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2 ATTACKING COUPLE, BANDITSGET 11,500 Aged Mother and Son Beat en and Robbed of Fu neral Money. Aroosed about 2:30 this morning by the breaking down of the door of their bedroom, William B. Simmons, fifty-eight years of age. of Capitol Heights, Md.. and his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Simmons of Sidney. Md., were attacked at the home of the mother »t Sidney, badly beaten, and robbed of currency totaling between $1,500 and $2,000. The assailants were three or four white men. and were masked, according to the meager description Simmons could give. Two shots were fired by the robbers, but neither iJrs. Simmons nor her eon was struck by bullets. Aroused as the door broke, Sim mons said, two men leaped upon him, and grappling with him. inquired ••Where's that money?” Simmons said be had no money, and struggled with the men. He had one man down on the floor, he added, choking him. when the other struck him over the bead with a blunt weapon, and knocked unconscious. His mother, in another bed, was also knocked un conscious by a blow on the temple. 'Pook Kirin cm I Money. The assailants then went through Simmons clothes and took more than 51,000 in bills which he had intended to use for payment of expenses in cident to the funeral of his brother, who died last Saturday, 190 of his own money, and a gold watch chain with a diamond set in the fob. Fifteen minutes later Mrs. Simmons became conscious, and she and her son walked to the home of Charles Gladman. a neighbor, 150 yards dis tant, where they were treated for bead cuts and lacerations. Their wounds were declared not to be seri ous by a physician. John O. Simmons, brother of Wil liam. who died last Saturday, left, ac cording to neighborhood gossip, a considerable sum of money in the bouse. He was buried Tuesday, and since that time William had been staying with his mother at the family home. Tore W oman’* Clothes. During the struggle Mrs. Simmons' clothing was partly tom off. as the I robbers, temporarily baffled in their i search, hunted everywhere for money. I They tore Simmons' clothes after t they had located the money in the pockets. John Simmons is said *n have left between $14,000 and $15,000. most of which was in a Washington bank. The robbers left as clues only the lining of a man's felt hat, size 60s. and a footprint in a pile of ashes where one man jumped from the porch. Neighbors said they heard a small automobile start about 2:43 this morning, a few moments, accord ing to Simmons, after he had been attacked. I'nnble to Reach Gun. Behind the bed on which Simmons lay was a loaded shotgun, hut the men were upon him so quickly he bad no time to get it. Deputy Sheriff Fugitt of Prince Georges county is investigating the affair, trying to link it up with an attempted robbery of John Simmons about five months ago. Detective Sergts. Mullen and Mansfield of the Washington police force visited the scene of the crime today. Mansfield was unable to lo cate any fingerprints op other marks made by the assailants. He found an empty .32-caliber revolver shell and an unexploded cartridge. WJH. CHURCH RADIO: SLAIN, SILENCED: I Rev. Earle Wilfley Told Boyer Company Action Follows Phone Suit. i The voice of WJH. one of Wash- i Ington’s pioneer radio broadcasting I stations, has been silenced, ending I temporarily, at least, the religious I broadcasting service of the Vermont j Avenue Christian Church. The only explanation given for the ‘signing off” of WJH by William P. j Boyer of the William P. Boyer Com- j pand, owners of the station, is that ! his operator advised him to stop, i Tlarle Wilfley. pastor of the Vermont j Avenue Christian Church, however, j ascribed the cessation to the “exis- ' tence of an apparent monopoly.” Dr. Wilfley declared that the Boyer Company had informed him that WJH had been compelled to discontinue broadcasting in order to avoid prose cution by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, which in stituted a suit in New York recentiy to protect its patents affecting radio telephone broadcasting. Pastor Resents More. “There is a growing feeling that a monopoly exists to put the inde pendent broadcasters out of business.” said Dr. Wilfley. “I strongly resent this idea if it is true. I feel that the American people will never stand for a monopoly in the great science of radio broadcasting.” The Sunday evening services of the Vermont Avenue Christian Church have been broadcast for more than a. year by WJH with the result that the church has built up a large in visible congregation. Dr. Wilfley is anxious that the religious services continue to go out on the ether, and the publicity committee of the church is planning to take some ac tion that will make this possible. The action of the Boyer company in closing its station under fear of prosecution was viewed at the Ches apeake and Potomac Telephone Com pany today as an excuse for stepping out of the broadcasting service. It was explained that neither the com- i I>any nor the American Telegraph and Telephone Company had indi cated that it would take any steps to close WJH. A statement issued by the American Telegraph and Tele phone Company in New York