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38 22.165 60K PEACE PLANSSUBMITTED jury of Award Begins Task i of Picking Winner, Who Will Get $50,000. By the Associated Pres*. NEW YORK, November 16. The Jury which will award the SIOO,OOO prize offered by Edward Bok for the best practicable proposal to achieve and preserve peace begins today the monumental task of picking- the win ning plan from the 22,165, which had been submitted at the close of the contest night. Remedies pro posed to end the war came from men and women scattered among twenty two nations. Announcement of the winning plan Is expected by January 1. For a month the Jury of award, of which Ellhu Root is chairman, has been going over previously submitted man uscripts, but the real process of se lection starts today with examina tion of the flood of proposals that poured in as the time drew to a close. The winner will receive $50,000 when the Jury’s announcement is made and an additional $50,000 if the plan is approved by the United States Senate, or when the jury has decided that an adequate degree of popular support has been shown for the chosen remedy. A nationwide referendum on the selected plan will be conducted in January by the award jolicy com mittee, whose members include John W. Davis, Nathan L. Miller, Mrs. Gifford Plnchot, Mrs. Ogden Reid, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Henry L. Stimson, Melville E. Stone and Mrs. Frank A. Vanderlip. Members of the policy committee estimated that at least one-fourth of the contestants were women, judging by the number of requests received from women for information on the contest. Conditions of award were distributed to 200,000 individuals, in dorsed at numerous conventions and circulated by a co-operating council of eighty-eight national associations with a combined membership of 43,- 000.000. MOTHER IS IMPLICATED IN MURDER OF INFANT Widow With Five Children and Harried Man Jailed, Following Discovery of Body. By the Associated Press. ELYRIA. Ohio, November 16.—A ■widow, mother of five children, and a married man, said to have been her neighbor, are in Jail here following an Investigation by the Lorain coun ty coroner Into the finding of a baby's body in a farmyard. According to authorities here, the man made a statement In which he is alleged to have told of buying the casket, putting the baby Into it, pour ing in a quantity of chloroform and then burying the Infant while It was under the influence of the anaes thetic. Fearing detection, the alleged statement continues, the man went out a weeK later to bury it deeper. A passing motorist saw him and told authorities. The widow and the man will be charged with first degre mur der, the coroner said. -- g I FIRE RAZES CITY BLOCK. Firemen and Spectators Hart in Arkansas Blaze. EL DORADO, Ark., November 16. Nearly a block in the business dis-. trlct of Smackover, an oil town fif teen miles north of this city, was de stroyed by fire yesterday. The loss is estimated a SBO,OOO. Several firemen and spectators were burned, one seriously, by live wires which fell upon a group of fire fighters. The fire originated In a tailor shop. Persistent Coughing— wastes your strength, makes the delicate throat tissues raw and sore, exposes you to more serious trouble. You can check coughing with Dr. lung’s New Discovery, Natu- m rally and harmless ly it stimulates the BT mucous membranes wL <#i/ . to throw off clog ging secretions. Has C nf ./VL/ a pleasant taste. All Jli druggists. { Dr. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Sore Throat Prudence Y our nl£»licine shelf is not well stocked without a boar*. -1 or TONSILINE, for you don’t know wt at moment it may be needed to relieve sudden case of Sore Throat. Relieving \>re Throat is TON SILINE’S special rnigb. n. It is made for that —advertised for that sold for that one purpose. TONSILINE is the Nat ional Sore Throat Remedy, It is sold in every State in the Union. You will need TONSIUNE ono of these days, or some night when v isl the drug store is closed —better Li have a bottle ready at home Jj when you need it most. 85c., L 4 and 60c. Hospital Size, SI.OO. H Cuticura -Soap ml ad # ipOinlmenl Promote f Hair MiL Shampoo . I regularly with • CutleumSoap b •ndkeopjroof •C* l ? •!