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14 » j,| • • ... ■ A Sale of Aprons, 95c V W w __ __ _ w Slip-on Sweaters, $2.95 high-count Percale, Gingham B I I fl fIBT fl B B B B slip-ons. Navy, am. Linene. and l\Vl 1 CJ U' *V W' 111 W .IV ulfutaH^,^ 5 - CS * * *• ' v Second Floor. Washington—New Vork—Paris Established 1860 STORE NEWS for Monday, January 15, 192 J Phone Franklin 7400 420-430 Seventh Street Northwest * Presenting thousands of yards of new and desirable fabrics in a sale that is proving to be one of the greatest of our many great silk events January Sale of Silks, Velvets and Woolens SILKS and Lansburgh’s are naturally associated in January, for this is the time when we stage the outstanding annual event. By setting a high • standard for value-giving, we have accomplished unusual results/ This has been our spur to make another week of record-breaking offerings. Many will attend this sale and buy for months in advance. The prices in every instance are astonishingly low. Here are the outstanding opportunities. • » * r ; : ) —— :: — : —i Eight weaves—sale price, yard— f BBf Eight weaves—sale price, yard— d* s' f— * 40-inch Plain Silk Radium, light and dark colors j 40-inch Satin Canton Crepe, navy, seal, brown, black 1 w 40-inch Heavy Crepe de Chine, street and evening shades j 40-inch Plain Canton Crepe, new light and dark colors j 36-inch Fine Dress Taffeta, plain and changeable , j. 40-inch Crepe-back Satin, choice of all new colors & Bl^^k 36-inch New Figured Foulards, exclusive patterns 40-inch All-silk Flat Crepe, heavy weave; perfect j W 36-inch Black Satin Duchess and Taffeta at, yard I B 40-inch Crepe de Chine, heavy weight; all good colors I J 36-inch New Satin de Chine, street and evening m ! 40-inch Printed Crepe de Chine, new designs j 32-inch Broadcloth Silk Shirtings, new designs j 40-inch New Paisley Crepes, rich color combinations j 40-inch Satin Charmeuse, street and evening shades j 40-inch Fine Dress Satins, navy, seal and black ! J V Oepe de Chine (fl Q _ 36-in. Lingerie I Anotller opportunity / or you— 54-in. All-Wool _ A 54-in. All-Wool fi>l and Radium, Yd. J) I#/ J Tubing, Yard, make the best of the savings. Coating. Yard,tpZidU Tubular Jersey, Ip I#Vi) widths! Thirtv'colorsJ^ncludiqg street A fine, perfectly woven quality for mak- 54-ItlcVl AH-WOOI Pftll*Pt Fine Cam . e, ’ S hair effeCt; ri ° F ’ One of the best grades manufactured, be shades: also pink, orchid and white for mg dainty lingerie. Choose from pink, A A AA TT VVA A Vl ” heavy weight, tan grounds with mg strictly all wool and fast dye. Suitable lingerie. A wonderful quality and flesh, white and orchid. One of the best orange, green end brown stripes; for every jersey purpose. Wanted colors value. , values in the silk sale. VV XXX mIIVI X XXvAXLXXXC * also plain blue, helio and tan. A with plenty of navy blue, black and white. ■ ■■■ 1 " January Sale Price, Yard value we cannot duplicate.- All-Silk Chiffon 44-in. All-Wool . $2.65 54-in. All-Wool.. __ 154-Inch All-Wool .. . J \eh el, \ aid $5.39 Yard. $1.19 , ,h French Serge, $1,95 Zephyr, at, yard $2.39 em^l^SfJiS? c sJiilS'f “ A . fi " e *'-* r y P urc ' voo ' : spring‘suits and "{“pure Su P erior all -"° o1 ser S e Jj, J«pr ro«gh «.