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7 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Bfll ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ M ' a ■ | i I DOVAL I ’ H engraved plate, X fUtf I XJ iTI Um&r B vi\ Isi celluloid or Galalith. Values $!.00 to 53.00 each. ■ \\V «ill take orders f<>r 1"0 Calling Cards (in script jmm k Mmmrn. A| 75f* $1 (Ml ¥L3<*Vi ■ tjpc only), with plate, which remains yours, for Jl.So. # V 9 tjpAgVfvF Calais Royal—Main I'lonr, G and 11th Streets Service and Courtesy Established 1877 . Calais Hoyul—Main Floor, m H - - New Colgate ==::s=i=asßS:! * s:!!sa,,Bsa=!:!B^^*= “ =BSSß!! *^ =!^* s=raa> “* S!Mß^"Ml==i=aßSß== ™ a!SS!^ =: ■ | S\IF \' v "as"" Pre-Easter Silk Event Almost Unparalleled j : siik umi Mercerized jr... 4,000 Yds. Super-Quality Satin OQ : ■ “S" • 1 _ puff and mirror. This smart new JL f « : Lisle Socks Spiral Crepe and Satin Canton : ’l ■ h 2o ?'?- R F' l .l rly 75c pair ' rhe nCW drop golden gracing*" 4 " 16 ' " ,th dol,cat ' IT IT / . \ai tl ■ m i:itra strong "nd'duralfie m ‘a“*e /I Q„ This Is the Regular $4.49 Grade—on Sale Tomorrow,’ Monday, at ■ of six colors. Sizes 9 1 /. to 11 j/j. Creams and Lotions B All perfect. . joskin and \\’e firmly believe that nothing approaching this extraordinary sale would be well nigh impossible, and yet we frankly state that this n I'oiaN Kojui—Main door. .!"c Vanitas Benzoin Honey and value has been offered in Washington in years. It is almost incon- sale actually outpoints it, as the merchandise offered is the finest obtain JVf n,IIU ® ana Almond . . e . * r „ . r J r . - „ f p - } \¥T cream, bottle, ;Mr to present such an incomparable value. Seeing is believing, therefore garment at a clear saving ot Sl.aO on every yard* I nese two items at » a imams w ear at #O. £ n # Cold oream a * _ at,. The consensus of opinion of last .Monday’s silk offering at 52.00 Wild Rose. Silver, Zinc, Beige, Fallow, Sandalwood. Cocoa. Tanbark, B m Special Prices £oi* V “ L^ <l ,jU,rJ wa> that the value was truly remarkable, and to eclipse this unusual Tobacco, Oak wood, Marine, Navy and Black. set window oi»pin>. B ■ Monday Hri* —*s: Other Silk Items That Should Prove of Particular Interest Are: ■ f-y ||, * / I j | 1 Domino Freckle Cream at *»«■ B 8 Selling ~ Ifc-JLJ Yard-Wide Wash Radium .. ~ . = Woven Striped II An • S " fiO T 4 Mr? - Coon’s Creams, jar, no, Alpaca BrOCadeS OI GIOS r» , , J «p| VIM ■ ■ Depilatories —in checks and stripes, with IA Q Are the Vogue for Spring. fa-m yard, B 0 sj.oo Zip at *4."-, white background. .Special- Priced at. vard. I Now so fashionable for spring and summer m _ V V »/ n<- Miracle, .vt<- and m>< ly priced— * dresses. Bemns* Wonderst sa *‘ We are showing a variety of styles, these high B 3 Mando! OIU er oen - Printed Fabrics—We also direct your interest to luster brocades make into stunning garments, the PI *IT A’ I W P • ■ , X-Bazi’n French Depilatory, tr.e tl ie wonderful assortment of Printed Fabrics, al- following colors are shown; Beige, silver, almond r'iaid lan eta and Warp Print a Dainty Coats for the tiny Infants’ Long and Short Wood’s Depilatory, ;t»e most every conceivable style is showm, from the green, sandalwood, tile, pitch pine, Mohawk. “Havana, Taffetas and Soie de Luxe B a tot of 6 months to J years. Dresses of line nainsook, all > * eet at small unobtrusive patterns to the brilliant sharp cocoa, navy and black. —are amongst the new silks for spring. Shown in ■ made ot heavy thread crepe handmade, with French i*aiai» Royal—Main Floor. contrasts so extensively used for scarfs, including .. both dark and light colors. ■ r *e chine, in white, pink and knots and hand work, in Roman stripes. Prices range from— V,l*Cpp B a Muc - Attractive styles with dainty colors. Bishop style. Wc have just received fully 50 shades of the There are many other items that space are- B » imported mu **. S249toS 4 49 Yd $1.98 “f- ** n interlining. Special— F* $2.93 to $6 30 ejf I" Hr * S X Vl# ■ An excellent quality. Yard. visiting our Silk Section tomorrow'. Monday. B ■ _ *r B r\c i> i ■ ,■* , *» ' asm...