Newspaper Page Text
SEABOARD 111 CAR LOADINGS GAIN Up 38 Per Cent in First 21 Days of January—D. C. Firm Changes Name. The Seaboard Air Line has made im provement in number of cars moved in the first twenty-one days of January, as compared with that period of 1922, an increase of 72,000 to 100,000 loads, or 38 per cent. The increase covered all commodities, reflecting general im provement in the south, both as to goods purchased and products shipped. Cars received from connections were 16,563. against 1 1,949 in 1922 period, or an increase of 38,6 pier cent, while 18,568 cars were delivered to connec tions, as compared with 13,989 during a like period in January. 1922. or* an in crease of 32.7 per cent.* Kstimated December gross was 54.370,000, the largest December gross in the history of the road. This com pares with actual gross of $4,223,461 in November, 1922. By the close of February, the 7,100 rebuilt freight cars and 2.750 new ones, scheduled to have been added during 1922, will be in service. With these additions the Seaboard will have about 18,000 owned freight cars n operation. The twenty-eight new locomotives purchased during the past year give the road ownership of about 600. Company Changes \nme. At a stockholders’ meeting of the Automotive Finance Company yester day it was voted to change the name of the company to Union Finance Company. The purpose of the action, it was explained, is to enable the com pany to broaden its scope of activity by the addition of all kinds of com mercial accounts. At the same time the stockholders ratified the recent action of the hoard of directors, in creasing the capital stock from $250,000 to $1,000,000. The new stock, it was said, will be offered in units of four shares of pre ferred, par value, $25, and four shares of common stock of no par value. Since its organization, Auguct 1. 1920, the company has paid ten quarterly dividends. At the annual meeting of stock holders. four new directors were add ed to the board, namely, Wirt Tay lor, Sefton Darr, E. M. Willis, jr., and James M. Place. The following direc tors were re-elected: W. M. Ward. Lee D. Latimer. S. M. Marks, C. A. Hurst, Francis W. Hill, jr., William Brayshaw, L. M. Johnson. Horace O. •Smithy and William E. Richardson. Following the meeting of share holders, the directors organized and • lected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, W. M. Ward; vice president, S. M. Marks; treasurer. William Brayshaw; secre tary, c. A. Hurst, and assistant sec retary, A. M. Roth, More Prnnny Stockholder*. Total stockholders of the Pennsyl vania railroad on January 1, 1923, amounted to 137.429, an increase of 7.332 over December 1, 1922. The re port for December was the second month to show an increase after eight consecutive months of de creases. The January’ 1 figure is 4,270 below that of the corresponding date a year ago. Average holdings on January 1 were shown to be 72.65 shares, corny pared with 73.05 shares on December 1 and 70.47 shares on January 1, 1923. Os the total outstanding stock 31.27 per cent is held by women, an in crease of 27 per cent over a year ago. Woman stockholders numbered 66,- 225. being 48.19 per cent of the total stockholders. National Mortgage .Statement. The net earnings of the National Mortgage and Investment Company as of conditions at the close of busi ness December 31. 1922, totaled $142.- 917, according to a statement issued by officials of the company yesterday. The net balance at the close of the year was $137,820, as compared with $16,861 on January 1, 1922. The statement shows cash on hand and in the banks, $172,831; first trust notes receivable, $351,274; second trust notes receivable, $893,867; stock is sued. fully paid. $915,700. and stcok subscriptions, monthly payment plan, $1,159,390. The expenses for the year are listed at $20,311. The corporation last week, it was announced, paid its third divi dend. amounting to $47.693.64. I Investing with S Confidence — y If you will look into this . ► issue of Gold Debenture Bonds 4 with their 6 c fc interest pay- ► shin quarterly—and consider i the possibilities under