Newspaper Page Text
WANTED?HELP. ' . MALE. NEVER mail ORIGINAL recommmdationa m *? QWluing for rmployment. Vac VOPtfM. AGBNTS?Every housekeeper will buy: ftS per day easily earned. Hoover's Itestorable Renovating Co.. *>>S F n.w. 12^ AGENTS?Make big money selling I>-Rex-U afety signal to automobile owners; complies With safety laws; guaranteed; write today for Wholesale rrtce to agents and get territory Ktlclt; big winter seller. A< dress Cotnstockolton Co., Dept. G. 192ft Last 13tb St.. Kansas City. Mo. * AUTOMOBILE salesmen, two A-l men; attractlve commission basis; reference!. Address Box 105-P. Star ofllce. 12* BARBER. colored, first class. Apply after 4 P m- Mike Wilson. 231 st. s.w" 11* BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST?Young man In commercial bouse; in handwriting give full particulars and salary. Address Box 227-P, Star offloe. 12* BOY in drug store. Apply 1300 North Capltoljst. 12* BOYS?Two Business High School boys with wheels to call ou grocery trade after school hours. Call Saturday forenoon. 2300 Nichols aiihc*>suu. , * I'ANVASSEKS?Experienced house-to-house, for a good general merchandise house; salary and commission. Address Box 140-1*. Star office. 14* j CARPBNTERS at once, $1.10 per hour. Apply S12H loth st. n.w. R. E. Fnnkhonser. builder. CARPENTERS wanted on new building; all winter's work. Apply the Spencer Construction Co., Water and Potomac ats., Georgetown. C HAUFFEURS?Several colored. Apply American Garage. 1139 17th st. n.w. 11* CHAUFFEURS for Biaca and White taztcabs; must have reference and identification cards. Apply to Black and White Taxi, Oxford Hotel. 1Mb and Penna. axe. _ CHAUFFTSURS for Fords and Dodges; must know city and have identification card. Apply S. Altman. Metropolitan Club. 12* CLERK, first grade, maximum salary. $1,440 per year; civil service examination to be held November 4; receive your preparation by the individual method at STEWARD SCHOOL. I Pay and night session*. i 1202 F st. n.w. Main 8071 and Main 7810. CoLOREP BOY. 16-1S years, to work in tailor j shop; must know how to scour; bring refer- j enoes. SOI East Capitol. i COOK?Oyster ami short-order experience. Ap- 1 ply Bellevue Farms Lunch Co., 1334 G st. n.w. COUNTER MAN, experienced un steam table. 1206 Fa. ave. n.w. 11* '-RADUATE NURSE; good salary; reference required; must have knowledge of pharmacy. Apply Georgetown University, 37th and O sts. n.w. 12* HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT" to make himself generally useful after school and Saturdays In the electrical business; fair salary to start, but good opportunity for advancement; give inferences and state experience, if any. Address Box loo-P. Star office. 12* HOTELS NEED AMBITIOUS MEN?nationwide demand for men; all department!, hotels, clubs, apartment houses; uncrowded field; fine living, quick advancement; on? methods Indorsed?our students employed by Iptdlng hotels everywhere. Open evenings. Call for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training S.-hool. 1324 New York ave. n.w. JUNIOR SALESMAN for high grade office equipment machine: prefer young man experienced in this field: salary and commission. Address Box lfil-M, Star office. 14* LA BO RE RS to clean bricks, 31.50 per thousand. Apply Conn, ave. and Tllden at. n.w. MAN as taxicab clerk; outside work: previous experience unnecessary: must write rapid band and furnish good references as to char siiito am and nhone if any. Ad dress Box 213-P, Star office. I MAN. colored, experienced. for billiard room. f? to 6:30 Scanlon's. fith and T>. 12* MEAT CUTTER, ar once: a live wire to take charge of stand in market. Address Bo* 2ST-P. Star offlee. MEN in demand for positions as mecnanlcal an,l architectural draftsmen, paying $39 to $100 a week: we will train you during your spare time, day or night. Call or phone for particulars. Columbia School of Drafting, 14th and T sts. n.w. North 272. I MEN. with or witnout selling experience, to it-ell a nationally advertised wireless vacuum cleaner; we guarantee $18 per week and com- | mission to those who qualify after one week'a i training. Apply Mr. Douglas, room 15, 631 Pa. ave.. after 3 p.m. J MEN?Earn $110 to $250 monthly, expenses i raid, as railway traffic inspector; position ) guaranteed after 3 months' spare time study or money refunded; excellent opportunities. Write for free booklet N-66, Stand. Business Training Inst., Buffalo, N. Y. i PAINTERS, tlrst class; open shop work. Ap- | ply 706 Colorado hldg. [ PAPERHANGERS?At once; steady work, j Apply Metro Decorating Co.. 816 E n.w. ! PAPERHANGERS. two. 1335 1st st. n.w. 13* PAPERHANGERS?Two; steady work: good fay. F. W. Rider. 506 11th st. s.w. Phone rank. 2274-J. 12* PAPERHANGER?Steady work. Apply Charles j H. Hyson, wis H sr. n.e. I'lAXl* SALESMAN?State experience: excellent opportunity with large establishment. , Add res.* Pox 177-P. Star office. 13* PLUMBER, first-class man; steady work guaranteed. Carow & Fry, 1011 H at. n.w. PORTER?Colored. Apply Janes' Confectionery, 514 9th at. 1PRESSER?Colored man who understands a ?>ttle repair work. Apply timekeeper, ShoreKim Hotel. S15 Vermont are. PRESSER, white, for hotel tailor shop; salary, $90 per month and meals; state experienee In reply. Addresa Box 184-P. Star office. RADIO OPERATOR, commercial licensed; tate salary. Address Box 77-P, Star office. 12* SALESMAN, experienced selling meats, ponltry to hotels and butchers, for New York J concern: salary or commission. Address Box Star office. * Salesman?Experienced wholesale dairy yrodncts. Address Box 21*3-P. Stir office. f A f.ESMAN?To one who has a wide ac uatntance amonz colored people, an unusual op. portunity is offered. Answer with full par^ ticnlars. Address Box 2T9-P. Star office. SALESMAN ? An English-speaking Italian, who is awake and wants a change to make real money. Write with full particulars. Address Box 280-P. Star office. * SALESMAN*?Banking institution (no stock or l>ond selling) has good opening for high-grade salesman in its new business department, de- j veloping savings accounts. See Mr. Ellis, di- j rector new accounts. 1415 G 8t. n.w., room i 402. between 4 and 5 p.m. I SALESMEN?Write for l'st of llnea and full j particular*: earn $2,500 to $10,000 yearly; big demand for men; inexperienced or experienced; I city or traveling National Salesmen's Tr. Ahsr.. Dept. 3o9. Chicago. | SALESMEN for new proposition; immediate j results for workers. See Mr. McClure. 920 j i> st. n.w. 13* SALESMEN, thoroughly experienced in gents' i furnishings and clothing: steady position and; good wage,* to right party; references required. Apply at once, 1909 Nichols ave. s.e. _ I SALESMEN?We can use two more men; ex-I perience not necessary; we train you In our outside salesforce; two sales per day net you per week. Call 204 District National Bank bldg. SALESMEN of good character to represent a large New York concern doing business in Washington; men meeting our requirements get $2.?0 a day expenses and $20 a week. Mr. Driscoil, 208 Bond bldg., 14th and New Tork ave. SALESMEN to sell Fords; salary, commission or drawing account to men who can produce. See Mr. Dempf, R. L. Taylor Motor Co., 14th yr.d T sts. n.w. SALESMEN to sell Fords commission or draw<ng account, according to those who can prodnoe. Address Pox 232-1*. Star office. * SALESMEN?Ten. local j?osltions, making $10 to $20 per day. 214 Jenifer bldg., 7th and I>. ! SALESMEN?Four men. magazine or newspaT I per experience; new clubs; easy sellers; pay every day. Ask for Mr. Griffin, Room 900 ' American National Bank bldg.. between 9 and ! 