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WEEKS TO ACCEPT STATMBIIE British Presentation Delegation Will Arrive This Afternoon. UNVEILING IS TOMORROW Former London Mayor to Make Formal Donation, Judge Alton B. Parker to Preside. The British delegation, which is to make a formal presentation of the Burke statue tomorrow afternoon, is expected to arrive here this afternoon. Tomorrow, after a short sightseeing tour in automobiles, the delegates will attend the unveiling of the Lord Bryce bust at 11 o'clock at the Capitol. The delegation will then be entertained at luncheon by the British ambassador and Lady (reddes, going from the embassy to the unveiling of the Burke statue at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at Massachusetts avenue and 11th street. Sir Charles Wakefield, former lord mayor of London, will deliver the presentation address. On the morning of October 13 the delegation will be taken to Mount Vernon on the President's yacht, the Mayflower. The visitors will leave Washington that afternoon. Judge Parker to Prealde. Dr. G. C. F. Bratenahl of the Washington Cathedral will deliver the Invocation at the Burke unveiling". Alton B. Parker, chancellor of the Sulgrave Institution of tfre United States, will preside, and make the Introductory remarks. Miss Freda Wakefield will unveil the statue. Also, the national anthems of the two countries will be played. Floral tributes then will be placed. Secretary Weeks of the War Department will accept the statue in behalf of the people of the United States. Rev. John I. Barrett of St. Patrick's Church will pronounce the benediction. Music will be furnished by the United States Navy Band. A patriotic concert will be given between 2:30 and 3 o'clock by students of the Thomson and Franklin schools. Committee of Sponsor*. The sponsors committee for the Burke unveiling consists of the fol lowing: Arthur P. Adams or ivansao City. Mo.; A. C. Bedford and James Brown of New York city; George Hum ham, jr., of Philadelphia, Pa.; Joseph G. Butler, jr.. of Youngstown, Ohio; Louis It. Cheney of Hartford. Conn.; Barron Collier of New York city. It. Fulton Cutting of New York city, P. S. dii Font of "Wilmington, Del.; P. A. S. Franklin, Elbert H. Gary, Waiter Scott of New York city, Ambrose Swasey of Cleveland, Ohio; Charles H. Swift of Chicago, 111., and Charles Phelps Taft of Cincinnati, Ohio. The British delegation will consist ; of Sir Charles Wakefield, bart., for- i mer lord mayor of London, and Lady j Wakefield and Miss Wakefield; Sir! Arthur Adlington Haworth. bart., JV1. P., president Manchester Chamber of I Commerce, M. C. Mansfield, College j Oxford, junior lord of the treasury, | *-tc.. and Ladj' Haworth; Harold' fl'ii?nr and author: Sir Wil- ' liam L??*tts, hart.; H. S. Ferris, pub- i licist and director British Sulgrave. J pecretary. Watson chair, American History Foundation: Hon. Lucien Turcotte Pacand. government leader,1 Canadian house of commons,, and . Mme. Pacand: Ideut. Gov. and Mme. MacCallum Grant of Nova Scotia, | representing: the Dominion of Canada, and the Hon. D. B. Edwards, acting high commissioner for the commonwealth of Australia to the United States. JURY DUTY CAUSES MAN TO END HIS LIFE Colored Man Found Shot. Leaves Note Explaining Reasons for Seeking Death. "This jury duty is too much for me. 1 cannot eat or sleep. Slay Cod have mercy' on me as He always has done. I am so nervous 1 do not know what 'o do except go to my Slaker. Farewell. all." The foregoing message was in the room of William Henry Ricks, colored, thirty-seven years old. 1523 Church street, where Ricks was found yesterday morning, suffering from a serious bullet wound In the region