Newspaper Page Text
? FOE SALE?HOUSES. t Coitliaed. HOUSES $8,750? NORTHWEST SUBl rash. Exeeilwit corner; t Mw. floor*; |w5rrh?*s: every modti $21,000?BRICK HOUSE?CH Fib** s?*crl<in t'fcev.v Cli?*. 4>, I'.: front. r?-?r* lirefshtre: all Terms*. 5-10.750?I.< ) X G F K I .L< >\Y ST. T r..' K: 'j? *iorr" brick: h.-w.h./ iH>n: lot .23* 133. Interesting tor $15,000?H1I .TM'ORE NEAR 2 1?? r. tf? bedrnetnfti. 2 b.: S-'sfor trim: screen*; ^-ear gftrnge; goo< $18,000-^KALORAM'X RD. W T? r.. 3 h.F brick;.a wonderful and iTitn; screens. a wait Tor ma. . $8,650? NEAR SOLDIERS* I f*]?*e also to churches, street r I?rick: sleeping and breakfast poi unusual features. $1,000 cash; ? $20.000?C ORNER IN GEORC w $3,000 ea^K Sl'OO per mo. Vere 1*? tops coal in cellar; lot 80x13; ALLAN E. WAI 815 15th St. N.W. SHANNOI 713 14th St. N.W. JIT. PL $1: One of the best constructed new six-room tifnl section of the city. overlooking the Ro modern improvements; electricity mid gas. h heated sleeping porcli. An open fireplace and 1 SOUT $8 1.oeated only a short distance from the room mid hath home. Just remodeled and rem A 1 condition throughout. A semi-detached t gat and space for a garage. CHEVY CHASE. $12,000. Attractive, new. 7-room and bath semi bungalow, i.i a convenient location of Chevj Chase, located within short walking distant * from the c?r line; rear stores and schools Has hardwood floors and trim throughout anc: has windows in all of closets. A real buy al This price for a modern, np-to the-minutt home in a very pretty section of tlie city. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Si 1.000. Very well situated 1<> room and l*atli lious* on a corner. in :i neighborhood very favorable f->r rooming and hoarding purposes. With al ?>f the most modern improvements: new heat Jug and electrical tir.tures: front porch anr plenty of space for a garage, a real bargain ind terms can be arranged. PETWORTIL $8,000. Six-room and bath, row brick hows'*, in g?vwl whapc. House has electricity: concrete fronl and screened double rear porches; hardwood un.1 trim unit hot water hp?t 1. well I-x-ated. tipsr street car and boa line an?l convenient to stores. woor S8 In the most beautiful and siill tin mosl Work from car <-on\enient to churches t?i etely inclosed with beautiful hedges and fi wonderful. large. si\ rem.m. hath and attic Ik gu?: liot-water heat: large front and side port car garage. l>..n*t wait but give this your 1m SHANNO> 713 14th St. x.w. COLONIAL FRONT BRICK, ELEC. LIGHT, gat. h.-w.h., cellar. 6 r. and b.; rerj deef back yard: lot 19 by 03 feet to 12-ft. alley: south side I gt. n.e.. between *th and 9th: rrice. $8,000. NEWSOM, 1110 11 n.e. Line. Lt>71. P. F. CARLEY, 617 E. at. n w. I Fr. 6133. REAL ESTATE. INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Ten brick house* in the n.w. section. 6 rooms each: good rental: one large garage in rear; prh-e f..r all. $29.n0t>. Twenty-six brick houses in n.w. section, ranging in price from to each. Seven verv good buvs in houses in the s.e., : - f tl !>Tlt ?? (I -Stat raucinu >n i?rn-t- e?i.[>.. ? Beautiful hrii-k dwelling near Pension' Park. i;> rooms an?l - Imths: e\tra lab.: in spbndld condition: cimxJ yard to alley; price. Slrt.OOO, Brick hou.?e? in a good rooming house section, 17 rooms: steam heat: Terr large yard: this is a fine piece of property: price. $12,0001 P. I'. CARLKY. CO LO R ED?VAC ANT. Several 6-room houses. Price and terms very teasonable. . OWNER, P. D. HOLMES, 819 15th St. N.W., Room 23. Main 8677. NEAR GEORGETOWN. DETACHED. 7 rooms, bath. b.-w. heat, electric lights, Ks. screened porch, beautiful yard, convenient *ation. ideal surroundings; best of condition: ready to move in. Owner occupant, possession now. Want offer around $9,500: terms. C. C. LACEV. 710 14th St. X.W. ^0UT-0F-T0WN REAL ESTATE. WATRh-e HO IY1* PROPERTY* BEVSNTT ACRES OVERLOOKING SOUTH river, with about si* hundred feet of ahorej right-room bungalow, with bath and heat: tenant house; outbuildings and five hundred Jruit trees. fniorro r r.rr. lnntnAiu. MH. 11* ? ?' - - -r r AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTERSOOS. , WHOS. J. OWEN h SON. AUCTIONEERS. A Two-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 1465 Monroe Street N.W., to Be Sold at Auction. "Br authority vetted In r.s wp trill tell at tmbiic a notion, in front of the premise*, on Wednesday. the eleventh day or october. 1923, at four o'clock P.M.. lot five hundred sixty-three (r>?*3>. in square two thousand six hundred seventy-seven (2?77>. Improved by a two-story 8-room and bath briek dwelling, which is now vacant and can be inspected upon application to the undersigned. Terms of sale: Purchaser to assume an existing trust for S3.SOO.OO and pay one third ever said trust in cash, and remainder in one and two years, with Hc? Interest. $230.00 deposit required at time of sale. Conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps at purchaser's rost. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise deposit forfeited. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers. ocB.d&ds.exsu * 5TTUHR DAYS. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SALE OK VALUABLE TWOSTORY* FRAME DWELLING. NO. 1728 flth STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed ??f trust, duly recorded In Lil?er No. 4H18. folio 1CH? et acq., of the land records of the District of Columbia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises. on FRIDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAT OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1922. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land and * premise*, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being the north seventeen (17? feet six (0) inches by the full depth thereof of lot No. forty-one (41) in Wiltberger'a subdivision of square No. four . J?-1 at rw?r nla.t re corded In Liber W. F.. at pafe fifty-four 34), In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia. Terms of sale: Sold subject to a prior deed T of trust for about eighteen hundred ($1,800) dollar*: bnlance cosh. $200 deposit required at time of sale. Conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps at purchaser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days or deposit forfeited. ELLA J. JOHNSON. ALBERT J. WASHINGTON. octl-rlAAds.exSu Trustees, i . ffUJAN & .CO., X?5C.. AUCTIONEERS., ?15 S3U> 3t. TRirSTEEtf RA1.E oV*-VALT-ABI,E T^OBTOBT HWEIJ.INO. 1407 MONTELLO AVENCB NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of-trust dulyrecorded .!? Liber NOi 4267; folio -244 et seq., of the land records of tb&'District of Columbia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at fuMic auction, in front of the premises, on RIDAY. OCTOBER TWENTIETH, 1922, AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following-described land and premises, situate-in the District of t'olitmbia and designated as and being lot 29 in block 4060 of the subdivision of John E. Peall and others, as shown by the books of the surveyor of the District of Columbia in c??unty Book No. 7 at page 81. Terras of sale: All cash. $200 deposit required upon acceptance of bid. Conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps at purchaser's cost. Terms of sale to be compiled with within thirty days from date of sale or deposit forfeited and the property retold "at the cost and risk of the defaulting purchaser after ftva (5) days* previous advertisement of tuch resale in some Washington * newspaper. ----- saw* i fONM TlmLw. ? V FOE SALX-1EOUSB. Cwtiw*. FOR SALE. JRBAN. nturco over hollcw ttte; f? r.. b.; h.-M-. dec.; ru feature; let 67x115. EVY CHASE. S r., 2 b. ?1 with nliowert: h.-w.h.. ele<\: Mceh^, I modem appointment*; *J-y?r garage; lot 6.1x11)0.. NEAR 14th. elee.; bdw. tt>ors end trim; acre'ena; line c??ndtmr. . , Oth ST.' .* brick; b. w.b., eiec.; porches; hdw. floors add 1 condition. EST .OF 18th. ST. home with front, rear and uleen. porches: hdw. jgs; garage; very complete, modern residence. lOME PARK. rs and stores; high-class ft-r.. recep. hall. b.. rehes; lulw. floors: fireplace; h.-w.h.. elec. Mahy hsj terms. ;eto\y\\ desirable. 0 large r. b.; well built; slate roof; "..with garage. .KER & CO.. INC. Main 2430. f & LUC I IS, Main 2345. EASANT. !,230. 1 and bath houses now on the market, in a beaurk Creek Fnrk. Has the very latest and most ot-water beat, hart!wood floor* and trim and a beamed ceiling io the dining room. Also a garage. HEAST. .000. Capitol and the House office building; a seventvnted; new iieating and lighting fixtures and in irick house, with liot-water heat, electricity and NORTHEAST. $9,400. In perhaps the most convenient part of the r northeast section of the city, only a block off ? three different car lines, located on one of the prettiest streets in the northeast; a corner* 1 house of 9 rooms ami bath, of brick eonstmet tion. Having the most modern of tmprovef nients, such ss hot-water heat and electricity and gas. It is a real buy in this section. TAKOMA PARK. $8,700. | A real good, attractive, .j-room aml**h*th J detarhed home on a spacious lor. Has a garage and is entirely modem: hot-wate^heat, elec[ triclty and ga*: front porch; scree?! and hanlwood floors and tritii. Is in first-class con in ton anu i hi into isu iPus*ssiuu in ue ' CHEVY CHASE. $18,500. I On large lot with ?'rfVfoot frontage: an Rroom and 2-hath, 2-atory, cellar and finishod I attic home. in a most convenient location of I Chevy Chase, In g'>od condition; has a largo side porch, garage and is modern in every detail. Immediate possession will be given. )RIDGE. .50?. t convenient location of Woodridfe. only a half and stores. On a large lot. 40x129 feet, commit trees, bushes and a large grape arbor. A ?nie. in tirst-olass condition, with electricity and dies and hard it nod floor* and trltn. Also a twoitnediate attention. ; & LUCHS, Main 2545. [ AUCTION SALES. niTiitti PAvs. THOS. J. OWEN ft SON, ACCTI0NEER9. TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALT7ARLE 2-STORT FRAME DWELLING. CONTAINING 0 ROOMS AND RATH, HOT-WATER HEAT. ELECTRIC LIGHT. SITUATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HOLLY ST.. BETWEEN , 14th AND 10th 8TS., SIXTEENTH STREET HEIGHTS. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated July 1. 1922. belli* instrument No. 93. recorded July 14. 1922. among the land .record* of the District of Coinbihia. and at the request of the j parties seeured thereby, -the undersigned tnis' tees orlll sell at public auction, in front of the I premises. on TUESDAY. THE SEVENTEENTH DAY. OF OCTOBER. 1922. AT FOUR O'l UM'K i P.M.. the following described land and premises situate in the District of Columbia and l*lng lot 43 in square 2737 In the subdivision made by the Lynchburg Investment Corporation ?>f parte of the tract of land called "Girl's Portion," as per plat recorded in Liber No. 42, folio 8, of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia; said subdivision cow known as "Sixteenth Street Heights." Sr. Meet to hulldlnff restrictions and cot en ant a of record. Terms of sale: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $2,000.00 and the amount over said trust to be paid $1,000.00 cash and the remainder In monthly installments, full particulars of which will he stated at the time of sale. $250.00 deposit required upon accept! ance of bid. Conveyancing, recording and revi enue stamps at purchaser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days after day of sale or deposit forfeited. ROBERT I,. McKHEVlvR, EARL E. GOS8. . Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN & BON. AUCTIONEERS. Trustees' Sale of Valuable Improved Real Estate, Known as the 'Brighton Apartment Hotel, Situated at 2123 California Street, in the District of Columbia. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dulfr recorded, in Liber No. 4X73. folio 478 et seq., of j the land records of the District of Columbia, | and at the request of the party secured there| by. the undersigned trustees Will sell at pubi lie auction, in front of the premises, on TUBS-' DAY. T1ID TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF , OCTOBER. A.I). 1922. AT HALF-PAST FOUR "O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described lnml and premises, situate in the county of Wash! ington. District of Columbia, and designated i as and being lot numbered one hundred and i ninety-three (193) in Harry Wardmdn and' 1 Thomas P. Bones' subdivision of parts of lots I (14l\ Mrti^oon /ITi ?rw> ? - /to. I in Presbre.v and others' subdivision of \and ! now known as "Washington Heights." as per 1 plat of said first mentioned subdivision reeordj ed in Liber 88. folio 05. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. subject to building-restriction line, as shown on said plat, together with the im' provements. conatating of the six-story and I basement apartmeftt hotel building, j Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase > money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal I installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $10,000 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc* at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within twenty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of snch resale ift some newspaper published In Washington, D. C. JAMKS D. HOUR*. CARDNER L. BOOTHS. ocll-d&ds.exBu Trustees. TH08. J. OWEN & SON* AUCTIONEERS. TRUBTEE'B BALE OF THREE UNIMPROVED LOTS IS THE REAR OF NOB. 1112. 1114. 1110 TWENTY-BECOND STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded In Liber 3271, folio 23, etc.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned surviving trustee will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1922. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and being lots fifty-eight (58), fifty-nine (59) and slity (60) In the Washington Loah j & Trust Company's subdivistoh of original lot* one (1) and twenty (20) in squire fifty-due (811. Terms: All cash. A deposit of $250 fe- I quired at the time of salt. Conveyancing. , recording and revenue stamps at purchaser7! cost. :.rathi. it ap. fomrikrf with withm 15 days from day of sile, otherwise the property , ha r??nlrl at *? ? 1 defcuftlhg puWtnis*r after adverfcle*jseut of such re>tLe lh aome newspaper In . Washington, D. C. Farther particulars at titoe or tale. . . ^ . JESSB W. HAWL1N08, C. CLINTON JAMBS, Surviving Trustee. Attorney for Holder of Note. oc5-d&ds.ex9n ADAS i. WB8CHLEN, AUCTIONEER. OAKLAND COUPE BY AUCTION TO PAT STORAGE AND REPAIR RILLS. On SATURDAY, OCTOBER TWENTtEIOHTH. IKfi, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOOK. We will (#11 by public auction, at Weachler'a, 920 Pa. nan. n.w., the following automobile, to enforce our lien for atorage and other chargea: One Oakland Coupe, Serial No. 3 It'll, Model 8ft, a to red with ua in the name of Nathaniel B. Perry. Partlea intereated pieaae take notice. Teraa: Caah. ^ . MANHATTAN OARA8B, BAfro oell,28. . .. AUCTION SALES. FIIT1HB IIATg. g|j C. G. SLQi 53 tel ; (NllTinit . 