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| r AMCRIIDCH ft JSI*? ' }J^.JZ£ZJ!,Z£Z. WvintH Jjjiy;, , January Sale of Washington—New York—Parts STORE NEWS for Monday, January 15,1923 420-430 Seventh Streeft Northwest | New Purchases and Clearance Reductions . » * 11 by a rising price on blankets —3 Add Zest to the January White Sale “l u H? ! Tvvas a tremendous sale when it started, and it will be equally as great when it ends. No other January Sale Eas witnessed ” ot - >' ou . cannot ; such spirited buying, probably because no previous event has offered such extensive assortments and such ta latitude for yourscl/ai* to /' economical buying. This page tells of many new additions, as well as timely mark-downs on merchandise from csur own stocks. attend this sale. > 'll I EXTRA SPECIAL I °" e ° f nPPeai * ° f tHU »° fe “ ; the big one is QUALlTY—~both are well represented prices. Compared if (if (W r,^vV' ,v * Asbestos Table Pads ~ . TTTI , pay next fall, these blankets at the sale prices may be j—Clearance Sale of White v 1 I|[r -^jUew reduced prices: _ “ \ “ $4.50 p a tt ..$5.50 and Colored Wash Goods 66x80 aii-wooi Blankets \ p7° I —— FV ’”' I $7.45 pair ' \S Here is a stock of wash goods second to none. It represents an investment of many * thousand dollars. It is carefully chosen; it is thoroughly complete. But January calls Heavy, warm blankets, firmly woven of long, # c . for a clearance, and it takes reductions in price to effect that—and we have reduced to staple wool, with neatly stitched edge, in such ♦ This puts new 6i snap 99 back into the January sale the limit, speaking of prices only. colors as blue, pink, tan and gray. Handsomely ~ ■ ' - , finished; distinctly fine quality, just see them.* A Remarkable llirchase anu dale OI Imported Zephyr Gingham— Our Best Outing Flannel— All-wool Block Plaid Blankets, size 70x80, in blue mr • m . j 1 , 32 inches wijde. Superior quality. orc than one ~u? d rcd f ull bolt s. Very lavender, tan, red, gray and rose, and All-wool Scotch llf I Atl ■ IATHC New checks and plaids. Colorings to c oice patterns and colorings. Plaid Blankets, 66x80; All-wool White Blankets and Jrure .Linen ratiem j£ ■ Savings are great-25% to 33 %% from regular -■ ** 1 I — ar,i 2 1 a^w M i BUnk.u.'i'n rich Mock ptaids, L *QxBo, It is thing* .Ike this .hat keep the fire in the Linen Sale. important part it plays m the purchasing plans of those who provide the requirements ot finish. Checks, plaids and stripes. quality. Formerly 38c Reduced for OH the home here. These cloths are of an extra fine, extra heavy quality silver-bleached Wanted colors. Formerly 58c. Reduced ‘JO., clearance, yard 4IVC All Wskstl Rlanknto linen damask— $voven of the purest flax. The prices quoted are most advantageous. to. yard 30-inch J C nr \ i uI«F iVll“fT001 DIaDKCIS 64\64-inch "J 70*I20.inch] 7ixlßo.|nch Cotton Foulards—32-inch width; i boond?^°Ail-w^l'Snkete.'ln'blMk I pUi“s?ami Cloths, ea. a—gQ j- Cloths,.., *. AF *A QC ~?ie.y‘.TpSK* Cloths, ea. Cloths, ea. ■ ■ Clotns, ea. require no ironing. Formerly 35c. Now OO All-wool North Star Mills Blankets, in rich, plain 08xl20-inch t/ 72x170-inch 80xl20-!nch! \J Twill Outing Flannel—27-inch > ard T’ P - ink m nd , tan ’ wdl as Ot /I CB Cloths... Cloths,ea. . Cloths. S’ d,h - R^SbteTl^d’ ! Novelty Ratine-Including 80x)60.inch Cloths, uch, 1 fio OC Our 25c grade. Yard 20c a " d COOr! ' 68c ... . .. .. rblZ.Zfj _ gc A-anety. iard All-wool North Star Blankets, extra three ways. 80x2-0-mch Cloths, eac , Domet Cotton Flannel—Excellent, 36-inch French Ratine —An entire ‘ n sizc ((SOx 9o ). weight and quality. pr „ . . T o . f-Q : heavy quality; 27 inches wide; good weight; range of new plain shades, also white \ beau- Choice of rich block plaids and white. I S 1111 Antique Lace Centerpieces | 16c .it,,, ,„ a n. y . d„ sll! , Pair , P OIO.UU «L2s i ' . p^^^^> R1 v Tf ior^^tP iaids .