several days ago. it was pointed out. declared that "a monopoly either of broad casting for entertainment of the pub lic or for hire is not desirable from any point of view” and that ’’there has been no danger and is no danger of such a monopoly.” One Voter Eligible , All Others Forgot i Election Was Sear i I Bj the Associated Press. ' ONTARIO. Calif., March 28 —To day is election day in Camp Baldy School district, and yet, although every one knows the vote which can be cast and knows that the whole vote can swing only one way, no one knows how the elec tion will come out. or whether, in deed. there will be any. Only one eligible voter remember ed to'register early enough to give him the legal right to cast a bal lot, it developed in a check of the registration list, and at an early hour today it had not been decided whether he could legally act as i election Judge and inspector as -well «e art* voter. . j Beaten and Robbed ■ ' 11 ■ ■—] ! William It. and hw mother, IMnt. Kvelyn Simmons, \irtims of ; robbers, who entered home of the lat- j ter, at Sidney. Md., early today. ! VALET DESCRIBES PARTIES HELD IN DAUGHERTY’S HOME] (Continued from First I'age.) Company, refused to co-operate with his investigation, “withholding records and refusing access to books.” “What other cases have you investi gated down there?” “The Wright-Martin, Dnesenberg motor, Nordyke and Marnion, and several others.” "What reports did you make as to the Wright-Martin Company?” “That they return to the govern ment $2,000,000." From the Duesenberg motor, he re- ! ported, the government should re- j ceive back $<500,000. As to the others j | he did not know. The Wrignt-Mariin case was sub- j mitted to the Department of Justice. ! “which started an action and then stopped it." Pickering said. “At least. I Col. Haywood, down in New York • started a case, and it was called down to Washington and stopped.” Believes Cases Delayed. “Isn't it a fact that all these mat ters were delayed from time to time until all of the men in the service had gotten scattered around the country and resigned?" Senator Wheeler asked. "That was my understanding of what was done,” Pickering said. The Lincoln Motor Company, he said, was charged with an "overpayment” of $4,825,000. At Mitsui Ac Co., Pickering said, “all the people were Japs.” Mr. Howland took him over for cross-examination. Pickering said he went to the War Department ac- I counting service in 1017. Cases that he took up for audit and investigation were often those that had been “closed” during 1019, Pickering agreed. Checking Old Accounts. "What you were often doing, then, j was checking over settlements that j ! had been previously made?” Mr. { I Howland asked. Pickering said, “yes,” as to the Standard Aircraft and Wright-Martin | I cases. I As to the Lincoln Motor Company’s | | final settlement, Pickering said he was not informed. Mitsui & Co. had “financed” the ! Standard Aircraft. Pickering explain ! ed, "and then took it over after the j war.” The Wright-Martin case, he | concluded, was the only otie in which | he had worked after the Department I of Justice took charge, j He was excused. | "What kind of duties did thw»e men | perform?” Chairman Brookhart asked. | “Investigating employes of the Wright ! Martin Company—investigating sub • contractors.” Pickering said, j “Was this work done under a profit- I and-loss contract?” Senator Jones in ! quired. “It was.” Walter Miller, former negro valet to Attorney General Daugherty, was called. He went into service with E. B. Mc lean before President Hardings in auguration, Miller said, and met Attor ney General Daugherty while so em ployed. He told of "going to the H street house, 1509 H street, to take charge for Jess Smith and Mr. Daugherty, and later of working for them as messenger for the Department of Justice. “Wan Male Chambermaid.” Jess Smith paid him his salary and he was employed as everything, j “valet, chambermaid.” Miller said. The witness said Albert B. Fall, Col. James G. Darden. J. W. Zevely ; j and other were callers "at our house.” i j He also said Orr brought liquor in a ! j “dress suit case” several times. There was “a week's suppiy" in the wall ! safe usually, he added. 1 Sinclair had frequently “tipped" him in amounts of “over $lO and less than $100,” he said. There was "plenty” of liquor in the H street house, kept in "a safe in the wall.” Miller said. He had seen “Will Orr” at the house “half a dozen times,” he added and Howard Manington was “a very welcome visitor.” “Slmelnlr Was Visitor.” Miller said Harry F. Sinclair vis ited the Daugherty house “whenever i | he was in the city,” and "discussed | business.” i Smith paid all H street house bills with checks on Washington Court j House and other Ohio banks. Miller said "everybody,” including J W. J. Buyns. Will H. Hays, Ogden j Armour, Thomas B. Felder and many others, came to thi* house. Felder came "frequently.” he added. Many "seeking” government ap- ! pointinents called at the Daugherty house, the witness said. Richard Washburn Child was one of the call ers. he added, and he knew of Child's appointment to the Rome embassy "before it came out in the papers.” “DiKciuaed Prospective Appointees.” Miller said he had often heard Daugherty and Smith discuss qualifi cations of prospective federal ap pointees. He identified John Ring ling, the circus man. as among those who "had dined” at the H street house. The discussion at the Ringling dinner involved a plot of ground in Pittsburgh for the circus.