Newspaper Page Text
8 The Vice President and Mrs. Coolidge Will Be Guests at Dinner Tonight of Senator and Mrs. Phipps, THE Vice President and Mrs. Coolidge will be the honor guests at dinner this evening of Senator and Mrs. Law rence C. Phipps. This afternoon Mrs. Coolidge will assist Mrs. Davis,, wife , of the Secretary of Labor, at a tea tor the delegates to the labor confer ence, when the wives of cabinet mem bers will also assist. The ambassador of Great Britain and Lady Geddcs will be the honor guests at dinner this evening of Mr. end Mrs. Corcoran Thom. The ambassador of Italy, Prince Caetani. will be entertained at dinner this evening by the acting naval at tache of the embassy and Signora Guidoni, who will entertain a com pany of thirty at the Shorbham Hotel. The Secretary of War and Mrs. Weeks will be honor guests at dinner this evening of Representative Joseph G. Cannon and his daughter. Miss Cannon, who will entertain a distin guished company. The Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. Wallace will dine with Repre sentative and Mrs. Louis Frothing liara tonight at their home, 2139 R street northwest. The minister of Persia. Mirza Hus .sien Khan Alai, will leave today for the middle west. He will visit in De troit and will make an address to . the employes at the Ford factory be fore returning next week. The minister of Poland and Mme. Wroblewska will be the guests of honor at dinner Wednesday evening, January 31, of the counselor of the legation and Mme. Kwapiszewska, Mme. Kwapiszewska has issued in vitations for a tea Saturday after noon, January 20, in honor of Miss Hertha Crawford, who will come to "Washington to sing the role of Gilda In the performance of "Rigoletto” which the Washington Opera Com pany will give the following Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge at Congressional Club Last Night. The first largo official reception given by the Congressional Club this winter was that of last night for the ■’Vice President and Mrs. Coolidge, when, to meet them were the mem bers of the club and a few additional guests. The charming environment of the club was never more fully ap preciated. the atmosphere of club life being relieved by the plentiful mid winter decoration of green, with the mantel banked with poinsettia, this strong point of color and the flags of the states which formed a frieze being the only color in the reception room. ! The buffet supper table was charm ingly decorated in pink and white flowers, with rose color lights show ing under the graceful fountain in the center of the board, while pink shaded candles added to the dainty • effect. A long, narrow table at one side of the dining room was hand some in appointment and arranged for seating the guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, Mrs. Frelinghuy sen, president of the club; Mrs. Wal lace White, jr., and the Speaker and Mrs. Gillett. , Th© Vice President and Mrs. Coolidge stood with Mrs. Frelinghuy sen In receiving, and Mrs. Wallace H. White, jr., was also in the receiving line. Mrs. Coolidge wore a very be coming gown of dark blue velvet, the graceful drapery held at the left side by handsome ornaments of sil ver and crystal beads. Mrs. Freling buysen’s gown was of blue and gold brocade, the skirt draped and the bodice having sleeves of gold lace. Mrs. White wore an effetive gown of cat steel and jet beads. There was music all during the re ception, and Mrs. Coolidge opened this feature of the program, dancing continuing after the supper was over. At th© buffet supper table were Mrs. Edwin T. Denby, Mrs. Herbert C. Hoover. Mrs. Irvine L. Lenroot, Mrs. James