11 a.m. j SALESMEN?Three ambitious men for city I WOTK K11IUX well ??'I?-C 1UI iruaum firm; must be of neat appearance and able to furnish best of reference: straight salary and rnmmisslon. Ask for Mr. Bradley. Room 900, 1915 F st. n.w.. between 9 and 11 a.m. SALESMEN to call on grocery, butcher, drag, general stores with household redemption plan sweeping country with big success; every dealer needs It; little effort required to sell; $7 I * commission on every sale: resident territory. Merit Household Corp., 122 Fifth are.. New York. * I kst.ksmeN?We have a sales proposition that will interest you; part or full time. 206 p Mnnsey bldg. _ SHIPPING, receiving and stock clerk, preferably with tire experience: excellent opportu. nity for ambitious young man with clean ree- : ?>rd. Address Box 230-P. Star office. SHOE SALESMAN, experienced, ^white. Ehrli'irs. 3014 14th st, n.w. SODA DISPENSER, with reference, wanted; I cxjierienced. The Albany Pharmacy, 17th and j H wts. n.w. STUDENTS, white, seeking part-time, outside work can earn $1 per hour. W. H. Hoover, 00S F n.w. 12* TINNSSS W a?d two experienced helpers. John J. Clotty. tin G ?. n.w. 12* WORK 4* asarket; drive horse; middle-aged ' colored man; room and heard. 1869 Harvard st. n.w. YOUNG MAN'. 19 to 21 sears old: high school graduate preferred; anxious to learn adding machine salesmanship; must be able to use typewriter. Address Box 115-P. 8tar office. If YOUNG MAN to do collecting; one who la looking for a steady position; must ride bi Tcle. Apply between 9 and 11. 213 McLachlen bldg. YOUNG MAN for general office work, with ex[ erience in bookkeeping, accounting and typewriting; state age. qualifications and give references. Address Box 231-P. Star office. * YOUNG MAN to work around store three nights a week and half a day Sunday. Apply Wardman Park Pharmacy, Conn. ave. and Woodley road. YOUNG MAN with some practical electrical ^ . experience. Apply mgr. Arcade Electric Co. YOUNG MSN (2), with or without selling experience, satisfied with 860 par week. Mr. Sibley, 209 Bond bldg., 14th sad New York WANTED?HELP. MAlB-OitttlW*. MANAGER. THE NEW SILK STORE, 1116 G St. A splendid opportunity for : silk man from behind the countei to take charge of this chain store representing a national organ Ization. Call all day Thursday Ask for Mr. Lippmann. * YOUNG MAN. Intelligent, Industrious, pleasing person I ality; competent stenographer and typist Apply Boom 224, Mills bldg., 17th and Fa avenue n.w. ENGINEER, [with 3rd class license, for niglu work. Apply Employmern [Office, 8th floor, Woodward S Lothrop. SALESMEN. Big demand now?increasing rapidly?to: automatic heat control and fuel saver. Sea sonal advertising just starting. Opportunity for several high-grade, efficient men of foot appearance and able to approach and sel highest class trade. Commission basis. Set Mr. Newman. 1411 N. Y. are. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Must bare experience in selling Washlngtoi city property and own automobile: excellen opportunity for the right man to become aa aociated with well established realtor's office Responses considered confidential. Addresi Box 217-P, 8tar office. SALESMEN (3)?Good oppor tunity to make $35 to $45 pel week without selling experience Call between 3:30 and 5 o'clock Mr. Anderson, Room 120, Mc Gill bldg. " SALESMEN, experienced, foi furniture, silks and dress goods Apply Supt., The Palais Royal 11th and G sts. COUNTER MAN, experienced neat appearing; highest wages including meals. Cliilds Co. 1423 Pa. ave. WINDOW TRIMMER, first class, for men's wear; card write! preferred. Address Box 179-P Oldl OHICC. CAR BUILDERS. Only men with practical experience at BODY BUILDERS on WOODEN TREIGHT CARS Need apply. Plenty of work?Good wages?Private concern Apply 0 a.m- to 4:30 p.m. E. It. Farra, Employment Manager, at D. C. Public Employment Service 1410 Penna. aee. o.w. YOUNG MAN for wet was! route: $100 cash bond required Apply Elite Laundry, 2119 14th st. n.w. GROCERY CLERKS. We have a few openings foi young men, experienced in th< retail grocery helpers on our trucks; must be able t( drive Ford car and have permit Pee-Kay Auto Grocers, Inc. 1424 Irving St. N.W. SALESMEN for rug and carpe dept.; only those with thorougl experience need apply. Apply Mr Marks, Second Floor, The Palai: Royal, nth and G sts. n.w. j ORDER COOK, experienced I night work; highest wages paic [including meals. Childs Co. 1423 Pa. ave. GROCERY MEN, THOR OUGHLY EXPERIENCE! IN HANDLING RETAII STORE TRADE, DESIRINC PERMANENT POSITION APPLY MR. PARSLOE, 4Tt FLOOR, 5:30 P.M.. OLI bUTCH MARKET, INC., 62. B ST. N.W. FEMALE, J ALTERATION hands, experienced alteratlo hands needed on gowns and wraps. Appl; J. M. Ash. 1217 Conn. ave. BOOKKEEPER, ladv. thoroughly famTTIa with the operation or Burrough's book keep in; machine; for work in bank. Address Box 10 P. Star office. 12* BOOKKEEPER, young ladv of food appear ance; double entry bookkeeping and typist Brhwarts, 829 14th st. * I CLERK, first grade, maximum salary. $1.44 per year; civil service examination to De neii November 4; receive your preparation by th individual method at STEWARD SCHOOL. Day and night sessions. 1202 P st. n.w. Main 8671 and Main 7310. COOK, rirst-class, for cafeteria; also assistan cook. Apply 1502 19th st. n.w. DRAPERY SEWERS?Experienced; capable o operating power machines. S. D. Hecht Co. 81G Connecticut ave. HOTELS AKEu AMBITIOUS WoMK.N?Na tion-wide demand for women; all depart menta, hotels, eluba, apartment houses: un crowded field; fine living, quick advancement our methods Indorsed-?onr students employe* by leading hotels everywhere. Open evenings Call for particulars. Lewis Hotel Train in | School. 1324 New York ave. n.w. LADIES, two, to sell article that la used ii every home; salary and commission. Addres Box 221-P, Star office. 12* LADIES to demonstrate article necessary t every house; no selling. See Mr. Hart. 18tl st. and Col, road. LADIES WANTED with ambition and de termination to advance to executive positions this la pleasant, outside, selling position spare or fall time; big pay; short hours Call Main 8422 for appointment. MANICURIST. 410 12th st. n.w. Edwd Holland. 13* MAIiCEL WAVER and all-round operator must be experienced. Call 1727 P?. ave. n.w. PATTERN DRAFTING. MILLINERY DESIGNING. DRESSMAKING. Get Into the uncrowded profession or become master of your own wardrobe. Small classes, personal instruction. Patterns cut to measure. Residence schools and correspondence. ASK FOR BOOKLET. PROF. LIVINGSTONE'S ACADEMY. Established 1882. 1115 Q N.W. PHONE PR. 7473 OUTSIDE selling; useful and attractive line easily sold; chance for big returns in ne\ field. Address Box 82-P, Star office. 11* SALESLADY on dresses; one who has hid periencs with high-class city specialty shop 825 psr week and commission. Schwartz, 82 14th st. SALESLADY. millinery; steady, experienced Apply 1828 Q st. n.w. SALESLADIES?We have a proposition tha will interest you; part or full time. 20 Munsey bldg. SALESWOMEN and fitters, experienced, fo gowns, frocks, suits, coats, etc. Call Than I dav mor-ing or evening. The Vogue, Inc. | 717 11th n.w. 8KAMtr(HI?n, expeneawu oa winaoi hades; steady work, good wages. Apply a once. The Shade Shop. 830 13th at. SELLING?Xmas money easily earned b; store, government and telephone employes new proposition. Address Box 73-P, Sta office. 