“which, it seemed, tho Attorney General's broth er owned." Miller said he knew nothing of a money bell worn by Jess Smith. After “his operation” Smith wore a “silk and rubber” belt to protect the wound. Miller said. He also recalled Pure Oil and White Motors as among stocks Smith'owned. “Who came to play cards?"-Senator Wheeler pursued. y—wwnhei- occasion, at YOtatcd- THE EVENING STAR, WASHTNG'foH, D. t?„ TRIBAY. MARCH 28. T 024. GIRL FOUND IN RIVER IS DECLARED SUICIDE * \ " i Body Recovered Today Identified as Helen Smoot, l&r of Kensington, fid. Relatives identified the body of a girl found In the Potomac this morn ing. under the government wharf, at the foot of I* street, as that of Helen Smoot, eighteen years old, of Ken sington, Md. Following a report by Detective Sergt. Thompson, who in vestigated the case, Coroner Nevitt issued a certificate of suicide. Detective Thompson reported that Sergt. John O'Grady, in charge of the wharf of the Washington bar racks, had reported seeing the girl yesterday, when she talked witn him about her fear that relatives were preparing to send her back to a sanatorium for treatment of mental disorders. A brother of Miss Smoot visited, the morgue this afternoon and identified the body. man Tark when Col. Zevely, Sinclair, Secretary Fall, Smith and Mr. Daugh erty played,” Miller said. At the H street house, he said, “I only remem ber social games.” * He did not know how much money passed. Miller named other visitors. “Did you ever receive any goods from J. Ogden Armour?” “I wouldn’t say it in those terms,” Miller said. "The Washington repre | sentatlve of that firm sent us hams, j bacon and such things. No bills ever came with them.” “Did you know Alex Moore?” ' “Yes, he came from Pittsburgh." Saw Burns In Bath. “Did you ever hear Mr. McLean and Daugherty discuss Peyton Gordon?” “Nothing that would impress me— he was seeking appointment.” Miller said he saw W. J. Bums March 15 last in a Turkish bath. “I told him some one Was trying I to get information from me and he said: 'Oh, tell 'em to go to hell,* and I walked away.” Miller said he went to the Attorney General to report that “a person was trying to get information from me.” “Mr. Daugherty didn’t seem to be I much interested.” Miller said. "He | was at Wardman Park. He got Mr. Howland.” “1 was present,” Mr. Howland put in. Miller did not want to say who the “person seeking information was” until he had opportunity to “tell that i person.” The "information” sought ! concerned the investigation of the ! Attorney General. Name* Harvey Phelpv ' The person is Harvey Phelps.” Miller finally said. "He is an investi gator.” “Phelps worked for Shingle & C 0.,” I Miller said —a private detective agency, “and ran across me in a hap hazard way.” "I know he wasn't looking for me,” Miller asserted, “but be asked me what I had been doing, and I told him, working for Mr. Daugherty, and right away he grabbed at it.” Concerning Harvey Phelps. “Now this Harvey Phelps—it is Phillips, isn't it? lie is working for i Frank A. Vanderlip, isn't he?” asked ' Mr. Howland. Miller did not know. He told of j "going to New York with my lawyer, ] Mr. Beckett, to see this firm of de- I tectives” and of making a statement in New York. “You have testified that you rushed right up to the Attorney General as soon as you got this,” Mr. Howland went on. "You were tight as a lord —under the influence of liquor ” “No, sir, I was not.” “You looked that way to me.” How land countered. “Didn’t you hint to the Attorney General that*you wanted a little piece of change?” “He gave me a dollar," Miller said. Howland asked for the affidavit Miller made in New York. Senator Wheeler said he “had it.” ••But No Tunnel*." There were two entrances to the H street house. Miller went on, "but no tunnels.” Chairman Brookhart asked for the rental of the hotel apartment to which the Attorney General moved, but Mil ler did not know it, and when Mr. Howland offered to furnish the fig ures there was a wrangle. “The trouble with your client Is j that he'll furnish us anything after i we get it from somewhere else first,” j Senator Wheeler explained, j Miller expressed the opinion that j Jess Smith had .strong influence in jthe making of appointments. Say* Elkin* 'Wan V Lit or. ] Senator Klkins. republican. West Virginia, was a frequent visitor. ] Senator Wheeler asked if he had ' ever seen Mr. Daugherty, ITarry F. Sinclair. Secretary Fall and Mr. Smith playing cards. Miller said he had —at the hotel apartment—and that Col. Zevely was there. A “Mr. Todd from Ohio.” Miller said, was another frequent caller whom he thought might be “a former partner of the general’s.” Senator Ashurst got Miller to re peat that “Howard Mannington was a frequent and welcome visitor." McLean Not Prewnt. Senator Wheeler got Miller to say that E. B. McLean was not present at the card game described and then turned the witness over for cross examination. Mr. Howland