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14 CITY PLANNING TOPIC OFMAJ.WHEELER’STAIK Executive Officer of D. C. Zoning Commission Addresses Y. M. C. A. Class. Maj. Raymond A. Wheeler, exec nlive officer of the local zoning com mission. outlined the functions and Operations of city planning and zon ing bodies to the real estate class at the Y. M. C. A. He ponited out that city planning proceeded in two well defined direc tions. First, the planning of public property, which function is well rec ognized, and, second, the control of the development of private property in so far as it affects public welfare. Zoning, it was shown, is a term ap plied to such control when exercised in a comprehensive manner as to height, area and use of buildings. In Accordance With Plan. ' "Zoning regulations generally are . made in accordance with a compre- | her.sive plan and are designed to les sen congestion in streets: to secure safety from tire, panic and dangers; to promote health and general wel fare; to provide adequate light and heat, to prevent the overcrowding of • land; to avoid undue concentration ot population: to facilitate the adequate provision for transportation, watersj sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements.” he said. It is an attempt to provide for orderly growth and expansion of a city on a well considered plan. It endeavors to fix a place for every type of private building, and wants everything in its place. Business is barred from a residential district and industrial establishment s from the commercial district. Zoning prevents blighted areas Without zoning a few business or industrial establishments may blight block after block of a residential district which will neveri really be needed for business purposes or have any business value. Central ization of business is good for the business itself, for each establish ment attracts potential customers for the ot tiers. Zoning prevents conges tion by limiting the percentage, of a lot which a building may occupy. Zoning preserves the morals of a neighborhood by preventing the entry of undesirable buildings. Zoning re quires each owner so to use his prop erty as not to injure his neighbor’s. Individual Owner Powerless. Without zoning an individual owner is powerless to prevent the destruc tion of the value of his property. He gets protection in exchange for sub mitting to certain restrictions. Area regulations are intended to require a building to provide on its own lot light and air space necessary for it self; and further to provide this space in such away that it is of general < benefit. With uncontrolled building li.e erection of a new building in a neighborhood may often mean a net 'oss in the aggregate value of build ings in that neighborhood, but if the neighborhood is planned by zoning, each new building fits into the plan and adds to the aggregate value often more than the cost of the building Itself. Zoning will attract money to investment in real estate as it tends to prevent loss of real estate values due to blighting of a district or of an individual building by erection of un desirable neighboring buildings. The subject of building and loan as sociation will be discussed at the next meeting of real estate class by C. Clinton James. A new textile fiber discovered by Sir Henry Weckliam. the pioneer of the plantation rubber industry, is claimed to posst ss qualities unsur passed by any other textile, being as strong as steel, bulk for bulk. See This New Chevy Chase Home 3712 Ingomar Street Located in the best section of Chevy Chase just oft' Connecticut Avenue. Fully detached. First floor contains large living room with side porch, dining room, library, breakfast room, kitchen and pantry. Second floor has four bedrooms and two complete baths. The house is screened throughout with bronze screen wire, has in stantaneous hot-w r ater heater, oak floors on both floors and a two-car garage. Open for Inspection Sunday ‘inspect TOMORROW? Our New 6-Room Homes : On Kansas Avenue Between Allison and Buchanan These Homes Represent Our Best Effort in Planning, Designing, Workmanship and Finish Sample, No. 4515 Kansas Avenue, Just North of Allison Between 7th and Bth—Open Daily and Sunday Until 9 PJVI. DESCRIPTION A six-room home, with comfortable, roomy and homelike i ii conditions throughout. For instance—One bedroom, 18% feet of || wide; another 15 feet in length; a dining room, 14x15; living |(J H room, 16x14. Such a home Is what constitutes real comforts. fj |! Then the porches! Think of a sleeping porch 10x19, large fa) I ' enough for two Bleeping compartments, and the front porch In ■“ 6x19. Beautiful shaded lots, 127 feet deep, 25 feet parking. fa. Besides, the homes face Kansas avenue, the widest street w northwest, and within one square of Sherman Circle. Real, Bp honest values. And w© want every one interested to see them. fa,, OUR TERMS ARE DOUBTLESS EASIER THAN YOUR LANDLORD WILL MAKE YOU CHAS. D. SAGER I Owner and Builder 923 15th Street Main 36 Heedieartera for New Homes oa the Easy-Paymemt Plaa REAE ESTATE.' CENTER BUILDING OF CATHEDRAL MANSIONS, TO BE ERECTED ON CONNECTICUT AVENUE ~ ■ ~~~ ■— '''* How Cathedral Mansion*, Center, will appear when completed. This building, located between the north and south unit* Os Harry Wardman’s 54,000,000 apartment project at Connecticut and Cathedral avenues, will contain 500 rooms and 200 baths. DISTRICT REAL ESTATE j BOARD SEEKS MEMBERS Rapid Strides Taken in Enlarg ing Lists, Declares Commit tee Chairman. The membership committee of the Washington Real Estate Board has been active in securing new members, according to IV. C. Miller, its chair man, and is making a special effort to increase the associate membership which includes salesmen connected