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'Drastic Ci LOSS OF POW IN WORLD Management of Hugmen ! Attitude During Seas* forpfit in Hnrt;nc ^ V-C?? AAA ?JIV1CVJ M-d* BY JOHN 1 NB\Y YORK, October 11.?Irre rumors which are cut down cles, some of the members of from here when the next season opc louder than words, and an analys: ' ample evidence today of why som players will name another residence In 19.21. the Yankee batters, e thrashed, averaged 2/- earned runs only 1 4-5 earned runs a game. Eai ting timely or not. The Yanks'wen game weaker than last year, and thi is realized that in two instances thi pitchers against whom they made ri Tile Giants, however, were stronger this year. They earned three and one-fifth runs a game, whereas last year they could get but three. Tneir net gain over the Yankees was ntnetenths of an earned run a game. The evidence of Yank feebleness explains why they could not win a game and also why the two colonels who own the club would listen to dkis ior players, yea even uius iui the erstwhile mighty Ruth. It Is probable that the club desiring to trade about Ruth would have to wrap its right eye In cotton wool and leave it in the Yankee strong box before the colonels could hear a word, but they are not stone deaf on that subject. Babe Rath Ik in Bad. It became known from authentic sources today that the management or the Yanks is anything but pleased with Ruth's conduct. This does not refer so much to Rutn s failure to nit in the world scries, but his attitude throughout the year is a horse of another color. That Bimile is used advisedly, for it has been charged in many quarters that Ruth's interest in which horse was first past the wire ofttimes was greater than his interest in which run was to the piate. The weakest pitcher in the 1922 "world series was Joe Rush. Bush broke down twice and was hit hard when hits meant runs. The second poorest pitcher for the Yanks was Mays. Hoyt was the Yank pitcher who did the best work, according to the earned runs standard, and Shawkey was next. Hoyt pitched a laey game, but he held the Giants in check better than the other Yank hurlers. The best pitcher for the Giants, measured by earned runs, was Scott, of course, who pitched a snutoui. Barnes was next In-st, but he did not do as well as in 1921. In that year the Yanks averaged 1 runs against him. but this year they nicked him for two runs, fcihawkey made the real improvement. They got him for seven earned runs in nine innings last year. This year they earned three runs in ten innings. Nehf was less effective this year than last. The Yanks gave Bush better batting this year than they gave the pitchers who opposed Kejif last year. (Copyright. 1922. > nnrnn nnnninw nriTrn Ihtto rnUUluT BtAltN IN TOURNAMENT MATCH NEW YORK. October 11.?Samuel1 Rzes-hewski, the nine-year-old Polish chess prodigy. lost his first game last night in the ninth American chess congress. Playing in the fourth round j against I. Bernstein, New York state champion, he was forced to resign i after forty-one moves. Bernstein launched an energetic attack, which carried him through to victory, when the boy wonder began with a faulty defense, after declining the queen's gambit. In other matches played in the fourth round. Edward Lasker of Chicago was defeated by David Janowski. champion of France, and Charles Jaffe, former New York state champion. defeated H. R. Bigelow. former Oxford University player. Rzesehewski lias three adjourned games to finish. Lasker has one adinnrnfiil tram*' with f wr?n nnri rino lost. Jaffe has won two. lost one and one adjourned. Bernstein has one drawn game, one won and one lost. Janowski has won one. lost one and two drawn. Bigelow has won one, lost one and drawn one. BRITTON WHIPS KELLY IN FIGHT IN HAVANA B* the Associated Press. HAVANA. October 11.?Jack Britton, the welterweight champion, last night easily defeated Jimmy Kelly of New York in a twelve-round decision bout here. Britton's weight was announced as 149 pounds and Kelly's as*149Vfc. if \J /////# tlugl ^ flail ff mark 3m0?tc3> 'fll J "There's s< II about then It isn't this11 ?it isn't the It's the qnali tion of all?ii l\\\l Ml Hexbei ft\ late: i 1 hanges Du ER SHOWN SERIES DATA Known to Have Soured on >n of Ruth, Whose Invceeded Base Ball. B. FOSTER. spcctive of the tremendous crop of and withered hourly in base ball cirthe