Newspaper Page Text
10 PUN “MOPPING UP”' IN HOSPITAL FUND Follow-Up Committee Will Continue to Carry On Subscription Drive. A "follow-up committee." to carry j n tlv- campaign for ISmergenry and j Casualty hospitals, will be organized j this week, it was announced last | night by Col. Ktlward Clifford, chair- [ man of the campaign organization. | “The follow-up committee will | launch vigorously into tlie extremely j important work of giving every one j in Washington a chance to subscribe to a pledge to* help these two neoes- : ■«ary hospitals," Col, Clifford saitl. j "Owing 1<» the limited lime of the; campaign, many persons who wanted j to contribute or make pledges could; not be reached even by our active j workers. The follow-tip committee • intends to get in touch with every ! one of those who were not in their j offices or at home when we made our ; first visit. j Personal l.elltr Appeal. "1 will mail .1 perscnal letter to sev eral thousand good friends of Enter- i genc> and Casuttllv Itcrpllnle early ■ tbit week," l e continued. "The let- i ter will explain, first, that the per-; sons addrersed were not given an op- | portunitj to help wimply because they i could not be reached; and secondly, j and I believe must important, it will | explain that financial aid to the bos- j pita’ ■ may 1 made in the form of . long-term pledges. It is not tbor- j 0- understood that the commit- ■ tee accepting I letlgc*. but the fact 1 Is that many generous subscriptions leave been made in that way." Offices of the follow-up committee j will remain for the time being in the oh! Federal National Bank build- j 1- at 14th and G streets; northwest, j Voluntary subs riptions are being re- j •rived there daily, many of them com- ! ing front persons who have been ben- ! etited by either of .the Hospitals. Pledger. Rrerlvnl Yesterday, Among the pledges received yester- } d ; ,v was one of $3.000 from William ! Randolph Meant for the Washington j Tinas. The latest list of additional! •tub- ' ribers, who bring the total to I $365,942.42. is a L follows; Mattie H Smith. $.5; Dr. Henry W. .huger. *2.5; J. H. Brit kerstein. SSO; Kdw n i;. Klliott. $“.5; Charles 1.. Tank* tslej . 110; Washington Centen-j tiial Charter. sl*s; Mrs. Helen Stern.* $10: h ft :« nd. sls; C*. A Mason. $5;. I.a idler Maekall. sl<'; anonymous, $2; i Hebert Bcrberieh’s Sons. $25; anony- 1 mous. $5: anonymous. $5: Florence K. ! smith. $5: anonymous. SSO; Mary T>. 1 Fry. $lO. K. Scott Avery. S6O; George! Koutris Bros.. S2O; Klliot H Good- j win SSO; Barney A. Kpstein. s:t; j Tleniy P. Kent. $10: AV. C. Jasper. $2; the Lodge for Girls. $10; Arthur Peter. $1 "0; AV. P. Metcalf. $100; Harriet K. Herrick. SSO; Emanuel Rpekh. $25; s. M. and S. R. Frazier. JiiOO; Mart Frown Hester, $5; Mrs.! A. M. Haines. $5; Mrs. A. K. AVine. ! $!; Mrs. A. R. Townshend. $5; Karran j Transfer and Storage. S2O; Atlantic Hotel, $10; Brighton Hotel. $150; Mrs. I Edith Burrell. $1; Hriscoll Hotel. SSO; j George AVashington Inn, SSO: Grafton | Hotel. $600; Mrs. George Hamilton. I $25; James H. Johnson. S3O; Mrs. i A’orron Kellogg. $5; Mrs. Ernest* Knaebel. $2 Martha AA'ashington Inn.'; S2O; I'. tomac Hotel. $100; .Air. and j Mrs I’harlfS Warren. $100; employe?.; Security Storage Company. $15.50: cm- I ployes. American Security and Trust | Company. $15.15; Katherine Gee Jones. | $5; Henry K. Woodward. $100; Fred ; J. Schwab. $5; Fanny H, Stocking. ! *io ; k c. Atwood, $5; Miss B E. Mc- Alfee. s|o; m. F. Humbert. $10; F. H. I Hough. $2. anonymous. $.50; Shannon nr.d l.uclis. $500; Miss Emma Bender. $!; Washington Times, $3,000; Merle II I hti pe. SSO; Charles Jacobsen. *-00; George M. McClellan. $5; H. J. Stabler. $10; Thomas J. Cannon. $25; Charles H. Bates. $25: William M. i Kennedy. $500; William A. Thomas I $10; Henry A. Jesse. $5; Joseph C. ! ' mid': on. $5: Helen M. Wayland, $2; : Marguerite C. Munn, $2; A. R. Wil- I Ham-, $5; T. R. Costello. $5; Stanley Him. r. $25; Sidney Kent GeGare. | s.