I olstead Act Will Not Be Modified Now. Says Repre
sentative Dickinson at W C. T. V. Jubilee — Bark
ley Calls W'et Croups Feeble Protests.
Declaring that although it might t
take the eastern section of the I'nited
States thirty years or more to "go |
dry.” Representative B. J. Dickinson j
of lowa, last night predicted before j
the Golden Jubilee of the VV. T. 1". j
•at the Raleigh Hotel, that there would i
he no modification of the Volstead j
act in the present Congress.
"The great stampede for modifies- j
tion of the Volstead Set has col- ;
lapsed," lie said. "The hammer of the !
wots is not a heavy hammer any '
more.” The speaker praised the pad- 1
lock provision of the Volstead act. i -
and believed a "great step" had been I
taken in appropriating funds to in- i
crease the coast guard patrol of the ;
coast, to 'prevent smuggling.
The jubilee in celebration of fifty i ■
tears' activity by the W. O. T. I*., was ,
attended by about 3no men and wom
en. including members of Congress, ,
judges, federal prohibition officials,
leaders in the Anti-Saloon League,
and members of the VV. C. T. T. There
were several addresses during the,
evening. ,
Sees Public Hacking Law.
Mrs. Ella A. Boole, president of the i
New York W. C. T. XT., and treasurer '
of the world organization, said the ,
"fight for prohibition had been harder
since the adoption of the eighteenth '
amendment than it was to get the
amendment.” Public sentiment, how
ever, she said was gaining in favor •
oi prohibition.
The eighteenth amendment was said
to be the only one which the people ,
have only disobeyed. "We made a .
mistake,” she said, "when we believed ,
•■very one would obey the law when 1
the amendment was made effective. We J
found that there were people who .
would obey the laws they like<f, and j
disobey those they disliked.’ The i ,
eighteenth amendment she said had |
been ratified by more states ‘.tan any j'
amendment to the Constitution. The!
world-wide grow th of the »V. C. T. X*. j :
was sketched by Mrs. Boole, who sail t
the international membership now
stands at 650,000.
Mrs. Sara Hoge. president of the
Virginia W. C. T. I'., said: "We have' l
hot accomplished the extinction of in- I
temperance, but we have made tine
jirogress. If we will face the facts .
wc can see wonderl improvement
because of outlawing of the liquor I
Tribute to \V. C. T. X .
Representative John G. Cooper of j
Ohio paid tribute to the W. C. T. U. |
as the organization which could claim
more credit for reform than any other, j
"While we have prohibition in the j
Constitution.” he declared, "we must 1
light on and on. and see to it that I
John Barleycorn never comes back."
Prohibition Commissioner Roy A. 1
Haynes, in a brief talk, said the fed- j
eral government "is in this work from j
now on."
The Association Against the Prohi- I
hition Amendment, the National Lib
eral Alliance and others of their kind
were branded as "bogus" by Repre
sentative Alben W. Barkley of Ken
"All their noise is sound and fury.”
he declared. Claiming that the "wets”
were losing the "limelight” and. in
terest of the people, and Congress as j
well. Judge Barkley said, "we hear
James A. Ryan to Stand Trial on i
Charge of Defrauding Million
are of $30,000.
Pv the Associated Pix’ss.
CHICAGO, April I.—Jarnes A Hyan. I
the third of a trio charged with par- I
ticipating in a $30,000 “shake-down"}
of John L. Bushnell, .Springfield. Ohio, [
millionaire banker, was held here last ;
night, awaiting removal to Cincin-I
nati today to stand trial.
The prisoner, according to Bernard j
Kahn, Department of Justice agent, j
took advantage of Bushnell’s alleged I
intimacy with a Bos Angeles divorcee I
-—Mrs. Rose O. Putnam—to force pay
ment of $:>0,000 for “protection.”
When another SIOO,OOO was demanded ;
Bushnell balked.
Mrs. Putnam and Donald Osborn, j
ether parties to the alleged black- 1
mail, received sentences of six months I
. nd eighteen months, respectively,
' •hen they pleaded guilty. Kyan. ar-j
tested today, has waived examination,
and is held under SIO,OOO bail.
Poles to Build Port.
WARSAW, April I.—The Polish i
cabinet has approved a contract be- j
tween the trade ministry and a j
Franco-Polish concern for the con- 1
struction of a naval port at Gdingen, |
on the western side of the gulf of j
The port is to have a capacity of i
3,50-0.000 tons of shipping and be j
ready in five years. i
Tailored Pumps for Spring
The quality is so fine,
Hanan pumps of calfskin
will outwear and out-look
any shoes you ever owned.
Light tan calf pump shown.
TheHeclM Co.
7th at F
less and less of John Philip Hill and
George Holden Tinkham.”
As evidence of his statements, Rep
resentative Barkley said that when
the roll was called in the House re
cently on an appropriation of $13,500.- |
000 to increase the Cosat Guard to '
prevent smuggling, “the wets could j
only get eight men to stand up.”
, Mrs. J. W. Frizzell, head of the
District Federation of Womwt’s Clubs,
said that every woman could well be I
proud of (lie work of the W. C. T. XT. '
in temperance.