asked first about the alleged gifts of meat from Armour & Cc. "You don’t mean to .say they weren't paid for?" Howland asked. "I said no bill accompanied them — I wouldn't know whether they were paid for,” Miller said. V. H. Marcum, a special assistant to Attorney General Daugherty, was called U) tell of an official trip Feb ruary 20 to Butte. Mont He denied that either he or E. E. Dougherty, a department agent, who accompanied: j hirn. had made any investigation of I | Senator Wheeler.. qumtioiM Montana Trip. ! “Do you know of any other men j i in Montana investigating me?” asked Senator .Wheeler. . "No,” said Marcum. “I did see in a k paper that there were five men out there.” “You told me you went out to in vestigate the prohibition situation?” Senator Wheeler put in. “Yea, charges filed against the United States district attorney there.” Marcum said he had talked to offi cers of the Anaconda Copper Com pany. Allege* “Wild Storie*.” “I told you that a man going out • there could be filled full of wild ! stories,” Marcum said. He met news ' paper men, he said, and also “Mr. | Abe Cohen, who said he was a news paper man from Chicago.” When they left Great Falls, some body handed a package of newn ! paper clippings to Dougherty. Mar- I cum said. Senator Wheeler suggest - j ed tl e “clippings were from news i papers used agaiiat me in the c*un j paign ” but Marcum did not know. He said he turned the clippings over to the Department of Justice. Dougherty, his assistant, had “a great many friends in Montana. Marcum said. “Now you say the dippings had no relation to your business out there?” Senator Jones asked. "They had none.” Knew Nothing Again*t Wheeler. He said he never talked to Daugh erty about .the source of the clip pings. Chairman Brookhart asked if he “heard stories about Senator Wheel er.” “Yoir know you can hear what you want to hear in Montana," Marcum said. - , I “All that is watey under the dam. If my life depended on it. I couldn't say 1 know a thing against Senator Wheeler.” “There have been seven other re ports on me filed , with the Depart ment of Justice," Senator Wheeler ob served. The committee lyiwwij Util Si a_m. tomorrow _ _ PRESIDENT FAVORS ARM6RYFOR D. C. Weeks Urges Replacing of Present Inadequate Rent ed Quarters. 5 Prospects for an armory for the National Guard of the District of Co lumbia to displace the old. delapidated and unsuitable rented quarters it now occupies were brightened today, when Secretary of War Weeks made a recommendation in favor of such a building-, and President Cooiidge in dicated that he was favorable to it. Secretary Weeks called at the White ! House today and recommended to the 1 I’residenl that he Instruct the director of the budget to prepare an estimate I for a suitable armory for the troops . of the National Guard of the. District . of Columbia, In order that the troops here may be, sufficiently and adequate ly housed, and proper provision made for their training. The President was represented as strongly in favor of doing this. Both the President and Secretary Weeks. It was indicated, are strongly convinced of the necessity for im proving the conditions of the local National Guard troops, who for years have had to obtain their training un der most unfavorable conditions. The facilities are so unsatisfactory that the War Department refused to rec ognize certain troop organizations which had been formed with much ef fort here simply because there were not suitable armories to house the expensive equipment furnished by the War Department. Following representation some time ago that the President was op posed to’ a local armory as a part of the public buildings bil'l, Maj. Gen. Anton Stephan, commanding the District of Columbia National Guard, called on Secretary Weeks and point ed out that the federal government would not be oaked to construct the building in Its entirety, but that the armory bill now pending in Ooft gross provided for its construction on the 60-40 buds of payment as other expenses of the government are paid. This feature, it was pointed out, was laid before the President, to gether with the fact that the Na tional Capital certainly should have a proper armory for its militia. Just how much of an appropria tion might be ordered In the pro posed order to the director of the budget was not learned, as Secretary Weeks merely asked for a suitable armory, to Include a large drill hall and company and store rooms, to gether with offices for the headquar ters. RESIGNATIONS AS AID TO PARTY Elimination of Daugherty Is | Termed Ending of “Intoler- ! able Situation.” BY DAVID LAWBEMK. President Ooolidge has ended, an intolerable situation for himself and the republican party by heeding the demand of Congress and requesting j the resignation of Attorney General 1 Daugherty who compiled immediate- i iy. j Mr. Daugherty furnished himself j the ground on which the resignation j was requested by refusing to dis- I close the files of his correspondence t and the records of his bureaus, j which the Sneate investigating com- ; mlttee demanded. Mr. Daugherty’s retirement was I urged many weeks ago by Senator Henry Cabot Dodge, republican lead er, on the ground that the country must have confidence