*o; James R. Henderson. SSO; Delia 1 S Field. $300; Countesa Gicvscka i $100; A M. Holecombe. S3O; Pronto j *■*• Dougherty, S6O: anonvnious s!•' Cornelia G. Munn. *5. SEES RADIO SENDING I PHOTOS OVER WORLD! C. F. Jenkins Tells University Club j New Invention Is Proved Feasible. Prediction that the day is near at j hand when l one will be able to see as j well as hoar around the earth was; _ made by C. Francis Jenkins, well j known capital inventor, at the “club | night meeting of the University j Club last night. The elubrooms were { crowded to capacity by members and • guests, the majority of whom arrived i long before the time when W. J. ! Showalter introduced the speaker on j behalf of the board of governors. Mr. Jenkins, in prophesying the j usages of the new invention enabling i the transmission of pictures by wire- ! less, declared it would bring the ; w hole world together. He stated that | it was probable that when the Shen- j andoah or some other giant of the air i crossed the north pole, people in! AA'ashington would be able to see the 1 occurrence. He also stated that the i time is coming when all citizens of ■ the nation. their respective rest- I dences. could see the inauguration of the Presidents of the United States. 1 Aid for Crime Detection. “Newspapers will be especially I benefited." Mr. Jenkins declared, "for ) they will he able to print spot news I pictures of happenings all over the : world. Athletics will be visible to ail, j and one of the greatest usages will be ; for the detection of criminals." Mr. Jenkins illustrated his lecture* with stereoptioon views of his inven- j tion. which will send a photograph j every three minutes, and a message j ■•f 100 words every three minutes. He t told his audience of his successful at- [ tempts in sending both pictures and' • messages fiom here to Philadelphia and showed some of the pictures. He declared that only the power of the wireless station bore on the distance of sending. “My work has been proved,” he added, in closing, “and all that remains is the development of speed and a few minor perfecting works.” An interesting' incident in regard to one of his helpers was related by Air. Jenkins. He told of their valu able assistance, and said that they 1 were more able to lend help because j of the lack of knowledge they had I before coming to him. “One of my | workers. Miss Florence Anthony.” he >aid. “was a milliner. 1 advertised | through The Star, and when 1 found) she had been a maker of women's 1 bats. I considered th»/ there was I nothing that could be nardcr to do. I so i hired her. Strange to say, she : succeeded in grinding a lens for me that special glass grinders had called impossible. Os course, she had no knowledge of that work before." Foreign Mail Rates Increased, j PARIS. March 29. —Notice was given today of a 50 per cent increase in postage on letters from France to foreign countries* effective April 1. This will make the postal rate to the United States 75 centime**, with j an additional 75 centimes for regis- i ** , tered letters. ( Coolidge Writes Birthday Letter To His Father i President Goolidge stopped work i for a while yesterday to write a j i birthday letter to ids father, John ( ! t*. Coolidge. who on Monday at his ‘ home at Plymouth, Vt., will eele- j | brate his seventy-ninth birthday, j The President's father is ex- , pectrd to come to Washington j during the spring to visit his son j for the first time in the While , | House. * HOOVER GETS