Yankees will find themselves far n? Kieriir^c a c iv^fl n? ?nealf s of the world scries' figures gives e present New York American ball on hotel registers next year, ven though their team was soundly a game. In 1922 they could pile up -tied runs tell whether a team is bat; not. They were 7-10 earned runs a ; figures are more impressive when it s year they were facing the identical ins in 1921. ONLY FOUR GOLF TEAW IN M. A. TITLE TOURNEY Only four clubs will compete for the team championship of the Mid die Atlantic Coif Association. Indian I Spring Club, which had announced ! it would enter a team, has dropped i out because several of its members ; were forced to go out of the city. Instead of the first match being played at Columbia tomorrow morn; ing two will he decided In the aft?ernoon. with Chevy Chase meeting j Baltimore, and Columbia playing ! Washington, with the winners claahI intr Friday inorninsr or ar'ti-rnrmn I whichever suits their convenience. Inability of the majority of clubs of the association to be represented I will lead to an attempt to abolish the team matches at the annual meeting of next March, it was predicted today. Interest in the team contests has lagged each fall. | Chevy Chase club members are J qualifying this week for the Liberty I cup. Match play rounds will last four days or a week, beginning next Wednesday. Entries for the District men's championship will close with Secretary Barr next Monday. Entries should be sent to him at 3050 N street or to the Columbia Country Club, j Competition will be held at seventyI two holes medal play, October 19 and 20, at the Columbia. Fred McLeod. professional at Columbia. left Washington last night to play in an exhibition match at I Shackamaxon with Bobby Cruick! shank as partner against Walter i Hagen and Joe Kirkwood. j Entries for n golf tournament for j the championship of the United .States Shipping Board-Emergen . Fleet Corporation close today with E. J. Skidmore an official of the board. A qualifying round at eighteen holes will be played on the public course in East Potomac Park, with two flights of sixteen to qualify for the match play rounds. Pairings will be announced next Tuesday, and the ! first matches must be played on or j I before October 20. The winning eight and defeated eight will con- 1 j tinue plav on or before October 24. Semi-finals are to be played October , 130. and finals in all sections are } scheduled for October 31. EVANSlOSESATGOLF, DUE TP BIG HANDICAP DEL, MONTE. Calif.. October 11.? | Charles "Chick" Evans, jr.. Chicago. I former national anH amateur <rnlf I champion, packed too much handit cap in the eighteen holes of medal ! play for the New Orleans group cup in the golf tournament of the InI vestment Bankers' Association of America convention here yesterday. | Roger Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn., won | with a score of 86. Evans made the best gross score of 73. He was minus two in the handicap list, which left him a net 75. Caldwell held a gross score of 86, which, with the handicap given him, made a low net score of 70. A. H. Little, St. Louis, was second with 94. 23. 71. Gus Schwartz, San Francisco; II. B. Keeler. Canton, Ohio, and Robert F. Hawkins, New York, tied for third place, with net ecore3 of 72. GIANTS WON FOUR STRAIGHT. NEW YORK, October 11. ? Persons who wagered their money thnt the Giant* would win four straight game** In the world series are entitled to collect, although a tie gnme Intervened, according to betting commtxNionerN in this city. jgui nnething l|\ lyoulllike I I -it isn't that | | other thing. | I ty combina- 11 t'sTareyton. Illl Hon 1 Cigarettes IjJJjJL 7ns are J//////!) \ e in Person I TRAINING FOR CLASH 1 I ;V, - /'* , ^ \ !# 1 fi\ - :\v ..* \ V . -> ? ? . . I >~fA~ -- A, '* - t ?e? _ " . jil*p ja| K inuuu^a \s?a m ^s MUpaBM| nS hBHPI |? a j ^^mm I Mil I V \I Here's a typical fighting pose of the I in a fifteen-round affair at Madison Squa promises to be a scorcher, as the winner i Wills, colored heavyweight, to decide wh for the heavyweight crown. MISKE'S BID F SCRAP TAKE] BY FAIR NF.W YORK. October 11.?Billy M public weigh-out at the Madisoi the beam at 189>i pounds. This so big and fit now that when he spok to fight Harry Wills, if he won the laughing. And now more about Battling Siki. k j Battling Siki, of course, isn't his j a real name. Brothers, the etory of | v j Battling Siki makes the ordinary 8 1 film drama seem tame and common- rj place. Siki's real cognomen is Louis jj Phal. Sounds almost like a bar- a tender, does it not? He was born p i in St. Louis?hold up there. Don't L 1 cheer yet?he was born in St. Louis, d Senegal, on September 26. 