Newspaper Page Text
- v * _ READ THE NEW BOOKS BY JOINING KANN S. Kann Store Hours, Daily 9:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. v "THE New Skirls May Be But Decidedly Jaunty Pleated ?As are these ing and undeniably smart new -J^^M \ ?They are unusually well J tailored, in the deep box ~W*^P I pleated styles, and include combinations of black and (| ^ -ft silver, navy and tan, navy and ' ~ /fj/ red, brown and tan, and black m / Jj/gg^T . and white. " ^gjHfr ?Good assortment of regular also extra sizes. iBChoice, *10= j ?T tey are made of Lyc velvets. Kan n's?Second Floor. ?All smart styles in black on tHere are Some of Women's ^ ?Smart in fashioning and of ?Unusually well cut and caref ?All man-tailored models, be! ?Some have collars of self m shaped raccoon fur collars. ?The materials include? Plaid-back Coatings^ Chinchillas Pin Checks Firm Tweeds . ? $29.75 to $45.00 Values. Choice . Kann's?Second Floor. October Hosiery Sale ") ?6 different lots of hose. ^ 4 On ? jClChoice, pair ^ JL ?lilA\ ?This includes one lot of Children's Hose. . All the popular fall styles. All good values at the price. mir 1 \ ?Mobim'i Sllk-and-Klber R*m, have Mamleaa f 1 feet, mock geam In lea. lltle tops and soles and * v \ reinforced heels and toes. In black only. ?Women's Derby Rib- ( ( ?Warn en's HtmiM ova tonon BR?n LtSl* HOHi m?fl? full of the well known ^TT T' ,"T* *uu Phoenix make, with fashioned, with deop seamless feet, rein- carter heme. Colore, forced heels and toes ^^1 ^ black with lavenand elastic tops. Col- H_r A _,h|# ors. black. Havana a#r *na White brown. Polo. with ffOld. #] AA Se^A pair* $1.00 UM H AP??r #1W ?Women's DerhyRlh- ?WltMM'l LUU Km, bed Cotton and Mrr- ^^^B faehloned, With r.ttleerlzed Sport Ho,*, ^^^B forced heel* *nd tOM made with seam!*** I I ^^^B and elaatlo (trter feet. In the fallowing f | ^^^B ham*. Have Pari* colors: ^^^B clock*. In African with silver ^^^B black only. A ti OA Cordovan with tan pair *I>W Gray with silver Cordovan with gold ^^^B ~OIIKrta'< Waal Black With green ^^^B *port Has*. Derby ribTail with silver ^^^B bed with d**p turnBlack with tan down cuff*. Color*. Tan with white brown h*ath*r and tan Navy with blue heather. Sixes Mixed colorings. 7 to 10. A ?f M A pair <t, AA pair V*.w *1-W Kann'a?Street Floor. Thousands of Yards Curtains. Upholstery Materials ?Planned to give you the best values at the lowest prices ,, the past five seasons. A sale which offers the solution to t needs. Three Big Sale Lots to Se h Curtain, Drapery an Uphiolstc ?Full bolts of 75c to 'HiD|6s, 95?* vft 1 ui ' t ft 11 w sue* Curtain and Drapery Fine Ci Materials lph ?95c to $2.45 v ?35c to 75c values; full bolts, attractive p*t> on^oecwVtabte terns. Arranged on 4 tables for easy t selection. ! j Choice, ^ BZ ** ! ?ioo>y#?. ??in. . /.S C ?aoe vJa M-In. yard ... ?no yds. 6l.?l ?800 yards 35c Cretonnes. ?300 yards 45c Cretonnes. ,! -tT ?50 Yards 75c Cretonne* ITaoovd.Hiiv ?500 yards 15c Colored Crash Drapery- i ~J0o yds 60-ln ?175 yards Filet Drapery Net, 55c value. j 100 vda. Natl; ?200 yards Scotch Lace Drapery, 65c value. i ?5 vds 4S-ln I ?175 yards Filet Drapery Net, 46c value. ?50 yds 3#-ln" .?150 yards Heavy Denim, 35c value. . eg Yd-" Flrari ?100 yards 35c Curtain Madras. ?loo yards Reversible Tapsstry Cretonne, <5o value. / Xnnn'a?Third / 1 / / t \ .-...-a* 'S ClRCULATlNfl'LIBRARY. FEE, 20c BOOK. | fl Sons Co. < BUSY CORNER" Pa. Ave., 8th and D Streets rnniri7 r 'ltr ? Distinctive Dress Hats Handmade. Picturesque Styles ins and panne I ?They are most attractively trimmed with I Glycerine Fancies, Imitation Paradise, Coque ' < Feathers, Self Bows, etc. ' ly. ' Kann's?Second Floor. the Smart Styles in Winter Coats lw iftk excellent ^materials. aterial, others made with shawl- ^U Suede-back Coatings /: I Jg Sgjffljl j | fij Imported Plaids I i j Snow/lake Materials f|j^| j m Special Prices Tomorrow?As Usual on Thursday Inf&nts' and Children's Little Wearables A ? Infanta* White Ltnk-and-LInk I,eg- A < | /\ etna. . 