« miiißs OS 40 read >' for the need ' e > sponged and shrunk- Australian woolen and fast dye. Colors: Tan, navy', 01 S° od wei S ht and close w ea\ e for I £ or S p r j n g apparel. Colors are tan, b own, uupc. M«k • en Colors-scarlet Alice blue, garnet, seal and black. Note the width—full 54 inches. ' regulation and one-piece dresses, gray, navy bin. and black. seal, navy blue and black. I also skirts. Choice of navy or black. ’ % With New, Fresh Assortments, the Sale of Lingerie Continues An unusual selection Extra Suecial Touches of Color Trim many of rFt] (4|B °f styles and values r\r\/\ xy J these Philippine and Porto Rican J j KJj\ Gowns and Envelopes Handmade Undergarments Mi ¥ n $1.39 Sc‘andß4c $1.95 |« iS| Vjir, I W If you are wondering how you can save on your So quickly did the larg* supply of under- , \\\\ // I||b\ 111 tW / \ \ spring outfit and still have things just as good, an things with which we started the White Sales As it the dainty handwork on these tine hand- fX/V f ' VIHA IIV x if / \\ excellent wav to start is bv taking advantage of disappear that we were fortunate, indeed, to made nightgowns and envelope chemise was not y y I D^|n Hf 114 )) this offer undergarments an excep- SS <1 r a J’ t o ;l:! r .‘TZ* A"sT“ enough, many of them choose a binding of pale blue, U jSlk ■j I M V tionally low price. 6 ' flesh or orchid, which makes them irresistible / 'll (| , 818 Brn ' / MM' i ' The NivhtvowTis are shown in manv stvles needed undergarments you can buy for a small The gowns and chemise are m various styles. /\\ )» \ ' m /Mm I , . he J zrt Shown m many styles, outlay—and with summer coming on, too, of the finest nainsook, every stitch made by hand, / \ f\} \ |V, / Blf \ f\ tnmmed \yith clusters of pm tucks, hand-feather- when you need so many to fill in your supply and they are trimmed with hand-scalloping, hand- U I . \\ h I stitching, imported embroidenes and laces. of the more expensive kind, drawnw'ork and hand-embroidery in various attrac- A ' J \\!|«B VMT r HM / Envelope Chemise, in six different stvles, trim- Nightgowns are shp-over models, of good tive desietis 1 }'\MMm •W | m I I med with medallions, lace edge and insertions and n o" ,n c S o t io^ tnmm or , i \#if V* / fiffli 1 / dainty ribbons. Envelope Chemise, many different styles, I k. Q!f nil J Q- ( 1 1 ML fm9®} / Wmm I ’ / xi • nn with strap or built-up shoulders. Lace and A\l duU I j/\ . j nM 1 ft Muslin Petticoats, SI.OO or White batiste, trim- Other groups of handmade nightgowns and en- | // JfmWl . fl L fjll I —Sr 1C days t * l ’ n dresses will make these practical med with fancy stitching or hemstitching and velope chemise, more elaborately hand-embroidered ' j / / ft I WUjf/A m | rTCP petticoats necessary. They have elastic tops and trim- elastic at knee. and trimmed, some with handmade laces—in all, one HTTti si / JMf mings of ruffles, pin tucks and hemstitching. Some have Step-in Drawers arc flesh or white, some of the most complete and varied assortments of fine 7 b 8 20-inch hems, making them almost shadow-proof. A trimmed with contrasting color and others InnHmade undergarments we have ever showm / / \J , miMlv'- W limited quantity—and a great opportunity at this price. with val lace. —Maim Floor. nanamattC unaergarments wc nave ever snown. U gms&y—jll <sgtF ' —Third Floor. ——amm^u^^mm — mm^mm —Third Floor. V_/ rr\ j n •~• mi • Tr\ n t £\i T» 1 Record-Breaking Sale Tremendous Savings in This 3-Day Sale of Notions PV| n „ c j7 v . o~ • | Snap Fasteners, Hooks Tapes and Bindings Miscellaneous ' X *” ra _ “ and Eyes Extra Special bias beak tape, i.