1S97. He n must have been a cunning little \ p chocolate drop, because when he was I p ! ten years old a French woman of j wealth and culchaw picked him up j and took him to Paroe. She cent him f j to school and supported him in corni parative luxury. But she died, i Just how much Louis Pha! got out j of the education that had been lavi ished upon him was made evident ti : when his patron was no longer in t( : this world to stake him with food, s I clothes and gold. To be brief. Louis fi j became a barkeeper's assistant in Toulouse. The young man was am- c j bitlous and there seemed every rea- rr son to believe that eventually the V dream of hia life would be realizd and he would be a full-fledged bar- t< 1 If you're old en ^Barfc no soap-no br\ Just spread and shave i I ! "I will never go back to lath< filthy sbaving-brush habit ag That ia the cist of thousands written to us by confirmed Barbasol. ForBarbasoi has taught them quicker, more pleasant way Barbasol does away with shaving brush and the tedi irritating rubbing-in. When you use Barbasol all | is a razor. | The operation is simple as A Wet your face good; spreac basol; shave it off. Barbasol holds the beard i meet the cutting edge of the The blade glides over the face as a sled runner on the ice, g a clean shave and a quick sb ing your face soft, smooth fortable. Step into the first drug store a tube o( Barbascl today, for a month, 35 cents; 61 for a two months' supply send coupon with 10 cen in coin or stamps for our generous trial tube, enough for a week's shaving. n? nelof Yai WITH TOM GIBBONS | 1 -! > l iskf. St. I*au! scrapper, who meets Gibbons re Garden Friday night. The hattle is expected to be matched with Harry 0 is best qualified to meet Dempsey 'OR WILLS N SERIOUSLY PLAY. [iske hopped onto the scales for a [i Square Garden today. He tipped 1 in liis ring costume. Miske looks e up and said that he was willing Gibbons fight, nobody thought of eeper. when he pot into a fight with pro boxer, who had taken too much in ordinaire. Louis used him intead of a cloth to mop up the baroom floor. That incident turned the Ide of the young man's life. He untcd up scrappers who were sober nd beat them. too. He became the ride of Toulouse. Then came war. ?ouis enlisted and won the croix e guerre. After the armistice a ght manager picked him up, dubbed im Battling Siki and took him to 'aris. And that is the story of Siki. CHICAGO TEAMS HOPE TO GET GOING TODAY CHICAGO, October 11.?Chicago Naonais anil Americans still held hope jda.v of getting through their city erles before too much opposition rom the onrushing foot ball season. Rained out four successive days, the luhs expected today, weather perlitting. to stage the third game at rhite Sox Park. Each has won one game. Four vicuries will decide the series. ough to vote msol tiSft *>f # It L/ ? it on Lt off ?r and the J) am. of letters users of a cleaner, .ha. '} or Barbaiol ts > '* Company Indianapolis, Ind. /* I want to fire Bvbuoi V* fair trial. Herewith find ten / cents (stamps or cola)* 8end your one week's trial tube. ae ? ikees: Twc Down the Alleys Habit A Co. and the Young Men's j Shop scored victories last night in the ! Commercial League. The former ; bowled 491, 490 and 450 against the ! People's Drug Store quint's totals of 448, 473 and 428. Young Men's Shop made 404, 484 and 471 to beat D. J. Kaufman with 434, 455 and 425. Annex No. 2 took two of three games bowled with Prohibition, in the Internal Revenue League. The . Prohlbs had a dry time in the first I i two encounters, when they scored ! but 497 and 460 against their oppo! nents* 504 and 474. Jn the last game, , however. Annex No. 2 got only 494, ; while the Prohibs went over the top | with 508, due mostly to O'Brien's 118. Y. M. H. A. made a sweep of its set with the Herzels, in the Hebrew Inter, Club League, counting 512, 506 and ; 478, against 474, 483 and 462. E. | Wolf, anchor of the victors, had a ; set of 321. I Manufacturer*, Trading and Miscellaneous grabbed all the honors in the ; Corporation Audit League. The first named took all three games from i Finance, the scores being: 438. 