in the De partment of Justice and would not feel that confidence If the conduct of the Attorney General were himself under investigation. Letter* trued Action. From all parts of the country letters have been coming telling the admini stration that every day Harry Daugher ty stayed !n the cabinet, the democrat’s were making votes and that Mr. Cool- I idge’s strength was diminishing. Mr. Daugherty is a forceful personality. He is one of the “wheel-horses” of the republican parly. He is influential in Ohio politics. He was instrumental in having Warren Harding nominated to the presidency. Such a man wasn't i easy to eliminate and Mr. Coolidge's 1 New England conscience battled hard I with the expendiencies of pre-conven tion politics. Today the friends of the President I were pointing to his action as a sign of the real Coolidge who dared to fly in the face of the party zealots. It Is an act of repudiation of one of the original Harding men which will, no doubt, cause considerable resentment in the republican ranks, but the losses may be offset by the gains and Mr. Coolidge's friends are supremely con fident that on the day after the defeat I in South Dakota, their chieftain has ! expressed himself forcefully for clean I government. The incident is not without its j tragic aspects. Harry Daughertv is ! a likable individual who has many ! j friends in official life, friends de- j i voted to him and believing In his j (integrity. When the investigation is I j completed, they contend it will be I found that he was a victim not of per- j sonal greed, but of eagerness to serve I his friends. To their impositions he] was blind. To their pleadings he gave ready ear. .. Carried Heavy Load. Dife in Washington has never been happy for Harry Daugherty. He car ried from the beginning a load of responsibility. He felt he was re sponsible for nomination and for his success in office. He hoped for a second term for Mr. Harding. He saw only the opposi tion of La Folielle as a factor. His j appointment as Attorney General was the subject of criticism, but Mr. | Harding felt that to do otherwise i would be ‘an act of ingratitude on ] his part. There were those who ! counseled Harry Daugherty not to j accept on the ground that he had j been so active in politics that there 1 would not be the necessary eonfl- j dence in his administration of the | Department of Justice. Os home life, Harry Daugherty had ! none. His wife has been an invalid throughout the time the husband has been wrestling with the multiplex problems of the Department of Jus tice. Mr. Daugherty's own health has broken down several times. He clung to his portfolio largely in defiance of his enemies. He would have retired long ago, but for a feeling that he would be confessing defeat. ‘He ac cepts Mr. Coolidge’s decision as in evitable. but with a heavy 'heart and a feeling of disappointment that the new President did not stick to him in a fight waged, as lie sees it, not against an individual, but the entire cabinet and the republican party. EARTH SHOCKS CONTINUE. SAN SALVADOR, March 28.—Ac cording to reports received here earthquakes continue to be felt in Costa Rica. Business is seriously hampered by reason of the disturb ances. Both seaooasta of the republic «zs said. 4o- -be lined wtth. dead fiah. RUDOLPH OUSTS MILLER IN INSURANCE CODE CASE (Continued from First Page.) Blanton charged in the House yester day that various insurance companies have paid $6,820 for pushing this bill. Representative Blanton says that fourteen companies contributed to this fund, that $4,600 was for propa ganda In the Interests of the pro posed new insurance code, that 82,200 was for maintenance of an unofficial i bureau of information and that $2.- ! 500 was paid by Milker to L. A. Dent 1 for drafting the insurance bilL Regarding the antecedents of this | bill Representative Blanton points j outs "This present bill now before us. H. R. 3689, was introduced In • this i I Congress by Mr. Edmonds on Decern- ] ber 14, 1923. It is an exact copy ] of a bill which in November, 1923, i Supt. Burt A. Miller had printed in i Baltimore by Kuchn Bros. & Co. ! (Inc.), and for which printing they charged him $1,500 for 500 copies. In view of the fact that Supt, ' Miller paid Mr. Louis A. Dent $2.50i(. j which Tie claims was paid for draft ing this bill. 1 respectfully suggest i to my colleagues tljat they compare I ! this H. R. 3689 with the bill which ] Senator Pomerene introduced id the j Senate on July 11, 1921, being Senate ' bill 2229. and they will bo convinced ! that It was copied from the Pomerene bill. Salary Raise Sought. In giving tho result of his investiga tions to the House, Representative Blan ton Baye: "In the former bill Supt. Miller was seeking to raise his own salary only SI,OOO. In this bill he seeks to raise it $1,700. And in this hill he seeks to give himself the following employes In ad dition to the ones authorized by the act of March 4. 