the rer- ► tifirste issued with them - 4 offering participation In the profits of tho company up to 4 SCe—you’ll he impressed with a the substantiality of the in- J r vestment and its earning ex- < pectations. , r The Bonds may he bought . ► in SIOO, SSOO and SI,OOO de- 1 nominations—with payments of ► purchase conveniently divided, 4 If you wish. $ Get our detailed circular. , ► Commercial Loan and < . Finance Corporation < > Bond Department—Room 200 Phone M. 5872 W 921 15th Street P$.W. C LOANS If you have money to invest, we can safely place it on gilt-edge first D. C. Mortgages. Our record of 30 years insures, your protection. Courte ous treatment. Percy H. Russell Co. S.W. Cor. 15th & “K” Sts. First Trust Notes We have for immediate deliv ery gilt-edge note* la denomi nations of S2SO, ftSOO and 91.000. temred by lint deed of trust on a beautiful new building lo cated near 19th and Belmont Sta. 3V.W. We can highly recommend these notes as a sound, con servative investment. The rate of interest, «H%, la exceptionally good when the location of the property, the character of the Improvements and the high margin of safety la taken lata consideration. We wilt gladly furnish full par ticulars to interested parties. Moore & Hill, Inc. 1420-22 H St. N.W. 'FTNAWCIXE.' Washington Stock Exchange SALES. Lanaton Monotype—s at 79*4. AFTER CALL. Lansfon Monotype—s at 70*4. 5 at 79 1 4. Money—Call loann, B and 6 per cent. BONDS Bid and Asked Prices. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Anked. Amer. Tel. A Telft 4s 91*4 92 Amer. Tel. A Taiga. 444 s 10114 102 Am. Tel. A Tel. ctl. tr. 5» 9844 99 Am. Tel. A Tel. conv. 6s 11544 11644 Anacostia and Potomac Bs 88 Anacontla and Potomac guar. 3a. 88 ..... Chesapeake and Potomac Tel. sa. 97 C. A P. Tel. of Va. 3a 93 9444 Capital Traction R. R. Ba 97*4 9744 City and Suburban Bs 8444 86 Ceorgetowu Gas Ist Ba 81) 00 Metropolitan R. R. 5s 97 Potomac Elec. Ist Ba 07 08 Potomac Elec. con*. 5» 97 9744 Potomac Elec. deb. 6s 0944 Potomac Elec. Pow. g. m. 65.... 99T» Pot. Klee. Pow. g. m. A ref. 7«.. 1064*» 106 Wash., Ale*. A Mt. Ter. 85.... 28 Wash., Ale*. A Mt. Ver. ctfs.. 29 Wish., Hallo. A Annap. Ba .... 7644 7744 Washington Gas Ba 94 95 Washington ttas 744a 10344 105 Wash. Rwy. A Elec. 4s 7214 72A4 Wash. Rwy. A Elec, g. m. 65... 9944 100 MISCELLANEOUS. D. C. Paper Mfg. 6a 80 Riggs Realty Bs (long) 93 Higgs Realty Ba (abort) 98 Security Storage A Safe Hep 6s. 93 Wash. Mkl. Cold Storage 55,,.. 96 Wardman Park Hotel 6s 100 10144 STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITY. American Tel. A Telga 1224* Capital Traction 1034a 100 Washington t;as *3B 57 Norfolk and Wash. Steamboat.. 195 ..... Wash. Rwy. A Klcc. com 6844 **44 Wash. Rwy. A Elec, pfd 7544 7544 Terminal Taxi com 78 Terminal Taxi pfd 864* NATIONAL BANK. Capital 190 Columbia 225 Commercial 14844 150 District 170 180 farmers and Mechanlca’ 240 federal-American 190 Liberty 127 Lincoln 230 ..... National Metropolitan 232 200 Riggs 540 Second ISO 160 Washington 195 210 TRUST COMPANY. American Security and Trust... 285 30*) Continental Trust 90 92 Merchants' 127 140 National Savings and Trust *3OO 320 Union Trust ' 143 150 Washington Loan and Trust *317 825 SAVINGS BANK. Commerce and Savings ISO East Washington Savings 17 Security Sav. and Com 240 200 Seventh Street 170 ..... United Savings 270 Washington Mechanic* 30 FIRE INSURANCE. American 220 Corcoran 100 ..... firemen's 18 ..... National Union 8 TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia Title 6 Real Eatata Title 120 All of this Stock having been sold, this advertisement appears as a matter of record only. 55,000 Shares Cuyamel Fruit Company (Ta be organised under the laws of tho State of Dataware) Capital Stock Transfer Agents Registrars Central Union Trust Company of New York Bankers Trust Company, New York Canal Commercial Trust and Savings Bank, New Orleans Whitney Central Trust and Savings Bank, New Orleans Application will be made to list this stock on the New York and New Orleans Stock Exchanges CAPITALIZATION T* ha reraaantly Authorised outstanding First Mortgage 20 Year 7‘.a % Sinking Fund Gold Bonds duo Doe. I, 1941 $5,000,000 $3,325,000* Capitol stock (no par valuo) - 250,000 shares 250,000 share* •Os $3,500,000 of these bonds originally Issued. $176,000 have been retired by the operation of the Sinking Fund Each holder of capital stock of the now Cuyamel Fruit Company will, as evidenced by endorsement on his stock cer tificate, bo entitled to n pro rata intarast in tko stock of Cortes Development Comany, the entire capital stock as which Company is to bo hold by Trustees for tfio benefit of such Cuyomol Fruit Company steckhaldara. subject to tho terms of n trust agreement defining tho rights of tho person* beneficially interested therein. Information regarding this issue and the business of the Company is given in a letter from Mr. Samuel Zemurray. President, from which he summarized ire pars as follows: History and The new Cuyamel Fruit Company is to succeed to tho business of tho Cuyamel Growth' Fruit Company of South Dakota, whick is engaged primarily in the .cultivation, trans v,r pertation and marketing es bananas- This Company was incorporated in 1911 to held and develop lands and concession* along the Cuyamel River in Honduras. Tho Cortes Devel opment Company is n Honduran Corporation which was organised in 1919 to carry on that part as the business which could best bo conducted through a local company. With the acquisition and de velopment es other properties in Honduras and Nicaragua, tho construction of railroad Unas, wharfs, etc., and the purchase es additional ships, the Company’s banana business has increased from 276,000 bunches In 1912 to over 5,000,000 in 1922; and conservative estimates for 1923 look for tke handling es upwards of 6,000,000 bunches. Profits ! The net profits for tho periods indicated below es Cuyamel Fruit Company, Cortes Da ■■■ ■" valopment Company and subsidiary coin panics, after deducting all charges (including in come and profits taxes paid by the American companies) except interest upon indebtedness equal to 6% upon the amount of new money provided by the present financing, ns certified by Messrs. Price, Waterhouse A t Co., public accountants, have been ns follows: Year ending December 31, 1920 Cuyamel Fruit Comany $ 480,105.54 Cartas Development Company * 1,366,153-33 Year ending December 31, 1921 Cuyamel Fruit Company .. $ 594,593.43 Cortes Development Cefmpany 772,661.01 • Eleven months ending November 3(h 1922 Cuyamel Fruit Company * $1,008,398.47 Cortes Development Company 493,404-38 *Thig Includes only nine months of the New Orleans-Blueflelds Trust and Transportation Co. Assets: The combined balance shoal as es November 30, 1922, as certified by Messrs. Price, ——— Waterhouse A Co/, Public Accountants, after giving effect to the present financing, shows net assets of $13,658,760.03 after deducting all liabilities, which shows a book value of about $54.60 par share. It Is expected that the new Company will commence tbe payment es dividends at tbe annual rata as $4 per share. . All legal matters in connection with this issue will be subject to the approval of Messrs. Sullivan 4 Cromwell and Messrs. Guggenheimer, Untermyer 4 Marshall, representing the Bankers, and Messrs. Monroe A Lemann of Jfew Orleans, repre senting the Company, and this offering is made in all respects subject to such approval. We are offering this stock for subscription subject to allotment Price $53-50 Per Share This offering Is made if, when and as Issued and accepted by ns and subject to the approval of counsel. It is expected that delivery of stock will be made on or about March 8, 1928, on two days’ previous notice, at the offlee of LEHMAN BROTHERS, 16 William St., New York, N. Y., In the form of temporary stock certificates; We reserve the right to reject any or all subscriptions, to allot less than the amount applied for, and to close the sub scrpltlon books at any time without notice. \ LEHMAN BROTHERS GOLDMAN. SACHS A CO. N.w York No York E. F. HUTTON & CO N«r Y.rk Janaary, 1958. * The etatements herein o« retained ere net guaranteed, hat are based en tnfenaretlen which we believe' to be s sec rate. THE EVENING STAR. WygHTCTTTOy. T>. V.