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■Vide in Scope and Dominant in Value-Giving M TTT*vI^" III "*" MII "" II^T!T' IMIIMIMIII * ,I *TT^T IMM *TT"^ B)dgh the potent power of REDUCED PRICES. Every need for the home and personal use may be supplied at fi %L | yfl Q “W%f\ I | wy.Q||\ lfT7 • a TT "W* PRE-INVENTORY SALE OF I __ .. _ „ * _ ■Womens Sport Hose T sg-.„ “ D-M-8B^^“ “ j absorbent quality for |/\ _ Sheets of dependable quality, of a grade known for long wear, of- Mm in 1 I i I 7 I ttv ,i balh , ÜBe ; T orth ' sered tomorrow at just about today’s prevailing wholesale cost At MM At \ f ir r lIhFtoW r CIIUSS rF ortn •or£ t i? n ’rJ^s ey fa«t'^ e e ve Ab " this low price, which it will be impossible to duplicate when present Hi TJ - dfrci To\or red border*. 12>C quantities arc exhausted, it will pay vou to buy for future as well as MM 0 MM L. .2 ll 'mfn. tp to $2.50 at . . .CH immediate needs. ‘ ’ H| U ' | BT If .4 Iml arivtlf n/» • T«n»l», for hand or eg» Aa H| MM H JR S in* Ki The smart hose every woman wants tor kitchen use. worth 200 Inr qi—on;«~v, x , . , , , x n n , , , i • n BA iKM ■ II Im/ T/;i sports and general winter wear with low shoes. In- (■ “fi 1 ,---.- ;1 -,. ; --., v . size for double beds, full bleached and seamless-a M jy WW ■ f || W? mA///I! eluded arc fine quality silk-and-wool, English r.S y p i“ or btf. JJ strong firmly woven quality, finished with 3-mch hem. Although n» j" ■ ■I {jjji|;j ffAiu/ j I jl/ Ribbed Heather Combinations, Dropstitch and ~r*m™ : worth termed “run of the mill” the faults are very slight. I fWP *™!‘ Jfkliifvll IF Two-tone Clocked Effects. Colors are brown. "Extra Size Turkish Towels, 01 A ™ «•.. wlfroxford, polo, champagne, fawn, green, blue and I superior quality; pink or $1.39 Bleached Sheets* sl.lß sl*B9 Bleached Sheets, $1.69 50c Pillowcases, 39c L H y*' VBB \ / manv nfhur cfrp*»f Full fncVi- blue border*. Worth 99c 81x90 SeamlMS Bleached Sheets, full 81x99 Seamless Bleached Sheets, extra 45x38 Bleached Pillowcases, made of *il- v dr X many otner acsiraDJC Street snaacs. run iasn (IWj **?*?. double-bed size; perfect quality; linen-finish lenrth. for double beds: free from starch or lowcase tubing; extra fine quality. I j Jl ~ r 1 lone d and seamed back —many of them imported. - Gtidcnbsrg•—rtr*t neer. grade, dressing. c e f K C 4 40 _ rKr.-lfiV£,N lUKY bALh, Ur 81x90 Seamless Bleached Sheets, full Crochet Bedspreads; full double-bed size; scalloped cut-out corners; full double-bed I Children S Sport Socks, Regular Women’s Sport Hose, Up to $3.50 IIU/ An double-bed *ls«: free from starch or dressing;. in hefcvy raised Marseilles patterns. size; pink and blue stripes. I $1.50 Values, $1 Values, $1.50 VrOmcn S Wear $1,79 Bleached Sheets, $1.55 39c Pillowcases, 29c 19c Bleached Muslin, IZYzC ■ Three-quarter-lensth Sport Socks, heather mix- Snort Hose of wool, silk-and-wool, cotton-and- 25 Ice Wool Shawls, fine 50x90 Seamless Bleached Sheets, extra large 43x88 Bleached Pillowcases; perfect quality ; 36-lnch Bleached Muslin, a close-woren. ■ores, also camel and plain white ribbed, with blue wool, and heavy ribbed, plain, hand and machine quality Imported yarns, In w/\ | size, for double beds; heavy round-thread free from dressing; hand torn and Ironed. soft-finish grade for general use. Mtrlped turnover tops; English ribbed; "Onyx'’ and embroidered silk clocks, heather and dropstitch white only. Worth *1.69. quality sheeting cotton. R| Mr l«A<l Ckssfc Ofir I Tnhl*»nrkipH CWfAn IJL- brands. Perfect quality. effects. In brown, champagne, white and gray. Sale price ts-j c<x Rlaarlierl CL,,z_ j, iI.ZP DICECuCfI otISCIS, VoC ~OC UriDlCaCncO wOIIOu, 18C , Some full fashioned. All strictly perfect quality. 