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ijsa i II i i II i ii 1 i Consult Us | About Interior Decorating | ?and we'll be pleased to l] submit ideas for your consideration. We manufacture Window Shades?Save you 25% to H I 40%. H Lansburgh i\ i! r I! isecoraung uiaipaujr 1756 M Street / Next to Connectlcmt Ave. 1 Julius Lansburgh Manager, M Store Open 9 A. M. 0RIENT7 frt FAR and N . I \ ? Now Within the R * M I \ Don't Miss fi > NEJIB HI 1512 H STREET i V rMiiton 8th and Pa f ', A Gigantic i - and Si Smart DREl At two unparalleled *10M Crepi t On Sale Bargain 3rd Chine. -? ' ????^M SECOND LIEUTENANTS NEEDED IN REGULAR ARMY Final examinations of candidates for | appointment as second lieutenants In j the Regular Army will be held during I the week beginning October 23 and commissions will be issued to those j found qualified as soon as practicable after December 31. Appointments are I to be made in the infantry, cavalry. I field artillery, coast artillery, Corps of) j Engineers, air service. Signal Corps. ; Quartermaster Corps, ordnance depart) ment, chemical warfare service, finance I I department and Philippine Scouts. Applications for appointment can be obtained from the adjutant general of I the Army and from the commanding I general, district of Washington, and j when filled out should be submitted to | the last-named officer or to the military j post or station nearest the residence of I the applicant. Candidates must be be- | tween twenty-one and thirty years of age. Gen. Bandholtz says there are many j *> ?hu Armv in the srrade of I second lieutenant. and it is desired that I there be a large list of candidates. Closed 6 P. M. I VL RUGS m | EAR EAST | i eacii ui xuveLy who This Sale iKIMIAN Main 2063 ,$.c . Ave. N.W. ~ I ?.? .?si ' Purchase n lr% r\ /" i/y ' Fall SSES value-giving prices >B *14M e de On Sale, fnd Floor + END OF m FOUR. HEARING. SAYS LEE Trainmen's Head Declares , r .. 1 Brotherhoods Will Go It - J Alone in Future. ] i TIE-DP THREAT PASSING ' ' ? < ' i All Unions United Against All > Koads loo Full of Dynamite, Belief of Chief. By the Associated Press. i CLEVELAND, October 11.?Methods of settling: wage and working agreements between the "big four" transportation brotherhoods and the railroads has entered a new era, and if the present course of negotiations is : continued the country- for several : years at least, will not be threatened with a complete tie-up of railroad transportation through . a. concerted strike of these brotherhoods on all ! lines of the nation, W. G. Lec, president of the Brotherhood of Railroad ; Trainmen, said yesterday. The situation which developed in ; 1915 as a result of the eightrhour ' fight and again last fall, when the trainmen's, conductors ; engineers' and fireman's brotherhoods sent out nation-wide strike orders, probably ' will not again occur. See* llrenk-l p of liig Four. Decentralization of all wages, rules and working negotiations and return 1 to the system prevailing for twenty years prior to the time when the four train-service brotherhoods were forced by the "eight-hour fight" to pool their strength into what has 1 since become famous as the "big four" railroad brotherhoods has already set in, in the view of Mr. Lee. The new alignment of the transportation brotherhoods probably will find the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and the Order of Railway Conductors in one group and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Knginemen and the Switchmen's Union of North America in another. "1 feel that I am able to handle my organization to better advantage., to cet more for mv men and to work more effectively all around if the trainmen and conductors g?> it alone, so far as wapes and workingrules are concerned." Mr. Lee said. Separation Only Way Out. "This whole business, with all railroad labor unions on one side and all railroads on the other, with the Railroad Labor Board in between, got too big for any one nxan or a few men to handle. It was loaded with dynamite for the country as well ?s for ourselves and the executives. No sane government would permit any faction or class to paralyze the transportation business of the country. and thereby punish the innocent, who are always in the majority. The only way out was to separate." "A nation-wide railroad strike is not possible today." Mr. Lee said. "It costs the railroads and the unions which indulge in it more than they can afford to lose. The shopmen's strike proved that. When a