« >r goxham, with 4 7 t;_ ; Extra Special ( Jark BO.N. T. aU ™ s bi^k.Lh^ 81 ™ 8 : 18c Maid-of-America ; l2Vc u ‘ ht 25c Gray Jersey g - L That you would con t , a CROWN. CAPITOL AND COS- TT it * 14T . 19 vard* IsSyoC wel*ht, all sizes. 3 for. **«*'■' VI I “J J V/A OVJ ' i»i r |-->K A mil J ULL LLUULII rull- Snool I .ottoil TELLA SNAPS, black, whit*. 3 | xlumail Half IvetS BLUE LABEL TWILLED TAPE, HOUSEHOLD APRONS, rub- je„ v i F do __._.. o ...._ y iuc J__ 25c Dress Forms • 188 sider wonderful at QOdb rLir, TENO BNAPB..U air... 4 25c ZIC (lOZ. ' P COTTONTAPE.I-yd, pleo*«, 2 » p BRAID™° 5 C H DVC dOZ. 7C Heal hair n.U. all color.. A 19c buSftown™ taif. L . E . “ . B .* 5c 53.10 {■ SIOO.OO ClSrk's standard quality, black DELONG HOO K - AND-EYES, very low price for those nets. KOHAIR BLANKET‘b IND- nc RICK HACK BRAID, 4-yd. piece; e | I 7<S*k% w l / h il* , „- full . i 60 -^ rd s P° ols - black, white, assorted sites. Card : ING, pink, blue, white. 3 yards “ ac &to 33 aC Wire skirts, sizes from 34 to A No phone or mail orders. HOOK-AND-EYE TAPE, black, -|« n . . . LINGERIE TAPE, pink, blue, 1A BABY BIBS, neat pattern*. 1 r i 44: well made in every way. A 1 HI A M % Limit 1 dozen to customer. white, assorted sizes. Yard J.VC UrCSS Linings white. 3 yds to piece. 3 pieces. -ItrC nicely made.. 15C most exceptional vaiue. B fl«h A^aid PE ’ bU ° k ’ WWt * 15c NAINSOOK LININGS, hook- Ola E X GOTHAM GARTERS, 4in set’; nQ n U ' ' ] B B KING’S SPOOL COTTON 200 in * ’ eye and beltinr, all sizes BINDING, mil ooWrs, 3 yds flesh or white dVC n| , J yds. 40 to 70. 3 spools 10c . TUSSAK BHK WAIBI LIN- q ;. p i , HICKORY BEW-ON GARTERS, IA Buttons V Asm^m SPOOL COTTON, assorted shades, e BeltingS W AIITLININQS oo Sanitary (food* 2in set; flesh, whit, IDc PEARL AND BONE TRIMMING HI * I ■ BEST QUALITY SPOOL" SILK 60- GKOBOEAIN BELTING, cet- aU sfs«.. ; 39c ELASTIC BAWTABY BELTS, jq M O 110 W - GKQVND SCIS- 6 9 c BUTTONS, A «“ ™ *l*^ T *n X «“ X e® M " J. ~l«%«||.* > 25c „ . „ , p . •’SfeiSiT’i «« K. ffi ■ Only 50 of these high sorted \ OZ - SP ° OL , S QQe black, white, !•/, to *V4 in. ini/, LANET HAIR NETS, sinrle OQ„ SANITARY APRON, largo q- n SHEARS, good quaUty, 6to S on. underwear. 3 carda............ aw • graue pnOUOgrapns lO DC and white. Spool Yard _ . _ WARREN'S PERCALINE GIRD- REDDY HAIR NETS, double OP„ MISS ENCO SANITARY NAP- n- COLLAR BANDS, for men’s in. BUTTONS, all size*. Card «>C IB , , , Damme Cotton ELIN. back, white, 3to BV4 in„ mesh, cap or fringe. Dozen.... OOC KINS, large sizes. Dozen shirts: all sizes. 3 for AUC IVORY, CELLULOID AND BONE tTCmely lOW pfICC. MAID-OF-AMERICA DARNING B- in - Y * rd FABHIONETTE HAIR KOTEX SANTTARY-NAP- MYMAN’S COLLAR BANDS, «>ff„ BUTTONS, aU sizes, styles and in I IWft 9 Fverv marliinp fulls- COMON black only 4 for 5c SETS, ‘ingle or double... f|D KINS, excellent quaUty •Dozen WC weU made; all sizes. 