WEIRD I RAPS AGAINST RADIO i i Fans Flood Commerce Department j Office With Protests Against , Static and Programs. | j DECLINES -EDITORIAL” JOB; | j Offers Simple Explanation for Station Signals. | | IIY ItOBEIIT T. N.YIAIX. | Secretary of Commerce Hoover, j ■ emperor of the ether, desires to warn 1 j the radio audience of America once .more that the Department of Com ; mree in its regulation of the roads ' lin tlie air eannot and will not at- i j tempt to regulate the programs sent j I out by broadcasting stations. The ' department's only concern is to see | j that there is po attempt to suppress 1 ! free speech, no attempt to monopolize * the wave lengths, and that the air j I above the United States shall be as ■ I free as the seas which sweep the ! shores. It was stated recently that the Chi , cage office of the Department of Com- . i merce was being bombarded by th, | radio fans. The mails there are as ' i nothing compared to the inflow here ■ i at the head of the government. Some 1 |of the communications come from I abroad. One man down in Havana j ; has written to Mr. Hoover bitterly I [complaining that he gets nothing but j ! Protestant sermons from the United i States on Sunday. Complaints Against Jazz. There are thousands of complaints ] {against too much jazz in the musical programs, too much dance music, , {and, as the Germans complain, too i j little of Beethoven. Almost as many * j protests come in against attempts to 1 “bore” tlie invisible audience with . j classical music. One writer said it , | was all wrong for a military band to I give itself over to a whole reprodue- ! j tion of the score of “Faust." Some ! 1 writers complain about the serious ; * speeches, and others about the friv- ' olous ones. Some complaints even are j leveled against the new gentry of | I the land, the Chesterfieldian announc- . | ers. Protest Against Statir. i "Some of the writers complain 1 about snatie." said Air. Hoover, "and I all of them complain about inter- i ! ference." Much of the interference comes, of ! j course from receiving sets which re- j i generate and throw out impulses of . j their own. Mr. Hoover feels that this ' class of interference will be thor- I oughly absorbed in time and will no j I longer be a source of complaint. H< • ) sees no hope, however, of shutting * j off the other complaints which come ; j pouring in, even if he is repeating I the warning that the department is [ ; not responsible for the private pro- i ] grams, and never, so long as he has i I any say in the matter, will offer ' 1 any government program of enter- i j tainment. Declines to Edit. i For a long time William Jennings j Bryan has been urging that the gov- i j ernment issue a newspaper, and feels ' | he has worked out a plan to make J j such a publication non-partisan, or I jat least bi-partisan. Mr. Hoover does • ! not desire to undertake the work of • | “editing’’ a government broadcasting I | program. So for many months to j come, if not for years, the govern- j * ment will confine itself to time sig- j j nals, weather reports and other use- I | ful but inane information. * A great many of the letters re- j ceived at the Department of i'om i merce demand to know how in the * j name of all that is just and right i ! the government fixes up such crazy j 'calls for broadcasting stations. it ! was claimed that some of the code J j words used in the Ned McLean Palm i Beach telegrams recently unearthed ! 