OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 12, 1923, Image 79

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1923-08-12/ed-1/seq-79/

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^ Ml "^"^
5> e*“ / \ book submits to the camera
f % > ,N 5 t*A: / Long coat of \ man. James Branch Cabell. p M ——. ■
I** /V*! - \ who wrote -Jurgen." with Mrs. ~
JJ med with Russian 1 Cabell at Mountain Lake. Va.
W wolf. Exhibited in Cabell lives in Richmond. Va. »o 1 r\ n Vn^BKl&£Vv
r: J St. Louis fashion / l '! '" A ; —— btyle-U-Urams llH^SH^^
'^ SSVv \, j Predict that Autumn’* well-
>* 1 ■■ ■■ ■ dressed women will walk
j M w ith Pashion in Charming
.Sk , II _. Patent Leather
I The Talk of G ormg Pumps Lof‘c?b.n‘su.de 11
_ J v T T TT T T TT++Ht+++Te++++++ II ~\{if Sparkling Blue- y* X/, jJ
Wing of the Louvain Library ywtVw* .i. -t c + ~A v + .JMBP'' II White Diamond
is opened with ceremonies nine - %v£ + »v Rin g s Perfect
years after the destruction of- J / - Ax Gems, in Hand
the beautiful building by the +M J> Y ° U i4re + ■ X some Mountin « s M^W
Germans. The library is being Bf£; + nown By (]?w3+ Improved Lanuil 11 ! [jtjjrSy for Ladiea and I I -5 i o
reconstructed according to *.j |l|V ’ + Your Emblem * Permanent Waving at || 1 v0&_ W Gentlemen— Xt? 1 O
plans drawn by an American £ 3*Jf 9}il\ $ t v’<7- ~. r r «,., r IhV’inVUr-l -»> t SCHEETZE’S \\vf/ f! Qd.
architect. Dr. Nicholas Mur- x v \JfJYj x + 0 -) : <•**■“ rtm r » i I Ff> | T . . .. . . . . .. | ' 1 I A— .
r> i . r .. . C 1 - «- T'- - in thnit) i.. r . .F s r IT NN ashington s Original Lanoil I I . /
ray Butler at left. Cardinal a > <*) + vv- ' r „»,> ;. T and Nestle Permanent Water, jj SJI ll I
Mercier of Belgium at right. % % _<‘ Tt _ Pins'' V t Beautiful Beyond Relief IVV
_______________ _____ v + d,i, ( „„ S’ J. As done iit Sliettzc's it in- II J>~.
V \ + Ujlons Tpr- J. Milts JI iHi-ge or small wave. I I /lIA _ a
Q \ « + %a£/7 Charms j. preferred 1 //M ~ AA _ • m ■ •
rC’ COOOOCXXXXXOOQ t jK Rings T Punllltrl) no kink. Ilrgiilrr* II / 51.00 Down. •
somebody s birthday today." vD (V Pendants 4- .» T only 7 mlnutea »f heal. j I <?B3jN" 100 Weeks /
CA | P S | Latert French Proce.. in J t&&* S;fef* FULL GUARANTEE liOft to P.»>
J » iPermanent Waving; t WfxVP, N ’ * ~5SS5‘^«X 8 *.. , ?r.!? fl|
w 2n Turk SIR' J *d. Alpher | tia pijwfelh "^TV
I t)S&& 1 iSS. 15 i| - SaSifc r\ .nir uil \\
S Pearls § I LtUIN J| I »» --- I 7 THF
."* I ,M, '> .t'Peak or discolor; _/ J-++++++++++++J ++++++++++% inCAlllj 111 V i
I IMKP 5 3 85 I[-
8 SELINGER’S 3 12,9 F Sl - 1219 F S,. ] All Model.-All Prico.
rnO x° ok '° r H ‘ s 1 • Week Will Buy a
1 -Yea; /a// Model / « rrr; 5 1 Kodak .tschw«t.-.
__ *s.' ’^' h< * on 'y store in Wash-
. w I MB deft-rred payments—and at
Loop Strap ) -r—
--k T V.«u 708 Seventh St * NW - I At Newport. Atlantic City. Palm Beach, and all the famous |
•’" heel. \ 3123 M St. N.W. (3 seaside resorts, No.xzema is used by nearly everybody to relieve gl
; "-i/_;■” „«> "W!mJ,.r n FmII i*.Ls—j khi. u 11 of i \ s «nd prevent sunburn, and for all hot-weather irritations of the g
(| Uw,n Md Windsor FnU.jaskionU Silk Hosiery. SI.9S \] | | skin Jl sUmmcr rash , prickly heat, insect bites, etc! No other rem- |
Wgt ' — —^^—-- ~- a - - —_-< AMr- —jc cyrr edy known to medical science gives such instant relief and swift
1 . .—...- ... S healing. The world’s finest summertime cosmetic—daily use pro- s
Ig£ g tects the most delicate complexion against w indblown j» A m
ms rt nPrw a B @ and dry skin, and keeps the skin soft, fresh and beau- \Jf C s
g © tiful. At all drug stores. Usual @
f d-g*l>xr f/I 11/) I BL r V ra If y° or «lru*»i»< *upply you. send money direct to (3
fJ§ Iff V J flllc wVrt'J*' IBkv. V I Vv Hh i|| the Noxtema Chemical Co.. 102 E. La Fayette ire.. Baltimore. ral
Slrejet Lj| / |
18 Curls for SIS |r >J jlv P ? el j
U A*l> nM paZp I Sunburn Heal
HAIR permanently ! „ In p. .standard of perfection and beauty- | |
garages built to stand the test of time.
_. , .... The best none
Painless Method too good for you
■ ln,riZ. 20 ,etrH ' " perl ' uce ”"■ “Every Garage a Masterpiece 7g k M m 1 i M f £
Schectzc The P. A. Roberts Construction Co., W^iUUS/Umß
IMS <”'■ nr“tTcm""A>”." 1 V^ilkHn'irdi Munsey Building Washington, D. C
THE SUNDAY S'rAk, WASH I xerox. I). C.— (.R.WUkK SEC'riOX—AUfiUST 12, 192.5.

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