OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 01, 1924, Image 24

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1924-04-01/ed-1/seq-24/

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Woman Says She Only Took Mar
garet Elizabeth Sands, 13. to
New York for Trip.
Hr the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. April I.—Margaret
Lopez, thirty-one years old. was ar
rested yesterday on an indictment,
charging kidnaping, returned by a
grand jury in Annapolis, Md.
Miss Lopez, who said she was a
Men’s Week Specials
A Week of Exceptional Savings
On Things That Men Need Now
" J
The New Spring Colors and Styles
in Two-Trousers Suits, $ 37- 50
Our manufacturers sacrificed a part of their profit, the style success of the season. The Waldorf is
we a part of ours, in order to offer you suits of this another suit for young men—a wide-spaced, 3-
high character at this low price. button model. The Knox is double breasted.
They are exceptional, not only in fabric, but in Choose from any of these 4 new Spring styles in
fine tailoring—suits that any man may well be the new colors. Powder blue or granite gray are
proud to wear. especially smart and good looking; and there are
The Waverley is a conservative model worn by also the tans, broken checks, indistinct stripes and
the business man in the picture above; the young solid colors. All the Spring fabrics; all sizes. 34
man wears the Wales, which is the correct to 46 regular, 38 to 46 stout, 36 to 42 long and 34
American adaption of the English Lounge Suit, to 42 short.
Meat’s Clothes Se eilon, Second Floor,
Genuine Wamsutta White Oxford Shirts, *T 85
Neckband Style Collar Attached
Ideal shirts for the office or dress Wear; For the man who likes sports or just
highly mercerized white oxford from By' ijj wants the solid comfort of the soft,
the famous Wamsutta mills, full cut, } collar-on shirt. With the popular 1-
~ , , ...... kin / button barrel cuffs. White shirts will
well tailored and properly sized, bizes fR *1 • . , , ~ „
v J In// 17Xy be t " e most popular sports shirts this
I'T- to / spring, so get in on this.
Men’s Furnishings Section, First Floor.
Spring-Styled Oxfords Very Low Priced, $ 5 ,?5
Spring styles^ at their best in shoes that scldom
Men's Shoe Section, Second Floor.
Ulnoftnmrh &lUnthrnp
dancing instructress here, asserted
that when she recently left her em
ployment as a nurse girl in Annapo
lis Margaret Elizabeth Sands, thir
teen years old. begged to be taken
for a trip to New York. The girl's
parents did not forbid the trip, but
did not give their permission. Miss
Lopez said.
After showing the child the sights
Os the city. Miss Loj eg said she sent
her home two days later in care of e
woman passenger going that way.
She asserted she was sure the girl
had reached home safely.
Miss Lopez was held in bail, pend
ing the completion of extradition pro
Special Dispatch to The Star.
ANNAPOLIS. Md., April I.—Mar
garet Lopez, arrested in New York on
a kidnaping charge, came here sev
eral weeks ago and was employed as
a domestic in the family of a naval
Sunday a week ago she disappeared
with Margaret Elizabeth Sands. The
little girl, however, returned by her
self three days later. She arrived
here tagged with her destination and
declared that Miss had placed
her on the train in New York.
Greer Trial April 17.
LOS ANGELES, April I.—Horace
Greer, former chauffeur for Mabel
Normand, actress, accused of assault
with Intent to commit murder on
Courtland S. Dines. Denver oil op
erator, was arraigned in the superior
court yesterday and his trial set for
April 17. Greer is at liberty on
$3,000 bail.
Liquor Valued at $50,000 Seized
and Five Men Arrested.
PHILADELPHIA, April I.—A fifteen
hundra< gallon electricity operated
still and liquor valued at $50,000, were
seized by police last night in a raid
in the northeast section, and five men
were arrested.
