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All Goods in this * * Satisfact jl n First Since m 9 ■ Open a Charge ' Boys’ Spring I i£ffHSS&A sModelsSketched dHI HllfOlWM life Amm * Union S„i„ | i . l—" h NWiaUlol srsartstsss ? ayv....- where sold out on SJSj. \ V , b'3-w sible people. Wd have room tor ESS.H«IS?.I»”“t.‘ 18. Atoi j Monday. | MK 3E JL ■# 810418 Seventh Street w n , , ac . cc ""“ s ' | mi.,.. sm... [ | I Column' JIM J ISDreSS $1 AJS I | Burson Hose. 25c h : V'Y'J‘l ' ITI tHP SfOTP I I if = Women’s Split-sole Burson t U yj k||,|| / I/ / X i -A--*--*- A BB|l b*jd If T omens Onyx Hose BSh a ip/ \ \ J 350 Fascinating Spring Dresses, In All Sizes, 16 to 44 mJSLm. | _ Mercerized iSle Onyx Hose, t \\ i Isl a Host of the SeUSOHS Most FttVOVed Styles | V s\7!j T . $1 ; 00 >, , \ f I 111 Another one of those wonderful King’s* Palace opportunities—and it comes right at the time every woman | 1 Children s Gins Socks I <^4— j| J Wfappreciates a saving on a beautiful dress for now and for Kaster. Fashions of grace and distinction to appeal 1< I Derby ribbed tops, slight ir- f- : IT women who prefer quality and smart designing. Developed in— i "ebiar S . j pairs tor SI.(K). C l]l 2 '%|i, (T'(STd”'"Tto : " I CANTON CREPE SATIN I Double Extra Sue \ t BkwH:! I ::J mirnKNlT FLAT CREPE I Vests. 19c WVf V/ maUj(l) !?. ■4± B ' / RICOKNIT SATIN-FACED CREPE I I Vc'ir'itaht i??cTu^s' r (TAJ r :::& 1 . . TAFFETA CREPE DE CHINE I IVomen’s Knit Pants r| \ lltfeswdßi ROSHANARA GEORGETTB I , SOc . . | • ? \H 1 KcFj\l IWili'i 7 The style range permits every woman to gratify her own ideas of individuality. Straightlines, side drapes, panels, = Irregulars of 85c quality in l a * y i-., -li—v,, J Tj j ft!!! basque effects—spring novelties of certain appeal. Beaded, braided, embroidered, lace and ribbon trimmed, and with accordion = | extra and double extra sizes. 'IS- | L i I pleated sections. I i*!%SJ hi %-iL. T i lifl "I SEE WINDOW DISPLAY = styles in these excellent qual- a j. ‘A6 fI“ ' 31 ' ' I ' 1 I ity swrts. | j uMiy II I | | IJ Yes, There’s a Five Dollar Dress Sale, Too! Qj® j Childrens Socks, Fc ** fl Hundreds of the smart dresses that have been creating a selling sensation. In both youthful and & J s color I' CU Very shght’irregdars 0 Jr / \ ftj I conservative styles, of marigold, tricoplaid, Spanish lacc, wool checks, wool crepe, Poirot Twill, real 1 Women S Vests WAc 1/ W\ U linen, knitted crepe and tricoknit. W | Bodice Top Ribbed Vests 2 in 1/ VIF * Regular and Extra Sizes 16 to 50 In the Group = regular sizes. Slightly imperfect. Y s Womens Extra Size > 111 " 1 11 —■■-"■■ ■" ~ Union Suits, 59c gjjl □ Women's Rain or Shine El „ ~Ji*| I W X " New (> >%, QO I Wf 1 1 \ \ TDTMMrn U\ TC n I v: | Sale! Men’s English Q£ - 1 KIMMLU lIA 1 O | POjf T)F/?, 17c Broadcloth Shirts ■ New hats, new styles, a new standard of value-giving even for King's Palace. W j HINDS' HONEY & jy. f . . * Neckband Made to Sen for so.ooand $7.00 Milan Straw Coburg Milan Hemp Hair Hats Timbo Straw = ALMOND CREAM f’ 'ija W , Os superb quality silks, the Hats that rank first among the modes for now and for Easter. 