of his heart. Rlcks died at Emergency Hospital this morning. Coroner Nevltt gave a certificate of suicide. Sealed messages, addressed to Ricks' mother, in Newark. N. J., and W. A. ? T 1 Runt 11 tv. i>v? n;, iiiuuoiiiai ? **and IJ streets, also* were found. They were turned over to Detectives O'Brien and Livingstone after the man was raken to Emergency Hospital. Ricks, a paying teller In the Industrial Savings Bank, had served on the jury in Criminal Court since October 3. He had told friends that the Jury duty made him nervous and he felt that he could not remain on *uch duty during the entire October term of the court. Louise Johnson, cousin of the teller, and her husband. Charles Johnson. In whose house he resided, heard the report of the pistal. BAN ON BURNING LEAVES. There will be no burning of leaves on the streets or open lots of the city during the fall season, if Maj. Daniel Sullivan has his way. He called to the attention of the police today the provision of law prohibiting this practice and directed a strict enforcement. MOUNT VERNON AND Alexandria, ronnd trip.... _ Arlington Srtde Trip. ^^A 10c additional. H V M fit Electric can leave 12th H Ha and Pennsylvania avanoe /ml Hi northwest on the hour and HH Ha half-hour?0:00 a.m. to 8:30 v p.m. Running Time?50 miantes, Washington-Virginia Railway Co. a?? iuib wi. m % ACa 11 - OAA A.I foiag noiei, ouo 9tn SUMMER RATES Phone Main 8108 $T room., M wMkly; I1S.M roans. $8; $14, with toilet, howor and lavatory, $10; $ la room, to par cast mora. Roohm Like Mother Uaed to Keep mmAmp * A. ROBERTS T V| I 1 CONSTRUCTION 1111 CO.. INC. ( 21 I 1 Buooewori to V J Prenten A. Roberta Vbi I The Mnnsey bldr. 1 ? Main 1770. Builder* of ths "IDEAL" Garage?considering quality, the cheapest In the city. Bomember the name?ROBERTS, lit Powi. Bib Moith?Cuh or Ttraa Whom This May Concern Gentleman, with 20 years' experience aa house manager, open for engagement. Can furnish references aa being sooer, honest, reliable and energetic, also to my ability. Capable of managing the house for any occasion. Wall posted o? the market. Addrmt But Si P, Star Oflct ? tJ A New Pied Piper Needed in Rat War at Capitol WANTED?A rat killer, who can also find and remove them after death; permanent employment; apply Elliott Woods, architect of the U. S. Capitol. This appears to be an actual prospective position, as Mr. Woods must get rid of the hundreds of rats and mica that frolic about the historic building; and the Senate and House office structures day and night. He must get a man who can not only iiiji me rodents, dui wno can searcn them out after the ghost has been given up and take th?m to the proper place. There must be continuous warfare, and -therefore the Job la permanent. The following- recent developments are responsive for this latest step: Just before Congress adjourned an appropriation of $4,500 was authorized to exterminate rats, mice and roaches in the Capitol and the Senate and House office buildings. The war of extermination was begun. It proceeded with good results so far as the roaches were concerned. But the rats proved another matter. Senators and members of the House still in Washington and Capitol employes making their way through the depths of the Capitol building in recent days noticed a disquieting odor. Inquiry developed the fact that holes were becoming rat cemeteries. The rat catcher was told this would never do; that the rat must be killed and also removed. When he found this could not be done he threw up his hands and quit. Now a new rat catcher must be found. many1B?ses arraigned in court Fifty-Three Defendants Demand Jury Trial When Called Before Judge Hardiscn. The first business disposed of