11* 8HOKTHA.Nl) in 80 days; touch typewrltlnfl "The best for less." Start In today. Boy Business College, 1304 P st. n.w. Mala 2874 oclS* STENOOBAPHER for local office of large coz poratkm; permanent position If satisfactory no beginners; salary, $90 month. Room 1004 Loan and Trnst building. 15* STOCK GIRL, mlUinsry, one with knewledg of bookkeeping. Apply 1328 Q st. n.w. WAIST DRAPER, one who can fit; expert cnced. 1128 Conn, are. 12* WOMAN, capable, to manure rooming house Address Box 3M-P, Star office. WOMAN4, white, active, young, for coat dept. permanent position to right party. Washlni ton Coat Service. 322 C st. n.w. WOMAN, with high school education, for edn cational sales position; mast be tactftrl, serl o us-minded and no Incumbered: $1,500 yearly advancemeift. Address Box 837-K. Star office YOUNO LADY to sell electric appliances Apply Mgr. Arcade Blec. Co. YOUNG LADY?We require at once the sen Ices of a thoroughly experienced and absolute ly competent young lady to operate a Bui Toogha bohheeplng machine. 738 7th at. n.y. YOUNG LADY in real estate office; experiene or otoaoffrmphy not necessary; one willing t start for email salary. Apply between 12 aw 2 p.m. 1.14& & Moors, ?0 Road Mdfl Mate 1Mb . ? WANTED?HELP. FEMALE?Continued* YOCNG WOMAN for general office work, preferably with commercial experience; knowledge of bookkeeping and accuracy in figure* easentlal. Reply stating age, experience, referencca and salary expected. Address Box 1891*, 8tar office. 1 CLERK EXAM. NOV. 4th. r First grade civil serrice examination, de? partznental service, Nov. 4. Both men and " women, special preparation. T1 e Civil Serv Ice Preparatory School, southeast corner 12th and F sts. n.w. Phone Franklin 2080. * CASHIER. Young lady for our new Silk Store. Call all day Thursday. L" Ask for Mr. Lippmann, 1116 G st. n.w. * YARD GOODS t SALESLADIES, t The new Silk Store at 1116 : G st. Three refined salesgirls who are experienced in yard goods. Call all day Thursday, f Ask for Mr. Lippmann. * ; PRIVATE SECRETARY for i an executive of local corpora' tion; must have knowledge of . stenography and typewriting. ; Please give business experience, f. _ ?... ? age, reierences, in letter addressed to Box i/6-P, Star office. SALESWOMEN?Experienced in the following departments: Leather Goods, Art. Toilet Goods. Stationery, Corsets. Apply Employment Office, 8th Floor, WOODWARD & LOTHROP, YOUNG WOMEN PERMANENTTPLEASANT, DESIRABLE OCCUPATION. GOOD~SALARY, REGULAR AND FREQUENT INCREASES. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. APPLY ROOM 1. 722 12th ST. N.W. THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY. SALESWOMEN, experienced, ' for women's ready-to-wear ap\ parel, silks, dress goods, upholster}-, millinery, art needlework j and house furnishings; also woman to teach lamp shade - making. Apply Supt., The Palais Royal, nth and G sts. . SALESWOMEN?Several, ex 5 periencecl, lor upnolstery and } curtain dept.; special salaries for those having thorough experience. Apply Mr. Marks, Second Floor, The Palais Royal, nth j and G sts. n.w. i WOMEN, young, for pantry work, glasses, silverware, etc.; 5 highest wages, including meals. Childs Co., 1423 Pa. ave. '. SALESWOMEN? 1 EXPERIENCED. For our women's cloak, suit and dress dept.; permanent po sitions. ] Apply Supt., THE HECHT CO., - 7th St. at F. 1 I MALE AM) FEMALE. * BE8T vocal instruction if you sing in my [ Sunday evening chorus. Address Box 54-K, . Star office. ' < ' MEN AN1> WOMEN qmckly learn real estate J business; receive pay while learning; need not J interfere with present employment; some making $100 a week. Free class lectures every Thursday, 5 p.m. William F. Matteson, 10 11 Bond Bldg. n STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST civil service test y examination Tuesdays. 7 p.m. Harper's Stenographic School. 1727 F n.w. Stenogra - phy. court reporting tatmpt. 30* F CLERK EXAM. NOV. 4th. First grade civil service examination, de partmental service, Nov. 4. Both men and - women. Special preparation. The Civil Serv ice Preparatory School, southeast corner 12th and F sts. n.w. Phone Franhlln 2080. \ EXPORT AND FOREIGN TRADE. Men and women, educated and with business experience, are offered an opportunity to qualify in spare time for high-salaried positions r in this new profession. Call or phone Amert1 can Commerce Assn., 610 Star building. Phone _ Main 509 until 8 p.m. * HOTEL POSITIONS^ Nation-wide demand for ambitious men and - women. ; WE PLACED 3.789 "LEWIS | TRAINED" men and women in 1 contact with good hotel, club and ' tearoom positions in the past ; twelve months. Over 500 hotels now building in the United - States. Right here in Washington there are ? two big hotels under construction and two a more ready to break ground, to say nothing - of domens of apartment hotels. These will have, combined, over 8,000 rooms and will em; ploy over 8,000 men and women. T? ? Da ?~ J Clt I rreparc nuw. ojc icau/ iu nn - a position in this. rich,uncrowded " field of big opportunities. 1 Oar school >nd methods Indorsed?Oar stu dents employed by hotel men ererywhere. Our advisory board is made up of over 100 leading: hotel men in the United States, such as "Oscar," The Waldorf: E. M. Tierney, pres., American Hotel Association; Frank Dudley. United Hotels Company of America; E. C. Fog*. Plaza; David Provan. Adelphia; Thomas Coleman, St. Francis; Eugene Eppley, Eppley Chain of hotels; and hundreds of others. When you enroll you are given a free life membership in our National Employment Bureau. You are cordially invited to our FBEE ; LECTURES. r Special class now forming. Call, phono or write for free book, "Yonr - Big Opportunity." Open 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. j LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOLS, 1824 New York ave. n.w.. ? DOMESTIC?WHITE. B CHAMBERMAID, waitress, settled, white woman for chambermaid; also a settled white " woman for waitress; references required. Ap ply 2084 Hillyer place. ~ CHILDS' NURSES, white; stay nights; must have good references. 1847 Kalorama road. - Phone Adams 202. 32* t COMPANION, woman, for sick baby; 6 miles in Virginia. Apply 434 7th st. n.w., Dr. - Smith. Inc. ; GENERAL HOUSEWORK ER?Good plain - Swito?t?nt' dopn hnmA? cmfill family: >12 to right person. Call 2114 Conn, ave. ' GENERAL HOUSEWORK, neat competent ii ftrl; stay nights; no washing. Tel. Cleve. L 21S8-J.. Mrs. Keller. 32* ? HOUSEKEEPER, settled woman; most stay i- nights. Apply 1020 Fairmont st. n.w.. apt. 6.* ? HOUSEKEEPER, ezpersnced only need apply; small family, two children, 8 and 10 yra.; no ? hard work; good salary and home for right s young woman: references required; permanent position. 2728 11th st. n.w. 11* F WORKING HOUSEKEEPER, for family of 4 adults (employed) and child of 3; reference - required. Apply between 6 and 7 p.m., 848 Longfellow st. n.w. Col. 3071-W. I COOK, experienced, with refer. ences; good salary; stay nights. L" Mrs. Morton J. * Luchs, 2844 Conn. ave. L DOMESTIC?.WHITE OR COLORED. - CHAMBERMAID, name, for 2 school children"; r. etay night.. Address Boi 26P-P. Star office. 12* !- CHILD'S NURSE, middle-aged woman; for do> telle phone Cleveland 1881. 12* . COOK and aaalat with housework; $50; small , family; May nlfhta; referencea required. a rhoaa Clere. 2375. 1 COOK?Com pa tent; caneral houaeworkar; famk lgM?; jUanar at ; good wage*. 1429 Slat w~, Poker Portraits?A Coi PaTB-*, / m&jrr"6 /. S Christy ift <-i, ANO A V Rot-ues DOMESTIC?WHITE OR COLORED. CsiIIHML GENERAL HOFSBWORK; no cooking; good woman; good reference. 