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i WESTERN MARYLAND INCOME RAX.TTMORE, March S 9 (Special).— Estimated earnings of the Western Maryland railway for the week ended March 21 shows that receipts are still running behind the totals for 1923. The total for the week in question was $385.- f'42.76, compared with $463,346.40 for the corresponding week last year. While the largest decrease was recorded by coal and coke* freight, ail items declined. Gilt-edge | First Mortgage Notes Bearing f | t —is the only form of invest i ment we recommend. We now ■ I have on hand a limited amount in denominations of SIOO up, \ guaranteed titles accompany i each note. Write for Fun Particulars Main Chas. D. Sager 36 924 14th St. Equitable Co-Operative Building Association Organised IS7# 44th YEAR COMPLETED Assets S4.Tsa,imsa Surplus f 1.248.320.98 Save As You Earn —Join the Equitable, and mtc systematical It. It ia a noit effective method of taueial ■dTaaeemcßt Snbeerlptkm for the 86th Issue of Stock Being Received x Shares, $2.50 Per Month EQUITABLE BUILDING 915FSLN.W. JOHS JOY ED4OJT, President PRANK P. REKSIDE. ihe^, agaaaaal Individual Ownership , I Interesting feature j 1 our M y iY%K A®*'#**® m 3 rnyertmerts j I Aak Ua About it! j sloo—ssoo—sl,ooo 'f/mstmzca I 1416 K Street Mala «1T Wanted Second Trust Notes We have clients with funds I to purchase good SECOND j TRUST NOTES in denomlna- I tions of from SSOO to SIO,OOO. Low rates if security is good Apply at Once to Our MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT [Shannon & luchS) INC. | 713 and 715 14th Street N.W. Main 8345 I _j| STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION Os the M ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY | OF NEW YORK, N. T., jj * On the 31st day of December, 1923, u | required under the District of Colnm- II bis Code, amended Jane 80, 1902, and H ; August 18, 1911. Capital stock $1,000,000.00 H Capital stock, paid up. in Hi . cash 1.000,00e.00 ID > ASSETS. In Cart in office $74,871.91 H Cash in bank 1,375,871.93 isl Stocks and bonds (market j ralne) 14.426,714.71 it] Premium* uncollected and [j In hand* of airents .... 2,422,720.63 Q I Interest due *nd accrued. 153.262.5 X |(! All other asseta 255.318.40 JJ) Total asseta $18,940,759.89 • LIABILITIES. Net unpaid claims $7,04,902.00 • Reserve as required by __ law 6,024.802.87 Salaries. renU, expense*, taxes, etc. 427,800.00 Commissions, brokerage, etc 591.277.57 Capital stock 1.000,000.00 Tots I lisblllties $15,662,782.44 Character of business transacted dur ing the year 1923—Casualty. Fidel w ity and Surety. [1 Amount of premiums [ written during the year t) 1923 H Losses sustained during {I the year 1929 7.014.972.00 II Money received daring H t the year 1923 13.989,917A2 U , Expended during the year I I 1923 12,004.011.26 H M. E. JEWETT. President. H J. G. MATS. Secreury. (I Snbacrlbed and sworn to before me H : this 20th day of February. 1924. 1] (Seal.) R A. FTFE. Notary Public. Kings County. U j GENERAL AGENTS« Jas. C Adkins CASUALTY 1422 F St. J. F. A. Becker j BONDS 627 Colorado Bldg. INQUIRE A INCOME FINANCIAL. U.S. FOREIGN TRADE GAIN American foreign trade continued to expand in February. Both Imports and exports were larger than for the corresponding month last year. First Mortgage Loans Lswast Ratos of Interest and C—'arise Prompt Actios Tbomaa J. Fisher a Company, lac. T 4» Ug Orest STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION Os the | TUTTED RATES BRANCH OF THE j ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY j LIMITED, I OF UTZRFOOL. XHOLAHS, on the Slot day of December, 1923, I as required under the District of Co- I iombla Code, amended June 30, 1902, 1 I and August 18, 1911. Capital stock, deposit . capital $400,000.00 J ASSETS. | Cash in office ........... $13,427.63 I Cart la bank 1.541.019.54 j Real eatate 2,343,500.00 | Real estate mortgages (irst lien) 281,300.00 J Stocks and bond* (mar- I ket valoe) 14.665.818.12 BUI* receivable 287,033.90 U Premlom* uncollected and 11 to hands of agents .... 