with the opening of the United states branch of Police Court yesterday. Judge Robert Hardlson presiding, was the arraignment of fifty-three cases in which the defendants stand charged With violating the national prohibition act. Assistant United States District Attorneys Frank J. Kelly and David A. Hart handled the cases. Those arraigned arc: Louis Gold, Louts Gritz, Kdward Blight, John Kvans. John McCoy, Joe j Edwards, Allen Colbert, sr.; Allen Colj bert. jr.; Rose Dudley. Genevieve Coleman, Ross "Watson, Elizabeth Haley. Claude Bradford, Joseph Burch, Joseph Taylor. Violet Jones, Elizabeth McKenney. Eleonora Porter, James Bumbey, Kelly Smith, Benjamin Coleman, James Armstrong;, Edward Wormley. Fred Williams, Thomas Fells. Andrew E. Schroff. Abraham Litvin, Elizabeth Motley, Fred Owens, Fannie Snowden, Rosetta Allen. Elmer E. Piper. Phil Adams, Edna Bouise Goldsmith, Carmine Davede, Walter Peterson, Edward Wayne, Verling Harris, Bernard Corridon James P. Behey, Clarence McCullough, Richard Smith, I^ouis Turner. Edgar W. Price, Joseph Aragona, Clarence It. Myers. Alphonso Benedictti. Grace Benedictti, Harvey B. Chase. Thomas Lee Lomax. Joseph Fletcher. Samuel Robinson. In each case the defendants pleaded not guilty and demanded a trial by jury. Each of the defendants is out on bonds ranging from $500 to 52.500. Here are fifty-three cases to be tried by juries. The best that can possibly be done is to try three cases a day and that is high speed. The whisky cases have two days in each week, Wednesdays and Thursday, for jury trials, with a short part of the morning hour. Tuesdays, for the arraignments. To this fifty-three cases now docketed there must be added the thirty-eight cases up for arraignment tndnr With H a nraonn* | facilities it is impossible for Assisti ant United States District Attorney I Kelly to clear the docket, instead i each week adds many new cases to ! those already on the docket. ! WOULD ADJUST TROUBLE OVER LIQUOR SHIPMENTS Secretary Hughes and Secretary Weeks are endeavoring to settle the controversy that has arisen between the Republic of Panama and the authorities of the Panama Canal Zone over the refusal of the latter to permit the landing or transshipment of wines and liquors in that zone consigned to Panama. That action taken under the prohibition law virtually prevents the importation of such stores Into Panama, as the United States controls the docks and towing equipment at the Panaman cities at both ends of the Canal Zone. \_-ui. jiurruw, ru>cmiui ui mo zone, has conferred with Secretary Weeks on the subject and it is probable that the question will be referred to Congress for solution. HJNK of Us ?if you need Blank Books we carry the kind you want. ?. Morrison Paper Co. low Pm. Aye. 1000 Bi&QUALir sheets in Eaci h>n m V> R l| You may buy eithar of these ins that you are getting urn means exceptional ECONOR FORT ORANGE This'is the big selling STA1 1000-sheet roll that is made fa new, clean, sanitary materials quality at a popular price. CROSS CUT A 1000-sheet roll of Toilet Ps Sper is a little finer grade tl ange *od the sheet is a little This Week Dealers are displaying these two brands i dows and on their counters to remind you prove for yourself the QUALITY and I of either of these two? R. P. ANDREWS PA 727131 -V INFORMAL EXERCISES : FOR COLUMBUS DAY ;y ' i '?