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LFARTMENTS—'UNFURNISHED. Continued. . 2525 ONTARIO RD.—5 ROOMS AND BATH; n.m.i.; janitor aarvlce; all outsit!** room*. Ap ply on premlac l *. or EITCIEXK H. TAGGART. INC.. 1018 K wf n \\. Main 5?)00- 2110 19th Street. Just south of Wyoming ave. and near both car lines. A very attractive English basement bund ing. Corridor finished to marble, etc.; 8 monia and 4 rooma and hath each. Rentals, S7O to SOO. HEADY FOR OCCUPANCY. , 1419 N~SI N.W. Downtown location, ten minutes' walk from 15th and II *t». Attractive new building with pleasing ap pointments; 3 rooms and hath each. Rentals, S6O to $77.50. READY FOR OCCUPANCY. MOORE & HILL, Inc., 1420-22 H St. Best residential section. 2227-2231 Bancroft St. 7 rooms.', 3 baths, sleeping porch. 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath. 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath. New buildings. High-class in every respect. GEO. W. LINKI NS, 1719 K St. Main 8298. Several modern apartments, three rooms and bath, heat and janitor service. $42.50 and sls per month. 17th and East Capitol sis HARRY A. KITE. INC.. | Main 4*46. 1514 K at. n.w. $55 Per Month. The AnalostHii, 1718 Corcoran st.—2 rooms •lid hath and 3 room* and bath; newly deco rated ; modern in every detail. JOHN H. WRIGHT. 716 Vermont Ave. Main 3307. STONELEIGF COURT Connecticut Ave. Corner L Bt. TTnshtngton’s most exclusive apartments. Available for lease, a few desirable house keeping ami non housekeeping APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished, specially priced by the month or on yearly lease. Also for TRANSIENT rental, two and three room non-housekeeping apartment*. . RESTAURANT. THE SOUTHERN. 1507 M St. N.W.—One room and hath: S4O up. One room on first floor, suitable for doctor. THE F. 11. SMITH CO.. NEAR 16th AND COL. ROAD. * 2 rooms. l*ath, kitchenette, h.k apt.: com pletely furnished, in large as apt. building: $75; reduction to right party. Phone Adams 80S. Most Desirable Apartments. 16th STREET. 4 rooms and bath SBS * rooms and bath SSO LANIER PLACE. 8 rooms and hath $87.50 LAMONT STREET. 3 rooms and bath SSO ONTARIO PLACE. 8 rooms and bath S6O 18th STREET. 4 rooms and bath $75 DUPONT CIRCLE. 4 rooms and bath S7O Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtors. 1334 H St. N.W. Franklin 0503. THE EMERSON. 1824 RELMUNT ST. N.W.— No. 42—5 rooms, bath; $87.50. The De Francis. 926 L st. n.w. —No. 4—4 rooms, hath; SSO. . 1402 14lh st. u.w.—2nd, 3rd and 4lh floors; vacant; offer. GARDINER & DENT. Inc., Main 4884. 717 14th St. N.W. DOWNTOWN LOCATION. 1332 21st ST. N.W. Modern fireproof building. 4 bright rooms and bath. Rent, S7O per month. Hedges &; Middleton, Inc., Realtors. 133 4 H sSt. N.W. Franklin 9505. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. IMI2 ONTARIO PL. N.W. Very desirable apartment*. Excellent location—near two car line*, schools, »u»res, churches, etc. Renta—^reasonable. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtors. 1334 H St. N.W Franklin 9503. THE CLEVELAND, 1009 Macomb st.—BeAutfully sttiated. mod ern. fireproof. 3 rooms and bath. $07.50; 4 rooms, reept. hall and hath, SSS. Apply janitor. THE SHELBURNE Cor. 17th and S Sts. N.W. JUST COMPLETED. Modern fire proof building. 8 rooms, reception hall and balk. 4 rooms, reception hall and batk. Open evenings until 9 p.m. Swartzell, Rheem & Hensey Co., Comfortable Apartments “KLINGLE MANSIONS” , AT CONN. AVE. AND KLINGLE ROAD Overlooking Rock Creek Valley. .—offer unusual inducement* to seek ers of apartments where year-round comfort is demanded. All outside rooms overlooking spacious lawns and wooded parks—exceptionally Urge rooms and generous closets—efficient service. Consistent rentals. WARDMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 1430 K Bt. N.W. Real Estate Department. KEW GARDENS. 2700 QUE ST. N.W. Reservations are now being made. Apartments two rooms and bath to eight rooms and two baths. See manager on premises. HARRY A, KITE. Inc., Main 4846. 1514 K St. N.W. WOODLEY PARK. 27fh AND CATHEDRAL AVE. 3 rooms and bath; reasonable rent. Immediate possosslOn. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtors. 1334 H St. N.W. Franklin 9563. filth AM) COLUMBIA RD. Corner apartment; wonderful outlook. In modern fireproof bnildlng. 7 large, bright rooms; 2 tile baths. Rent, $225 per month. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtors. 1334 H Pt. N.W. Franklin 0503. WANTED—APARTMENTS. (APARTMENT. 4 K. AND 8.. HEATED. A.M.1.. within 2 mile? of Bureau of Standards; not , over $53, unfurnished, on annual lease from October 1. Address Lock Box 466, Warren, Mass., giving price, loeatlon and full par tleulars. 9* BY COUPLE. ROOM. KITCHENETTE, BATH, within walking d'stance 14th and U sis.; famished or partly furnished; state price. Address Box 120-B, Star office. 7* 1 WANT TO PURCHASE AN APARTMENT bouse In good northwest section that will show a good return on my Investment. I mean business, so state the location of your prop erty and all details pertaining to It. State the present trusts, expenses and rentals. I will make a good cash payment. Address Bos 118-B. Star office. ONE ROOM AND BATH, UNFURNISHED, with or without kitchenette; will buy furni ture; state rental and location. Address Bos 40-B. Star office. * WANTED—A HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT of four rooms, about S3O per month. Observ atory Apartment. Wisconsin ave.. Apt. 4. 5 ROOMS MY MAN AND MOTHER: MODERN apartment bouse; preferably where case 4s available. Address But 74-B. Wtar office. * TWO OR THREE ROOMS, IN PRIVATE home, first floor, or In apartment house with elevator, by yonng man and mother; will be permanent If suited; furnished. Address Bos 4T-B. Star office. 6* SKE OR TWO ROOM, KITCHEN AND BATH, furnished; in apartment house n.w. section; not over $35; by married couple; references. Address Box 38-B. Star office. 5* 'WANTED—TWO ROOMS. K. & B. APT. BY September 15; two adults; rent reasonable. ,Address Bos 50-B, Star office. 8* Son SEPTEMBER 15, TIIHEE-ROOM FUR "pished apt.; state terms; electricity. Address Bo* 49-B, Star office. 6* FIVE OK SIX ROOMS AND BATH; .*.807: n.w. section: must bo reasonable. Address Box 54-B, Star office. 8* WS RENT APTS. KVKkY DAY (jkDER OUR annular “persons! inspection" plan. Listings invited. Washington Service Bureau. K 2133. REAL ESTATE. RENT HOUSES—FURNISHED $33 PER MONTH. S.fv. SECTION—4 BOOM cottage; no bath; completely far. Appiv 710 14th st. n.w. Boom 209. Telephone Fr. 2821. T* SIX LARGE ROOMS AND BATH CORNER house, nicely furnished, for « months, $75 com plete; in o.e. Address Box 99-B. Star office. • Hi ROOMS, FURNISHED HOUSE; IN GOOD condition; neut reasonable; hot-water heat; ■ ml.; Phone Col. 7877 W 8815 14th st. n. w. WELL FURNISHED 8 R, AND 57; STEAM heat, on 1 "car 14th n.e.: available Sept. 15 HALL A GRAY. 1204 H st. n.e «• , N ' EAh COLUMBIA RD.. TO or . Give Phoae number in ausncrlng. Address Box 48-U. Star office — 6* 3020 MACOMB ST., CLEVELAND PARK-10 n'i'Jh'L 2 sleeping porches; fur 5Vc,.r month. SMALLWOOD & CO.. MU- \ ermont are. Main 6070. ATTRACTIVE SIX-ROOM CORNER RUNG A fimW* sao Morris ca tiuiz.. 913 I*>th »t. jm : ™ - KLEU.. large parlors, fire pimes. steam heat; snltaWe fraternity, board 'S£--Jlg!lL?l_i;jh«nager. Franklin 10180. 7* ATTRACTIVE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE COMP, built-*t> garage, h.