2.388.424.10 JJ Interest and rent* due and accrued 194.541. y JJ Total assets .$21,756,058.67 j LIABILITIES. B n Nat unpaid claims ...... $1,534,931.28 n II Reserve at required by law : 13,445,082.84 | Salaries, rents. ex- | pen*et, taxes, etc..... 840,560.00 II All other Itabllltie*— M Life liability 12.915.00 II Perpetual fund 54,711.20 || Total $15,892,200.32 II Surplus 5,863.858.35 JJ Total liabilities $21,756,058.67 )] | Character of business transacted dur ing the year 1923—Fire. Marine, Mo tor Vehlclca. Inland Navigation, Tor nado. Sprinkler Leakage, Riot, Civil I Commotion and Explosion Insurance. Amount of risk assum ed daring the year 1934 15,654.567.383.00 Looses sustained during the year 1923 6,846,062.00 Money received during I the rear 1923 15,448,454.00 1 Expended during the ( year 1928 14.973J23.00 (Signed) WALTER CARTER. General Attorney. Subscribed and sworn to before me this IBth dsy of February 1924. (Signed) EDMUND HARVEY, m Notary Public. JAS. C. ADKINS 1422 F St. General Agent, Member of Insurance Club of 'Washington j iir!»ii«MmiiiiHmi»i I Randall H. Hagner & Co. | I 1207 Conn. Ave. N.W. I | General Insurance-Real Estate Loans I | Insurance in All Its Branches | P Fire Accident and Health Transit H H Bonds Business Interruption Rain || I i * L i*. Riot and Civil Commotion Casualty H p Liability Personal Effects Hold-Up 1 g Automobile Rent Plate Glass 1 Ip Marine Boiler Engine Breakage jj Sprinkler Leakage Burglary Transit J| j= STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION |||| 1 Alliance Instance Company Inrarance Company B r n | • of America of New York = °* * canjyivaiua 0n the 3ut day - =EE =a On the Sint day of December. 1923. as re- quired under the District of Colombia Code, - i— oaired under the District of Colombia Code, amended June 30, 1902, and August 18. 1911. amended June 30, 1902, and August 18. 1911. EEs = Capital stock $1,000,000.00 1= = _ . . . „ Capital stock, paid op. in cash.. 1.000,000 00 = == Capital stock $1,000,000.00 r as Capital stock, paid op, In cash.. 1,000,000.00 ASSETS = SS Cash in bank $394,173.66 == = , M ~rc Stocks and bonds (market raioe) 3,358,045.00 = S Cash in office SIOO.OO * Dd J “ S = Cash In bank 623,496.23 l-reJiS fert S= Stocks and bonds (market value) 4,932.328.00 accnied 33,901.84 __ = Bills receirable 3.146.00 „„ == =3 Premiums uncollected and in iSS!S“ e * b p,ld InK ~ §§ = hands of agent* 688.513.05 l0 “ es 10657 5=3 H iu e Xr du ! ccnM ! d .:::::::: %1&S •-* w.^ ooo -® 7 || |= ToUI Msets $6,214,859.91 N> t nnpatd Irnl* HTT ‘* xi * fe - $284,680.43 HI s= Reserve as required by law 1,735.898.47 r I =3 LIABILITIES. Salaries, rents, expenses, taxes. ES-j Net unpaid claims $624,659.81 „ •**•. 89.138. M £5 S= Reaerre as required by law 2,396,266.43 brokerage, etc 7 -5J5 06 S Salaries, rents, expenses- taxes. Capital stock •■.. 1,000,000.00. f. . = etc 120.045.37 All other liabilities— E= =! Commissions, brokerage, etc 2L000.00 losses recorerable from tman- = = Capital stock -.. 1,000.000.00 thorised companies 2,516.04 ~- === Total liabilities $4,161.970 61 Total liabilities $3,119,779 92 == = , - h i , . , . . Character of business transacted during the = - year 192 B—Fire, Marine and Automobile In- hides. InUnd Navigation. Tornado, Sprtn- = s= . 