14 MOVETO DISMISS MELLON ISTABLEOi , i ~ ! McKellar Resolution Calen- | dared by Senate —Opposed by Party Leaders. ' The MtKellar resolution, seeking to | ouNt Secretary Mellon of the Treas- | ury Department on technical legal ' grounds, has been consigned to the f"-nate calendar, where, it is expected, ii will be allowed to sleep perma nently, unless there should be a change 01 heart on the part of the democratic j leaders of the Senate. The resolution, which was intro- j dueed by Senator McKellar of Ten- ! ne. -ee, demoi rat. Friday, came up j automatically in the Senate yester- . day and was discussed for the better part of two hours. i It was vigorously attacked by Sen- j alor Heed of Pennsylvania, republi- | • n. ami oiner lepubiican senators.! No voice was lifted in its support ex- I ■ id that of Senator McKellar. While ) :ue debate was continuing on the j Boor of the Senate d. moeratic sen- i aiors gathered in groups in the cor- ! ridors and cloak rooms to discuss j what should be done regarding the resolution. The general opinion was the resolution was a mistake. Senator McKellar denied any plan for withdrawing his resolution later, but added he did not know when he I would attempt to bring it up for a j vote again. L'mier the rules it can ! < nly be taken up by unanimous eon- j sent or by a vote of the Senate. , When the resolution (juestioning 1 Mr. Me I lon's legal qualifications 1 ■ ame up for debate the repub- j lican organization directed a vig- j orous nr<- against it. while d< mo- i • ■ratio chieftains went into a series of | conferences on the wisdom of recog- , ui/.tng (he resolution as a party I measure. j Itoliinson in Disclaimer. Senator Robinson of Arkansas, rc- ! turning to Washington after an ah- i unci' of several days, immediately j disclaimed responsibility for the move j to have the Secretary of the Treas- ! ury's business connections inquired | into, initiated last Friday by Senator j McKellar. democrat, Tennessee. I There plainly was a difference of j opinion among the democrats as to j the expediency of keeping the McKel- j lar resolution ahead of pressing legis- j lation as a subject of Senate discus sion. Senator Robinson, who said the | resolution had been introduced with- j out his knowledge, quickly canvassed' sentiment on the democratic side. , while Senator Reed, republican, Penn- | -ylvania, was telling the Senate that ] Mr. Mellon had assumed oflice after j he had been assured by the late j Philander C. Knox and other legal 1 authorities that there was no barrier, j * Entire Town for Sale. - ALEXANDRIA. La., April I.—The entire town of McN'ary, La., at one ! time boasting a population of 1.200, [ is for sale. The lumber company's j sawmill which gave employment to j most of the male residents of the I town has been moved and the town, j with its 42:t houses, is to be placed on j the auction block. I 5 imTHTTiitTirnuiiiiiiiiniaiiiiiiiiiTii J ■ ■ ■ gj i o Remove Offending Hair Superfluous! hair is so dLtigur- , i ng and ;■ • unnecessary 1 All you 1 need do is ipn ad a rust paste of ; I Lcl-a-tono ever the offending 1 | growth. U'ach off and beheld youi : | kin smooth and dainty! A safe, cientific preparation in use for 14 ; • years, made by Shellie'd I'harma- ) I ai Co., 536 Lake Shore Drive, j j Chicago. At all drug stores or | j sent prepaid in plain wrapper for ore dollar. DEL-A-TONE I i Removes Siip;rflioiis Hair Advert . :m nt. j] AH is not EBONITE that [l ■ j If you want the only true ? *Z lubricant for the transmis- i 1 ■3 sion or differentia! gears of 11 •3 your motor car or truck, l! j !■ “see what you get.” Insist i N upon getting EBONITE, ‘| lj as recommended by auto- ji i P Solti by reliable dealers Jl l[j in five-pnnntl « in- and at * | ! ,1 :i|i|-oii Ini • ;ti in stations l| ' | l.ns nl de* ign pump and l| 1 1.1*0 Mil; lln* \« Rival— i! Cleans Silk, Satin or Kid Slippers When they are soiled “Lesco” them. “Lcsco” cleans quickly and perfectly and i leaves kid soft and pliable as > when new. “Lesco” cleans all kinds of stains from all kinds jof material. You'll never be without it once you try it. Leave* Vn Ring—\o Odor fitly It in llnudy Size Rottles PEOPLES DRUG STORES, Inc. “ALL OVER TOWN” i ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ n ■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■£!