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. 1923. MISCELLANEOUS. Columbia Graphoptaone com 2 3 Colombia Oraphopbone pfd II 1244 Merchants’ Transfer and Storage 100 Mergenthaler Linotype 175 178 Old Dutch Market com 244 A Old Dutch Market pfd 7% Lanston Monotype 784* 784* Security Storage 220 ..... Washington Market 89 ..... Yellow Cab f. 844 •Ex dlv. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Quotations furnished by Redmond A Co.) , Noon. , Bid. Oifar. AlumlnuL Co. of Amer. Va 1825 1 031$ KM Aluminum Co. of Amer. 7* 1933 105»() 106 American Cotton Oil 6s 1924 96 8614 American Sugar Hs 1837 102 t„ 10FU American Tel. A Tel. 8s 1924... 101i4 10D* American Tel. A Tel. 6* 1925.. 11544 116% Anaconda Copper 6* 1928 1011* 101 \ Anaconda 7s 1928 103*, 103’, Anglo-American OH 744* 1825.. 103A 103A Armour A Co. 7* 1830 105A 105A Bethlehem Steel 7* 1823 lflf.4* 105*1 Canadian Pacific 6s 1924 101 1014* Central Leather 5s 1825 88’4 8914 £.. U.C. A St. L«s 1929 101 >4 101*4 Du Pont 744* 1831 108 108 L Goodyear T. AR. 8s 1931 102*4 108 L I Great Northern 7* 1936 109 109 U, 1 Hocking Valley tU 1924 100*4 100»i Humble Oil 544. 1932 88L 98*4 Kansas City Term. 6a 1923 100*4 100)t Kennecotl Copper 7* 1930 104 104*! IJbbv. McNeil A Libby 7s 1831. 100*4 101 V M,, St. P. A S. 8. M. 614 s 1931. UM 100 Morris A Co. 744* 1830 106*4 10644 Penn. U R 7. 1930 HO no*! St. Paul Tll lon Depot 544a 1923 10044 100*, Sears, Roebuck A Co. 7s 1923... 101A 101 L Southwestern Bell 7* 1925 10244 10’*v Standord Oil of Calif 7s 1931. 105 L 10W Tidewater Oil 644* 1931 102** 1(«3L Union Tank Car 7s 1930 103 C ipaiJ Western Union 64;,* 1836 110 no*? Weatlngbouse El. A Ms. 7* 1831 108 108*4 TREASURY CERTIFICATES. (Quotation* furnlahed by Redmond A Co.) Rate— Maturity. ‘Bid. N<><> oiTer. ’ 344* March 15, 1923 99T4 100 44*» March 13, 1923 100 100 3-32 B*«s June 15. 1923 88 15-16 100 i-3j B*4* September 15, 1923... 98 13-16 100 4a December 15. 1923.... 9944 100 s*4* June 15, 1924 101 11-16 10D 54vs September IS. 1924... 10D 2 101 *4 4*«s March 15, 1925 100 5-16 10044 444» June 15. 1925 99 15-16 100 1-16 4*4* December 15, 1925 9944 99 11-16 4*is March 15, 1926 100'i, 100 11-16 444 s September 15. 1920... 99 99 8-16 444a December 13. 1927 99 15-18 100 1-16 TAILOR-MADE CLOTHES TO INCREASE IN PRICE ST. LOUIS, Mo., January 23.—Prices of tailor-made clothing will increase from 12 to 15 per cent in the near [ future. L. A. Banner, secretary of the National Merchant Tailor Designers’ Association, staled. The association Is holding- its forty-third annual con vention here. He ascribed the mount ing price of wool and scarcity of workmen as reasons for the predicted price increase. The day before that set for her marriage a girl of Leeds. England, laughingly tried on her bridal veil, despite the protests of superstitious friends. Ten minutes later her father cam© In with the news that her fiance had met with sudden death. In a street accident. CRUDE OIL OUTPUT DECREASES IN WEEK Daily Average Falls Off 14,450 Barrels—lmports Show Increase. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. January 2D.The dally average gross crude oil production of the United States decreased 14.450 barrels for the week ending January 20, totaling 1,736,900 barrels, as com pared *yith 1,751,350 barrels for the preceding *\eek. according to the weekly summary of the American Petroleum Institute. The daily aver age production east of the Rocky mountains was 1,206.900 barrels, as compared with 1,526,350 barrels, a de crease of 19,450 barrels. California production was 530,000 barrels, as compared with 525,000 barrels, an in crease of 5,000 barrels. According to figures collected by the Petroleum Institute, the imports of petroleum (crude and refined oils) at the principal United States ports for the week ended January 20 to taled 1.993,157 barrels, a dally aver age of 284,273 barrels, compared with 1,777,901 barrels, a daily average of 253,985 barrels for the week ended January 13. After counting all the hairs on the heads of the woman students, two professors of the University of Munich, found the average to be from 60.000 to 70,000 hairs per head. FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES For Sale IN DENOMINATIONS OP 500 DOLLARS AND UPWARDS ZLnM//Xpner V> %. J2C7 Sti/venue ' \ DIVIDEND DECLARED. NEW YORK, January 26.