1422 Madieon at. n.w. 12* A- I'VTfD a T ITAfTU DffAll T.* W* T> .enaalandaJ i uiiiiEia,iu xiuuoani/ntvEiu, | woman; 2 In family. Phone Cleve. 653 ot call j 3435 34th pi. n.w. ! GENERAL. HOUSEWORK la a imill family; I settled wwoman; references required. 200Va 4>j t,t. g.w. 13* j GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, white or colored. j 1418 N st. n.w. 13* | GIRL for general housework, cook, wash and Iron; reference; $11 per week. Adams 805. * GiKL for general housework; references. Apply 38 T st. n.w. Giltl or woman to take care of baby from 12 noon to 5 p.m. Call after 5, 612 5th at. n.e. WOMAN for general housework who will stay nights. Mrs. J. T.. 4200 16th st. Columbia 1733. " DOMESTIC?COLORED. CHILD'S NURSE; assist with housework; stay nights. 1S23 Wyoming are. n.w.; reference Call 8 to 9 a.m.. or after 7 p.m. COOK wanted in private family; may stay nights; references required. 5510 39th st. Cleveland 1665. 12* COOK, plain; work easy; references. 1216 16th st. n.w. 11* (loK. 620 H st. n.e, COOK and general housework; four in family; small house. Phone Columbia 4296. 501 Randolph st. n.w. COOK, first-class; colored woman; single, neat, clean, industrious, courteous; to cook for board ing school in audience: stay nights; off every other Sunday. Phone Lincoln 1777. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, colored girl; stay nights: $30 a month. 20 ^Girard st. n.e. North 1117. GENERAL. HOUSEWORK, reliable colorS woman. Apt. 104, 1346 Park rd. n.w. Col. 10073. 13* GENERAL IIOrSEWORK girl, colored; stay nights. Phone Cleve. 1446. GENERAL HOUSE WORKER, first-class; m laundry: >45. 1764 Lanier pi. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER in apt.; nt laundry; must be good cook: city references; go home nights. Tel. North 9840, before 1C a.m.. or after 6:30. GENERAL HOUSEWORK ? Colored woman. 637 East Capitol st. GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must have references. Apply 519 Mass. ave. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORK; iUj night*; small family. 1622 Park rd. 12* GENERAL HOUSKWORKER; colored girl. 64] II at. n.e. GIRL for general housework. 1217 Hamiltor at n.w. * GIRL to do general housework. Apply 1332 Girard st. n.w. > * GIRL?Colored, for housework; references. Apply 1740 Church at. HOUSEWORK and rooking for small family; no wasl ; stay nights. Gall Clere. lOfi. LAUNDRESS, ironing only; once a week. 319? 18rh st. n o. Phone North 1253-J. 12* MAID-WAITRESS. Colonial School. 1539 18th st. ' MAID, for general housework; $10 per week; good reference. Phone Col. H492-J. NURSE?Settled woman, for lft-months baby; stay nights; city referencea. Phone Cler. 42. WOMAN for general houaework; good wages; references required. 12S Md. ave. a.w.. apt. 2. 12* 1 ?' 1 hnnuvnrW? *V UOIA i> , reiWlHt, 1U> ?, mall family; references. West 1070. 13* EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES* HELP?FEMALE. WHITE COOKS, $85: waitresses, chambermaids. $65; nurses. $70. Ladles* Exthange, 807 Vermont are. OFFICE POSITIONS?R-r. fe*. 2.V. W??hington Employment Exchange. 1419 F at. n.w. HELP?MALE AND FEMALE. CHAMBERMAIDS; butler for Virginia. $60; several cooks. Fuller's Exchange. 1221 25th street. 13* " ~ SITUATION?MALE. WHEN in need of stenographers, typists, bookkeepers, accountants, clerks or any officetrained help, call Main 7310, branch 2. N< charges made. SITUATION?FEMALE! WHEN in need of stenographers, typists, bookkeepers, accountants, clerks or any officetrained help, call Main 7310, branch 2. Nc charges made. SITUATION?MALE AND FEMALE. COMPETENT HELP?Better kind. Call North 6000 Buper-Servloe Bureau. 12* WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE. ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER ? Finances, credits, costs, income tax returns; energy, initiative, bond. Address "Accountant," Bos 143, Pa. ave. station. AUTO PAINTER, striper and finisher wanti work; will furnish material; dealers* worl preferred. Address Box 228-P, Star office. * BOOKKEEPER, accountant, university grid uate, financial statements, coat work; bes1 reference!. Address Box 178-P. Star office. * OARPENTBR-PAINTER, all 'round mechanic: highly recommended; reasonable. 228 2nd at n.e. 11* CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes position; ref erencea. 1024 12th at. n.w. 13* CIVIL ENGINEER, 28, graduata, 5 years' construction ^ and design, concrete and steel, MlUniUDf, umiri tvmirviwu wuu cvuviuwi, Salary or Interest In business. Address Bos 332-Pt Star office. 11* COLORED MAN, young, wishes position ai porter. 1620 New Jersey are, n.w. 12* COLLEGE STUDENT desires work of any kin<! during the day. Address Box 847-P, Star office COOK in apartment hotel or cafe. Phone N. 5?94-W. COOK, housework or butler, etc., Japanew wishes position; good reference. Nagahama 929 17th st. n.w. 11* DRIVE FORD?Young man desires position. L Knapp, Lincoln 3011. ENGINEER, colored man; second-class D. C. license; knows all about refrigeration and elec trie machinery. 1116 1st n.w. 13* EX-SERVICB man wants permanent work oi small farm; can milk cows. Address Box 196 p. Star office. 11* HAULING of any kind by man with Ford toe truck. B. I. Marrow, Stanton road s.a. 11* ! HOUSEMAN, all-around man, colored, wfahai place. 817 24th st. n.w. Phono West 1261-W, JANITOR, colored; references. 704 Colum bia road or call Col. 8506-J. 11* JANITOR, colored man, experienced, wlshei lob; with room. Address Box 852-P, Stai office. 13* JAPANESE wants job as general houseworker; experienced; reference. Address Box 219-P, Star office. 12* LINOTYPE OPERATOR wishes position in oi near city. Address Lino. 1721 Corcoran st. 11* MAN, white, middle-aged, desires place ai night man in lunchroom, or a watchman; experienced. Phone N. loSS-W. Address Boa 225-P. Star office. . 12* NIGHT ELEVATOR OPERATOR in offlc< building or apartment hoose by settled colored man. 2811 Snerldan road s.e. 18* PORTER in grocery store or dry goods; man, 88, tomeat and reliable.. Address Bex 855-M, uue*ac% ...... . a) . nparison. ?By WEBSTER. /-r\ ALCnfr frt 7 ' WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE iContinuedU POSITION at nljrht from 4-12 or with private family In evening, by young high school student, colored. Address Pox 214-P, Star office. 11* STUDENT wishes work after school and Saturdays, Sundays. Address Box 14-R, Stfcr office. 12* STUDENT, colored, situation In lunchroom or ! most any kind of work after school; 3:30 p.m. j to W p.m. Lincoln 7034. after 3 p.m. TYPING, statistical or other work; afternoon j or evening. Address Box 250-P. Star office. * 1 TYPIST, stenographer, telephone switchboard operator and law student desires temporary or permanent position. Address City Post Office, Box 164*. 13* UNIVERSITY GRADUATE desires responsible position: no soliciting. Address Box 102-P, Star office. YOUNG MAN, 25. desires position as practical nurse: knows Swedish massage and hydro tnerapy, etc. Takoma Park, \). C. Genl. del. 12^ YOUNG MAN, bookkeeper, 21 years of age, desires i>o?itlon as Ixxikkeeper ?>r assistant bookkeeper in a business office. Phone Main 3430. YOUNG man employed during day desirea work at night; expert typist, bookkeeper; knowledge of stenography. Address Box 200-P. Star office. 