— i... ■a , i ,as 711 „ c Palais Royal—Sororui Floor. d» • W Os Moire, Pekin, striped and ' ® «P I If I other fancy silks. Richly lined, ■ 51 V/ fitted with purse and mirror. _ _ .. Covered or engraved metal * " Ten Styles of Cute little n Flannelette frames. Many dainty styles. , ■ _ _ B • W40&4 Woolen Goods—Remarkable Values : B rnbro.dcry tucking and rib- vvilh colored crochet edge 1 1 ar f c assortment ot frame T¥ M. KS ■ m Don tnnmied, with wide ties. * ? n d drawstring styles. Many wmt beautiful combinations of high- \U-Wool Flannel “ 7 54-lnch All-Wool \ iA V I $ 1 f\t\ Si If* floral and orienul designs 0 sl ’ 49 to $3 ’ 49 Ydni Another Shipment Just Unpacked of ChoiCU Velour Skirtings. 54.49 1 Cl. " 3 Silk lined and fitted S * , t°h h t h r^ kß H and »i str pf“n h 54-Inch All-Wool Jersey .. _ ■ a Paiaii* Royal—Main Floor. neU botl^width“ Ckßr d Also PUin *“ lan ‘ A $2.00 value. Showing 15 of the lead- CT These are shown in a great variety of B Palais Royal—Third Floor. neis. uotn mmn- ing shades. f st > les an d color combinations in checks, H 54-1 neh Cheek Homespun. $1.98 Yard 4 j? ra i That Vn.i SonM \nt I J stripes and plaids. We also include at this ■ 13 • One of the most rugged fabrics for knock- A Heal Bargain 1 hat lou Sould .>ot ■ price brushed wool plaids and plain, these . about we » r , These are shown in attractive Miss. V, c Also Include ■ Ya«l plaids are shown in the following color ~ ~—' ' ■ 1 " ~ 1 = .pr ng ,-o oring.-. All-Wool Crepes combinations: Black and white, brown and ■ II m r r T — T « ar w J 54-lnch Hairline Twill Cord. $4.49 Yard ROOD yards; a fine-texture material; this , tan, tan and brown, and in the plain tan. ■ w il it \ Sih Hhf I T PI /f CIT HP Just received. In bla.k and white, blue a '*V c , ome3 m the most practical Spring gray and white. This is an ideal fabric “ L " JLe V> JL-J M. M. VV> M M xM. tjy JLi and white: in great demand for the tailored s>naa..e. £ or j a cquettes and capes. ■ 13 Buit ‘ ——- - ■ - Palais Iloyal—Seoond Floor. • W ® a^er ®’ 50,000 Yards New Spring Cotton Goods : . Suits and Knitted ~ £ , , ~ , „ . : 1 „ L"* Monday at ISotably Low Prices ; 9 IJ! fly ) \ fj Grcat preparations have been made for the coming season. The host selling styles have been selected from America’s leading manufacturers and many European * B nrZ- 1 Pa ' novelties arc included in onr wonderful showing. With the spring and summer ahead, you will profit bv making selections now. while assortments arc complete " • We are fortunate to be able to offer you these Sweat- TO/ °‘' ,CadCr3 "" be P ° PU,ar in price as well as style * First of all we wish to direct > our attcntion to °" c of **** Bcccei • a ers, Sweater Suits and Dresses right now at a time nilU ” ■ when they are so much in demand. You are fortunate ' Here is another item that will lllinorlefl ’mil ■ to secure one of these smart garments at suclj an ex- crea te a furore. It's an TW ARMFTTF VOIT F . . tremely low price. If you see them you will buy them. r AIIC viimiiiTtij i ILi ’ VflLilj American liatllies ■ I allies 53.95, $3.00 m Embroidered Blouse Pattern (It s Printed) gs c \arcl s ■ ■ $5.95,56.95,57.9s $ F.yoW% d.x Dress Voile at ""t*?Ff P*** I ■ and $8.93 X T last Monday at /cc each. The response was > / | color coyibinafions. n Ht IhlUhil I \\\ instantaneous, snch enthusiam was displayed i A/ . ■ • m BroSnirLwV -W j - ■« that wc were compelled to telegraph for X 0 U Anti Still !