strike gets so big that it can't be controlled then the government will step in and control it. This results generally in legislation detrimental to all Tti a tiPftQ i>nf sifilatinn ic the first ray of light I have seen j for ten years." Marriage Licenses. ! Marriage licenses have been issued to the j folio wins:: : Vincent A. Uofht>s and Phyllis Hughes. ! Benjamin U. Williamson and Viola R. Hrehm. j Gabriel Levy aud Mary Rosenberg. | Lewis Poore of this, city and Daisy M. Green i of Cabin John Bridge. Md. i Loy Hall Brodie and Edith E. Murray, j James H. Williamson and Fanny M. Guini dun. j Albert L. Hartung and Rose E. Hyer. James L. Dougherty of this city and Grace : H. Kilday of Sterling. 111. Frank B. Mel I ugh and Margaret M. Snee. j Horace Hirkle and Sylvia Eager, both of t Lancaster. Pa. Riehanl C. Dudley of rhurehville. Va., and J Charlene V. Ham rick of Staunton. Va. ! Jefferson Matthews and Inez Owens. William H. Muse, jr., and Edna Brown. Francisco and Maria Tasaa. Herbert R. Scrivener and Anna P. Shanks. Henry Reynolds and Bessie I. Glassmyer. ! Tester W. Winegar of St. Paul, Minn., and : Alberta M. Sears of Norfolk. Va. | Oscar F. Burgess of Cutlett. Va.. and MarI garet Wilbur of Raphine, Va. : T>eo M. Hanrahau and Lillian A. Maler. , | jumps r. r otisnr, jt.. hiiu nmn i. Jones. j George E. Griggs and Mary E. Flastream. } ' Iiaurauee W. Walton and Lucie F. Wood- J 1 I ward. | i Casper S Buchanan of Norfolk, Va., and I Georgia A. Long of this city. . ! Births Reported. | The following births have been reported to I the health department in the last twenty-four i hours: Mahlen S. and Oraii M. Ashford, girl. lAT>y C. and Susie L. Beach, boy. Ernesto and Francesco Catucci, boy. Harry and Anna Costoni. girl. Gulseppe and Guiseppa Crlstaldi, girl, j Andrew E. and Mattie Dellastatious, boy. ! Pasqualle and Lucietta I>e Leonebus. girl. I John H. and Rosetta Ellis, girl. Daniel and Frances Friedlander. girl, i Maurice P. and Florence P. Freeman, girl. J Willaw It. and Edith M. Garrett, girl, j Joseph A. and Cleo E. Goodwin, girl. Burton H. and Zita Green, girl. Julius A. and Catherine C? Harper, girl. : William W. and Anna M. Hill, girl. Wllford H. and Eva E. Hunt. girl. I John H. and Dorothy E. Ingram, boy. ! Mike and Helen Koutsos, boy. I James C. and Madeline B. Kraft, boy. Thomas and Fidelia Lafferty. boy. , Kldred E. and Margaret W. Moore, girl. I James C. and Ethel S. McDaniel. boy. Benjamin M. and. Margaret MeKelway, boy. William H. and Irene M. Reynolds, girl. John W. and Sue 1. Sparkman. girl. 1 Rocco and Maria Stcllabette. boy. I John W. and Anna belle M. Weast, boy. Henry R. and Codelia B. Wilson, boy. I Robert V. L. Hid Claudie W. Wright, girl. Brumsic and Pearl Branden. boy. 1 Preston and Susie Dudley, girl. , Joseph E. and Fannie Jackson, girl. I Maurice R. and Blanche Johnson, girl. | William K. and Virginia M. Keener, boy. William and Elsie Ross, boy. I James L. and Marie Fort. boy. Richard B. and Mary Ilardesty. boy. j- James J. and Lucy V. Laughlin. girl. William J. and Louisette M. Losh, boy. John T. and Flpra J. Marts, girl. Albert H. and Lillian A. Morris, girl. Luis I. and Annette Obergh, boy. Daniel E. and Hazel M. Probst, boy. I, Samuel and Goldie Theodore, girl, George A. and Ethel G: Waterfleld^'.girl. u? ? .'I on.1 \faliol A Rrlfffffl llOV. - George A. and Elinora Dent. girl. Austin R. and Ethel M. Gray, girl. Robert O. and Bessie-I. Henaon, girl. Joseph I. and Antoinette Lee, boy. Edward L. and C-leo E. McRoy, girl. - - * - * Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been" reported to the health department In the last twenty-four hours: Susan E. Murray, 77, the Cathedral Close. Joseph F. Kirby. 62, 333 K st. n.e. Joseph W. Compton, 82,- Providence Hospital. Grace E. Marshall, 33, Columbia. Hospital. Richard Bradshaw;. 60.-U. 8. 8. H. Hospital. James F. Loftus, 75. Home for Incurables. William Washington, 50/ Gal linger Hospital. Henry Berry, 50, 445 R st. Henry 8. Pryor. 63, 1844 13th st. Ida Wright. 58. 2 Angier place. Sallie Thomas, 43. 