14* 2 CHINESE, lirst and second cooks, want positions, hotel or restaurant. Louie lluie, 514 Oth st. n.w. 13* YOUNG MAN with car desires permanent position with reliable firm; good salary or salary and commission. Address Box 186-P, Star officc\ 15* FEWAI.K. ~ BOOKKEEPER?Expert bookkeeper, capable of taking charge, thoroughly familiar with finan eial statements and federal income tax reports. Phone Lincoln 2206. Residence, 1018 . Florida are, n.e. 13* * COMPANION-NURSE for aged lady; lady, refined. middle age: can make herself generally useful. Address 23b 8th wt. n.e. * . CREATOR of street, afternoon and evening dresses. 1495 Newton, Apt. 27. Phone Col. 3t?44 W 14* DRESSMAKER, reliable, quick worker; will go out; first-class styles; coats, capes, blouses, dresses for all occasions; furs designed; make one dress a day; also remodeling. Franklin 10TP-J. GOVERNESS, young German girl with good ' education, wishes position. Apply F. Lesny, 1221 D st. n.e. 12* i LADY, reflued. experienced traveler, would like place as nurse-companion to semi-invalid , going anywhere; salary moderate. Address Box 348-P. Star office. * MISS BERT?Street afternoon and evening gowns a specialty. Remodeling. Phone Col. 6227. Address 1703 Irving st. n.w. ' OFFICE WORK, lady past middle age, well trained in office work, with a knowledge of ' shorthand and typewriting, would like a position as assistant in office; references. Adi dress Box 183-P. Star office. 11* PRACTICAL NT'RSB desires engagement; hon; est. capable and kind; city references. Main 7t>78. * SEWING l>y the day. Call North 6764. STENOGRAPHER, three years' experience; patent work preferred; references. D. C. L., 1206 Staples st. n.e. 13* . STENOGRAPHER, accurate, little experience, willing worker, desires position. Main 2876.15* , STENOGRAPHER, high school graduate. 2602 L at. n.w. 11* STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires position; law work preferred. Address Box 215-P, Star office. 12* STREET, afternoon and evening gowns tor stylish stouts and regulars; remodeling. Phone X. 4441-J. : YOlTNG GIRL, high school graduate, desires positlion in afternoon or evenings. A. C. H.. 1611 G st. s.e. MALE AMD FEMALE. HOUSEWORK or nurse; son, chauffeur, geuer ally useful; from 1 p.m. dailv: mother and on. Address Box 252-P, Star office. DOMESTIC?WHITE. I HOUSEKEEPER for a lady in office or family of two, by middle-aged lady. Address Box 164-P. Star office. * HOUSEHOLD helper. Call or address Mrs. Smith. 385 8th st. n.e. , LADY wishes position as working housekeeper for widower with one child; no laundry; 6tate wages and details. Address Box 349-P, Star ! office. 13* 1 WOMAN, reliable, will do cooking and house: work in small family, from 10 till 6, week days: no lanndry. * DOMESTIC?CO LORED. ASSIST GENERAL HOUSEWORK or nurse. , i girl from Virginia. Call (after 1 o'clock Thursday) 1527 T st. n.w. BUNDLE WASH or day's work; morning or evening work. (137 Acker st. n.e. \ BUNDLE WASHES, day's work, place to clean k in morning. 2260 Oth n.w. 11* CARE FOR APT.; colored woman wants [ place. 1922 12th st. n.w. CHAMBERMAID or general housework, by a neat colored girl. 201 O st. n.w. | CHAMBERMAID or nurse in small family; young girl wishes place. 1788% 0th at. n.w. ; 11* COOK or chambermaid. 1528 Swann at. n.w. * COOK or chambermaid. Orst-class, colored , ylrl. Address or call 4801 Sheriff road n.e. * ; COOK and chambermaid; girl with references. ' 1526 Union Court n.w.. rear 16th and M. 11* r COOK or maid; stay nights. 2116 10th st. 1 n.w. North 986*. * , COOK or general work; stay or go home nights; place wanted. 123 E st. n.w. COOK or chambermaid. 1141 1st ?t. n.w. COOK, experienced. colored: private family preferred: stuy nights; best local reference. ; 1204_ 20th n.w. . COOK?Head; references. 419 20th st. n.w., sfter 8 p.m. 11* COOK or experienced nurse for Invalid. 1144 23rd st. n.w.. West 822-J. COOK, place wanted by neat colored girl; . good reference. 904 Florida are, n.w. . COOK, assist general housework, place by rei spectable colored woman. 1108 Q n.w. - day worker. competent and reliable, wants , work. Columbia 9048. 11* 1 DAY'S WORK, laundry work or night srork, by colored woman, to do permanently. Call i West 2788. . DAY'S tfroRK, colored sroman; One cook. 1117 a st. n.w. 11* DAY'S WORK, laundress or cleaning; refs. I i?26 10th st. n.w. 11* ' DAY'S WORK: laundry or cleaning. 2213 9th st. n.w. FAMILY WASH to take home; reliable wornsn Phone Col. 7834-W. 781 Lamoct st. . "w. ?!_ r FIRST-CLASS LAUNDHKSS wsnta small wash ' " tske home. 1798 T n.w. i GENERAL HOUSEWORK wanted, by reliable woman. 634 M st. n.w. 1 GENERAL housework or chamberwork, by ' reliable gtrL 781 Lomont st. n.w. Columbia [ 7834-W. H!_ GBNRRAL HOUSEWORK wanted by two colored gtrla. 211 0 1. a-W. ' general housework by reliable colored woman. Call or write. 81? 23rd at n.w, 12* WASTED?SITUATIONS. DOMESTIC?COCORED?Cwttowl GENERAL HOUSEWORK by colored woman. 1484 T ot. n.w. ' GENERAL HOUSEWORK, colored flrl. Phone North law., GENERAL HOCBEWOHK? No cooking; reference. Call Mrs. Elinlra Davis, Col. 7861. GIRL. colored, wants day'* work. 1812 oth ot. n.w. 11* RL?Private family or nurse. 1107 Delaware avp. b.w. HOUSEWORK or plain cooking; woman wantt position. 815 22nd at. n.w. 11* HOUSEWORK or cooking. In auburba, by colored woman: sleep In. 8215 Sherman a ve. LACE CURTAINS, neatly done, 40c pair. 785 Del, ave. e.w. Franklin 7846. 12* latnuaz. nrst class. nu boh?. v?i. 9193-W. 11* LIGHT HOUSEWORK or chkmbermaid aid waitress, reliable colored girl. Call North KM?. LIGHT HOUSEWORK, bj colored girl. Call 2328 9th st. n.w. MAID, otflcc cleaning or small bundle washes to take home; girl wishes place. 904 Westminster &t. MAII)?Neat colored woman; best of references; stay nights. 1610 15th St. MAID, neat, reliable, colored girl, wishes position, regular or part time. Call 1019 19th st. n.w. 11* MAID, nurse or work in a hotel; two colored girls. Phone Lincoln 1716-W. 11* MORNING or evening work. 1149 20th st. n.w. MORNING or evening work, or day's work; by woman. Call for Mary, 1339 Wallacb pL n.w. MORNING WOfiK; colored flrL 1127S W ?t. n.w. 12* MORNING WORK; colored *trl wlnhea place. Call 2227 15th at. n.w., after 7 p.m. # MORNING WORK by colored woman; references. 1422 oth ?t. n.w. * MORNINGS' or days' work, out. 1460 Fuller sf. n.w. Col. 7361. 11* NURSE, waitress or chambermaid; girls from Virginia want work; call or write. 52^Girard PART TIME WORK or nursemaid. 1610 M >?t. n.w. 12* PIjAIN COOK, general housework; colored wotnan. 617 L st. n.w. SMALL WASHES to do at lioiue by good, reliable woman. West 2142. 12* WASHING or cleaning wanted by a colored maid, strictly honest. 026 Acker at. n.e. Lincoln 2882. 18* WOMAN?Reliable; day's work. 3010 Sberxnanaye. n.w. 12* WOMAN wants place as cook, with reference. 909 French at. n.w. 11* Work, half day's, or place aa chambermaid; reliable girl. 1105 23rd at. n.w. WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS BED?White enamel, continuona posts; mu?t be perfectly sanitary; state price. 919 F st. n.e. BOY'S BICYCLE; good condition. Cleve. 1446.* NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. 618 E~ st. n.w. 13* REFRIGERATOR, in good condition. 75 or 100 pound** capacity. Address Apt. 31, Decatur. 2131 Florida are. 12* GAS STOVE, small refrigerator, kitchen table; state pri<" rs. dd re a a _B? x_l 51-P. S tar ofB c e. * WANTED--Cornet or aaxaphone, C melody; not over $20. Phone N. 9875. Robert Dove. LADY with no children will care for handsome library and parlor furniture for its use; best reference. Phone Col 3569. 12* VIOLINS wanted any condition; write; will call. 119 8rd a.e. 11* FFRNITURB wanted; will pay you a good price. Call X. 4100. 