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FOR SALE?HOUSES. . 31HPTTED TO BB TUB MOST ATTRACTIVE and valuable residence in Chevy Chase; eight looms; two baths: spacious grounds; two-car garage; all modern improvements; moderately priced; terms. Address Box 345-1', Star office. BUNGALOW. THItEB~BIA)OKS FROM CAR line; ? rooms; bath; fireplace: hardwood floors; bjt-water heat; elec.; gas; large lot: $6,900; easy terms. Address Box lt>-R. Star office. 13* A NICK, COZY IIOMB OF SEVEN ROOMS and bath, elec. lights; large l>ack yard; fine location. Owner, 1004 New Hampshire ave. n.w. CHOICE OF TWO. $3,500 price; cash. $500. balance $35 month, fncluding Interest; 6 r. and b. brick; on Morton at. n.e.. between Oth and 7th; latrobe beat. NBWSOM. 1110 H at n.e. Unc. 2071. 913 NORTH CAROLINA AVE. 8.E.?OCCUj?ied by owner; 0-room and bath brick; large front and rear yards, leading to paved alley. KIGHT-UOOM COLONIAL BRICK HOUSE; hot-water heat; electricity and gas; brick garage; screened hack porches: all modern jmprovements. Owner. 516 8th st. n.e. * MX-KOOM HOUSE; AM.I.; H >T SUFFT<iently wide for large store or garage; first ommercial: $S.50o. GRAEME T. SMALLWOOI), Main 5070. 101*2 Vt. ave. n.w. Ask for Mr. Herndon. $5,000. This cozy 6-room home has a colonial porch, h.-a. heat and is ia very good condition; located n.w. near Columbia road. Easy terms can be arranged. l'lione Mam ww. A IIEINZMAX. 734 13th st. mt. pleasant. Near 14th sr.; t5 rooms ami - baths; h.-w. beat and electric lights; --car garage. The property is in excellent condition and immediate possession will be given. This is a bargain at $8,550. BATMAN & HF.INZMAN, 734 loth st. n.w. Phone Ma In 3500._ Tor colored?a bkautiftl g room, a. in.i. house, now occupied by white family, on excellent street. Price and terms very reasonable. BRIGHTWOOD REALTY CO.. 5826 4 *a* avo. n.w. Col. 9379. LAMONT ST. BET. 18th AND 19th STS. N.W. -8-story. Kennedy-built home; 10 rooms, 3 baths: hot-water hear. e!e'\ lights: many special features; excellent lot: double garage. Price, $21.51(0. a. c. hoi i;hton a co.. 1316 11 st. n.w. "We have The BEST in every section." EXCELLENT HOME AND MONEY MAKER ??N 16th ST. N.W. attractive modern cor. residence, facing Tflth street. Three story English Ikasement brick; 16 rooin>, baths; hot water heat. eiec. v lights, garage Building now handsomely fur\ orsned and arranged in five suites: well rcnt\ d; present income. $6,000 yeariy. Price, $30,000. including furniture. A. C. HOCGHTON A- CO.. 1316 II ST. N.W. . "We have the BEST in every section." CHEVY CHASE, I?. C. $13,300?$2,500 Cash. Eight rooms, bath, semi-bath connected with front bedroom, maid's room, breakfast porch; hardwood floors; h.-w.h.: Pittsburg water heater; one half block to Conn. ave. OVERLOOKING CHEVY CHASE GOLF TANKS. fll.noo?$2,000 Cash. $80 Monthly. Dutch colonial; sir rooms and bath; center Stall; hardwood floors; h.-w.h.; garage. easy fur all. $7.630?$300 Cash. $08 Monthly. Brand-new bungalow; 3 rooms and bath, breakfast alcove, built-in refrigerator, open tircpla.v*, hardwood floors; good size iot; iKirches. morgan e. morgan & company. 1407 New York Ave. Franklin. 1320. Evening ar.d Sunday phone*. Frank. 16S6-J and Clove. 2234. ON CONN. AVE. NEAR WARDMAX PARK TIotel--Reautifui semi-detached. two-story home with attic. S rooms. 3 complete lwths. hardwood floors, h.-w.h., electric lights, gla>sinclosed sleeping porch and house copperscreened throughout, including doors: double brick garage opening into wide concrete alley. This house is almost r.ew and was built by one of Washington'? foremost builders. For Immediate sale owner will take $21,830. Apply to owner at 151b I. sr. n.w.. l>etween 8 a.m. ar.d 6 p.m.. or rail Main 433s after 6 p.m. 643 14th ST. N.E.?VACANT: 6 R.. I*.: F.H.; metal garage. Price, $6,300, on terras. Owner. Lincoln 430. WEST OF 16th ST.. NEAR R N.W.?A PREtentious corner property arranged as 3 apfs. of 5 rooms and bath each. This property will how a splendid return. To make a quick sale the owner is offering it at a very low figure. FROM ?>WN ER?6- ROOM HOCSF. * IN BEST northeast neighborhood. Phone Line. 1376. 15* .FTST LISTED?ON T ST. N.W.. IN BBAUtiful R'oomingdale. near St. Martin's Church; 6 rooms, bath: furnace heat; fine condition; possession. Price, $6.51(0; $1,500 cash a?d $50 monthly navments. including Interest. Cheap house for this desirable section. Act quick. Fee Mr. Urciolo. with N. E. RYON CO., 1423 F st. n.w. Phone 45ft7. * PET WORTH?DETACHED HOUSE; 8 LARGE rooms bath, finished attic: furnace heat, pas. 87.000. Owner. 837 Shepherd st. n.w. * 13th AND EUCLID STS ? OWNER WILL SACriflce for good cash payment, 8-room house. . semi-detached: double brick garage. Address Hot 209-P. Star office. 17* LIBERAL COMMISSION PAID TO ANY ONE furnishing us names of prospective purchasers of real estate with whom we effect sale. For further information address Box 27S-P, Star office. MT. PLEASANT. WEST OF lfith ST.?BY owner. A most desirable, modern house with 0 extra large rooms and tiled bath with builtin tub, shower cad fixtures; real open fireplace In living room; oak floors; h.-w.h., electricity; large closets; tapestry brick front with concrete porch and double porches In rear; in perfect condition and vacant. Will take considerably less for quick sale. Easy terms. For in nection and keys, call Main 5371. " SOUTH WE ST SECTION. A cozy fl-room brick in splendid condition, vrirh furnace heat and gas light. Price, $5,250. Terms ea?\v: quick possession. JOHN* QUINN COMPANY. INC., Main 43.". 704 13th n.w. ^ NORTHEAST SECTION. An attractive colonial home of ? rooms, bath, hot-water heat, electric lights; room for garage. Price and terms right; quick possession. JOHN or INN COMPANY, INC., Main 435. 704 13th n.w. COLORED?SEVERAL MODERN SIX-ROOM houses; prices and terms reasonable. Call Adams 245* before 10 p.m. CHEVY CHASE. A beautiful new home of colonial type, semi-detacl ed on pretty grounds, eight rooms and two baths, front porch: double rear porches, all modern improvements, finished in hardwood with best hardwood flooring; Trench doors: garage on paved alley. Price, $15,500. 21-4 WOODLEY PARK. Near YVardman Fark Inn, on beautiful Connecticut avenue; charming home of eight rooms and three compile bath*. maid's room, attic; porches; all modern conveniences: attractive througl out; two-car brick garage. Price, $22,000. 