-w.h.; lovely flower *" R o"2»°nt, Alexandria. Address I«x 73 B, Star office, or Pti. 741-W. Ale*., Va. hi.’,! 4 . iIKN 'T. FURXISIIKD, — Ol"T. 15. SUBUH bungalow. 8 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water ut«'ot ,e ai rc ‘ tara ßd a.m.1.l L 5 min sITL Alexandria electric; SIOO per month. Address Bo* 87-B, Star office n . ~ „ KANSAS AVE. N.W. “ Beautifully furnished house consisting of 6 ha,li ' bot-water heat, electricity; rent. sllO per month. i-to v liEo ' w - LINKINS. 1 *l9 K_Ht. Main 8298-99. RENT HOUSES—FUR. & UNFUR. 1620 T ST., COIL X.H. AVE —TEX ROOMS. “."V rt ®T- ‘‘Blits, hardwood floors; winter ■sml in cellar. Call after 6 p.m. 11» TAKOMA PARK—S KOOM BUNGALOW. GA ,or*tion; a-m-L: $«0 mo. partly C.d 64*’>c - J *‘ ° ““furnished. After 6:30 p.m. RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED DOCTOR or CONGRESSMAN. EBPE desirable eight-room house; two baths; carage: exclusive neighborhood: Just re mod * eled. Franklin 412 H. 1710 T ST. s7e.. FIVE ROOMS tncl hath, large yard and parage. A-l con dition: rent $60.00. Franklin 2637. 2219 Ist ST.—B BOOMS. RATH, CKLITuT hot wafer heat. E. M. HODGE (3)., Inc successors to Edward S Wescott. 2006 Pa. «ve. “K VA —SMALL HOME. BKAUTI- L- • carrt, “ n - with city improvements: IV'- iVi'Tj. onlr * 75 r pr month. Keys 1 ■’-« Hliode Isiand ave. n.w. 'f " ST. N W NEW. 6-ROOM and bath home, screened throughout, with a.m.i.: porches and garage; reasonable. • 7;ROOM HOUSE; HOT-WATER HEAT; ON ;! w - b*‘ ,v l»t and North Capitol. I bone I riiukltn 4»504. • DtiDEX ST. (FtIRMEHLY 14tb ST. KIT) Light rooms, hath, cellar; furnace ene.i ■ f a oll . l ?“? V ack Poshes, front and back dotaclied JIOVISP . adlllts preferred; ref - ADAMS ST.—NEW CORNER HOUSE 6 rooms, tile bath, front and roar cement jouhes. Inspect at once. All modern ftnpmve- York . TIl w S ; A JAMESON CO.. 906 New York ave. Main 5326. 1230 29th Sl7 N.W.—B H„ 57: CORNER 7 interior beaut, dec.: J 75 per mo. Open IGverdale*°Md. MRS ’ STEI ' LA C ‘ UU,HEN TO ('OLOHKD— 1021 44th ST\ NT DKAN -44 001)—3-ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE -52J« ll elt ‘ ctr ‘ i ; light: S4O month. NE4V SOM. 1110 H n.e. Line. 2071. S7O MONTH; I) ROOMS AND RATH, CEL lar; h.-w.h.; parage; nice yard. 12th st n.e "o?i r H ' Bee NEVVS °M| 1110 H n.e. Lincoln 13TO KENYON ST, N.W.—7 ROOMS AND b-ith; h.-w.h.. elec., gas; attractive and de alrable. 4 ery reasonable. ((> 2801 13tli ST. X.E., BROOKLAXD—SEVEN 8 m i -: nearly new: coraer: SB3. North 4tH7*». 11* 1620 TEA ST. COR. N. H. A4’E.—lo ROOMS: a.m.i.: elec. light: tenant can sublet 3 rooms; winter coal in cellar. jj« ' G:U(I.Ms7 ELEC.; FRONTING SMITHS!) • ar^: Uiird floor renfine for $4,5; r*nt, $«•». 704 l\ «»t. k.w. Plmne Frank. Six KOUMsV HATH. SUN PARLOH. GUVsjT- Klorpinj; porch. 4 Urjrc closet*. gas. j*.cc.; hnsfiucnr tubs: screened front porch; large shady luirn; attractive rent. Call Clar endnn 1 .ill \4' 2. at once. ?• 7 ROOMS: A.M.1.: BUILT-IN GARAGE: corner bouse: gar, month. Lincoln 8(813. 7» i NK4V SIX ROOM HOUSE. SUITABLE FOR two families. 1:149 C st. s.e 5* 1309 CONN. AV E N. 4V 7—13 ROOMS. 2 leitlis. h.-w.h.. S3OO per month; In business zone. Apply WM. 11. DE LACY. 719 15th n.w. 130 BRYANT ST. N7w7—7 'R. AND~B.7 h.-w.h.; elec. light*: screened-in sleeping porch, and house screened throughout. JOS. A. HERBERT A SONS, 515 E. Capitol *t. ‘ 016 I’ARK ROAD N.W.—6 R. AND IT. nearly new. modern colonial house. 5016 Macomb n.w.—6 r. and b. detached cor ner house. d. ii. Johnson co., XORTH4VEST CORNER OF 2(ith AND H STS. n.w.—l3 rooms, 2 baths, electricity, bot water heat. Ail rooms outside rooms. Fine location for rooming bouse. Reasonable rent. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor. 723 20tb St. N.W S7S—LAMONT ST. NR. GA. AVE. Six rooms: a.m.i.: vacant. Main 1413 » SPLENDID DOWNTOWN HOME. EI-E4EN rooms and four baths; h.-w. heat, elec ; ar ranged for three families; three-oar brick ga rage. Reasonable rent. CHAS. I). SAGER. Main 36. Realtor. 924 14th st. n.w. NEAR 14th AND PARK ROAD—ATTRACTIVE house of 14 rooms, 4 baths; steam heat, elec tricity. arranged into apartments; separate meters for gas and electricity. GEO. 44*. LINKINS. Main 8298-99. 1719 K st. 1835 CALVERT ST. N.W—ll ROOMS, 2 baths, hos-waler beat, electricity: $l4O. 3.320 10th st. n.w—l2 rooms, 2 bath, hot- i water heat, electricity. 1839 Irtth »t. n.w.—ll rooms. 2 both*, steam i heat, electricity; offer. .3.303 13th st. n.w.—7 rooms, hath, electricity, hot-water heat; SIOO. GARDINER & DENT, Inc.. Main 4884. 717 14th St. N.W. Fourteenth St. Near Harvard. Three-story modern building, nine rooms, two baths; will let for professional or business use, or as residence. Columbia 6684. 3923 13th S’l7 6 rooma and bath; hot water; elec.; SOO. 1340 KENNEDY ST. 0 tms. and b.; semi-bungalow; new; sllO. 1696 LANIER PL. 8 rooms and 2 baths: a.m.i.; $l5O. 2008 COLUMBIA RD. 13 mis. and 3 b.; English basement; S2OO. SHANNON & LUCHS, 113 14th >»■ n.w. • Main 2345. RENT—DESK SPACE. DESK, USE OF TELEPHONE AND TYPE wrlter, 1n bright, outside office. 204 Conti nental Trust bldg., 14th and H stg. o.w. Call after It 6* DESK SPACE WITH OFFICE SERVICE. IN eluding desk and chairs. sls and up. BUILD ERS AND MANUFACTURERS, 410 Bond bldg Franklin 8128. Main 3934. FOE KENT—STOEEB. DESIRABLE .store AND TWO APTS. (T# rooms, kitchen, bath and bark porch, with every modem improvement: located near 18th and Columbia rd. Apply S. ROD, 2004 18th st. n.w. DRUGGIST—SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO open drug store In new Masonic temple. Be tbeada, Md.; none nearer than two mllea: also anotlier atore In same building. Apply office. Louie Kelaer, Bethesda. Md. LARGE STORE WITH SIX LIVING ROOMS and bath; prominent street oar Intersection. $l5O. M. A. BECKHAM, 1264 Wisconsin ave. Phone 44'est 200. CORNER, 1301 FLORIDA AVE. (AT CEN tral High School), vacant; elec. Georgia ave. and Kennedy—Large ator* room; good condition; $55 mo. , BAUMAN & HEINZMAN. Main 8500. 1504 H St. 1112 14th ST. N.W. and 1121 VERMONT AVE.. large stores with every modern convenience; keys with Janitor. Hermitage Apts., 1117 Ver moot ave. TOTTEN, 700 Oth St. N.W. Main 7625. FOR RENT—I32B H ST. N.W.,' NEXT TO nor. 13th at. u.w., 2 small atorea at sllO and sl-o per month. Posaeasion Sept, and Oct. 15th, respectively. JESSE U HBIBKELL, 1115 Eye at. n.w. FOR LEASE— 1819 NEW YORK ATE. N.W.; large handsome store, only two door* oS 14th. JESSE L. HKISKELL, 1115 Eye at. n.w. FOR RENT—3O3S 14th BT. N.W.; DEBIRA bIe store, only $l5O per month. JESSE L HKISKELL, 519 13th ST.—STORE 19x100. Apply 521 13ib f<*r key. STORES. ' 14th BT. AND FAIRMONT. Druggist, Delicatessen, Florist, v Tailor, Cafeteria, Bakery, or any other good business. Rent will ba made according to your business. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 1420 YOU ST. K.Vs THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. . C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1923. KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES—Pa’s Friend Sheds No Sympathetic Tear. —By POP MOMANdJ HE-tLE'S tTY OgJ> PS2IENJ) jVEH X fcE<M> As YEP BILL, DUSTED A WWY XMDNT yoO I>6 UKE I DIP G EE* IF YOU WILL fclDe~*fcoowX) 1W •rill hoos)s. he’ll be about nr in the \ hat, (•»<’ it's tough \ an‘ put sowetoin' By fop. a' swell mo tor cars, an’ twt.utf ALt BBOKEN UP WHEN 1 PAPERS. >3O You'BJE <3O»N‘- I HAVEN’T 1 ftJMHy DAY? LOOK AT THIS - - A RUSSIAN GRAhX> I YCxj'vE TtLL HIM the TAMILY ‘-S' OUSTED HEyP J FVEW «SOT A 300 Si* FAT -RANK IbOOKS XV£ 3AVED CjOTTA PAY TH6 PRICE. WELL 1 ON THE ROCkCS GE€l j OF .I)OLLAPS WHILE mad -to .xuv hih. At?,v . ’ _ I y Your family has been trying - / ffTTUE ? V To up with -me jg&pVOU GET OUjo&> WANTED TO RENT—HOUSES. FURNISHED HOUSE. OUT. Ist. NORTH went section; 8 to 12 room*; must 1h? r«*a ■onalrie. Addr»m< Hox KliMt. Star office. • 6-KOOM HOUSE; ADI LTS. CALL ADAMS 2»r»s. A SMALL HOISE HY LADY WXTHOFT children; a careful tenant. Aclclrees N. V., 11H>7 Nichols aVe. n.e. WANTED—FCUNISHED HOUSE OR APT. containing 4 Hox 111. Racquet (Tub. GEORGETOWN HOl'HE—-« TO 8 HOOMK, porch and .van!; wanted to rent or buy; or apt. with |*orch. Addre** Hox 260-A. office, QUIET ADULT AMERICAN I AMILY DE slrea furnUhed hou>*e. a.m.i., two or three bedrooms, September 15; low rental Hal; excellent care premises guaranteed. Phone Columbia 8058-w. • OFFICES AND STUDIOS. FIRST FLOOR FIIOKT ROOMS (2)—LARGE and light; downtown; suit dentinl or physi cian; completely funiiahed apt. in rear; rent together or aeparately. Franklin 4614. 8 • STUDIO— RESPONSIBLE LADY PIANO TUiIK. desires part-time privileges in well equipped studio; refs. Ad. llox 11 u-A. Star office. O* SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS, 832 C ST. n.w., second commercial sone—Light, airy floor apace, suitable for light manufacturing, patent medicine concern or office; steam heat furnished; wired for electricity. Apply at premises. GEO. M DENHAM UP. 737 13th ST. N.W.—LARGE OFFICE, Ist floor front; also three outside rooms on 2nd floor, suitable for dentist, chiropractor, etc.; very low rentals to desirable tenants; imme diate possession. THE REALTY AND INVESTMENT COUP. OF WASHINGTON. 735 13th St. N.W. Main 21>08 liOEW HLTLDING. 1110 F st.; single room; running wafer; elevator; $25. UNION BANK BLDG. 710 14th st. nw.; tingle room, with ele vator and running water, S2B. BROWNLEY BLDG. 1304 F st.; third floor, corner F st; front U* by lt» f**et; $55. SHANNON & LUCHS. 713 14th *t. n.w Main 2345. THE BLACKISTONE BUILDING. 1403 H Street. Office rooms for rent. GEO 44 r . LINKINS. 1719 K «t. Main 8298 99. NOS. 1413 1417 K Kt. N.W. NEXT TO DE psrtment of Juntioe. New concrete building. Excellent light and ventilation. Rooms singly or en suite BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Home*. 1417 K St. n.w. Phone Main 4340. Evening Star Building. Suite of 3 rooms and bright reception hall on southwest corner of 51U floor; cool, bright and airy. Total area, 794 »q. ft. Kent. $l5O monthly on yearly lease. One single court room, 4th floor, 200 sq ft. Rent. $35 monthly. Apply Room 621. Star bldg. Phone Main 5000. Br. 3 1 LINCOLN BUILDING, 514 10th St. N.W. 2,000 square feet office ami loft space. $175 Per Month. Passenger & Freight Elevators. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., RENT—FLOOR SPACE. TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT MANUFAUTUK- Ing. STANDARD PRESS, INC.. 705 Bth st. n.w. * RENT—YvAREHOUSES. FLOBIAD AVE. & ECKINGTON PL. X E— -3.000 square feet on second floor with lieat in cluded; SIOO. SHANNON & LUCHS. 713 14fh St. N.W. , Main 2345. DESIRABLE WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT. One entire floor ( 11,200 square ft.) in new concrete warehouse on P. R. R. siding. Warehouse unheated. Watchman employ ed. Rent depends on commod ity stored and service required. Inquiries invited. Address Box 333-B. Star office. SALE—BUSINESS PROPERTY. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE—STORE AND TWO apartments; jn*t completed; all modern lm provementa; near large apartment building*; on street car line; should rent for S2OO per month. Price. $17,500. HEDGES & MIDDLETON, Ine„ Realtors. 1334 H st. n.w. Phone Frank. 6503. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE Brand-new store with four-room and bath apartment above, long yard to wide alley: just the neighborhood to build up a wonderful business; can be handled on term*. THUS. E. JAItitEL, SH7 Woodward bldg Main 766. I AM OFFERING FOR SALE A HEAL opportunity to get a home for your business in the neighborhood of 131 h st. and New York ave. n.w. Nowhere in the businesa section are values in creasing as rapidly as here. Large building* are now under construction and other* (toon will be started. This property consist* of two floors, each with 13-foot celling*; it has a large callar. The building is on an alley, giving ample light, and has a 39-foot alley In the rear. It I* practically new and the foundation and wall* were constructed to carry another story. It has all modern Improve ments. Including freight elevator and loading platform. Let me show you this; It is priced low and reasonable terms can be made. ROBERT LEE O’BRIEN, Franklin 6383. 1710 I Bt. N.W. HOTEL -50 room*. 4-*tory brick bldg, en P*. ave., 27x132, to deep alley; going bnslnese; rare bargain; for sale at price of the ground. Call Mein 7537. ‘ No. 1132 19th N.W. Cnreetricted Businesa Zone. Is>t 22x80. Substantial Brick; 15-foot Side Alley. Price, $10,500. Geo, Y. Worthington & Son, Woodward building. Wonderful Opportunity. —to acquire a valuable site for your business In a neighborhood where values are steadily advancing. No. 1705 De Sales St. —ls acroes the (Greet from the new Walker Hotel and can be bought at this time for $25,000; immediately available and adaptable for remodeling. Geo. Y. Worthington & Son, Woodward building. | RENT—BUSINESS PROPERTY. rißEpkoOr building available skpT. I; entire 4 floors and flnlfbed basement; gtetm heat, electric lights and elevator; large rooma; fine light and air; lease Mr term of years; valuable central location, n.e. corner of Sth and G st*. n.w. See FOX—lleal Estate since 1876. 1311 H st. n.w. Main 989. 1216 SYK ST. N.W —LARGE STORE ROOM Or offle. For particulars see Wm. T. Ballard, 1217 lit St. N.W. ’ RENT—BUSINESS PROPERTY. Continued. CORNER OF NKW'TBRKEY AND RHODE I-laud sves.—Will give long lease to reliable I tenant who will remodel. Fine location for hardware and auto accessories, drug store or grocery store. Unusual opportunity for a live man to secure business beat (on. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, Realtor. 723 20th St. N.W NEW STORE NEXT TO GASOLINE BTA lion; ideal location for battery service, ac- | cessories, etc. No. 449 K at. n.w. I’KNN. REALTY CORPORATION. Phone Main 0608, 401 Jenifer bldg. 1214 H St! N.W. —STORE, 600 FEET } floor space; five-room housekeeping flat up- , stairs; possession September 29. Reasonable I repairs. Rent. $2,000. HERMAN E. GASCH. Main 3150 1326 New York Are N.W. 1313 NEW YORK AVE. VACANT—LARGE j stole, runs through to H st,; 2 fronts; 2. doors above. Whole building, $6,000 per year. I • 1324 New York-ave.. vacant—3-story build-' ing; fine, large store; large second floor ar- j ranged for business. Whole building, $6,000 , per year. HERMAN E GASCH. Main 3150. 1326 New York Ave. N.W. | i I ■Sio 13th ST. X.W. VACANT—This modern building <on«istK of 2 stories and cellar. Contains bot-water heat, elertrh* light, luvatorh**. 