3 for... co i,„. Bto 1 dor. on card. Card AO® 13 II "C A.\ CFy mdClline lUll> darning cotton. 48-yd." Pins and Safety Pins D m.pv' • v?Pw?ifq ß^L E . S / Nr m.fJ $2.15 m?‘p N H Nr 5 KIS ? T /^ E 5 C painted coat hanqers, nc JJ K « r guaranteed. Equipped sdool black brown white. 4 i*■ ** HAffiPINo, black, bronze, in- (f A NAPKINS, IBc each. Dozen URE. tipped ends. 60-in, lone.•, afv* * a or tCT T ■ I *.i j i i tt • spool, mac*, Drown, white. 4J J c ADAMANTINE PINS, assorted e„ risible, assorted, 3 boxes *FC BABY RUBBER PANTS, flesh. 1 WEST ELECTRIC HAIR 1 - “ * IOT ‘ **: v j / I With double-Spring HdII »MERCERIZED DARNINOiCOT- * sizes. Special, 4 papers CELLULOID HAIR PIN 8, 1A- natural and white. Pair AOC CURLERS, Son card XOC BUST FORMS, graj Jersey d>-| ffQ If I n intnr nr l T T n : vpr T (W,bl/:k .white and colon, 31 1 400-COtJNT DRESSMAKERS' 11. ztralght or crimped. 8 boxes.. Aw KLE INERT'S JIFFY PANTS, or NEEDLE CASES, sowing and corored, *U size. [I I lieman UIOtOF and UllU CF fn r liC PINS, good points. 4 papers.... XA4- HAIR ROLLS, for side puffs; 4n_ aU size*, good quality darning needles. 8 for ... / ( Mi tnnp arm Plnvc all •••••••"■ ’ GOLD MEDAL AND MiUD OP aU colon. 8 for AUC SEWING NEEDLES, plain and V , r . i AMERICA PIN SHEETS. 8 Off- HAIR ROLLS, assorted size* QQ„ ~ assorted. 8 papen »>C . r . c _ . . w makes Os FCCOrds. Laree Extra Special j ’TtSrron ■ urirr' rh™: ■ hi t® “* “ Extra Special aFSSS&rSS?:.?? 25e , „ , /'T' ■ DIMENSI9NS —50 size and magnificent ma sizes 00 to 3. Dozen OC '• 1 " ' " ' 1 ' l * ** CORSET Z«Ao£s/o, I and 10 *i A- I i IIC hC 8 hixht 20 flllisll Uon , t Sanitary 13dtS black and white. 3 dozen... 7c I Extra Special j [ DoilblC’Mcsh yd lncral b PLATE^ lU 'gp’6oL Im { tCC CISSOFS | I J inches wide and J this wonderful oppor j 12c Household bourne inesn h S % and Shears ! ,nchesdeep - tunity, PP^ and Anrons BABY buntwo safety n _ aauuoLuum Hair Nets cover, complete 79c auu OUCOIB C«UU FIUIUIIB riNB . liM I, g. 8. 8 dozen.. AIC 1 llaU BTICKERI. in 3 and 4 yd. • DRESSMAKERS* PINS, at- i« ADrOIIB I I - pieces; aU oelors, 8 pieces 25C fsnifl /K 1 91/ or e , “dre^k^ q^n8 X 2 Qp Kp r| ft7 ^ ^ o .fo -‘ 10c i pHIT (1/ BH Pay cash for $5 worth of records of each # whiti Hi 35c ODC QOZ. 10c your own selections—February 1, start A special pu r chaze-olean, J»t. Mf0r................ A&C Quality net. in cap ztyle enly. SKIRT AND TROUSER eyr thUpriU fresh goods. Flesh and white. CUBE PINS, jet only; largo Q , | a price far less than regular , Choice of aU shades at far under HANGERS, all colors. 4 for.. p B te Hinil n.| l , l n . ,h> nhnnner.nh Exceptional savings. and smaU. 4 for ■'C for those well-made aprons ia real Talus. SOKPACT DRESS FORM. paying $5 monthly for the phonograph. PIN SHEETS, assorted sixes; ff _ 1 dark gray rubber. with Irish linen ' skirt, aU QQ QQ . - - ' jot, mat and assorted. Paper.,.. OC - . - -- - ■— - sizes &O.Ozf —Notions. First Floor. V —Balcony Phonograph Shop. THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C.. JANUARY 14. 1923-PART 1.