*? " National Catholic Dramatic Guild to Present Thr^e-Act Tomorrow Bventhf. ; '' \ Columbus day, which will be ob served lnrormally in (Washington tomorrow, will be featured by a threeact play, "Columbus!" to be presented In the auditorium* of Central High School tomorrow night at S . o'clock by members of the National Dramatic Ouild of the National Council of Catholic Men In conjunction with the community center depart" ment of the public schools. The title rule, Columbus, will be payed by Joseph Anthony Atchison. Other principals In tho cast will be Madelyno O'Brien and Teressa Crosson, formerly with the Garrlek Players. > An editorial on Columbus, written by Ira Bennett, will be read by Frederick Stephens. An address will be made by Miss Cecil B. Norton, general director of the community center department. Others who will take part In the production are Miss Helen Mullane, Joseph T. Fitzgerald, John Spreckelmyer, Hugh Hutchinson, Frederick Roy, Kdgar H. Lake. Philip Hufck. Francis A. McCann, John O'Coiinor, John Burke Walsh, Richard E. Walsh, Edward B. O'Brien, Francis A. McCoy, Leo V. Glorious and John Gallagher. The public is Invited to attend the exercises. WOMAliilRI BELIEVED CAR VICTIM District Supreme Court Auditor T?- 1 l.t. ikiivvAcu i/uwu ujf auwmobile. Mrs. Margaret Hill. thirty-two years old, 205 Llnworth place southwest, was knocked unconscious by a street car at 5th and 1a streets early Monday night, according to a report. She was taken home in an automobile, the driver of which. It was reported, refused to give his name. Her condition improved and It is believed she will recover. Investigation was made by police of the second precinct. Crews "> of street cars passing the scene denied knowledge of the accident. The automobile of Herbert W. Martin, 48 "H street southwest. Monday night knocked down Herbert 1m Davis, fiftysix years old, auditor for the District Supreme Court, at 14th and Girard streets. Mr. Davis was thrown to the street and his legs hurt. The injured man, who resides at 1241 Girard street, was treated at Emergency Hospital for bruises and a torn ligament. JUDGE LECTURES GREEK OFFENDER ON PATRIOTISM Juuge Robert E. Mattingly, sitting on the District of Columbia Police Court bench yesterday, injected a lecture on patriotism into the trial of Christ Pappas, a Greek, before lining mm fiv ivr uiouiuwij vwtwuyv and 15 for stopping a pushcart between the street curbing and a street car loading platform. Judge Mattingly discovered Pappas was a Greek. He addressed him and several other pushcart merchants on the stringency of the Greek situation. He asked them why they did not sell out their businesses and return to their native country, where the support of every Greek In the world against an invasion of . Turks, was urgently needed. Tho j court elaborated on the theme. He j queried for reasons of the Greeks | here in not joining the Grecian colI ors to repel Ottoman invaders. Pappas listened attentively. He j took the stand and started firing i words with the rapidity of a vocal 1 machine gun. He sought to inform the court that he was as loyal as any Greek ever born. There could be no question as to that But he added, he has a big family in this country, and asked how can he go hack. He started to shake the family tree and to enumerate the horde of relatives dependent upon him, but he was stopped before he got very far along in hie reply. Week End Offer of ROSEMARY FUDGE 49c Lb. Blackistone'g ROSEMARY CANDY SHOP 1403 H ,St., Xnt Flower Storo Jst? j > C 1000 (Mi Ujjj i brands of Toilet Paper knowisual QUALITY at a price that 4Ye \ **v ' ^DARD, am pure, ' High A. P. W. PAPER CO. (MAKERS) ALBANY, N. Y. iper?the ' *US5?3r b??Fort v&dfe/ PER CO.t Distributors th-Stiw* _ | Right and Wrong * ?