8 p e c I a 1 , J) I I W ^yTLfclA each * r i mr ?laf a n t a* Rubber / / I \ Dlivtrt. Special. I 1 ?Children-* Flannelette W*'Sleepera and Cntna, In *a/| * ^eT'1 VT"*"" T" H pink or blue stripe. y*#C /\l l'-h lllu Sizes 2 to 14. Each * ' \ I I \ ?Infanta' Japaneae r- \ / Silk Embroidered A ^ A p v) Uollta, I4.P5 value, rhj.yj* X' Each vw"v ?Knitted ?Infanta* Good Quality \ainaook Capti In pink and white J x* Dreaaea. made with embroidered or blue and white. Spe- yokes and lace-trimmed neck Olalp each and sleeves. Sizes | ^ CT 6 months to 3 years. J ? Kann'e?Second Floor. Each i 111 -- - - - - Women's 16-Button Imported 1 Lambskin Gloves, Pair, $3.75 ?In white and black, overseam sewn, Paris point self-stitched backs; soft, pliable skins. Kann's?Street Floor. , Drapery and The Kind of I -A Sale Your Home wie have been able to offer for __jhis sale, with its very specia nany of your Fall Homefitting man or woman who has floors , _ Seamless and Sc lect From and Wool 9x12sry Materials Choice This $1.98 values. 36 to 50 inches wide. lorings. Arranged on 6 tables for S&1C # j*; 50c _A iper7 ?,00 yards Linen Tsffeta \ tcr' Cr.tena??. 91c values?36 /fT\ \ entl ipjrr Jacht. WW.. V* y . JJ y' - \ Sar ' *" -WOO y.rda Figured Dra- / | I I . I Kir: Dr.- P*Y ?>*?. ??c value. I h ^ ' 1 lion 1 11 ?100 yard* Oxford- Taffeta I ? 1 Ar- Cretonne, ISo value. iralue ?100 yards K. B. D. SuntMt Madras?20 inches wide nap lyrad -TOO velpe. ass. ?200 yards Flrured Case- / oul 11.31 Cloth, 7 So value. fe ' i. .. ?100 yard* Heavy Sumatra 'lou>, Cloth, OSo value. tt* l- r> j a ' ere- -ooo yard, .unrest Mad- High-Grade Amencai lchM 50 ,nche8 Ando-Poralan, Karnsk, Si ?It is a well known fact that the: .i .I- ft. ?j this season and unless you make i IIttdttf Urapery QTlU be disappointed later on. Our coi - - ?*_. _?_? terns In the most desirable colorlni tOlStSry Materials No matter what coloring is desired ^12-Ft. Size Popularly P. I tor easy selection. ?Smaller room sites and throw ru **!? mmmm A-.1<1 fa XST 1 J ' 7Sr 7XUTCI* TV UU1 ?rd ... / t/v . _ , Sunfast Drapery Silk. $2.45 value. BFIISSCxS Kll?8 Linen Taffeta Cretonne, $1.85 value. c %3ff*SESS? at $13.85 , i Irleb Point Panelinr. $1.25 value. Irish Point Panelinr. $2-45 value. ?These are very closely woven issssi ral Casement Silk, 85o value. "} pattern. Choice of an extenSunfast Kapok Drapery, $2.45 value. Sive line of patterns in splendid Linen Taffeta Cretonne, $1.25 value. assortment Of designs and Colored Drapery Silk, $1.25 value. inns. -Floor. Kami's?Third Floor. . ; ~ . i , / . .' . ... . .. ' . . & j' X Extra Special! Individual Name? Pencils Now 30c For Box of 3 ?For the children's school use. Put In your order now. Each pencil haB the child's name stamped In (tilt. The pencils are In "different colors. ?OrderB take from a week to ten days to fill. Kann's?Street Floor. Women's Union Suits In the proper weight for the present hour I r.?h"?"r $1.00 ?Extra sizes, f | -It each 4* i ?4*J ?Two styles, both cotton ribbed. One model has band top, flat looked seams, low neck, sleeveless. with tight knees. ?The other Is a bodice top, with mercerized tapes, tapes over shoulders; tight knees. Kann's?Street Floor. ? The "NetheralF (Underall) ?Meeting a long-felt want for a graceful unboned yet slightly supporting undergarment. For the Deb and Sub Deb ?It takes the place of vest, bust conflner and girdle: costs less, does more and does It better than all four combined. ?Without bones it holds the bust prettily and modestly, weighs but 4 ox. and gives just the right amount of support and control, without constriction. It is said to be "as comfortable