13-foot metal cell ing'!. Side lights 90 feet bark to 30 foot I»aved alley. AI«o equli»i>erl with Hervh-eable freight elevator; reiid.v for ininiediate use. ROBERT LEE O'BRIEN, ITU) Eye St. X.W. Franklin 5385. WANTED—BUSINESS PROP’TY. LISIN ESS PROPERTY SOUTH OF PENN SYLVANIA AVE. AND EABT OK 20th BT. N.W. WILL PAT ALL CASH PRICE | NOT MORE THAN *12.500. ADDRESS ; BOX 321 A, STAR OFFICE. SALE—FARMS. ssoo cash. sso monthly payment. buys new tile te-ml-bungalow, 7 r., cellar, lo ft. porch, 2 aides, electricity; %-tcre act to apple* and peach**; fr»*iting trolley. Shoe-key Mat inn, 20 rods Kairfax-Uhain bridge highway; cheap, $5,950. H U. C. SHOCKEY, Owner. P. U. Vienna. Va. * OWNER, LEAVING FOH FiJMWA. OFFERS 14 acre*, d-room lioum*. barn, chicken honae, orchard, cow, horse, wagon, harness, farming I implements, hog*, chicken* and furniture for only $1.2.50. Ten mile* out; Va., on good county road, quarter mile off new concrete state road; convenient to school, church and store* Positively worth $f1.500. Write MAR TIN F WEH It. Fairfax. Va.. R. D. No. 2. * OWNER HERE FROM WEST TO SACRIFICE Virginia farm. OWNER, 630 Mast. ave. u.w. Frank lin KIH3. MARYLAND WATER FRONT FARMS EXCLUSIVELY. State your need* to 11. WRIGHTSON DAWS(>N. St. Michael*. Md FOR SALE—LOTS. HOCK CREEK PARK 86-FOOT FIUiNTaTHT. fvneod. $1,500. Keokuk south. Improved street, elevation, water, elec . tcls. Financing restrlc fiona optional. Address Box 99 Y'. Stsr office. 16* SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL LOTS; LOVELY oaks: Takoma I’ark; water, sewer, gas, else.; bargain; cash or time. Owner. Line. 9611. NOS 116 AND I*lß QUINCY ST.. <*HEVT Chase, Md,—100x2(8); bargain. Main 8482 or Adams 3552. 6* LOT 21. SQUARE 1923; 50*180; LOCATED on east sde of 38th st. between Mass. ave. and Woodley toad. Price, $4,500. Address Rox 75 R. Star 7* DESMIARLE COR. BLDG. IX)T IN I). C„ reiisonalde. For further information call Col. 8073 or address 5301 N. Cap, st. * CHEVY' CHASE CARS; BEAUTIFUL «LFT. lot. D. C.. excellently located: covered with trees. Priced low. Call OWNER, Col. 7581 J. • GROVES PARK. 17th AND EVERT BTS., S4OO Call Columbia 6963-J. • A FEW CHOICE BUILDING SITES COVERED with trees west of 16tb st.. overlooking Rock Creek Park, between Vtrnnm and Webster sts. Phone OWNER. Adqma 930. 6 BEAUTIFUL LOTS SOUTHEAST: PHETTI - townsite In D. C.; $l9O each; $lO down and $5 per month. Address Box 307-P. St ar office. BROOKLAND LOTS—WW HAVE A NUMBER of very desirable building lota in all sections of Brookland, ranging In price, $1,200 (o $2,500. McLACHLEN BANKING- CORP'N. Real Estate Dept.. 10th nnd 0. Main 432. BARGAINS IN LOTS—CYir.V 1 CHASE. D. C. —52,000 eai-h; 2 lots adjoining: splendid lo cation; about 5 blocks from circle: macadam streets and all improvements. McLACHLEN BANKING COUP'S, Real Estate Dept., 10th and O. Main 432. SB. CORNER OF 41st AND KEOKUK. Chevy Chase, I). C.; has a frontage of 80 ft. by depth of 100 ft. This lot Is on grade: a snap at $2,750: easy terms. JOHN QUINN CO.. 704 13th X.W. M 435. FOUR ACRES of high wooded land In Chevy Chase. I>. 0., overlooking Rock Creek Park: wonderful build ing site: will sacrifice for dash. Address Box 115-B. Star office. 11* OPPORTUNITY To buy i lot for a fine horn* In best section. One lot on 18th st. One lot on Colorado ave. Several in 16th Street Heights. THOS. E. JARRELL. Member Washington Real Estate Hoard. 537 Woodward building. Main 786. WANTED—LOTS. VACANT LOT ON CORNER N.W.. FOR building suitable for grocery store; must be bought in ten days. L. K. BEACH. 620 7th st. n.e. • 9* SAXE—INVESTMENT PROP’TY. ON CAPITOL HILL—4 FAMILY FLAT; H.- w.h.: lot 57x99: room for 9 garages; net rental. $1,200. Sacrifice $8,250. Main 4729 or address Box 88-B. Star office. 7* ATTENTION. INVESTORS. BARGAIN IN FIRST COMMERCIAL. On Georgia avenue, only half square from Rock Creek Church road and New Hampshire avenue. Eight rooms, modern, aeml-detached, brick residence with forty-foot frontage. Live in this bonse and watch it grow In value. At the price asked this is a real speculation. MODERN APARTMENT IN GOOD , NORTHWEST LOCATION. Modern four-story apartment in good north west location, which show* a net return of 13 per cent on the investment. First trust rung for ten years. The rent* are very reasonable, amounting approximately to sl3 per room. The property is exceedingly well financed. Of fered for sale at a figure considerably under construction cost. AN EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT BUY IN A LOCATION SECOND TO NONE. .. We hare for sale a very wide frontage In the first commercial zone near 17t)i street and New York avenne n.w. It is sufficient to ac commodate fonr stores. The property will more than carry itself in its present status and its speculative possibilities are unlimited. This Is due to its peculiar location with respect to the government-owned property adjacent. SPLENDID BARGAIN IN ROW OF SMALL HOUSES FDR COLORED. We have just been authorized to place on the market at an unusually low figure a row of eleven small brick houses now occupied by colored tenants. $12,500 will buy this row. Act quickly. A BIG OPPORTUNITY FOB A SMALL INVESTMENT. For a home or an Investment we offer an exceptionally large two-famllF apartment, lo cated in a good section of the northeast. There are two flats of four large rooms and bath each, spacious porches and yards. The property i* In good condition and there is plenty of room for a garage. Price, $6,750. LARGE FIREPROOF GARAGE. Over 6,000 square feet. Will store over fifty cars. Price, $36,000. Reasonable terms. Business Property and Investment Department, ARNOLD & COMPANY, 1416 Eye Street. Main 2434. FOR EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE 4 JXITB IS RANDLE Highlands, clear, sot TMllier Train Control stock. Address Box 19 iA. Star office. • FOR SALE—APARTMENTS. CO-OPERATIVE A PTH.. FOUR OR FIVE J rooms, porch; southern exposure; equity, SSO - S6O monthly; northwest heights. Adams 147 4. FOR RALE APARTMENT containing 16 apartments of 4 roocs and bath with pre-war rents. Bnildlng bos one trust at 6 per cent for ten years. Fireproof build ing, located between 18tb st. and Columbia rd. All apartments rented and in good qpnditlon. A sound Investment. For further particulars, call Mr. KYLE. Business Properties Department, WILLIAM 8 PHILLIPS. I 15th and K sis, n.w. Main 4606. ; ! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE j I WILL TRADE ENTIRE SUBDIVISION OF I j Harding Heights. $35,000 clear, and add cash ■ i for apartment honae, ele;ir or one trust; j ! till* tract will retail nt $150,000 at prices ad- I , joining sul»dlvi*on* are selling «t; agent*, at- J j tent lon. Addre** llox .32 D. St nr office. 5 V • N ORT HEA ST S ECTION. j Newly painted ts «nd papered throughout. ! I Two story residence containing room* and I i new bath, piiteless furnace heat, electric I i light*, front porch running around the entire J house. Jxit 40*150 to alley. Price, s7,s<>o. » | First trust. $4,000; 7 i*r cent, 3 years. See I ! your own btoker or GRANVILLE C. BRADFORD,! 425 Bund Building Main 5593. | REAL ESTATE LOANS. | MONEY TO LOAN ON I) C. REAL ESTATE; J reasonable rates and prompt attention. LEWIS j REALTY COMPANY, 1417 K_sL Main 9755. MONEY TO LOAN UN DISTRICT BEAL Es tate. secured by first or second trust. MAR- 1 SHALL MCKIRRIN, 214 Wood'd bldg M. 3946. j MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT ON first mortgages In the District of Columbia. If over SIO,OOO and security satisfactory, nt 15',j%; smaller amounts nt 0%. Installment I loans made In Washington and nearby sections of Maryland and Virginia on a 10-year month ; ly payment plan providing for cancellation of the mortgage in case of the death of the bor rower. WM. H. SAUNDERS * CO.. 1438 K. 2nd AND 3rd TR. I/IANS EXPEDITIOUSLY 1 negotiated; large and small amts.; per aft'n Harry W. Kellams, 728 15th st. n.w. M 833. MONEY TO LOAN OX I). U. REAL ESTATE In any amount at prevailing Interest. JESSE L. HKISKELL. 