10r * 00 *, . . . . kler Leakage, Riot, CiTll Commotion and fafe i rd Amount of risk assumed during Kmlosion =s m - th « rru .1923. = ..$680.715.104.00 assumed during = = = Vs.-• 1.425,949.00 Lasses sustained during the SS d dnrt “* the year year 1923 882.787.28 ~ = 'inrinV W.* o Money received during the year =j = Expended during tbs year 1923 . 2,877,307.24 1823 2.284,268.99 * = To the best of olir knowledge. In'ormatlon Expended daring the year if»2B L784[449.45 =— I =| and belief, respectively. THOS. H. ANDERSON, President. = = BENJAMIN RUSH. President, ROBT. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary. = JOHN J. CONNOR. Asst. SecreUry. ttth'oMj'ot February 1 b * sor * m * thU B= = ..® D i* orib r d „*' nf L to b * ,ore me thU (Seal.T r °*LOniß~A. LITTMANN, S j 3 Btb day of March. 1934. Notary Public. ; S (Seal.) TBOB. A. MacDONALD, King* Co. Cik. No. 429, Reg. No. 5221; N. T. = I £= Notary Pnblie. Co. Cik. No. 679, Reg. No. 6441. Term ex- =: .' Comm tsalon expires Jan. 18, 1925. Ptres March SO. 1925. 1 = . „ . ....i I, = STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION = ■ Union Asnninco*Society, Ui, United Stotofcmch of ffieOemn 1 1 of London, Enghad Ac ° d " rt Si ;S On the Slat day of December, 1923, as re- VOrpCWEtHHI, Ltd. Si ’ fesa quired under the District of Columbia Code. On the 31« t day of December, 1923, as re- gT = amended June 30, 1902, and August 18. 19X1. quired under the District of Columbia Code. : | SsS amended June 30, 1903, and August 18. 1911. == 1 555 .Capital stock, paid up, la cash— =s= j M Cash In bank $378,278.94 o * ll *50,000.80 ' S , == Stocks and bonds (market value) 2,328.760.00 ASSETS i ! Premiums nneoileetod and in r>sh m tank- son tus no == I = bands of agents 821.773.41 Sol “«t“” ntJsi'Z = = l^ e r h t .r dn /-J^l ,CCn>ed 26.832.00 Real Hea) = = oo Stocks and bends (market value) 14,449,888.21 =: Reinsurance recoverable on paid Bills receivable 8,691.72 = losses - - -5,304.98 Premiums uncollected and In = = »•, «-»7 hands of agents 2,266.826.00 = Total assets .$3,076,937.31 Interest due and accrued 200.288.21 Bi r= All other assets 407.94&A5 F= ~ LIABILITIES. Toul assets .$19,035,151.18 Net unpaid claims $240,814.00 ■ , ~ Reserve as reqaired by law .... 1,900,916.11 LIABCLITTBB. = = Salaries, rents, expenses taxes. Net unpaid claims $7,571,838,02 t= F= etc. - 49,500.00 Reserve as required by lew .... 5.505.011-83 p= i Commissions, brokerage, etc 1,600.00 Reinsurance premiums 648,429.83 : nas All other liabilities— Salaries, rente, expenses, taxes, bs; = Estimated expenses of investlga- etc 844.806.16 = = tlon and adjustment of losses 950 00 Commissions, brokerage, ate. ... 604.479.90 SS i p= —-- CsplUl stock 760,000.00 ~ Total liabilttiea $2,288,680.11 All other liabilities— . = t=£ Character of business transacted during the B °r2im = i year 1928—Fire, Motor Vehicles, Inland Navi- 000 000- f °work l rstoii = E ration and TrsDsportatlon, Tornado. Wind- burin ’ 8 tslms as = storm and Cyclone. Hail. Sprinkler Leakage. bureau, $21,836.45 = m r 6ommotim a° d B*P»«l«m. Flood. Total liabimie. .$19,086,161.18 S* : m Amount of rl«k assumed during “** M == * 597 ’ 835 5 * 3 00 law«!S paid during the year 192?j57,132.627.24 S = bus tamed during the Income received daring the year B is VnZr rewhiil' doefaiV Vfce *llll 1928 ....14.701,824.96 i=S i recelTed dnrln * thm y * Ar Disbursements expended during SS ~ Expended 'dnrinr' the’ year 1923 2,'582!872.27 <he f.? 7 ' 828 88 i==3 = WHITNET PALACHE, D. 8. Manager. ■ ==s Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of February, 1924. 5=3; == Bth day of February. 