-?i > Last week some fiend in human form worked off on me a phony buck, and wrath rose in me like n storm, i- strongly yearned to run amuck. "Ah, wen," I sighed, when cooling down, "all is not lost, there's hope ahead; there's some poor fish in this man's town who'll fall for this bum coin of lead. The grocer's1 eyes are weak and dim, he'd never wise up to my game ; I'll shove this Kncrtte ntnnlr nn him?hn'l! n m unr WVQWa ? mm-** mm ?v 1 va I know from- whom it came." First | impulse always sways me thus, for | self-defense is in me born; I must get even with the cuss who steps upon my choicest corn. JBut second impulse comes and swings my mind around when I. get cool; it is the outcome of the things I learned at home and Surtday school. "Some guy has wrought me ill," I think, but that's no reason, sound or true, why I should seek some other gink, and play a scurvy trick or two. The grocer is an honest wight; and it would be a rotten dfal to take advantage of his sight, and sting him with this pewter wheel. I'll meet him oft in future days, and if I pulled so coarse a stunt I'd always dread to meet his gaze, I'd surely show a guilty front. So I will throw this buck away. I'll drop it down in yonder well, where it can tempt no other jay to hit the path that leads to Hannibal, Mo." (Copyright.) WALT MASON. Made Up to a New High K^Smoke B|pf A Thoi H ?fu JSijij Nobles, 1 SSSf I Snkl Ever Jl! Henry I , 508 9th Ij^ AfciH ftfjDi ^?? ?Choose Yi ?upon it inquire a bit as to 1 has accomplished?and t "Murco Lie has to its credit?and tical reason for preferrii It applies most satisi for durability it is rem; surface?altogether, it Paint?known far and i Paint?which makes it in the end as it is in the "Murco" is 100% linseed oil, Japan driei service. Any qu every < E. J. Mu 710 12th St. N.W. Commercial National ' . Set Pace $1,1 START ten deposit i ed for $] with $1,< from da] under 01 INGS PLAN. * QAt the average a monthly deposits ? collect $1,000 cas <| Should yon not your deposits the surance Company pay $1,000 to wh< * 1 M. aL.S ' iiaic, una iu iiui m ingi balance credit ^Thrift and protei one monthly dep< each $1,000 INS PLAN unit. Fori gladly given. torn m National ?$ Banki| Capital and Snrplu# One Deposit Sa\ TODAY'S AMUSEMENTS. GARRICK?Grace George In "Ti Love," performance at 8:10 p.m. KEITH'S?The Eddie Foy Familj vaudeville, at 2:15 and 8:15 p.m. BELA8CO?"The Rltz Girls," am vaudovllle, at 2:15 and 8:15 p.m. > COSMOS?Bert Earl and GirlsBobby Nelson, vaudevlllf, at 2, 6:8 and 9 p.m. STRAND?"Sparks of Broadway, vaudeville, at 2:10, 6:20 and 9 p.rr , OA YET*?"Youthful Follies." a 2:16 and 8:15 p.m. RIALTO?Prlscllla Dean in "Unde Two Flags"; photoplay, at 11;20 a-m, 1:30. 2:45,- 5:20, 7:40 and 9:40 p.m. David Pesetzkl, pianist, at 3:80, 7:2 and 9:30 p.m. METROPOLITAN ? Norma Tal madjje, in "The Eternal Flame," a 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:25, 6:25, 7:30 am p.m. PALACE?Alma Rubens, in "Th Valley of Silent Men," at 11 a.m 12:40, 2:25, 4:20, 6:05, 7:45 an: 9:40 p.m. COLUMBIA?"Manslaughter" (sec t>nd week), .at 10:66 a.m., 1, 3. ? 7:10 and 9:20 p.m. HELD FOE GRAND JURY. James Thompson, colored, charge: with assault with a deadly weapoi on James M. Tannehlll, 1354 C stree northeast, who was cut In the fac by Thompson, was held for the actio: of the grand Jury in the Unite: States branch of Police Court toda; by Judge Hardlson. The bond wa set at $500. There was nothing 1: the evidence to show why Thompso: should have assaulted Tannehlll, a the men did not know each other. Standard Cigar Quality Winning Tip DEER HEAD oughbred Cigar varying Quality! 