OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 01, 1924, Image 25

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1924-04-01/ed-1/seq-25/

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John Coolidge Gets Many Congrat
ulations by Telephone and
Cake Baked at White House Fails
to Arrive on Time.
B.r the Associated Press.
PLYMOUTH. Vt.. April I—John C.
Coolidge, father of President Cool
idge, observed his seventy-ninth
birthday quietly at his home here
yesterday. Hale and straight, in spite
of his years, and with few gray hairs,
he gave his advice to those who de
sire longevity, “no worry, hard
There was no birthday celebration
at the white farmhouse, where last
August Calvin Coolidge was sworn
in by his father as President of the
United States. Mr. Coolidge had
planned to spend the day cutting
wood, but the death of a distant rela
tive. who was to have been his com
panion. cancelled this program. He
passed most of the forenoon in the
sugar lot of a neighbor. In the after
noon he was called to a little gen
eral store across the road from his
home to answer many long-distance
telephone messages of congratula
Scores of letters arrived by the
one mail of the day, and reading these
occupied most of the daylight hours.
One letter was from President
Coolidge and there was also a card
from Mrs. Coolidge. The President's
father said the letter from his sou
was "too personal to make public.”
Among other things President Cooi-
Idge asked his father not to work so
hard and urged him to visit the White
House as soon as possible. A letter
from Prank W. Stems of Boston, long
time friend and supporter of Presi
dent Coolidge, caused the President’s
father much pleasure.
As he sat in the general store be
tween telephone calls from distance
friends, Mr. Coolidge opened his mail,
whittling off the corners of the let
ters with a jack knife, and answered
questions of the correspondents.
A birthday cake baked at the White
House for the occasion failed to ar
rive in time for the anniversary. But
Mr. Coolidge was not disappointed.
“1 didn’t know’ about the cake," he
■aid. when the matter was brought to
his attention. “I don’t read the news
papers very closely.”
famous Fighter to Visit TJ. S. in
Late Summer to Urge Is
land’s Independence.
B 7 the Associated Press.
MANILA. April I.—Gen. Kmilio
Aguinaldo, famous figure in 5, the Fili
pinos’ armed struggle for independ
ence, has accepted an invitation to
become honorary chairman of an in
dependence mission which will leave
for the United States April 6.
Gen. Aguinaldo stated he could not
depart before August or September,
as he desired first to make extensive
visits throughout the archipelago. He
hopes to remain in the United States
until independence is granted the
Philippines, or until it is learned that
Independence cannot be obtained by
diplomatic and persuasive means.
Bank dTr ust
y Your Mind
—that you owe your
own future so many
dollars a month, and
make our Saving's De
partment custodian of
the fund-
Start this pay day by a
deposit of $1 or more,
and watch how quickly
the fund will grow.
The $1 and five min
utes of your time is all
that is needed to open
the account.
We pay interest
at the rate of 3%
per annum on
savings accounts .o
compounded semi
annually on
Four Convenient Locations
Main Office
Fifteenth and H Sts. N.W.
Dupont Branch—Dupont Circle
Brookland Branch—l2th and New
ton Streets Northeast
Penna. Ave. and 20th St. Branch
All our branches arc located where
there Is ample parking space outaide
the limited parking aonr.
iwfffj) Tomorrow
1 jy Alright
call for an Hf Tablet, (a vegetable >
aperient) to ton* and strengthen
the organs of digestion and elimi
nation. Improves Appetite, Relieve*
77 — 1 J ~-
Chips off fta Old Block
Nt JUNIO A-Uttio N?s
One-third the regular dose. Made
of same ingredients, then candy
coated. For children and adults.
Peoples Drug Stores, Inc.
,Sale of Console Phonographs
A Special Purchase ' ilk
|i||i m
The Revere, $ 4 9*50 DcIIVCTS The Canterbury, s 7s
$5 Delivers It a r *T" r L TJ J $5 Delivers It
Begin Paying: Balance Any U ll6 Ol 1 11656 Oatl 0501116 Begin Paying Balance
30 Days Later NeW Coddle PhoHOgraphs 30
Period Console Models - True-to-type Smooth, Mellow Tone-Play this phono
arc'nlr'so topulaT aCe!UI C ° nSO ' e deSignS BaIaUCG ill 10 monthly payments fame record. a Youca/hardly 0 "*!! thTdiffer
ence. Fact!
S&K °ay W Tlnu?eabTets U in Consoles are daily becoming the most popular of all Exclusive Duplex Tone Arm-Special
rich two-toned effects. Perfect cabinet mak- phonographs. Their design SuitS the modem inte- tone col . ltrol or modifier, tone filter (to ehmm
ing, hand-rubbed satiny finish that vou can’t _ Avouf-Ur In •finicK in ond in orlrtfn ate surtace noises T sell-oiling cup, laminated
distinguish from instruments at prices very HOF exactly. In hniSh, in proportion, and in adOFO- resonant tone chamber—all modern scientific
much higher. ment they offer exceptional opportunities for more I features.
Play Any Records —Victor, Edison, Co- decorative effects. Double-Spring Motor United encased
lumbia, Brunswick. Pathe, Vocalion—anv . type, the same sort used in very high priced
records at all. With one of these phonographs TT 1 J. C t machines. Plays three or four records to the
the records of ALU the makers, or any of them 06 f 6 S 3, \jTC2iX 0316 one ' vindin S- The motor is strong, simple and
you like. ’ durable.
Guaranteed for One Year-By the makers Even’ machine in the assortment is of fine quality.
and by Woodward & Lothrop. The mechanism is thoroughly satisfactory, the tone | StrathmOfC
quality’ is exceptional —the cabinet work is beautiful
p t T n A nr in every detail. They are equipped with every de- $89.50
1 lie 1 UUUl t KJ*J y j ce tQ k e ex p ec ted in an up-to-date phonograph.
$5 Delivers It $5 Delivers It
Begm Paying Balance Ttl6 PtiCCS ATC Extremely LOW Begin Paying Balance
30 Days Later ' 30 Days Later
Woodward & Lothrop
Victrola Galleries, Fourth floor _______ r
HHoirtntmrii & jCothtop
the evening star, Washington, d. c m Tuesday. April i, 1924.

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