«•« It and haahhy. XUJnJ) y Before shnm tm/ poolng touch jf \U X\. spots of dan vVO) dmlfanditeh- A 'NcnAt tag. ts any, T . Xy\Y with Cuticura I IIJ i Ointment - BiSiggggg HUMBLE LIFE PREFERRED BY MILLIONAIRE BRIDE Heiress to John W. Oates’ $38,- 000,000 Estate Offers Handsome Forest Home for Sale. CHICAGO. November 16.—Dellora Angell Norrlss, heiress to the $38,000,- 000 John W. Gates estate, who married "Les” Norris, a childhood playmate, has found love in a small-town apartment preferable to life on Her Lake Forest estate, ard that bequest, with its thlrty two-room house filled with nigs, tap estries. antiques and a collection of val uable paintings, is offered for sale. Many articles of furniture already have been sold. spring. Miss Angell announced her engagement to Lester Norris, a boy from her home town, St. Charles, where they both grew up. "Les" was a free lance artist and the son of the local undertaker. Friends expected the couple, after marriage in Los Angeles, would live in Mrs. Norris’ Lake Forest home, but instead a small apartment In St Charles was rented, and the poor artist’s bride began housekeeping, doing her own cooking and sewing,’ and having a lot of fun doing It. Her friends say she has lived up to her promise to be a democratic house wife. JAPAN MARTIAL LAW ENDS. By the Associated Press. TOKIO. November 16.—Martial law, declared In the devastated area of Ja pan shortly after the earthquake of September 1, ended at midnight last night. The police took over the sltua- | tion and maintained order. Military i garrisons will be established In the 1 affected area for emergencies. i Woohujarh &Ulof(wojj DOWN STAIRS STORE Another Money-Saving Sale—WO Men’s Overcoats $Jg.95 All Sizes Belted Models These splendid overcoats, rrlade of American Woolen Cloth, are ex ceptional values, and are the kind that any man will want for warmth and smartness. All of them have plaid backs and are Venetian lined. One would think that they cost much more. Tan Gray Brown Another valuable asset of these coats is the fact that they have those wanted convertible collars and are full cut. Big, roomy pockets on each side. Come in tomorrow and see these coats, for they are extremely exceptional values. | Due to the low price, no alterations will be made. DOWN STAIRS STORE j ““I I Continuation of Oar Sale English Broadcloth Shirts $1.95 Not just plain "English Broadcloth Shirta,” but that fine, lustrous texture English Broadcloth that looks so well and launders so well. They arc with or without collars and in White . Grays and Tans In Neckband Stylet With Button-on Collars to Match DOWN STAIRS STORE - ' t lAmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmgmgmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THE EVENITO STffg. WSSHiyOTONV P. P.. EHIPaT, HOVEMBEH 16, 1923. MARRIED TO ANOTHER ON HER WEDDING EVE Mobile Oirl Becomei Bride of Suitor Who Bushed to Her in Seaplane. By the Associated Press. MOBILE, Ala., November 16. —Miss Anita Clarke Tapia of Mobile, whose wedding to Harvey Henderson of Winter Haven. Fla., was to take place here today, was married yesterday to Felix Noble WHllams of Anniston, Ala. Williams came to this city from Pensacola, Fla.; by seaplane, and fol ' ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Now is the time to fight constipation with Bran—Start to-day! Don’t glre the dinettes that follow In tbs track of constipation a chance to lodge in your system! Get after con stipation with nature's greatest helper— BRAN. Kellogg’s Bran. conked and kmmbled—because It Is ALL BRAN and because it will give you permanent re lief from constipation! It la scientifi cally prepared to relieve suffering human ity from constipation, and It will do that. Rran’s action Is wonderful. It sweeps and cleanses and purities. It knocks out the dangerous toxic poisons and frees the system from pollution! Try Kellogg’s Bran for u week. Eat It regularly—two tahlespoonfulß each day: as much each meal in chronic cases. You will be as tounded at the difference In your feelings! Kellogg’s Bran should not l>e confused with