- ' aic pr,ct ’ >ara ; • 4 : g a jg. i - size 66x80; Army Khaki Blankets, about /3% wool. Irish Linen Table* Napkins—Pure ißxs4-inch Lace Scarf., each, %im ~nnd Innh nt tho lo.i, s - ize and Vhite C ? tton Bla " k s ts A Ar linen: extra fine quality; good weight; assorted 54x54-inch each, $2.25 MflU tUUtt Ul IUV IUIV priCPS OH size 72x84; very heavy and very well fin- Ad MS patterns. Size 24x24 inchea Extra sl9 00 —** ished. Pair good value. Dozen , • P ur> e Linen Napkins—Every Wlll'fA Wcioll AnnKFtr North Star Blankets, part wool, in white, with Linen Huck Towels —Pure thread thread pure linen; heavy quality; distinctive ff llltC ▼▼ dull X 4UilLu W1 VSrUdIILV blue ’ pmk and rose border - Ver 7 hand-Aq g\m. linen; extra quality; very absorbent; made at- patterns. Size 22x22 inches. Limited J some coverings and finely finished. Size rSQ tractive with fancy damask border. Size (J1 quantity at this sale price. Dozen... ... . , 70x80. Pair ifixVt. special, each i —Fi n « Fio«r. Imperial Longcloth 36-inch L\fi*a Siippial—lft-v'tit-rl - - ■ , ~ width; smooth, even thread weave; 10 (( opCLlcU—lU-> aF€t . chamois finish. At, yard io c piece 36-in. Nainsook Satme-Bordered Comforts • . T-* u r * Quality cambric in bizarre oriental designs; Ist ti iiMt W/'f 1 L/m/f in «0-incn Nainsook Bine, sneei intpenal brand, lingerie finished, for infants' bright, extremely good-lookinc in blue and Ihe January Hale Utters Uood Savings in a .x. y f .„. 28c Thr " choic ' grades - u “ %sfcomWnS. nr Sheets, Cases and Muslins J..... ! ... , . . * . , pICCC Longcloth > >ards, $4.88 satine, in beautiful old-fashioned (but now prevail- • The same dependable qualities always presented in this section are featured now, dur- Imperial make. Soft, chamois finish. Qua!- Novelty White Voiles—These are 1 in S vogue) Paisley effects. Sizes 72x72. mg tine January Sale, at prices radically reduced, it is to note the sa\mgs to be made ity 6U itable for fine undergarments and other fine grades that regularly sell at 75c yard Exceptional values -H I bv purchasing now. Mentioned are a few of the groups. uses. Three grades— Checked, plaid, striped or dotted. 36 and PA rt V f ' Utica Sheets Plover Sheets White wool. They arc in attractive floral and p-A , taiUOllS Hill Always dependable and The famous -for- service 40-inch width, 10 serviceable. Perfect qual- sheets, full bleached and 4h-mch width, 1U yards, s4*4B waists shirts and pajamas. 32 inches rn_ All-wool Comforts, size 72x80, satine covered and I lliumd&c itics of heavy, closely woven, woven of extra fine quality Normandie Suitltur—Thi« liac WdC ’ ' ard I neatly bordered. Warm, good-looking, Qq fipr Cotton : **. thc SS' Two sizes. beautiful finiJlhat “eSes reailinenand Pajama Check Nainsook Small serviceable, special 1p0.V5 following special prices. Special value. makes attractive summer suits. 39-inch QQ„ neat checked patterns, very popular for under- -|1 "D JC * Reduced 81x90 81x108 81x90 81x99 width. Yard S* ar i for M“ en, v vo “ en and children - 14c satm Marseilles Bed set ii $1.59 $1.89 .