2006 10th st. Edward Stanard, 65, rehr of 1753 Oregon ave. Lucy Taylor, 48, Emergency Hospital. James Griffin, 45, 1225 D st. CONVICTS HALTCHUMS. Prevent Two Fleeing Prom "Honor Farm" at Joliet. CHICAGO, October 11.?Principles upon which the Joliet prison- honor farm Is being conducted stood the test last night, when two men who Intended to flee were prevented from doing so by their fellow prisoners. The two had made known tneir intention of fleeing; from the honor farm, about whloh. there is no stockade, when their comrades stood guard over the deserters until hslp ' waa sent trunk, the warden's office. * I &: . ' . - ... WOULD AID PRESIDENT IN GUIDING COUNTRY Correspondent Urges All Loyal Americans to Lay Aside Partisanship for Patriotism. ' ro the Editor of Tho 8t?r: We are passing through perilous times and efforts are being made to strike at the very roots of our civilization and freedom; therefore let js. as loyal Americans, rally to the colors und "do oiir bit" as we each 1 tried 80 faithfully to do not long since. . It seems to me that the time has 1 come for those of us who recognize j the guiding hand of a Higher Power, ( who is back of all and in all, to come out boldly and declare the 1 trum ana stand on principle. iuum i think there has ever been a time in the history of the world when the j spirit of unrest has swayed men as 3 it is swaying them today. Neither < do I believe thero has ever been a time when man has sought Lift, or j God, as he is seeking today. Most of us may not know what we are seek- 1 ing?in fact, it is very evident that j we do not know?therefore let the < thinking men and women of our land < rise up in their might and show those i who need help how to find them- i selves. Let us be loyal citizens and f show those who know nothing of the i higher things of life what loyalty i really is. Let the men in high places, who sway the opinions of thousands, take heed lest their condemnation and false criticism return to them in , violence. As the great problems of today present themselves, actually tumbling over one another in the strivings or ; men and bodies of men to put themselves first. wo should lay aside all partisanship and lend our aid to the President and those associated with him in guiding the affairs of the ] country. It is not at all necessary that we agree with everything that , is done, but let our criticism be con- , structive and not destructive. Lest some one think I am a republi can pleading" the cause of a republican President in a rather subtle manner, I want to say that I am a stanch democrat and have never hesitated to say that I am one. although I am a government employe, i I do not believe in government employes becoming mere tree toads and changing with every administration As an American citizen, I appeal to all Americans to join in the great work of saving our homeland. The time has come for us to lay aside all littleness just as we did when the great war came upon us and to come to the aid of our men of affairs morally and spiritually as we did physically when we took up arms against the common enemy. There is a great common enemy ot unrest, dissatisfaction and self-seeking hovering over this country now. which is causing it to boil and seethe, and occasionally break forth into steam, and in order that we may not become a whole seething nation as we see Russia today let those who know the power of constructive thought and right speech stand on principle, and stand firmly, and thereby bring order out of chaos. We are known to the world as a Christian nation. Let us be one in reality and not in name only. Now, 1 j am not talking about a sentimental, maudlin religious attitude?we have 1 had too much of that and we are all sick of it?but the time has come when we, as a nation, must steady ourselves by recognizing the guiding hand of God (call it what you will? 1 first cause, principle, origin, or what- : ever name may appeal to you) in all our affairs, and we. as individuals. , can "do our bit" by asking that , Deity, with a believing faith?the J faith of understanding and power? ! that those in charge of the great issues of the day may be guided by infinite wisdom. We know that "where there is no vision the people perish"; therefore let us forget personality and all pettiness and by our communion with the great Being back of all and in us all, and our co-operation with our /* run. Ionr! lRJIUW-incil, If I 111 PS Jr*" c??_*r ?? < . so that we may be a guiding star to other nations and thereby bring peace i to tU<? whole world. 