87-4 1 CHEVY CHASE, MD. * An artistic, charming home, built by owner for own occupancy; completely detached; lot 60-foot frontage: contains living and dining room, large sun parlor, breakfast room, convenient kitchen, three bedrooms and bath on second floor; large front porch: hardwood floors and trim; open fireplace, hot-water heat, electric lights, two-car garage, private drive. Price, $15,500. ?O* WOODRIDGE. Pretty detached stucco home, containing six rooms and bath, basement, front and rear porch; house is modern througl out and iu perfect condition: hot-water heat, electric lights, open fireplace, pantry, laundry; garage. Possession in 30 days. Price, $9.7.10. PETWORTH. A dandy modern home in pretty location. eight rooms and tiled bath, front and large rear porches: has hardwood floors and trim; hot-water heat, electric lights, built-in garage, alley in rear. Price $12,500. 00-4 WARDER ST. Substantially built home In perfect condition; brick construction, six rooms and bath, inclosed porches In rear; spacious front porch; ballt-in garage; this 1-ome has every conveniences, hotwater heat, electric lights, hardwood floors and trim; built-in refrigerator. Price. $13,000. 83-4 McKEEVER & GOSS, 1415 Eve St. Main 4752. MEMBERS OP THE WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE BOARD. READY FOR INSPECTION. B. H. GRUVBR HOMES. On Klingle rd. At 20th and Park rd. Overlooking Rock Creek Park. 5 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Garage. Large Porches. Best Value in Mount Pleasant. Sample, 2022 Klingle rd. Open and Lighted TUl 9 p.m. E. M. WILLIS. Agent. M. WIX FOR SALE?COLORED. I have several modern homes desirably located in the best northwest section ? VACANT. Prices and terms most reason able. Call me at an nours. B. B. PINN, Col. 5817. 712 Kenyon St. n.w. $10,000. ON THE HEIGHTS. A. comparatively new Graver-built house, located on 18th at.; arranged for two families; ilaving complete kitchen, with porcelain sink, ~gns range, etc. There are six large rooms, tiled bath, two large rear porches, with screens and awnings, hardwood floore; hotwatt* heat, electric lighta. Buy terau and Immediate poeeeeel^. BOSS & PHELPS, Seal ton, . . .V FOR SALE?HOUSES. COBttl?i. VACANT?WHITE OR COLORED. 724 12th st. s.e. Frame house, containing R rooms; newly pa pered and painted; deep front and rear yard space for garage, will sacrifice for $2,t?00; $30 cash; $25 a mo. Ask for MR. CASHION. Mali 5070. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. A decided bargain in a strictly moden home; lit room*, 2 baths; house in excellen condition; can l?e handled on very easy terms BKASWKLL BROS.. MAIN 4116. I'ET WORTH?SEMI-DETACHED; 6 ROOM! and bath; hot-water heat, electric lights an< built-in garage. BRASWKLL BROS., MAIN 4116. HrATTSV1LLE, MD.?fl-ROOM BUNGALOW ? aouDie lot; near steam ana eiec. cars, -xnur-v I a very pretty borne and must be eeen to bt appreciated. Easy terms. BRASWBLL BROS.. MAIN 4tl6. I TAKOMA PARK. MD.-A VERY ATTBAC tive home in perfect condition; 12 rooms am bath: beautiful location; plenty of shade an< shrubbery. Price reduced for quick sale. BRA8WELL. BROS.. MAIN 4116. 1318 H St. X.W.* O-ROUM BRICK. VACANT, NEAR ALL CAI Much; large" yard to public alley. FRANKLIJ J. ACKER A CO., 1410 G at. n.w. 12* EUCLID ST. N.W., NEAR 14th ST.?EX elusive boarding house; 10 rooms, 2 batlis hot-water heat, electricity: also furniture owner retiring; price and terms very reason able. WM. H. McGHANN CO., 722 11th st n.w. COLORED PURCHASER. Take Notice. On Thomas at. n.w., 7 large rooms am bath; furnace heat; good cellar; room for ga rage. We are authorised to sell this 7-roon house for less than 6-room houses are selling A. C. HOUGHTON A (X)., 1516 H ST. N.W "We have the BEST in every section/* 6-ROOM AND BATH BRICK, NEAR K 8T and X. J. ave. n.w.; price, $3,900; cash. $300 balance like rent; vacant; possession with de posit. WM. H. McGHANN CO.. 722 lit! st. n.w. VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME ON DETACH El lot; immediate possession; 7 rooms aud bath electric lights,; garage. No. 15 7tl I st. n.e. Open. J Own your home, $150 down and $23 pe I month; two frame houses, excellent condition t gas and water; one vacant. Xos. 1113 'am \ 1113Vj 3tli st. s.e. j Immediate possession, 149 11th st. n.e.; 1 I rooms and bath; h.w.h.: elec. lights; $7,500 terms. Apply JOS. A. HERBERT A SONS, 513 E. Cap. St. CHARLES S. SHREVE, Exclusive agent, 912 15th n.w. 1211 6th n.w.?3-story, 8-room brick, am bath: $7,000. 1543 8th st. n.w.?8-r. A b., comer brick $6,000. 2 bricks. 612-614 Marion alley. $2,000. FIVE-ROOM FRAME: WATER. REWER ANT gas; room for garage; front and rear yards splendid neighborhood?Just off corner 7th am Mass. ave. n.e. Price, $2,850; $500 cash. BRICK DWELLING; FOUR BEDROOMS: LA trobe beat; house 23 feet wide; large yard t 30-fr. alley; excellent location; near Iowj Circle. Price, $7,750; $1,000 cash. 434 Woodward bldg. Main 4741. V AC A NT?SOUTHEAST. Bargain. Six-room and bath home locate! in B Rt. 9.e., near new Eastern High School front porch, large rear yard, garage. Firs time offered for sale. Price very low. Terms $250 cash, $30 monthly, including all Interest Ready for immediate occupancy. HARRY A. KITE, 1514 K St. N.W. Phone Main 4846 VACANT. $300 Cash, $45 Monthly, including all interest. Near 15th and Maryland ave. n.e.; ^ room and bath: brick; good condition. GRANVILLE C. BRADFORD. 425 'Bond Budding. Main 5593. 13 $5.500?BY OWNER; NORTHEAST; (FR003 i and bath brick: excellent repair; fine cellar electricity: garage space. Terms to suit. Im mediate possession. Call Line. 7622. 13* "FOR SALE==COU?RED^ SEVERAL MODERN HOUSES IN TH1 NORTHWEST SECTION. TERMS. $25 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY. S. A. BLACK WELL, 313 JOHN MARSHALL PLACE N.W. PHONE FRANKLIN 070. FOR SALE?1349 F ST. N.E.: A NICB HOM] of six rooms and bath, yard and alley; gooi location; price, $5,000: open for inspection. J. A. HAYDBN. 1410 G st. n.w. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, j $750 cash, $50 month; price. $5,250; seven i j and b. brick house; cellar, furnace, front an' ! back yard, garage, alley; sell to white or col lored: on L st. n.e.. near 7th; fronts south | NEWSOM. 1110 H st. n.e. Line. 2071. </ .iJitijUi' 'ObiLi nuJir.o Jnst off 14th st. cart. 1026 to 1058 Quebo pi. n.w., at 13th st. 6 large rooms, sleeping porches, b.w.h.. double floors, built-in garag with each house; elec. lights. Bollfi* owns and for sale by THOMAS A. .TAME80N Phone M. 5526. 