1922: “'A deputy superintendent at $4,000 per annum ; an actuary’ at $4,500 per annum; an examiner at $3,500 per an num; a chief statistician at $2,500 per annum; an assistant . statistician at $1,860 pen- annum; a license clerk at $1,860 per annum; a clerk-stenographer at SI,BOO per annum : a stenographer at $1,680 per annum; four clerks at $1,500 per annum.' “And, in cnnnection with the above. T will state that X have lately had evi dence satisfactory to Majority Deader Dongworth and Appropriations ‘Chair man Madden to testify before them con vincing them that no additional em ployes are needed by said department, but that at least on© of those now em ployed could be dispensed with without injury to the service. “In the former bill Supt. Miller asked that there be allowed him 'a fund for contingent and miscel laneous expenses of not less than $2,000 per annum.' Notice the way that it was drawn—'not less than.’ Thus, so long as he spent more than $2,500 miscellaneously, he would be complying with the law. "And when, in November. 1923. Supt j Miller had Kuehn Bros, print the 500 j copies of his propaganda bill—for J $1,500 —it provided, and so did Mr. j Edmond s bill, H. R. 3689, which h» introduced on December 14, 1923, j provide: “'The department shall also be al lowed a fund for contingent and mis cellaneous expenses of not less than $2,500 per annum.’ Limit to Expenditures. i "And to prove that Supt. Miller considered that under such language | be would be authorized to spend any ] sum so long that ‘it was not less | than $2,500,’ when the committee re ported the bill on February- 26. 1924. they limited him to $4,500, for they j j provided: “ "The department shall also be al ! lowed a fund' for contingent and j miscellaneous expenses of not less than $2,000 or more than $4,500 per annum,’ "In my fifty-one years I have never before witnessed that language as a limitation on expenditures. It is usu ally framed ‘not jnore -than.’ ■ "And in his copy sent for his propa i ganda bill to Kuehn Bros, for print , ing. and in the first print of same j thev made for him. whore it author -1 Ized him to appoint actuaries and ex -1 aminers. without limitation as to I number, except that whenever .he ! deemed it necessary it provided: I •• That the amount charged for such j I compensation shall not exceed $75 j j per day for an actuary and $25 per 1 i day for an examiner.’ “But before the printing job was j completed he had this language j I changed so that in his propaganda , bill tfor which Kuehn Bros, charged i | him $1,500 for 500), and also in the | copy h© had Mr. Edmonds introduce j i for him. it appears as follows: I “ That the amount charged for such ' compensation shall be in accordance I w-ith the rules of the National Con vention of Insurance Commissioners.’ “Which means identically the same thing, because the present rules of the National Convention of Insurance I Commissioners, in force when this bill r was introduced, provided pay of $75 J per day for an actuary and $25 per j day for an examiner. But Supt. Mil ler thought it wiser to veil the provi sion in language that would not ap prise Congress of the fact that he was being given authority to appoint an unlimited number of actuaries at $75 per day for an unlimited number of days, and to appoint an unlimited number of examiners at $25 per day for an unlimited number of days." Letters and Documents. I Representative Blanton supplements j his charges with voluminous letters | and othter documentary evidence. Regarding the “propaganda" fund collected from insurance companies. Representative Blanton said: # "Supt. Miller admitted that he had ( collected from insurance companies ■ quite a large fund which he had spent , since last August trying to get this ( bill passed. When I insisted on his > ■ giving me the names of all such ' 1 companies making such contributions { and how he had spent same, he gave ! ' me the following: Statement of special contributions • and disbursements in connection with 1 i the legislation now pending for the i purpose of bettering and stabilizing )the Insurance conditions in the Dis- i I trlct of Columbia by means of a mod | ern and adequate code. CASH KECKIVBD. 1 BqoitzWe Life Insurance Co. of Wash ington. D. 12. S3OO i Continents! Life Insurance Co. of Wash ington, D. C 300 ! People's Mutual Benefit Insurance Co. of Washington, I). C. 000 Provident Belief Association of Wash- ] ington. D. C 600 j Acacia Mutual Life Association of Wash ington. I). C 500 Mutual Fire Insorance Co. of Washing ton. D. C. 150: Mutual Protection Fire Insurance Co. of Washington. I). C 75 i Mutual Investment Fire Insurance (V of . Washington, I>. C 75 ! I National Union Fire Insurance Co, of 1 Washington I). C 150 I Firemen’s Insurance Co. of Washington. D. C 150 I Potomac Fire Insurance Co. of Washing ton. 1). C 150 j Nfitionpi Capital Fire Insurance Co. of Washington. It. C 150 I American Fire Insurance Co. of Wash j ington, 1). C 150 Oircoran Fire Insurance Co. of Wash ington. It. C 150 I Bort A. Miller, superintendent of Insur | anee. District of (lolnmbia 500 I H. P. Janisch, for various mutual fire insurance companies 300 Qbarles M. Howell, for various reciprocal insurance companies 300 , Total $4,600 Qarstlen of Contribution. “Note In the foregoing statement that Supt. Miller gave me of the con tributions made, that he claimed he himself contributed SSOO. I will show you a little later on that I se- i cured Evidence to the contrary and i made- Supt. Miller