as the skin" and stays "put." ?It Is as easy to launder an one's hosiery. We have thtse beautifully designed new garments In flesh, orchid and white. in all ftillr alaci u nnmhlnatlnn nf silk and auede cloth. At $5, $6 and $7.50 Kann'e ? Coraet Store ? Second Floor. lugs to Make ; Attractive il prices, is of interest to every to carpet. iamecl, Worsted Ft. Wilton Rims . $75 wonderful collection. The petit are copied from genuine oriel rugs, such as Kirmanshah, ouk, Bokhara, Afghan, Turkestan, man, Ispahan and Chinese medalheir fine, close weave, thick, deep and wondrous silky luster will ire you of their superior wearing lity. i-Made Wilton Rugs idan and Windsor Grades re will be a shortage of fine rugs selection* esrly you will probably nplete range of very choice pat;s make* selecting now a pleasure, you will surely find It here. riced, 998,8110 & $125 gs to match. 9xl2-Ft. Seamless Wool Velvet Rugs at 822.75 ?Several vary food designs In oriental effeot* in ahadea of roae, Blue, tan, gray and mulberry. 9xl2?Ft. Stenciled Japanese Rice Straw Rugs at 85.95 ?These are seamless, doublewarp rugs with tape aides and ends. Many are used the year round. / :..'.Av-u...: oL X ,-c: DAUGHERTY BACKED IN SHIP RUM RULING j Prohibition Unit Declares American Laws Follow Ships ^t Sea. HAYNES ISSUES BRIEF Bars on TJ. S. Vessels "Invitation to Dry Nation to Go on Seas to Get Drink." I The public today was permitted to peek into the reasons why the prohibition unit backs up Attorney Geni eral Daugherty's famous ruling against booze on board ships. Prohibition Commissioner Haynes Issued a very dry brief prepared by his counsel. James J. Britt, which was presented to Attorney General Daugherty, and with which the Attorney Genreal concurred on all important points. Reason Given ?t Start. j The simple truth of the matter is l put forth In the first paragraph: "L'n| der the eighteenth amendment and the national prohibition act. no in- j j toxloating liquor for beverage purj poses can be transported or sold on , . any ship, whether publicly or prl- j i vately owned, of American regist try and flying the American flag. 1011 whatever waters it may be; nor j can such intoxicating liquor be transported or sold on any ship of foreign I registry, flying a foreign flag, from ] whatever country it may come while within the three-mile limit of the | United States." Judge Ttritt quotea voluminously I from opinions of the United States 1 Supreme Court and other precedents ! in establishing Ills case. j Judge Britt lays stress on the words | i of the Supremo Court in th. i I i Anchor Line liquor case in which i I Justice Holmes said. "It is obvious j i j that those whose wishes and opinions I i were embodied in the amendment | : meant to stop the whole business." I'. S. Laws Follow Ships. Contending: that it is established that American laws follow ships at sea. Judge Britt asks the question. "What would they who dispute this position substitute for that which they deny? Would they fall back upon the nebulous, chaotic and unsettled principles of international law? Would they.depend upon some hodge-podge system of control dei vised by the officers of the vessel? . Or would they leave the passengers I and crew to nature and anarchy? A i moment's reflection should convince jail that if the control of American law were denied, both passengers and j crew would be left without protection of life, limb or property.