Four of them were alleged to have
been engaged in redistilling alcohol
when taken into custody and the
other was the driver of a truck con- I
taining tea barrels of alcohol.
A blue fox was recently captured
in a well populated district of Brook
lyn near a public school building.
Iflnnimuxrit Sclilntlxrnp
These are the New Fashions Chosen
by the Smartly-Dressed Woman
|l| Spring Coats
To Be Smart Must Have a Touch of
jlj f Red—Fur or Braiding
I ' * New coats have trimmings that give especially long slim
I HT- lines. Long, narrow bandings of furs in light colors. jr*w r's /\
/mn I[ ol l\ vertical bandings of colorful braid, insets of brilliant red nn 1 \
Wu jj\ ■ banded by silver braid and fur. Sketched is a smart 1 JjfrX \
II 1 11 twill coat in navy blue, with bands of colorful braid and \{>(7 / \
\ I I o\ narrow fur forming a scarf-like collar, $75. Cape-backs IW/ f\ \
I °o\ Wk are especially important—seen on a new black charmeen ' W \ \
1 KB coat, braided and lined in bright lipstick red, $75. y I / )
\ i |P*S Coats, $59*50 and $75 jj I
)| The Tailored Suit ] q
IB I ■ Is Smart for Street Wear, Tea ft
■■ / ■ Business, Shopping, Traveling II
I B\ // The tailored suit is not only very important as a smart 1 1
j IW costume for the business woman, but for every woman— ft 1
/ B ly for she finds it the practical costume to wear all day. If 1
Among the many new versions of the youthful tailored 1/ S
suitis new one sketched —a cutaway model, in Patou 1 1 1
I j crepe satin-bound, single-link-button coat, wrapped J/ 1
Sp-j——' skirt, $59.50. U * —TiT
/I // Other Tailored Suits in hairline stripes, twills in navy tt \
/A w and black—single and double breasted models— W \ I
Nu / $59.50 Ji
“ Women’s Coat and Soil Sections, Third floor.
Four Smart Fashions in New Overblouses
The Mannish Vest The Mandarin The V Neck The Colorful Scarf
$ j 2* 75 $ j 5 $j 7.50
The smart blouse worn today is invariably an ovcrblouse —and
here arc four new blouse fashions worth noting l —and wearing
A mannish vest, collar The Mandarin combines The V-neck idea, spon- The Scarf Collar is one of
and cuffs of print dots in two very new and very sored by Paris and worn the essential accessories
blue combine smartlv smart fashion points—the by smartly dressed to the tailleur—and when
with the white crepe of rta cotorfd women, is shown here in awhile crepe blouse
this tailored suit-blouse — pipings of red, yellow and an attractive hand-beaded wears a scarf in the new,
blue glass buttons add the • poudre blue —on a back- Paris overblouse in the vivid - colored printed
last fashion touch. $12.75. ground of naw blue crepe, new brown shades, $17.50. crepes, by Leon Bakst,
Blows Beetle*. AM fl-r. sl2-75* * is doubl X * ls '
Bengaline, Faille, Ribbon, Braided Georgette
Fabrics Seen in New Hats, S IO to SIB’ 50
Red and black. Fashion’s new-
And man\ of these smart fab est color combination is shown
ric hats are French importa- in a smal ,_ brimme d hat of nar
tions —for the French milliners •) g c tin.
- J row rows of nbbon, SJO; rows
have away of taking ribbons —/p-s , r e u
. r=Wl and rows of puffed nbbon fash
and fabrics and braids and < J ' j ...... , ,
’ll I 10,1 another attractive model,
using them to such distinctive II with soft up . tu rned brim, st&so
advantage. Seen here in the I If , .
h t kt h d I || — Oll6 C^°°Se rom " osts
Another Extraordinary Sale 3,000 Yards
Imported Dress Gingham, 38c yard
These ginghams are delightfully varied multi-colorings; small designs in great va
in pattern; ginghams gay or soft in color- riety—ginghams in charming designs for
ing—ginghams that make you realize how .... , c .
very smart and charming- the vogue for - vour own and >™ r chlldren s Summertime
plaids is. Simple checks and checks of frocks.
And best of all—at such a remarkably low price as 38c yard
Cett«n DrcM Good. Section, Second floor.

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