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34 AFMinmT^-munraiD. $33. MO. *SO, *»-THKSB AND FOB* smaß reoma, hat*. kitchenette, Inclosed porch; UU.. tot aid Ceergetewn mraiaa remodeled; nu chit Oran; ae ei-v-triclty. Janitor. Well *)«L .8400 Prospect are.. near X to. »* 874 AND « HOOK AFB.antKJ.TB; Ali • onretoences; h.-w.h. *lO Brd at. n.w. Pfc-o* Fr. 3M9. Seat atopic rotaas alae. 18* KUS MTH ST.. 13M 14TH HT. KDAD—AT tractfrely furnished, Ist floor apt_ to new house: 2 nm. with eleepla* pwreh. htteben etoe tat bath; garage; year** Wnae; SBS per month; no children Tel. 001. TSOI. tt* GPPOHTUNITY—VERT EXCEPTIONAL 6-K., b. apt. (bungalow plan), wall tooratrt throughout; splendid downtown location; a.aa.l.; adulta. 1612-G. 1311 EENXIOT «T. N.W.—NICELY FUR nlxhed housekeeping apartment, four rooms; second floor of print* home: settable for two adult*; garage If <1 paired. Adams *702. * TUB KEDHK'K. AFT. 466. 1881 K ST. N.W. - Due large front room and bath, furnished; poaaeaaton October 1. 20^_ 2 AND 3 BOOMS. BATH. KITCHEN AND porch; $59 and $33 to adulU: electricity. McKENNEY BERKY. 1863 Wisconsin are. it.w. West 518. nit. WOULD SHARK TWO-ROOM APARTMENT with another gentleman In an apartment ho tel. Price. *65 per month. Address Box 229- E. Star office. 20* .">ll L N.W. —Three-room apartment; also -mall room, suitable far lady. Price* reason able. 20* 3 BOOMS. A.M.1.. NEXT BATH; QUIET: convenient to cars and bos: l.h.k. 707 Otis pi. n.w. Phone (VI. 2299-W. 20* 1388 COLUMBIA ROAD Entire second Boor, three rooms, private bath, porch; ninh and £a«_ran ge. electrielty, h.-w. heat: adults. 24* BEAUTIFULLY ANI> COMPLETELY FUH niahed 2-r., b. and kitchenette apt.;; n.w. Rent, $33 per mo.; lease to purchaser of fur . Kef. Address Box 188-B. Star office. 30* 1884 COLUMBIA ROAD, APARTMENT 8— Well furnished, three-room and hath apart 08(1 K ST. N.W.—2 rooms, kitchenette, sink; h.-w.h.; semi-prlsate bath; with refined cou- Plm . BRIGHTWOOD BELOW WALTER REEII—- Two bright rooms, kitchenette, both, private residence; a.m.i.; $42.59. 8317 Ptoeg Branch road n.w Colnnibla 8937-W. ONE BOOM. KITCHEN ETT* AND BATH. TO party bu.rlng furniture; altractirely furnished. Rent. $32.59. 1418 R at. n.w., Apt. 27. * 2146 F BX. N.W.—l BOOM. KITCHENETTE, bath; elec, light: hot-water heat; phone. AVeo several ether single and double rooms. Near George Washington and Naval Medical School. .IHOti 13TH ST. N.W.—ATTRACTIVELY FUtl nished two-room househeeplug apt.; new, serai - detached home: two adults 1227 GIRARD Ml. —APARTMENT, ENTIRE :ird floor a.m.i.; convenient to 11th and 14th St. car tinea. Adams 14.76 lit! IB VINO ir N.E. DESIRABLE, bright, clean 3-room apartment; furnished; a.m.i.; sink, running water, gaa range; use piano, laundry; reasonable; R. X. ave. ONE BOOM AND KITCHENETTE FUlß n'shed apt.; electricity; h.-w.h.; adult*. 455 G at. n.w. 28* ««6 (i SI. vk—FRONT COBS KB APT."; newly papered: kitchenette: has sink. SIT. 'pleasant, l.aa KENYON. 2nd FL.; 2 ruom*. prHrat* bath: range; ele*'.; Oamge. $lO Ad atm* 2018. • •iwo ROOMS', KITCHEN »iiK AND PHl vale hath, attraetlvely furnished; all modern improvements. £OOI Eye St- n.w. 20* ('AmFoRT ABLY FURNISHED 2-BOOM APT.. 1h k. 1.72 s »th at. n.w. Phone North 0857. 14TH ST NEAR GIRARD—ENTIRE 3RD floor, furnished complete for house keeping: suitable for 3 -or 4 adults; private bath: por celain sink; 5 closets: front porvh; h.-w.h.; *79 month, including electricity, gaa and un limited phone. Garage in rear. SB.OO month. Col. 10024. * J3«* IRVING NT. N.W. —ENTIRE THIRD floor: hath, kitchenette, porch; $75. Gas in cluded. 20* 5 ROOMS. BATH AND KITCHENETTE. DB lightfully altuated at Conn. ave. bridge: charmingly furnished; $l6O monthly. Phone Pot. 270. Apt. 28. 20* DESIRABLE 6 ROOMS, PORCH, GAHAGBt a.m.i.; SBS per mo.; block of cars. 34 Carroll are.. Takoma Park. Adams 36.74-1 LIST OP 300 apts. to select from; auf# service to show them. Perry * Brown. 419 Oxford T.ldg.. N. T. are. and 14th «t. 20* vEs conn" ave—apt., large bed renm. sitting room, wonderful private room and bath: hotel service. 23* 3822 O HT. N.W -ELECTRIC LIGHTS, HOT rvater heat; adults. 4 rooms, bath, large porches. SSO; 2 large rooms, bath, large porch, $.~0; open evenings. 6 to I*. - 1318 L—FIRST-FLOOR ’AIT., THREE LARGE rooms and bath, electricity, gaa, h.-w.h.; lan-i itor service. Apply 1128 13tb n.w. IB* 38 M N.W.—Largo roam and kitchenette, nicely furnished; sink, gas. electricity; 530; also 2 large rooms for housekeeping 19* 1744 LANIER PL. N.W.—THE ENTIRE 2nd floor, large porch private bath, shower, laun dry. heat, gas, elec., garage, private, un limited phone; mostly furnished; a real home: year’s lease. 1937 CALVERT BT. N.W. —L.H.K. APT., suitable for two; sunny; also bedroom for two men. NICELY FURNISHED APT., 4 ROOMS. BATH nnd steam heat. 523 11th st. n.w.. 3rd floor. call between 7 and 10 o’clock evenings. 10* 110 CLIFTON TERRACE WERT— NONMI.K.; 2 rooms, large closet, reception flail and bath; southern exposure. Call operator or manager. Columbia 7744. i»* AN EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED APART vnent of six good-slxed rooms and porch, locat ed at 1330 Belmoct st. n.w.. the Hoyt. Apt. 23. A bargain at $135 per month. ALLAN E. WALKER * CO.. Inc.. 818 15th st. n.w. Main 2fi»o. ROOMS IN NEW BACHELOR APT.. SEMl nrivaW bath, maid service. Apply after Sun day. between 9 and 2. 1525 Eye at. 18* 2434 "FRANKLIN ST. N.E. (WOODRIDGE) $4 to $8 week; 4 rooms, bath; elec., gas; grounds; 2nd., 4t!< floors. 19* 1310 EYE N.W. (FRANKLIN PARK)—S rooms. $lO week; 5 rooms, S2O; electricity, a.m.i.; 3rd Boot: single rooms, IF* WESTOVER—ATTRACTIVE CORNER APT.; 3 large, bright rooms, kitchenette, bath; mod cm improvements. West 2407-J. ' 725 I2TH ST., APT. I.—FOUR ROOMS AND l«th. completely furnished; convenient down town location: $73. SHANNON & LOCHS. 718 14th at. Mala 2345. BENEDICK. For Bachelors. 1808 Eye St. Two rooms and bath. Single rooms. Meals service to rooms. Swimming pool Showers. Valet service. GEORGE WASHINGTON I N N—A part m e n t-hotel. 2 rooms, bath & kitchenette; 4 rooms, bath & kitchenette — hotel service. Phone Line. 3101. ONE MONTH FREE RENT. We share profits with tenants; 7 apts.; city and suburban; all sixes; low rates; rented by month or year; everything Ist-class; completely furnished, Including piano or vlctrola. silver, ilii-hes, cooking uten-dls. linens, etc.; children taken. See WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, INC.. 710 14th st. n.w.. Room 209. Franklin 2821. * AVAILABLE OCTOBER T. Apt. 803, the Albemarle, 1700 T at. n.w., 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, $75 month. Apt. 507. 1203 Xsth st.