common bran, which Is unpalatable I and difficult to eat. Kellogg's Is cooked lowing the wedding left with his bride on a private yacht for Falrhope, where the newly wedded couple took a waiting automobile for the trip to Pensacola, from where they will leave on a bridal tour. Miss Tapia had been the honor ■guest at many recent entertainments planned for her adnee her engage ment was announced to Mr. Hender son, which included a reception at the homa of. the bride's Parents, scheduled to be held last night. She was to have married Mr. Henderson this afternoon. From the Virginia Baal. Bride—l want to buy some writing paper, please. - Clerk—Linen sheets? Bride—Sir! I said writing paper. and all ready to ssrrs sad really deli cious. Bet It as a cereal, eprlaktod ever your favorite hot «r cold cereal, or cook or mix It with hot cereal. In the latter caees add tvo tablecpoonfula for each person. Do you realise whet Kellogg's Bran can do for you and far your family; de you res Use that it will keep sickness away; that it will put every one oa a new health footing; that It will free you all from pltle and cathartics? Kellogg'* Bran la particularly delight ful made in raisin bread, in macaroons, popovers. muffins, etc. Reclptai are printed on each package I Ton will aay that Kellogg's Bran If a blessing to humanity. All grocer* eell Kellogg'* Bran! DIVORCE SUIT LAWYER ACCUSED OF EXTORTION Attempt to Qet SBO,OOO From Bar bara La Xarr, Film Actress, Charged to H. I. Both. Sy the Associated Praaa. LOB ANGELES, Calif., November IC. —Herman I. Roth, Hollywood attor ney, was arrested here yesterday on a charge of extortion growing out of » • , Woobmatb &!Cotlmßp o THE MEN’S STORE o Now Ready to Be Chosen Christmas Gifts That Please Men tended silk, with self and contrast* some brocaded collars and cuffs* I t Wool Dressing Gowns Silk Dressing Gowns In beautiful, soft woolen fabrics, both Beautiful pure silks, fiber and silk mixed, t domestic and foreign, of great warmth handsomely brocaded artificial silks fash* but light weight. A host of colors and ion these luxurious gowns. Some fully I patterns, from plain effects to unusually silk lined, others with contrasting collars , beautiful plaids. and cuffs of satin or silk. *lB to *35 *lB to *65 Nn'i Clothes Seetira, Semd floor Slippers Men Will Like Leather Slippers |J j ||SH| ! Felt Slippers Tan, black or red kid II j | MjIWStW The famous Daniel Green Opera Slippers andtan B I | Felt Slippers in a wide kid Everetts—-b ui 11 for WQ range of styles and colors; solid comfort and good also gray and brown Ever* looks. A gift that any man ®tts with leather heels and Others, $4 to 89 Others, |2.25 to $4 Ken's Slipper Seettss* Second flop* , .*». *•*•-- •• yelour Hats, *l2 fer; also gold or silver mount- I fl«'i Fulrttif Section. First flows r a suit for divorce ho filed recently against Barbara La Karr, motion pic ture actress. In bohalf of Ben Deely. who asserted himself to be her hus band. According to the district attorney's office, Roth, after filing the divorce action and naming Jack Dougherty, present husband of the actress, as co respondent, threatened to file an amended complaint naming thlrty-slx additional co-respondents, many of them prominent In film circles, un less $20,000 was paid to him. Miss La Marr contends that her marriage to Deely was annulled by a decree of the Cook couaty, 111., courts last Mar. shortly before ah* and Mr. Dougherty were married. ONE KILLED', TWO HURT. Electricians at Work Get Contact With 441,000 Volts. MACON, Ga., November 16.—One electrician was killed and two others were seriously Injured late yesterday when the wire on which they were working came Into contact with a line carrying 44,000 volta. The dead man la Clifford Beat, and the two Injured are George Parker and Law rence Irvin, both of whom were said to be In a serious condition at a local hospital tonight. While putting up a new wire It was pulled too hard and came In contact with the heavily charged main line. Best toppled over dead and Parker and Irvin were picked up unconscious. From the Pennsylvania Punch Bawl. She—Oh, I wish the Lord had made me a man! He (bashfully)—He did. X‘m the man.