906 N. Y av. a.W. DETACHED HOME, N.W., D. C-.?8 NIC] bright i>edrooins. unusually attractive dlnin and living rooms, with open fireplace: a.m.i. large lot. fruit, shade and shrubbery, at i price seldom offered; easy terms. Phon Cleveland 1490. ' NEW SOMES. Open for Inspection every evening nntll 1 o'clock. Come and see the most modern mm completely equipped home to be hid on Cspl tol Hill. They havs hardwood floors, bot-wate heat. Pittsbnrg Instantaneous hot-wats heater, tiled bath; differently planned fron the usnal type of home; selling at moderati price. Sample home open for inspection. Cor of Kentucky ave. and O at. s.e. For prlcn am terms see salesman on premises. CHAS. D. SAGER. Headquarters for New Homes. 923 15th st. njr. II. 86. COLORED HOME?BARGAIN. Eight-room and bath brick; locate*! In 9t] near T st. n.w.; in first-class condition; va cant: ready for immediate occupaucy; prto low; terms easy. HARRY A. KITE, 1514 K st. n.w. Phone Main 4846. FOR SALE?NEAR STATE, WAR AND NAV1 huilrl in cr* xcoll nrrtnt'prf hnniP. iv>ntllninr tei rooms and bath, cellar, furnace heat, gas light large rooms, side light; lot 23 feet front b: 144 feet deep; house on corner of flfteen-foo alley; thirty-foot alley in rear; plenty o room for garage; for sale to close an estate price. $13,000; possession with deed. To in spect, apply GEORGE W. LIN KINS, exelu slve agent. 1719 K st. n.w. 13th ST., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. 10 ROOMS. 2 BATHS, GARAGE. PRICE AND TERMS EASY. L. W. GROOMES, 1416 F ST. PETWORTH?$8,750. 4212 4th ST. SEMI-DETACHED. 6 ROOMS. BATH, GARAGE. I,. W. GROOMES. 141ft F ST. PETWORTH?$12,000. RANDOLPH ST., NEAR 5th. 7 ROOMS. BATH, (JAR AGE. L. W. GROOMES. 1416 F ST. DOWNTOWN. NEAR AVE., FACING PARK10 rooms; h.-a.h., elec. lights; fine condition $8,500; $1,250 cash, $75 month. Address Bo: 194-P, Star office. 12* TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, 1017 26tb ST n.w.; four large rooms; gas and water; 24-ft 10-in. front. For sale by owner. JOHN E. LYNCH, 2612- L St. N.W. 11* SAUL'S ADDITION ? 8-BOOM DETACHE1 all modern improvements; just completed b, owner and builder. 1236 Crittenden at. n.w 16^ VACANT RESIDENCE NORTHWEST. Desirable corner, three stories, brick an< stone construction; eleven rooms and thre baths (seven bedrooms), steam beat, elec trioity: several fireplaces; newly decorated in side and outi ready for immediate occupancy rear yard to allley; room for 2-car carafe located 19th and 8 streets northwest; a bat gain price; easy terms. HARRY A. KITE. 1514 K Street N.W. Phone Main 4844 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ? NEW SIX - BOO J modern bouse; vacant. Price, $9,250. Northeast?Six-room and bath brick dwell ing: vacant; food condition. Price, $5,000 $1,000 cash; balance monthly. CI8SEL. TALBOT A CO., INC., 1006 New York Avenue. Main 1092 ATTENTION. COLORED BOMB 8EEKEB816th and Straus ata., alx-rtwn brick kooae price, $4,000. CI8SEL, TALBOTT Jb CO.. INC., 1005 New York Avenue. Main 1092 BEFORE BUYING DON'T FAIL TO SEE 2957 AND 2969 UPTON ST. N.W. Hlfh-class, new, semi-detached brick houses 8 rooms, 2 baths, breakfast room, two flnlshe sleeping porches; carafe on 16-ft. paved alley the best value in the city. Open until 9 Owner and bnllder on premises. 13* YOU 8T. N.W.?'VACANT; 8 ROOMS AND baths; h.-w.h.: 3-story bay window brick; alle; in rear; $1,500 cash, balance arranged. D. 11 JOHNSON CO.. 1338 H st. NORTHWEST. Oh one of the prettiest streets in this d< sirable location, a very attractive colonic home of 6 rooms, bath, electric lights, donbl garage. Price. $8,250. Terms arranged. Pui chaser eonld move right" into this deslrabl home, as it it now vacant. JOHN QUINN COMPANY. INC., Main 485. 704 18th n.w. CHEVY CHAM, D. C. Moat attractive detached residence locate In a beautiful setting of ornamental evergreen nd ahrnha? larm lot also olanted in fruiti berrlee and aetected llowerst the bona* la wel arranged, haying 8 noma and bath on doora; large cellar and attic; .wonderful colt nlal front porch; Bleeping porch; honao full equipped with awnings and aereena; light* Kith electricity; heated with hot water; let n ehow you thia pretty home. a a. c. HOUGHTON * co., 1616 H at. n.w. "We hare the BEST In erery aection." gs.soo. " 700 block, hobart st. n.w. Two-atory. colonial porch, brick dwelling; rooms and bath: furnace heat; cellar; brie garage. Terms, $1,000 cash, balance monthli aTc^houghton * co., 1618 h St. n.h "We have the best In erery aection." $16,600. - NEAR DtJPONT CIRCLE. Thrae-atory Sagllah baaemaat realdence; roeu>A2 bith^Talertrlc llgktai .good aBa, room oa lot for garage; bouae In beauttt condition. A. c. houghton A co., 1818 h St. sm8 "jfa tare the BEST in ma aactioiw" FOB SALE?HOUSES. Cmtlut*. Two New Home Bargains. Pile?, $7,960?A Km a 11 cash payment and ; balance leas than rent; tt. r. and b.; h.-w. heat 0 and elec.; hardwood floor* and trim: ready to a more Into tomorrow, and located in one of the best. n.w. sections. Price, $12,500?Located near 14th at., south of Decatur; corner home of 7 r. and b.; every 1 modern convenience and a built-in garage; not t the ordinary house, but a real home. BAUMAN & HEINZMAN, 4 784 15th it. Phone Main 8500. 1 ALLISON ST. N.W. Between 15th and 18th; 8 rooms, 2 baths. sleeping and breakftet pprchea; ecreaned and ; metal weatherstrlpped throughout; install> taneous hot-water heater and servants* rooms s In cellar. Price, $10,500. Addreae Box 8-M, Star office. VICINITY OF i DUPONT CIRCLE. 1 A handsome home, situated in one of the most attractive squares in the exclusive and convenient Dupont Circle locality. There arc ten spacious rooms with very high ceilings I (one with shower); large screened sleeping f porch; instantaneous h.-w. heater; entirely screened; weather-stripped; hardwood floors - and many built-in features; modern In every * detail, having hot-water heat and electricity " with handsome tixtures. : Moderately Priced. BOSS & PHELPS, I at.i ?f 444A nn.1?/.N 1 iAA IT ci n ? - in. JM. WV. armwu. " "" OPEN AND LIGHTED. BEADY FOR OCCUPANCY. DON'T FAIL TO INSPECT THOSE BEAU: TIFUL NEW DETACHED, SEMI-BUNGA' LOWS. CORNER OF 18th AND UPSHUR ; ST8. N.W., JUST TWO SQUARES WEST OF n lflth ST. y SOME OF THE FEATURES: a Lots fiO feet front; seven rooms and two hatha (built-in tubs); four sleeping rooms; - bot-watcr heat: unusually large closets; double . . floors; reinforced concrete porches; built-in j ! garages large enough for two carat linen j closer*; built-in refrigerators; open grate flre& | place: 1'lttsburg instantaneous hot-water ; heaters; screens; shutters; built of brick with ' slate roofs. For further particulars call Main 5974. BRIGGS & MOONEY, OWNERS. 1108 16th St.