35 Sleeveless Spencers, all- uicauicu onccis, J>l-oo 54x90 Seamless Bleached Sheets, single- 39-inch Unbleached Sheeting Cotton. Children S Snort Socks. Regular , Mostly all sizes in the lot, but not in each style wool, in white only; buttoned T2x9o Seamless Bleached Sheets, three- bed size: extra heavy, round-thread sheeting heavy, round-thread quality, for making . ® and color. Some in the lot are imported. front; mostly all sizes, /p . ■■ quarter-bed size, free from starch or dressing. cotton. - sheets, etc, s. Values, 59c CHUdren’s Sport Socks, Regular s aie rVa* Urad* Silk-and-wool Socks, three-quarter t -#v r %r t 4 pric* • , _ II Hsngtb; ribbed turnover cuffs; “Onyx” and "Gor r $1.50 \ alueS, SI.OO 11 White Wool Spencers, with B " = sxs -• m: 1 ,B i 5 5 -; 1 i 5 555 ■' —' =— r-rnrra. Hen brands; all perfect quality; all sizes. Three-quarter-length Sport Socks, heather mix- sleeves, buttoned ■women’ss^ond,° f s^ ,£s Sweetheart Soap Men’s $1.75 and s 2 Underwear i Igsa sr» jssgs sa «.tSHa; «cvalue,, 3% aafftarfts Three cak** 1 E aa p^ u .r.«.«. •»« -•« •««* •- —— l th a;; .7r..»4B.*:2SKrS $3 - 98 for. .. loC 3>I.UV vjaEHIOIIL ■ OeMeabe-x’s—Kist Vloor. Perfect quality; all sixes. GoUeabcrr »—Tkir4 Floor . With Thlß CoUPOH * . Just Unpacked—Another Lot of Mixed Underwear, good heavy weight, in natural color; r shirts and drawers to match. Perfect quality. Mostly all sizes , I g A ® ■ I //a MiL 18l I I (Ml (MM Men’s Union Suits. Hudson Mills Snrinirtev and other hijrh-orrade ‘■X I I% I m*T I ■ VAfl tT /\ O ts/ 111 L ,,M " )?■ makes; heavy weight, in ecru, white and gray; a few wool- ao mk?Ar DCalllll Ui IiCW DlCOOvo if m. Cmn^ aOH .? 0 t p I ssssi 98c A* v** F ▼ T V V // mjCoirrMiesGßesziwLCPLnCstAW J Men , B LndershirU? j, eavy ribbed co tton. in Chalmer’s, PP ,/f y \ ikv E vT] Bl |BBhI Blood’s. Mayo and other makes; ecru, white and silver gray; /Y \\’ V. jmh JBA Aw mostly all seconds of 89c and *1 values. At I \ \ jV Aul j^A H a WSj Men’s Ribbed Union Suits, medium-weight cotton; per- OP V[ f /VS OrC |MV B R Mvu Actually Jl I R I Silk Spanish Laces V Jl I MTV ITT if, mSHtm I Jl Co«rr/UMMGBcirnui& Cot® &t*M ;■ Mr wwww ||M K lt>Z V ||*T i= ! $1.98 Yard yl I I I— 1 V ,-D B B Special for Monday and Tuesday, three full-size cakes of 36-inch Spanish All o\er Laces and Flouncings, in black. .11l U I rv , . ~ . , . Sweetheart Soap, for toilet and bath use. for 13c*—regularly navy blue, brown and gray. An assortment of new designs. I /|JJ a Dresses superb m styling, supreme in quality and extraordi- 7 C a cake. 1 (S) ' ery P°P lllar for overblouses and evening frocks. Ml nary in value—of the same high character which brought such 6sHw»«ig’>-nr»t_rio«.r. MeU I Bertha Laces, silver and Wide Russian Filet Lace, in hll Vi an enthusiastic response in a recent sale which made history for I j— — 7 1 • I b lack silk net, wide §9C i blc runners'* curtains. 40c A „ I fcfl 'Sri our dress department, famous for its great Dress events. / r n Bprea . ds- ° te ‘ Vard I ft MM If you failed to share in the wonderful values in that former sale, here’s j j street and evening 1 ? 