1 I.?OUIE HINER. PROTESTS OMITTING CATS FROM WELFARE PROGRAM Correspondent Believes Tabby Is Entitled to Care Along With Dogs and Horses. Co the Dlitor of The Star: Your recent correspondent pleads for the Humane Education Society's animal farm on the outskirts of our city, within whose blessed domain unfortunate dogs and horses can find care and protection. But how about pour puss. uais anu muc black, striped, yellow and spoted cats. They must not be forgotten^ The sight of these homeless wanlerers turned adrift by thoughtless rwners excites pity in our hearts. They are a problem in every city, and Washington is no exoeption. Well, true enough. We mean that their kind friends, the gentle-mannered inspectors, shall be about and see that these homeless, half-starved derelicts are gathered up and humanely cared for. And those four-footed nightingales?the songsters of the silent night, who call the unwilling Inhabitants nearby from their slumbers to wakeful attention?I earnestly plead that they be politely invited to enter our rural auditorium, where they can sing to their hearts* content, not only by night, but in the morning season also, should they so desire. Until such time when they shall be kindly disposed of. (This, Grimalkin, is a word for our own comfort as well as for thine.) And what a "happy land" this animal park will be! It is pleasant just to think about it, and still pleasanter, some of. us feel, to work for its real ization?a nnai resting- piace ior some of the tempest tossed and a renewal of life and usefulness for others. Truly it will be a happy land for all privileg-ed to enter there. MAUD DAVIS. WAR ON "RUM HOUNDS." Drunken New York Policemen Causing Murder a Week. NEW YORK. October 11.?A drive to rid the New York police force of "rum hounds" was announced yesterday by First Deputy Police Commissioner Deaoh. Presiding- at the trial of a patrolman oharged with intoxication while on post, the deputy commissioner said: "We have got to get rid of the 'rum hounds' on the police force and we jre well under way now. There Is a murder a week by drunken policemen?twoslncelastSaturdajh" || SAKS FUR CO. ^ 1 Now in Our \\ 1 NEW STORE I I 610 12th St. 1 if Patrons and others s returning to town for y the winter are reminded that we are now M located in our new y building at 610 lath p N.W., just above F St. ? FURS REMODELED AND |3 REPAIRED |2 SAKS FUR CO J 2j One Family Management fer 39 Tear* $B 610 12thSt. N.W. ||( HEAVY FIRING REPORTED IN DUBLIN STREETS Four Dead After Prison Riot. Clergy Condemns Rebels Fighting Free State. 3y the Associated Press. DUBLIN, October 11.?Numerous Lmbushes, accompanied by heavy ? sursts of firing occurred in various >arts of the city during the night. The Ightiqg continued until dawn. No resorts on the casualties were available this forenoon Four persons are dead and a number of others wounded followed a mutiny of Irish irregular army prisoners in the Mountjoy Jail yesterday, rhe dead are one national soldier, two policemen and one mutineer. A definite pronouncement against the anti-treaty rebellion has been made by the Irish hierarchy and is sxpected to have an important influence on the situation. The hierarchy issued a pastoral letter condemning in the strongest terms guerrilla warare against the free state government and declaring that "the killing of national soldiers is murder before God." CRAIG GREATLY PLEASED. Reports Ulster Government Functioning More Successfully. By the Associated Press. BELFAST. October 11.?In a speech In parlaiment Sir James Craig, the premier, described conditions as more satisfactory than on any occasion since the northern government undertook the responsibilities of selfgovernment. He denied that there would be any change of policy on the part of his government, and added that northern Ireland would never consent to come under the rule of the Dublin parliament. Sir James said it was purposed to set up a royal commission to investigate and report on the subject of temperance reform with a view to legislation on the question. A party of armed men raided the post office at Castleton, in West Meath, last evening, dismantled the telephone and telegraph instruments and seized all the money. Later the wires were cut and the police barracks were blown up with bombs. NEW JUGOSLAV MINISTER PRESENTS CREDENTIALS Dr. Pavichich Received bv Presi dent?Expresses Gratitude to. United States. Dr. A. Trisch Pavichlch, the newly appointed minister of Jugoslavia, yesterday presented his credentials to President Harding: at the White House. The retiring minister. Dr. Slavako Y. Grouitch, presented his letters of recall to the President earlier in the day. Dr. Pavichlch in greeting President Harding expressed for the Jugoslav peoples "deepest gratitude" for the benefits conferred by the United States. Dr. Pavichlch pointed to the participation of this country in the world war, declaring that "history records no more sublime gesture, inspired by the purest spirit of sacrifice, abnegation and a high ideal of justice and human solidarity than that displayed by the descendants of Washington and Lincoln on the soil of France." In addition to help rendered during the world war, Dr. Pavichlch referred gratefully to America's diplomatic espousal of Jugoslavia's cause at a time "when our best friends were forced, perhaps by the inevitable trend of their political and historic | For Thursday I An i I J Spe j Tailc A d W I ivolutlon, to abandon our just :lalme." To America's "love-of jusice," Dr.