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WiiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiiilinriHiiititiiiiiiniiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiinniiiiinttiiniiiiin iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiirniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin miiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiimiiimimiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiim^ | Gigantic Factory Purchase Ready to Sur- "jZ” Extra Selling Space —Extra Salespeople— | I prise and Delight Eager Crowds of re I Iff H i"'ls for an Extraordinary Occasion. An Im- .• I | Thrifty Women Tomorrow. Be Ki | Jp|l mense Section of the Second Floor Has I | Here to Share the Super-Bargain! ft* uosts seventh street Been Reserved for the Big Event I S l s of Worthy Materials in 30 Attractive Styles j isp, fresh, charmingly-styled “My Lady” Apron Frocks in thirty different pealing models, twenty -two of which are illustrated. Tailored of superior 'lfeg/Bh and gingham in an almost unlimited range of patterns and colorings. checks, dainty figures, neat dots, rings, plaids and novelty patterns to • . Quantity, quality, variety' and value combine to make this the best as //) t sale of its kind in our history. >£jßipy m, Large and Extra Large Sizes ijjl | This is a sale for every woman, with the 1 larger sizes just as plentiful as the regular | Phone Orders Taken After I 8 O’clock Monday Morning i t See Window Display MAIL ORDERS See Window Display I f f IHUV TT FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS . V = Will be hlled promptly. Be sure to mention the model, A, B, C, etc., ofirl rirartiral nf trim- riSfei S . also size, quantity and colors desired. We reserve the right to sub- rFCIUCbI ailU IllObl pidLULdl Ul U till •My Lady Apron Frocks enjoy a ««»» ««■ Add™.., ww«, ™. k, os . _ mings—rick rack braid, organdy, white |||||| '/f countrv-wide reputation for quality—a Cl , c . A ... n , and colored piping, Paislev folds and Style Size Quantity Color „ .. , J v s ’ . * , . . fact that makes this special selling at contrasting bands. Colors include pink, V?|||A 88c of compelling interest. These good green, tan navy, copen brown lav-: |»X. ' \ i ender, red and rose—and a host ot stnk- v garments are made in a modern, clean, ing combinations of plain colors and gS|7\ sanitary factory by skilled operatives. Name Address fancy patterns. 5s j /,' ' |B//# I The pictures accurately portray twenty-two of the thirty styles. Note the many novelty effects seldom attempted in house garments. All have sash S MMllflV and pockets. V, round and square necks and clever vest effects. Women will be quick to notice the careful sewing of all seams, the fullness of cut, and the niceties of finish. The good workmanship of “My Lady” Apron Frocks is proverbial. Immense as the quantity is—actually 12,000 —there will be an overwhelming demand. Act promptly,/ if you want first choice of styles and patterns. • . I | the Half-Dozen---Better a | ‘|rr - h 1r^ '* • M O P ’ IW, rm' R S T aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiHiiiiiiiNiuiinimiiiiiiiiiniHHtiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimininiiiiitiiiiiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmiinmimjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin *' ‘ ‘ ■ I % ■ # THE SUNDAY - STAB, WASHINGTOK, D. . C„-SEPTEMBER 9,.-1923-PART 1, 17