*' Referring to the possibility of selling liquors on American ships at sea. the judge declared. "It is an invitation to a dry nation to go on the seas to get drunk. Tt is like a man taking a vow never again to drink on earth, land then ascending into the heavens I in an airplane in order to take a drink." i A a to Foreign Vessels. J The question of liquor on foreign j ships. Judge Britt said, was as foli lows: "Whether foreign merchant j ships in United fcttates territorial | waters are amenable to the eighteenth amendment and the national j prohibition- act i6 to be deter j mined by American municipal law. (together with the recognized principles of the law of nations as relates j to the merchant vessels of one country within the waters of another, the I controlling principle beine that, under I all conditions, ihe United States of | America has a right to make and enforce Its own law* within Its landed | and water territorial dominions." ! WORLD WHEAT SCARCER. i ? Government Estimates Show Only 3,018,293,000 Bushels. The world will have less wheat this year than last. Total world wheat production, excluding Russia and Mexico, Is now estimated at butshele by the Department of Agriculture, based on official and unofficial estimates. The revised estimate for the same countries last year was bushels. FOUND. BULLDOG, with Short tail and white breaat. with ta* No. 4410: he Is now it 2004 0th fit. \ ^ w- P'>-hne N. 0714. LOST. HAG. tan leather, email pocketbook in aide, containing money and string of pearla. Reward. 3ti0 N at. s.w. 11* ' BAR PIN?Platinum, diamond, between Ilriclit wood and Tenleytown. via Rock Creek Park {and Chevy Chaae Circle, on October O. Rej ward. Phone Cleveland 1654-W. ; BILLFOLD. Sunday. Keep monay, but reI turn New Jersey driver'a permit. 122 V at. liUL. 111--! BOSTON BI LL PUP, about 4 xnontha old. in I vicinity of 14th and vT ate., on Sunday after- I noon: reward. Call Mr. Hayes. North 4344. or North BPsO. !! I CAMEO BROOCH?Brashenr*. 616 8th at. *.w. I Fr. *232-J. Reward. CAMEO PIN. Notify Apt. 201, U? Newton, j cor flth and E at*. n.e. Reward. !! CARD CASE?Last week. Return to Joa. Alexandrev&ca Bocskowsky, 130 C at. n.a. R?ward. * COIN PCRSE?Small black: contained $12.50. 2 diamond ring*: Tuesday evening. 0:80. on 7!h at. n.w.. between Barker's Bakery and corner H at. n.w. Liberal reward If returned to ownar. 478 H at. n.w. Phone F. 2234. 12* DEPOSIT BOOK. No. 2*1127 with the Western Saving Fund Society. 1000 Walnut at., Phlla. j Ha ward. F. Turville. Columbia Club. D5G?Beagle, white with yallow spots. Hatvard. Telephone North 3172, Apt. 10, the Sheridan, or North 2QGO-J. 12* FOUNTAIN PEN?4old. Lott at deak in Po~tomae Satings Bank, October 8, 8 p.m. Return and receive snbitantial reward. No quaetlona aated. John R. Watson. Ytanna. Vs. n? GOLD BAR PIN with diamond la caster: Sunday. October 8; on ear or bm between Woodford. Va? and Foxhall rd. eta Clarendon. Va. Reward ?t 710 nth at.. Room 500. ? HOTTND DOG?felsek and tan, anawora name of Morten. Reward. 1116 Ere at. a.w. 11? KEY CHAIN' with Inltlala I. N. D.. with two keys. Reward. IK* H at. n.w. Jffra. r. r. Dunham. ___ KEYS?In leather container. Reward. Call Main 1993. ? MASONIC PIN, sold; name Reynold, inscribed. Phono Franklin 91. NECK^IEiE. sable, Sunday, October ft. between Alexandria and Union atatlon, Washlnlton, D. C.. valued tor aeaoclatlone. Return 611 Cameron st., Alexandria, Va.. and receive liberal reward. Phone Alex. 8I8-W. ? OXfORD diLASS, tortolee rim, Saturday night, 14th and F eta. Reward return to 14*4 fatrmont at. n.w. 11? PAIR GLASSES, tortolae shell rim. In caee bearing Edmonds name; loat between Frlenda' School and 17th at. n.w., Tuoeday. Phona Main 8871. ? PIN?Diamond and pearl circle. Loat between Thomas Circle and downtown, afternoon Oct? bar ft. Call Mrs. B. Hayes. Apt. <4. 1223 Vermont avenue. Main 8712. 380 reward. 12* PIN?Masonic, vicinity of Capitol or on Avenue car. Pit one Lin. 3216. Reward. PocKETBOdK. black patent leather ilady's), In Onion station. Washington, the night of October 8. containing a gold watch, marked M. C. K.; a gold pencil, IS bill and some change, some blank cheeks on Charles County Bask, a silver rosary in case and a gold pencil. A suitable reward wlllbe given If retimed to 504 Baltic hldg., 606 F st. n.w? city. . 