1934. (Seal) A. O. HAHN. B (Seal.) J. L. TOO MET. Notary Public. Nassau CouMy. * sast Notary Pnblie. Certiflcste Sled New l York Cfconty No. 199. == 7 Bronx Co. No. 9, K. T. Co. No. 221. My commission expires Merch 80. 1934. = THE EVENING STAS. WASHINGTON. D. (g. SATURDAY. MARCH 29. 19a. ’ Exports totaled $333,600,444, an in crease of $30,100,000 over lost year. Ask Year Baatar How much real value stands book of the atock you are asked to buyT Are you sure that the nice, honest looking stranger is telling you the truth? Ask your banker to look into what he claims. We Loan Money on Apartmoat Hanses, Offce Ballilags, Hotels. See Us About That Big Loan Higfaie ft Richardson, Inc. 818 ISth St. N.W. -—has stood the acid test of over half a Over century of uninterrupted service. 42.M0 Add to service and security central Depositors location and convenient banking hours, and you have strong reasons for making this your pay day depository. Same I Open Until 5:30 P.M. Monday, ||j Rate of Tuesday and Wednesday Interest officers: PnlH nn WII.LIAM D. HOOVER President ran* on WOODBURY BLAIR l»t V Prea. Large and frank w. stone 2d v. Prea. _ „ FRANK STETSON Treat Officer hmall CHAS. C. LAMBORN TreAanrer Irrmmft E PEROIVAI. WILSON Secretary nwuun “ F. B. ULLMI.K Ant. Sec. A Ant. Tr. BRUCE BAIRD Aut. Trust Officer DAVID BORNET Ant. Trent Officer DIRECTORS! Safe Woodbury Blair William V. Hoover . James A Buchanan Reginald 8. Hridekoper Deposit William A H. Church Victor Kaoffmaan Walter C. Olephone Ohmriee Mlnalmfl UOXCM ** H. Rorier Dulany. Jr. Bdnmnd D. 3k Nominal Wm B. Bdmondston Frank Stetson ’ , Franklin H. Ellis Frank W. Stone Rentals Frederick A. Penning William B. Walker H. Prescott Galley Henry K- Willard National Savings & Trust Co. 157th | | Oldest Savings Depository in Washington 1 .Yenr Cor. 15th and New York Are. j I 7% 1 First Mortgage* $250 and Up Write er Cali far “Booklet" William S. Phillips LSTH ST. AT K N.W. Mala SOSO. F Money to Loan Imnl by £nt ini if twt mi ml estate PrevnlTtog lotonot tot eo—Mao. Joseph I. Banking Trast & Mortgage Co. We want geod Fleet and Sneered Titrate In Washington end Vicinity— Reasonable Terr— Prompt inv—tte*. tlena. Call er writ*. Raalriay Trust ft Mortgage Co. Rooma 2*41 141* Q St. N.W. Phone Franklin 67*4 SV2% Interest ■ and / . 100% Safety i PRUDENT investors will gain the benefits of the present liinited op portunity to earn 6 y 2 % on their money. And the agreement of the borrowers to refund the District of Colombia Intang ible Tax of of 1% brings the yield to practically 4 7% I t By investing your funds NOW in onr First Mortgage Notes you will assure yourself the very highest interest re turn possible with maximum safety for several years to come. In Denomination* of SIOO and Upward. Swartzell, Rheem& Hensey Co. 72715th Street N.W. 54 Yean Withomt Lon to An Investor I—, , , M — — M -I I BRADLEY, BEALL & HOWARD, Inc. I ' INSURANCE i it - ■ ■ ■ >e Complete Protection in All Lines Immediate and Satisfactory Claim Service ____________ __________________________ ' -• Nr STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION Os the Os the Q t Firemen’* Fond Ibmuucc Co. Phocmx Indemnity Comp on y Home, Fire & Marine Insurance k of California of New York, N. Y. Company of Cafifbrnia . £ On tiie 31st day of Decußber, IKSS, 11 re- the Slot day of Derail her, 1925. aa re* antred coder the District of Columbia Oxl*. qoired under the Dlntriet of Columbia Code, On the Slat day of December. 