—2 rooms, kitchen and bath, including eleclrkdty. S9O per month. Open for inspection. F. H. SMITH CO., -NEAR IOWA CIRCLE ON VERMONT AVB.; very desirable apt#., one snd two rooms, kitch enette and bath. heat. light and gaa furnished; all outside rooms; S3O to $45. LEE D. LATIMER CO., Realtor. fit. N.W. n APARTMENTS —FTTH. & XfiSFUtU 1819 16th BT. N.W.—TWO TO FIVE RoSmS In private house; a.m.i.; 1.h.k.; reasonable^ IWO-BOOM, PRIVATE BATH. HOCSEKEF.P lng apartment; entire floor, modern home. Mrs. j. R. STABLER. 2572 Unlreralty place n.w. Adam* 4U. 39* 1-KOOM AND BATH AFT., CONVENIENT unwntown location: southern expo.; ail night elevator and switchboard service; available Oct. 1. Apply Mgr.. Southern Apts., 1607 M at. n.w. Lease to party buying furniture 19* FUR. AND UNFURNISHED APTB. IN PRl ▼at* homes our specialty; eia« font. apta. In ant. house*; all price*, location*, details: WASHINGTON SERVICE BUREAU. District Natl. Bank flldg. AMT GORDON, APARTMENT I!PBCIALir£ 6 to 6 room*, fur. aad uafor.; month or year. 320 Colorado Bldg. Mam 583. Dupont Circle and Mass. Ave. Two rooms, kitchenette, bath, dining alcove tod large porch. SIOO. Furnished, SUB. L. S. Fristoc, Telephone 31. 1612. 1018 Istb at. APARTHSjrra-TTimnEunsHßD. IN 'SOUTHEAST—3 ROOMS, BATH. GOOD ••r.odltlon; white neighborhood; Immediate possession. J. RIDLEY SHIELDS, Franklin Nattoonl Bank ho lid tog. Main 70T7. 20* _ 2Q2S O 9T. N.W.—NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE— Two largo roam*, kitchenette, private bgth: $55, including electricity, pi; Nokel Mat. THRlnt-ROOM APARTMENT WITH BATE and heat, 717 Euclid st. n w.; refereacee ex- KOtugtd. IS* APARTMENTS* ETC, APAATMEITTS-—UJ rUEJTISHED. THE NORTHUMBERLAND—FOUR ROOMS and bath. Pali North 965 or North 8280. 5 nooks AND BATH; HOT WATER. < steam heat, dectrlottv; newly rrnevated. 812 i 6th at. n.w.; nasooaMe rent. Apply MR. SHAPIRO. 609 La. are, n.w. THREE ROOMS AND SEMI-BATH: LIGHT, heat and phone service. Call after 8 p.m., 3815 14th «t. n.w. |«^ 904 2nd HT. 8. K—UNFURNISHED APART ment. 5 roans, bath, large porch; hot-water heat and electric lights. 19* FOUR ROOMS, A.M.1., HOUSEKEEPING; beat, hot water. Janitor; heavy shopping cen ter. Sl* months. SSO; six months, S4O. 3rd Boor, 620 E st. n.w. IB* FOUR-ROOM APT.. AlA< MODERN IMPROVE ments; screeoed-ln sleeping porch. 620 Princeton pi. n.w. . 18* BACHELOR APARTMENTS. 8 ATTRACTIVE room* and bath P. J. WALSHE, INC.. 1107 Eye at. n.w. 750 ROCK CREEK CHURCH KD. N.W.— Desirable apartment. 3 rooms and bath; 1.h.k.. gas, electricity and telephone. 18* 5723 OA. AVE.—ENTIRE 2nd-FLOOR OP PE fached home; 5 rooms, private bath, newly papered and painted; porch, h.-w.h., elec., gaa; unlimited phone hicloded; $76. Five LARGE BOOMS AND BATH IN n'EW. individual apartment building: available Oc tober 1: rent, 8150 per month Includes pri vate garage. Apply JANITOR, 1835 16th at, n.w. • FOU KENT—FOUR~ ROOMS AND BATH; corner of two streets: one eipiare from Du- ' pent Circle; all outside rooms. The Alton. I 2010 I’ at.: $00: open for Inspection. STONE I A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave j 2222 (J ST. N.W.—I ROOMS, RECEPTION hall and bath, *BS per roenth. WELLER j CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Builders. H. L. , RUST. Agent 912 I.7th st. n.w ; FOUR ROOMS, KITCHENETTE. BATH; SSO monthly; gaa. electricity. i 314 9th n.w. HENRY W. ZF.H. Col. 219.7. 18* 8118 if BT. N.W.—6 noma, bath, porch; h.-w.h.: newly papered: S6O per mo. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH; H.-W.H . elec.; ail modern improvements; use of ga r*ge: phone. 1708 Webster st. n.w. 18* FIVE* LARGE, DESIRABLE ROOMS, BATH, porch; southern exp.; en Park rd, nr. 16th »t. n.w.; newly dee.; apt. house; to adults only. State number la family; no subletting; $82.50. Address Box 96-E. Star o«ce. * A TWO-BOOM APT. WITH BATH, BUlT able for 1.h.k.; iatrobe heat; young couple er two ladles preferred. 917 B st. s.e. 21* 2 LARGE ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH; n.w. residential section; a.m.i.; coavenlent to two car lines. Phone Columbia 5222-W. 19* •32 14th BT. N.W.—2 ROOMS AND BATH, second floor front. 1354 KENYON N.W.—3 ROOMS. KITCHEN ette. both; heat, hot wster, oven range, gas: nee refrigerator and telephone Included’ SST. * 2503 14th N.W.. LEAMINGTON, APT. »~ Five large light ruome. kitchen, bath and porch; elevator; $l6O. Apply Janitor. 19* 4-ROOM APARTMENT. HEAT, GAS AND private bath, for 1.h.k.; children allowed: reasonable. 1309 C st. n.w. 20* THREE ROOMS AND PRIVATE BATH IN 14tb st. home at Otis place. Phone Columbia 4752 or Main 2231. THOMAS CIRCLE—2 ROOMS AND RATH; steam and hot water. 1125 14th st. n.w. * NEW APT. HOUSE. 1740 T HT. N.W—2 rooms, kitchenette snd hath. Apply to Jsnltor. 5 ROOM APARTMENT; RENT REASON • able. 2312 Eve st n.w. 627 17th ST. N.W., 8 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE and hath. Apply 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. NORTHWEST. 1205 13th st. n.w., 8 rooms and hath, second floor; $37.50; couple only; no children. SOUTHEAST. 734 7th st. s.e . second floor; 5 rooms and hath. $42.50; h.-w.h.; tenant to pay half of coal bill with tenant on first floor XFIWHOM. UlO H u.e . T.lm oln _2071. 3606 UNIVERSITY PLACE. BETWEEN FAlH munt and Euclid. 14th and 15th streets, 3 ' room*. 128 E ST. N.W.—CORNER LOT: BASEMENT: two light, airy rooms, private bath: mod ern. 19* T-ROOM APT.; NEWLY PAPERED AND Sainted; furnace heat; bath strictly private. 24 N st. n w,; keys at 1238 XOth st. n.w. Franklin 7483. 2 BOOMS AND BATH: HOT-WATEH; STEAM beat: electric light; downtown section. Apply HOOPER A KLESNEH. 929 II st. n.w. 20* TWO LARGE ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEP ing; on second floor; heat and gas; semi-pri vate bath; 13th and D st. oar and Navy Yard car pass door. 247 Bth st. n.e. 20* THU DRURY, IS2I MT. PLEASANT ST.—l room and bath, S4O; 2 rooms and hath, $52.50. The Potomac. 4 rooms and bath. $72.50: 1900 Biltmore st. n.w., 2 rooms and bath, $5.7 per me.; S rooms, reception hall and bath. S7O per mo. 3430 Conn. are.. 3 rooms and hath. SA7 ' per mo. The Northumberland. 4 large rooms and bath (shower), large closet, slls per mo. The Berkley, 5 rooms and both. SIOO per mo. MCKEEVEB A GOSS. 1415 Eve St_ M. 4752. 317 7th BT. 8.W.—5 ROoVfS AND BATH; entire second floor; electriclMi; rent. $35 per 1 month. WM. P. NORMOYLK. 810 F st. n.w. 1806 LAWRENCE RT. N.E.—4 ROOMS AND kitchen In detached house, with a.m.i.. heat and light furnished: reasonable. _ * 2 AND 3 ROOMS. H.K. OR NON-H.K.: EX , cellent neighborhood; elec., gas, heat, phone. 1715 Q «t. n.w. 20* •THOMAS CIRCLE’’—3 ROOMS. KITCHEN, bath; $80; (apt. house). Call 1625 16th n.w., apt. 80. * 5-ROOM CORNER APARTMENT; ALL MOD era Improvements. 2 ROOMS, BATH AND KITCHEN, SECOND floor; rent S4O month. 2119 F RT. N.W, 30* ‘ 2009 BkXmONX ROAD. Apt. 402, four room* and bath (two bed rooms). southern exposure, new build ing $90.00 W. .1, PILLING, , THE STANHOPE. N. J. AVE AND H BT. n.w.