-N.W. = INSPECT THESE ' NEW HOMES. Beautifully located on Wisconsin avenue. . fust south of Massachusetts Avenue Heights, la the midst of very handsome residences. * Nicely planned with large living room: hardwood floors; large yards. Overlooking _ Naval Observatory grounds. j Don't Miss Seeing These Homes Open and lighted daily until 9 p.m. ? Sample House: - 2547 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. A convenient location near the city. CHAS. D. SAGER, - i owner ana oauaer, f 923 15th St. Main 36. **Hesduusrtcrs for New Homes. FOR SALE. Well located dwelling, contslning 5 roomi. lommer kitchen and bath; h.-w.h., electric lights. On New Hampshire are. north of WasliI ington Circle. An unusual opportunity to buy I a well built frame house, with modern equipment, on easy terras. Price, $5,000. GEORGE W. IJNKINS. Exclusive Agent. E 1719 K St. u DOWNTOWN HOME. VACANT. 1746 S st.?11 rooms, 2 baths: faot-watei gj heat, gas, electricity; large, light kitchen, j servant's room and bath; 4 open fireplaces; everything in perfect condition: fine double brick garage. The best buy in Washington at the price. Inspect at once. DOUGLASS E. BULLOCH Jk CO.. 1115 Connecticut Ave. Phone Main 8575. NEW HOUSES CORNER 8th & KENNEDY. On Capital Traction ear line. rooms and bath; good sleeping porch. All other modern conveniences. PRICE. $8,250. TERMS. ARTHUR CARR, 208 MILLS BUILDING. 17th snd Pa. ave. n.w. b RUBY LEE MINAR, g ROOM 412?1420 NEW YORK AVE. ; MAIN 1145. ? DUPONT CIRCLE! SECTION: Attractive home, excellent condition; good lot to wide alley; garage; 10 large rooms and bath. Price $ very reasonable at $14,000. * WASHINGTON HEIGHTS: Desirable 10r room house, 6 bedrooms. 2 baths, all modern r conveniences. In excellent condition; owner a leaving city has decided to offer hocp at low ? figure of $16,000. You should not delay In seeing this property. Possession. 3 PETWORTH: Desirable corner. Colonial style bouse, large yard; 6 nice, large, bright rooms and bath; hot-water heat and electricity. Au exceptional buy at $10,500. h MOUNT PLEASANT: Semi-detached home near 16th street, one of the best built houses e dn city. Roman brick, colonial front porch and double sleeping porch. 9 rooms and bath; parquet floors; 6 bright bedrooms. A chance to get a real home for a low figure of $13,000. I BUSINESS PROPERTY: On Penna. ave. a running through to another street. Suitable I for any kind of business. 5-story building. [ Price only $35,000. ? lKth STREET SECTION: A folly deUcbcO 1 house adjacent to 10th street on a 60-ft. . front lot, with good depth to alley, with double brick garage. Center-hall plan, attractive brick. Colonial porch across whole front. Attractive living room, with open fireplace. Bright dining room. 5 bedrooms and room for 8 rooms in large attic. Convenient kitchen. , An individually built house for home. Shrubbery. A chance to get this house for $26,000, the lowest priced detached house In this most desirable section. RUBY LEE MINAR, ROOM 412?1420 NEW YORK AYE. PHONE: MAIN 1145. : PARK VIEW; PRACTICALLY NEW; i modern to the minute; 6-room; {tressed brick; 3 porches; extra stse ot to an alley; possession; reduced to $8,550; about $1,100 takes the equity; balance monthly. ON THIS HEIGHTS; WEST O* GA? are.; possession; well constructed, 6 r. ) and b.; modern; brick; large lot; r $7,760; about $1,260 cash; balance easy. HARVARD ST., JUST WEST OF OA. . are.; semi-detached; 6 r. and b.; mod? ern; brick; possession; recently sold ? $5,600; consider an offer of $5,000; '* $400 cash; balance $50 a month. I CAROLINE ST., JU8T EAST OF ; 16th and south of U; 6 r. and !?.; brick; just put in perfect condition; large garage; possession; will easily , rent for $65 a month; reduced to !: $5,950; about $1,000 cash; balance S easy. A ST., JUST EAST OF 16TH ST. S.B.; [. near Eastern High School; 5 r. and b.; porch front; bricks; good lota to alley; ' only $3,500 each; on very easy terms. N. E. RYON CO., INC. >1 Main 4597. 1423 r St. ! 1339 VERMONT AVE. N.W., SEVEN-ROOM AND BATH ' BRICK DWELLING; ELECTRICITY; NEWLY PAPERED AND PAINTED VACANT. IMMEDIATE POS2 SESSION. PR ICE,- $8,350. I WM. P. NORMOYLE, - 810 F ST. N.W. 'I Downtown. a Near Thomas Circle?Semi-detached bricl containing eighteen large rooms and font baths: four-car brick garage; excellent location for rooming or boardliqr boose; Sleep tionally easy terms. a Columbia Heights. $12,500. U An attractive hone of brick cenatruction 2 contain* tea large roome bad two baths, hot water beat and electricity; one eqoare from J 14tb et.; $2,000 cash, biuaace email moathlj J payments. Petworth. $9,750. Near Soldiers' Home?Semi-detached tapes ~ try brick, seven large rooms and two baths, electric lights, hot-water heat, hardwood a floors; entire house like new; convenienl It terms can be arranged. [' . Fairmont St. $6,800. _ Very attractive two-story brick bona oi six large rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electricity; recently redecorated throughout mnr vacant; Immediate pimsaelon can be had d IBB Him * MWf. COHPOBATIOI FOR SALE?HOUSES. 1 gwrttw*. _ VACANT. . ~~ 1116 D n.e.: bay-window brick; 7 larft rooms and tiled bath; concrete cellar, furnace heat, gaa light, email back yard; newly decorated throughout; new gaa range. $0,500 price; ca?h, $750; balance $60 including Interest at 7 per cent; hare been offered $05 rent. NEWSoM, 1110 H at. n.e. Line. 2071. SILVER SPRING, MD. New air-room brick bungalow, cellar under entire house; a.m.t.; sleeping porch; garage; large lot; close to cars. Price, $7,850; terms. H. M. MARTIN, j 784 15th st. n.w. Main CHEVY CHASE, IIP. Located In that attractive old section of Chevy Chase Juet north of Circle and west of Connecticut ave. Charming new home of 10 rooms, 8 bathe; i beautifully finished; hot-water beat, electric lights; fireplace; porches; large cellar; laun; dry; built-in garage; large lot with fine old shade trees; sell at sacrifice. Owner leaving city. Possession at once. A. C. HOUGHTON A CO.. 151? H St. N.W. ' "We have the BEST in every section." BELMONT ROAD. * $10,500?Near Columbia road; lovely colonial home. 10 rooms and 8 baths; 25 feet wide; spacious unrary, Deamea and paneled dining room, open fireplaces, hardwood floors and trim; four porches; excellent condition; 2-car brick garage; possession; near two car lines. c pTbarrett, M.ln 8115. 151T H St.. Boom. 18-lS lg* Near Congressional Library And House office building. A large brick , home splendidly adapted for rooming purposes. > 10 rooms, 2 baths, elec. lights, h.-wli.; garage for two cars. Price, $13,600. Easy terms of sale. Hedges & Middleton, Inc. , 1384 H ?t. njr. Phop. M.ln 1023. North Capitol and Randolph. , A well Iocs ted brick home. 6 rooms, tile , hath, very economical heating plant, rear porches, liood condition. Deep lot to paved alley. Price, $7,000 for quick sale. Reasoni able terms. Hedges & Middleton, Inc. 1334 II st. n.w. Phone Main 1028. INSPECT TODAY 2 TO 7. 