'Cloches, sailors, pokes, mushrooms, off-the-face styles 5Sc Attached g y7| style. heavy weave that wears so f or women of every type, taste and personality. Trimmed with poppies, rows of flowers, wreaths, montures, flower cluster-. = | Handkerchiefs Collars *** French Cuffs feather novelties, ribbons, ostrich and silk drapings. Colors include Chinese blue, Chinese red, brown, navy, gray, copen, jade, | zz z 4 r .1 • *i r ct' i*ur> a1 ♦ u cases. BccLiitiful carved am- ulinoncl efreen, Scind, wood and white. = I «wf f Z ivorv-likc b.’ndles, Plemy of these beautiful hats-uo .natter how heavy.,he -selling-will be reserved in a complete range of styles tor govern- | = finished linen handkerchiefs, in or even less. Our object was to get genuine English “Broads” 111 rine > anc * stra P stales. merit employes who must shop trom 4.30 to 6 p.m. See window cispla\, # = = white and colors. of the finest quality possible to sell at this low figure. And cx- s , |oO sI r k i >trrfr i\s " , ■ = 10c Trimming Laces c«jtod even o.r a. the .tart, .-.a ««*«1 *u .a. $2.98 Cl AC I Imported Flowers Smart Sport j -T atl Our Men’s Store Is a Separate Section With a Separate ring 4a "2 fiC R| , •PI.T'V and \\ reaths, flat ef= QQ Hats in a host of <t | S,Q = Table of Cluny. Torchon and Entrance From Seventh Street U handles •Pk7»OC/ « Ulltnmmed Hats, sfvles = = Crochet Laces, some linen or • icci» J = mercerized. a™™ -^ —o.^“ = SIO.OO Hair Switches . , , -- | p $6.50 m SOc Sudan Imported i 24-inch First Quality Hair vCM AlB \ | 1 Tissue Gingham - Opening of Our N€W and Enlarged Third Floor = Switches, three separate stems, J 'VJ I | I -ssfirsss. D «T-| OALdV. 39c yard Upholstery and Rug Department | | 24-inch 3-stem Switches, in all ffilfe.. Id~W GG W fl Gmgham of superfine^quahty | shades t except grav XI. ICiOO»i fl. Us CX hcmXgarm/nts of distinction. * Success in building a department is the logical result of worthy qualities, superior sery -1 rimming Ktooons I- W ‘ ® • * n C^ICC * CS black and white, j ce ant j j ow prices, A few years ago we started this department in a modest way, and it HYiC Yard Ji'Jfr- PuF F® T"W TB HT I h reen and hlte i-* ed a blue Wh and grew so fast that extra space was really needed long before it was acquired. I plain r TOToTs ri 7^dl s ß rmi on plcm I—l ■ 1 |\/| |J wh^and^inlTand'’white' 3 Now the third floor has been rearranged so that our re-created department of rugs, = edges. 19c values. -j j Jfyj j J draperies and kindred lines ranks among the largest in the city, 5-lnch Ribbons M. M. A.l Come tomorrow and profit by the remarkable values we have provided for the opening. | 49c Yard f'!#% i| \ Sale of Wash (j ° ods I M^ r yd d c s ogi". R £ b r' ,n K 4i\ \ffl ItW r \\h v 1 Qc* xrarA inquire about our new deferred I girdles and other forms ol trim- iy4 I/1\ 1 VlllllVL I 1/V J dIU PAYMENT PLAN Npw Ffl<?tpr "h But Attractive Enough • for 25c 36-inch Percale. I $7.00 9x12 Stenciled Japanese 29c Yard-Wide 1 * -/Cl*. Ivl / k | \ // o j • _ • | 35c 32-inch Romper Cloth. t Tiynhcyv I Trimmings shopping, Outmg and P TOCC D 11( f c UQ 1 ? 18c Yard i Gencralrear Orass 8 1 SPANISH LACE, in all-overs W 5 i¥ ” % wear, m a wealth of popular = and flouncings, in black and col- -7/ M colorings and striped, figured Brand-new of cIo«:e texture —the kind that wears and 39c Cretonne I SZiJn*?' SZS0 m ‘ Qft ■ kll wears and weak and stays beautiful as long as it lasts. Stun-- = yard ciled in various attractive patterns of blue, brown and green. 