—One room and bath, $17.50. JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO.. BEDROOM, dining room, kitchen, glass-in closed sleeping porch; heat furnished; $Mt mo. Apply 1813 Adams Mill road. n.w.. 2nd floor. ■ APARTMENT FOR RENT Four rooms and bath. DOWNTOWN TWO BOOMS, KITCHEN*- ette and bath; h.-w.h., gas light; immediate possession. Rent. $87.50. CHAS. D. BAOBK. Main 86. 924 14th St. N.W. Main 37. ■ 1868 CALIFORNIA ST. Five room* and bath, SB3. Possess iou. ELLERSON It WEMPLE. I 784 15th st. Phone Main 603. _ ( 1859 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W —THREE-ROOM I and bath housekeeping apartment, s«u per month. ELLERSON A WEMPLE. 734 Isth St. N.W. Mata CM3. ' NEW PARKVIEW HOME. A.m.i.; two-family private apt. house; 4 rooms, inclosed porch, bath; rear entrance; garage space; adults only. OWNER, 433 Kenyon et. Adame 8728-J. 22* - 2008 BELMONT ROAD N.W.—TWO ROOMS, ! kitchen and bath; large room* $70.00 ' W. J. PILLING. . 1413 F Street N.W. CHATEAU THIERRY APARTMENTS, ■ 1920 H fit. N.W. Elevators, switchboard, aeveral apartments • of two rooms, kitchen and bath; porches; open • for inspection. TERRELL A LITTLE. INC., r 1206 18th St. N.W. . NEW APAHTMENTif, 3 AXI) 4 ROOMS, i 1 bath, beat. Apply E M. HODGE CO., Inc., I * aucceanors to Edward 8. Weatcott, 2006 Pa. \ 1 aye. . ' CAIRO HOTEL. 1616 One S* N.W. Non-hoaaekcepitg—4 rooma and bath. sllO per month. 3 room* and bath, 685 per month. * 3 rooms and bath, 665 per month. 1 room without bath, running water, S3O per month. Including light. Available September 1. JAMES X. HOWARD, Manager. ___ Worth 2106. OWN YOUR OWN APARTMENT FOR LESS THAN IT COSTS TO RENT. Hundreds of other* are "beating the rental game" by buying apartmenta under the Wal ker Co-operative Plan. I CAVANAUGH COURTS. 1524 17th St. N.W. , Excellent 3-room nod bath apartment. L Price. $4,500 —cash payment and only $50.25 * per month. RUTLAND COURTS. _ Delightful 2-room and bath apartment. Price, $3,400. and $37.30 per month. The i, monthly payments include all intereet pad maintenance chargee and very substantial cur tail of principal. ASK ANY CO-pPERATICE OWNER. V ALLAN E. WALKER A CO.. INC., * BIS 15th St. N.W. Mala, 2600. * 1105 K ST. N.W. - Every convenience: no smalt children. 24» ' 2625 ONTARIO BD.—5 ROOMS AND BATH; * a.m.1.; janitor service; all outside rooms. Ap i TAGGART. INC.. . IBIS K at. n.w Main 6600. I ON SPRING ROAD Between 14th and ISth Sta. N.W. _ Seven indlrldoal buildings. A PEW REMAINING APARTMENTS. $70.50. Reception hall, large bedchamber, spacious tiring room, dining amove, kitchenette, dress : lag room with doable mahogany tn-a-door bed. H $78.60. Manager, 1441 Spring Road, Apt. 101. - MORRIS CAFRITZ CO., . 813 15th N.W. : Main 617. e THE CLEVELAND, 1 3039 Macomb et.—Beautifully Situated, mod - era. fireproof, S rooms and bath, $87.50; 4 - rooms, recpt. kail and bath, SB6. Apply Janitor. * * "THE RADNOR" 1 2901 16th ST. N.W. I I—S rooms, bath, Srst Boor .$76.60 WM. K. HAKTt'NU A CO., Jl9B lit* fij, M.W. MJU» 373 THE EVENING BTAH. WASHINGTON, IX o.* TUESDAY* SEPTEMBER 18, 1923. KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES—At Least Pa Got Results. —By POP MOM AND VIHV r>C*/T YOU <SO POW N | NOW nSSiNIS 1 YOU "TWO MOOl) « IAT ERe ~ .see try n s 3TEw) to -r&y <ViD serve Tm-s , ** , \ •me LAvryee.? we Ke®s r . V.. su&poena on a rta*. • well. 1 \ / WHATf Voo <SHE 1 / , \ A ffOy INI Trie OFFICE, j [THAkIO we've BEEW TRYWG -Jo «ER.VE SERVED ntALiy OtSiVED [ I I X Hta MOW-THi, C>OT 5HE'<5 HEfcl- / (‘SERVED HER.? ME!’’ J , I -1- i 1 | APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. J Continued. 3024 CONN. AVE. UNUSUALLY ATTRAC TIVE AND REASONABLY PRICED APT. OF 3 AND 4 ROOMS; SOME WITH PORCHES. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. THE F. H. SMITH CO.. SMITH BLDG., 815 15th ST. Very Desirable Apartments. In excellent condition, containing two rooms, •leove dining room, kitchenette and bath; lo cated near 17th aiid New Hampshire *vc. n.w. Immediate possession Reasonable rents. Boss & Phelps, KEVV GARDENS. 2700 QUE ST. N.W. Reservations are now being made. Apartments two rooms j and bath to eight rooms and two; baths. See manager on premises. HARRY A. KITE. Inc.. Main 4846. 1514 K St. N.W. 1737 N. H. AVE. Three large rooms, kitchenette and bath; available Oct. I. WEAVER BROS., Realtors, 735 15th at. Main *lß2l. THE CHABTU.TON, 16th and R sts. n.w. Three, four and five rooms and bath. THE PRESIDENTIAL, 16th and L its. n.w. Three and four rooms and bath. Five rooms and two baths. THE JEFFERSON. 16th and 31 sis. n.w. Two and three rooms and bath. THE PEXTILLY, 1812 K at n.w. One, two and three rooms and bath. , (Some with porchea.) THE SOUTHERN, 1507 M at. n.w. One and two rooms end bath. ; THE MAYCROFT, 15th and Columbia rd. n.w. Two, three and five rooms and bath. j j THE RODMAN. Connecticut ave. and Rodman st. n.w. Two, three and four rooms and bath. (Some with poiches.) I 8618 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W. Three rooms and hath. (Some with porches.) TUB F. 11. SMITH COMPANY, SMITH BLDG.. 815 15th ST. N.W.. MAIN 6404. - " TWO NEW BUILDINGS IN CLEVELAND PARK. THE HODMAN. CONN. AVE. AND RODMAN ST. , I 3618 CONN. AVE. . j Housekeeping apartments of two, three and four rooms and - i bath, many with large porches. Inspection Invited. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. SMITH BUILDING. ‘ 81.7 15th ST. 2110 19th Street. Just south of Wyoming ave. and near both car lines. A very attractive Enftlish basement build , ing. Corridor finished In marble, etc.; 3 rooms and 4 rooms and bath each. Rentals, $65 to $87.50. READY FOR OCCUPANCY. | 3620 Conn. Avenue N.W. ! 3 and 4 room and bath apartments in high ijrlasa apartment house. For full particulars [call Main 1433, or inquire of Janitor on | premises. 1801 Columbia Road N.W. j Cor. of 18th at.—(Apts. 4. 5 and 6). « rooms and hath; suitable for physician or ! dentist office. 1615 35th Street N.W. I Now under erection. Ready for occupancy •bout Nov. 1, 1923. An unusually well con .■tructed apartment house. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, $57.50. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath , with inclosed sleeping porch, S7O. 2712 Wisconsin Avenue N.W. I Near Mt. Alto—Apt. 10. SO3; Apt. 12, $75. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. 1419 N Street. ( New downtown apartment house; 2 rooms. I kitchen and bath, $63: 2 rooms, kitchen and j bath (front), $77.50. \ 1809 Belmont Rd. N.W. (New). : 3 rooms and bath (Apt. 11), S7O; 3 rooms Hand bath (Apt. B), S7O. r ! 1618 S Street N.W. I Apt. 6. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, SO3 . Murphy foldlhg bed and refrigerator. 34.32 Conn. Avenue N.W. f 3 rooms kitchen and hath (front), $77.^50. i 2922 Porter Street. Near Conn. ave.