3901-03-05 KEOKUK ST. N.W. 6 spaclona rms. and bath; garage; open fireplace; b.w. floors. These homes will appeal ? '3806 KEOKUK ST. N.W. S dandy rms. and 2 complete baths; stone foundation; built-in garage; h.w. floors; open fireplace. Pries and terms reasonable. ROBERT E. MITCHELL CO., 1406 Irving 8t. N.W. FOR SALE?SUITABLE FOR DOCTOR'S RESIDENCE AND OFFICE. Near War, State and Navy building. Splendid residence, containing 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, large botler's pantry or kitchenette; basement nicely finished; could be converted for doctor's office. House in excellent condition throughout. To inspect, addresa Box ft-M. Star office. WOODRIDGE, D. C. Beautiful Lome of 7 rooms and bath, gaa, electric lighta, hot-water heat. Corner lot. Price, $7,060; terms. WOODRIDGE. Cue square off Rhode Island ave., 6 rooms, bath, electric lights, hot-water heat, garage. Price, $8,360; terms. RIVERDALE, MD. Just completed. Attractive bungalow, B large rooms, bath, gas, electric lights. Attic ' large enough for two rooms. Large cellar. Hot-water heat. Corner lot, 50xlf?0. Fruit trees, chicken house. Price, $0,300; easy terms. WM. G. RICHARDSON, 225 Colorado bldg. Main 3631. CONTINENTAL REALTY COMPANY. 1 " Homes of Every Description." NORTHWEST. Near the Hadlelgh Apartment, A rooms and bath, furnace heat, electric lighta. $9,850. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Near Chevy Chase Circle, an exceptional corner home in this delightful suburb. 9 large rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electric lights. $15,000. MT. PLEASANT. A beautiful home near Columbia and Ontario roads. 8 attractively arranged rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electric lights. $11,600. PETWORTH. 1 Grant Circle locale, A rooms and bath, sleep . tng porcn, not-water neat, electric ngnta, nara, wood floors and trim. $10,750. PARK VIEW. Near Georgia are., 6 rooms and bath, farBare heat, gas lights, room (or garage. Only $4,500; easy terms. BROOKLAND. The moet attractive home in this pretty section. 5 rooms and bath, bungalow of colonial design, sleeping porch, hot-water heat, electric lights. $8,000. CONTINENTAL REALTY COMPANY. 808 Bond bid,. 14th mnd N. T. Are. Phone Main 4119 for "Snper Service." $500 CASH. Very attractive 6-rooro and full tiled bath home on Pennsylvania ave. s.e., near 15th at. 1 20 feet wide. Re papered and in perfect condition. All rooms are large. Furnace heat; full-slse concreted cellar. This property is In first commercial zone and cellar can be easily converted for business purposes. Floor of cellar la on level with sidewalk. A genuine bargain at $5,500. Only $500 cash and $52.50 1 per month, including principal and Interest. Less than rent. GOLDEN RULE. Exclusive Agent. 1205 K st. n.w. Main 5507. ONLY $500 CASH. On Hobart st. n.w. An exceptionally good house, colonial front porch, back porch; 6 rooms, bath, furnace heat. In excellent condition. Strictly white. A real bargain for $5,250. Only $500 cash and $55 per month, which Includes principal and Interest. Less than rent. Possession with deposit. GOLDEN RULE, Exclusive Agent. 1205 K st. n.w. Main 5567. Corner House?$17,500. Close to Sacred Heart Church, west of 16th at.?-3-story, 12 rooms and 2 baths, h.-w.h., gas, elect, light, garage space. Thiu Is a beautiful corner on a high terrace. Terms arranged. Kilbourne St. Near 18th. *13,000. 8-story, 10-room, well-built house with hot-water heat, gaa, elect, light, laundry, set-rant's toilet. This property is In A-l condition, with 2car brlch garage. Columbia Rd. Near 14th St. $11,000. 8-story brick, 8 rooms. 2 baths, hotwater heat, elect, light, laundry; near alley; terms arranged. 13th St. Near Columbia Rd. *11,800. Located on the prettiest st. In the city; convenient to the Arcade and the theaters; 3-story brick, 9 large rooms with high ceilings, newly decorated, furnace heat, elect, lights; terms, $1,000 cash. DAVID E. BARRY Member of BemI Batata Board. 123 R St. N.W. Vacant?Two-story brick, six extra large rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electric lights; recently papered and painted; garage; terms; call us for appointment to Inspect. 1834 15th St. N.W. Seven rooms and batb, brick, hot-water heat; space for garage; Immediate possession can be had; inspection by permit only. THE REALTY * INVEST. CORPORATION 1 or WASHINGTON, (BxeloalTO Agents), T85 18th at. n.w. , Main 2*0*. 1 A COLONIAL BRICK 6 B. and B.. PUB. HT., garage; good condition; near 2 ear lines; la s.e. Price, *8,800; terms. *1,000 cash. DAVID E. BARRY ; NORTHEAST?VACANT. Pi-tea. 15,000. Near 7th and F!a. are. o.e. ?Colonial brick home of 6 bright rooms and bath; newly papered and painted throughout; fine cellar, furnace heat; room for garage; a nice little home and we can give easy terms. PRICE, $6,750?VACANT. Near N. Cap. and Rhode Island are.? 1 Very desirable colonial home containing rooms and bath.*electric lights, excellent furnace. You should see this excellent value in a home which, can be bought on easy terms, PRICE, $4,000?SOUTHEAST. Snbetantial brick bona, occupied by owner. ' who will (ire Immediate poeeeeelon; room. ' and bath, latrobe heat, can llfht; la aood ! location; email eaah payment, balance monthly. Got oar bit llat ot port boa it anf aontbeaet ' *""hOWENSTEIN BROS. 17th and H Sts.NJE? Lipc. 897, f FOB SALE?HOTTSZ& [~~ cwttim. STONE & F/ JOHN T. MEANT, 1342 New York Ave. ON PINEY BRANCH RD., PRICE, $18,000?Army officer learlnf the city will beat section*. It Is strictly mc< rooms and bath; hot-water heat, el MONTAGUE * FRICE, $17,000?An exceptionally attreetlre hollo* bath on each floor; bot-water baa To fully appreciate the au perl or It ffiuat be laapected, WASHINGTON ruiuic, ?io,ouo?one or tn? un ooj, 1b Till iplei ronilllln* of 10 room* mad 2 batb plant' o&etrlc light,; ft rape. T oDtbie term,. CHEVY CI PRICE, $11.500?Be?t bny in Chevy Chase. A nevi heat, electric lights and gas. T1 A chance you seldom get to bny NEAR CONNECTICUT OWNER LEAVING CITY?WIL PRICE. $14,500?Ten rooms and two batha; electrii STONE & Ff JOHN T. MEAN Y 1342 New York Ave. EXCELLENT VALUES AND ] $8,850?COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. I West of 14th at,, near new Sacred ! six large rooms, tile bath, sleeping brick and tile garage. Easy terms. $7,000?JUST NORTH OF LINC Two-story brick residence, six rooms colonial front porch, back porches; ri $8,750?14th ST. TERRACE. Brick residence containing 7 rooms ai inclosed sleeping porch; open fireplfti tremely low cash payment will buy $8,500?EXCLUSIVE NORTHE Brick residence with 7 rooms and ti garage; paved alley. Reasonable ten $6,850?SHEPHERD ST.?PETA Colonial-style brick bome of 6 well alley. Close to schools, can and atoi $12,750?CORNER?COLUMBIA Modern brick residence of 9 beauttfu lights; open fireplace; apadona lawn 1 $15,500?CLEVELAND PARK. Fully detached home of 8 fine rooms hardwood floors; breakfast room; lai located. , $19,000?CATHEDRAL AVE.?"V\ aenni. _ Beautiful home of 10 rooms, Wck Bnbsta This is a real home, lu a high-clam n WILLIAM K. 1108 16th St. N.W. MEMBER WASHINGTON RI HEDGES & MIDE BEALTOl 1334 H St. N.W. CHEVY CHASE, MD. PRICE, $18,500. Delightful home, situated In that splendid section lust beyond the circle. There are 10 he rooms. 