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20 IIIIBBGiSSZSEHIMIIIIBBiBiiESGBBHBIIIIIIIIIHBBBiBBBBBIIIIIIIMIBIIIGSSBBIRIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIiCEaBIIIIIIIII S ! 1,500 Yards 36-Inch Printed All-Silk Eponge ; j On Sale Tomorrow, Monday, at $1.49 Yard ■ ■ Something entirely new and specially priced. The colorings arc extremely attractive. There arc fhc> Egyptian, M Bulgarian. Persian and Oriental printings, each piece different, some of the most daring combinations imaginable or • a thc subdued color combinations if you prefer. HandSOme 1 Ushering in the IS etc Season With a Most Remark - " ® 40=inch Paisley Georgette Cockcroft Blouses, choice Georgette Crepe, a fine all= Offering of About 100 IS etc. Fashionably JJ m Crepe, $1.98 yard. Shown in patterns and colorings in silk quality that will give DC3.UOU Smart and Dec e y emceab c Sdk-Lmed „ ■ <• itrlit choice color combinations; ideal for these semi-made illuminated fabrics. Priced satisfaction. Seventy-five shades to select _ . j r>| • j rfh/%/% MM H Z '•‘ k - troro Blouses, $8.59 Soring oDOftS Suits, 522.75 ■ . Yard=Wide Taffeta Glace, A new knitted Silk fabric, Beautiful colors and • * ■ We also have just unpack* at >9B yar j. \v e have just Alltyme Crepe, produced by styles. Various lengths— I _ * ■ ed some beautiful Haledon unpacked a beautiful range of exquisite | the fan.m.s Banner .Sdk Mills, 36 inches hip length or Russian For Business For General Utility ■ ■ .. . , * • •| n • colorings in this popular material. Change- vn, k- * • . . . . blouse effects. Elaborately y nr U nlkimr Fnr Snnrtu Wear / ® ; s ' a "r; C! r ic wJii isjas virupstasrarst?sk « f „d n„i,. W c,v IZ tt ° ■ ®y >asr\ ■ prims. These are priced at S2-49 yard. and the wonderful shades. achieved bv Krepe Knit last sprin ß and combmrd Navv. tan and rIT ear Elerywher JjKa /“v ■ ■ ■ judging bv the appearance of this new fab- new rea. Round'and some vv S " Then comes the Valentino 40-inch Black Dress Satin, STS* * i,h »»»" collars. i Smart Women >rf New York JK /ZJ) A Z I Bandanna Handkerchief special at $1.98 yard. 1 c.pei. vw.. fork. white .ad buck. Handmade : arc wearing such suits under l\ A ■ Squares, shown in vivid color combina- . NCWPI 3 i fl Ufld StripC their Winter COatS. When the / /// 1 \ 7 //1 \ ■ { tions: these can i.e used in many ways. 40=mch Black Cnarmeuse, Broadcloth Shirtinsr the DIUUSes, ~ . . (y \ /// \ / // \ m ■ All vou have to do is to hem them. The . . . orodutioin oiiiruiig, iii c time comes to bid farewell to win- \ \ \ // //\ \ \// ■ qualities we show arc excellent: can be SPCCiaI at $2.69 yard. ! plains are in the new shades and the stripes i, ai ,M r ,‘" tJ ’ . pr u U> . . \ \l Ki J I I \ \ W \ \ ■ had in Surah twill or heavy radium. At i are the conservative widths that are the collars aJd turn’ bark *" ruff! ter, these SUItS Will be VCFV much \\|lM/ I \\ V V \ ■ $2.98 per square. p, f Crenel We 1 VOgUC th,s sca , son ’ 1 r,crd at SI - 98 > ard - A1 siles At S 2 00 • , , ' . f U f \\ ' J \ \ " av it, f n have it in qualify I bOOO Yards First Quality r . ln u u„ r ?._ Thlrd l loor . in the i vo^ue and most P ractlcal 1 2 ■ W c also have the cointin- too Thc kind that WOII - tsprc^ . and . All Silk Imported Pongee, for early spring wear. uTT/Vi I ' \ ■ UO U S pattern snould you colors arc the choicest for spring wear. ’ Mondav only, $l.lO yard—Thc natural tan j . (/ 1€« _ » need <b... a s,„ar, a. «.