13* PUPPY (brown!, answers to name of Brownie." Reward. Return to Pearlmaa'a Book Shop. 033 G at. n.w. PUPPY, brown, answers to name of "Brownie. Tuesday 10 p.m. Reward. Notify Pearlman'a Book Shop. Franklin 6416. SHRINE EMBLEM. In heart-shaped pin: heart eat with pearls and rnby In center: Monday. Reward. Return to Mrs. Babbitt, 537 9th at. n ? | after 5 o'clock. ? WRIST WATCH?Small gold: initials G. J. I a Sunday. Oct. 8. vicinity Park road. 14th Ito l6tb ?t?. Reward. Apt. 400. the Parker. rtm* Oql **?> a* ^trATCTh-Uay't jw>, Jtowig: MRS. ANDLER DIES. Washington and Virginia Woman Expires in Richmond. Mrs. Elisabeth Custls Andler of Washington and Virginia, died in th? Sheltering Arms Hospital at Richmond, Va., early yesterday af*er a protracted illness, according to word re- i ceived here. Mrs. Andler lived in Washington for the past fifteen years and has a wide acquaintance in this city. She was born on the family estate?Sunderland Hall?in Acomac county, Va., about eighty years ago. She was a graduate of WihHam, and Mary College and was proficient in languages and literature. She was identified with the Daughters of the American Revolution and numerous other patriotic and civic organizations. * Mrs. Andler was married in 1873 to Rev. Thomas Andler, rectdb of the Williamsburg, Va., Episcopal Church. He died about fifteen years ago. Mrs. Andler had been the guest of Mrs. S. C. Wlndeck of this city when j About ten days ago she decided to visit Richmond. A sister in California, Mrs. Coles, is her only survivor. Funeral Arrangements have not yet been made. i NAMED ON SMYRNA AID. 0 Knights of Columbus' Official Given Committee Place. James A. Flaherty, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, has been appointed by President Harding h member of the committee to raise funds for the emergency relief of Smyrna victims. ? The Knights' international board at a special meeting voted to take under consideration the advisability of establishing a junior department of the order for boys up to the age of eighteen years. Three months at least will elapse before definite action Is taken. I Ueatfoa. BALDWIN. October 9. 1922. at 3:30 a.m., at I hit, racMart.-A llablantl Uri aftaa I I Tong and painful illness, LAURA V.. the ! ! beloved wife of Howard B. Baldwin, aged 41 I years. Funeral services at Korestvllle J church. Md., Thursday, October 12. at 2:3o p.m. Relatives and frit-nda Invited to at- * tend. 11* S&AS HEAR. Suddenly, on October 10. 1022. t 0:35 a.m.. at his residence. 1332 Gallatin at. n.w . MoLAIN BRASHEAR. beloved bus band '_f Kate B. <nee Kinaey). Funeral from bia late residence. Thursday. October 12. at 2 p.m. Interment private. Please IK omit flowers. DIOG6. Monday. October 9. 1922. at 12:15 Sin., at her residence. 618 12th st. n.e.. OSA. beloved wife of Enoch Dlfgs and sister of Charles Green and Emma Gant. Funeral aervlee Thursday. 9:80 a.m.. at Holy Name Church, where requiem mass will be said. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. v HAMAKER. October 11. 1922. at 6:30 a.m.. W at Relay. SARAH J HAMAKER. beloved mother of Ida R. Hamaker. Intermekt at Shellsburg, Pa.. Friday. October 13. KIXSDATF. October 10. 1822. at the rut SJ dence of her son at Seattle. Wash.. JULIA MERRITT, widow of Solomon It. Hinsdale. KINTON. Departed this life Monday. October P. 1922. at 10:25 p.m., after a l^ng Illueaa. WILLIS R. HINTON. He leaves to mourn his loss four girls, four sons and a host of ! relatives and friends. Funeral Thursday, October 12. 1 p.m.. High Point. X. C. LAWS. Departed this life Monday. October 9. 1922, at 9:42 p.m.. MRS MARY I?. LAWS, the devoted wife of Arthur Iaws. Funeral from her late residence. 