16* WANT to purchase aome high-grade furniture for apartment. Call Franklin 6144. 11* KCIiNITl'KB of all kind*, for 6-room house; immediately. Lincoln 56>3. 12* I'C DVTTr* D? .If 'I b I i ,A~iT- ?.< H ;,a. . f price Call Franklin 1538. 11* FURNITURE of all kinds for a six-room house wanted immediately, as a whole or odd pieces. Kindly call Adams 600. WlLL pay inchest"prices for ladiAd and mea*a worn clothes. Write or phone D. Stem, 1809 7th at. n.w.; phone North 499. IN IMMEDIATE NEED of furniture for aa Sroom house: will boy as a whole or odd pieces. Call Franklin 8785. WANTED?Feather beds and larnlture. Best | prices paid. Square Deal Furniture Co., SOI Eye n.w. Pboce Main M36. CLOTHES WANTED?Highest prices paid. Every one seems pleased and tells another of our cheerful way of paying for men's worn clotbinv. shoes, etc. Main 4145. Justh'a Old Bund. 610 V. WILL call in wy unlettered automobile, city or suburbs, and pay you highest prices for ladies', gentlemen s. children's discarded clothing of all descriptions. Address postal or phone. I will call. W. Rice, 1332 7th sL n.w. North 1755. WE'LL GIVE you eash for your pianos and talking machines, antique furniture, old silver, diamonds, jewelry, old china, rugs, brasses. >. r ARNOLD. 1828 Q at..,,Mate SUA. LW. fcjRWTEIN. 320 bth Cfc. B.W.-A1! klfcfta ef frmltnre wanted. Phone Frank 11a 0080. FCHMTI Re; WANTED?Ton will feel satisfied with prices I psy. 8. Welsenbery, D.V. Cor. 10th end D n.w. Franklin 1818-J. If YOU WANT to ontalo best results for joar furniture sad other miscellaneous, call M. SHAPIRO, 800 LOUISIANA AVE. N.W. FRANKLIN 3783. CALL FRANKLIN 3403. Furniture and miscellaneous articles bought and sold. Prompt attention. Best prices paid. The Amer. Household Co.. 713 12th n.w. 11* bend for Louis Notes, 814 E St. N.W. If yon hare any furniture or other goods to sell, and you will obtain beat results. Pbons franklin 2015. WE BUY household furniture and office fix* tares. Money advanced on storage. SACHS FURNITURE CO., Cor. 8th and P sta. n.w. Mais 6308. WANTED?Furniture, Pianos, Carpets, ate. Phone M. 1282 for wagon or bare ma call. WESCHLER." 020 Pa. are. n.w. BRING US your old gold, silver, platinum. tnt a iinxmc L^lAiVlUi^ and discarded Jewelry. We need them In our manufacturing department. WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICES. A. KAHN Inc.. 935 F St. OLD GOt.P~8It.VER ETC. Diamonds. Old Gold. Silver BOUGHT FOR CASH. LOUIS ABRAHAMS. S15 Q ST. SWPERSONAL CLOTHES WANTED?WE AP.E IN HEARTY sympathy with the man who wants and expects a square cash-down offer for his worn suits, pants, shoes, etc. He will surely get it when we have a chance to make onr best offer and It will be best. JUSTH'8 OLD STAND. 610 D. . WILL HELP FEW NEEDY MOTHERS BY carlnr for babies; only $12 a month. West 2461-j. ELECTRIC BATH. BODY MASSAGE FOR obesity. Insomnia, rheumatism, nervousness, etc.; graduate nurse (colored). North 6935-J. 18' DRESSMAKING; EXCLUSIVE STYLES; work Fnarantped. MRS. VIOLET DAVIS, Apt. 8. the Kmlthfield. 111'. 9th at. n.w. 11? COUPLE TOURING TO PALM BEACH. PLA., hnv? r/virti fr\r two* lpave Oct. 34. Addreita I Box 134-P, Star office. 18* I RATS, BEDBUGS, ROACHES. FLEAS: IN Unt results. GEORGE F. SAPP, 227 Msryland building. Franklin 2891. nor4* PH5f810T flEHAPT ELECTKATHBRAPT. (or non and women, glees by Dr. Carotyn Austin. For appointment, phono North 047. WE ARC NOW KATI.NO *2 TO *10 foS men's and ladleF oaed anlta. Onr pricaa far oM clothing am the biggest. Waab. Cloth tan Exchangt. ?8 D at. n.w. Phone Matfgm. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS MATTRESSES. FEATHER NEDS. Eta HjTffRESSES AND PILLOWS ' Renovated at most reasonable prices. Let us call, give estimate. Prompt deliveries and satisfaction assured. EAGLE BEDDING CO., j Main 7992. 1128 7tb at. n.w. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ! The Star requires from advertisers in this column references and a detailed statement of their Proposition. AtTO REPAIR SHOP?Will aell cheap. Call i West 2Sti. I GILT-EDGE -NOTEi for sale. $200 up, aecnred by deed of trust agnlnst Dletrlct real and chattel property, to yield 17 per cent. Write and repreeentetlre will call. Addreaa Box 247P, Star office. BARBER SHOP for aale; 4 chalra; good natures. 8725 Georgia are. n.w. 12? ROOMING HOUSE. 8 roome. elec.. (aa. h.w.h.: rent, $75. Can be bought (or $550 cash. 989 H n.w. Fr. 5465. CIGAR and newsstand la larae apartment hotel: unusual opportunity (or $L525. Marihall Buslnees Brokere. 929 New Tork are. ROOMING and boarding honee or the highest Claris on a corner near 17th and Maaa. are. n.w. Contains 17 bedrooms, 7 bathe, parlor, dlnlne rooms, kitchen, etc Completely furnished end every room occnpied. Groes income exceede $1,000 per month. Owner o( building end business la retiring. Will eell building, buelnese and contents for leas than building alone Is worth and on a cash payment as low aa $3,000. For particulars apply to GOLDEN RULE, Exclusive Agent, 1206 K St. N.W. Phone Main 5547. ? PARTY with $10,000 cash can connect with going proposition with snlnaHo franchises; | money ^needed (or expansion. Addreaa Baa 1$0e, ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Cftimli FOB RENT?8tore near La. are. and Pth at. uitable for meats, vegetables or butter stand. Address Box 222-P. Btar office. IB* CODNTBT STORE. only one In town; 20 minutes from Washington. Address Box 227-L. Star office. 15* GROCERY STORE; cheap rent; will sell at sacrifice; must be sold In 10 days. Apply 1015 11th at. n.w. 13* FOR 8AJLE?Tobacco and notion store In an excellent n.w. location. Will sell at cost price. 1 Address Box 223-P, Star office. 12* I WANTED?Woman partner for rooming house. Will fornlsh capital. Address Box 355-P, Star office. * GROCERY STORE In Mt. Pleasant section; good business; excellent prospect for future. Will sell reasonable on account of sickness. Call North 1281. 13* GROCERY STORE with four large living rooms, with lease, doing good business. 441 Delaware are, s.w. 14* MANUFACTURER ? Wants exclusive representative to conduct general sales office. Must be able to finance self from $500 to $5,000. Profitable contract to responsible man. Expenses to Baltimore allowed when arrangements are completed. Address President, 3 Last Mount Royal are.. Ha 1 timore. Md. _ BAKEltY and confectionery, business street, $1,000; direct from owner; 4 rooms and l?ath; rent, $50: lease. 1326 N'. Capitol at. 15* FWlLL BUY SECOND TRUST notes on~iimproved real estate at reasonable discounts; quirk action on good paper. Address Box i>i n L'>.. inm OWNER engaged in another business will sell ml!linery etore with or without stock. Apply 903 G wt. n.w. WE WILL LOAN you small sums from $100 to $300, secured against first, second or third mortgages or take chattel security; no broker age; 7 per cent interest; quick service. Commercial Loan and Finance Corporation, 921 15th at. n.w. I HAVE TWO $1,300 and one $2,200 second trnst notes for sale at 23 per cent discount. Address Bor 19-P. fftar office. 12* _ ROOMING HOUSE? Wanted immediatelywill pay cash. Address Hot 72-P, Star office. * j FOR SALE or lease?Oarage and service sta- t tion in Washington's best automobile section, ; near Conn, and L st.; lot 05x147 to n 30-ft. ; alley. Morris Cafritz Co., Inc., 913 13th n.w. j Main 617. j OPPORTUNITY is offered young salesmen ua- j der 35 years, capable of handling Lis own bus- j iness, the chance to start, with our help, a i business thst offers exceptionally good financial ! returns: about $200 or $300 capital is neoea- J sary; character is more essential than pre- i vious commercial e/perlenoe. Write Scott PaKr Company, 13 East Fayette at., Baltimore. a. WANTED?Yard suitable for Junk shop and Iron yard. Address Box 120-P. Star office. 