« ,«d. ,A. S». >-d, ! *■* •«« on, wa„ ls . NOVClty Metallic U] U " ■ The Woolen Dress Goods Section has many attractive items and values Cloths and The fabrics " ere looraed b y mil,s 1 \ t ■ , „ . . Brocades internationally recognized as the pre- J*— '“T \ i B I to offer, none more so than this offering for Monday. T .„ micr weavers of «w«ds, homes P u.. s \ 1\ l\ . ■ 600 Yards 54»inch All-Wool Jersey Cloth I We are receiving daily new coatings, "/ombfilailoliT'ol ami mannish mixtures. Careful atten- v Z' ■ at $1.98 yard skirtings, suitings, etc. disUn*«ishe* the taHorto«r. Had- R \ 898 \ Wk . ® Every piece new. also thc make, it is of particularly fine j Come tomorrow and we can assure you of exceptional values for afternoon and evening piped buttonholes. Hard rolled col- \ A ■ construction. Just compare it to the average wool Jersey you J and attractive styles. For illustration, we are showing 54-inch dresses, blouses, hats .V) j buffed eders all have some of rT Q\ » abnnnd green. carbin,,. . Coanng, a. .„U upn.rU. s _ d suits as low priced as these. Women’s /S V J „ steel, vampire, t. ... Plain Satin Metal Cloth and misses’sizes. ® In silver, gold, antique, steel. fl ..= ~ ■■■■"• ' ■■ ■ "" jade and silver, blue and silver. rrt, .11 " < rose. etc. Finest quality. At IUC Styles HFC nCW—the fabriCS are UCM the COl- Kl _ e >1 . ■ 1 .. n 1 ~ , m . 111 , .. S7, °" '‘ rd ' ors are new. And the Price is surprisingly Low. ■ ' Hoteoroof New Arrival of Palm Beach Hats and Hats for m TS?ssz~ i m...- ■ ; u • ~,r i- About Town at $lO, $16.50 to $25 -■ Z . Hosiery 1 ; : -XTJZZ a SiSrC Extraordinary Purchase of Beaded and Leather : sortment of these splendid sure to pl easc - New and exquisite styles and colors * ■ , ■ Stockings— V are here, every new straw and fabric, every new idea fTflliriVlf) (SQ Qf fZvf*Q flv RpHIIPPrI * ■ Full-Fashioned Jgl J in trimming is found among this large selection, and CI I VJI vw Flj IVvUUtvU J. 1 Ivvu ■ Holeproof Hose, $2.00 the workmanship is of the best. - . A( , ~ D _ n _ Pure Thread Silk with mer- llfclKT I $7.50 Crochet Bags at so.oo ■ cerized tops. Black, / Ms if f 4*? ft Trimmed with steel beads. m ’ ■ and colors. Good weignt. I li&rAa m n rdPiilLViM, fl nZI ** I U Black, navy, brown, tan and ■ At |: Included are Dress Hats, Suit Hats, Sports (f b 1 flfect from ny pretty deslgns t(J ■ ■ Holeproof Silk Hose, Pair V[ or Garden Hats or Hats for Matrons. A 1 V U ■ $ 1,00 yW/ij/if l charming collection that includes many very y S blMkl'whim. I WM smart and exclusive style. ’ \pffJ ' WWSu A ■ brown, gray, beige, f J |J p Holeproof Silk Hose, Pair New Polo Cloth Hats to Go With the New Spring , I I lw mm I „ " $1.25 r.ints QS and 00 j 53.10 Duvrumc Bans WW , ' W v/UalS* anu «pO»UU French Handmade Bead $7.50 Imported Bead Trimmed with Silver Beads NwSSir ■ whhe! n brown aC fcay m tan and . , have just received a shipment of these Hats Made of the spring coating mate- Bags. $9.50 Bags> $5 $2.95 ■ beaver. At $1.25 pair. rials that will go with the new Camelshair and Scotch Plaid spring coats. Q " aU “7- th . at .