Tribute was paid to the temperance •
men of the nation by Judge Katherine |
Sellers of the Juvenile Court for their ;
votes for prohibition. Women should j
be praised for their efforts in the •
cause, she said, “but we must realize
we got prohibition through the votes ;
of the men.”
Wayne B. Wheeler declared “we arc ,
all glad to pay tribute to an organiza- i
tion which has such a splendid record I
toward the Ideal of national sobriety. .
The eighteenth and nineteenth amend-j
merits are the gold dust twins to clean |
up this nation, and make it the great- ]
est. wealthiest, healthiest and best j
nation in the world.”
I pshaw Is Speaker.
Representative William D. Upshaw j
of Georgia predicted that in the com- i
iug presidential election the women of i
the nation would "scratch the political j
eyes out of any candidate who opposes j
the eighteenth or nineteenth amend- j
Other speakers of the evening in- j
eluded Gale H. Stalker of .\\w York, j
Representative John W. Summers of j
Washington. Representative Grant M. j
Hudson of Michigan. Judge Gus I
Schuldt of the Police Court and Miss
Grace Abbott of the children's bu- I
reau. Department of Labor.
The toastmistress of the evening
was Mrs. Emma Sanford Shelton,
president of the District W. C. T. U.
She was introduced by Mrs. Grace
Morris, vice president. Other officers
of the District organization present
at the jubilee were Mrs. T. A. Wil
liams, recording secretary; Miss Clair j
Busby, assistant secretary, and Mrs. I
James Allison, treasurer.
Miss Grace Bellman opened the pro
gram with a cornet solo. "Golden Ju
bilee." Mrs. Bessie Batham Gibson
entertained with vocal solos, and Miss
Ruth Jeffers, with readings. The
benediction was pronounced by the
Rev. Bindley D. Clark.
Chair Caneing
Furniture Repairing
The Best Place and Lowest
Prices. After All
Ask my 20,000 custom- i
ers. 1 give the service you
1 have the right to expect.
Packing, Crating, Shipping
Clay A. Armstrong
Drop Postal to
1233 10th St. N.W.
Or Phone Franklin 748 J
Thoroughly Reliable
Instruments of a
Variety of Well Known i
Music Mouse
1300 G Street
Steinway and Other
Leading IManos
j ~~(ii'rau! and L —o m T j ~T
i Bh soutache I I j j sleei’es and \ \I I \\[ straightline II I on collar 'flu ’ f
t^9*so'” °collar of this na gy fivill. S^erL ’ e '\ |
j The Vogue of Navy With White Expressed In hE|||
ill The New Twill Coat \||
Vf V Specially 5 29' 50 Priced W
{ JX TM Ready to welcome something new, women of fashion have unanimously agreed in /qj vg\
c~j favor of the twill coat, braided. Navy with white is a decided favorite. Tan is also \J \J
included. For pre-Easter selling, we have been fortunate in securing a limited assort
ment of this beautiful innovation.
IVrap-around model, slcn- ... , ■ Entirely new and strik
dcr lines: nary twill with Some are ornamented with embroidery or stitching, others with fur. All have the i ng navy' twill with narrow
solid design in white, silk best points of the season’s mode, the slim silhouette, beltless or belted, huge collars, black braid which does an
braid on collar and cuffs. lovelv linings elaborate design, then loops
Beautifully lined with white - ' itself to form fringed edges,
crepe. $29.50. . S29JO.
I A—Tailored C—Paimgreen HO S 6
| Blouses (irjl- J F^F^ned
| "silk crepe. crept dinner spring colors in these
the latest ' type of 1 same wearing quality
blouse at such a small A B )j jj \l r L> which has made The i
its reasonably priced
CY printedSi\k New and Enticing Fascinations In hosiery-
Printed Pongee cs ri n «ii n 1 All Sices
n .. Soft New Silken Frocks
Dressy models, it Two Weights
you want them, are as r ’I »■*
pretty as the boyish Misses’ Sizes 14 to 18 I Women's Sizes 36 to 52 Buy what you need
and tailored styles. for Easter and all
Sizes 36 to 42. * All _ - A ~ ~ . As . . spring. They match
co j ors Colors are: Cocoa, gray, navy, tan, copen, dust, emerald, black. Materials are; or contra st with your
Canton crepe, printed crepe, flat crepe, brocaded faille, striped tricolette, Roshanara. shoes.
n—k. Trimmings are: Crisp laces, clinging fringe: vivid embroideries: flowing draperies; L,m*.*.
colorful ribbons, tucks, braidings.
Special Sale of Women s Newest Fashion Spring Shoes
At this new price hundreds of these shoes will tread the The new lattice instep; fancy strappings; the latest ideas
flowery paths of Easter ways. All the various interpreta- in heels and vamps. The popularity for suede, satin or patent
tions of the approved mode are included as illustrated. t | is justified in these chic designs.
rr y First Floob—The Hecht On.
■ %r, TheHecM Co.
Widths AAto C -jf M r - Selections Easy
7th at t
I - I* %»***
I »■■n. - > i i