11* GARAGE, or drive in and out gas and accessories station. Address Box 147-P, Star office. 11* WILLING to sell out dining room business; good opportunity. Call 1455 W st. n.w., between the hours 0:30 and 7:30 p.m. 11* MARSHALL, BUSINE?s"BROKER8. Garage, large storage capacity, gas, repair. shop; downtown location; will sacrifice. Boarding house, downtown, 20 rooms, lease; will sacrifice. Rooming house. 10 rooms: near public II- ; brary; price, $05o. Exclusive boarding house: near 14th and; Mass. are.; price. $3,500. If you want to sell see us and save time. ! MARSHALL. BUSINESS BROKERS. 929 N??w York ave. n.w. I WILL sen valuable te?t*-d copper mines ad- 1 joining Phelps Dodge Co. holdings. Silver City. . New Mexico: also dollar silver, lead, zin<* and j gold mines: will give 90-day option to open up i mines, $1,000 to be paid down on each claim. 1 which will be applied on purchase price; ore { can be shipped to smelters by day lat?or. Will sell Boston Ilill manganese iron claims ! subject to Colorado Fuel Iron Co. lease, in Sil- i ver City. Also gold mines in Goldenville. Nova Scotia; $t>,0(*?.000 taken out Cohan wine, j All properties of the iate Calvin Amory Ptev- i ens. Address Jessie I Stevens, administratrix. I Kaieigh Hotel, or v Atlantic tve., Sea <?ste, j Ccney Inland. N. Y. 11* .\ational Business Brokerage Co. I 215 6th St. N.W. Phone Main 6276. IP TOUR BUSINESS IS FOR SALE PHONE US. WE WILL CALL. LIST AND ADVERTISE IT AT NO COST TO YOU. AND CAN SELL IT IF IT CAN BE SOLD. National Business Brokerage Co. 215 6th St. N.W. Phone Main 6276. FOE SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMONDS. ETC. DIAMOND, l1^ carat, in S piece*. Hue-white; two-drop platinum lavalier, sacrifice $145; lady's ring, $135. worth double. Address Box 215-1*. Star office. 12* DIAMOND BARGAINS. %-carat Ulue-white Perfect Solitaire Diamond ring (cost originally $3351 $235 | $500 Blue-white Solitaire Diamond Engage- j meat King; gorgeous platinum mounting set with diamonds $375 1 Platinum Watch Bracelet, set with large blue-white diamonds and saprhires (party paid $3001 $200 1-rarat Fine White Solitaire Diamond Ring. beautiful lady's mounting $150 5-carat Perfect Solitaire Diamond Ring <cost originally $1.200) $925 $150 Lady's Diamond Cluster Ring, large blue-white gems $92 %-carat Solitaire Diamond Ring, Tiffany mounting $23 See ns before buying Diamond*. KAHX OPTICAL CO. 617 -th St. N.W. FIRNITI'RL. BABY'S BED. springs and mattress. $7; coin- } blnation high chair and rocker. $5: child's 1 rocker. $1.50: gas lamp. $3. 910 F st. n.e. j CHIFFONIER, mahogany; mahogany *ettep. fumed oak darenport. oak morris chair, i.ak I dresser: reasonable. Call Fr. 10b or Apt. 811, j the Monmouth, 1819 O st. n.w. KITCHEN CABINET. Hoo?ter (white), porce lam top Kitchen tame < white). ccmnet gas range. medicine cabinet; all practically new; reasonable: no dealer*. 725 7th at. n.w. * BUREAUS. wardrobes, cabinet gas range. l?w-q swing. 112 East Capitol et. 12* DINING TABLE, buffet, china closet, pair of portieres, rocking chair at 728 Taylor st. n.w. Call after 0 p.m. 12* PARLOR SUITE, three-piece mahogany: upbolstered in tapestry; perfect condition. Phone | North 4723. 13* _ BED. single, brass, satin finish; springs aud ' mattress; excellent condition. Apt. o. 3M1 ; Park road. 18* j CAMPHOR WOOD CHEST. Jason. 1720 H n.w. i 1EAKW0OD STANDS, two; white enamelled) rocking chair, three jardinieres. 18GS Columbia road. Apt. 301. TABLE, gate leg, and other mahogany pieces. ?Q9 14th st. n.w.; third floor. * BUFFET, antique Sheraton mahogany, small. 1 and Sheraton extension dining table, white | enamel and cane double bed. box springs, white enamel dressing table with triplicate mirrors, single cot with comfortable mattress, white enambel baby's bathtub, old-fashioned sewing machine la good ord?*r; three pairs windowdraperies; Stickley wicker day bed with brown volvAf fM&hlons Annlv between P end 10 I mornings; no dealers. 605 the Farnsboro. LIVING ROOM "SUITE, magnificent, upholstered in blue and gold relour; will sacrifice. Phone Col. 5248-J. SETTEE, mahogany; 2 chairs. 37 You st. n.e. Phone North 1202-W. DESK?Typewriter's single-drawer desk, with typewriter; as good as new. 303-304 Barrister bldg.. 633 F at. n.w. CHAIRS?12 quartered solid oak. straightback chair*, suitable for dining room or office. 303-304 Barrister bldg., 635 F st. n.w. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, pictures, etc.; private sale. Phone Frank. 6707. CHEST DRAWERS; deska. unrary. 'card: gate!?g. hall, dining and tilt-top tables; chiffonier*, j bureaus, bookcases, china cabinets, dining and bedroom auitea; all In mahogany antiqua reproductions. at sacrifice. A. 7. Arnold. Auctioneer. 1323 Q at. n.w. MOTOR CYCLES AND BICYCLES? IkfOTOR CYCLE, Indian iight weight; $65. 507 10th at. s.e. 12* HARLEY DAVIDSON (1922) motor cycle: run 600 miles; party leaving city. Address Box15-R. Star office. BOY'S BICYCLE?24-lneh wheel: coaster brake; fine condition. Phone West 787-J. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FISHER PIANO, boudoir sire, only $125 to . quick buyer. Call after 5 o'clock. Apt. 44. | 3151 Mt. Pleasant. | PIANO, fine, bargain. $100 rash; also odd | pieces of furniture. Call 1420 Harvard *t.. i *Yen*ng*- * L l.T.'U, taiiuaju mmmr-, uiusv uc fuiu ?i UU( t', $40. MP Mag, 'v. n.w. PLAYER-PIANO, cost $700; cheap for cftsh; terms if desired. 519 Mass. are. n.w. VICTOR VICTROLA, style 11, mahogany; like new; cheap for cash. 519 Mass. are, n.w. PIANO, upright; in good condition. 1U0 2nd st. n.e. 12* PLAYER-PIANO, Behning. like new; no reasonable offer refused. Apply 406 South Clifton Terrace after 6 p.m. $500?BABY GRAND; good make; mahogany case, fine tone. 227 Pa. are, s.e. Line. C257. $275?FRANCIS BACON, nearly new, mabogany. 227 Pa. arc, s.e. $225?SHONINGER, mahogany, upright; bcautlful tone. 227 Pa. are. a.e. $385?GULBRANSEN player-piano; worth $?0uT 227 Pa. are, a.e. GItAMER* upright, mahogany case, excellent condition, $80. Trott, 20 Grant pi. n.w., bet. 9th and 10th, G and H. New and Slightly Used PIANOS and PLAYERS Including Knabe, Hardman, Howard and others at cut prices, oq terms without interest. Pfeiffer's, 1210 G street. FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. MI SIC A L tsmrMESTS?C?tfa(c4. fill A I> R r H f ~T p RI ft h ft. Ifc1.; Doe Kntb*. for quick sale, $175. A. F. Arnold, Auctioneer. 1328 ii St. n.w. FLAYKIM IANO. Story"* CUt*. VM. The l^ast yon can do is look at this barf air M3 H at. n.e^ REBUILT f'lAXOS?Why buy new one Guaranteed to give satisfaction; $50 up. Z. Bchaeffer. tua If at. n.e. Unc. 27 PLAYGIt-FIAXO (Aeolian), bench and rolls: a rare bargain for quirk sale. $285. A. V. Ar nold. Auctioneer. 1323 (i st. n.w. *125 VICTOR VICTROLA. VIS; **? TIcMr." *150: Victor Vict roll,. $15. *?. A. ? Arnold. aucllopcr. 1523 O 8EWHC MAOnSFB. PROPHEAD, cheap. SOS 7 th tt. Apr 4. after 5 p.m. HINGES, with attachments; $10. 2448 18th at. n.w. Apt. 1. 11* SINGER, Standard, New Home. Domestic an.i many other make*. $10. $12. $1*. $18 and $20: a few good machine*, $T> awl $*?; all michines cuhrar.te?*<l and kept 1n order 2 yeat? free; machine* cleaned and repaired. $2. Cap lfal Sewing Machine Exchange, 25 II st. n.w Frank. 