0c; Napoleons, 15c (2 for 25c) ywfiere?Ask Your Dealer T. Offterdinger Manufacturer i Street, Bet. E and F >mor Loafaa-Hife Briar 'Pipes BnokeiV Accessories our Paint?, s merit? what this or that paint :hen see what [uid Paint" youH find every pracig "Murco."' factorily: it holds fast? irkable; it protects the is a truly wonderful vide as the "Life-long"' the most economical? beginning. pure?lead, turpentine, r?thus it gives 100% antity; : o 1 o r. rphy Co. Main 5280 i I Insured Savings Plai the 5 for D00 lay with an $?.ZO and you are head1,000 savings goal, K)0 Life Insurance f you are accepted ir INSURED SAVge you make 120 >f $8.20 and then h. live to complete s Continental Asof Chicago will jmever you desigs added your saved you here, ction combined in. >sit of $8.20 for irmrn cs a irrarn c* IUIUiU OATinbS ther information ercial HSR 14th St. jiiillik . A - at G S^F $1,475,000,00 i?#?' and ln?urei ' - .. > ; . , V" - ; '"V- v ... v.- . . :iV. AMUSEMENTS. / ? M I * CRANDALL'g j ;= METROPOLITAN SS K AT TENTH?I | - THIS WEEK o SS 10 <30 A. M. TO U P. H. JJ* Pint National Prnenti I NORMA s | TALMADGE t mam with Conway Tearle and a 4 wamm marvelous cast in the ?umarnn preme triumph of her mbb carter, the j I ETERNAL = rmmc J52 6?ADDED ATTRACTIONS S JJJJ KOTB?L?it shewing ef the 1 pm Feature Begin* at Si30 P. M. =niiiiiiiiiiiiimiiir I I^COSHDSMl 1 DOUBLE SHOW ?><* 2 VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAY "Burt Earle" First Washington I] and Girb - Sh^"s , Bobby Nelson Zane Grey * j ?S&y GOLDEN i . c,?- DREAMS in "Daddy" Krmftlrine LoJS,and Claire Adam. ! "Maxine and Carl Qantvoort ! Bobby" "Cook and Vahuulw Also tomedien, CFHUIl Chats and Weeklies, j %mESIDENf PA AVE., T""~ tWnSBjji ws Best Seats I1SS M MOORPS RIALTO s 11 A. M?AM, m-EEK-n P. X. I ?? GLORIOUSLY MAGNIFICENT ?=: Universal Presents j 1 PRISCILLA I DEAN E=3 In a Superb Adaptation of p=3 Ouida't Romantic Novel I UNDER I TWO FLAGS H crADDED ATTRACTION** !l DAVID PESETZKI I ==ag Celebrated Russian Pianist I I== Appearing Daily S.SO. 7.S0, V.SO p.m. \ I I = Orchestra Subsidiaries IBllllllllMlllllll I ! TC NEXT WEEK~W* i I MOORE'S RIALTO Sim AT o SHERLOCK! HOLMES I BPW?WBPBW'l'B'r HHHHHHHB I AMERICA'S FORE*VST alt UK in I FICTION'S GREATEST ROLE | ( Hubert W W""?" Dm. MUMH ADDirR Hixlita, UoUKSO AKKIWn Mat. Thura., Mo ta |LM GRACE GEORGE With Mannaa Tram and Bahart Wknriek In "TO LOVE" NEXT WEEK Beacoa's Tint Xasieal Event SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH A Musical Cemady of Manifold Charm Cm. MacTarlana, 01*a Stack. Harry Holly. J. Harold Marry, Elaaaor Griffith, Hairy X. Morton and ZaUa Bm all and Croat Slnrlnc Organization. " f HAIL OBBEBS MOW?$3, P.H, (A , r 1MB M. m m jrorooa^? ' ' . v . \v*. . -J- - AMUSEMENTS. Special Filr PRINfFtt 1119 H st- R E- 1 I AUltLiM NORMA TALMADGE. In < "DE LUXE ANNIE." Third Episode of "IN THE PATH Ol BUFFALO BILL." * CRAND ALL'S THIS WEEK?NORMA TALMADGE. with CONWAY TEARLE And * marvelous cast. . in "THE ETERNAL FLAME." And a Love Fantasy. "THE ENCHANTED ) CITY.*' an artistic getn. Added hits. . PR ANrtAI I 'CTkrntrr. 8th * IB S??. (.iuuu/au. o today asd tomorROW?STAB CAST. In "THROITGH THE | ' STORM." And BOBBY VERNON, In "PARDON MY GLOVE." pn ANrtAI I 'Q savoy theater! LlYANUALL O 14th c. R4. | MAT. 2 P.M. PAII.Y: 3 P.M. SPSDAY. TODAY?GLORIA 8WASSON. In "IIER, GIRDED GAGE." PAUL PARROT. In ; "FACE THE CAMERA." And PRI7.MA. "RUNREAMS." Selection. "SHUFFLE j ALONG." DANIEL RREE8KIN, Con _ duotor_ Augment*^, j I XOMUKKUW-JAftB in THK I ROSARY." And JOK ROCK. in "SOLID !' IVORY." CRANDAU'S MAT. 2 P.M. DAILY: S P.M. SUNDAY. TODAY"?GLORIA 8 W ANSON, in "HER GILDED CAGE." PAIL PARROT, in "FACE THE CAMERA." And PKIZMA. . "SUNSHINE GATHERERS." TOMORROW?JANE NOVAK, in "TIIE ROSARY " And JOE ROCK, in "HIS WEDDING DAZE " CRANDALL'S MATINEE SATURDAY. 2:00. TODAY- WALLACE REID and BEBE DANIELS, with CONRAD NAG EL. in I "NICE PEOPLE." TOMORROW?MARY MILES MINTER. in j "TILLIE." And BoBBY VERNON, in ! "BUCKING BROADWAY." | PR A Nil A Y I 'Q YORK THEATER LIWU1DALLJ Ga.AT?.Adarbe?St. MATINEE SATURDAY. 