\eic One B I ml Ml UMp Y Q|*r| more, fortunately they arrived in time for • Each Imported CrVStal B 5 Style. Materials i'ilifiml 70t lat U Monday's ..lljng. n«. ee < ■ Pull-over Mohair ’ll@l ' M||&|tij» Wll O AAn C rail e «■ , Ui. (-S8 *4 t Jit Chappie Glos (Fiber Silkj and Mohair 'IXS sl| WE i]illrttrP Hi iill Looks to be worth a great deal more. S.UUU Ot 1 IlPlll lOl* Monday a~u 'V mm J ■ B . a ivai my The) . a „ s „ e „,. lymad , The „ issofficit „ t(oriM i (ei : neach sj[ 20 Yard _ Jacquette Plain Knu and Glos (Fiber Silk) Borders | liS& wh,te - The colors are extremely spring- length. They are advertised as the “Jiffy-Made Blouse,” as it takes c n T .. . •, ■ " u , rr ■ BIHImII UtuEfil od like, as peach, salmon, almond green, rose. so short a time to make one. Illustrated card given with each pur- bilk and cotton construction. Ihe silk ■ Bouclette Tnmmmgs lUBBI CSESE t.ngorine. copsn. brown, lav.ndsr, navy chase. See onr Window Display. P “ S'Fprieed' " M thTmT'lighl B The colors are Buff. Apple Green. Blue, Black and I and black. ——shades are shown. B White, Gold, Canary and various shades of Brown. , B For Women and Misses. Three models illustrated. | Then There Are Other Thcwumds of Yards of ■ 8 ~ French Heather E Ponge and Fine Printed Voiles and Flock Dotted Voiles Sturdy Oblong Check Prunella and ■ " Tbp V T lUnminated Ratme Check Vo.le Prices R mfe From • Waffle, Check Suiting a ■ S BX® a ~ IM ~ B 11 Bill W aw' — are amongst the newest creations. The splcn- Resembles fine woolens. These are shown in " B did color range is a feature of “■ Q/\ practical color combinations. In fact fm B these attractive materials. Spc- IVr X dl CJi there is an almost endless variety to * f. B X cially priced at, yard, choose from. Yard, n I I Make into fascinating dresses. r You Cannot Afford to Overlook the Specials Offered for Monday’s Selling m ■ AV „ P*ui* Royal— Second Floor. : Am Mh. m 1Q.95 : : nli bhV O , . : 111® mift'r r—«,«— ia, % m E D “ , r h r I Clearance Sale of Real Unens ’ 1W MW **sasr Jssstwio h«, : J fffl ] A (l/TTTrT C , inches wide. Regularly $2.50 and $2.75. ' VIH l'H I i Cm. ■ r -tnartest Style All-wool Qtyoriol at All stamped on beautiful quality meadow bleached white Irish linen. Lunch awl (Si I ' I'm •' I Novelty Silk —also Mo- opec C Cloths,, 36 inches and 4 Napkins, 12 inches. Stamped Scarfs, with very slight im- B iM I I hair and Glos (Fiber c . NoJoaooL perfections in stamping. Table Runners, stamped on cream Belgian linen. Large - I J 11 I I I Silk) combined. One and oOSine OF Japanese IMainSOOK s j ze Towels, at less than cost of material. J AI!; j | 'WO piece models. At- Highly mercerized, wonderful soft <9 A Q Regular $1 and $1.25 Z.A., Slamneil Nankins nill! 11 tractive collars. Some are quality for lingerie. 36 inches wide, 10 ♦O.'JO Towel!, at OVC Oiampea IVapKms ■ l\g!;| Cr7a. yards to box. Regular $4.50 value- Regular $1.25 and $1.50 OQ c $4.50 Dozen ' ■ IK ! ! § I 1 11 I) Tans, Gold, Browns, in 59c English Batiste Table Runners and Scarfs, at Z7 Nr B " I r F | solid colors or combined ® $2 50 and $3 Lunch Pretty Madeira designs for solid or \l \1 I ) \\ with novelty designs. Fine and sheer quality, white mercer- \|| Cloths and Luncheon Sets, «JpX#«3U eyelet embroidery 13x13 inches with ys - | O - h\ \$ ized silk-like finish. 44 inches wide I Palais R®r*|—sewmd Floor. ■ ■ . ■ j ■' fl ■ " \ □b■ ■■ x m.M >«■«■■■■■■■■ ii ■ ■ iiiuiiiiii mmm b»jui.« » • ■■. bb-XX-B-X-bx* b.xjxxxlb.b.xx.b b.b xb.x b.b bb.x b i-xi-ixi bxi biib m x*x-« THE {SUNDAY STAii, WASHINGTON, D. G. MARCH 30,' 1924-HAKT L