■■■■■■ ■ “ Palms Doval I Main Hoar q gj* Sts—Service and Courtesy—Established 1877 ■ I MEN! An Extra ordinary Event! : ■ k Hundreds of 3 Young Meii’s 3 Spring and Summer 3 2-Trouser : SUITS j Os Excellent Quality at the ■ Remarkably Low Price of * $11.50 I Actual 542.50 to SSO Grades ■ icily all-wool suits, new spring patterns and newest *i g coats, blunt vests and new style trousers. , essential details. Blues, grays, browns, solid colors, new * die weaves and smart mixtures. Materials, Sunproof Blue ■ rsteds. Velours. Cheviots, Cassimeres, Long-wearing ■ ; in Regulars. Stouts. Longs and Shorts. Every" suit with B erably les- than single-trousers suits of equal quality arc B j p* _ Conservative Topcoats 3 ;34.«>0 i Eery Special )() * of fine im- I ahie nt ■ varmth with- Tailored of fine all-wool dark gray g and herring- unfinished worsteds, in the always ; :-lincd yokes popular Chesterfield models. 44 ' Sizes in Regulars and Stouts » Palais Royal—Men's Shop—Main Floor. ® A Man’s Size Sale of 900 : W oven and Printed Madras : ' ■ Men's Athletic A • "1 • u Union Suits 69c ' Os checked nainsook and striped or plaid | //// ■ madras; sleeveless and knee length; all per- i //////// a\Vv t g feet. Full standard sizes, 34 to 46. j // g English Broadcloth \ TT/ a I ■ : Union Sail. JW■ At I* 1 ’ *1.55 | J_ j Made of the genuine imported broadcloth, ■ sleeveless and knee length. Slight oil spots. which in no way hurt their wearing qualities. // Dp/,# e r ■ Sizes 34 to 40. j T akmg advantage of a manufac- B turer ’ s nec( l ot “cash,” we secured B Men’s 75e Spring %. this lot of 900 shirts * All are wcll ■ 17 • ii jm. k/// made, cut full and perfect fitting- ■ Four-In-Hand Ties not the regular sale shirts usually \ 3 1* d* -| Q'U. / offered at this price. Five-button * tor JL ''JSf coat style, with soft turn-back cuffs m and guaranteed non-shrinkable neck- / g About 300—showing a good variety of all c. n J c V-m ctrinpu in fact rolrvrc ■ this spring’s choice colors. Plain designs. bands. Neat stripes in last colors. ■ All with slip-easy bands. Si/CS 14 to 17. * ' Pnlni* Unyill—Men’s Shop—Main Floor. g — ■ ■ Pre-Easter Spring Offering | Notable Values in Boys 9 Clothing of Guaranteed De - " pendable Quality 9 Substantial Saving at Every Price ■ Pam' Suils. $7.95 fsSSSZ $9.95 fZSz $12.75- j Sturdy all-wool cheviots and Usual $12.50 grades. Excellently All-wool tweeds, cheviots and \ ® tweeds, durably tailored. Both tailored of all-wool fabrics, in and l one pMc ° knickers full lined. A real ,ghtl n ? cd,Ul " and dark shades. x „ knickers. Also many /Wf " Coats alpaca lined. Both knickers with belts to match, sizes o to / M* / g 59.9 S value, bizes /to 17. lined. Sizes 7to 18. 20. Usual sls to $17.50 values ■'¥‘ TWk m Boy*’ II inrhor-sr ratio Sait*, all with two pairs of trousers’, of all-wool imported g and domestic woolens in new overplaids, stripes fil C dtl 1 ? Cfk 609 '^ocfc'A-^PSeII Sk r M and smart mixtures. Sizes 8 to 20 lO > mm g Utile Boys’ CA Little Bovs’ » A " 2-Pant Suit#. filue §er^ e Suitg " Junior Norfolk Suits, or all-wool tweeds, in Regular $8.95 grades. A special purchase W .....pane™ straight pants full lined. Bf 3 All have white collar and \cstee. Sizes sto Button-on style, with sailor collar. Sizes 3 — Palais Royal— Boys' Shop—Mala Floor. g ■ >■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■Karz^zzzzzaczszssaaEaßic zz a 2 c THE EVENING {STAB, WASHINGTON, D. C M TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1924. • : * 1 Jli LL nSw n ■ ■ (j and 11th Sts. Service and Courtesy Established 1877 ■ ■ ■ B Proving That Good Clothes of Real " ■ Quality Costs Less at The Palais Royal ■ J Five Groups of Dresses | * Featured for W ednesday—Mew Arrival JJ : *16.75, *19.75, *25.00 \ : 'III n *35.00, *45.00 I t \*l fft / FLANNEL DRESSES —A favorite dress for early spring, for busi- M B i \ lUI i \ ness, for sports. In the straightline silhouette, in all the brilliant spring A ol i g 3 i iftm colors—Jade, Rose, Lanvin, Orange, Powder Blue and Stripes, with the B IWI lj|! | black patent leather belt piped in white, with contrasting piping on ■ B If | co^ars an 1 Plaid Glos (fiber silk) and Wool one-piece straightline belted models. _ /I® : 4; at $16.75. 