2::0. TODAY?STAR CAST, in Return Enpapement by Ilequent of "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING AUTHUR'S COURT." 1 by MARK TWAIN. With Mutt and Jeff ; Cartoon Comedy. TOMORROW?BETTY BLYTHE, 111 "THE QUEEN OK SHEBA." | CTpANh ?fh and D strefta N-w& 1 lulliD Continuoua from 12 m. to 11 p.m Five acta Loew'a Better Vaudeville and ' flrst-run photoplay. ALICE LAKE, in "KISSES." TWo SHOWS FOR PRICK OF ONE. | OLYMPIC 14S1"35 v 8lpeet HLimriV RICHARD DIX. BETTY COMrSON and JOHN BOWERS, in "THE BONDED WOMAN." From John Flemirz Wilnon's Rtorv. "The Salvinjr of John I Soiners " And HALLRooM BoYS. in "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER." . gggg=g B.F. KEITH'S 2, nin? 3iu eiia urn jmsm ?W"6.IB nUU?M<?.ia FOUR STARS ?Post. EDDIE FOY and the Younger Foys The Dainty and Artistic Virtuoso MISS PATRICOLA SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION Davit' "LA PARADIS" , ORCHESTRA of Noted HoiicUns Lorraine & Cagwin With Margaret Daviea in the Comio "MOTH ft FLAME" Adaptation Rostock's Riding School Featuring Lillian St. Leon and Five Circus Eiders in "HOW C IB CCS BIDEBS ABE MADE" Marino ft Martin, Jewell ft Bita, Mac Sovereign ft Co. Buy Earlr for Early in the Week Phones, Main 4484, 4485 and 6823 | n LOEWS mm [|: I Pa lac b | S Cantliinena. 10:84 a, m.?.11 p. m. s I TODAY AMD ALL WEEK |i "THE VALLEY A 1 OF I I SILENT MEN" I i; sj A Story of Life and Love ? ! glj In the Great Northland jj?j I JAMES OLIVER 1 CUR WOOD I With ALMA RUBENS ? Cart? Sew Topics S 1 Symphonic Overture g fg msmimm | a LOEWS I | COLOMBIA ? M <3??ttoa?Bi M:S? A. M.?11 P. K. g M SECOND GREAT WEEK H I I CECIL B. 7T7 I 1 DeMILLE'S /4r / t | GORGEOUS /*y I | mmvyg/ I 1 /^/THOMAS 1 I at/ meighan 1 B / and 1 I. /"/ LEATMCE I 1 r / JOT 1 1 A Ptramonat Picture ? 3 Prom the fanou aorel by 3 1 SHUBERT CSf&SS.*. I Twin biitr. 1:15 ?< lis ssrd^uvnrf'srs -wit*? HARRY COOPER Is Combination wltb Vanderille^n Favorite Entertainers EXP A2 CITY QUARTET XI, WELL WOOD'S (ft Melody Charmers). TEED BLORDtZX and His Broadway ftaxo Sextette. SHADOW ft McBEZL. LEIOHTOH ft PBTTIT (featuring Baby Josephine), Ella Golden. Phil White. Sid Marlon, lames Oagney. Mats. *-? Nttes 2540 Jfe. 2541 nXXX WXEX?-Hallo, Sew Xort" a The Law of Concentration First of Fonr Lectures on The Laws of Mind By Viva M. January Tonight, 8 p.m.t Mute, 7145 800 Homer building, 001 13th St. Tickets for Free Will Offering GAYETY r.V" Smoking Permitted Big Gtrleogne Show "YOUTHFUL FOLLIES" ' ; \ AMUSEMENTS. ?, n Features DUMBARTON "THE LOVES OF PHARAOH." HIPPODROME ?* ?cYuX^ "THE TRAP" TOMORROW?"THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APO< A LVPSE." KAPHA PI at o Street N.W. iv/u nnui today and TOMORROWEM!!* JENNINGS. harry LIEDTKE and dagny 8ervae8, in "THE LOVES OK pharaoh." I YRir l^th and Irrinf Sta. S.W. 1*1 SUV MONROE SALISBURY. In "THE GREAT ALONE." _ rupipC Mil H Street N.K. Limine ALL-8TAB CART. In "BLUE MOUNTAIN' MYSTERY." A LHO COMEDY. AMFRIfAN lat ^ 1- Are; mULIUVAil MARY ROBERTS RIM'. HART'S Famous Story. "THE GLORIOUS t FOOL." With IIELENE CHADWICK and RICHARD DIX. I | RPR TV North Capitol and P Sta. L1DLH1 1 EUGENE O'BRIEN. In "JOHN SMITH." riRri P 210? Pju A ve. Ph. W. S53 UAVLL DORIS MAY. "UP AND AT 'EM." I UftMP 12S0 C Street NX KlUXtlCi KATHERINE MACDONALD. in . "HEROES AND HUSBANDR." PV VTP 14th Street and R. I. Ave. V*-**** MAE MURRAY and DAVID POWELL. In "ON WITH THE DANCE " larw TKIPATPR 535 Stb St. H.K. ntll inLHILH MARGARET BEECIi ICR, in "81 N8IIINE HARBOR." Ard Clianu of the "NORTH AND _HOrTH/^ I FADFR Street Near E Continuous lO a.m. to 11 p.m. NORMA TALMAIKIK. in "THE PROBATION WIPE." CHARLIE CHAPLIN, in "HIS NIOHT