300 Carpets From a Prominent Local 1 : AT PUBLIC AtSli 715 131 Friday, Octol at 10 J TERMS: CASH. C. G. Df-n-at THOS. J. OWEN A PIN AfCTIONEEHS. TRtTSTEES' SALE Of A ALFABLB lM- I PRO V Efl REAL EST.ViE. KNOWN AS PRRMtSES NO. 8903 ALTON l'LACE NORTH WHET. By virtu* of a certain deed of trust recorded September 14, 1921, in Liber No. 4595. at folio 192 et *eq.t of the land record* of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1922. AT FOURTHIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following real estate, aituated in the District of Columbia nnd designated as lot numbered two (2) in block thirteen (18) in George A. Armes and others' subdivision of part of tract of land called "Friendship," now known ??* Artnslelgh Park." as per plat recorded in Liber County No. 7. folio 147. of the records of the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia, said H block 13 now known for purposes of asseba- /( merit and taxation as square 1778. I Terms or sale: Haid property in somen to \ a prior deed of tr??t securing an indebtedness j of $4,750 and will bp sold subject to said deed of trust indebtedness. Of the purchase prl<*e over and above gald deed of trust one third is to be paid in cash nnd the balance in two equal installments, payable In one a^d two years, with interegt at the rate of six and one-half per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. se- t cured by second deed of trust upon the property sold, dr all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200 will he required at the time of Bale. All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser Terms of gale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise deposit will be forfeited and property . reapld at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after fire days' advertisement of such resale In some uewspaper published in Washington, 1). C. U. PERCY McfSLtTE. = 1412 Eye street ilw., j B. FRANCIS SAT J*. { 503 E street n.w.. I oc3d&dsex?u Trustees. J ADAM A. WESi tiLEK. AUCTIONEER. [ ! TRUSTEES' SALE OF THREE-STORY BRICK i DWELLING. NO. 1308 8 STREET NORTH t WEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated March 24. 1922. and recorded March 29. 1922. 1 as No. 17." among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trus- ( tecs will offer for sale, by public suction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE I TWENTIETH DAY OV OCTOBER. 1922. AT ; FOUR THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following I described land and premises, situate In the i city of Washington. District of Columbia, | ! to wit: Part of original lot 2 In square 238. i ! improved by promises No. 1309 S street north- j | west. * I I Terms of ?;ale: Subject to a prior deed of trust for $L<M)M at (i per cent, dife March 2<>. ! 1925: 1'alance cash. A deposit <?f ?3(*j required } of the purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing. recording, revenue stamps and no tarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to Ive complied with within SO days from day.of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve tlie right to resell the property at the risk and coat of thP defaulting purchaser, after 5 days' advertisement of such resale in some news- 1 paper published In the city of Washiftttnn. D. C. EMANUEL HART8TALL, CHAPMAN W. FOWLER. ?clO-dAds.exSu Trustees. I ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. 1 Executors' Sale of Valuable ~ Business Properties; No. 717 7th Street northwest: f Northeast Corner 6th and 1 E Streets northwest; also . Brick Dwelling No. 55 Eye Street northwest. 1 By virtue of authority Tested in the undersigned under the last will and testament of Anna Lynch, deceased, administration. No. 27972, the undersigned executors will offer for sale by public auction. In front of the respective premises, ON MONDAY. THE SIX- t TEBNTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1922. the fol- 1 lowing described real estate, situate in the I city of Washington, District of Columbia, to C wit: r AT 3:80 O'CLOCK P.M. 0 Lot 808 In square 454. 23 feet front by 109 t feet depth to 30 foot alley Improved by a t two-story and cellar brick building, ,No. 717 " 7th st. n.w. AT 4 O'CLOCK P.M. , Lot 807 in square 488; 24.2 feet front by 45 feet depth Icomer 0th and E sts. n.w.), I unproved by condemned brick buildings No*. 315 ? to 317 E* st. n.w ! AT 4:30 O'CLOCK P.M. Lot 23. square 022. 20.6* i feet by 147 fe#*t ; to alley, improved by 10-room and bath brick l dwe'ling No. 53 Eye st. n.w. J Terms: One-third cash, balance in two equal ! installments, payable in one and two years. | with interest at 7 per cent per annum, pay- i able Semi-annually, from dSy of sale, secured j Dy Cieea or irusi upon mr prop**ri.? auiu, vi all cash, at the option of the purchaser. de- i poait of $1,000 on 7th at. property and $300 ? each on the other parcels required at aile. All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps and , notarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms of 1 sale to be complied with within thirty days | . from day of Bale, otherwise the executors re- ' serve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in the city Of Washington, D. C. WILLIAM E. SHAFFER. 1712 lftth st. n.w., JAMBS J. KILROY. ' 108 Eye st. n.w., oc4.dAds.exsu Executors. 