—Now nearing completion. ■ 3 Mom*, rerp. hall, kitchen, pantry and bath ) (front), $82.70. MOORE & HILL, INC., READY FOR OCCUPANCY | About October i. 1724 Seventeenth St. Apts. 3 and 4 Rooms and Bath.' Some With Porches. Reasonable Rentals. Elevator. GEO. W. LINKINS. 1719 K St. OCCUPANCY OCT. 1. Attractive Apartments. 1620 R ST. N.W., Just Off 16th St. Southern exposure baths and living rooms in light and airy outside apartments. New seven story building. Well designed suites with large closets, one and 2 rooms, with reception hall, bath and kitchen housekeeping and one room and bath non housekeeping. Lowest rentals consistent with location and effi cient service. Reservations now. WARDMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, BUILDERS. MANAGER ON PREMISES THE TIFFANY, 1925 16th St. N.W. 5 rooms and 2 baths $125 4 rms., breakfast pch. & b. .SIOO Immediate possession. THE SHELBURNE. 17th and S Sts. N.W. 1 room and bath S4O 3 rooms, reception hall and bath $75 and SBS 1 room, kitchen and bath... .S6O SWARTZELL. RHEEM & HENSEY CO.. 727 15th St. N.W. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. Contlnaefl. BUY AN APARTMENT IS COPLEY COURTS or Willard Courts. A small cash payment: balaniT- less thsn present rentals; no future worry. Many satisfied purchasers. Let ue ex plain. Du it now, UNION REALTY CORPORATION. 1410 G st. n.w. Main 8415. 16 sth ST. S.E. —Containing 4 large front rooms and hath, elec tric lights: well heated. 8606 Rk. Cr. Ch. road—3 rms. and bath....s6o 1636 Kenyon n.w.—l rms, and bath 73 627 E st. n.w. —2 rms. and bath 33 J. C. WEEDON A fOj Lincoln 43. 11l B St. S.E. (Opposite Cong. Library ) THE POTOMAC, 8333 N St. 2 rooms, kitchen and hath; S3O. 1810 CALIFORNIA BT. 1 room, kitchen and bath: SSO. 33)4 MT. PLEASANT BT. ( 1 room, break, alcove, kitchen and , 2 rms., break, ah-ove, kitchen and hath. 67.50 * 3 rus., break, alcove, kitchen and bath. 85.00 2109 F ST. 2 rooms, break, alcove, kitchen and bath; $65. SHANNON & LUCHS. 713 I4th St. Main 2345. THE EVERETT. 2127 P ST. N.W. S rooms, kitchen and hath.... SBO 00 t rooms, kitchen and bath $70.00 : 2116 KALORAUA ROAD. fl room* and 2 hatha $150.M 8220-22-24 WISCONSIN AV». Neat the Cathedral. 2 rooms, kitchenette and hath $60.00 1 room, kitchenette and bath $40.00 GEO. W. LINKIN&, 1719 K St. Mala 8296-99. MADISON APARTMENTS. NEW BUILDING, N.E. COR. 18th & EYE STS. 1 AND 2 ROOMS AND BATH NON-HOUSEKEEPING. LANVALE "apARTMENTS. NEW BUILDING. NO. 1922 N ST. 2 RMS., KITCHEN & BATH. L. W. GROOMES, 1416 F N.W. New Two-Family Apartments. MOST ATTRACTIVE IN THE CITY—ONLY four left. Each apartment has five rooms and hath, hot-water heat, electric lights, individual icllars. Many new features. Rent $65 each. Convenient to EASTERN HIGH SCHOOL, CAPITAL, LIBRARY. NAVY YARD. etc. Take Pennsylvania avenue car to ,16t)i st. e e., one block north; take Lincoln Park car to I6th street, walk smith. OPEN EVERY DAY. GARDINER & DENT. Inc.. 717 14th St. N.W. Mala 4884. I Best residential section. 2227-2231 Bancroft St. 7 rooms, 3 baths, sleeping porch. | 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath. New buildings. High-class in every respect. J GEO. W. LINKINS. i-1719 K St. Main 8298. j " ' " "* Comfortable Apartments “KLINGLE MANSIONS” i AT CONN. AVE. AND I KLINGLE ROAD Overlooking Rock Creek Valley. —offer unusual mducementa to seek- i ers of apartments where year-round comfort is demanded. All outairte I rooms overlooking apaclous lawns and wooded parks—exceptionally large rooms and generous closets—efficient service. Consistent rentals. WARDMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 1430 K St. N.W. I Ileal Estate Department, J WANTED—APARTMENTS. _ WANTED—2 FURNISHED ROOMS. K. A- R., by Oct. lat. by 2 adults; n.e. or s.e,, preferred. Address Box 137-E. Star office. 19* WE RENT APTS. EVERY DAY UNDER OUR popular “personal inspection’’ plan. Listings Invited. Washington Service Bureau. M 2183. TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN AND PRIVATE bath; a.m.i.; by couple with three-year-old child; any section except southwest: not over $45 a month. Addree* Box 27-E. Btar office. * WANTED BY OCTOBER I—2 WELL FUK nislied rooms and kitchen, with laundry priv ileges, by married couple with 2-year-old child: state price and location. Address Box 151-B. Star office. * _ I SMALL APT.. FUR. OK UNFUR.; NEAR- Iby suburb preferred; must have all imp.: | state rent. Address Box 186-E, Star office. * 1 8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND KITCHEN i ette; white neighborhood; central; reason- I able. Address Box 244-E. Star office. * FURNISHED APT.. FOUR RMS.. WITH 1 kitchen and bath: best references. Address Box 61-D. Star office. 33* ; WANTED BY SETTLED COUPLE. 3 OR 4 room*, kitchenette and bath; permanent if t reasonable. Address Box 189-E, Star office. UNFURNISHED, 4 OR 5 LARGE ROOMS, I good closet space; modern apt, house; about 1 575. Address Box 203-E. Star office. •_ ' COUPLE, NO CHILDREN. WISH APT. OF 2 J rooms, kitchen and private bath, unfurnished; I not over $45 per mo. Address Box 209-E, i [ Star office. 20* I OCTOBER I—BY BUSINESS GIRL. FDR- I nished. 1 room, kitchenette, with or near hath; northwest section; not over s3l). Ad- I dres* Box 234-E, Star office. 20* i THREE OR FOUR ROOM AND BATH AIT. tby Oct. 1; one child. Write Mrs. P. D. M iller - ulfn Carlyn. Va. * RENT HOUSES—FURNISHED. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, ONE SQUARE from cars; 9 rooms, 3 hatha; cellar and garage: hot-water heat; electric lights; one acre aad lawn; fruit, grapes and garden; slls. A. T. HOLTZMAN, 1518 K at. n.w. Main 5840. 42 ADAMS ST N.W —ATTRACTIVELY FUR. 7r. house, elec,; h.-w.h.; large yard; 3 porches; coal stored; lease; adults only: refa.; Imme diate possession. Inspection 11 a.m. to 9 n.m. MODERN. 8-ROOM UOUSIk. WELL FUR - nished; 2 baths, shower, continuous h. w.; Mt. Pleasant; letso by year: garage if desired. Address Box 70-E. Star office. 18* 2908 2()th ST. N.E.—SIX-ROOM, EXPEN - slvelv furnished bungalow; a.m.i.. Inatantan eous hot water, garage, sleeping porch; adulta; reasonable. 30* 1520 NEWTON BT. N.W.—FURNISHED, 6 attractive rooms, reception hall, bath; a.m.i.; convenient location; adulta. Columbia 6279. 18* Sttii 13th BT\ N.W.—SEMI-DETACHED, fl rooms aud hath; screened sleeping porch; 23 ft wide; sllO per month. See SAMUEL SHAPIRO. 904 14th st. BT OWNER— EIGHT ROOMS; ALL MODERN improvements: reseonable. Address Box 240-E, Star office. * COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—COMPLETELY FUU nished; for three months; ail elec, equipment; also three tons of coal. Kent, SIOO per mouth. CHAS. D. SAGER, Main 86. 