OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, March 31, 1924, Image 19

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1924-03-31/ed-1/seq-19/

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* Long and Short Kimonos A _ a _ rr K nr d\ o i a i ■
m <>io *• j j b'd ci |l jAk if | I (Jut second liinual ■
* yflL jA, In w/A Ld Sale "' R «f hi * h ™ :
I l» ]H% - V=!/ H and Shrubbery h ;
9 Long Kimonos, $2.98 to $5.00 JSo tV 111 PtO l * TCSS >
B PnlaU Royal—Third Floor.
G and 11th Streets Service and Courtesy Established 1877 ** ■
■ ‘ ■
■ Several Important Purchases Now Culminate in j^ n Important Presentation and Sale of |
“ This Extremely Important !
i April Sale of Toilet * Spring Coats |
I gg) Accessories < iapes and Suits ;
41 A really wonderful assortment of Imitation Ivory,. Demi Shell and __ 'PSSk
a /T ” )J Two-toned Toilet Articles. All perfect—suitable for Easter Gifts, in- fIHBCw U* """
* eluding- several items from our regular stock. Consisting of the fol- ■
■ Hair Brushes, sale price, $1.50, $1.95 and $2.50
’.* Mirrors with regulation handles, sale price, $1.50, $1.95 and $2.50 & ißb9r9
* Ur $- to $--95 Powder Boxes and Hair Receivers, sale price, $1.50 The Smartest of Straightline Coats , $29.75 Mr
- ■ $ 2, $ 2 - 25 a . nd $ 2 - 50 Perfume Sets of 2 ’ 3 and 4 bottles in holder, at, \\ The Newest Silk and Satin Capes , $29.75 it B
" /C- j, sale price each SIOO \\ HraS 7V;e Mannish Cut and Suits, $29.75 ■
Z ?|.50 52 Powder Boxes and Hair Receivers, sale price, each, SI.OO COPIES OF IMPORTED COATS IX THE CAPE COAT, with 9BB&. ■
— —Sl.oO Cuticle Scissors, each, 59c u the flare sleeves; in black and white. At $29.75. ■
SI.OO Manicure Pieces in two-toned and imitation shell, sale price. 29c Other models with the military collar and bell sleeves. B
a t£t‘ m 52.00 Pincushions, sale price, SI.OO iMW Goats expressing every new feature of Spring style, in the fashion- W**s^W
■ $1.50 Perfume Sets, sale price, SI.OO twills. Coats for the larger won»n, as well as for the B
H rp .i IT- p * D J , D At . mj , Ihe masculine cat is much favored in the Taillcurs. Trim, jaunty mod'els. straightline and mannish
toilet Waters r ace Powders and Rouges Manicure Needs 1 come in single and double breasted models in models. Correct lines, smart finishings and distinctiv il H
Flexible Nail Files, sizes 4, UvilLs and hairlines. One, two and three button fronts. details. You cannot fail to find the particular style / I S
B $2.35 Size Fiver's Azurea Flo- Imported and Domestic 4 y 2% 5, 6 and 7 inches long, ■ : 529 ’ 75 * you are seeking. At $29.75. Lj \ B
■ ramye and Letrefle Toilet _ each, 12c Paiai* Ror.i-Ti.ini » «
Waters, sl.<is $1.25 size Coty’s Face Powder at 69c 89c Cuticle Scissors, good g=^==s==^^===^s^=== =======»=========^========= ======= ? BMll * ®
* $125 Bourjois Manon Lescaut Face Powder at 95c qualitj-. guaranteed, pair, 63c B
■ ~?1 ; 5 0 lar - V Garden To SI.OO Azurea Face Powder at 69c . 35c Cutex Liquid Nail Pol
_ Water at 95c I. „„ .. „ ish. cives brilliant polish. ■
■ SI.OO Mary Garden Face Powder. /3c bott i e . b 25c SoHnS WPisht P ' ~r- .