30ft E sr. s.w.. Thursday. October 12. at 1:30 o'clock, thence to Zion Baptist Church. F at. between ?i 3rd and sta. s.w.. Rev. W. Howard officiating. LAWS. The officers and members of Queer Deborah Court. No. 3. A. O. D. of J., are hereby notified to attend a railed meeting at the hall. 1609 Uth n.w., Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.. to arrange for funeral of our deceased sister. MARY LAWS. Sister OTERIA BUNDY. W. M. Sister MAMIE LEMMON. R. 8. LOFTUS. Sunday. October 8. 1022. at 10:30 p.m., JAMES F.. beloved husband of the late Winifred Loftua. Funeral private. SI Thursday. 9 a.m.. from J. W. LeeV under taker, thence to St. Patrick"? Church. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. 11 1 HEARS. TtiewJtT. <Vff.hcr 10. 1922, 8:22 | a.m . at Colonial Beach. Va . Mr?. BESSIE ' B. MEARS. aged 37. daughter of Mr?. E. V. J l-ehman and the late William A. Yates, Jr. Funeral at 2:30 p.m. Thursday. October 12. from the chapel at Congressional cemetery, Relative* and friend? invited. JKOC&ABEE. Departed thig life Tuesday. : October 10. 1922. GABRIEL 1IOCKABEE. Funeral from Winslow'a undertaking par I lor. 12th and R n.w., Friday, October 13. ! 2 o'clock p.m. ' | ROBINSON. Monday. October 9. 1922. at St. \ Elisabeth's Hospital, WILLIAM ROBINSON, colored. Body at city morgue. If not called for by 8 p.m. Thursday. October 12. such remains will be disposed of in accordance with the law. X] ROGERS. Suddenly. Sunday. October 8. *1922. at Portland. Ore.. ROGER E. ROGERS, formerly of Washington. D. C. Besides hia wife, of Portland. Ore., he leaves a moiher. w two sisters and two brothers. The pain is hard, the shock severe. To part with one we love so dear. But in our hearts you will remain Until the day we meet again. ? HIS LOVING SISTERS. MAMIE A STE VENS AND ANNIE V. JONES. 12* j TOYER. Departed this life October 10. 1922. " at 1:30 p.m.. at her residence, after a long illness. MARGARET E. TOYER. Notice of funeral later. * WINSTON. I>*plrt*d thin liff. at hit r.iri- * denoe. 2321 E st. n.w.. 4:50 p.m.. October 9. 1922. MILES M. WIN8TON, beloved husband I of Regalia Winaton, devoted father of I Blanche T.. Mason A. and_Mra. Georgia W. | Lee. and brother of Loula Winston. Funeral ? erviee* at Nineteenth Street Baptist Church 1 Thursday, October 12, at 2 p.m. 11* I WINSTON. Members of Hiram Lodge. No. 4. 0 P. A. A. M.. are requested to meet at 1615 . Rhode Island are. n.w.. Thursday, it l . o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late brother. MILES WINSTON, from Nineteenth Street Baptist. Church, at 2 o'clock sharp. By order of the lodge. A. J. WILLIAMS. Act. W\ M WM. H. BROWNE. Secretary. WINSTON. The officers and members of Wn. Andrew Freeman Lodge, No. 2099. G. U. 0. of O. T.. are requested to meet at the hall this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock to ar- __ ranee for the funeral of Brother MILES M. "" WINSTON. ROBERT W. FIELDS. N. G. 8 AMU EL W. WATSON, P. S. iflemoriam. BARRETT. Id sad but loving remembrance of ~ our daddv and husband. J. CHARLES J. BARRETT, who departed this life four years ago today. Octobar U, 1918. Four years hare gone aince^that sad day When the one we loved waa called away; God took him home, it was His will. But in our hearts he liveth still. May the heavenly winds blow softly OTer that sweetest and hallowed spot! i 'Mid the changing scenes of life You will never be forgot. HIS LOVING CHILDREN AND WIFE. BRIGHT. In sad and loving remembrance of at dear husband, JAME8 BRIGHT, who da- d parted this life one year ago today, October * 11, 1921. Sleep on. dear husband, and take your rest; " God called you borne. He thought it beat; He saw your suffering here was great And opened wide the golden gate. HIS WIFE, BESSIE BRIGHT. In our hearts your memory lingers, " Sweetly, tender, fond and true; K There la not a day. dear father, r That we do aot think of you. ^ HIS DAUGHTER, ETHEL EDNA BEATRICE ? BRIGHT. I COLE. i October once more la here, i The aaddest of all the year. J _ Four years age today ) It took my wife away. 1 Oh. blame me not for weeping for there Is a vacancy in my heart that never can be filled. n HER DEVOTED HUSBAND, NORMAN I COLE, AND CHILDREN. ? COOK. In tad but loving remembrance of our dear mother and grandmother. MARY A. < COOK, who departed thla life one year ago | today, October 11. 