™ ha 7 ,7T Mounted on shell frame, silk ! fc ,f P r k aws , iS2t I . co tr*J n H PalaU Royal-Second Floor. dSii£ ■ ■ Holeproof Fiber Silk Hose j gJTVKu. l^edYri b n°ge orn Ar«V iieavy beaded Sported Drawstring Bags ■ • 75c and $1 Pr. Daily Our Misses’, Women’s and Larger Women’s Frock with pood quality f'ilk, finished j j Ordinarilv sold at $7.50 and ||| ■ U'nmni’, Seamed hack in J . -- . - f* s°”?'" of 4 ba S„ ?„ !th heavy $8.50. T.arge assortment of col- ■ ■ j Section New b, ' a MmM - | I ■ ■ Holeproof Seconds <■ m* mt jjfjk \ \ ! $3.50 to $5 Leather Bags ' S ■ With Slight Faults {ltlfl Nil 111 |K and Party Boxes, $2.95 ! | fflT . Substandards of $2 Grade WIAM / I lb 9 I u “" ortment - imported Bead Baes $6 95 Ml ■ c„ i.: nn .4 A\v f lit f- ■-■ flashlight and other useful impuncu oeau D«gB, 90.79 Sa m&SBSfBSii BSR ■ Full-Fashioned Silk Hose, fX\ / If/ .WT || fittings, silk lined, in black ~^ rm ‘i ly H Wort !l ,B k 6o Cl 10 p r Not only newness of styles, that \ /V' 11l M and colors. At *=.,«. coiorlnir^and n de d 3 e i K ns ea snk mSSSMmS B ■ vl*l” ■F. mirror some Os the most desirable t/ W'llr/ a I IH' q I Uned. mounted on ahelt frame. BS ■ Pure thread silk with mer- foreign models, but also fashioned 1 /ff JKSi 11 ~ SL Imported Beaded Bags at beaded handle to match, many _ cerized tops. In black, white - , , • , , \ ■ /BE IH9H' jSS «o dainty designs to select from. * fl and colors. Slightly irregular of the newest materials, such ax \\\ Ms«iag i nn4 -n At 96-95. ao o3MSuir^ _ •weaves. Rn«;hanara Flat Crene Snorts Ma- I -V /nmMmtlMT toVSSSfSPZrj&r JSk Qualities that we recently wnuoren s ana iViisses OVC *1 ok tn tK n.„ j-,i p _ B Kosnanara, JiatGrepe, sports ixa / /tnm mmnL Ml m>i« at * eaei.. nanu-mao.i Partv Boxes. 45c $3 and $3.50 Leather Bags $3.95 to Beaded Bags, _ Suhstandards of 75c Grade . tenals, French Flannels and many nmmSam lal bead bags, exquisite design*. rany ooxes, 45c n e.53.50 B m Holeproof Fiber Silk Hose. j Others too numerous to mention. J/ ■ BBMfM rt“l OTd“iw" r man? Imported, dark and light col- ® 7Q r p r 1 Shades, too, that are being intro- j/ i - tooled leather, beaver, calf and Seatfyhlned" with heavy beaded * ■ OVC Pr. duced this season for the first time. V I the loop iffect. Two toned! Shoe tops of metal, silver and Motors' ° SUk fringe ' At ■ ■ Silk fiber hose, seamed back. Also the always desirable Navy, i I Hi lilßlSiflßSU At * B * 3s, eold finlsh - At ai.fts. raiais norai—Main m ■ i n f^ c qu°a^y lrresularwcaves Brown and Black. (f | . | ggl ■ Palais Royal—Mata Floor. J Palais Royal—Third Floor. J /111! ■IIRImRR i === g 1 .. _ J B ■ The Best in Toilet Preparations ■ ■ —A wonderful assortment of Creams, both imported and domestic, for Winter Needs. Biflfier Corset V S Y j jtU 11 1 111 Guerlain’s Cold Cream at SLSO Hud nut’s Three-flower Tissue Cream, 75c Dpitinncfrntlnti 7 I 1 "* Z-rte '‘mil 41) I fll 111 L \ 1 ■ Guerlain’s Vanishing Cream at Hudnut’s Cerate, at ’ 50c and $l5O UCmuiWU flUUli J ' y\ IX —Wjf AII »|ll II k\ \ " ■ Houbigant’s Cold Cream at $l4lO Hudnut’s Cucumber Cream at 50c am ttypppt V '/I x // ’/ f IktiSS? //UAffl Inf c////* *■ n■. i > ■ _ Houbigant’s Vanishing Cream at SLSO Elcaya Vanishing Cream at 50c ", V \ A J// /t If--* Wtf”' /////, If 11 l/// llllrv\V\\ 1 Violet (Ve-o-lay) Creme Mcalys at, tube, 75c Elcaya Cold Cream at 50c FROM THE NEW YORK \ \ u J 11 ' \ll ill * Bi Violet (Ve-o-lay) Creme Mealys, jar, $1.25 Mariucllo Astringent, Acne and Motor Cream, BINNER SALON IS HERE ♦ \ F US' JJ IIIP B _ La Reme Creme, jar, 75c jar, 60c TO GIVE EXPERT ADVICE H MM " Creme Simon at, jar, _ 50c Marinello Foundation Cream at, jar, 75c J ■ Bi Djer-Kiss Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream, Marinello Combination Cream at SIJSO _ fl"ure needs the A • i* X • 1 ■ Muscle cream at z ~TT v “ i,hing s wear “Ear 840 Pairs of Jouvin 2-Clasp French ■ Poinctana Cerate at, tube, 30c Melba Fleurs Cold Cream at 75c The wisdom with which D n |« c ” . A I ■ Poinciana Cerate at, jar, 60c Boncilla Cold and Vanishing Cream at y°“ select your corset is LMJLFO V _ % Ayers Luxuria Cream, * 40c and 75c reflected in your appear- pt I7* Ipi H • “ ■ jar, 75c and $2 Black and White Peroxide Cream at 25c r» • | IxIM ■ 11IP * ■ Harriet Hubbard Ayers Face Cream, Black and White Beauty Bleach at 50c The method by which I jKa j VIJIVr f VOf JL S CAM.M. a jar. SLSO and $4 Virah Qeansing Cream at 75c Binner Corsets have as- 7 ■ Ayeristocrat Cream, jar, I 75c Virah Tissue Cream at $l.OO of put- j 4 _ . ,_ , «, . ■ ■ Skin and Tissue Cream, tube, 75c Mavis Cold Cream at . 25c and 50c . t i ngr only tho highest They cover your short A Special Purchase and Sale makes it Possible for US fll _ Luxuria Cream, tube. 40c Mavis Vanishing Cream at 50c class of materials and i • t t 1P sidea . p er\ .... _ ■ Dr. Charles Flesh Food at 45c Lemon Cerate at 50c workmanship into every or tnm Hair on WC JOCS t 0 feature Regular $2.50 tO $3 qualities at this Price ■ ■ Sempray Giovinc at 49c Lady Mary Cream at 50c corset designed by Mms. and give your hair a chance j . B ■ Liska Cream at 75c Boncilla Beautiflcr at 83c and K2S to grots. Easy to adjust Pinue and overseam Parle noint and heaw crochet embroidered self ■ ■ Egyptian Cream at f> 45c Aubry’s Greaseless Cream at 35c and 60c Come m and let us and naturally wavy. Reg- I nque ana overseam, Kans point ana neavy crocnetemoroKierea stitcnmgs, sen. ■ ■ Creme de Meridor at 17c Aubry’s Cold Cream at 35c and 60c • ahow > ou the new B,n - S > 7* S contrast and two toned. In tan, brown, beaver, mode, black, self-stitched, black with B Luxor Vanishing Cream, 50c Ara Mara Qeansing Cream at 50c aiT been Se fitted h io h livtng uiariy qrt. white, white, self-stitched, and white with black. All first quality. At $1.69 pair. Blair’s Cucumber Cream, 50c and 83c Elmo Tissue Cream at . $l.OO and $34)0 models repre sentlng r ur | s to Wear in the Back B *f£" t,n * n ’ s ° 20c «nd <2c Elmo Vanishing Cream at site SSI” WW“«ni or Side at $2.95 Each $1.50 NCW Antelope Suede FsbHC QIOVCS, $1.15 pair J . and Ram!d "' CO,d C " a Mc. 21c and «c g Sgt &S&Si£m a. £ _ Pompeian Massage Cream, 45c and 69c Denney’s Tissue Cream at $14)0 Paiai. Royal—Third 1 f , „ * gore in covert, mode, pearl and gray. H Palala Floor. 11l Plata ■jnMtoto Floor Palais Floor. JJ ■'‘ - m «-«'■ ||||III!!!BBIBIIIIIIIIIIIIII MM E= = = aa«BBB«W WU ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ B BBBBHBBBB ■■■ ■■ ■ ■•WWWS’B-'WB'B HBBBBBBBBBBBi THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., JANUARY 14, 1923-PART 1.