2 baths, large front and side porches; ru< also breakfast and sleeping porches; slate 2 < roof, electric lights, b.-w.h. Approximately es; 10,000 square feet of ground with beautiful pr shrubbery. Garage. Terms arranged. ga NEAR THE OBSERVATORY. PRICE, $9,750. An out-of-town owner has Just listed this beautiful semi-detached home. It is 22 feet lo< wide and contains 6 large rooms, tile bath, ro electric lights, h.-w.b.. hardwood floors, open rei fireplace in living room; completely screened, ft This Is an exceptionally good value and con- foi venlent terms can be arranged. WOODLEY PARK. X PRICE, $13,500. Near the Wardman Park Hotel. A compara- coi tively new two-story tapestry brick home el? having 4 bedrooms, including a glass-inclosed an sleeping porch. It Is thoroughly modern and re< up-to-date and baa a large rear yard with a thi brick garage. Very attractive terms. BUNGALOW TYPE. ] PRICE, $9,750. Situated in an attractive and convenient ty section of Petworth. Owner leaving city and us must sell quickly. Completely detached. Six po large rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors; large flo front porch; electric lights, b.-w.h. Lot r< 40x120 with shrubbery and flowers. Convenient terms. NR. 38th AND ALBEMARLE. REDUCED?$12,75?* to Fully detached home. Dutch-colonial type Toi with center-entrance hall; 6 rooms, tile bath; br concrete side porch; coal storage room and po many Individual features. Thoroughly modern. La Large lot with garage for two care. Owner ga anxious to sell. Will make attractive terms. m( HEDGES & MIDE MEMBERS or THE WASHINGTO 1334 H St. N.W. ' NEAR NORTH CAPE Just placed on the market; an ui dwelling; six well proportioned ro Large, bright cellar; modern hottricity. Brick garage. Price, $9,000. PARK VIEW. Semi-detached, on lot 20x90; brick construction, having six rooms and bath; hot- .' water heat, electric lights; three rooms deep e,l i and in excellent condition; space for garage; pa screens are also included. trl Price. $7,500. 197-1 MICHIGAN / Detached on lot 30x127. Brick finish; semi-bungalow type. Thr< rooms and bath on second. Open University. Will sell furnished or Price unfurnished, $8,250. $1,500 WOODLEY PARK. Mflmi two baths: well located: con anient"to street cars. Hot-water heat,' electrie lights and modern in every detail. Two- y? car garage. *? Price, $18,760. Small cash payment. 182-1 MORRIS CAFRITZ ( 913 15th St N.W. BOSS & PI $14,500?KILBOURNE ST., MT.: A Kennedy-built home and a dellghtfi There axe ten bright rooms, receptioi , baths; newly papered and painted; n I servant's toilet;, elec. Bean $10,000?NORTH COLUMBIA H , Located on a prominent avenue, on brick, having six well proportioned 1 tile hath; large breakfast and sleeplni turea; h.-w.h., elec. Built-in heated $9,350?CENTRALLY LOCATE Excellent locality, within walking brick; six large rooms, tile bath; hart 1 system. Perfect condition. Immedii $15,500?CHEVY CHASE?ARIL An unueually attractive detached bom off Connecticut are. Convenient to bath on encb floor; nil up-to-date ? Garage. Poeeeaelon and terms, $7,850?COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Hew houses, situated one square off : reams, tile bath; oak floors; h.?w.h. well worth your inspection. -a XTT??r TT A If TICIJTOU A\7 ^>9,550?^ VV XlAiTir OXX XXVX^ J-X V 7 * Owner leaving the city wishes to ma lost off Parte rd. Colonial type; si: h.-w.h., elec. Room for garage. O: $13,000?18th AND MONROE ST Vacant. Two story and attic; side lii i tioned rooms; hardwood floors; large of-town owner w-ill consider readonat $10,500?CAPITOL ^HILL?CORI Jut oS Eut Capitol at. and only a t and Booaa offlce bnlldlnae. There ar 1 bath; colonial front porch, double re BOSS & PI ' BIUTOl Tel. Wain 4340. or Tumwaw i 'aill-Az Slksi? ?J.' FOE SALE?HOTTSES. (Cwtton*). URFAX, , President. Phone Main 2424. NEAR 14th ST. CARS. sell desirable corner residence In one of the lem and up-to-date in every detail; seven Icctric light*; sleeping porch and sun parlor. fEAR 16th. '-til* faouM of two atoriaa; ma room* and it, opea drtplan, electricity, fee. Gataga. conatructloB and conTealeot arraagcBieBt HEIGHTS. Mild metften. A handsome 8-story reddenee a; sleeping porch; economical steam-heating be entire house Is in good condition. SearIASE. ' bungalow of 7 rooms and bath; hot-water iree blocks from Connecticut ?ve. car line, such u desirable property la this section. " AVE. AND S ST. i, REI.L AT BARGAIN, e light,; hardwood floor*: apace for garage. URFAX, , Pmldent. Phone Main 2424. EXCELLENT LOCATIONS Heart Church- Brick residence, two-story, porch; steam heat, electric lights; two-car OLN PARK. and bath; hot-water heat, electric lights; x>m for garage. Terms. id bath: bot-water heat and electric lights: eo; large attic; room for garage. An exthis house. AST SECTION. le bath, h.-w.h. and electric lights; double ma. VORTH. arranged rooms and bath. Good yard to res. HEIGHTS. 1 rooms and 2 tiled baths; h.-w.h., electric front and aide, rare bargain. and 2 tiled baths; h.-w.h., electric lights, ge front porch; open fireplace. Splendidly rOODLEY PARK. 2 baths, h.-w.h.. electric lights, hardwood ntlaliy constructed. Immediate possession, clghborhood. HARTUNG,/ Phone Exchange Main 372. :al estate board. >LETON, INC. is. Phone Main 1028. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. PRICE, $12,750. Cnquestionably the best offering on the Shts. Exceptionally well located. Large, era home having 9 well proportioned rooms, complete baths; front and double rear porch; oak floors, electric lights; h.w.h. Entire operty in the best of condition. Boom for race. Reasonable terms. VARNUM ST. PRICE, $9,500. Ac unusually attractive and conveniently ?ted semi-detached home. Six food siaed ?ms, tile bath, large attic, front and double ir porches, electric lights, h.