1 looked more like the names of broad- I I casting stations than anything else | |in the world. AVhich was away of ; j saying the names seemed crazy to ! ■ most of the folks who read them. * Hoover's Explanation. ! The explanation offered by Mr. j I Hoover is simplicity itself. Blocks * !of three and four letter eombina- , j tions are assigned by international * (agreement to certain countries. The j ; United States has a very wide range , ;in signals, beginning with W, and ; i has the Ks from KDA to KZZ. 1 Under this system of lettering it * is possible to tel! in a moment the i j country from w hich a wireless sig- j | nal is coming. 1.640 ARRESTS CiTED. j i j Local Police Bag Many Traffic ■ i Violators in 7 T et. I Arrests made by the local police j * the past week totaled 1,64 6, Alaj. \ | Daniel Sullivan's several dry law i * enforcement .‘■quads made a total of ! ! sixty-eight arrests for selling, trans- ! i porting and illegal possession of in- ' j toxicants, while members of the uni- ; i formed force arrested 178 persons , j for intoxication, seven for driving • j automobiles while under the influence.' ! and four for drinking in public. The ! ■ traffic squad arrested 210 persons I , for speeding and 469 for violations • j of other traffic regulations. • Let Us SIMONIZE v Your Car ! It is a good time. Wo know ■ j how to do it. The only author- j ized SIHOXIZ station in W’ash i ington. Make reservations in | ■ advance. Ontario Garage I7th St. and Kalorama Road Columbia 8727 I . p j Lease fills |||! i As an |||| V entirety ° r an y part Reason able Rent [Shannon & luch^l 713 14th St. * Main 234$ EXCLUSIVE AGEXTS THK SUNDAY STAR, WASH IX Li TUX, D. C., MARCH 30. 1924-FAUX 1. Sewing Needs Lansburgh &? Bro. 1 and Notions! 420-30 7th St. N.W.—Thru to Bth OUR ONLY STORE Store News for Monday, .March 31 A timely sale for the home sewer, busy now or soon # __ —. # ,o '*" usy " ii " ,,er Sprinsand " ummer ward - China'That Will Make ILJ . The Table Beautiful R | sewing^or'machta^' Flawlessly perfect, daintily patterned a matter of pride .68 R I Dozen snook ZOC pure rubber to the hostess, an inviting welcome to her guest. . ajwgi SpuwiS HOUSEHOLD APRONS. .... ... . 4 ’. J ' shale 11 / 6 it— in v * riolls Special prices, too. so that every Washington woman gg BASTING IO C BP oTtVn F MAHERS’ B PUJS DR | E O S 29° to may grace lier table with it at very little cost. pyj -n hlt6 « f o ' S °' 60 ‘ 25c BoX HICKORY ELASTIC. 12 'Sk J ,* u . ° lor GUARDED SPRING yards in piece; in whit* HH * 0F 1 JHd SEWING SILK, in SAFETY-PINS. 00, 0. 1. or bUck. 11 —I gßgß—eßaaii"i' ua-js. " ia - 1 V ■ B , white. b j 1 * or 2 - *l4. 3: assorted. 22c I ? t> h $o'»0 Y *lu YJ ' " " ~ ~~~— ~ ' " ' W My ' ' MERCERIZED SEWING ittVsi? 1 CONI INFRS. 1/,-iach $1.20 12c [I ' v/ IMi COTTON, various o nly iVC SCISSORS. ALL STEEL ( S A J f i ! j | colors. Dozen ENAMELED COAT OR */ 4 ™ nte *p ; nrll,1! | s \ jif/ ' ■ ! '§■ Fs* I L?. V'nt-. ' [? _MERCEHIZED DARN- 2h,^ S pink 19ct079c \ & J, I Meek C ?n T d T °€oior" '‘/ulurtll/ «T,.rr PORTIA REAL HAIR A /> -' f ' ' i"SS. a%k.* 9f‘ R 0 d sd IBRED lU eil-bee ekal hair “ ‘ ’ ’ ' for , . , GARTERS, A <2 NETS, in cap or fringe ••-’"ttflP pair T,,v ' shape: 6 shades; single or ’V t • r r t —,.. _ I on* i 6 yards i'n ? r APE MEASURES ‘ 60 m6Sh ‘ A 69c A ntS Handsome tlfty-lwO PICCC T *! Pl «twtier f ° r , P 4u tfY 20f TRIMMING BUTTONS •«- M 4 # wTd h thi etoras.* mesb -- Eh™“ Imported China Dinner Set A common s a te Ttic&ie ■ lftc 29c to SI.OO z r\nn u- c tn white only: 3 -yard WOVEN METAL POT FRESH WATER OR ,(J(J U F 10068 OT piece. 3 pieces CLEANEHS V SALT WATER PEARL *tv A a/J V/V/V A lUV-Uel A lot; —2 for BUTTONS. some 2 hole f|l 4 / | LINGE- NEEDLE THREAD- and 4-hole; self-shank; 1L I I /■ m ■ \T„ II p , ] J/X . • p.£ o^L: in e a w „rs 2 EB f or 25c *£r- 3 22c •rail Needle Etched Optic Dr rd PieC€S '... 3 22C HOOKS AND EYES in DrPSs Kor.lH § SILK LINGERIE TAPE. TL hI ** “I \ al f n 12 SECTION ADJUST NfOlTl WOfA in whit*, pink or blue: on * card. Beards ABLE DRESS FORMS . , •- , ... .