Brown Scott and Miss Mabel T. Boardman, with others as sisting from time to time. Assisting generally in the evening 1 were Mrs. Oscar W. Underwood, Mrs. Julius Kahn. Mrs. Edward T. Taylor. Mrs, John W. Langley, Mrs. Samuel E. Winslow, Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, Mrs Howard . Sutherland, Mrs. Willis C. Hawley, Mrs. J. Charles Linthlcum, Mrs. Thomas W. Harrison, Mrs. George P. McLean and Mrs. Carl \V. Riddick. In the company of several hundred were the Secretary of the‘Navy and Mrs. Denby, the Speaker and Mrs. Gil lett, Senator and Mrs. Tasker L. Od dle. Senator and Mrs. Robert Nelson Stanfield, Senator and Mrs. William M. Calder, Senator and Mrs. Joseph I. France, former Senator and Mrs. Gore, Senator and Mrs. James W. Wads worth, Representative and Mrs. Nich olas Longworth. Mrs. Robert Love Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Kemper Cowing and her sister, Mrs. J. A. Herbert; Representative and Mrs. James C. Cantrlll, Representative and Mrs. Frank W. Mondell. Representative and Mrs. Hamilton Fish, Representa tive and Mrs. Ira Copley. Senator and Mrs. John B. Hendrick, Senator and . Mrs. James A. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Wilson of Indianapolis, Represent ’ atlve and Mrs. Oscar J. Larson, Vice Governor of the Federal Reserve Hoard and Mrs. Edmund Platt, Miss Doyl from Toronto, Mrs. Henry Wild er Keyes, Miss Alice Page. Mrs. James Patten. Representative and Mrs. Hen ry Allen Cooper and their guest, Mrs. •Tames Chandler of Racine, Wis.; Mr. Fred Dennett and Miss Dorothy Den nett, Senator and Mrs. Irvine L. Len root. Representative and Mrs. Henry W, Watson. Representative and Mrs. Carl R. Childblom and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heeside. Secretary of Treasury Heat to Britiah Clients. The Secretary of the, Treasury, Mr. Mellon, was host at dinner last even ing, entertaining in his apartment at 5785 Massachusetts avenue, In com pliment to the chancellor of the Brit ish exchequer and chief of the British The Hosiery Shop -—invites you to see its beautiful colors, • * designs and fabrics in Silk, Silk-ancf wool, Wool, and Silk - and - lisle for women, at the inter esting price of J. 95 The Hosieiy Shop Arthur Burt Co., 1343 F 1 SOCIETY." debt commission, the Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin and Mrs. Baldwin. Tho other guests were the Secretary of State 1 and Mrs. Hughes, the Chief Justice. Mr. William Howard Taft: the Secre tary of Commerce, and Mrs. Hoover, the_ governor of the Bank of England, Mr. Montagu Collet Norman; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Grigg, Mr. E. Rowe-Dutton, Mr. Loring Christie. Miss Betty Bald win, Senator and Mrs. Reed Smoot, ■ Representative and Mrs. Nicholas i Longworth, Representative Theodore ! E. Biirton, the undersecretary of the i Treasury, Mr. S. P. Gilbert, jr.; the , assistant secretary jjf the Treasury and Mrs. Eliot Wadswbrth, Mrs. Fred erick Dent Grant, Mrs. Henry C. Cor bin, Mrs. Marshall Field, Mrs. Trux ton Beale, Mrs. William Card. Miss • Sylvester and Mr. W. P. G. Harding. Senator and Mrs. Spencer of Mis souri will entertain at dinner in the presidential suite at the New Willard on February 6. Mrs. Spencer will also be hostess at a luncheon on the fol . lowing day at the same place. , The military attache of the French embassy and Mme. Dumont had a small company at dinner last even ing at Le Paradis. Mrs. S. C. Lawrence, wife of the at tache of the British embassy, will not receive Monday afternoon, but will be at home the remaining Monday after noons of this month in" her apart ment at the Woodward. Mrs. Rudolph, wife of the