1115 Eye st n.w. I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON D C, REAL i estate first sad second trust. D. 11. ROLAND DRURY. Main 23 204 Woodward bldg. MONEY ALWAYS IN HAND FOR LIBERAL loans on D. C. real estate; prevailing interest and commission rstes. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 N. Y. ave. MONEY TO LOAN ONTrEAL estate at 5j4% if security is satisfactory. WM. H. SAUN DERS & CO.. 1433 K st. n.w. MONEY To LOAN ON REAL Es¥ATB~ AT 5y 2 AND 6% INTEREST. Tyler & Rutherford, Inc., MONEY TO LOAN. If you have proper security in D. C. real estate we can negotiate first or second trusts quickly and satisfactorily. Interest rate. 5 Vi, 6 and 014 per efnt. SHANNON A LUCHS. Main 2345. 713 14th Bt. MONEY AT 6 PER CENT AVAILABLE FOH loans on Improved city property, any amount. Applications answered Immediately. WARDMAN, 1430 K St. Ma in 4191. WANTED—MONEY SEVERAL FIRST TRUST BUILDING loan*, rartana amount*. 3 years. 7*>. Also few *oleot *econd tru*t*. payaM** monthly. All <*n good n«>rthw**»t District property. con«crva tlrely rained. K. W. BPINK. 618 I’nlon Trtrnt hldg. 7* SALE—SUBURBAN PROPERTY. BEST BARGAIN IN HYATTBVILLE. SEVEN rooms; a.m.i.; on prin. are.; grounds 159x100; fruit tree*, shrubbery, lawns, grape arbor, summer house, garage; $7,950; terms. OWN ER. 8 Owens ave. or 628 Southern bldg. M. 6287. VACANT, 6 BOOM AND BATH BUNGALOW with electric lights and furnace; on main st. near car line, store* and school; price, $4,250; S3OO cash; $42 per month. O. B. ZANTZINGER. Phone llyattaville 72. 75 Md. ave. Hvattsville. Md. MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW; REASON able; term*; by owner. 411 Walnut st., Prcs nell Station. Lyon Park. V* 9* NEW BUNGALOW. ONE BLOCK FROM CARS —4 large rooms and bath; pantry, porches, | furnace heat, elec.: lias to he seen to be ap preciated. Price. $4,250; $350 down and S4O per mo. Call MR. TICE. Franklin 898. ARB YOU RESPONSIBLE? If so. we can sell you this beautiful home. 8 r. and bath: full basement. large lot; all improvements; on your own terms. Address Hox 102-R. Star office. BRENTWOOD SANITARIUM. 22 ROOMS. 3 bath*; furnished completely: a.m.i.; on main highway Just across District line; ideal for sanitarium or tea room; sale at loss of $4,000. Dr. VERBRYCKK. the Rochamhean. 7* ONLY SSOO CASH REQUIRED TO PUT YOU in a brand new home; 5 rooms and bath: large t lot Let me show it to you. Address Box 103-B. Star office. SPECIAL BARGAIN—ATTRACTIVE HOUSE and grounds located half square off Rockville pike, near Bethesda, Md.: eight large rooms and bath, a.m.i.. floored attic, open fireplace and cellar, porches, garage, chicken house and garden: half acre; In fine condition. Price. $8,000; SI,OOO cash. See OWNER, 30S Con tlneptal Trust Bldg. M. 8384. SS,SOO—CHEURYDALE—CORNER 6 RM. BUN- I galow; bath. el*r. t garage, fruit, chicken houses: SI.OOO cash. SSO mo. M. 1414. * $8,500 —UH ERR YD ALE. 2>4 ACRES, 7 ROOMS, bath; ideal for poultry and fruit; easy terms. Main 1413. NORTHWEST SUBURBS. A bargain in a six-roora, bath, house, H block to Connecticut ave. Large lot. fine shade, garden and fruit. Price, $5,500. Terms. t'ISSELL * OFFUTT. INC.. Phone Bethesda 73-K. Rockville. Md. Phone 120. 2-ROOM BUNGALOW. LARGE LOT. GOOD, high location; strictly white neighborhood, price, $1 650; *SO down, balance S3O montlfy. BABCOCK i WINTERS, Riverdale. Md. Hyattsvllle 807-F-12. 4 ACRES, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; PLENTY fruit and grape*: IVj miles Riverdale. Md.: $3,000; S3OO down, balance ca»y monthly pay ments. BABCOCK A WINTERS. Riverdale. Md. Hyattsvllle 807-F-12. VIRGINIA SUBURBAN PROPERTY. We buy and sell Virginia suburban prop erty; consult us before btylne or selling. F. C. GOODXOW COMPANY. 729 16th St. N.W. Phone Main 307. Virginia Office: 102 South St. Asaph Ht. Alexandria. Va. NEW BUNGALOW; 6 ROOMS, TILE BATH, hardwood floor*, flreplsoe, built-in garage, electricity, wafer, laundry trays, large clos et* and big floored attic; front and rear porche*: ready for occupancy; large lot In beautiful Oakcrest, Va., Mt. Vernon blvd.; 12 minutes by auto from White House; a dandy home at an attractive price on very reason able terms. Phone for appointment. Claren don 363-W-2. Autos at your service. THE VIRGINIA REALTY COMPANY. "HOMES AND BUILDING SITES." " MT HAIMEK—HYATTSVILLE—KIVER- DALB. 5-rm. bung., a.m.i.: near car* $4,990 5-rm. bang., a.m.i.; 1-fare zone $4,800 7-rm. house, a.m.i.; tiled bath $6.,>00 6-rra. bung., a.m.i.; sacrifice *4,100 WK BUILD HOMES TO SUIT. EASY TERMS. WILSON BARRETT CO., Rhode Island aye. (opp. trolley atatlon.) Phone Hyatt*. 409 R. Ml, Rainier. Mtj. SEE THIS! Before buying. Beautiful new 8-room house near ram: large lot; gas; electricity; hard wood floors: open fireplace. Ample closet room; full basement with laundry traya and extra toilet. Will make terms exactly to ault yog. Address Box IM-B. Star offloa. SALE—SUBURBAN PROPERTY. Continued. 11. C. MAY NOR, SEPTEMBER BARGAINS. ; 5-room a.m.i. bungalow, $4 760; $750 c«sh;i term*. j 5- room now bungalow: a.m.i.: largo, light ( collar; lot 50x150: cash, S4O por month. 6-room now bungalow; hath and aloe.; $5,201); j S3OO oaMi, SSO por month. j 0-room now hoti*e; a.m.i.; h.-w.h.; $750 | cash, SOO |Hfr month 6- m»w bungalow; h.-w.h.; SSOO naali, J balance like rent. J 4 room cottage; bath and city water; $2,750; . SSOO caMi. so.» per month. For belter bargain* *ee H r. MAYXOR, 3010 33rd st.. Ml lUlntar. Md. Phone 11 van*. 30H-W. j P.Y OWNER OH YOrit ViROKKR. Rockville pike. 2 block* north of Edgenioor; j 8-r. house, both; hot-water heat. gan. elec tricity; lot 10*1x230 feet; garage; fruit, nut { tree*, all kinds of berries, grape*, flowem and ! *dinibl>err A good buy ; mean* a comfortable home with city convenience* at a price that will always net von a profit. WASHINGTON WATERS, Phone Retheeda J 9 VIRGINIA HOMES. 6 - room bungalow, bath, elec., furnace, elee. pump and presßiire tank. $4,500; SSOO caali, S4O monthly covers total payments of Interest and principal. 6-room bungalow, gns, elec., p.pele** fur nace. open fireplace'; lot 05x200; only $5,000: small caMi payment and easy term*. LANDES & LEE, Arlington Trust Company bide. Roftslyn, Va. v Phone Clnnuidon 20R. * KXCEPTIONALLY WELL BUILT NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, ONLY $4,075. WITH ioo-FT. FRONT LOT. Contains five large rooms, closet*, pantry, attic, large front nnd back porche*. electric lights, nice fixture*, window shades, concrete foundation, pump on back porch; lot 100 ft. front by 200 ft. deep; woodshed and outside toilet: house double aided; three coat* l»e«( paint inside ami outside; floor* varnished; well built and well plastered; will stand any inapection by builder or carpenter; construc tion the very best. Price only $4,075; terms. SSOO cash nnd $47.50 per month, includes in teresf. Property located in Harcroft. Va. All ready to move into; title perfect. Some fortunate person will get a bungalow they will Im? proud of I personally superintended this from start to finish; built by union la»*>r. Will take you to gee this. All Information. WALTER O’HARA. 134(9 11 Kt. n.w. Main 2450. WOODRIDGE. D. C. New bungalow, a.m.i., $7,150; SSOO cash. sflo rno. T room house, a.m.i.; SSOO cash, bal. like rent. Other bargains in brookland and Woodridge. Also lots for sale. K. A LINGER. 