1921. | Mother, how hard I tried to save you, i Prayers and tears were all In vain. ! Happy angels came and took you From this world of grief and pain. 2 LOVING DAUGHTER BERTIE. ! In our hearts your memory lingers _ Sweetly, tender, fond and true; ~ There is not a day, dear grandma, ! That we do not think of you. i nnavnrHILDREN. MILDRED. ItAY. ELL ~ WOOD AND ESTON*. ' OOOK. In Nd but loving remembrance of our dear mother, MART A. OOOK. who departed I thla life ene year ago today, October 11, 1921. We only ask to lire each day, I 80 when life's course la done, ! Tnat we may mfeef our mother | In the land beyond the sun. I " WILL AND MAT. ? [ OOOK. A tribute of lore and remembrance of our dear brother, VALENTINE COOK, who entered Into eternal rest four years a*o today, October 11, 1918. We often ait and think of you ? When we are all alone. For memory ia the only friend That grief can call its own. ? Our'thoughts are always wandering "? To the grave so far away. Where our darling brother ia lying, In hid peaceful and lonely grave. > HIS LOVING BROTHER. GEORGE COOK. I, SISTER-IN-LAW. ELIZABETH ? N 3n iflemortam. 1IGGS. In pad but loviug re membrane ol tuy devoted husband, CLARENCE W. JUGGS. wIk) departed tbis life four jean ago today, October 11. 191S. I think of you both day and night. And when I am all alone; For your loving ami!?, your loving face. No one ran ever fill your place. HIS. DEVOTED WIFE. MABEL DlGGS. 10RSEY. in pad but loving remembrance of my dear mother, JEN NIB DORSET, who departed thin life one year ago today, October II. 1821. Though you're left ua, predout one. Though we hear your voire no more. We are *afe in our conviction That we'll meet on yonder shore. Watch and wralt for ua. beloved: For we know it can't be long Till we are again united In a land of aun and aong. DEVOTED DAUGHTER. FLORENCE WAR FIELD. 'INGLES. In *ad but loving remembrance of my two dear brothers. JAMES A. and PATRICK J. FINGLEK. who departed ?Rfta life one year ago. October 3 and 11, 1921. Gone, but not forgotten. SISTER. 'REEMAN. In loving memory of our devoted wife and mother. MARTHA FREEMAN. wlw> died four years ago today, October 11, 1916. Sleep on. dear mother, and take thy re*t. Oh. now- we miaa you. but God know-a be?f. DEVOTED HUSBAND AND TWIN SONS. ROBERT AND EARL FREEMAN. ILMORE. Sacred to the memory of our beloved one. ANNIE CRAIG GILMORK. who left ua nine years ago yesterday, October 10. 1913. In our hearts your memory lingers. Sweetly tender, fond and true; Th?,?i ?. . Am.- A mm, t mmtm That v.e do cot think of jou. Forget yon, no. we never will; We loved you then, we love you still; Your memory is as fresh today Ab in the hour yon passed away. MOTHER, SISTER AND SON. [AftDXXG. In loving memory of our brother. Meat. MAURICE L. HARDING. who .ited at Nantes, France, four years ago today. October 11. 1818. Sleep on, dear brother, and take your reat; G??d called you home; He thought it beat; He saw your buffering here was great And opened wide the golden gate. HIS BROTHERS, RAYMOND AND JOSEPH. Aim. In aad and lorinr remembraoee of my dear husband. MORGAN BROOKS HARVEY, who departed tliis life four years ago. October 11. 1918. Thou art gone, but not forgotten, Freeh my love will ever be; For as long aa there is memory. I ahall always think of tber Sis luting wite. [EBLEJt. in m.tnorr of our bolotod .on. LIKL'T. I.LOTD BAXTER I.IEBLEB. 