1 ADAM A. WE8CHLER, AUCTIONEER. ! 1 ?- i TRUSTEE'S SALE OF PRINTING MATERIAL. fly .rlrtue of a certain chattels deed of trust dated October 1, 1921, I will sell by public auction, at Weschler's. 920 Pa. nve. n.w., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER FOURTEENTH. I 1922. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK A.M.. Hallo. I Jobber 8x12 Printing Press, Type. Type Cases. Stitcher, Stone, Motor and miscellaneous ; Printing Equipment. Office Furniture, etc. ; Terms: Cash. * ROBT. H. KANTZ. Trustee. 2 ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. " MAXWELL ROADSTER BY AUCTION TO PAY 8T0RAGE AND OTHER CHARGES. ?- " * ??mr\ t v nr*rnnrp 'PU'PVTV. I UU nan ni-ni, vr*. ? ....... _ EIGHTH. 1922. AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOOK. wp will sell by public aac. Hon, at Weschler's, 920 Pa. ave., n.w., one Maxwell Roadster, Serial No. 101859. to enforce our lien for storage and ?the'* charges. In the name of Mr. Sparrow. All parties In- 1 terested please take notice. J CAPITAL CITY OARAOE. j : 410 8tto at. p.% | | THOR. J. OWEN A SON, AUCTIONEERS j TRUSTEES* SALE O?" VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY, BEING FRAME | DWELLING NO. 1117 ldth ST. N.W. j By Tirtue of a certain deed of trust duly I recorded in Liber ^No. 4348, folio 454 et sea-. { of the land records of the District of Colnm- , bia, and at the request of the pirty secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises. ON THURSDAY, TUB NINETEENTH DAY OF j OCTOfifcR, A.D. 1922. AT POUfc-TfilRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following descrilwd. land and premises, situate in the District of Colnm* . bia. and designated ns and being parts of orlg- I inal lots five (5) and six (8), square three * hundred frtrt.t-on# (3411; beginning on 11th s*.* Aft* (80) feet north from tlife southwest corner of said lot nrifnbefed fife, <ffft thence ' north cm .line, of said street fourteen (14) ^ feet: thencp ?enst one hundred (100) fept; thence south fourteen (14) feet; thence one. hundred, (100) feet to the beginning. .Terms of s^e: Sold subject to a prior .deed of trust foe. tl.000.00, balance cash. A de- ' posit of $200.00 required it time of sal#. Con- I veyancing. recording and revenue stamps at .1 ' purchaser's cost. Sale to be closed wlthli. } ! thirty days-or deposit forfeited* ->r v ^ ocio.dAdt.exsu Trustees, j ADAM A. WB8CHLKH. ACCTtOXEBR: Attorney'* Sale of Valuable Six! Room-and-Batb Bay-Window Brick Dwelling, No. 3621 10th | Sf N.W. Bp Virtue df authority Vested In the utderi T i? ??i- k. ' ' ?**.*mrn?ti II 2 AUCTION SALES. Ptfl'HE HAYS. \N & CO., INC., UCTS., 3.h Street i and Rugs rlotel tad Other Sources AUCTION 9 >an s hSt ber 13, 1922 SLOAN & CO.. INC.. AUCTS.! I - i ADAM A. WESCHLKK. AUCTIONEER. ; 5XE<'!'ToRfc rale oe two rtort brick ' DWKLL1NO, NO. ISH7 SHERMAN AVE NCR N.W.. AIaSO UNIMPROVED LOT ^ ADJOINING ON THE NORTH. RUN MM; \eBACK To ?th STREET. R.v virtue of authority vested in the under- 11 Inifrt hv tlio Inwt will unci tsttninsnf of M#p- , I :ie Shughrue Condon. deceased. administr.* Ion No. 2S277, Y lie undo rule nod executor* will | iffor for aalo bv public auction, in front of the remises, on WEDNESDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF OCTORER. A.D. 1022. AT "OCR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following lescrlbed land and promises, situate in the Ity of Washington. District of Columbia, to vlt: l?t 141 and the north 10 feet of lot 140 n Wright and Dole subdivision of Mount Pleas int. ns per plat reeorded in the offlee of the urveyor of the District of Columbia, in D!sr!**t Rook No. 1. folio 59. except certain parts is were included in the widening of Sherman ivenue and 9th s*r?-?t. now known for titration mri?oses as lots ?1M? and ><91, In Btpinre 2KS2. mprored by brick dwelling. also lot ndjoinng on the north, running hack to 8th street. Terms of sale?One third cash, balance in me an?l two years, with Interest at tl per ent. secured by deed of trust upon the prop, rt.v sold, or all cash, at the option of the pur baser. A deposit of $S<MJ if sold as an entirety L md $200 on each parcel If sold separately re- rs luired at time of sale. All eohvevanring. reordiiig. reTenue stamps and notarial fees, at he coat of the purchaser. Terms of sale to >e complied with within .'to days from day of ale. otherwiae the executors reserve the right 0 resell the property at the risk and cost of he defaulting purchaser, after Ave days' ad ertisement of such resale In some newspaper iu Wished in the city of Washington. I). C. FRANK P. KEKSIDE. WILLIAM II. MANOGCE. rwft Kt w-utora. J RESORTS. ATI,A*TIC UTV. _ _____ ; SA/ATKIISS' !. Carolina Ave. near Reach. Running water J n every roots. Private hatha. Personal Uirec- J ioa LINTON B. ARNOLD. I 1 ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. | ! | Directly on the* Ocean Front I j I Tha American Plan Hotel par-excellence 5 I of the Atlantic Coast. I i | Brick Garage on WALTER J. BUZBY. 5 j ' I hotel property Owner and Manager ||/ ?^TRAYMORE *'? ??* I 7i v\r/rte fH.