—Direc tors of tho Pressed Steel Car Com pany yesterday declared the regular per cent preferred stock dividend, payable February 27. Rumors which affected trading had been current to the effect that It would be passed. Money to Loan lacnrad by Brat deed of truat ere real e*t*t* Prevail!** Interest and cotamUeloe. Joseph I. Weller S!.TSi i iLOANSf . ► From *IOO to *303 on D. C. real $ . estate and hnuaehold gooda or chat . ► tel*. 7 per cent Interest. No bro i . Iterate charged. _ „ 9 ►Commercial Loan Be Flnsnoe Corporation i Boom 811. 881 15th St. N.W. W ► Mala 6678 . . . W bsaaaaaaaaaaq MORTGAGE MONEY, on band to loan on real esUte. THOS. E. JARRELL ' aTIES SERVICE Bought , Sold , Quoted THOS. W. BRAHANT & CO. Investment Hccnrlflea 510-11 Evans Building Washington, D. C. Main SIND “BefoteYou Invest* INVESTIGATE’ Buy on a “rising market” is old and sound financial j advice. The price of units in the DISTRICT GUARANTY CORPORATION advanced twice in 1922, because of the earning j record of the company and the actual value of the shares. The early buyers were wise, and, being wise, they are still buying. The ma jority of them have bought two. three, four and some of them five times. The present price is $250.00 per unit, and it is subject to change without notice. William RWestlake FISCAL. AGENT Washington •••DX. HI-15 ,k St .D Sr. Tel. Main 0714 I I 7% “We will” —have ready for delivery in about ten days a limited amount of Gilt Edge First Mortgages 7% Investments In Amounts of $250 Up Make your reservations now The opportunity to get your savings invested on a basis of 7% interest is rapidly passing. Chas. D. Sager 923 Fifteenth St. N.W. Main 3d Loan Dept EQUITABLE Co-Operative Building Association Organised 187 V 43d TEAR COMPLETED A Harts *4,037,959.50 Snrplns *1,180380.31 Systematic Saving A plan to*make saving easy Save a little each pay day and you will be surprised at the amount accumulated In a short time. Subscriptions for the 84th Issue of Stock Being Received Shares, $2.50 Per Month EQUITABLE BUILDING 915 F St. N.W. IOR\ JOT EDSOV, President FRANK P. REESIDE, Seep. NO L° S S TO ANY INVESTOR IN 50 YEARS est Invest Your Funds at 6*2% A With D. C. Intangible Tax and 2% Federal Income Tax Paid •u ■ ■ We have available several new offerings of First Mortgage Investments at 6V2 interest with attractive tax-refund features. They have been purchased by us with our own funds after careful investigation. We recommend them as thoroughly safeguarded investments, suitable to the requirements of all investors whose first consideration is Safety. These First Mortgage Investments are appealing strongly to investors who desire an absolutely safe investment with an attractive yield. We suggest prompt action in order to secure the amount and maturity desired. Reservations accepted for future delivery Denominations: $5,000, SI,OOO, SSOO, SIOO Maturities: 2to 15 years Call, •write or phone for descriptive circulars I The F. H. Smith Company 1414*1416 Eye Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. Without obligation on my part, please send me information about | your First Mortgage Investments which assure a net return of not less than6}£s. Name, i ' , i Street Address , ' —... | I City...._ | COMPANY ■ Sfbundedl&3^ ! / FIRST MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS 1414.1416 Bye Street, N. W. i -• . • - - - _ ! NO LOSS TO ANY INVESTOR IN 50 YEARS financial* MONEY TO LOAN —in any Amounts on First Mortgages. Lowest Rates of Interest and Commission * Prompt Transactions Thomas J. Fisher & Co., Inc. 738 15th St. N.W. - 1 ' " " • I $2,000,000.00 TO LOAN ON Hotels Apartments Offices Construction or Permanent Loans Amounts $100,000.00 and Upward Prompt Handling Loan Department [Shannon & luchS] 713 14th Street Main 2345 WvitJi 51Tottcjacp Sfoa Sn ConVcnic-rtt tfoi, cinVe^tot^ 9C. 8 S L - - - - - . . - - J 27