3-'0th Infantry, who gave hia life in France, October. II. 1918. Aged 21 yeare. "Greater love hath no man than this " FATHER AND MOTHER ?COY. In remembrance of our dear mother. OTT1LIE McU'OY (nee stub, who departed thie lite six years ago today, October 11. 1916. In our bearta yoor memory lingers, Tender, aweetly, fond aod true; There is not a day. dear mother. That we do uot think of you. HER LOVING HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. ?UXAND. In loving remembrance of of our dear boy. J OS El* H U Nl.l LAND. who departed this life four years ago today, u- tuber 11, 1918. TliL FAMILY. kVARE&E. In bad but loving remembrance of my uear brotiier, TOBY SAVAKESE. ?uo departed this life iour years ago todaj. October 11, 1V18. Torn from the heart a that loved you: Gone in the beat of your days, Loved by all who knew you. To sleep in the siieut grave This world may change from year to jear, And friends from day to day; But never shall the one 1 lore From memories fade away, iiIS LOVING slSXEK. EMILIA GIUTANNETTI. CTH. Sacred to the memory of our dear father, WILLIAM H. SMITH, wuo departed this life two years ago today. October 11, U?0. Two years have passed, dear one. we miss you; Frtenaa may think the wound baa healed; But they do not know the sorrow That ilea within our hearts concealed. IJIS LOVING SON. WILLIAM L?. SMITH. AND DAUGHTER. LLLANOK L. NEWMAN (NLL SMITHt. KITH. In loving remembrance of tnj dear husband. WILLIAM H. sMT'IU. who o? parted this life two 3 ears ago. October 11, HOC Dear ib the grave in which he ib laid, Sweet is his memory, which never will fad"; Heart of my life is buried d?-ep Under the sod where he peacefully sleeps. His WIFE FRANCES. HATER. Sacred to the memory of our dear father, NELSON Q. THAYER, who departed this life nine years ago today, October li, li#13. To u* there come6 a memory. Of love that ie seldom met. When we think of our dear father Whom we'll never forget. G?d has taken our loved one from our home, hut never from our bearte. HIS CHILDREN. ttOMPMK. In loving remembrance of HENBIKTTA V THftU?BAV tbla life four reara ago todar, October 11 1?18 THE FAMILY. ARTIELD. Id had but loving remr mbranre of my brother, JEREMIAH WARFIfcLD. who departed this life fourteen rears ago today October 11. 190b. HIS SISTER. M. S. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Gcier's Sons Co. el^L. Main 2473 hHL>-j2E ""S^TS ** Tv j.vt?aaw. " VuMiim. B. ft a i?tmuim? ?? Www Kintiitt. on Timothy Hanlon 641 B ?T. K.B. Wow L. BU JAMES T. RYAN SIT PA. AYE. 8.E. Model Chapel. Lincoln 142. Prlrate Ambulances. tjrcry in Connection. Established 1^1 Telephone Ool. Mtt. THE S. H. HINES CO., w. k. r. hixm. pm. 2901*2903 14th at. o.w. FrlTtt. UNDERTAKERS 1208 H STMET.N.U rOKMmt 440 r ?T. Blmu* Vt Spew *Vo? tOUUi.B. Spate OS* SWtboU Joseph F. Birch's Sons 034 M St N.W. JJ41 Automooii* Mmw. Quick. Dlrnlfled too Efficient 8ernc?. W. W. Deal & Co., 8ie B ST. N.t. Lincoln S4?4. AntoaoMl* Sorrlce. ? ?!,_ J. WILLIAM LED. rntnl Director and mbelmer. Llrerj IB connection- CotnaMdlooa upol and modem crematorium. Ilodrnti rtcea SS3 Pa. art. n.w. T?l. call M. MM. HHVL H. SARDO & CO. 413 B at. n.a. Fiona Lincoln S24. Modern Chapel. Automobile V.L. SFEARE CO. Neither the uicceeaora of nor connoted with the original W. R. Spear# 940 F St nTw. SINERATION Arm GENERATION lB*7'j&xrhovsi nTiwPTV.itTyi "F0RTTINC0LN~ The Perk Cemetery Kon-Srctartan Perpetual Cere -..Mini en A NtHM VwaHm BMdllr ttcambU?en electric ear lln. Ob .stlttaon at District 11m. M&ce: 70512th St.N.W. " Phone PrankUn 4745 Write for IHustrated Booklet ITOTEBAl PESIQHB. Hide Bros. Co., J2I4 F St. Prompt L^to delivery orrvico. Arttetlo?ex oreeel ve?-1 u e xoeneive. JED. C SHAFFER ?"** z # Wmm ?.- ?... J