924 14th «t. n.w. Main 37. iO-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED; 2 BATHS; hot water heat; a.m.i.; 3515 14tb at. n.w. Columbia 7977. W. 19* 1410 HOPKINS PL. N-W-—NINE ROOMS and two baths; open fireplaces: comfortably furnished; near Dupont Circle; block from car; SIOO month. MADDUX. MARSHALL & CO., 1108 16th st. B.w, Main 8970. 2811 NORTH CAPITOL STREET—* ROOMS, bath; h.-w.h., elec.; garage; neatly furnished end in excellent condition; SBS per month. JAMES F. SHEA. 721 CARROLL AVE., TAKOMA PARK—T large rooms, attractively furnished, and two sleeping porches; every modem Improvement; can be seen at any time: SB3 per month. JOHN QUINN COMPANY, INC.. 704 13th s.w. Mate 435. RENT HOUSES—FURNISHED. (’•Bllaaed. « KANSAS AVE. N.W. Beautifully furnished house consisting of 6 rooms snd bath, hot-water beat, electricity; tent, sllO per month. GEO. W. LINKINS, 1719 K St Main 8298-99. CHEVY CHASE-TEN ROOMS, THREE baths; glassed-in porch; garage; attractively furnished; $225 per month. Downtown, Vermont avenue—Completely fur nished; 12 rooms, 3 baths; suitable for room ing house; $l7O per month 16th street—l 4 rooms, 4 baths; beautiful home; completely furnished; S4OO per month. McKEEVER A GOSS, 1415 Eye St. Main 4752, PENT HOUSES—FUR. & UNFUR. WALKING DISTANCE; EXCELLENT NElGH borhood; ten rooma, two baths; h.w.h.; elec.; Main 8514, Apt. 312, every day 2 to 12 p.m. ' RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED 2714 22nd ST. N.E. LANG DON—44-BOOM house. Instantaneous hot water, b.-w.h., porches, garage. Phono Nqrth 3239-W. CNF. SQUARE FROM McMILLAN PARK. N.W.. elx rooms and bath; h.w.h. aad elec. Double garage. 704 13th n.w. John Quinn Co., Inc. Main 43T. 1809 CONN. AVB. N.W--15 ROOMS, 2 baths, h.-w h.. S3OO per month; in buslaeea i *>"*■ A PP'y WM- H. I»E LACY. 719 15th n.w. HANDSOME B-HTOHY AND ATTIC BR. RES., n.w. cor. 16th and Irving; 14 r., redecorated throughout, 3 b., h.-w.h.. gas elec., open fire places. hwd. floors, back stairway, front and side jMjrches, lawn and gar. Will deal only with tenant. Call at 3114 16th et.. adj. 2101 EYE N.W.—REDBC.; H.-W.H., ELEC., 2 •'•the; 3 l.h.k ranges; tenant can clear own rent: SIOO. Ask 1908 Eye n w 23* 1 CLEVELAND PARK. 3241 3sth N.W.. ONE block care and Woodley rd. bus: modern, de tached, 9-rm. home; unusual porches, screened, weather stripped; h-w h.; elee ; fireplaces; large grounds; many frees; garage; Immediate pos».; moderate rental; apply owner, premises. Phoney Cleveland 2432 after 6 p.m, Jft* 1620 T ST.. CGH N. H~ AVB.—SOW ' VA eant; 1(» rooms; am.!.; elec, lights; hardwood t floors; winter coal now In cellar. 21* 7 ROOM HOLME; UOTXVAi'EU HEAT. ALT,' modern Improvements; large lawn; garden; fruit, etc. Tel- Clar 89-W-l. Cherrydale, Va. 24* IDG O ST N.W.-BV OWNER, BEAUTIFUL thirteen-room boase. three ixitha: electricity. hot wafer heat Inquire on premises. 19s" 2<r.*(i 1 MT. N.W.—VACANT TWO GARAOEM. 10 rooms and 2 haths; hot-water beat; *156. C F. WARING_*_UO.-_-19_Bon£ Bldg IRVING ST. N.W'.. NEAR 14th N.W. 9 rooma, hath. elec, light, furnace: rent. SIOO. Main IBnI. DAVID K HARRY. I EOT II_ST ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE. 2114 CONNBCTL ciit ave.. 5 leslrooms. 2 baths, steam heatr reasonable rent; phone. Columbia 9820. 24* J 6 ROOM J ItH SEi MODBRIf: BEST CONDI-" j tton. 1744 Kalorama road. Call M. 1761 or S Adama 2151. * ’ 1501 CAROLINE MT. N.W —6 LARGE ROOMS 1 and bath: $55 month. . JOHN QUINN CO.. INC., 1 704 13th Mt. N.W. Main 435 [bold MACOMB N.W,, CORNER; H K. AND B.; * eiee.; *6O. or will sell. D. U. JOHNSON CO.. | ms if st. n w I RKOOkLAND. «'ROOMS AND RATH; ELEC. 1 light, furnace heat, wash traya. semi-detached. ; new house; *7O. LEO F. JUDGE. 635 F st. ; n.w.. Main 6136. I GEORGETOWN, 25 MINM. TO TOWN; NEW, | attached, not previously o»s-up!ed; 4 rooms, I dining alcove, kitchen, bath, a m.i ; for six | months only; no children; no garage; *75. Ad j dress Box 226 E. Star office. * •FOR RENT—OCTOBER I. DETACHED BLN -1 salow, at P.ethesda, Md.; six rooms and bath: [ porches: garage: tearing fruit trees; one-half square- from trolley; $75 per month. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave I FOR RENT—PREMISES NO. 1938 CALVERT j st. n.w.; 10 rooms and two haths; h.-w h . ; electric lights; $135 per month. HERBERT A. GILL & SON. 1406 G at. n.w. Main 4038. ) EXCELLENT NORTHWEST SECTION. MOD j ern 6 rooms and tiled bath home; hardwood ; floors, white and mahogany trim, doube hack j porches; practically new; monthly rental, $75. ) (HAS. D. SAGER. Main 86. 924 14th H». N. W. Main 37. ! 1246 MONROE BT. N.K.—5-BOOM APT. ON 1 1 Ist floor; hot-water heat, electric lights, < j laundry, front and rear porches, garage; iu j ! fine order; immediate po«. Apply oa premises. I 20* j 2* ADAMS ST.—NEW CORNER HOUSE. 6 rooms. li> hath, front and rear cement j porches. Inspect at once. All modern Improve- j ments. THOM. A. JAMESON CO.. 906 New j York ave. Main 5528. 4701 9tli MT. NW—SEMIDETACHED. 7 rooms and bath, sleeping porches, double brick ! garage, a.m.i.; reasonable rent. Apply Mr. i SHAPIRO. 600 La are n.w. | 2SOI 18th ST.. BROOKLAN D—7 ROOMS, i bath; *ll modern Improvements; detached cor ner. North 4699. 21* ! HOUSE OF NINE ROOMS AND TWO BATHS. I 1515 20th st. n.w.. between Q and Mass. ave. Call North 4793. 1765 P ST. N.W.—S ROOMS, 2 BATHS; OA rage; suitable for diplomatic service: reason able; heated. Owner. Franklin 4128. • COZY. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW IN TA koma Park; 5 rooms and hath: hot-water heat; 1 open fireplace; alt modern conveniences; ga rage; $75 monthly. Phone Col. 748-W. • 1117 N ST. N.W. 2 tons of coal on hand. 10 rooms and bath; 8 large and 2 small; h.-w.h. and electric Ijchts; house in good con dition; or desirable family. For inspection, apply to OW'NER, 1109 N st. n.w. NEAR 13tb AND HARVARD STS. N.W.— 10 rooms and bath, beautifully decorated; a.m.i.; house in excellent repair; reasonable rent. Carroll st. «.e. —6 rooms and bath; h.w.h. and elec.; just papered throughout; S6O per mo.. Including garage. JOHN QUINN CO., Inc.. 704 13th n.w Main 435. CORNER OF 20th AND U MTS. N.W., NEAR government departments. Fine location for room,renting; 13 rooms. 2 haths, hot-water heat, electricity; reasonable rent for a good tenant. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD Realtor, 723 20th St. N.W. 3717 JENIFER ST. Beautiful 3-story modern daylight 19-room home in Chevy Chase, one-half block from car line and within few minutes’ walk from school and stores; breakfast and sleeping porches; Immediate posaesalon. Apply on premise*. , 19* 18th STREET SOUTHEAST. NEAR EASTERN High—Six rooms and bath; a.m.i.; SO6 per ■ month. 4th and L streets n.e.—Six rooms and bath; built-in garage: new home; SBO per month. Park road —Six rooms and bath; electric lights, hot-water heat; $99 per month. 14th snd Spring road—Six rooms and bath; modern: built-in garage; $125 per month. West Chevy Chase —Corner home, detached: seven rooms and bath; a.m.i.; good condition; $75 per month. 