•• .- ,v . , , •• - I” .! 3 *3lOlll W <llO 3-yard pieces. At 01. f °r sizes A. B. C A DCailtltUl DCSt SCt tOT t lIC lIOUSC, SeldOlll. It CVCI'. SCCH at tlllS 3 for HOOK-AND-EYE TAPE, Si?© A. 32 to 40 /y* < r 'i*i *1 i • 111 1 ■885553©/ • co n UNT pAp E R 10c a y * rd - 3 b. as to 44 iowiiiicc. Ihe pink rose cluster pattern and,line gold make PINS. 3 papers IA yards ... —Size C. 38 to 48 1 , . ... 1 * * \ jSSSSSSs f# o„• • ;• ■. , rfliable snap fas- jfrsey-covered an appeal to all lovers ot danit v dinnerwarc. A tine, imported. M'/rffiKsiair ***> 300-COUNT PAPER TENERS in white cr DRESS FORMS. with ‘ 11 . /*1 * . * tit t TV PINS. 6 papers black; all sues; one win skirt attached. trail-Spai'Cllt V_ 1111171 SCt 11V WBllKm WOUld IIC prOlld tO OWH. I ?****? / S~* for —dozen on a card. ’3C,, Sizes 34 to ff*l 7Q 11 I i , I ' ‘ I I 360 - COUNT PAPER 12 cards for 44 | I \l pins. 3 papers yy wiLSNAP. teneo or jer se y covered China Dinner Set, 100 Pieces—A j jl lu JA , , for DE 10NG SNAP FAS- linen skirt: Kumpac* i t 1 j _ . I'ACH '_I.B BOX PURITAN TENERS onn doces on DRESS FORMS w-th I UHUDOtIIC l)Ol(KT pattCt II \\ Ull C < >lll «1 1A CO Cd DRESSMAKERS* CC„ rard: white or 99 Sizes 34 to .r, ,1,1 In 11 HI t lr-T tivi 11 «pl lO.oU / fICOO OPC 11 dl'lldHCl s>Cl PINS Box ,00c bUck . Scardsfor G 44 nanoles mat Will • . , , , -• , street floor, lansburgh & bro. }j rac (* am (liiimT y / x (Jeniiinc Limojres China —A hand- ’ Ullinicr > coming am. him '' l , • table ' M „ne 100-piece .dnmr Set in an ,rozpn dcscrt , > . n,J cooling* >a ads. P-,ric 1. .rrl/> r rl/.ci.r.r n ltl, - S tOCK Ul> at tlllS low pHCC W’ltll tllC'C ■ Imported Dinner Set, 100 Pieces— J l . ( a delicatelv patterned— . A IlnTimiKmed set. ,vi.h rich border nch com gold strap 007 CA ' * Flouncmgs, Trimmings, , t”*? i V., 1 cffcctiv ‘’ 542.50 ' tt * Goblets Frui , G, “ ! “ c ’ Laces! sixth floor lansburgh & bro So graccDillv designed tlie\ will 111 tv/* i n • iv/ i r ’ n with anv glassware vou alreath With Prices Welcomely Low have. Make the most of'this special , Rugs That Will Add- chased just the trimmings vou seek and coupled •* -m- ~r U.c grnoron, as.or.mem arr price- derate 003111> 7 tO tllC HOmo |F= ■[ (jlos Flouncing, Mi E>elct Embroidered lii;ight-pattcrncd, clean-looking. Summer rugs ot liber indies wide, in black. Ecru Cambric, in smart and fabrics, all readv to transform vour home into a j — _____ — brown, navv, sand and all-over effect. Width. t i i i • * ,u . ‘ * c* u A-A * A\ f ~-mirr7rM cocoa. Mi incite.. aa* cheery cool-looking warm-weathei ictieat Strange how Q ft /|)A| filW >) art | yard Jjll.UU cool and cheery a rug can make a mom 100k —but u can. to 1 H j \ :. j ■ and these are the rugs to do it. i "1 S ’fe rtLL*£i Net lop Flouncing, Organdie Collar Em- , =====, p \ j vVj 17 inches wide. White broidery, in white or TT • 4 /-\ -g • . Att TA • t ” sE ,s -Ti.59 S”"’i9c High Quality All-Fiber 9xl2-Ft. Rugs 75 Cl A j! "Sard X•/ %J Fancy Embroidered • , ill M MaM \ W * A7, 5 , f '■*'.* “'''''nc'-' ''A'v ,’ ! Eyelet Embroidered Rands and Edges, in 3 \oi!e, inches wide. -g c antJ -- c ' Lovely new Jacquard patterns in rich colorings suitable for every AAL j for all-over eyelet sum- room in the house. Not onlv will thev brighten up the home, but SI mer dresses, t hoice ot Beaded Ornaments in . * r nHUHnUBI rose, orchid. CO pen. various size- and they 11 give good, steady wear tor some- time to come. Size 9x12 ft. , pcacli. maize, sand, re- -liapc< Steel, bronze. T • t t** * " ' = 8 *eda and bine, iris and Cheery Rag Rugs Linoleum Runners Ya p r/ ic . ot : $1.85 Llv:7sc 98cE*ach 69c Yard s ■ p . street floor, lansburgh a bro How quaint and homey they make So many people have been asking a room look! And these are of clear for them for ball or -lair use. These. * _ T \\r* i ct 1 colored rags, artfully combined. Sizes 24 inches wide, offer a most enticing '' IHUOW cMTdCICS 24x28. 