1823. a a re _ amended June 30, 1902, and August is. UU. ’ ’ Capital stock 8500.000.00 <s Capital atoek 13.000.000 00 Capital atock. paid op. In tank... 500.000.00 ~ Capital ataek. paid op. in cash.. 8.000,000 00 Capital stock $1,000,800.00 >3, r ASSETS. Capital stock, paid up, in caah.. 1,000,000.00 Cash in office $1,985.1* . . « ASSnffß. <Vah In bank 55.280,70 • v. Caah in office M.2R4 08 Stocks and bonds (market veins) 1,575.140.00 ASSETS. Caah in bank 1.956.84A38 Premiums uncollected end In Oeab in office SIOO.OO Real estate <37.000 oo hende ot agents 188.400.3* cash in bank 458.738.42 W? Beal estate morttsees (Orst lien) 2.016.884.52 Interest due snd accrued 7.066J5 Real estate mortcases (first lien) 17.500.00 »t£ Stocks and bonds (market ralue) 15.746,840.86 All other nsaeta— . Stocks and bnnda (market value) 8,288,694.50 Bills re eel vabie 449,610.14 Reinsurance recoverable ...... 1,441.85 . Premiums uncollected and in -» Premium* uncollected and in „ n ,, Equity in the Workmen's Com- hands of agents 356.883.60 , hands of scents --- - peasatioo Reinsurance Bureau 8,170.77 Interest doe and accrued 47,936.74 Interest doe and accrued J 06.179.88 . , All other amet* — All other assets— Total assets .....$1,837,484.68 ChOuteral loans 85,000.00 'b Collateral loans -. 153.610.00 • Reinsurance recoverable on paid Reinsurance recoverable oo paid TJABILITIKB. losses 15,601.8* losses 150.2*2.33 Net nap,* claim. $227,241.72 Reinsurance premiums 485.5*7.92 Total assets $4,270,866.09 Total assets - $34,10-,967.72 Salaries, rents, expenses, taxes. etc 34.284.18 nummrr Commimion*. brokerage, etc... . 41.988.76 UABILITIES. ... mMid .Uir. LITUSS ' *3‘>r'4'»7 17 Capital stock 509.000.00 Net unpaid claim* .. $290,837.37 •"* required by I.'w *"!.* otb * r Sauries, rents, expenses, taxes. . Total liabDitle. $1,837,494.68 . 62.735.89 re cast. 1 stock-;:::::::::;::::::: 3.oS:S£oJ -p,t>l •*«* ~.. 1.000,00000 ^ OO year 1923 18,563.983.00 ‘.wl' 1923 2J30.642.70 Expended during the year 1923 17J88.497.90 Expended during Expended during the year 1*23 1.919,560.47 JNO. KABBHAU* Jr.. Vice President. H. L. KIDDER, ‘Secretary. JNO. MARSHAU, Jr., Vice President, H. P. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Subscribed end sworn to before mo thin H. P. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Subscribed and svrovn to before me this *th day of February, 1924- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of January, 1924. (Seal.) W. VrLKN 15th day of January. 1*24. (Seal.) JAMBS MASON. Notary Public. Commissioner pf Deeds. New Tort City. No. ...... (Seal.) JAMES MASON. Notary PahUe. My commission will expire Dec. 24. 1927. 24. My commission expires April 4, 1924. My commission will expire Dee. 24, 1927. E - —I I i £ STATOffIHT Or THB CONDITION STATEMENT OF THIS CONDITION STATBICBNT OF THB CONDITION Os the 0f "** National Union Fire Insurance Co. ° f American Central Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Repnbßc Fire insurance Company Os St. LOUIS, Mo. qnited* under the nfstri^^^of*Colombia *Cod£ IJ of Pittsburgh, Pa. If * Attended Jane 30, 1902. and August 18, 1911. jt On the Slat day of December. 1923. at re- _ . . mwwamm Ob the 31 at day of Deeattbar. 1928, as re qnired under the District of Chlombte Code. OaP't*J ■ to ' k qnired under the District of chi nm hi a Ode, emended June 80, 1902, and August 18, I*ll. Ceptttl stock, paid np. in caah.. -.000.000 00 emended June 30. 1902. and August 18, 1911. , ■ ASSETS. ‘ ‘ Capital slock $1,006,900.60 Ctsh in office 0T.796J8 Capital stock $300,000.00 > Capital stock, paid up. In cash.. 1,000,000.00 Caah In bank 635.080.48 Capital stock, paid op. In cash... 800,000.00 r Beal estate 419,402.18 i Real estate mortgage* (first Hen) 477,991.00 *. . ASSETS. Blocks end bonds (market value) $.667,671.88 ,V ASSETS. ' Cash to b2u* 5621083.24 end in • - Gash hi b«k i;i.'"