2377 R. I. A'e N.K Tel N. 5021. 7 ROOMS AND HATH, MODERN PEBBLE* dash bungalow, located "at Mt. Ida Ma.; im mediate possession. Price reduced to $7,000 for quick sale; cash required. $1,200; monthly payment*. $67.50. Six rooms and bath, good deration: all imp.; immediate possession; located in Rosemont, block* from car line. Price. $5,750; cash re quired. $500; monthly piments, $52.50. We hare a large listing of suburban prop erties and will be pleased to call for you at roar convenience. SNYDER & KANE. 614 King St . Alex . Va. r Phone Alex. 322. FOR THE SEPTEMBER BRIDE —and all other* wantine brand-new homes with a.m.i. before winter. We specialize in all new home*! Prices to suit all purses. Size to suit any family. Term* that will sur prise you. ’ KAY-ALGER CO., Inc., F. M. Kay. Pres. A Mpr. 617 Bond bldg. Main 3075. TAKOMA PARK. District »lde; 7 room* and bath: sleeping and breakfast porch: garage; large lot. $8,500. New bungalow, 5 room and bath: h.-w h.; sleeping porch; garage; gently sloping lot; $8,000; $2,000, balance easy terms. Takoma. Md. —New bungalow, 5 room* and bath: garage; sleep ng porch: large. level lot; $7,760 with h.-w.h.; $7,500. with pipeless furnace. Beautiful new bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, built-in garage, h.-w.h., large corner lot. Priced fur quick sale. Modern homes in and near Takoma from $5,000 up. Consult me before buying, r. W. VAN WAGNER. 34 Cedar. Tak«*ma Park. D. C. Col. 8774 W. ATTRACTIVE LITTLE BUNGALOW ONLY $2,100; S2OO cash, $35 per month; about one half acre of ground. 4 room bungalow with electric light*, pipeles* furnace, front and buck porches, near boulevard and car line; don’t miss your chance. O. B. ZANTZINGER. Phone Hyattsvllle 72. 75 Md. ave. Hvattsville. Md. SEPTEMBER BARGAINS. 7-room brick, tile bath: h.-w.h.; corner lot; near Lincoln Park.; a bargain nt |5,750. Terms can be arranged. 0-room house; h.-w.h.; one block I*. I. ave.; garage; $8,850. Terms can baarranged. 6-room house, tile bath; funlace heat; sta tionary tubs; lot 44x125; only $8,500; slllO cash, balance like rent. 6-room (art granite! house; a bargain at $8,750; SI,OOO cash. Easy terms. H. C. MAYNOR & CO.. 2378 R. I ave. n.v Phone North 8983. SEE THIS “LITTLE GREY HOME IN THE WEST.” Five nice moms: larco sleoptng porch. Front porch 20 ft. long. 8 ft. wld*. Basement under entire house. Large lot; several shade tree*. Completely equipped with base plugs for floor lamp, vacuum cleaner, percolator and elec. iron. Built-in ironing beard. Built-in kitchen cabinet. One-piece porcelain sink. Most attractive bathroom. Attractively papered and painted. High, cool elevation. 1 fare to city—29 min. ride. Located In the best part of Clarendon, Va. Close to sehools. churches, stores and car*. Every eitv convenience to‘please you. Will sell for $6,759. I.ow monthly payments. I will build a fine garage to match, free, provided a good cash payment can be made. Call Sir. SWEET. Main 9592, Boom 523-4, Bond bldg. 9* CHICKEN FARM 3V4 acres of land; attractive 6-room bnnga low; barn, garage, several outbuildings, fruit, gas, elec, lights, city water; price, $6,050, terms. WM. O. RICHARDSON. 225 Colorado Bldg. Main 3531. COTTAGE CITY. MD. A very attractive corner detached frame bungalow. 5 rooma and bath on first floor, attic above: dec. lights, gas for cooking; fur nace heat; lot 89 by 159 feet. This property is nearly new; has fireplace and nearly every other comfort; well screened; large shade tree*. Price only $6,909; easy terms. A. C. HOUGHTON A CO - REALTORS 1516 H st. n.w. Phones Main 7536-753 r. "We have tha BF.BT In every section. WOODRIDGE. Newly painted and papered throughout. Two-story residence containing six large room, and bath, plpelesg furnace beat, all new bath fixture*, electric llglils, front porch running around the entire house. Lot 40x159 to alley. Price. *7.500. Uash payment. $1,009. Month ly payment, including all interest. $75. Will consider small houses In trade. See your own broker or GRANVILLE C. BRADFORD, | 4» Bop} S6lhUn«. Main 0593. REAL ESTATE. SALE—SUBURBAN PROPERTY. Con* Inur'd. ONE ACRE OF LAND ' Good 0 room flhtindan* ■#•* of fm’t; | gn rag«». clibkfn houMs, etc.; price, $3,300. j termn. WM lurriAitnsoN. 225 rolomdo Bldg. Main 3331. •- RENT—SUBURBAN PROPERTY. 8720 34th ST.-l BLOt K FROM MT ICAINIKK station **ix mhup*. and hath; a.m.i.; tva«#»n ohle. Cali after 5 ft* « ROOM RPNGAIOW’. 6 LOTS. CHICKEN j lioiisp ams <*hbk«>DK. gang**. at low prV**: j party leaving #ity. sl,<KK> cash, balance $lB ' month Pb*«>» f/n#*. WVI7, K 1(00 M Homfi. FI’KNACK HEAT. UK: nearsfa.: in:nio. poa.: Dunn luring. Va. Phone Fall* rhurch. 812-~-2. L.J FOOMBH 7* NEW KTOHB AM) 3 ROOMS—Shelved. «*om»t er«. sli twca«»cv: best gro#*. ami neat 10. in Md. Hiilnirhs; $33 (K»r mo Fall 11*30 2Bt|i n.w. from 4 to H. Mrs, Stella C. Larsen. Ulverdale, NEW BUNGALOW, FIVE BOOM*. RATH, larpc* lota; clo«e to <*ars; $42.30 to S3O. In spect the*#* ut on#**. Tall Clarendon 321. MR. ROHIXSOX or MR. OH BISON. TWO UNFUBNIHHED ROOMS. KITCH euette and hath; ele*-. light, gas. h.-w li.: rent. s2>: riierrrdale. Va. Adclreas Hux 71 H. Star office. *_ WANTED—SUBURBAN PROP’TY TWO ROOMS OR SMALL HOUSE ECU niahed for light housekeeping, between Wash inston and Chesapeake Reach. Phone Marl boro r>4. • FOR SALE—HOUSES SOUTHEAST; CLOSE TO EAST CAPITOL: | six-rnom ha> window brick; house In good con dltion; garage. $6,500. C. C. SHARAH. Main 9309. 9* SSOO (’ASH-O U. SEMI BUNG : H.-W.H., h.w. flo#»rH. oj*en fireplaee, heated break. porch; heat construction; Takorna Park. Fr. 1093. ft* CORNER AT GRANT ClrKk, PET WORTH, seven rooma (four bedroom*). modern in every detail; garage C. C. SHAK.MI. Main 3909. 9* i GOOD RFY IN A SIX-ROOM HOISE IN Petworth: modern, three porches: long lot t#> paved alley; two-uir garage. ss t r»4iO. C. SHARAH. Main 9309. _ 9* $6,500 —$300 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. 1342 Ist at n.w.—ft rooms. l>ath: electricity; furnace heal; possession in 30 days. North 4699. 3* TO COLOR Ell—$7,000; S3OO CASI BALANCE like rent; lat *t. near Fla. ave. u * 9 rooms, bath; ele*- ; large lot to alley: heat By owner. G. H. LALKGEB. Norm 4*199. 5* VACANT—II« 4 NEAL ST. N.E.; ft ROOMS. ! bath: dec.: furnace heat: newly papered and painted. By owner; $6,300; S3OO cash. G. L. LALKGER North 4099. 3* FIRST COMMERCIAL GEORGETOWN - Well built. 20 ft wide. 9 r. brick New electricity, papering. Fnrnnce, bath, servant’s toilet. Only $9,000. Owner finances trusts. Pcs seas ion. 3141 X at. 13* Iftth ST SOITH OF YOU—CORNER 15 ro ms and 3 baths; a.m.i.; will sell cheap. I r-r klln 2071. CLtiSK TO BCSINESS ZONE N.E.—O BOOMS and bath; fine yard: a m i ; pre-war constrm tion. Price SS.3OU; terms. Mrs. M. L. WILLIS. Adams 119. * ATTRACTIVE BBMI-DETACHED HOUSE Nice yard; garage; screened sleeping porch; breakfast room; hardwood floors; ail modern conveniences; 9 rooms. 