-xro! trroct CALVERT ! firylnia Ave. nr. Beach. GEO. PRITCI1ARD. UAKI'KHH r EKKi. X%. VA. HILL TOP HOUSE Tarpers Ferry, W. Va., now open. Try It. fog will not regret it. T. 8. LOVKTT. Prop. BE RMIDA. j Hotel FRASCAT I?Bermuda 1 A most delightful water front locution. Cooi j ireezes. Bermuda's flnest sea bathing free o guests. Boating. Fishing, Tennis, Dancing, j wo golf courses coavenlent. Open all year. ' ?sr+? ft'*1* I1: "21| HOVING. PACKING & STORAGE i RED BALL TRANSIT CO. Notional Household Mover*. 4 Woodward Blrfg. Phone Main 2162. Branch Office* in All Principal Cltlea. WE HAUL * "urniture and .freight every day ta and from laltimore; bonded help: reasonable rates. R. awrence Plummer, 2fcl2 Sherman ave. n.w. _ 'ol. 40MPW. 14* :lean. but stoke for furnitirb j, nd pianos. Estimate cheerfully given. Con- _ enlent location. WESCHLEtt'H. 020 Pa. ave. i.w. Phone Main 12*3. united STATES STORAGE co. moving, packing, shipping. , 'hones m 4220 V fireproof. ^?2X106-1 fin. AreolaV jr. W. 1EPARATE ROOMS, $1 .JK* F Local and Lone Distance MOVING. 3r Careful Men. Rates Reasonable. PACKING BT EXPERTS. Goods Insured tt.000 while In onr long-distanoo van*. EDUCATIONAL. ST. ALBANS < The National Cathedral School for Boys n REOPENS SEPTEMBER 17 | rhe Bishop of Washington President of the . tX Board of Trustees. . _ William Howell Church. A.B., Headjnaster. a Boarding and Day School for Boys. . HOCNT SAINT ALBAN. Washington. D. C. j iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimh ; 4 STRAYER'S. K Business College ^ J 2 Specialized commercial S * 2 courses; proficient teaching S - staff; individualized class in- g q Z struction; refined school spirit; 5 f Z modernly appointed school ~ 2 building; select positions for B 2' ail graduates. S? ^ z Nationally Accredited ~ : Stenography?Commercial E z Secretarial?Civil Service 5 5 Spanish by Native Teachers = 1 Day and Etching Sessions 2 j 2 Pictorial Catalog at Request S j E 721 Thirteenth St. N.W. |; E MAIN 3430 E Z P.-1. Herman, Prts. Z "In the Heart of Washington." ? ^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf? ACCOUNTANCY Offers exceptional opportnnltiea to ambition* men and tromen. REGISTER NOW FOR Day And Evening Classes! PACE INSTITUTE I 715 G 8T. N.W., Corner 8th and G Sts. j ? Columbia Kindergarten Normal School. teopens October 4. For information call or ddress 2115 California et. SABA Ja. IJPPINXOTT. PrlncgaL GREGG |l Beginning Shorthand Oct. 16 Low Tuition, Erifoll Now Thorough Instruction DRAFTING Architectural, Mechanical Complete Courses 'Individual Instruction ' i< Rapidy Advancement ENROLL NOW 1736CSI. YMrAOpento M. 8250 IlTl^Awoawa fj 1 EDUCATIONAL. The Tempi Shorthand am Invites You to a free SH0R1 By Mr. Ftfcd ItlWni House of Re On Thursday. At 8 O'Cl. Women's 22 Jacks Hotels Need Ambitious Men and Women 2SBT Over 600 Hotel! No* Build- - I1B11 inf in the United State*. C Prepare now?lie read*? ^a * aa to fill a position in tlila rich, aa a la iincrowded field of big oppor- as a i? i tunitlr*. Our school endorsed ? a ?* \ --our students employed b* * a (a A hotels everywhere. Enroll- V n , // tnent includes free life uiem- . ? , ? i ber*h!p in our National Kui- c ? * ^ plovment liureMti. ? m J Free Lecture?open 9 A.Iff. .. _ .. to 9 P.M. Special Class Now . * \ fohning. I? " ' LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING . ** * " SCHOOLS? Vr ; a national institute fer Hotel and Tea Room train! nr? L&A... } 1324 New York Ara. < 3jB{n Clifford Lewi*. President ESaBfl-L> Columbia! school of DKAr I1INU Roy C. Claflin, Pres. 14th & T Sts. Phone N. 272 Learn Drafting and enter ] this profession of good pay j and congenial work. j DAT OR NIGHT SESSIONS i INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTIONS ] COURSE IN 3 TO 9 MONTHS I Full Information on Request | ! Get Latest Catalogue ENROLL THIS WEEK j ^Washington. IT School tor Secretaries ; The meaa'ire of woman's Independence la j ?r developed ahility to successfully fill rs- | wnsible iMialtions. Here intelligent joung j omen prepare for lucrative positions. A ' lect school. Ml# V 81 M.W. Mils Mp I WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW Co-educatlonal TvrfBtT-aevfiith Year Opens Sept. 27 at 7 P.M. Tuition. $85 Per Annum Sessions, 5:15 to 7. P.M. Confer* Degrees LLP.. LL. M.. M. P. L. Office Hours. 11 A.M. te 6 P.M. 1315 K Street Phone Franklin 45IS WOOD'S SCHOOL | .111 l;A*T I'APITOL ST. ill Commercial Branches One Month, Day, $17? Kvrning, $8 j After seven monthly payments next flee i onths axe free. .incoln 38 38th Year NATIONAL P/MJAAI riKTP jtnuuL ruiEi & APPLIED ART 'fcM.t M<IIO\r. nirn-lrtr. Unln 1700. i Conn. Ave. and M. Free Scholarship 'or the ?ight-Month Course in the Children's Saturday Morning Class Children, age 9 to 16 years, nay enter competition Sat? irday morning, October 14, if 9 o'clock, at the school. Send for information. Study Art With a Purpose" D*y and Evening Classes Children's Saturday Class )ur 8th-Month Professional :undamental Course fits you o accept a position in Inerior Decoration, Costume nd Textile Design, Color or 'ommercial Advertising. Classes