14th and Belmont streets—Nine rooms, two - baths; $125 per month. I 18th and P streets—Ten rooms and 3 baths; ; porches; $135 per month; garage In rear, $lO. Chevy Chase—Nine rooms, two baths; ga rage; $l3O per month. McKEEVER & GOBS, 1 1415 Eye St. Main 4752. . 18th ST., BETWEEN L AND M, BRICK bouse, nine rooms and bath; $75 month. 1 DAVID E. BARRY, ’ Main 1801. 1807 H st. n.w. 4804 GEORGIA AVE. N.W.—BEAUTIFUL i detached home, 8 rooms and tile bath; a.m.i.; large front porch: garage; will be available October 1; $125 per month. Near Dupont Ctccle, on New Bamsbire ave. n.w.—l7 rooms and 2 baths; a.m.i.; elevator; rent, per month, $430. 1756 P st. n.w., near Dnpont Circle—lo rooms and 2 baths; a.m.i.; $l5O. 3607 14th at. n.w.—B rooma aad tile bath; a.m.i.; 3 porchea: entire house newly papered and painted; $126. 2314 Ist st. n.w—9 rooms aad bath; a.m.i.; second and third floors arranged for house keeping apartments; garage In the rear; rent only sllO per month. In the northwest—7 rooms and bath; latrobe beat; entire house newly papered; rent only $53. WILLIAM S. PHILLIPS, • 15tb ad K ata. a.w. Main 4609. RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED Contlnned. SIX ROOM AND BATH BRICK HOUSE NEAR Eighth and T streets northwest. Will be put ir. good condition for desirable white tenant. $40.50. W. J. PILLING, 4319 ARKANSAS AVE. N.W.—7 a. A 8., with garage; a.m.i.; front and rear porches; $80.50. MORRIS CAFRITZ CO.. INC.. 913 15th n w.~ Main 617. 956 Shepherd Street N.W. Semi-detached, 6 rooms snd bath, front and back porches, b.-w.h., elect., gas; large back yard. 249 16th St. S.E. New, 6 rooms and bath, h.-w.h., elect, snd gas; located near New Eastern High School. MOORE & HILL, Inc., 1420-22 H St. 762 13th ST. B. E.—HOME OF 6 ROOMS aud bath; furnace beat ana gaa; rent. S6O per month. OARMAN BROS., 1406 G st. n.w. Main 8*39. 4330. SIX AND EIGHT ROOM houses and bungalows in Bright wood and Takoma Park. All new, every convenience, good lo cations. NATIONAL REALTY CO.. Main 7807, 614 Bond Bldg. NEAR NORTH CAPITOL AND U— 6 ROOMS snd bath; a.m L; gsrsge; will lease st $87.50 per month for yesr: Just vacated by owner; excellent location; quick option necessary. UNION REALTY CORP.. ' 1410 G Mt. N.W. Main 8413. WANTED TO RENT—HOUSES. BY RESPONSIBLE ADULT FAMlLY—UN furnished house. 6 to 8 room*, or apt. with porch; n.w.; ref, furnished. North 9222. * HAVE SEVERAL GOOD CLIENTS FOR houses that win rent from S6O to $230. THOMAS LEONARD. 456 Louisiana ave. n.w. 20* COLORED. SIX-ROOM UNFURNISHED houau and bath, in the northwest section of city Call at 1408 Fla, are, n.w. 22* FOR RENT—STORES. Sl9 IStb BT.— STORE 19x100. Apply 521 13th for hey. CORNER 9th &. H MTH. N.E.—ONE OF THE mort prominent corners northeast; large store room and apartment above, hot-water heat, electric lights; suitable for most any busi ness; rent reasonable. Howcnsteln Bros,, 7th , A U sts. n.e. 1226 H MT. X.W.. PER MONTH .".SIIO.OO 3035 14th St. n.w. Per month $150.00 JKSME L. HETBKELL. 1115 Eye St. N.W. FOR RENT OB SALE Drug store —stock and fixtures. Address Box 493-E. Star office. • _ 1753 L St, STORE. DWELLING. GARAGE, $125 PER MO. L. W. GROOMES. 1416 F ST. 1819 N. V AVE , HANDSOME STORE. ONLY 2 doors from 14th st.; Will lease to desirable tenant. JESSE I. HEISKRLL. Ilia Eye St. N.W. FOR KENT—BI 3 EYE ST. N.W.. JUST EAST 9th st. n.w.; large, new store, suitable for most any business. Eye st. is a enwatown at.; only $75. 11. K. HOWES STEIN CO., 1311 TI »t. n.vr _ 883 KENNEDY IST. N.W $45.00 5627 GA AVE. N.W 59.50 MORRIS CAFRITZ CO . INC.. 913 15th N.W. Main 617. FOR RENT. STORE, 908 10th ST. N.W. 18* 1112 14th ST. N.W. and 1121 VERMONT AVB.. large store* with every modern convenUnoe; key* with Janitor, Hermitage Apia.. 1117 Ver mont ave. TOTTEN. 1 700 9th St. N.W. Main 7625. ! 1716 II STREET. (ATTRACTIVE NEW BUILDING. MAIN FLOOR About 1,250 aq. ft., $250 per roo. t BASEMENT—About 1.800 sq. ft.. $l5O per ! mo. Will make a special inducement first i year on a three or five year lease. { MOORE & HILL. Inc., I 1420-22 II ST. N.W I 1633 CORCORAN ST. N.W., large storeroom, suitable for shop or grocery; rent very reason able. WILLIAM S. PHILLIPS. 15th A K sts. n.w. Main 4600. STORES, 14th ST. AND FAIRMONT. Druggist, Florist, Tailor. Cafeteria. Bakery, Rent. $l5O. or any other good business. Rent will be made according to your business. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., | _ 1420 YOU ST. NW. ~ FOR SALE—APARTMENTS. NEAR THOMAS CIRCLE—4-BTORY APART ment bouse; rent* for $8,700 per year; large yard and wide alley. Business section. Will increase In value. WTII sell on $3,000 cash payment. Price, $28,009. Address Box 220-E, Star office. 26* SMALL APARTMENT. Located on prominent downtown avenue near 10th street; contains 5 apartments of 5 rooms and bath and rents for $340 per month; prac tically no expense to operate, and apartments arc in excellent condition: trill show a very good return on a small Investment. Call Mr. Kvie, BUSINESS PROPERTIES DEPART MENT, William H. Phillips. 13th and K sts. n.w. Phone Main 4600. OWNER MUST SELL. BEST BUY IN CITY. Fireproof apartment house, best [ _ northwest section; 28 apt*., modern in every respect. Always rented. Cash required, $15,000. Low rents and shows over SB,OOO a year 1 net income. Well financed. r Phone Mr. KRAFT, Main 893. • Citloens’ Savings Bank Building. : ~ FOB EXCHANGE : OWNER WOULD LIKE TO EXCHANGE $7,000 equity in large rooming house, first • commercial zone, for small bouse or nearby ■ suburban place. We mean business. Address } Box 218-E. Star office. »»* &HEVY CHABB 5250,000 worth of clear • property subdivided into 50 aad 60 foot lota, \ with improvement* in and paid for. Can build 1 at once. Two squares from Connecticut ave. and car line. Surrounded by beautiful homes, some coating $25,000. Will trade for apart ment, new houses in tho city or suburbs and ' assume trastaa Have other interest* and am • going to make a deaL Chance to , make SIBO,OOO In a short time. (Brokers get busy.) Address Box 156-P. Star office. ; sssaas —■— " ssc —— : 1 SALE—INVESTMENT PROP'TY. FIREPROOF APT. HoCßß—l7tb AND N. a ave.—Practically new bldg., containing 28 apts with every modern convenience; low rental*, no repair*: expenae very low; owner >f this property giving up alt hte Wash; Ingtoa Intereals and will sell *15.000 cash Is required: and will earn over SB,OOO per year, aftar paying •il e*P* | >F'“. JanUor,coal, taxes, interest, etc. Phone MB. V KRAFT, Mala 893. Oltiatna’ Saving* Baaik Bldr- —-- FINE SPECULATIVE BUT ON L BT. N.W.— • Substantial 8-room brick; 25-ft. frost, back to wide alley. Reduced to $17,000 for quick “ le ’ M. A. WARTHEN 1410 H fit. N.W. Main ~819._ FOE BEST—SHOPS. SHOP OVER OARAGE; WATER AND LIGHT available; light manufacturing or storage; reasonable. Apt, 3. 