OCT." PAROI IN A ***** * c- Ate. S.E. LAI\OLUl/l LON CHANEY. in "THE TRAP." Also Path* News and Literary Dia<-Mt TopioB. NEW STANTON AGNES ATRES. in "THE LANE THAT HAS NO TTRNISG." Snul? Pollard Comedy and Latofet .N>wg. oarauoN JACK HOLT, in His Bicgest Paramount SArm*. "WHILE SATAN SLEEPS." B-Cinninjr Saturday. HODOLPII VALENTINO. in "BLOOD AND SAND." FAVORITF H st lBt n^ ** * vrai.i a ma TODAY AND TOMORROW?HAROLD LLOYD, in "GRAND MA'S BOY." F -~ ? UKRAINIAN National Chorus CMklietor Alexander Kocheta America to hear Ota moat artistic and pnicue organisation of ita kind la tha world. Two ecnoertn?October It and 18, THEATER, THE PRESIDENT Price.: MOO, M.M, MOO, tl.OO. Boats now on sale at Mrs. Greene's Con. cert Btrean, Droop's. 18th and G *a. Main 6493. MOUNTVERNON Steamer Charles Macalester Leavrs 7th St. Wharf Dally at 10 A. M. and 1:45 P. M. Mme. Schumann-Heink "World "t Most Famous Contralto President Theater. JJth and Pa. Are. Friday, Oct. J3 P M. Tickets. 12 50. |2.<X> 11.50 end II 00 and War Tax . T. Arthur Smith, Inc.. 13M C St. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Of Washington, D. C., Autoueei A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE To Bo Given at tl:e <~*hurrh Edifice Col. Road and Euclid St. X.W. Thursday Evening. Oct. 12, 1922 At Elarht O'clock. Br A. HERVEY-BATHURST, C. S. B. Of London, Kaglaat Member of the Board of lectureship of the Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, Mr. Bathant will also deliver a Half-Hour Midday Lecture OK CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AT KEITH'S THEATER Thursday, Oct. 12, at 12:30 rider the Auspice* of This Church ALL WELCOME ^SS9BS9SS55SS55SB9UBS9SHB199IBI^B^^B DANCING. CATHERINE RALI.E. it 719 9th tt. n.w., Franklin 6506, will teach yon to dance in a few Wson* and produce result*. Private le**uns an? time. < laevs Tuesday and Friday; hours 10 a.m. to hi p.m. Special rate to ladies. Leroy H. Thayer announces the opening of his School of Dancing Oct. 2, 1922. at his now studio. 1145 Connecticut are. All the latent dances I aught. Including the Maplewoi*! Pace, Wait* Trio and Argentine Tango. Phone Main 2f?73. JACKHOFFMAJliLllXlA* HO SKINS Stage dancing. Argentine tnngo and ballroom dancing correctly taught; children and adults. Studio for rent for private dances. 1141 Oonn. wve. Fr. 89QSJ. 15* ?LOVER'S. 613 Z2sd N.W.?PHI VATS LM> ions any time. 75c. Course, tlx lessors. 94. Guar, reap Its Fin* environment- W. 1199. DANGE la the O.autiful Concourse of Mirrors ? Week Klckta. 6|30 I. IS ARCADE Real Music?Vast Floor 1 Strict Censor PKOK AND MKS. ACUEKS RTI II10. 11J7 10th at. n.w. Class Monday and Friday. 8 to 11 p.m. Private lessons by appointment. Phone Franklin 8567. Established 1900. 13* GLADYSE WILBUR npeCiansiOK u? me 101 irov, Dmuroom and stage dances: also children classes, young ladies' ballet classes and tke Wednesday Night Club dance. Ph. Fc. 1435-W. No. H I)upont Circle. Sisler-Layton Studio ISIS H 8T. N.W. Hours: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. We teach you the proper way to for trot, waltz, one-step aud college walk in a few private lessons. Moderate rates. No appointments required. 14* D A Y1 SON' Si329 M n.w.*?? Returned with the latent in dancin?. Tench tou to dance correctly in a few leaaona. itrietly private. Any hour. Separate atudioa. Claaa and claaa dance Rat. erenaa. Instruction, 8 to #: danclns. # to 12. with orchestra. Masters' and mlaaes' claaa Friday, 4 to p.m. MR. STAFFORD PEMBERTOX Former X. T. Winter Garden star, partner to Gertrude Hoffman. Mae Murray, Maude AKaA and others; lessons In all atylea of daaclM, melodise now waits oad tanao foa M, Studio. I860 BUtmora. Got. 3WB. lie*