Com missioner of the District, will be at home, informally, tomorrow after noon and also the following Satur days in January from 4 to 6 o’clock. Miss Betty Baldwin, daughter of , the chief of tho British debt commis . slon and Mrs. Stanley Baldwin, will be the guest of honor at tea this aft ernoon of Miss Rosamaye Kendrick, daughter of Senator and Mrs. John B. Kendrick, who will entertain in her apartment at 2400 16th street. Mra. Geldert Entertained Luncheon Gueats Yesterday. Mrs. Louis N. Geldert, national president of the League of American i | Pictorial Hemstitching | a Fashion T 3 €2J Order ® ook 1219-122! G Street N.W All Work | 25c Store-Hours, 9to 6 - Goar “ t " <l 4 Coat Sweaters and Slip-on Sweaters 1 Brushed Wool Coat Sweaters, like the picture, in % Hj ’ . tan, navy, brown and henna. These sweaters are flV* CA s m well made, with pockets. Just what you need. Regu- «Ptl««rV A tar $9.50 value * ▲ £ AB-wool Heavy Shaker Slip-on Sweaters, in CQ y. / # *'v « nav y> white brotvn and maroon. Sizes 36 to 46 | I / A ' Skirts •- | • / * ,* VJg; y TAX' Sport Skirts, made of the genuine “Camelair’’ 4*| ACA T £ pa cloth, in beautiful shades of tan.; button trimmed. | p 'M je \ with pockets. All sizes /. M \ Plaited Skirts, in new checked effects, in black C/? CA * i ri- and white and brown and tan. All sizes j Plaited Skirts, in two-tone striped effects, all Cil AC 4 klj ' sizes. A very good value at this price y Sportswear Section. Jf | Specials in Our Main Floor . nj[ Hat I Hosiery Department j y All-Silk Hose, with beautiful hand-drawn clocks, in no flB 4 jP all the newest designs. Black only v«*VO QV ▼ "M Gold and Silver Full Fashioned Hone, with garter (v I Jgg y ® m tops, for evening slippers; extra fine quality j b „ Ecfit-fcw,' A Chiffon Silk Hone En MR • j] WnWOf S H in Black and Gun Metal ' SI.&U VS WcA'X'i T Sport* Hone in silk and wool; plain and with clocks, !l PM R H Values up to s2.t>s. Very special ?t<OV W vfrHCj A Humming Bird Silk Hose, in new shades; guaranteed pa "B | | Jt M to wear or a new pair free; all colors S I Wj! S Onyx “Pelntex” Silk Hose; £-j j I B f black and colors B w Hosiery Section—Main Floor. ‘ * ¥ I DOWffI^ORE : Another SALE of Women’s Footwear * Exceptional Prices <on These I I Pumps and Oxfords I if !n9 A big special purchase, that enables us to offer - I fire pHikqj these high-grade Shoes at prices way below their | IWJA actual value. We couldn’t get complete sizes In > /bA_ jrajWß every style, but your size can be found in some of 'j them. So be on hand early to get the best selection. * ; Bgfl $0.95 $A .95 I I Patterns Materials Heels I Colonials Black Satin Brown Satin Cuban M Side Ties Black Calf Brown Calf Military i 14 Y. pera L , ' Pan Brown Kid French and Baby French If g One, Two and Three Straps Black Kid Patent Leather * Low § and Oxfords Black Suede Brown Suede Spanish . v S Silver Cloth Pumps included in the $4.95 Croup \ | . | Manufacturer’s Samples of Hosiery I | at Remarkably Low Prices , -I I K . Bnster Brown Stockings, for boys and girls: Sports and Dress Hosiery, in fine lisle, wool. 1 I m “ eav y and medium ribbed; colors are black, and mixtures; plain or ribbed; black, cordovan, {§ m cordovan and Sizes to 12. African brown, polo and suede. Very special. S | 35c Pair - . 7Q p . 3 yaln for $l.OO. * • 5fC iftlf U j Mercerized Lisle Stockings, for women and „ • |l misses; plastic garter proof tops; extra strong Sports Hosiery’, in silk and wool mixtures; ■ lln bl«k"Mrdov.„ "nd whitl, "a", a sm“n”t shades "'spleciai some c * oc l“d; all in the heather I y of sports hose in all wanted colors. All sizes. pe . . 