3778. _ ALL MAKES RENTED; REPAIRED: HR.V stitching; phonograph and recc-ds. LARKIN 113 ra. aye. >,f. Line. 275. open evening* TfPKWRlTEB g REMINGTON-MONARCH No. 3. $25: new* motb-1: Jine?t cor.didtion. 141 < It i?t.. apt. 21." TYPEWRITER, Hammond multiple No. 2; fin-condition: $33. 507 ltith kT. *.e. 12* REMINGTON No. 10: invisible: perfect coii di?'on: $30. Apt. 306. 3033 16th. Tel. G.e lumbia 10473. 11* $8.50 PEE MONTH?Underwood typewriter* for rent. 1606 14th ut. North 668. ALL MAKES Bold and rented. Have money. Buy on $5 monthly payment*. Special Indue* menta In portable*. Washington Typewriter Exchange, 1301 H at. u.w. Franklin 1014. nov2* WE KENT AND SELL Underwood. Royal. Remington and L. C. Smlta typewriters; GOO sheets typewriter paper, OOr General Typewriter Company. 616 14th st. n.w. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER-CO.. INC Sell, rent and repair typewriter!. 717 12th n.w. Phone M.6534. AMERICAN TYPE WRITER CO.. 1431 Kast Capitol at. Rent, sell, repair and buy all make*. Stands free. Open evening! Llnr . 36*1. TYPEWRITER Rental-Service. 2301 1st at. n.w. North 2664. Underwood. L. O. fl.. Ben.. $4 mo.; 3 mos: In adv., $10.50; 6 moa., $18 Rebuilt Typewriters for aale. Terma. MliCELLASKOM. APPLES AND PEARS, choice, $1.25 per bushel, delivered. Phone Linc?ln 668. CASH REGISTER, electric, receipt printing National: like new and in perfect conditio: . cost $450: sell for less than half. 618 E at n. w. COAT SUIT, brown, seal trimming. 6iae 36 $8: black coat suit, size 36. $6; navj tricotine dres*. ?iz* 36. $12: black silk dress. size 40. $5; black satin headed dre?s. size 3?. $20; navy beaded tricotine dress, siz16 $6. Other wearing apparel. All good condition. 1212 Euclid at. n.w. HOT PIATC, 3-btiraer: sad iron set: baby stroller ?$5). 1376 C st. n.c. 12c 8UIT. nun'- brand-new. dark gray. *ize 42 cost $50. $12; tier's new suit, size 16. .*1?> 1212 Euclid st. n.w. * RED, tial'.r's wicker, on wheels. 009 E. Cap at; RABY CARRIAGE and lullaby, nearly new cheap. Phone N. 2412 GAS STOVE. 4-burner. cheap Call 315 n.*? Iftween 3 and 6. *ren!nc._ _ __ * GAS stove. 3-hurner. $" V 42^* W. FURNACE bot-a|r. dMp. 1873 Good H ; road a e. L. 5.19?. 12* VELVET RCG. 9x12. brown: drophead iptt: machine, all attachments; rocker; pa* and oi heaters: hot-water beater: cheap. 1627 B s' n.w. _ I?OLL CARRIAGE. large, al.ite, cheap. 4; Hjt. ti .w. Mr?. Petty. 1<"E ""X. large. metal, jfrfect order, cheap Fr. 6689. CLOT]IKS - - Wotkitigmert. It really doea not signify much to you. hut look how important it Is to to have y..ur trerl?* T<- get It value must l?c best. ftii-I ask any man y?m know he will tell you that we have fine slightly uaed stilts. >3 up. Je.eth's old Stand. 619 D. BART STROLLER. pood condition. 349 11th st. s.e. HIGH CHA1K. white, with removable enxnu tray: also wnite willow nursery chair. 727 T*r?neeton st. n.w. FIREPROOF four-ton safe: bnrg:6n to a quick bttver. Havjd R. Burhans, Room 311. No. 719 13th st. n.w. 12* CAHHIA?;E. white reed; cheap._1113 <st. n e DpOB v. til gia<s panel. 89x86 ludai. 17. Plate glass mirror, 3o long 2s wide, fan<y frame. >13. 32o A n e. 11* C.OIil1 CLI RS. set. in good condition. 1821 19in *r._n tv. North 1 f*>8. 11 winter < hat, brand new; dark Ro.iria cloth; -le-avere-te collar; sire 44: price reason ai ie. Phone Got. 8367. 12* i GLASS SHOWCASE for sale; suitable for ik" ^_c::ndr. 730 11th st. n.w. 11* 10 SHARES Ranking Trust A Mortgage r? . $2*1: must sell. Add re** Box *6 1*. Star oflW T.'NIFORM and cap. high school officer's, flw. 1745 North Capiiwl st. 12* PITT, girl's velour. 36; cost $39.30; sell *1." N. 4209 W. 11 * APPLES, York imperial: $1 per hu.; also swee* cider. Hethlyn Farm, Bean, Mdw Old R?>:k ville road. 11* IRON FRONT PORCH. one: 6 steps and plat form: good condition. 937 G st. e.w. OA K AN It HICK.O K Y. $18 cord: gum and poplar. $10 cord, delivered: rut any length Address C. C. Logan. Riverdale P.O. 12* GAS RANGES, jjood as new, all styles; jruaanteed; l*?sa than half price. Why pay m??re J. W. Williams, C09 0th at. d.w. Main 13^* oclh** SHOWCASES AND STORE FIXTURES. f*A>< PI.E FLOOR AND COUNTER CASES AT SPECIAL PRICES "RUT AT THE FAC TORY * RUSE A COMPANY. SOS LOW 8T PATTIMQRE. MP. WOol), $14 per cord. Phone Wen 2512-W. APEX ELECTRIC-WAP HER .""ellfhtly uaen e ? demonstrator: reasonable. Fdear Morrla Sale* Co.. 1805 G at. p er. Main 1032. Wood! Wood! Wood ! Cord wood, cut any lenjfth and delivered $15 i?er cord. C. 0. T>. Drop postal to W. 1). DRESSER. Gleu Echo Heights. M?l. IT* FURNACES (One Pipe)Suitable for fi-room House CONT1SACTVK ? M un.i P" J1AII.1U \i AT A SACRIFICE Window Sash. 70c to $1.15 Picks and Shovel*. each, 6<V : Or Tnv. for $1.00. Main 7320. Hoar 71C. 12th 8t. N W Cash Registers. National, Like new Jitid perfect ; sold at sacrifice prices. 018 ii street d.u. 22* Building Materials trom our immense wrecking operations? from Army Camps, Government War Offices and surplus sales ! throughout th* country permit us to offer yon firadically new materials at a wonderful atnf. Lumber of all kinda. sa?h. door*, window I frame* complete, wall board, roofing, bath* ! room outfit*, white toilet*, hath tuba, wash basins. radiator*, pipe, kitchen sink*, electric fixture* for your house* new government pipelees and hot-air furnaces, 15 carloads, all size*, purchased from Fncle 8am at Camp Lee; they were surplus property and hare never been used: they are brand-new; no burnt-out grate*, no heat-warped parts; no broken parts; sold to ! you at a wonderful earing. Wall board, per sq. ft.? Reclaimed, random length* $0.0' Reclaimed, regular lengths OP, Brand-new Cantonment Rash, 34x34 H. 6 lights 1.00 Steam Radiation, per ft .17 Electric Fixture* 1.50 Pn '? UoAflnv "Guard." new, l-i?ly 1.35 "Guard " new. 2-ply 1.75 "Guard." new. 3-pIy 2.25 Certainteed Co.*? Shingles? "Four-ln-One" Shicrlea, new, per square 5.50 Shovel. 59c; pick. 69c; rake, 69c. Combination ! all three, $1.50. Government Lanterns, 69c. SIDNEY L. HECHINGER CO. 6th and C sts. 6th and Via. are. a.e. [ southwest. . Camp Meigs. Salesmen at Both Offices. POULTRY. PETS 4 LIVE STOCK COLLIE ? Female thoroughbred; 18 months old; $8. 544 14th ?.Q. PUPPY. setter. 10 mo. old. for sale. 1528 34 th at. n.w. * AUSTIN'S fresh puppy bread. 5 lbs.. tl5?-: H? lbs., $1.25: 25 lbs.. $2.90. At ATOERTONS. [338 Indiana avr. j RKA^iLB GYl'S. two. 8 months old; $5 ea<-h; I iilap one male hound. Col. 1523-W. FRESH COWS and Holatein heifers. AddreaHox 178, Hockville, Md. 15* fox TERRIER"sire hair. ? months; pedi greed; leaving for Europe: must sell. CourtD'Rea. 3?01 Lowell st. n.w. 13* WHITE ROCKS, thirty-three blooded. $1.75 each, and forty-flve reds, $1.25 each; six month* old; both sexes. P. 0. Box 69, Rockrllle. Md. IB* 300 PULLETS for sale; 200 Barred Plymouth an<f ifiK WWt- T 1L? 25 to each. Will begin laying November and De comber. 5 to 0 months old. Call to see them at Clark Station or write me, route No. 2. box 48. Aleaandria. Va. J. H. Stephens. II* CHEAP, a few pure-bred bulls and work horses. Clifton Park Farm, Four Corners. Mil. ENGLISH SETTER MALE PUP?10 months old. 1234 Eye et. n.e. 11* UK. H. A. LOCKE. VETERINARIAN. TREATMENT OF THE I>OC AND CAT EXCLUSIVELY. OFFICE. 8121 14th ST. N.W P3. COL. B74 AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE, ETC. ALLEN chassis, 1921, A-l condition; new tires; a bargain; ?>0; suitable for truck. 810 4th at. s.e. It* BUICK BOADSTBR?A bit bargain it <22T cash. Hummer Motor 8ales Co., 1020 Coan. are. . W