■ $1.25 Pinaud’s Lilac and Vio- 75c Roger & Gallet’s Face Powder, 65c 35c Mirror Nail Polish. “ s # O f Q. . 1 | /Y |•.
lette Vegetal, bottle, 89c 50c Djer Kiss Face Powder at 37c box. !■« Knitted I ndertCCOr 1 IIP LmCIICT tSOTI OT Ol \IC (111(1 (JlKlllt V B
V * _ 50c Jardin de Rose Face Powder at 32c 39c. 45c and 69c VVooden- • *■' t, ■
■ 95c Bromley’s Old English SI.OO Dorin's Compacts, gilt boxes, with puff and back Nail Buffers, with re- yju \lPrflilp TT T a M
_ Lavender Water, bottle, 39c mirror, at 50c movable chamois, at WUIUCUB IfICIUUV ■ g • ______ XJ ■
50c Dorm's Compact Rouge, including 1924. in gilt r9 c r f 5 *-' ■ nd 50c W n )(o I |
■ sl.cO Fiver’s \ cgetal, as- boxes, with puff and mirror, at 35c 2jc Steel Cuticle lusher;, UIIIUII ollllS iJIL l/JL ■i i ■ 1111 /I 1
_ sorted odors, bottle, $1.09 50c Roger & Gallefs Compacts, in metal boxes, each, 35c at 18c "
* Regular and Extra Specially Priced * iAQ ■
S- - Soaps for ToUet or Bath 50c Tooth For Tuesday. \
Untrimmed Hats of fine quality hemp. Also a number of Hair ■
® Life Buoy Soap, 6 cakes, 33c J II W an< l Milan Hats for Women. Misses and Matrons. All sizes—all ■
■ 5c Ivory Toilet Soap, guest size. 12 cakes, 45c - W • v-r shapes. All the new. desirable colors. B
■ 10c Jergcn's Transparent Glycerine Soap. 12 cakes, 78c \\ ~ .
M Isc Genuine Imported Castile Soap, 3 cakes. 27 c » Kxceptiona y u e Merode Suit ' low mrk- nnH 1 ® *
b <*jt***'*™*-''•****to"™-^^ rrc Also irimmings :
■ 20c Roger &• Gallet’s Amandes Soap, 6 cakes in tin box, 95c 1 V'>\\ *> x different colored J l, R_ s . , er an T ’ ( : r *
a 25c 4711 Bath Tablets, large size cakes, assorted odors. j handles. Each brush s igi 'ncc, um re ,t Sno rial ~■ M *
* 6 for SI2S 1 .guaranteed. All packed and closed suits. White and Special e I |I |
* 19c Wrisley Tub Soap, assorted odors, 6 cakes, 89c | ” I( bvidual boxes. pink. tOr Tuesday, I I—
■ 25c Palmer's Skin Success Soap. 3 cakes, 59c | ® JL
■ 25c Vanitas Bath Powder, softens and perfumes the water. v / Semi-wreaths and dainty chiffon flowers, a variety of fruits and "
■ )o ' x '-,- . . ... . . r . . . . . , 18c \ \A'te j Women’s Merode 'A*&SjSsS± other trimmings. All at a special price of $1.49. ■
2.sc bottle Wood \ iclct Ammonia, large bottles, IBc \ V ° inciwic k 1 / B
i Three Brush Specials r VlKk. NeW Ready-tO-Weaf HatS J
69c Cloth Brushes, wooden backs, black bristles, each, 45c 1! f J y I j [j A Specially Priced & P*
■ -^ati.ii Us hc S , ,vUh long cu’ved adjustable handi., «. #r| Mr| a
19 25c Nail Brushes, assorted styles, each, 19c weight, loav neck, J fW ♦ J
B ratals Royal—Main pqoor. ribbed; tailored and bodice Women’s, Misses’ and Matrons’ Hats, in medium and small size.-.;
a Paiain Rnyni—Main Floor. tops. Kegular and extra some handed, others silk draoed in black and colors
■ — 1 —■■■—■ -■■ ■■■' ' ■ " ■■' '■ ■ ? ""- 1— 1 '■* ■ ■■■ ■» in .... i ■ ■■ .i sizes ■