admit that this claim was error. Also note later on 1 what Supt. Miller says regarding 11. P. Janisch and Charles M. Howell, each of whom contributed S3OO. "Supt. Miller admitted to me that to all companies engaged in the in dustrial life, health and accident busi ness in the District of Columbia he had sent a letter from his department that he was establishing a bureau of information. In which letter he used this language: “ ’Duo to lack of funds, it was thought a small assessment should be -made against -each a—apanjE iWng * Quits Insurance Post w ■ - -• •» WmnßKfKtmmmu oiilmrnaiii 11 i m iWsHBg In 111 HT A. MILLER, Superintendent of insurance of the IJlMtrict, who resigned today nt the request of Commissioner Rudolph. business in the District of Columbia not to exceed $125.’ "And when X insisted on his giving me a list of all companies who had made him contributions in response to such letter, he gave me the follow ing list: Southern Aid Society of Virginia $125 Kqaifabir I-iife Insurance Co 125 Kureka Life Insurance Co 125 Life Insurance Company of Virginia 125 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co 125 : National Benefit Life Insurance Co 125 Nation,’)! Life Insurance Co. of America.. 125 ; I'ruricniiaJ Insurance Co. of America.... 125 I Baltimore Life Insurance (V, 125 ! Continental Life Insurance Co.. 125 I Home Beneficial Association., 125 Home Friendly Insurance Co 126 j Life and Casualty Insurance Co , 125 People's Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. 125 Provident Belief Association 126 Bichncrod Beneficial Insurance Oo 126 Bcliance X3fe Insurance Co 40 Supreme Life and Ocualty 00. 40 Sbenudoah Life and Casualty Co 40 North Carolina Mutual Dfe Insurance Co. 40 Acacia Mutual life Insurance Oo 40 Total $? Quo Printing Money Wanted. Representative Blanton points out that $1,500 alleged to have been paid to a Baltimore concern by Miller for printing the bill was "wasted,” and Introduced letters to show that $250.63 is still owed on this account. Representative Blanton asserted that as a result of personal inquiry he fouml other contributors to the “propaganda" fund besides those list ed by Supt. Miller, and said: “Until I forced it out of him with a corkscrew Supt. Miller never ad mitted that he received the S3OO con tribution from the Southern Aid So ciety of Virginia, an outside com pany entirely. And up. to this good hour he has never admitted that the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Assoc iation has contributed more than $540, when, in fact, it contributed $790, or $250 that he has never in any way listed.” Included in Representative Blan ton's indictment is a letter from AV. Gwynn Gardiner, a former District Commissioner, who In replying to a ! letter from Mr. Blanton slated that 1 Supt. Sillier "was indebted in some j manner to Louis A. Dent, a lawyer I in the Southern building, and this re sulted in Louis A. Dent being em ployed by Burt A. Miller to draft an insurance law. which he did, and which bill presented to Congress was so drafted. Mr. Miller called upon the insurance companies to contri bute to Mr. Dent for his services, and 1 am reliably informed that Mr, Dent received from the insurance companies $2,500 for his services in drafting this bill. "I am also reliably informed that all bills contracted by said Miller for printing incident to the work in con nection-with this bill were paid for by the I assurance companies.” | | P's Bacon h More nl Time It's Served npHERE are mighty few dishes, no matter \ j ———l I X h° w delicious, that can stand the test of 11 I = constant use£ day in and day out without | j| becoming tiresome, Auth’s bacon, however, is I jl one of the few. I IE I = The keen, rich pork flavor with the pungent I |j smoke essence still retained—well, it’s a com- I i| bination a man doesn’t forget. What’s more, it | J is something he is going to want soon again. | |J There’s a reason for its inimitable goodness— so I \ il years’ adherence to family ideals and pride of | H product. To get acquainted, ask your grocer. || II and make certain to say .ill— .1 I - ~ N • JUDGE MATTINGLY IS REAPPOINTED Municipal Court Jurist, Dem ocrat, Renamed by President. President Coolidge today leap pointed Robert K. Mattingly as a judge of the Municipal Court of the District of Columbia. This nomination, which was sent to tlje Senate for confirmation, had been expected, inasmuch as Judge Mattingly's administration during the four years he has been on this bench is understood to have been highly satisfactory', and because of the nature of his indorsement for reap pointment. Judge Mattingly, a democrat, and native of Washington, was appointed to the Municipal Court four years ago by President Wilson. At the time of this appointment he was serving as supervisor of the fourteenth dis trict of the census, with offices in Washington. Besides the indorsement of a large number of representative citizens who voiced their confidence in Judge Mattingly’s qualifications there were unanimous indorse mens from the District of Columbia Bar Asso ciation, the Barristers’ Ciub and the District Colored Bar Association and the Mid-City Citizens’ Association, ot which hs has been a prominent rn