-w.h., laundry cilitles. In good condition. Ample room r garage. Convenient terms. EAR 19th AND S STREETS. PRICE, $15,500. Well constructed and desirably located home utalnlng 10 large rooms, 2 complete baths, !C. lights, b.-w.h., oak floors on first floor .1 part of second. The honse has been newly lecorated and has screens and awnings noughout. Garage space. r4th AND SHEPHERD STS. PRICE, $10,950. Within one-half square of 14tb at. Colonialpe home with concrete front porch. 8 unually large bedrooms; inclosed double rear rcbes; electric lights, h.-w.h.; hardwood ors; in perfect condition. Also, has garage, sasonable terms. TAKOMA PARK, D. C. PRICE, $8,250. Very large and roomy bungalow, convenient the street cart and stores. Splendid living >tn with open fireplace; 2 bedrooms, bath, pHkfast and sleeping porches; large front rch; attic. Electric lights and oak floors, rge lot with a number of abide trees and a rage. Terms, $1,000 cash and $00 per >ntli. >LETON, INC. IN REAL ESTATE BOARD. Phone Main 1028. rOL AND R STS. lusually well constructed brick oms, tile bath; on two floors, water heating plant and elec198-1 MT. PLEASANT. Just above Florida a re. Pre-war built; fht rooms, two baths; property just related and papered, flot-water beat, eleec llfbta. A good buy At $10,000. 191-1 iVE. N.E. construction with pebbledash ?e rooms on first floor; three fireplace. Near the Catholic unfurnished. cash. Balance monthly. 193-1 PETWORTH. Detached; six rooms and bath: hot-water at, electric lights; hardwood floors; a pace r garage. Price, $9,750. Terms can be arranged. 199-1 COMPANY, INC. Main 617. IELPS, PLEASANT. xl home property In every sense of the word. i hall (seven bedrooms), two complete tiled ew roof; screens, awninfs; stationary tubs; raable terms. EIGHTS. 1 e square off 14th st. Brand-new tapestry -ooms; parquet floors; oak trim throughout; I porches, fully screened; several added feagarage. Attractive terms. D. distance of downtown. Two-story pressed [wood floors, electric lights; splendid heating Lte possession. Easy terms. \NGED FOR 2 FAMILIES. >?, delightfully iltuated and only one eqnare ehooL store, and chnrehea. Fire noma and OTauencea; hot-water heat, electric llghte. 14th at. Colonial type, box etylej ait large , elec. Built-in garage. An excellent hoy ke qaick sale of this well situated property k rooms and bath; front and rear porches; Hers solicited. \ s. |ht: eight unnsually bright and well proper front and rear porchea; h.-w.h., elec. Out)le offers on sabstantial cash payment. tfER HOUSE, NORTHEAST. ew block* from the Capitol, Library. Senate e elfht outride room* (four bedroom*), tile ?r pore be*; b.-w.b., elec. 0*r*fe. IELPS, 1406 H Sfc. N.W* mtnnw ' A . < 11. v : TOE SALE?HOUSES. ! P ETWO RTH?$8,500. CH] Facing picturesque 8e Idlers' Heine grounds, on beantifal Hock Creek Cnarcli rd.; tepee fry brick colonial home; four spacious bedroom* and Inclosed sleeping porch; h.-w.h., electric llfhte; hardwood floors and trim; excellent condition throughout. Screened all over. Owner must sell. Attractive terms. NORTH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS?$10,500. J1!, Just a few doors from 14th at. car line; LOv Kctlcslly new tapestry brick colonial te; 6 rooms, tile batb; h.w.b.. electric lights: Inclosed sleeping porch and breakfast room; built-tn garage. Owner la sacrificing at the above price for immediate sale. Attractive terms. ' MT. PLEASANT?$13,000. BR( Owner Is leaving city and has reduced this beautiful houae for quick sale; 8 rooms and bath, semi-detached brick residence on lot 24x100; h.-w.h., electriclights; in excellent condition. Reasonable terms can be arranged. This property will sell aclckly. and if yew arc Interested, deans nhnne for nnAt??mui.? 1 to Inspect withant'deiay. **" 1462 14th ST. RCh Substantially built and charminj block off 16th st.?one of the most Washington. Six rooms, every mod place in large living room; oak floor; crete front porch and very large doi inspected to fully appreciate. $1,0(X monthly payments. To inspect: Take 14th st. car to < take 16th st. bus to Spring place and WILLIAM S. P 1409 New York Ave. N. L. SANSBURY 1418 Eye St. N.W. 422-430 LAMONT PRICE, $8,450. Beautifully planned overlooking Soldiers' Home Park. 20-foot frontage. Concrete front built-in refrigerator. Ample rooi $1,000 cash, $70 per month. Ope on premises. SAUL'S ADDITION. DETACHED HOME, modem 1? erery detail MAG! and conveniently located to 14th at. car line. Nine rooms and bath; hot-water heat, electric lights; hardwood floors. Oarage. Reasonably priced for a home of such sterling worth. CLEVELAND PARK. SITC( PRICE, $15,000. Attractive residence of nine rooms and bath; hot-water heat, electric lights. Detached, with wide frontage. Room for garage. Immediate possession IT!* V hft nhtain^f TKU nMw?> and is deserving of an early inspection. 1769-1771 LANIER TWO ARTISTICALLY BUILT H( section of beautiful Washington I tioned rooms, well appointed bat: instantaneous heater. Concrete f garage. Lovely appointments thi tion. Salesman on premises. N. L. SANSBURY "EVERYTHING IN REA X418 Eve St. N.W. MEMBERS WASHINGTON REA] DISTINCTIVE i Charming lines, rare beauty and taste in dec designers and craftsmen in oar new homes on T'pahur care, they meet every requirement of construction, 1< JUST OFF SIXTEENT Delightful dwellings of tapestry brick and steel spacious hail with Roman architectural brackets at genuine fireplace; paneled celling in dining room: kitchen with all modern appointments; large pantry string stairway. Four sleeping rooms; finished attic sills; hardwood floors throughout; electric fixtures of mahogany and white finish. Doors on main floor eqi knobs on second floor; hinges and trimmings in ail instantaneous hot-water heater; laundry trays; servan space for garage. DON'T LET TODAY PASS Upshur St. Between 1st Varnum St. Between 151 EXHIBIT HOUSE: 150? OPEN AND LIGHTED C. VEST REASONABLE THE JOSEPH SHAPIE 914 New York Ave. 18th ST., TUST SOUTH OF COLUMBIA RD. PRICE, $16,000. A ? An excellently arranged three-story brick branc; with 10 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, elec- Ga. i trie light and good lot to paved alley. This moder property Is in a flourishing business center heat, and is one of the tery few pieces obtainable excell in this square. cash ./Cal CT unruTC iUUl OX. ilJLlUlllO. A few doors of 16th, near the reservoir. and !n the midst of the fine home building opera- . . tlons on 16th at., this home is beyond doubt the best value in this section. It is an ex- J* * ! ceptlonally well built detached house, about 