with local realtors’ offices. It was pointed out by Mr. Miller that this class of membership was provided something over a year ago for the purpose of bringing the sales men together and thereby increasing their acquaintanceship, and also to give them the advantage of the educational facilities offered by the real estate board. At the present time the board has more than 200 associate members. At the recent meeting, the following were elected to membership in the board: John R. Chandler. Jesse E. White, Eugene TV. Hense, Bert I. Saxton, J. Bernhelmer, Ralph Hill Campbell, Rufus S. Rusk, O. P. Court, Samuel H. Mumford, F. R. Sandoz, William I. Trby, Jr.; Russell F, Pole and TV. E. Crlser. In addition, under the affiliated classification, the Inter national Bank and R. R. Neuhauser were admitted to associate member ship. The personnel of the membership committee, which passes on all ap plications. consists of the following: W. C. Miller, chairman: Reroy Gaddis, vice chairman: Thomas E. Petty. Charles A. Jones. Clarence F. Welch. R. Owen Edmonston. Harry A. Seay, E. W. Farley, Milton F. Schwab, J. McKenney Berry. Robert R. Mahorney, Ranier P. Mcßachlen and O. B. Zantzinger. HIGHLANDS HOUSES SOLD. The sale of a number of new houses recently completed In Fourteenth Street Highlands is announced by the real estate office of D. J. Dunlgan. Four of the houses on Ingraham street between Georgia avenue and 13th street northwest were sold as follows; Wallace B. Hoover, 1212 Ingraham street: Julius A Haack, 1228 Ingraham street; G. C. Smith, 12XR In graham street, and R. T. Cox, 1236 In graham street. Two of the large 13th street houses were sold to the following; Miss Katherine E. Malone. 5305 13th street, and John A. Myers. 5309 13th street. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. 0.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1923. SOON HI BEGIN THIRD CATHEDRAL MANSION i $4,000,000 Wardman Group on Connecticut Avenue Complete With Latest Structure. Construction of the third and final ! building In the $4,000,000 apartment I ■ I APARTMENTS 11 IN THE ST. ALBAN I j Situated the south end of the Connecticut Avenue Bridge, overlooking beautiful Rock Creek valley. Apartments of Two, Three and Four Rooms with Bath and Balcony New building of fireproof construction. Modern I equipment, with two electric elevators. For Reservations See MANAGER On Premises ■■■■ ■ - ■ | Unusually Attractive Terms on Last 2 Homes Inspect at Once 1412-1508 Varnum St. N.W. Near 16th Street Bus and 14th Street Cars 8 Rooms, 2 Baths, Lots 140 Ft. Deep Large cement porch, spacious living room, open fireplace, i bright dining room, beamed ceiling, two sets French doors, break i fast porch, built-in refrigerator, white enamel range, one-piece sink, four bright bedrooms, two baths with built-in fixtures, in stantaneous heater, hardwood floors throughout, many useful and attractive features. Reasonable Price Exhibit house open, lighted and heated 10 to 9 pjn. daily. Representative on premises. THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO CO. Owners and Builders 914 New York Avc. Franklin 6918 I NEW ROWS OPEN FOR INSPECTION SSOO AND UPWARD CASH MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1801-1847 Monroe St. N.E. Phone Us 1700-1720 E St. S.E. For 813 and 815 F St. NJE. Autn 532 9th St. N.E. i 509 and 511 14th St. N.E. _ 10 307 to 319 L St N.E. Inspect HOTONSTEIN I 1314 F6T NW ■SBBSSSBSBBBBBSSBSBSSBBBBSBSBSBSBBSSBBSB3BXSSHBH group being erected by Harry Ward man on Connecticut avenue, between Cathedral avenue and Klingle road, will start as soon as the remainder of the httll separating the completed units ha* been cut away. It was an nounced today. Tlie final structure, which will he called Cathedral Mansions Center, will cover two acres of ground and will cost $1,250,000, It was stated. There will be 164 apartment* con taining 500 rooms and 200 baths. The apartments will range in size from one room, kitchenette and bath, four rooms, kitchenette and bath. In general construction features the last building will conform to the first two. It will be four stories high, of fireproof construction, with walla of dark red brick, trimmed with limestone. There will be three ele vators. Two entrances will ho provided, at the left and right wings, large lob bies forming part of the wings. The lobbies will have marble floors and FOR SALE 928 10th St N.E. A Modern Six-Room House j i Price and Terms Low Open for Inspection | N. L. Sansbury Co., Inc. 1418 Eye St. N.W. Phones Mean 5903-4-5 . - ■ - ■■ 1 "■ ipp— — m jp iijfjn imumi-■ T ~ir" * * "rjf 1 jt"* z im~'ifff Located in Chevy Chase, D. C. JE highest clc\ ations in d * h ornamental plaster. An Inclosed driveway will lead Into the center courtyard of the building:, where a formal garden will be laid out. The Wardman Construction Com pany, which Is building the apart ment house, expects to complete It by October 1, 1823. Wardman & Waggaraan are the architects. ' 'oj Just a Half Block North ot |B|K Wm Dupont Circle ||| This splendid home is 25 |j| f WSSKSkM !■ running: through from New Hampshire Arc, to 18rh J building-. Offered at a very ||i|; I | Open for Inspection Sunday • RE AC ESTATE. TOPS HOME-OWNING LIST. BALTIMORE, January 18.—Of the ten largest cities In the United States, Baltimore stands highest in the pro portion of owned homes, according to figures complied In the real estate board, which is attributed to the system of ground rents in force here. The percentage of Baltimore home • ownership has rapidly Increased , since 1900, when the percentage of owned homes amounted to only 27.9. per cent, whereas today It is 46.3 p»r 1 cent, or 76,298 out of a total of 166.8.77 ' homes. Os the owned homes 40.7:;0 B are absolutely free of encumbrance