3 s i Her" go i d B I nd* c i M c * *" r o J | f another opportunity equally great in savings. These beautiful Dresses i j r 8 tx • inn d^e n vpr 0 d r ™il? m «S .OV grounds, i A | I 1 I Rji were to sell up to $30.00 (some are worth even more by every FI*AITI Goid«nberr'»—rmt Floor. i priee h ,3 ‘ 98 yard Sale $2.49 i I f I Sill Standard of comparison) and only the makers willingness to sacrifice his MM / I vraia w ° L- WMHHBMfgM stock makes it possible for us to offer them at such an amazingly low price. a f\\ Clearance'of W The Beautiful Materials Include— WCI I / > ] McCall Printed i IHii SATIN CANTON, GLACE TAFFETA, CREPE CHIF- I A Pattern, 3053 13L3.111D0fl I j FON, POIRET TWILL, CREPE DE CHINE, SILK AND Jr V/VfVTO j Ifli SPANISH LACE COMBINATIONS, CANTON CREPE. / • . C ° at * . g , Ull> ' ” e ' V Values Worth ) CO^ RHR FINE SATINS AND TRICOSHAM. / I l|N m its lines, is made with a 7Sc to $1.98 1 O/C Included are a number of Exquisite Evening Dresses and Beaded Robes Il\ 11 j •. , An assorted lot of Stamped Art Pieces, including Scarfs, for evening wear. j\ \ /j waiStCu DOalCe ana a np- Centerpieces, Pillows and Table Covers, in sizes 36 to 54 inches. I ‘ c . ~ . .. . . , I I \\ y / nlinp - circular skirt a A variety of neat, easv-to-embroider designs. Onlv a limited Straight-hne and long-waisted styles, new embroidered and braided es- ! \ C' / , . quantity of each article, so come earlv. sects, in sleeveless, short, three-quarter and long sleeve models, intro- , t . H duemg many innovations in the treatment of collars and cuffs, sleeves, HUH/ . . The sketch was J.£SffiT*^^Sf^SCSSS j necks, etc. WHVW dasll ' Ihe Sketch was plau , an 3 „ P „ ble „ h f a sh ” et ine. 'frih"'U , ' e, vaiu?” lyl2iplec " Tl if Colors of Black, Navy, Brown and other favored shades. Sizes 16 to v' IJyjA I made from McCall Printed Assorted patterns and 1 worth from $3 to £ | & I AA. for misses 2tld women included Iy? (If Ji\ sizes; values worth 50c $6.50 each. Sale J I v 4, 9 ior misses ana women, mciuaca. Jjit Pattern 4 f)r to * IOO each - s*ie AyC price OtHsslitrs’s ntinnnil Floor. ’* r " i allcm \J\J. J, TV/C. price Goldenberx's—First Floor, mBS* "An Unexpected Purchase Brings Marvelous Values in I Corsets I • Mercerized n ion rn Kry • • yy y ® J #* 'l . J Pink Brocade Girdles, Table Damask jk Ui\ DOyS $8.50 LfOmptOll 1 ■Vomen sFme Winter Coats I IlgrFeoc _Jg» %£L Corduroy 2-Pants Suits Values Worth Up to $45 -. v t&t^u e ut-J I^!^. T toi!S.. l^y“ k ;.~b , i. r, f55 ***. s- Also 10 American Lady Cor- J? retty patterns ' 1L M M M sets, of pink coutll. with (Limit, five yards.) 4| 'I W M m M guaranteed “m 1 g htybone” 58-inch Mercerized Table A *L I rn ■ m ■ m ■ and wide front clasp; sizes Dinuuk, splendid grade a s , II VI m A W M V B * I %fB M ■ 29 to 36; suitable for stout for general use: neat de- 40C /. If V* TU w IQ \l/ M J M W Tj IlieVlce ,s ‘ oO ‘ Goldenberg’z—First Floor. M stan ds for the most durable boys’ clothing for all-round wear. | w H B I o American Ladv Cor- M Hill* Well tailored to assure long service; and two pairs of Knickers | Ttist as unexpected was this Stroke of good for- sets, of white coutil, medium __ _ gj if with each suit. Sizes Bto 1/ years. Remarkable values at $5.9». | H> - • x , ® .. bust and long hip models, /7_|ri I lIRflPf (VKiMfln 1“ H ■me to us, so it is for every woman who realizes / for av « ra » e flsmres; sizes