e rn be r. Judge Mattingly was born in South west Washington and received his early education at the Jefferson pub lic school. He later graduated from the Georgetown University Law School. During his practice of law Judge Mat tingly has held the esteem of the courts and of the members of the lo cal bar. Ho also has always taken an active part in civic matters, at ail times standing ready to assist in the advancement of the Capital’s inter ests. During the four years he has sat in court has has been frequently assigned by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the District to sit in both branches of the local Police Court. Because of the nature of Judge Mattingly’s record and because of the practically unanimous request for his reappointment it is thought that the Senate will readily confirm me non;i nation. MRS. MARY SNELL DIES. Mrs. Mary C. Snell, eighty-one years old. widow- of Rev. M. Porter Snell of this city, and*for many years a resident here, died Tuesday. Fun eral services were held at the resi dence of her son. William A. Snell, corner of Hawthorne and Jewett streets northwest, this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Walter M. Eagleson, pastor of the Sherwood Presbyterian Church, officiated, assisted by Rev. George M. Cummings, pastor of the Carden Memorial Church. Interment was in the Congressional cemetery. Mrs. Snell was for many years prominent in the work of the iocai Woman’s Christian Temperance L'nion, having been a trustee in the organi zation. She .was the daughter of the late Gerard Hailock of New Ha ven, Conn., who was at one time president of the Associated Press and fog a long time editor of the New York Journal of Commerce. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joseph M- Long of Hyattsville. Md., and Miss Cora L Snell of this city: four sons, Theodore Tj, Charles L. and William A. Snell of this city, and Clarence E. Snell of Richmond, Va, also by fifteen grandchildren and .two great-grandchildren. From Tfcsterdsy’i»j;;3o Edition of The Star CIVIL ASSIGNMENT OF OFFICERS ASKED Coolidge Wants Law Clari fied to Meet Objection by Controller McCaii. Legislation which would authorize the President to appoint military of ficers to civilian positions in the in tertsts of public service in spite of the recent ruling of Controller Gen eral McCarl and the ruling of the Attorney General was asked yesterday frohi Congress as early as possible in the present session by President Coolidge in a letter to Speaker Gillen. The legislation asked by President Coolidge would permit officers in. the military service to be assigned to such positions as director of the bu reau of engraving and printing. Dis trict Commissioner and wherever else the President deemed that more efficient service could be rendered. Letter of President, The, President, in his letter, asks that "officers of the United States, civil and military, including retired officers, may at any time be specially assigned by the head of the department concerned, for limited periods, to duty, or with or in the American National Red Cross and other emergency relief organiza tions.’’ "Any officer,” the proposed bill states, "so assigned without vacating his permanent commission is hereby authorized to hold any public office, the exercise or administration of which is involved in the execution of the as signment hereunder made. Sections 1222 and 1224, Revised Statutes, and the final beginning with the words, “No person who holds” and ending with the words, ‘Consent of the Senate,’ of sec tion 2 of the act of July 31, 1594, are hereby repealed." The President quotes the opinion of the Attorney General rendered Sep tember 13, 1923, on the subjet of the use of the naval forces in the enforce ment of the national prohibition act. in which the constitutional provisions Involved were thus expounded. Limitation of Power. “The clause of the Constitution authorizing Congress to provide and maintain a navy confers on it the power of determining when and for what purpose the naval forces of the United States may be used. It follows that the constitutional provision con stituting the President the comniand er-in-cnie£ of the Army. Navy and Mi litia. would not give power to use the Navy In a manner other than as au thorized by Congress.’ "Assuming the soundness of this view, and applying the language of the Attorney General to the Army clause of the Constitution correspond ing to the Navy clause cited by him. there would result the doctrine that in time ot peace the President may not under any circumstances put any part of the military or navy person nel to a use of even the briefest dur ation for which neither the Consti tution nor act of Congress provides.” ’’The controller general’s action raises a practical question in govern ment administration, which I deem if advisable to present to Congress for disposition by enactment of suitable legislation. The very few officers now on such special assignments are rendering highly valuable public service by reason of the nature of the duties involved and their requisite equipment of knowledge and experi ence, and the Executive should not be disabled from so utilizing them, for limited periods, in the public weal.”