25c Yard I = " ¥ I IW Ha A ¥ W Many of the smaller sizes listed below can be had to match 33 and 3R washable = 40-inch Georgette Crepe, a / Xurafitt > HH w /v t. , Cretonne, in a range of light = = close-woven, good quality * /\ * » HH the larger rugs. and dark figured and floral g 1 ' s2°«) h ’value blaCk COl ° rS ' I $6.00 Bxlo Stenciled £ Q C $3.00 54x90 Stenciled d* |QC "““I?' „ . , Est V At A iKIXi iff IJV Grass Rugs Grass Rugs SI. VO 75c Mercerized | $1.59 l3rU Ml HrA/jfrti $5.00 6x9 Stenciled (t') fIC 75c 25x48 Stenc i1 e d AQ r Curtain Madras I L 1 JmWM Sizes' 36 to 54 R “** 9 <irass R J 49c Yard I a „2 &sr .?SSSSr H -» ilß Mmmt Made by tme of the latest makers of //£/ ‘ 18x36 SUnc " ed “ C = wide, suitable to trim Cotton drCSSCS in this Country. Vui Yard wide I>,Uin col \’ rs ‘ | to 98c Yd. Becoming new styles in “Amos- Seconds of SI.OO / CC $1.75 Silk-Mixed I * rJi H t , n hw AD HALF !\ \ keag” and “Security” ging- Oil Opaque Window Shades OoL Drapery Madras I and ’combination d* | liMflkl I ham, in checks of all Colors. • wtff sJaw .. f . . , $1.25 Yard I colors. Each U fad] it { 'otfekA\ Supply the home with a new set of shades for spring 2T autlful range of color Bead ornaments are very de- W |gt j In quantity and quality this is one of at low cost. Dark green and tan. Imperfections are s ight. bTack°rose a*nd = I lSd b i e^ndS, M«^Sfn. le is the best sa,es we have ever held. “Klassie Real od opaque, nnd would cos, you SI.CIO .f absolutely M ' I colors— jjJL fl made” is a name that guarantees the high- . DAVCf - SI.OO Cocoa unot i 2 „V N c t H S ’ poJde?y WM JL est , d ? ree of and , workmanship, BUYS. Stenciled Table . Table Oilcloth Double town kind. I BfsV NC FLOUNC?N0 Ol sc. ER .a : feif and the most of styles. Every Get 3 LenOX Covers 59c ■ 25c Part/ “•“"‘t,,,,, i embroidered ruffle, fine AQr- 5W garment IS Warranted fast color, IS cut W A T /lIT P „„b. „ „V,™ s anita, and White and fancy tile patlerns. 2Sc Dufo OMotk g 3 Swiss, yard T-VC liberally full and shows needlework of ex- WAIGH Oilcloth Table Covers in light in excellent quality oilcloth; sec- Mats, 19c | Baby Yokes to match, Ceptional character. WllllOUt GOSt -d dark circular patterns. ends of 40c qual, _ ..rSSf fS i The new crystal buttons for iM • Only a purchase of this magnitude . rs ' c- 1,-// mirlnth 35c Curtain Marquisette . S trimming in 5 sizes— i, ' se |i ciirb excellent Utility With Every Y f lo \ 19cYard 10c Extension Curtain | 12i/ 2 c, 25c, 35c, SOc, 85c Mr fa f , J* fr ks for so little Note Aat both Remnants of 35c White Dotted Rods, 2 for 15c .Wooden Ball Buttons, black W IS Sri M tfOCkS lor S ? llttle - iNOte inai DOIH regU 'JjUlt St «fI)O.T7D Light and dark patterns in ex- Curtain Marquisette of fine, Heavy curved brass exten .3 and colors 3 sizes— V SJ li lar and stylish stout models are included. • .. cellent quality Shelf Oilcloth. sheer quality. sion rods. = | 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c Q 1 ' I Ot Mote | THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., MAKCH 30, 1924-PAHT 1. 13