59c Pair $1.19 Pair I I ♦ The Arlsto Hair Nets, single mesh, 39c per doz. |r Double Mesh, 59c per doz. Cap or fringe shape I j Downstair* Store. ' * Bij THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, I). C.. FRIDAY,. JAN VARY 12, 1923. . Pen Women, and chairman of the poets’ committee for the District of Columbia branch, entertained at a luncheon Thursday at the COsmos Club In honor of Miss Lizettc Reese, America’s foremost sonneteer, who was an honor guest at the poets’ dinner given on Wednesday evening at the league house. Mrs. Geldert had as her guests, Mrs. John Mock, Mrs. Clautman of Boston. Mrs. Mock's niece; Miss Marie C. Redfern and Mrs. James Marwick. " Miss Hilda Smith, chairman of the Bryn Mawr Summer School for Wom en in Industry,, will be the guest of Miss Henrietta Riggs over the week end. Miss Smith Is to be the guest of honor of the Bryn Mawr Alumnae at dinner - Saturday evening at the National Clubhouse of the A. A. U. W., and later in the evening will give an address on the subject of th© Bryn Mawr Summer School. Miss Susan M. Kingsbury, Miss Ernestine L. Friedman and Miss Hilda W. Smith of Bryn Mawr Col lege will be In Washington for sev eral days and are at the Powhatan. Invitations to the dinner which Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lee Webb was to give tonight in honor of Mrs. Henry Shel ton Turner of Denver, Col., have been recalled owing to the Illness of Mrs. Webb. Mrs. Leslie Seaton Lipscomb will be hostess at tea at the Women’s City , Club, 22 Jackson place, on Sundy, ■ y L I Dance and Lunch * at Hotel Hamilton Ml , ij i i y 14th and K Sts. M . I Every Saturday | 12:30 to 3 Special Music . / j | No Cover Charge | January 14. from 4:30 to d o’clock. Assisting Mrs. Lipscomb will be Mrs. Isaac Gans, Mrs. F. T. P. Johnson, Mrs. W. F. Barton, Mrs. C. J. Blanch-, ard, Miss Minnie Carroll, Miss Louise Pattison and Miss Katherine Worten. The secretary of the Lithuanian legation and Mme. Vlnlkas entertain ed at dinner last night in honor of Mme. Doina Slezevlcius, wife of the first prime minister of Lithuania, and Mme. Venclus, who have coipe to America to solicit funds for the or phans of that country. The assistant secretary of war and Mra J. Mayhew Wainwrlght will en tertain at dinner this evening. Senor Don Oscar Gana-Serruys. counselor of th© Chilean embassy, and Mme. de Gana-Serruys have erturned to Washington after an absence of several months in Chile, and are at Wardman Park Hotel. Mrs. E. Lester Jones left Washing ton today for a short visit to Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Robinson F. Downey PLAITING HEMSTITCHING BUTTONS COVERED Mrs. M. EL Holley I Col. 9878. £661 18th »t. n.w * I have come to Washington for the remainder of the winter, and have taken an apartment at tho New Wil lard Hotel. Mrs. Henry Kirk Porter and daugh ter, Miss Anna May Hegeman, are at the New Willard, where they ex pect to remain until they reopen their 16th street home. They came tt» Washington from Atlantic City. Former United States ambassador to Russia and Mrs. George T. Marye / 11 11 '|H m&tngm Jbifi . i FOR MISSES AND GIRLS VERY EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Are Offered in This Department DURING A CLEARANCE SALE Which Is Now in Progress * The Following Greatly Reduced Prices will prove of interest to you and JVc Invite Your \ Inspection. Misses’ Tailored Suits, reduced to — $25, $35, $45, $69.50, $78.50 Misses’ Coats, reduced to-r --$18.50, $25, $35; $49.50, $69.50, $78.50 Misses’ Hats, reduced to — $2.50, $5, $7.50, $lO, SIS Misses’ Silk Dresses, reduced to— s2s, $29.50, $35, $45 i Misses’ Wool Dresses, reduced t 0518.50, $18.50, $25, $29.50, $39.50, $49.50 