- Pavichlch said his kingdom >wed "the fact that many of our irothers-ln-race were not forced to renain beyond the frontiers of their >olltical fatherland. Our whole naion," he continued, "realized the lobility of this act and will -never 'orget It and Is always ready, it lecessary, to give tangible proofs of ts gratitude." Dr. Pavichlch expressed the belief hat "the center of world politics has >assed from Europe to America." German sailing ships Interned at faclflc coast and South American jorts during the war are now used for lumber carriers. JC. Jk. A. A. Jfe. Jfc. | Fashic | TN Spain she ^ I dancinggirlsv 4H hued shawls ( ^ their sinuous forr ^ "Lovely!" said : *6* makp a nnfc nf m And she did. In Russia a pe< caught her eye. ^ and gayly embr ^ oh! so graceful! ^ said Fashion. <g 1 4 ? j ? A ^ Many w ?Dilii 60S to 614 A louncing cial Disp] of tred S wkfck we Ve gr one lot?and i tke astoniski nc 1/ J They are tailored b men?whose taste anc in every line and ev new long straightlii contour; richly lined silk. Tweed Duvet de Laine Staple Blues, Blac In all sizes. ' F'r?t Floor?Worth Sootlon. BELGIUM PAYS $475,000 INTEREST ON U. S. DEBT Credited to Surplus War Supplies Account?No Remittance on Main Obligation. Belgium, who owes the United States $27,S00,00O for surplus war supplies purchased in 1919, in addition to the war debt proper, yesterday paid $475,000 interest on the former obligation, through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Treasury officials announced. Interest payments have been kept i >n Went a 'Wane Then she wen Jfa she happened of a queen?? ling jewels wo tiful hips. F that girdle. ' i will go marv soft, straigh fall." Many more 1 noted on her j , . _ trunk went saw slender , , vith rainbow- ca^f. m?n,k< Iraped about pebbly n& home she w where flying j she. *T will to her inspira that drape" ^dwhatdM is somethings isant sleeve a secret unles It was wide, Then, and on oidered, and know. So com "Alluring!" an enchanted most wonder] f 1216 F St N.W. P * Frocks imported direct from 1 libera ELEVENTH ST. j The Hon r a ay n ' 'lilts i Fa ouped into | C. narked at : ng price ^ |.75 y i LJ and W n and I s I skir I B y Master Crafts- Q gle 1 skill is reflected j H ery stitch. The I e* ne?of graceful U m ]V with high-grade = F ?$ Twill Cord p Stevana El n e ks and Browns. Thb 01= % ? up on the war supplies debt, a total amount of $4,176,000 in interest having been paid to date. But no remittances have been made on either the principal or interest of the larger obligation, which amounts to $347.261,000 principal and $51,392,000 interest. SENT TO PACIFIC COAST. Lieut. George W. Master ion of the bureau of supplies and accounts. Navy Department, has been ordered to San Francisco for duty. Mrs. Charlotte Despard. sister of Lord French, the famous British soldier. has announced her candidacy for parliament. i|? ? gall* 1 n? lering | t to Egypt where m . upon the girdle i girdle of spark- m rn low over beau- m ashion coveted m 'I will copy it; it ^ elously with the ^ t silhouette for m & ovely things she |P lourney. Into her matelasses, bro:y fur, materials surfaces. And Ss* rent?to Paris, fingers gave form P itions. ^ !?? she make? That m vhich will remain m * S3* ily then, will you e. You will spend gij. . hour among the ^ ful modes of Fall! l?> \ ^ o i* 3 & 'aris. S* g^^ggggg? An Important Sale | ise of Courtesy? ishionable ! 2 ir Scarfs ) TL?1 i 1 1/UUACI5 / ome pieces that will rest you the more luse of the price. | rown. Black. Taupe U Hf Rose Fox?$25, $35 $597S n v tone Marten ; single is?$35 and $39.75. | laum Martens; sin- LJ I skin?$59.75. ? fudson Bay Sables; I utiful skin? $65. Ill > quirrel?$12.50. | link; double skins ?a m k. n itch; double skins \ 18.50. 1 ") 'latinum F o x? 75 to $99.50. fa of ved Blue Fox? [Jl 50 and $99.50. I ' ? I f d Tloor?Booth Saction. | j =inini=in ^