Now Forming National University j Law School 814-820 13th Street N.W. 54th Year Begins October 2, 1922 Classes ?:M PM. to 8:30 PJVl. Secretary's office in the school building now open for registration. For catalog or other information, write or telephone Main 6617 or Franklin 2909. ?Jfafrtttoitt fecfjool? FOR (URLS 2107 S Strfeet N.W. prfipafcafory and graduate: courses fill term begins Oct. 4. Tel. North SMS rRADE SCHOOL FOR THE AUTOMOBILE LARGEST SCHOOL III fHB EAST Courses for Garage Owner?. Salesmen. Electrician?. Mechanic?. Titfcanizers, Etc. i Day and Svaninc Classes. American Motof School 811-1623 You St. Phone North 10400. A ccountancy Per aei Ereelcg Clanet Pereonal Direction of Bdtttn C. DoSooitl. latioatl School of Commerce L MSA 1418 r St. N.W. EDUCATIONAL. e School of d Typewriting , t Illustrated Lecture on HAND J, Official Reporter, presentatives, , October 12 ack at the City Club on Place FIRST GRADK CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINAtlnn, departmental service, Nov. 4. Motli men lid women. Plterlal nrennratlon dav and niefit Th? I'ivil fcprrice Preparatory School, ?.e. ror *"d r *** n.w. Franklin 20-ifi llffllllSlllllltlllllllllllBlllllllilll STEWARD SCHOOL (Arrrrrtltrd) The L&rgest and Best. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Will Form Monday, October 16th For the Following Courses: SECRETARIAL STENOGRAPHIC BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING CIVIL SERVICE CALCULATING MACHINES. Catalog sent upon request. Steward School, 1202 F St N.W. Sfala s?Tt and Main Tit IP IHIlllilll i ~ " i Miss Madeira's School 1330 19th St. N.W. Seventeenth Year Begins i September Twenty-Ninth Lury Madeira Wing. A.B., Vassar Head Mirtress LUCIA UALE-BARBHR A nrngreaaivf tionic and d*r pchw-L 1R14 l*1 liefmont rd. Kindpr;rartpn. French. Music in ail Kradp^. 11 Rythmic physical rminina Lum-heon. Supervised recreation afternoon*. Mrs. Mary Gale Dayis. Principal. Ph. Col. 7378. P FRFNfH Taught ny Native Teacher a GEORCJES H. POPLIN. 1517 H at. a.w. Main 4W4._ The Miwes Maret,French School 1724 Connecticut Are. Twelfth Year. Opens September 28. Aye, b to 17 Years. PROFESSOR D'OUAKIL Hon Resnmrd His ln**e* in FRENCH Plus a Liberal Education ELEMENTARY?Mondays and Fridays. II A.M.. ? ami 8 P.M. INTERMEDIATE?Mondays and Fridays. 12:15 and 5 P.M. ADVANCED?Tuesdays and Thursdays. 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. LITERARY?Tuesdays and Thursdays. 12:15 P.M. Private lessons and coaching for consular examinations. Moderate tuition fees. 1018 VERMONT AVENUE Belweeii K nttd I. St*. N.W. Phone Main 2175 SHORf STORY WRITING Miu Mabel Dill Contributor to Pictorial Review, Woman'* Home Companion. Delineator. Physical Culture. Current Opinion, Woman's World and many others. Her pupils are pelling their work. Join Iter class and learn to coin YOtfR literary talent into dollars. Mondays, Oct. 9 to Jan. 22, 8 P.M. 1715 Eye St. N\W. ' Circular! at Rrentano's and in Woodward & Lotlirop's Rook Rapt. For further information phone Miss Dili. Columbia 6681. QPANKU school of jrAlllon WASHINGTON Prof*. from Spain?Conversational Method Rapid Progress. 1310-17 F ?t. B.t. M. 0880 ; .. ' . MUSICAL INSTRUCTION WASHINGTON ?*??? lwh COLLEGE^ mi OF MUSIC ! Primary and Advanced In All Brandea PUBLIC SCHOOL Ml'SIC STELLA LiPMAN~ Piano Teacher. Accompanist. Pupil of Karl fviindworth, Berlin. , Residence. Studio. Crapk. .7929. 1764 K nw. 17' HENRY H. FREEMAN Twenty-fourth Season in Washington. I Art of Org:an Playing. I Instructor in church organ pitying In tht Washington College of Music. Organist and director of the choir ot 014 St. Paul's Episcopal Churep. I Pupils prepared for church and theater Work. | Season Opens October 2. ! Only promising ahd serious minded pupili ! received. Exceptional practice privileges on two BM : modern organs. Send for Prospretna. 1609 Columbia Road N\W. ' Telephones: North 8973 and eveniagi Colum ; bit 516. | BAINBRIDGE CRST ! Distinguished Authority on I Voice Production and Interpretation. ! Studio. P723 Ontario fd. Tel. Adams 683. WASHINGTON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 1408 N. H. Are. M. 7838. AU branches, Eyren W. Whitney?Voice. i?< pAf, IA 77 mabo on KAU-JAA.if.1 saxomioi?B PMtitlly taught beginner* In 20 lesfton* Adttnred cour*e for pliers. Booklet sent free. CHRI8TEN8EN SCHOOL OF POPULAH MUSIC, MOl llth it. Colored Branch, 309 "C* t. n.w. North 9628. Phone Columbia 3123. TENOR BANJO ssr the Rorflhe Clnhe. established un. WALTER T. HOLT STUDIOS PHONE COL. MS. 1801 COL. BD. . i - v-:-. .. S's J STEAMSHIPS. I Special Sailings Oct. 21?*nv. S.S. Henry R- Mallory ,"??!? New Steamship rut. 1?sm. i THESE oil burning stenmen commodations and are 1 coastwise travelers for their se standards of service. T?r.?ii m ? ? vw m i " The Atlantic City o The Mailory Line it the "cool, comft tourists bound for Galveston or en Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona or To Ker West, The Miami, Palm Beach and other Flor reached by Mallory Line via Key 1 Oversea Railway. Fast Through Paeeei Service to all Point* MALLORY STE A. W. Pye, P. T. m. P | VIRGINIA "1 BEACH Directly on Atlantic Ocean || Has no otjual as an? [J I ALL-YEAR RESORT | Jnet cool efufnfth in lio* xrt?arln?p nd vrmrm enough in cold wetther HOTEXSandCOTTAOES UW!K AI.L THE THAW ! NEW YORK AND BOSTON BY SEA | Infortnafion and T.ttaratnr- at Citr Tickat OfBoa 731 15th St. K.W. Woodward Buildin(. j| NORFOLK & WASHINGTON | IjJ STEAMBOAT CO. j| ! 