1103 Vermont ave. n.w. REAL ESTATE. OFFICES AND STUDIOS. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE FUR nishfil office room In excellent law office suite, Hibbs building. Prefer lawyer or accountant. | Stenographer and telephone sendee. Main ! 4048. _ _ ! LARUE ATTRACTIVE OUTSIDE ROOM, i sleetrie light. Janitor aerrlce, heat; rent. VI . | 1824 H at. n.w. | DOWNTOWN LOCA'fIDNT'IDEAL FOR DOC- 1 tor or dentist; large office; vacated through ' doth of doctor. 1010 10th Bt. n.w. 22* DESK SPACE—MAIL A PHONE MESSAGES j received: $5 nio.; 2nd-floor front office; public ( stenographer. Boom 225, 726 lltb. Ph. P. jBiJO 1 FURNISHED OFFICES FOR KENT. BLNGLE 1 or en aulte; good location; every convenience. 602 11 lb st. n.w. Bth floor. 21*_ FULL USE LARGE MOD. FCR.V OFFICeT beat business aec.; desk, typewriter, phone, dee., elev.; $17.50. 414 Krcage bldg.. 11th &G. 10* ONE ROOM HAITI. sl6 AND |2d; FRONT, facing Judiciary Square; light, heat, phone; lawyers or other*. THOMAS LEONARD, 456 loulalana ave. n.w. * 22* ON 14th ST. NR. MONROE—VERY LARGE front and adjoining room. bath, beat and light furnished; rent, Ado. HOWEXBTEIN BROS.. 8015 14th st. n.w. 1710 U STREET. ATTRACTIVE NEW BUILDING. MAIN FLOOR—About 1,800 sq. ft., *250 per mo. BASEMENT—About 1,200 eq. ft., $l5O per mo. Will make a special Inducement first year on a three or five year lease. MOORE & HILL, Inc., LOEW BLDG.. 1110 F St. Single room, water and elevator service; $23. UNION BANK BLDG., 710 14th St. Single room with water and elevator; *3O. BROWNLEY BLDG., 1304 F St. Third-floor corner room, F st. front; *53. JACOBS BLDG.. Oil 14th St. Entire third floor, 19x60; excellent light and air. SHANNON & LUCHS. 713 14th St. Main 2:14.7. THE BLACK IBTONB BUILDING. 1403 H Street. Office rooms for rent. GEO- W. LINKINS. 1719 K Bf. Main 8298-90. APTS. 4 AND 6. 1801 COLUMBIA ROAD, cor. Col. rd. and 18th st.—6 rooms and lava tory. MOORE & HILL, Inc., NOS. 1415-1417 K St. N.W .—NEXT TO DB partment of Justice. New concrete building. Excellent light and ventilation. Uooma singly or cn suite. BOSS & PHELPS. The Home of Homea. 1417 K St. n.w. Rhone Main 4340. i EVENING STAR BUILDING Large office on 2nd floor, contains 1.990 ! sq. ft., private lavatory, running Ice water; available about Dec. I ; suitable for light manufacturing or for large office force. Bent. *2OO a month. Court room. 16 ft.x!7 ft.. 3rd floor, available Oct. 1. Rent. S4O a month. Two court rooms, each II f Ixlß ft.. 4til floor, available Oct. 1. Rent, S7O a month. Will lease singly. Very desirable suite on sth floor, consisting of three offices (two southern exposure) and reception room with window; available imme diately. Rent, *l5O a month. For further information apply Hoorn 621, Star building. »r phone Main 5000. br. 3, FOE SALE—STORES NEW BUILDING. STORE LEASED TO SANITARY GROCERY CO. FOR TEN YEARS AT *OO PER MONTH. PRICK. *7.SOO—TERMS. L. W. GROOMKB, 1418 F BT. RENT—DESK SPACE. DESK SPACE—MAIL & PHONE MESSAGES ; received; $5 ni«*.; 2nd-floor front office: public stenographer. Room 225, 726 14th. Th. F. 7070. FOR SALE—LOTS. 50-VoOT FRONT LOT ON GRADE IN CHEVY Chase, D. C.. fronting on a 120-foot street, fur *1.700 if taken at once. Address Box 159-D. Star office. HIGH I'OHSBR, 120x220; WATER, SEWER, elec,; Silver Spring, Md.; only *25 cash, *l3 monthly; *1.650. Col. 8591-W. IS* TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS FRONTING Clß cle In Blair Addition; price and term* right. E. H. RUSSELL, 320 Colorado bldg - Main 1655. Evening, Cleve. 1241. j CHOICE HOME SITE IN EXCLUSIVE KAL- J orama Heights. 75 by 105; undoubtedly the j most select residential section of the city, i where many magnificent homea have been re- | cently constructed. Phone Mr. MILLER, Main ; 4741. 1 BEAUTIFUL DOT READY TO BUILD ON— j Chew Chase: will take good real estate notes : or equity iu house; if necessary will mat in some cash. Address Box 129-E, Star office. j SACRIFICE, CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—BEAU- • tifui lot, 40x150, on Livingston street U block I off Conn. ave. Only $2.950. Main 8970. , CENTRAL HEIGHTS. D. C-—l 6 LOTS, NO improvements; good shide; fine view, will Ah**f'HOUGHTON REALTORS. 1510 H St. N.W. Phones Main 7530, 7.>3T. chevy chase, d. g. Two squares west of Conn. ave. and Chevy Chase Circle, school, stores, bank, etc. Over SO fe’t front on grade, a thoroughly improved Street: price only *3,000. Address pox 296-D, Star office. CHEVY CHASE LOTS FOR KALE—HAVING moved to California, I wish to dispose of my holdings In Washington at a sacriltco. Write for particulars. GEORGE 8. REES, Beverly Hills. Calif. A FEW CHOICE BUILDING SITES COVERED with trees west of 10th at., overlooking Hock Creek Park, between Varnum and Webster ata. Phone OWNER. Adams »3C. • BEAUTIFUL LOTS SOUTHEAST; PRBTTT eat townsite in D. 0.; $l9O each; $lO down and $5 per month. Addreas Box 307-D, Star office. A BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT I-OCATED AT the northeast corner of 41st and Keokuk fits. I n.w., CVevy Chase, D, C. Tbia lot has a frontage of 50 ft by a depth of 100 ft. The owner needs money for business purposes and will sell cheap. JOHN QUINN COMPANY. ISC.. Main 435. 704 13th N.W. »' LARGE DOTS IN RUNNING. D. C. For a quick sale, S7O each. The Harlow Co.. *l9 15th St. N.W. Main 8898^ $750 —Beautiful Wooded Lots. On car line, north of Capital 15 minute*: ran build you delightful home, 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, hot-water heat, garage. Come in and talk it over. COKY &. CORY, Builders. 719 15th at. n.w. . . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE CHSVY CHASE. D. C.—o DOTS. 1 entire block: will exchange for residence. C»1I owner. Adams 2648. MD. APPLE ORCHARD, 23 ACHES, 1.200 full-bearing 13-year-old tree*; 6-room house: one mile from B. R. station; adjoining 60 acre* available. Address Box 190-E, Star office. 204 TO" ACRES. 10-BOOM HOUSE. U.-W. HEAT, bath; ivo-room tenant house,. brick pump bouae, 12-borsepower gaaoiloe engine, neces sary shafting for farm work, large barn. 20 acre* of timber, fruit, beautiful vlewa, shade tree*; H mile to Beltavllle, trolley and rail- MORGAN E. MORGAN * CO.. Franklin 1320 928 10th St. N.W. Evenings Phone Frank 1686-J or West 503-W. SEVERAL NEARBY SUBURBAN HOMES In Maryland and Virginia. priced from $8,750 upward, on easy terms, or will rent or trade for equity in city property; several of the owners will pay some cash difference. 4 LOTS NEAR KENNEDY ST. and Blair rd.; bargain at $8,000; clear; easy term*; or • trad* fat equity In improved property. 2 lets on Whittier pL near Ga. are.; clear; terms; trade for investment boos* and assume trust. t-CYLINDER. 