Middy Suits, reduced to — . $5, $7.50. $10.50 Jersey Dresses, reduced to— $10.50 and $12.50 j Girls’ Coats, reduced t 057.50, $7.50, $lO, sls, $25, $35, $45 Girls’''Wash Dresses, reduced t 051.50, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50, $5, $7.50, $lO, sls Girls’ A{iddy Suits, reduced to— $2.95, $5, $7.50 Girls’ Wool Dresses, reduced to— ss, $7.50, $lO, sls, $18.50 j Girls’ Hats, reduced to— $2, $5, $7.50, $lO Girls’ Wool and Felt Tams, reduced to— sl.oo. 51.95, $3.75 I Girls’ Sweaters, reduced to — $1.95, $2.95. $3.50, $4.95, $8.50 : Wool Scarfs, reduced to — . $2.95, $3.50, $4.50 Middv Blouses, reduced to— sl.oo, $1.95, $2.50. $2.75. $3.75 | (Fifth Floor.) * tffltreef. Comer CTKirfeenlh V I ■ l = SS "" - ===a==L I Saturday we place on sale 1,000 NEW SPRING DRESSES in our Jt, January clearance sale. Departing from the usual custom of offering 'VI past season garments at reduced prices, we are going to sell new M) dresses bought in the regular way very much underpiced. DETAILS OF THIS <£*4 S’ As l . Forty-Five Styles /A j- Basque Bodices, Bouffant Hips, Low I KaT t Waistline, Short Sleeves, Puff Sleeves, H Circular Flares, Novel Sashes. B I * New Spring Materials mb aa Roshana Crepe, Flat Crepe, Paisley■ v W. mv IB Figured Crepe, Batik Figured Crepe, j M in Fine Satin Canton, Canton Crepe . Taf « fet<lS ' w ‘^j (I New Spring Colors „i ,000 Spring Models— j vL c Every One (Not Just a 1 /m Caramel, Almond ■ Green, Rosewood, Few) of Unusual Distinct tm ■ Toast, Slate, French Blue, Camel, Gray, tion. II Woodburn. I * I M| will entertain a company of twenty two at dinner this evening. Miss Louis© Anderson will he the guest of honor at dinner this evening of Mrs. H. Wilfred Du Puy, who will later take her guests to the third “small and early” dance of the Junior League, which will be given at Rauscbers. 1 The General Federation of Women's j Clubs wll hold a large reception to- I night at the -headquarters, at 1734 N street northwest, from 9 to 11 o clock, » Representative John Reber of Potts r ” lle i Pa -< ha » returned to Washlng toli '2 r **** remainder of the session, [ and has reopened his apartments at ■ the Burlington Hotel. Mrs. Gillen Hill will be at home to morrow afternoon at her residence, i 2133 R street. ' Th© bachelors of the British cm-~ \ FOR YOUNG FOLKS AND YOUTHFUL APPAREL FOR EVERYWOMAH\ F air TeniH St. | Specials for Saturday In Blouses, Hosiery and Underwear ! Exceptional Items which should make our Main I Floor as busy as the proverbial “bee-hive. Sale Price. Crepe de Chine and Pongee Gowns. ' Were $5.75 . . ; f... . $3.95 Crepe de Chine an dLa J erz Teddies.. $2.95 Pongee Blouses; excellent material. . ,$2.95 Crepe de Chine and Tncolette Blouses. Were $5.75 $3.95 Lingerie Waists; splendid values SI.OO Mercerized Sport Hose SI.OO Clocked Sport Hose • • SI.OO Silk and Fiber Hose; some with Chiffon Silk Hose; black only $1.50 Chiffon Net Hose; Brown, Beige and Gray $1.95 W 00l and Novelty Sport Hose ........ $1.50 Onyx Pointex Hose: Blacks and Browns $1.95 Full-Fashioned Silk Hose; Black and Brown • • $1.70 A lew Handmade Blouses, very special.s2.9s Philippine Nightgowns $2.95 Every Pair of Hose Is Perfect J Off All Women s and Misses' Sweaters SOCIETY/ bossy staff will give another of their series of dances Wednesday evening. January 17, at 3147 10th street. Mrs. Frederick C. Hicks will be iu home the last two Tuesdays of this month In her apartment at fcJtorn lelgh Court. Representatlve and Mrs Hicks are spending a few days in Philadelphia and New York. t The naval attache of the lan embassy. Capt. Heraclito (Jra«. (Continued^on Nilui/Page .)