3 baths: $13,230. Bee OWNER evening* or Sunday, 3817 Livingston ut.. block (Tievy Chase cars. • CORNER HOFSE. NEAR SCOTT t’l RULE—I 2 room*. a.m.i ; terms. Main 3QS7. FOR HALE BY OWNER—VERY ATTRACTIVE col. type ft r. Ab., incl. break. & screened sleep, porch#**: on Crittenden st. n.w., over looking Saul’-* Addn.: special price. N. 3930. 3* COLORKI» FLORIDA AVk! NVV . SIX room*, bath, good brick house; $3,000. Main 193 ft. ft* CHEVY C'HASE— PRACTICALLY NEW 5-R. bung lo’ ; tile h.: hwd. fl’rs. fireplace, side porch, h.-w.h. dec.; 63 ft. front by 133 ft. deep; ex cellent rondiDrn; garage Price, $10,300. Terms reasonable. North 3009. 3* FINE HOME FOR COLORED, 12 ROOMS, hath, fu:na#*e. semi-detached, ex-sen.i tor’s house on 13th st. n.w. Main 193 ft. ft* $12.230 —NEAR Mil AND EAST CAPITAL. 0 rooms, bay window tapestry brick, ft bedrooms, a.m.i.; large lot; garage. Beat buy in north cast; terms. M. 1414. 3* SO.BSO—GA. AVE. AND LAMONT. ft ROOMS; a.m.i.. garage, large yarff; possession with de poslt. M.-1414. • • _ S3.73O—NR. WASH. CIRCLE. ft ROOMS, bri'k. cellar, space garage: easy term*. Main 1414. *_ SB.23O—JEFFERSON AND 120*. COLONIAL ft room, fib* bath; a.m.i.; va**ant: $1,200 *«sh; bnl.. easy Main 1414. $12,300 MASS. AVE. AND 7th N.W. cleml ). 9 rooms, bath: a.m.i.: 2-car garage; exc. cond. po«s*n: rents. $130: eo*y terms. M. 1414. * 7th AND LONGFELLOW STS. N.W, —SF.VEN r*»oin ami Inth detached house, lot 40x100; fine location, fine lawn; room for four garages. A baigain at $3,730. on very easy terms. GEO. E. JOHNSON. 90S 10th st, n «*. 1228 2Hfh HT. N.W —« ROOMS. PATH, GAS. latrolK* heat; room for garage; good condition; $♦1,300; $1 non ,-a*h. North 4ft99. 7* DOWNTOWN. FIRST COMMERCIAL. EXCEL lent 22-room house, 2 baths, ideal location for rooming, ft at house, club or office building; owner anxious to sell; price and terms at tractive. UNION REALTY COKP.. 1110 G sf. n.w. Ma'n 8413. 133 E ST. S.E. -9 ROOMS AND BAT IF h.-wh.: dec.; all outside r*K>ms: terms **r cash. One of the very l»est olTeriUgs In south east section to*lay. UNION REALTY CORPORATION. 1410 Q st. n.w. Main 8113. A MOST CHARMING LPITLE HOME OF 5 roonia and sleeping porch: hardwo#xl floors; h w.h.; gas; elec.: deep yard: 13 minntea to White H<>n»e: SSOO cash: balance I ke rent. See OWNER, 2314 4th st. n.e. Potomac lft3. ~ COL. iIGHTS WKSf l4tli SF An ext'ellcnf value t 7 r. A b.. 2 indnsed pchs.. m#>d. tapestry bri*‘k; most attractive, well planned and complete home ever offered in this sec.; owner leaving city will sacrifice for #nii#k sale; to inspect call M. 8343. • MODERN ftm Idm brick! excelle n’t n.w. In alien; screened colonial imn-h; double rear p«ir**hes. s**reened: h.-w.h.. ele*-.: atti#-: large lot; double garage; low price for quick *ale. Pbone Main ft7l3. WOODRIDGE. D, C.—WILL SACRIFICE NEW detached house. ft rooms; a.m.i.; large porchep; large lot; screens; occupied by own e” tw#> months. 2ft 13 17th st lie. NEAR NAVY YARD—\ ACANT—GOOD «- room brick dwelling. In tine order. Price, $1,230. Easy terms. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor, 723 20th st. n.w. KENYON ST. NKAIf iVtIi—(SUUVER UI’II.f: 7 rooms; garafi-: attio; flroplaro; large poreli; a m l.: no agenta. Adams 2IK>7. 14* CHKVY CHASK SPECIALS. $8,450. Bungalow with 5 rooms and hath, fireplace, hot-water heat, elec, and gas; nice cellar and attic; corner lot 60x120; $750 cash, $75 monthly. $8,750. Bungalow. 'West Chevy Chase—s rooms and bath; Pullman diner; fireplace; beautiful yard 60x150; close to cars; immediate posssesion; tl 000 cash, SBS monthly. . $10,500. Bungalow near Club—s niee rooms and hath; real California type; attractive lawn with flowers and shade; garage. IF YOU WANT A BUNGALOW. REE MOKGAN E. MORGAN & CO., 823 10th st. n.w. Franklin 1320. Evenings Fr. 1686-J or West 503-W. NEW; MASS. AVE. SECTION: IMMEDIATE possession; 5-room and l«th bungalow: h.-w.h.. a.m.i., oak floors, fireplace, lot 50x143: terms; $8,250. 7 rooms and bath: center hall, colonial, h.-w.h., a.m.i.. oak‘*l!oora. fireplace, lot 50x143; terms. $9,750. Address Box 303-A, Star office. .* 619 IRVING ST. N.W.. VACANT—2 STORY hrlck 6 rooms and bath; hot-water heat, clec tricily; lot. 22 ft. by 140 ft. deep to 20-ft. paved alley: porches: term*. OWNER, 1423 Buchanan st. n.w. Adams 3118-J. »• COOPERATIVE PLAN. FIVE ROOMS. AT- Inactively furnished; the Northumberland. New Hampshire and V st. n.w. See MANAGER In building. 7* HANHSOMK DWELLING AT A SACRIFICE— (» rooms, hardwood finish, double sleeping porches, light, dry cellar and garage, hot-water heat, electric lights, front and back porches. Owner haring left the city will sell at a sacri fice. either furnished or unfurnished, on easy terms. Also a splendid residence, now vacant, 8 room*. Iwth and cellar, hot-water heat, elec trie lights; 60-ft. lot; shade and lawn: on easy terms. For particulars, impure of A. T. UOLXZMAN, 1518 K at. kv. Phone M. 5346. FOE SALE—HOUSES. Confirmed. 16th ST. HEIGHTS. DETACHED FRAME. ' ra and b., h.-w.h., elec, and gas. garage; large T OR/galn; easy terms. Price. 811.500. * PORT. H. LEWIS. 931 IBth st. M. 5253. 2 BLOCKS EAST OK CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. ; . new 5-rm. bungalow; lot 40x150; it’s a har- J* **.750; easy term*. Phone builder. * Main 5253. BARGAIN JUST OFF 14th ST.—HANDSOME brown-atone froht, arranged in 8 apartments; h.-w.h., elec., ga»; 2-car garage. Price and terms right. ROBT. H. LEWIS. 921 15th at. M. 5253. RLOOMINGDALI3 A Tl’R ACTIVE BRICK home of 8 large rooms, tile bath, spacious at tic, where aeveral extra rooms could easily ' Ire made; bright cellar, excellent furnace heat- * ing plant, electric lights and gas. double rear porches, yard to paved alley. Price re- * dined 'nr rjn’ck sale to $9,000. Addrea* Box 107 B. Star,.. MT. PLEASANT. NORTH OF PARK ROAD— - Ciwy brick home of 7 rrmms and twth, in ex cellent condition; Dot water heat, electric lights, double rear poreli and very deep rear yard to alley. Must he sold. Price, $8,300. Address Box 132 IS. Star office. COLORED IVILL BE IXTEH ested in this teal bargain. located near sth and O sis. Brick. 7 rooms and bath, cellar, j furnace heat; all in AI condition; 2nd floor row brngs in good rental. A sacrifice at *7.300 Address Box 122 U. Star office. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE—PRICE JtBDUCED to insure quick sale. Detached home in beau - tifill Saul’s Addition: 8 outside rooms and tile bath, very large attic and large bright cel r lar. front porch, sleeping poroh, hardwood floors. fireplace. hot-water heat, electric - light*; jest redecorated and in excellent con dltion. Garage. Price only $14,000. Ad * dress Box 13ft-B, Star office. 1 _ _PRINCETON ST. N.W. 7*o to 758: modern new homes; 8 rooma; ~ [ open fireplace; built-in bathtub: one-piece I sink; many attractive features not found in 7 | other houses: garage; near car line and two 3 bus lines. Easy terms; any broker or owner. ■ * M. G. IRVIN; 715 Allison st. n.w. Phone Columbia 9326. 