‘.”l JSr'boe.S tm&rsuif *,fia4,’aS:M (market vat#*) «,aJ4,873.T0 ad other laoan# secured by ... Premium!, uncollected and In Preminms uncollected and In collateral *230,866.00 bands of agents - 244.433.40 X? bands of atents . 9W.7M.28 Amoutat reeawaWe , . Intawat doe and accrued 18.881.35 iu Xr Z~'u . ::: 10 »:oS:« W,r7 °° BOOJMJX -AD other .amt. 20.««7.6e> Total aaaatn $8.181,6W.31 ' 1-11 “" u HHB.44MO tj Total asaets “—— TiIABILiTIM. LIABILITIES. u.* usnaid i Net unpaid claims 8564.956J2 Net unpaidj*• ' *• ** Rrwerve as required by lair*..... L 327.558 25 Beaerre aa required by law .... 4,504.696.28 required by law ...* #J42.ff11.51 Salaries, rests, axpaases. taxes. Salaries, rents, expenses, taxes. Reinsurance premiums .7.568.86 etc. 18,501.00 a> etc. 5.329.99 Selene*, rente, erpenee*. texa*. Oeomtssioss. brokersr», etc..,.. 4.000 00 Commission*, brokerage, etc. .... 36.000.00 287.4W.14 Capital stock 800,000.00 S. Cash dividends remaining unpaid 286.98 Oommieetene. brokerage, etc. ... -.000.00 Ail other UabUiUe* ............ 256.8*8-73 > , Capital stock 1,000,000.00 Capital stock ,2,000.000.00 Z AU other lUbUlOe. aa WB - OT Tm,, iUWUtie. IToUI1 ToUI $1,985,442.10 . ’» ii.uiih ea tn <U «S rhaearter of btmtness transacted dorian the Character of business transacted during the «■ ToU! liabilities ........... . ymr Oce*n Marine. Motor Ve- year 1923—nre, Tornado, Motor Vehicle, Charscter of toistuesa transacted during the {, lcte Tomedo. HaH. Sprinkler Leakage, . iu«t. Strike end Civil Commotion. rear 1923—Fire inaavw*- Riot and Civil Cemmstloa. Amount of risk aeeamad daring I dmount of risk assumed during Amount of risk assumed dor- . the yesr l»2« ... .. .. $280,506,719.00 •" the ye«r 1923 .-••••-.■■J066J06.199.60 log the year 1928...., $1,066JtZ5,822.00 Lmmt* aostalned dortag tha year ■!> IdaN *??tained diving the Uwi sustained during the „ 1828 -v SS6TJJ46.SI «, jmr 1923 2.467 t M8Jn 192 a 0.47LaiA.77 rt«JT€d doriar 12tt )ntr 5.-SJSS “22ifiJSS * Expended daring the year 1928 4,931,1 TUB Expended during tbs year 1928 6,561.063.72 O. W. OBRWIO President B. O. CHAPMAN, Jr.. President. B. W. HALL, Second Vice President. N- A- WEED, Secretary. HAROLD M. HESS, Secretary. , W. F. BRAUN, Assistant Secretary. ltnK _. h . ..., . , o Subscribsd and sworn to before me this aS’Sf?? 7th day of February, 1*24. Tebrn * T7 ‘ xfA STBOCSE (Seal.) J. B. FRASIER. (Seal.) P. W. COOKS. Notary PuMlc. ( Matary POMie. ','' ' Notary PnMle. . My «—Wai expire# April 6, 1924. My eawaiiariim expires March 10. 1925. My commiasion expires April 80, 1927. |_ 1 ( I 1 I —J S Jos. H. Bradley Wm. M. Beall Robt. C Howard « W. D. EUett E. C Stoort 1512 H-Street Wilkins Budding Main 462-463 as . • - - * ■ I R • * - a. * • P 9 • % •“ . a ' - ' ’ - e - '3T ■■■■■■ II Ml ——■■ . ■■■■■_■ J ■■■■■■■ 1 ■-■■■■ ' i» 9jii jijf L i ■ r. •' ' A r w Money to Loan As ad XatMW* Mm «r liml^ Tear Ist ar tad Traat Consult WELCH, Realtar (idn »•) Tfiir gpedUlist 1M i»i IV. T. Awe. Malm 4M4M aepUaa. Aeaesaahla ChugH ETNA NTCT AC. - ■■ The greatest ‘ ‘ Shock-Absorber” in the world is not attached to an automobile — but is rather, the confident ownership . of an investment that is secure against the rocky places along the financial * road of life—- ' No “High Spots” or “Depressions” in the “Market” can affect your calm satisfaction that “All’s Well”— When you purchase our First Mortgage Real Estate Securities, you insure against “Shocks.” Join our family SATISFIED SAVERS— You can enroll with as little as SIO.OO We solicit conference on correspondence, or will send literature free, upon, request. MORTGAGE INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT Shannon-luchS] - rwa 713 and 715 14th Street N.W. Main 2345 15