7-PASSENGER touring car. goad appearing; sacrifice for half of original cost; terms; or trade, clear, and pay some cash for improved property. APARTMENTS, FLATS, bnslnees and In vestment property, acreage, farms, lota, etc., priced low, on terms, or can be exchanged. N. E. RYON CO., INC., Main 4597a 142 S F St* SALE—BUSINESS PROPERTY. {' brick Idde °k F . 7 ‘ h ~TIIREK-STOHY • irtth front. Prlcv 115,000, Fbofie Main 7729 liATTMAV v IIJCIY2MAN. ir>o4 H it. iIAUMAN * I*IU)PKU?y VO HP vT -w.i: Georgia" avenue com merclad—large 6 room and bath houm-. 15« feet fmni new Theater. Art quick. Lincoln 4991. • PA. AVE. N.W.—fi-ROOM HOUSE, Ist COM sone; good for remodeling. Price. $5 250 Easy terms. CHAS. W. STEERS 1420 NT ave. n.w. • 18th and Oregon Ave. Corner, 3-story, 8 rooms. 2 baths: elec hot-water heat; basement almost level with street; easily remodeled for business; also 2-car brick garage. $16,500. Terms arranged Main 1801. DAVID E HARRY. 1807 II St OARAGE SITE—B4XI4O-ALLEY. 2ml~(3ni tone. 2()th near L n.w. A bargain CHAS. W. STEERS. P ST.. NEAR DUPONT CHICLE—STORE and 2 apartments. Will show- good return oi, j $20,000. Price only *17,500. Em-y terms ♦ CHAS. W. STEERS, 1420 N. Y. ave, n.w. 20* NEAR GEORGE WASHING- * TON UNIVERSITY. On O st. n.w.—An unexcelled opportunity to buy building business and stock groceries and delicatessen. Priced for quick sale, m, quo Easy terms. Act quick. , Call Main 5070, 1 . SMALLWOOD A CO.. INC . 1022 Vermont Av „ * ' A REAL BARGAIN. A splendid corner property on a wide and prominent thoroughfare in the north west section, consisting of two stores ami five-room apartment above. It is modern, haring Urge cellar. hot-w«ter beat and electric lights. Price includes grocery stock, all fixtures, etc., and good wll!. This property must be sold at once. Price only *21,000. BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors, Main 4340. 1417 K at. n.w. ATTEST ION—FOR ‘Si IRE W 6 SPECULATOR.' Tlcinltj 7th and Eye Ms. n.w.; Urge, 4-story bldg., about r. Ac b.; Urge frontage, running to public alley; splendid building for remod eling; first commercial zone: price, 611,500; worth your deposit .long. Ask X. E. RYON CO., Inc., Main 4597. 1423 F at. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Immediate Possession; Propenv Adjoining Palais Royal. i 1 Splendid Business Location A REAL BARGAIN For a Quick Sale. Terms to suit. iPhone Mr. KRAFT, Main 893. Citizens’ Savings Bank Bldg j TO SETTLE AN ESTATE— 9 Parties will sell a substantial building in a good n.w. location, consisting of 3 stories and 3 apartments, bringing a rental of over $4,000 a year. Price, 530.- 000. Easy terms. Good n.w. corner that include.' : a good sized store and apart ment with 5 rooms and bath, a.m.i. Price. $9,000; $2,000 cash. A prominent corner in n.e. that includes one store, 5 rooms, hath and a double garage. Lease for $l3O per month Price, $12.- 500, M. J. Raine, 934 New York ave. Main 1051, NEAR 15th AND K STS. I Decidedly one of the lowest priced properties in this rapidly * expanding business locality • where enhancement in values is assured. A three-story brick building having side alley entire length of block. First floor ar ranged as store or suitable for f • offices. Several rooms above. Excellent locality for automo bile accessory and repair shop, real estate office, or any retail business. Price only $22,500. Act quickly if you are seeking the utmost in value. Business Properties Dept., BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors. Main-4340. 14 17 K St. N.W RENT—BUSINESS PROPERTY A GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION ON WASH ington anil Baltimore boulevard, near Dis trict line, one of the mori widely traveled thoroughfares in the country; will remodel to suit tenant. For particulars call rental department. ( HAS. D. SAGER. Main 30. 924 14lh st. u.w. Main 37. 3908 14 th ST. N.W.. ENTIRE BUILDING, handsome stone and cellar. 2 apartment* above; also 1407 T st.. which abuts store. ; Splendid automobile salesroom or suitable for anv business. | -TEKSE 1.. HEISKELL. 1115 Kve St. N.W . j JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS ' 314 Penna. Ave. S.E. ; 1400 MARYLAND AVE. N. 8.. 2 MODERN i STORES, WITH TWO UP-TO-DATE 6-ROOM i APARTMENTS ABOVE; WILT. RENT AS AN I ENTIRETY: TERM LEASE IF DESIRED. \ 1226 NORTH CAPITOL ST.—LARGE STORE I and 6-roora and bath apt.: h.-w.b.. elec.; 4-car 1 garage. Wilt rent separately. New building. . Rent, *2OO per month. ?& s nTu w. DAVID E. BARRY 1813 NEW YORK AVli* VACANT—LA KGB More, runs through H M.; 2 fronts; 2 floors above. Whole building. $6,000 per year. 1324 New York ave.. vacant—3-story build ing; fine, largo store; large second flooi ar ranged for buaincou. Whole building, $6,00U per sear. HERMAN - E GASCH. Main 3150. 1326 New York Ave. N.W 12l5~EYE ST. N.W .—LA RGE STORE ROOM or office. U..r particulars see Vvm T. Ballard. 810 r3th ST. N.W. VACANT—This modern building conaists of two stories and cellar; contains hot-water heat, electric lights, lavatories, 13-ft. metal ceil ings; side lights; 90 feet back to 30-foot paved alley. Also equipped with serviceable freight elevator; ready for Immediate use. ROBERT LEE O’BRIEN. 1710 Eye at. n.w. Franklin 5385. ( RENT—FARMS. ‘ FOR - RENT oil SALE—I9-ACRE FARM, suit able for trucking; tine springe; 14 miles frem Center Market, two blocks from electric line near state road; *-room bouse; rent of house, *35 per month. Present tenant will sell at a sacrifice, horse, cow. chickens, pigs ami i, all farm equipments, Heo speed wagon, tawing • rig. Bulck oar also good wood and ice busi ness Immediate possession. Farm localed at Randle. Md. Call Mr. DUXBTER. Main 1637. Evans bldg. II SALE—FARMS. FARM FOR SALE Ult KENT, BERWYN Heights. Md.; htoek and implementa included; about. 20 minutes' walk from elect, cars. O. JAEGER. 908 12th st. n.w. IS* IF YOU ARE SEEKING A COUNTRY Resi dence or farm, without or full equip ment. we have a number es them wltbln eaay motoring distances of Washington. Call or correspond with us. telling ua what you want. WM. U. SAUNDERS * CO., Phenes M. 1016-1017. 1483 K at. u.w. NEAR BELTSVILLE, MD. 68 aerea, new 6-room house: some fruit: hog and stock pastures: two streams; SIOO per acre. OWNER. 715 6UI a.w. 122 ACRES" ON COLUMBIA PIKE. Eleven-room bouse, large barn, other out buildings; fine orchard. THE PRICE IE RIGHT. L. W. OROOMES. 1416 F BT. ■ water-front farm. On large bay tributary to Potomac river, 1 14 mllea to D. C. by water. In Maryland, where new state road construction I# mak ing accessible one of the moat beautiful re giems n««r Wat-hlngnoa. D. C. Th«rc li.l acres of land, rwo-thlrd» of whjch are cleared. Gradual ascent from water front to high ele vation overlooking river end \ Irglnla. Soil adapted to general farming and trucking. Fenced mostly with woven wire; barn aajJ two tenant houses. $6,000. Eaay term*. • M. A. WARTHEN 1410 II St. N.W, Main 78tfi.