prices will show advances reflecting the increased cost of materials which enter into the manufacture of carpets and rugs. CITRUS FRUITS DO WELL. Production of citrus fruits in Florida for the season of 1922-23 is estimated at 15.000.000 boxes. Of this total about 8.400.000 boxes will be oranges and tangerines and about 6,600,000 boxes grapefruit. An early forecast pf the California orange LI_L n .3 . A V (_ 1 ) er A AAA v.i uy, ninuc nugusi J. is lOiiuu.uvv boxes. Last season the commercial citrus crop of Florida was approximately 13,300.000 boxes, of which 7.300.000 boxes were oranges and 6.000,000 boxes grapefruit. Last year's crop, however, would have been nearer 14.000.000 boxes if the storm of October. 1021, had not destroyed a large percentage of the fruit on the west coast. TABLE OILCLOTHS POPULAR. Demand for table oil cloths has grown to large proportions, and one of the biggest dealers of these goods reports that his factory is sold up for the next sixty days. The better grade cloths, including flannel and English backs, are the best sellers. Whites still predominate, although checks and neat designs In blue and other colors are also In good demand. A bigger demand for oil cloth, as wall coverings for bathrooms and kitchens Is also reported, and manufacturers are now offering a much larger variety of designs than they have ever made before. With the increasing demand prices are becoming stronger. Grain, Produce and Live Stock WHOLESALE MARKET PAICES. Winter Queen, a new variety of melon from Rocky Ford. Col., Is In ouch demand that it promises to become a strong competitor of the southern watermelon. It presents the appearance of the honeydews on the outside, while the inside is "red to the rind." Dealers expect they will have them on hand for the Christmas holiday season. Rocky Ford cantaloupes, still fairly plentiful and cheap, will be on the market another week or more. The demand for them is steadily decreasing. The fruit market is abundantly supplied with a large variety of attractive shipments from the south and west. Recent rains resulted in smaller re- . > ceipts of poultry, but with no advance In prices. Strictly fresh creamery butter and eggs are scarce and shipments slow, an advance of 2 cents a dozen in the price of eggs resulting. Cheese also is reported scarce. Dealers report an increase of 2 to 3 cents a pound the past month, but arc r unable to forecast prices for the winter. The meat market Is firm, with no appreciable changes in prices. Eggs?Strictly fresh, selected, car died, per dozen. 43a44; average receipts, 41; southern. 40. Live poultry?Roosters, per lb. If. turkeys, per lb.. 38; spring chicken*. per id., zsaza; Keats, young, eacn, zoajc. fowls, 26. Dressed poultry?Fresh killed spring chickens, per lb., 33a35; hens, per lb.. 28a30; roosters, per lb., 20; turkeys, per lb., 45a50; keats, young, each, 50 a60. Live stock?Calves, choice, per lb.. 13**; medium, per lb.. 13; thin, per lb.. 6a9. Lambs, choice, per lb., 131*; live pigs, 3.00a8.00 each; live hogs, per lb.. 10. Green fruits?Apples, new. per bbl.. 1.00a5.75; per bushel basket, nearby. 50al.50; delicious. No. 1. per bbl.. 7.50 a9.00; per box. 3.00a3.50. California oranges, per crate. S.OOalO.OO. lemons, per box. 5.00a7.00. Peaches, per basket, 1.00a2.50. Cantaloupes, Rocky fords, pinks. flats, l.OOal.GO; honeydews, 1.75*2.00. Vegetables?Potatoes, per bbl.. No. /. 2.0?a2.50; per sack. 2.00a2.50; No. 2. 50a 1.00. Sweet potatoes. North Carolina, 1.50a2.00; nearby, 1.50a2.00. Lettuce, per crate. 75al*00. Romaine lettuce, 1.50. Cymblings. per crate, 1.00a 2.00. Onions, per sack. 1.50a2.00. Cabbage. West Virginia, 1.50a2.00 per bbl.; f nearby cabbage, per bbl., 1.50a2.00. Cucumbers, per bu.. 1.00a2.50. Eggplants, per crate. 75al.25. Tomatoes, per bu. box, nearby. 25a1.00. Beans. 2.00a3.50 per bbl. Peas. 2.00a3.00 per basket. Peppers, per crate. 40a75. Kale. 50a75. Spinach, per crate. 1.00a 1.25. Lima beans, per quart, 30a50. Celery, per doz., 50al.00. Corn. 15a30 per doz. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK. October 11.?The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 12 to 19 points in response to relatively firm Liverpool cables reports of improving political conditl/tnc ohpfiaH o n,i (Htntinilfd Strength in the cotton poods market. December contracts sold up to 21.90 on the call, but the advance ran into a good deal of realising for the holiday ' tomorrow. and the market was barely steady during the early trad ing with prices easing off 10 or 12 points from the best. Foreign and domestic trade interests were credited with buying at the opening an'! three was some covering by brokers who had sold earlier in the week. Futures opened steady: December 21.90; January. 