7 years old, and has 8 large rooms and bath and Jf, large attic, hot-water beat, electric light, P**b hardwood floors, fine garage and a lovely large , lot. This property must be seen to be fully T/y" appreciated. Owner, leaving the city, will J," give possession when sold. Price, $17,000. Reasonable terms. PRICE, $14,500. NEAR OONN. AVE., in an ideal section of the city, a well built 6emi-detached horn* of 10 large rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electric lights and an excellent large lot to alley. A This property is in perfect condition, the CELL paper and painting being brand-new, and brick everything about the house being of the best, and a We can make exceptionally easy terms of pay- ceilen raent and give possession at once. terms MOORE & HIL 1420-22 H St. APARTMENTS AND HOI r-vxm P*T r AD TV ruR onL.?. ui\ ^ Modern 12-apartment bui Net rental. $8,250. Easy ter FOR SALE?10 APARTMENT Northwest. Net rer Easy terms. Trie* FOR SALE OR EX 8-apartment, moden Net rental, $3,727. P FOR SALE OR EX 6-apartment, modern build Net rental, $2,368. Terms See Mr. McGuh The Munsey Trust Company Munsey Buih Franklin 6042. After WALTER A. B MAGNIFICENT HOME. BItnated axno&f other beantifal homes in home of this type will be found on the mark Unusual circumstance* enable jou to secure this A center-entrance hall, hollow-tile constructed b baths, breakfast porches, osleeplnt porches, s equipped with all latest and modern conrenlen WONDERFUL VIEW Is obtained from this artistic home In 16th St. of stone with slate roof; unusual larfe porches; beat and all other modern improvements. Built beautiful cedar trees. An opportunity seldom c NEW HOME?REDUCED. * Owner and builder, unable to occupy, wil Chase, D. 0. Seven rooms, tile bath, hardwood and gas. Terms. Price, $11,500. VACANT?BLpOMINGDALE. Attractive two-story home in excellent con heat, electric lights and gas. Just papered an Owner, having purchased larger home, will give CLOSE INTERIOR DEPT. Bone or lnrnetmont. Klrht noma, both; <140 per month. Owner, neoOlnc money, will WALTER A. B fob bale?hours. ' * CoittwH. evy chase?$9,500. !Cot far from Connecticut are.. attrae five oro-atorr bungalow on a eery large lot. size 52x150; 5 rooms: floored attl bath; h.-w.h., electric lights; Inclosed front porch; real open fireplace; bard wood floors and many otber attracts* features. House la in splendid condition Fxnall amount of vraah required. :al northeast :ation?$7,500. Gmcr-baUt tapeatry brick ? colonial home, tboroafhlr modern; tutrdwoori floor., electric lifbta, k-wk; dooMrear porch to larpe yard with new carafe. Easy tenaa. )okland?$12,500. In the most beautlfcl residential section of this ideal snbnrb; large detached brick home, containing 8 spacious room* <4 bedroom* >. h.-w.h., electric lights, garage to match the house. Hize of lot 50xlSo; beautiful lawn, shrubbery, frait trees and garden. Hpacious front and side porch. This is one of the show placer of Brooklaud. Terme. 9 \d n.w. ?1_. C. -!. . 1 t . fl 1 - ;iy nnisnea norae, one-tiau exclusive neighborhoods in trn convenience; open fire- f s; built-in refrigerator; conible rear porch. Should be ) cash and balance on easy Dak St., one square west; or 14th st. road. H I L L I P S . Phone Main 4600 CO., IXC. Phones Main 5903-4-5. ST. NAV. homes in charming location. Six-room and bath houses: porch ; double rear porches . n for garage. Terms eas\ n for inspection. Salesman CHEVY CHASE. VIPICEST DETACHED HOME!, on To: 73il37 feet. Eight room# and two bath* hot-water heat, electric lights: hardwood floors; stone fireplace; linen clone . sewing room; beautiful solid braes ele^ trie fixtures. Immediate possession. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. ' ATED OS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE STREET IN THIS SECTION. brirk house, containing ten rooms and bath; hot-water heat, electric lights hardwood floors; servants' bath In base mer.t. Double rear porches. Two-ca' brick garage. ST. NAY. DMES in the most desirable leights. Seven nice proporh, extra lavatory; Pittsburg font porch. Two-car brick -oughoui. Open for inspecCO.. IXC. L ESTATE." Phones Main =1903-4-:;. L ESTATE BOARD. ASSETS. oration have been embodied by skilled and Varnum st*. Built with acrupuloo* station and price. H ST. ' $13,750. construction. Cement block front porci td cornices; two acta of French door*; roomy breakfast porch; epoUesa white having built-in refrigerator; wide op?>r * Appointments Include molded window distinctive pattern; doors and trim rich nipped with glass knobs; silver hexagon ver. Dry, airy cellar; hot-water beat ts' toilet. Lot 140 feet deep with ample -INSPECT NOW! h and 16th Sts. :h and 16th Sts. I VARNUM ST. STIL 8 P.M. TEEMS. iO COMPANY, Franklin 6918. PETWORTH. PRICE. $7,950. teaotiful new bonie. close to the Takon.a b of the 14th Ft. ear lino as well at t*.?e ivc car line. This house is thoroughly n. has 6 nice ro?ms and hath, hot-water electric light, hardwood floors and a-: ent lot. Can accept a* low as $1 .oyO payment, balance like rent. CHEVY CHASE. ?rely, modern, detached dwelling: or one ? prettiest streets la Chevy Gliase, Just a loors west of Torn. are. This is a real ban home. All the rooms am large, with r of light and air. There are 9 rooms, ater beat, electric light. hardwood floor*, ng porch and a very large lot. The owner sirous of making a quick sale and will ler & reasonable offer. Immediate pot n. COXX. AYE. AXD R ST. PRICE. SI5.000. VERT FINE HOME IN AN TVKV ED LOCATION. This i6 a three-story with 11 rooms and bath, hot-water hoar lanre lot. The property is in very evt condition and can be sold on very easy Immediate possession. L, INC. NAV. JSES FOR SALE. CHANGE, lding, northwest, ms. Price. $75,000. MODERN BUILDING, ital, $6,148. $52,500. [CHANGE. 1 building, rice, $40,000. [CHANGE. ing, 30th st n.w, i. Price, $32,500. , e, with ?Real Estate Dept. ling. 6 P.M. Franklin 3154. ? ROWN. Chery Chase, Md. It is seldom that a et. especially anywhere near this price, ideal home at a great redaction in price, onse. Eight cheerful rooms, two modern tin porches. Millard room. Faultlessly res. Double garage. Price, $19,500. Height*, over Rock Creek Pork. Boilt eight very lone room*, two both*; ropor -in garage. Large lot, containing man? ffered. Price. $22,500. 1 sacrifice ehorming new lwnie in Chevy floor*, fireplace, hot-wmter heat, electric dirion. Six large rooms, bath, hot-water d paiuted. Double rear porches. Garag* reasonable tc:a>s and sell for only S8.2oO. excoUrat heatiac plant. Now raatad at wll on raaaomabla terms (or only (9.000. ( ROWN, .