■ ■ Palau Royal—Mala Floor. - » Palai * “»?l-Srron.M-Innir^
ra A Very Extraordinary Purchase and '
W TLi>i*n in Real Values in These m
& CA “I f* im/r • “I 9) 1 Ihe Palais Royal, Famous tor Its Values in Furniture Specials E
: Sale ot 150 Maids and r Hmiery ' r rr* n “ Ke " :
■ * Economy Special m I
t Nurses’ Uniforms J^T , *£? ftF ” l,io,, * d 1 ■ |
Regular t 2.98 to $7.00 Values HoglCry JL \
Our Very Special Sale Price w ~““ h $Ug ' U adm,xtu ™ of fiber - Jt . S' ■
J IT , W omen with an eye to economy will appreciate these hose. Good medium weight. ■
» Made of pure Japan Silk, combined with just enough fiber to assure wear. Full-sash- B
yffv mgg ioned hack, without a seam on the sole. The tor is knitted into shape and heel is 42* O • ■
III* L M \ strongly reinforced. Not a scam to irritate the most sensitive feet. They fit like a cMHUIIOIIS oaSSlliet
■ I glove and retain their You will find they give unusually satisfactory wear. All *
■r b ■ ■ ttk tl ie new and staple colors. First quality. In the following- colors: Ivory finish; inclosed in wire net- ■
S If a a W % W mW7 1 _ , ~ . _ ting; complete with _
T* ~ French Nude Pqach White ~ Thrush soft mattress. For "1 /T 4Y r*
W ■ riBpSI Lariot Banana Beach' Gray KS n „ 0 \ t out,ioor ■
/ j -A l\ \S|2 ' Dawn ' Tan AirJale * Beige ,
I I Fiber tIO AP “
Prepare for the summer now in this sale, fe' 'MTW aot-' P "lta- W "™ en^ port S “ k Hose ift “I QCT Stroller/1"-"*) ’
Included are models in White, Black and Grav. ol /Bj 1 K ,„' k s P o r , a H er ,e ”* 011 al 9? I Closely woven: with tubu- a
, # 1 - ! j «/ Womens Silk Sport Hose nt nearly half price. All perfect Roods. ■ i T j* i i
Straight line or waist models. All of the finest mj 1 | w T^on% r d S c p oVo n r e 'Vi ifnf e ° ot E
■ 1 materials, the same as used in our most ex- -j J|. and t L c ray Btr,ped - Somc have the Paris c!ocks - blue. ®
■ Specializing in Vnu pensive stock models. There are very slight IVI m ■ Baby carriages, strollers and
I TLJT S' factory imperfections, such as a soiled spot—a l||| A Large Variety of Other Silk Hose "
jor mat , ’ little pm hole or an uneven seam, make them , I\\ W Full-fashioned Thread SilkHosc, black, white and all the Reason’s newest J | i 1 $750 to rffcZ" - ■
* Matrons and Domes- r , . - , J . ■ \IP W spring shades. Onyx Pomtex. Kayscr Slipper Heel. Palais Roval Special, Van “ I Mil $45.00. JhO tH
■ tics Complete size* factory imperfections, and do not pass the 1 Ra^ lte ’ A lso Pointex Chiffon Siik Hosc a:,d the Xon - Run Garter * t0 P sale price, H
and assortments. examiner. Almost every size up to 46. w chiffon sdk Hose. p.iai. Ro,ai_M.t ß pi«. r . H
PalaU Rot*]—Thlri Flow. pr t ' ——MBMa i„. - Palais Royal—Fourth Floor.
m. _ n
aaii ■■ ■■ ■■■>>■■■■>■>>■■■»■■■■■«■■■■■■ «■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ B

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