9 j jl BROADCLOTH SILKS—The newest Wash Silk, in charming one- B fij < jIII 'j H piece tailored models, with the new boyish collar and tie. In a variety B _ MMI of colors and checks. At $16.75. * j j I | | SILK DRESSES —For day-time wear. In all the spring silks, printed * //Ilf silks and roshanara. Brown. Black, Powder Blue. Lanvin Green, in the B ■ 1 I / I I I latest models. Some with the pleated apron front'-. Unusually attrac- B I'll ill l/l I' • I live for the business woman or miss. The utmost simplicity in some |B ;J/ 111 Jj WmJ others, elaborately pleated and trimmed. At $19.75. B ■ jt'-J. j B v j I i For Sports—Daytime and Afternoon a i Group of Unusual Dresses . Specially Selected a a •> 3 At S2SMO m B Os Roshanara Crepes. Flat Crepes. Faille Silk. Pleated Crepe-, Beaded and Embroidered B Dresses —of crepes and printed crepes. Embroidered mohair —the much desired new spring ■ material. Palai* Royal—Third Flour. B ■ - ■ ■ ~ ■ | Pre-Easter Sale of Gloves I * Extraordinary |-J 39 \ a \ (dues at I . ■ a -A- I* air s ■ Imported Real Kid Glov # es, "lace kid, 2-clasp, Paris-point stitch ■ in", in tan. white, gill-black and black with white stitching and sew * ing. Full line of sizes. * Early showing of Fong Silk Gloves —16-button length. Pure ■ Silk Gloves, double tipped, Paris-point stitching, in the new colors of cocoa, pyramid, piping rock, silver moon. French gray, black and wllltC. I’abis RoTal—Main I'lmr. ■ - ■■ ■ * ==- ■ ■ » * 7VT |A W J IT 4 npi O Featuring Adaptations of lm -2 11 Jli W JlXijL X ports and Exclusive De.'.fgn*, at m I m*? *12.50 j B The most attractive hats have been fa-hioned of the a ' new Canton Crepes. Hemp>, Milan, in Cloche stylos. Poke B styles. Off-the-face styles. Tricorn and Side-roll styles 1 I Flowers always give a spring-like air to a hat. B , Fancy feathers are also used in the smartly trimmed B 'wG ■'» i'L.Tljs i^^V~ 4 . iiats. burnt peacock ribbon and other ornaments. Clever '• combinations of the spring dolors have been used, and ! h iSsHirist,, r there are many of the black hats so much in demand. ■ B * : '”*7 \ For women and misses, designed for all occasions. B JJ X.. New Spring Sports Hats at S 5 ■ !■ Choosing a sport hat to go with the new sport costume will not be found diffi ■ cult, because of the large assortment from which to make your selection. Sports Hats ■ for women, misses and matrons, in hemp, Milans and fancy braids. Black and all the 0 " popular colors. . _ . ... m lto>nl—Second Moor. ■ ■ B B I Reduce Waist and Hips " ■ Quickly With New Girdle | “ ■ This triumph of scientific cor- /fg) m b set ing gives you at once the slim, hi | b ;■ straight boyish lines you want ' , A * and the vogue demands! It ae- B * tually slenderizes your figure , A \. | a a the moment you put it on — 9 11 t .1 • I*l 4- ‘KG •| Q 1 m ■ makes you look thin while get ;b ting thin. With every little mo- J. m ;■ lion, it gently massages away / | \ . ■ n tlie disfiguring fat on waist and \ * * hips and gives you a supple. ;[ \ ■ b graceful figure. No more tiring 1 ■ exercises, starving diets, harm- Ta t"77 b ful drugs, useless self-denials — mltf lb I ■ ;■ the Madame X Reducing Girdle V ■ ** massages you back to slimness 9 m —quickly and comfortably! B 2 B Tliis sett, supple, resilient girdle tits He>ides driving away the excess fat. 3 ■ as sungly and smoothly as a kid glove. the Madame X Reducing Girdle sup |b i s worn over the \ est and is so con- uort> the muscles of the hack and sides. e structed that it touches and gently mas- thus helping prevent fatigue. Makes B sages every portion of the surface con- \ou look and feci younger. The pat- H * initially! It is built on the latest ented cut away front insures perfect B i B scientific massage principles that have comfort white you sit. work or play. B B caused reduction of 5. 10. 20 pounds in And the special hack lacing mikes it ■ an astonishingly short time. The re- easy to adjust as you become more IB silient para rubber of which it is made slender. B is especially designed for reducing pur- You must see this remarkable—and B poses and is strong enough to really entirely new girdle to appreciate it. ■ i* hold you in. Women usually lose 1 to 3 Come in today and try it on. You won’t B B inches the very first week! want to take it off! \ Madame Reducing Girdle ■ i|b Is Now On Display in Our Corset Dept.—Third Floor H IB >L 8 E / I '• N > »