25x52 and 18x56. array of colors and patterns. SOO tO 700 T DflV See the Stunning New | Coiffures for Spring Armstrong’s Printed Linoleum occurance here with Lur new Anto . matic W indow Shade Machine. It cuts. Ask for a special demon- opecial, Nquare 1 aru trims, turns tin* hem and tacks the stration in our Hair Goods Perfect quality, two yards w ide, brand-new patterns /X shades in almost no time w hile y-«n Department. Have one ot —a ,ld > ou know how it wears. Dress the kitchen up *J A ■ watch it. onr expert attendants show ,or Summer, you’ll find it a tar pleasanter place to cook M Speed its ~nl\ objective it ou I ° u cas J ' -' ( ? l ' can a [ in. Don’t stop there—brighten up other rooms, too. at M WWV cfticicncv and d<*ttne-s liring- t* * von range your hair differently /A'®6’AS , 1 . ** f wjth the help of a small ad- |S| special Monday price. . presence if arranged as onr Ruffled Voile Curtains PniV'h F ume it in operation' in onr Bth attendant shows you. It - \^|sl.29 Pair 3 UIUI Street workshop. ILs a miracle of wiU match perfectly, and Tie-backs included with them. Four . Kvc , n >f there still is a nip in the modern efficiency well worth your in tie no trouble at all to ad- prettiest* patterns to choose » air—Summer s not very far off. with spection. Inst secure a permit fnmi i ust from and every pair a full 2»4 vards its b, sun rays. Better liny the Contract Office. Fourth Floor. Special Tomorrow ' ' shade now. e.tkcr bro« ■■ ' Beautifully Waved Switches New Gay-Colored Cretonnes \d Ga \ p or ch Shades Slip Covers All Shades Excepting Gray Mvriads bird.- a„d tIS Sd, fe ->j>ouw u- or^i.«,« «• i«niu.c ®-5 QC blossoms and equally gay colored ‘ q* £ j ?Siiv'gnaraXda e .d "hsiaciion am conventional effects. Cretonnes ot 8 feet wide by 7 feet $7.65 rare beauty, 31 inches wide, excep- 9 feet wide by 7 feet • $8.65 -1 t i. r t v u j v I tional at the price. JO feet wide by 7 feet $9.65 Linens—Bsc and 90c vard. The Care of Your Hands. Your j 1 12 feet wide by 7 feet $10.65 Hair, Your Face, Is Our Specialty Fast-Color Curtain Fabrics Cottage Porch Shades Cretonnes—2Bc. 50c. 75c.* 85c anti Beauty Salon, Third Floor $1.25 \ ard 4 feet wide by 7 feet $.1.35 SI.OO. ' i Fine glos nets and voiles, for sum- 5 f eot wide by 7 feet $4.35 fifth floor, lansburgh a bro. mer draperies with soft summer 7 Ice! wide bv 7 till SI? colorings to choose from. All ot 8 Zidc by 7 feet!!!!!!!!!! .*!!!!! :»J5 Sanitas Breakfast Sets, $1.75 well and hold their color; JO feet wide by 7 feet Sis Removal 11 feet wide by 7 feet $10.35 . Attractive, washable sets that. prove a boon for Cretonne Window Drapes ; Announcement luncheon as well as morning use. $1.65 200 Awnings qq Gay combinations of colors and neat patterns and Girls who room can add a gay Extra Special . . - nmlaw . au i -•> . awn . choice of five large or thirteen smaller piece sets. touch of color 'economically—house- 200 fine stenciled khaki awnings, t' ul ”*=* 8, C *J K I, ou 1 Japanese Serfs and Lunch Cloth, the former 18x54 can sa X e both . timc a " d 111onc y* for window, or porch use. Service- an/Jfo-OtTJ wilV'c mL^al^in inches; lunch cloth 36 inches across. Attractive Japanese ? lost att . ract ’ ve co,onn ss s to . cboosc ab,e; only reduced because they [ agef ~ • . i ' * from, and each one a well made drape represent a broken lot. Sold as is; bue pnn p ’ with valance included. some without frames in larger sizes. * fifth floor annex THIRD FLOOR, LANSBURGH a BRO. FIFTH FLOOR, LANSBURGH A BRO. ADJOINING THE LUGGAGE SECTION