529 and I 515 to 407. 493 and 435. Trading beat 1 Review, 443, 449 and 461 to 450. 441 ; and 402. Miscellaneous downed Public Utilities, 453, 450 and 437 to 425. 457 and 427. Ilfllle'a Team went across with a whoop in the Wnshingtou Toadies' League, beating Post Office Department. 461. 45ft and 489 to 426. 403 and 401. Bronson Qualtes of the winners, with games of 99. 96 and 110. got the first set bettering 300 In the league this season. Others on Itillfe's , team were Kellogg, Wens. Thomas and Williams. Zelda La Porte, with 88, 102 and 85. was best of the losers. | The team she led included Wilson, Eisert, Furey and Oerardi. Pop Rally's good bowling helped the ! Janitors beat the Ushers in the open- ! ing match of the Second Baptist Bowling Association. 'i lie scores , were 418, 475 and 524 to 320. 4 47 and 507. j Mount Pleasant started well against ( King Solomon in the Masonic League and won the first game. 505 to 4 85, ' ! but the King Solomon quint came i back with a vengeance and took the ! ! second and third engagements. 542 j and 515 to 501 and 490. The Mount! Pleasants conceded the King Soloanons a handicap of twenty-seven ! pins in each game. Albert Pike had ! an elghteen-pin handicap over Leb- i anon, but was defeated, 477, 478. 484 to 442. 484, 481. In the District League the Royals outbowled the Regulars. 1.558 to 1.509. but the latter won the first and third games and the match. The win- ! nera* scores were 498. 467 and 544. while th*> Royals made 406. 563 and 529. Jolliffe of the Roynln "*vl ' Oolrlck of the Regulars led the lists, each being credited wk;? a of 137. Congressional ( ounrtl pointo.-j the, way to Victory Council in the National Union League with mo res -.f 478. 418 and 4 47 against 450. 416 and 426. ' BATTt RADIO Get an Exide Radio I for your radio st Whatever mi r<>;? advice at the Service Station THE LO]> - V ) No-Hit G CATCHER SCHMIDT MAY NOT BE PIRATE IN 192! PITTSBURGH, October 11?Pres dent Barney Dreyfuss of the Pltti burgh Nationals has intimated th: Catcher Walter Schmidt may not t with the Pirates next season. "No contract has been offert Schmidt." said Dreyfuss. "When said good-bye to him nothing we mentioned about terms for next year There have been rumors thi scnmiat may oe sold or traded. H and Dreyfuas have been at loggei heads for two seasons, chiefly becaut of Schmidt's salary demands. The signed contract of Outfleldc Reb Russell has been received. LITTLE LESSONS FOR THE GOLFER By George O'Neil. ,,?'%/4 % \L- *7 r 7 ' f -1 Let the jiwrr blade lie nulural. ly. Take care not to loop the descent end pull shots over to one side. Remember the short l)h;iv. Feel the finish of the stroke. Not too far forward or too far bnekward. The right hand under finish Is very helpful. Falling nwny from there shots will send them every way but the right one. (lobby Jones, shown above, has fine form for the finish of a full shot swing. This position of the r'ub rt the finish shows that the Hr hilM hard ait the trf and ukimIIy attafnM great dlxtniicf. He hm not nttrlwd th?? ?T:*nt nrrurncy fhnt Chirk Evan* with the shorter anlnff, however, and the 5>i k t t ninolifnc-like urcurney hfl? loft .lone* just ah) of several chnmp'onahlpn. (Copyrlcht, John F. D!lie Co.) [6c ERIES Ci in Living ding < existei The p today > as we to pur his wc ike of battery it ou can be conul repair work, nd responsible nearest Ezide L J G-LIFE BA1 ^ames Duri ROBERTSON ^ J FLASH FEA1 Bill Doak of Cardinals Tur it '' tests??American Leaf J tional in Two and tt [e *- By the Attoeitted Preta. IV T EW YORK, October 11.?Two i !r I ^ in the history of the major 1< 1922 base ball, a season mark according to semi-official figures. Charlie Robertson of the Chicag lowly estate to base ball fame by tun a hit on April 30, and Jess Barnes, th > the hall of fame May 7. a week la against the Philadelphia Quakers. Robertson also added to his lac June 13 against the Boston Red So spectacular games during the season, the biggest individual factors in his trouncing the New York Yankees in There were two one-hit games in the National League and none In the American, but the younger organization led both In the number of two ' and three hit games that pitchers re- | corded. There were thirteen two-hit ' games in the American, against Ave in the National, and sixteen three-hit I contests