$1.25 $1.39 . h Ne w^ ***■ . | |i familiar With the serv- v ' A heavy weight that is excellent for separate ity that sells regularly at 38c. 30 inches SI I i ice and laundering j _ , _ skirts and suits. A new and attractive wide. Launders without ironing Yard, | VViUV qualities of this cotton KenWOOd SheetS-~bpeClOlly Friced weave Yard n M . <* -F««h Floor. ■; and will buy quantities Th eS e sheets will give excellent service and launder , '[ ■; a icse prices. perfectly. Woven of staple, hard-twisted yarns, full 45-Inch 42-Incli bleached and painstakingly hemmed. We especially rec- " 11 - - "• yard yard ommtnd the purchase of several at these low prices. -mm 11* fit* -m d l 72x99 90x99 9o*ioß Monday brings one of the big events in January Sales 33c 29c Sl-48 $1.65 $1.75 A TVII Cl rA . A A 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting—Extra Fine Nainsook—36-inch width. I \ I Jlf I I I r\ T* I weight and quality; easy to bleach; for sheets. Extra fine, sheer quality for children’s dresses mattress covers, etc. January Sale price, CA n and fine lingerie. Slightly soiled on fold. A - .. . , „ , , . 1 , . „ . yard Ya r d J-Ol- Os course, it is a specially planned, event—not a clearance in any sense of the word. An offering of new, specially purchased merchandise i ... __ _ _ _• „ —bought special and priced special for the occasion. Herq you will find any number of articles—stamped ones for the woman who loves No. 550 Longcloth—36-inch width. Indian Head—Perfect quality. 44 needlework —others ready for use. The savings suggest your early attendance tomorrow morning. Exceptional quality for undergarment*. Slightly inches wide. Mill length* of 2 to 10 yards. soiled on outer fold. January Sale price, 17r» Sol{ l h* lengths only at the sale price. , . - . _ , yard J-*A/ S a j e price, yard °* ,C I Stamped Pillowcases I Sanitas Luncheon Other specially priced offerings will be found In the Domestic Department—Third Floor. on 42-inch bleached Utica tubing, | c“ I Cloths, large size, 48 and 54 inch; | of long-wearing quality for em- AjJ I — —J- choice of a wide range of attrac broidered scallops. Exceptional JL J3X /// \\ tivC P atterns> each -A --... ■ i ■MKwnBKamKB mii iii iibiihi i-i 1 — n" " i—-—*™ ii■■■Bina —i. ■ .i,f_ value, pair ..................... jjf t Noteworthy savings in this Sale of Pillowcases stamped 111 st er ; easy to work designs, - v on Food Quality 42-inch tubing, C"1 IJ> stamped on unbleached sheeting. IQ Tw% /%L T Stamped for hemstitched scallop I i For twin or three-quarter beds. A I mm Jffl ITIPh I and crochet. How many, please ? JL Wire Lamp in -4 72x90, each ttAAU XllVfll iiatyo . Pair three attractive shapes, dome or $ | Stamped Aprons, CCD- _ Reduced to SI.OO Yard Sanitas Luncheon Sets, inchsfze. Good value -*• Ss! eS chnd?en"s S ’ dresses S and S I M . ... in the popular two-tone blues; I Cnrded Velour Pillnws towels, some slightly imperfect. JL. Flounangs and all-overs in many beautiful patterns. Chantilly, radium, em- effective Colonial designs. Set ■ worueu v ciuur rmows 5 p \^ ccs f or broidered net, spotted net and other novelty effects. 18and 36 inch widths. Some consists of sor 13 pieces, set... in rose, blue, ■ are short pieces, and others in dress lengths—all reduced to this one price. brown and M Luncheon Sets, neat g* White Chaatilte Ffiwarinx; All-over Spangled Net In Black Seqtdn Flottncincs, 36 CSIL- C-Ur-n iI i gre«n, some stamped designs, also 44-inch JK 36 inches wide. A fine qual- Iridescent colorings. 18 inches inches wide, in heavily beaded 2UIK Fringe IOF trim- with tapestry centers, table covers scarfs, centers and fiy. In bcautif “ l P a l te l n *- Formerly de»igns. Formerly $5.95 to : mfng lamp shades; rose American I gold galloon trimmed, h„ffet sets ’all of Vood quality Formerly Re- ®2.95 fS- R * dw *‘ ,0 - *4.50 *L’A to ' ***• * 7J ‘ I Be. Sty, sand and black. Pare V I round or oval shapes. terial 3 kcc« 9 duced to, yard yard “ d __ __ silk and full six-inch width, yard, -O' inHw filled with kapok. matonal, 3 p»ce. I —Fleet Fleer. rj —Art Dept—Third Floor. I ■ _ • | ' - - ■ ; \ 1 THE mrXTOtY BTSR, , WXBHmGTOX, IT. f.. TAXTTABT Tl, 1923-FAHT T. 15