'J^mmNEAN I 1 , ADRIATIC {.24.H1 torn) I j y~A L Jin. 6. Feb. 24tk 1923 | /3 J\ LAPLAND (29.365 ten) |/?yi Jan. 18, Mar. 10. 1923 ! |rOK j World-famous for steadiness* ? 71? de luxe quarters, cuisine and fUM service. For travellers of discrimination. Ample time For . ^ A" delightful v isits ashore. Itlnirmrj: MadAra. Gibraltar. Algiers, Monaco Cthe Rrvferal, Naples. Alexandria 'for Egypt j end the Nile\Haifa for Jerusalem,and Athens (Phaleron Bay. 'WEST INDIES MEGAN TIC UQfiOQ ton dkpl"*m**tL Jan. 15. Feb. 17. Mar. 22.1923 Magnificent cruising ship of admirable construction for tropic voyages. Premier ?HD> steamer to tne West Indies* df/V v Nates 1250 Upwards *^L..dX Itinerary arranged by Crulso \ 0 Department of more than 25 \ years experience in the West /VKa1 J Indies. From New York to Havana. Haiti, Santiago* U IS | Kingston* (Port Antonio), y 1 If ! Panama Canal (Panama */[ \ \f J City), La Guaira (Caracas),. HX. \ ft | Trinidad (La Breai, Barh#.V?j^ \ j dos, Martinique (St. Pierre), ? ^""1 ^ f : St. Thorns*. San Juan, Nas- \ sau, InqutTtfot Booklets and Deteil^^formaHen 1 l&WHrri Star Link et v hid Star Line */ 1208 F St. IS.W., or local agents. EUROPEAN HOTELS. 7| CEO ( [Ai 'THE "CECIL" is the h i KJ! A for business or pleasure ' > \/; <1. Visitors hare the advantag ' ( ju address with a reasonable i ' t m fl. The service is quiet and un V /J always fully efficient noth v Wj.; in comfort or conveniei |/ii cuisine is perfect let; ITriM ?r all* H ?* Manmfi I ry!; ClNs: " Ocelis. Lo? / H t& / n:ag|HL^9iP>4^ i ?- ' _ MUSICAL INSTHtlCTION Von Uwchuld U nivertity of Music, Inc.1 Df?ree? ?' fi?c?elof. M??ttW, ttortar ( Habit4. Preparatory school affiliated. I It*) r St. N.W mono Main 8194 j 1644 Colombia Boat. Pboae Col. 2742. i 17' ..'. ..;... a* - * STEAMSHIPS. To xTexas By Sea of S. S. Comal II? Ilec. 2 > S.S. Concho 15 i San Jacinto ?t?IlM. 13 ? afford a wide range of acmown everywhere among aworthy qualities and high ireston f the Southwe*t" irtable way" for business men or route to other points in Texas, the Pacific Coast. > "Ocean City" ida points also are conveniently Vest and the famous panoramic nger and Freight in the Southwest LAMSHIP CO. j ler 36, North River, New York r\ fURNES.S- k BwA Under Uontr?>'t with ltmur*lu (run. 8 Day Tours, $83.00 Including All Expanses Sailings Twice Weekly Via f'stlat al. Twiii-Kfrr*. O ' linrmn* S. S. "Fort Victoria" and S. S. "Fort St. George" llarb 14/NM) Ton* l?i*p!iirfniriii. From >rn York E?fry Wed. A ?>nf. From Bermuda K?erj Tuen. A >ai. Special Holiday Sailings leaving New Y??rk !?? < L*?i ?:ir| :vi for I'lirlstina* or N?*W ^?*ar in lt<-rmu?ia Bermuda offers all outdoor sports Modern Hotels No Passports Book Now for Winter k Holiday Sailing*For illustrated Jlookiet* writs* t<? Furness Bermuda Line 84 Whitehall St.. New York Or Any Tourist Agent. # f 1 iy^aliforftia MM thru the iLtiidVr ma Canal -,j PPwl Make your || plans today for t h i s splendid 5,000-mile cruise Ship and that rivals a Sail By European tour Pacific Mail ?at one-fourth the cost. Through the Panama Canal to Los Angeles H ami San Francisco. Ample time if ashore for sixhiseeinf; at Chins- || tubal an?l Balboa, Canal Zone: I Corinto. Nicaragua: La L.ih*?rta?J. || Salvador: San Jos?*. flualemala: ii end Maneanillo. Mexico. Fast II in.000-ton American steamers that I afford every comfort. Low first class fares. Steeratrc. $100. Sailings From New York PASSENGERS?FREIGHT s. s. con URI\ OCT. 2A S. S. Vrnenuela S. S. Ecuador \OA . 7 \OV. 2S Also Additional Freight Sailings Approximately Every 10 Days. All sailing* fr'.m Pier 4-".. North Pixer ?Near Christopher S:.?. Now York. Ticket* an-l information fr-un a ii v Steamship. Tourist or Railroad PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. 10 HANOVER SQUARE NEW YORK (j 1 - ? 111 . ir,=T.' tiiiik * .?? < i?..w . 2."1. 1 ROUND THE WORLD "EMPRESS or FRANCE" 1S.4M tiro*. Tor4 MONTHS' CKP1SK. $1,000 and up Including Ho tela. Fee* Drive*. Culrte*. r*<Clark Originated Round tlie World Crtii?ea Clark's IPth Cruise, February 3. 1!l23 TV,V MEDITERRANEAN ' EMPRESS OF SCOTLAND*' 25.000 Orsss Ton. DAYS CRUISE. $? *> and up Frank C. Clark. Times Building, New York Oher'a S. S Agency. 1 Woodward Bldg. r ineiuy murm ? v.. *'? ? *"'? EUROPEAN HOTELS. ijf X L 1 ' ) ub of London \ ^ '* ? , . . iK ) r-C e of the right \ V I tariff. pj 7 ^ obtrusive. ret (Vj ing ia lacking A ^ \ nee. and the yr >, fkrlkturif. m( ? '1 W * 11 - ^ MUSICAL INSTRUCTION The Lovette School o! Music Wit N 81. ?.?. WMlilattM. U. C. inrphonr ftnrth 84tT T. S. LOVETTE, Pianist-Director, "TNtUr of latarnattoaal XapnUtiM" Bolma Brown Piano aaoiataat Slutr* HiUjar Piano uiutllt Call or phono far information, A ' '