in the American, compared to thirteen In the National. Bill Ltoak of the St. Louis Cardinals . twirled both the one-hit games, the : first on May 11 against the (Hants and : the second on July 13 against the Philadelphia Quakers. home Three-Hit Hurler*. Urban Faber of the Chicago White [ Sox and Stanley CoveleFkie of the Cleveland Indiana each pitched three three-hit games, and Van Gilder, the : heavy-hitting moundsman of the j Browne, finished two three-hit games : in the American League's total of sixteen. Urban Shocker, another Brown star, finished a three-hit game htmaelf and worked In another with Pitcher Havne. I Jack Qulnn of the Red So* and Charlie Robertson of the Chicago Amerleans were the only men in the Atteri; can League to pitch both a three-hit i and a two-hit game. He accomplished I the first against the While Sox on July ! 26 and the latter ngainst the Indians on August 26. The other three-hit pitchers In the American League were: I-ev erette and Rob rtson. White Sox: Stoner, Tigers: Collins, Red Sox. and Harris. Athletics. Pillette Displays Class. Herman Pillette of the Tigers turn- j ed in three two-hit games, an unu- j sual accomplishment, and Joe Bush, i the fork ball star of the Yankees, twice let the opposition down with two hits. Other two-hit pitchers in the American League are Bayne of St. I-ouis. Robertson of the White Sox, Quinn and Pennock of the Red Sox. Mays and Jones of the Yankees. Erickson of the Senators and Uhle of the Indians. The two-hit pitchers of the National League are: McNamara of the ty lights 4-U lilt CVJUllll ^ % \ "far from the mad- of all :rowd" is a brighter theUn ice than it used to be. by fan (regressive farmer of the E: enjoys electric lights not or :11 as electric power real eo np his water and saw its lonj tod. power. tiy thousands of farm i, schools, stores and sar^. 0 i, startin les, as well as summer t and yachts, have -f'T.' r ?? iSXlQC own small power , .. , , , . and it: ?and a great major- give ^ these get their current youf c long-lasting Exide would, ies* have a re than forty per cent ide?tl be Electric Storage Battery C Washington Branch, 1823-1833 Phone Franklin 6600 r T E R Y FOR Y > ng Season LND BARNES rs THIS YEAR ns in Pair of One-Hit Conpie Pitchers Lead NaThree Hit Gaines. no-hit games, the seventh and eighth agues, were the pitching features in ed by heavy and continuous hitting, o White Sox sprang from a rookie's ling back the Detroit Tigers without e New York Giants' veteran, entered ter, by pitching almost perfect ball trels by pitching a two-hit game on x. Karnes did not pitch any more , but his consistent work was one of team winning the pennant and then the world series just ended. Braves. Alridgre and Osbom of the Cubs, Jess Haines of th? Cardinals, who also twirled one three-hit game, and Gouch of the Reds, also with a three-hit game to his credit. The other three-hit pitchers are: Rixey. Donohue, Couch. Luque and Markle of the Reds; Shriver and Grimes of the Robins. Meadow of the Quakers. Toney of the Giants. Cooper and Adams of the Pirates. ARGENTINE POLQISTS TO SELLTHEIR PONIES NEW YORK, October 11.?The Argentine Federation Polo team will pail bark to South America the latter part of this month with the British and American open championship trophies in Its possession, but without the ponies ridden in the brilliant triumphs. Twenty of the Argentine mounts will be sold at auction today at Post's Polo Field, East Williston. L. I. Four others will go back to England, three to owners from which they were borrowed and the fourth to an unnamed benefactor. Heavy expense which would be attached to shipping the animals back to Argentina compelled the South American players to dispose of them before returning. The team left Buenos Aires earlier in the year with a string of about twopcore ponies. After a vigorous invasion of England, eighteen were disposed of in L?ondon for a total of more than $10,000. An average of about $56i?. % 7 t the automobiles in ited States are owned Tiers, and here again tide Battery proves ily a comfort but a Dnomy on account of I life and dependable n it becomes neces r you to have a new g and lighting batemember there is an built for your car? is so built that it will mfailing service in ar longer than you dare hope unless you Iready owned an Exle long-life battery. * o.. Philadelphia L St. N.W. OUR CAR _ /