ni. i/iapvi rfjra*\ —_ • m , ■hat it means to purchase a coat of the highest h , | 11 \\ I ■rpe at savings of one-half and more. 7 il 1 h fl\ 29 p * N * s » de y too pieces of 27-inch Diaper mm H •• • . , _ , , .... fr \ V I i\ Co«e<». low medium and I Cloth, perfect quality: sealed sani- BB H 44C —4- C* " The beauty of the soft, velvety materials is J] L I K «SU b iS B iid" rtwiVi: w JI&B r « ! cartons containing fun ten V■< NITIfITT JSPt OUIIS I B Virrfenhanced bv luxurious fur trimmins’s of h/ 1 1 uklliAijf Ift to 35; also is Heavy pink I BB M k/iiiM'* v I t£ u _ I 111 mmm , \ I . o^dsawn**—«nt Floor. x Boy?’ “Smart Set” Two-pants Suits, in regular and stout i 1 I WOlf, and caracul. . ,j j a™/ A long skirts U an? elastic I ————— M, MSMM sizes; all fashioned of high-grade woolen materials, in new H ■ Tliis is an event that promises to set a new record for A o^l Z y eS n - A $2.98 French Kid shadcs and pattcrns ‘ Sszes Bto 19 ycars> ■at values in Washington. If you expect to need a new I ] VO.OV I Gauntlet Gloves Values Worth Values Worth ■at this winter you should not miss it. \\ I 9 Nemo Self-reducing I no Boys’ All-wool Mackinaws, 4112 7R il«> $16.54) in s2l SO \\ * I I Coraeta, high bust and long I 51.V0 with muff pockets, convertible IO »IO.W lO Developed of the Se«on’s Favored Materials \\ | * Sg^ u »~g£ s .„, , J x,. SST. “u y«2j! »,0 <tO CC (tt OCC -camella cloth -plush \ |1 1 /ni/V/uL?? $5,98 I *.™?r r o)§.r2i'bS: $X2mX) —BOLIVIA ST7FDFNF \ F\ » *B.OO. Sale price R j n se if or contrast colors; over- RRAADrt DTH TCFRSFY -.'ulul; 1- \ fe\ I GoUsnberg’*—Third Flosr. H seams; in brown, mode, gray and Boys’ Chinchilla Overcoats, ■■■- — ■ T> , , , . [j KKUAULUJIn iViLTvoiL 1 t?t trAT at r: \ \\ ; mis white. wool faced, in gray, blue, brown Boys School Pants, good Boys Juvenile Suits, all- H ! —NORMANDY —IXVALAI.NC. \ l*\ ? „ and cinnamon; with muff pock- quality suiting materials, in wool Jerseys and serges. R \ \tt\ ) Wnman’c nn/ 4 Geldenbsi* Floor. ets and full belted; plaid lined; gray, brown and dark mixtures; in middy and Oliver Twist mod- H rn,„ mainritv rirhlv trimmed with fur collars of Wolf \ \\\ i TYUllldl O CHIU <>«> sizes 3 to 8 years. choice of cheviots, cassimeres ©ls; neaUy trimmed; sizes 3 to I . Ihe majority ncni\ trimmea w lin I Ti) Ol \ Ol , X \\;\ * i __ A -- I . Worth 8«-00- Sate sd.yU and worsteds; size* 8 8 years. Values £ W /\A I ■saverelte and Caracul. Some with deep fur cuffs to match \ \\ » HflnHhilO*C AA S 4 9H MflrflnOllt prlc6 to 16 ye)irs . values /o worth*6.ooto*6.7s. >O.VU N ■liars. -Smart Tailored Coats, new bloused models, straight \ \\ HaflUDagS, 4>1.44 * .. _ n Boys’ Overcoats, of chin- p r °c?.* l ... l !! ir OOC Rubber Coats. Mies, some .showing embroidered designs and others em- \ and duvetync, “ blafk and colors! CdDCS, $3.79 woolSn Boys’ Blanket Bath Robes, Hodgman make; guaranteed ■Wk-.i wi.i, s iik braid. ... t , „ \ ]T\\ ’Vi 7» ! I Black, New Blue, Brown, Reindeer and Navy to choose \ Jgk si i k lined: some wit h inside metal in natural and seal brown; lined H alu *“^®^th,l CO RM mb sij* >2 2v worth *4. Sale price ******* lorn. Sixes 16 to 20 for Misses and 36 to 44 for Women. \,«fl SSS? o 0”” wl ” lr ,m ‘ : “**** | pHc,'!.....- j,y ’°° j i ■ ■ - —-—■ ■ ■ ... ■ l .- 1 - - - J^^======== ■ iViniiiiiiigTiiinairi.iiin THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C„ JANUARY 14, 1923-PART X. 9