21.72; March. 21.86 May. 21.82: July. 21.62. | NEW ORLEANS. October 11.?Adj vances of 20 to 30 points were made I by cotton in first half hour of trailing today, the December position rising to 21.38 cents a pound. Two im > I portant influences were at work, the {signing of the armistice between tiu allies and Turks, and the weekl> crop reports from the government generally considered to be the most bullish returns ever issued this ear!> in the season, because of the statement that picking and ginning were either finished or well advanced in most sections of the cotton region Futures opened steady. October. 21.39; December. 21.34: Januar\ I 21.33; March. 21.38; May. 21.33. URA1\ AND PROVISIONS. j BALTIMORE, October 11 (Special1 ?Potatoes, white, barrel. 1.00a! 9*> : 100 pounds. 30al.20;' 150 pounds. l.O^a 1.90; sweets and yams, barrel, 1.25a ! 1.50; beans, bushel. 65a90: lima beans, bushel. 3.00a3.50; beets. 100. 2.00a3.0O broccoli, bushel, 20a25; cabbage. 1.00. ! o nn. ? . -? on.."- . o.vuoo.wu, lui ii, ui'icii, .vaoo, tdi rui>. 100. 3.00a4.00; celery, dozen, 40a80. cauliflower, barrel. 3.00a5.00; cucumbers. bushel. 2.50a3.00; eggplant*, basket, 50a75; lettuce, bushel. 50al.0o onions. 100 pounds. 1.00al.75; pumpkins. 100, 3.00a6.00; peppers, basket 20a40; spinach, bushel. 40a50: squash, basket. 65a75; tomatoes, basket. 60a 65: packing stock, bushel. 75a90. turnips, basket, 35a50. Apples, packed, barrel. 2.50a5.on; bushel. 1.25al.30: loose, barrel. 1.00a 1.50; bushel. 2.00a2.25: cranberries, barrel. 10.00all.00: damsons and plums, bushel. 1.50a2.00; grapes.twenty-pound basket. fcSal.OO: grapefruit, box. 4.00* 6.00; peaches, basket. 50al.00; bushel 1.00a2.00; pears, basket. 30a5C; bushel. 1.75a2.50. Selling Prices at 12x30 P.M. Wheat?Xo. 1 red winter, spot, no quotations: Xo. 2 red winter, spot. * 1.23; Xo. 2, 1.214&: Xo. 2 red winter , garlicky, spot. 1.151*; Xo. 3 red winter. garlicky, spot. 1.04*4 Per bushel. October. 1.15?<?; November, no bid. Sales, none. Corn?Cob. 4.00 per bbl.; contract, spot. 80 per bushel; Xo. 2 corn. 81s.Xo. 4. no quotations; track corn, yellow Va r~i r hollar fi "7 nur KiioViaI Sales, none. f Oats?White, No. 2. 53 per bushel Xo. 3. 52 4a53. Rye?Nearby, SOa'Jft per bushel; No 2. western export, spot. SO nominal per bushel; Xo. 3. no quotations. Hay?Receipts. 11 tons; market firm for fair to good timothy at* 19.00. and fair to good mixed. 15.00a 17.00 per ton. Straw ? Xo. 1 tangled rye. l.von* 16.00: Xo. 1 wheat. 9.50al0.00: Xo l oat, nominal, 12.00al2.50. Break Later on Way. CHICAGO. October 11.? The day's operations in stocks bote the marks of professional origin plainly. The same coterie who bought in the forenoon were to a large extent the sellers of the afternoon. | As a result early leaders had it 1 sharp recoil in the last hour, i Subsequently, the wheat market wax I further strengthened by good milling demand, both southwest and northwest, and by bullish estimates of the world's | available supply. The close was un | settled. * to 1% net nigner. witn in- ? | cember 1.08% to 1.08%, and May 1.10% to 110%. Good export demand for corn was in evidence. The close was steady at % to %a%. net advance, with December 62% to 62%a%. WHEAT ? Open High. fx>w. P|om-. December 1.07 V* 1.09"n 1.07%, May 1.00% 1.10% 1.<*% 1.10% 1 July 102% 1.04 1.02 1.03'. CORN? December . .01 % .03% .01% .02% May 04 .0T?% .03% .04% July hi 04% OATH? December 38% .39% .38% .39% May 39% .40% .39% .40 July 38% .38% 38% j DAIRY MARKETS. i BALTIMORE. October 11 (Special > I?Poultry ? Alive, spring chicken!., '.pound. 25a27; leghorns. 20a23; old liens. ISa27; leghorns. 18a20: old 'roosters. 15. Ducks. 20a23: small and ! poor, 17al8. Turkeys, young. 36: old. 32. rigeons. pair, 20a25. Guinea fowls. each. 40a66. Eggs?Doss oft. native and nearby firsts, dozen. 40: southern. 36aS8. Butter ? Creamery, fancy, pound. 46; prints. 46a48; nearby creamer;. 37a41; ladles. 29a30: rolls. 26a2S: store packed. 26; dairy prints, 26a28; process butter, 34. DIVIDENDS. Stock of Pay - m Record, able. * Milwaukee KlectrSc Rwy and ' Light Co.. q. pf Oct. 2? Oct 31 Vacuum Oil Co., a. a.. 3%.. No*. 1 ? ?. 39 Vacuum Oil Co., ex T% Nov# 1 Kof- 23 ,.1