10» A GOOD CORNER NEAR PENSION OFFICE; lot 25x85. willi alley in rear; two frame dwellings; first commercial zone. Price, $7,500, Terms, 52.5110 cash, liaiance on time JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor, 1 723 2«>tli st n.w 1 GOOD HOME FOR 1 COLORED PURCHASER ' «»n <; Ks. n#»rir 22ii#l: first r#inim#*rr:«l zon**: 7 * r*»#>inv an*l bath: *ro**#l Nit; iie#*ds somu rvpHir**. •. but <*Bii l»? bought as it Is for $0,500. Il#*a aonablp brmi. JAMKK MORRIS WOODWARD, Kftltor. NORTH a )L1 T MBIA~H rights! .Tii**t off 14th st.. 7 ro«»ni aml both lions* in (‘Xtvllwit <*ndit|on; 2-#*tr parag#*: a.m.i., mofliat** posHonsion. r**;isnn:ibl«* prlrp and terms. ' A. HOUGHTON & ("*O.. REALTORS 131st If st. n.w. IMionos Main 733ft-7.35T •W#* have rhp RKST in #>vs*ry ssM«t<*>n FOR COLORED, $8,330 RED BRICK HOUSE with bay-window, In splendid n*>rtliw#*st dential Sfct4#»n. containing ft well arrtng#**! rooms and hath: li.-w.h.:* back perrh and i n sleeping pf»r#di front nnd ba**k yard nnd a 1-car parape; this is a r#*ai hon*e; •*usy t«*rms #an t»e nrrance*! and early p#iss#*-,. sion assured. For inspection call Main 33^9. THIS IS A TYPE OF HOUSE AND IN A U*eality one doesn’t often have a chance t<» buy. In flic l**st of condition: 8 roortis and bath: gas nnd electricity; h.-w.h.; front and rear porches; deep hack yard; front yard; garage f*»r two cars: on Hth st. n.e. near K. Driee. $10,300; cash. SIOO. balance $73 month. Inspection by permit only. NEWSOM, 1119 II n «•. lAm . 2071 ft KIH)MS. TILE BATH; PARQUET FLOORS: screened sleeping porch and fr#»nt porch: wide house: deep yard to wide allev; reasonable. OWNER, 71« Taylor st n.w. 11* _ J* Tit COfiOKKD—2HII 11th BT. N.W.—511,500; * cash. $1,300, lailanee sho month; 8 rooms and bath: cellar: colonial porch; furnace heat; ex j «*ellenf condition; room for garage. Thia an elegant home. Owners moving to suburb*. * NEWSOM. 1110 H at. n.e. Line. 2071. 11-KOOM HOME. HKOOKLAND; 2 BLOCKS from car: w*»rth $1.5.000; will take sl2.3#s» if s**ld by Friday; direct from owner. Ad dress Box 7ft-B. Star office. • TO COUIRKD—S«.(¥JO; CASH. $730. BAL’ aai'e $33 month: ft r. and b. and cellar; fur nace lieat; first-class condition: on 11th st n.w. near EuMid. NEWSOM, 1110 H at. n.e. Lin**. 2071. ft ROOM AND BATH BRICK HOUSE: PORCH | front and back; large garage; Ixfrohe heat; 1 excellent condition, wlni** neighborhood. Price, $4.500: terma. M7 13th st. re. • DETACHED HOUSE. NEARLY NEW. N.w! j section; in refined neighborhood of home own ers; ft large rooms, tiled tmth. sleeping porch, , thoroughly modern, including elec., gas., etc.; liar*lw«»o*l floors; open stone fireplace in larg living r**otn; front poroh cement; stone foun- j da tion; -late large lot to paved alley; 7 I nice lawns, shrubbery, etc.; near two car lines, located at 3889 Alton place. Price and terms • attractive. Owner o#vupant. Clevc. 2349-J. • BARGAIN—I 3 RS . 2 DB.. 11.-W.H.; SPACE S cars; $7 ft3«>: s‘J.s<Jb «-ash. I need the moncr. Address Box 10ft-B. Star office. 7* - NEAR FLAGLER PL AND Ut ST —6-ROOM -y house, modern, excellent condition; two car garage; immediate possession; small cash pay ment. balance $33 a month. See us at «n«»* 1 if you want a bargain. T UNION REALTY CORPORATION. 14D» G st n.M Main 8413 vacant New. Modern Home. SJ.OOft Ca*li Payment B Located In good n.w. tion; ft r anil b . pr.r#*hes. hardwood floors. Jiot-wafer heat an I ele*-.; near cars, store-*, school and chin-in*-; onlv <»ne left; priced at less than s9.ftoft. BAUMAN A HEINZMAN. Main 3300. 1304 H 8t LAMONT ST. N.W -COZY ft U. MODERN home, colonial por*h: >ard to alley: ever, thing is in good condrti#»n and owner occupies; 4 price. $7,850: convenient terms arranged. Phone Main 3300 y BAUMAN & HEINZMAN. Realtor*. 1504 H TWO-FAMILY FLAT. $9,500. Good n.w. section —First floor has 5 r. an I b.; second flour has ft r. and b.: separate heating plants: now renting for more than 12% on price of property; see thia at 00 v. Phone Main 8300. BAUMAN & HEINZMAN. Main 3300 1504 H St. DOWNTOWN N.W. $8.500 —Easy Terma. Near the business set tion and In a bus nes« zone; 3-story. 9-room home in good condit on: well arranged f<*r rooming or subletting apt*.; owner must sell. Phon * Main 3300. , BAUMAN A HEINZMAN. ** Main 330 ft. 1304 H 8f DETACHED CORNER. $12,500. 7 rooms and bath, hot-wafep lieat and elec ; , lot 123 ft. front on paved street: near atores. schools, etc.; an ideal home; owner occup-e* and will give possession. BAUMAN A HEINZMAN. Main 3500. 1504 11 8t EXCELLENT CENTRAL DOWNTOWN LOCATION Owner offers 12 rooms, 2 baths. ni'*d#*;*n bri*-k house, at low price and easy terms. J elec., b.-w heater, cellar etc. Tip top con dition: ideal f*»r rooming, flats, et*-.; flrat com- I merclal rone; prompt j>o»sessi*>n. Call 908 M J st. n.w. j CLEVELAND PARK. 10-room detached house neer Connecticut avenue Deep l**t. Owner leaving city muJ *ill sell **n very rea**«>aHhb> tom*. A C. HOUGHTON A CO,. REALTORS ) 131st II Si N.W Phone< Main 7336-7537. ** We ha va Ihe BKBT in *• very *>ecfjon.” ‘t’ park, d c. 7-r*s>m stucco house near Walter Reed Hc«- pital: screened porches, large lot; garage; thoroughly rmxlern. Good value «t $10.,V)0. 3 A C. HOUGHTON A CO . REALTORS 1316 H St. X W Phones Main 7330-75,37. ”We have the BEST In every section." NEAR 14th ST AND PARK RD. ' - 8 ro#>m brick dwelling; modern in ail par- J Oculars, garage; reasonably priced. . A. C. HOUGHTON A CO ItkALTORS 1316 H St. N.W. Phones Main 7336-7337. .7 "We have the BEST in every section.” * WONDKRFUL I1 »P1 »oRI (KNITY. on bean! if til New Hampshire ave. 11 w,. in I’etworth; two-story brick residence. e»pe* I- ■> ' ally arranged for two families: 4 rooms, bath Jon each floor: hot-water heat, electric lights, colonial front porch; garage; lota of yard I space; second floor rents unfurnished, including J j garage, for S7O month. Posaeseicn at once. - Act qui# k. A. C. HOUGHTON A CO.. REALTORS 1.316 II st. n.w. Phones Main 7536 7537. "We have the BEST in every section.” WITHIN TUHKK BLOCKS'OF WttlTE Honst—9 rooms, 2 Iniths; liot-wafrr heat; ' elW'tr'cHr. I’ri'i*, $12,500. Heasouahle terms. JAMES MOItHIS WOODWARD. Realtor. $7,500 WILL BUY A NU’K 7-ROOM AND Imrli home on F st. nenr Interior Department; J sooi! lot; the best house for the money in this I see tion. I JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor, j 723 20th st. n.w i FINE BUSINESS CORNER ON O ST. N.W.— j Store with dwellina over it. with short-term j lease, anil two Rood brink ilwclllnc* with 6 ( rooms anil bath eaeh. All tliree for $25,900. 1 A cash offer of $20,000 invited, JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, Realtor, • 723 20tli st. n.w j IN SECOND COMMERCIAL ZONK. NEAR i (!lh and G sis. n w.—Brick dwelling with 8 I rooms and bath on corner of alley. Trice, $7,500. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, Realtor, U ST. NEAR N. CAPITOL—6 ROOMS AND batb; elec.; esmdition excellent; garaze; porches. Price low; quick sale desired; SI.SOO , cash: prompt possession. You can't afford to miss this. , UNION REALTY CORPORATION, 1410 G st n.w. Main 8413. NEAR Bth AND FLORIDA AVE. N.E—6 ” rooms and bath, furnace heat; price, $7,000; easy terma can be arranged. GEO. W. LINKIN'*, . 1719 K St. SMALL HOTEL AND GROCERY STORE ON corner near the conrthouae, 28 rooms and store; now rented for $225 a month to monthly tenants. Priee, $25,000; easy terms. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, Realtor. 723 20th st. n.w. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 11 room and 8-batli house between 16fh at. and Dupont circle; 3-car brick zaraze. Tins been occupied by member of diplomatic act, and is ideal for entertaining. Price Is reasonable. A C. HOUGHTON & CO., REALTORS I.M« H at. n.w. Plumes Main 75*6-75*1. “We bay* Um BEST in. every-section. ,r 29