ROBINSON IN PLEA FOR SENATE ACTION Democratic Leader Lists Im portant Measures—Probes to Be Continued. A call to the Senate to take up and j Tut through as quickly as possible I important legislation waiti\g atten-| tion is contained in a statement is- | sued today by Senator Kobinson of | •Arkansas, the democratic leader pf the Senate. Senator Kobinson declared that it v as not the disposition of the demo crats to prolong unduly the investi gations of various government de partments, although he insisted that it was necessary to reveal all im portant matters and to bring about a thoroughly honest administration of i public affairs. Me said: List* Important Needs. “The Senate should take up as soon as practicable the large and impor- I tant subjects of legislation which, it is expected, shall receive attention during the present session. These in clude tax reduction, adjusted com pensation. immigration, expression of I legislative will, that freight rate j structure be reorganized with a view j to reductions on farm products and ; commodities essential to farming and j the elimination of the Pullman sur- [ charge. Other measures, of course, 1 will require at ontion, anti some of! them are of major importance. "Practically none of these measures ! lias been reported by the committees, i Uany of my colleagues on the demo- ! cratie side of ti e chamber jom in ex- j pressing the conviction that those j subjects should be brought forward lor action just as speedily as pos- I sihle. While differences of opinion exist among us touching some of these questions we are all anxious to see them taken up and disposed of. TV ill Continue Inquiiies. “It is not essential, in order to transact necessary legislative business, to cover up or conceal facts which ought to be brought to light in the various investigations ordered by the Senate, and there is no disposition on the part of democratic senators to un duly prolong these inquiries or to per mit them to ho directed into collateral and relatively unimportant issues. ‘‘The object to be attained, in so far as possible, :s the thoroughly honest ] and reasonably eltieient administration I of public affairs. This achievement is j of first importance, and the co-opera- I tion of all who earnestly desire it is I invited and accepted." PASSAGE OF TAX BILL ASSURED. SMOOT AVERS (Continued from First Page.) votes. Senators McLean. Connecticut, ! republican, and Gerry, Rhode Island; I "Walsh, Massachusetts. and King. L'tah. democrats. supporting Mr. | Reed’s motions, w hile Senators Stand- j field, republican, Oregon, and Sim- j znons. North Carolina; Jones, New I Mexico, and Harrison. Mississippi, democrats, opposed them. Approval of the reduction in in- I No. 1302 L Street N.W. T“! OB for bale New Business | At a Low Price W Small Cash Payment Gross Rentals I Q in $4,260.00 |: i bg£ . ||| showroom now vacant. Suit- 111 ' I&3t j T . J ' able home for ladies’or men’s ; ■ " 11,1 "' 1 ** tailor, music studio, contrac- I I ' "]' tor or other business requir- I WK , to- I No 1302 L Street N.W. 732 17th St. N.W. j j i Eager to Serve ■I lj OLT of the many years of experience with the business and financial af fairs oi this city, our record of abso lute trustworthiness in all transactions and our efficient corps of directors, officers and employes make this bank the perfect ser vant of your financial needs. Consult us about your business problems. You will find us willing and eager to serve you at all times. ‘ Federal-American National Bank 1315 F Street W. T. Galliher. John Poole. Chairman of the Board President come taxes payable this year means that if the bill is enacted into law only one-half of the next tax install ment. due June 15, and only three fourths of the last two installments will have to be paid. If the tax has been paid in full a refund of one fourth wiJ' be made the taxpayer. Change Inspection of Heturnn. The House amendment opening tax returns to inspection by certain con gressional committees also was modi fied somewhat. It was agreed to make | the returns open to the House ways and means committee and the Senate finance committee, as approved by the House, hut the House provision giv ing the privileges to special congres sional committees was changed to in clude only standing or select com- j mittees of either House of Congress j when authorized by a resolution. This is along the lines recently suggested j by President Coolidge. By further modification the House ! provision authorizing the committees i to make available to the Senate in- ! formation obtained from tax returns , was changed so that the committees i could make public only the name i and address of taxpayers, the total ‘ amount of income tax paid and the amount of refunds made to each. Chairman Smoot's proposal of a sales tax of one-half of 1 per cent on all sales, with certain exemp tions, was defeated on a strict party vote of t> to 4. Some republicans did not vote, while the democrats solidly opposed it. Mr. Smoot said • he probably would not attempt to j have the amendment voted in on the j ■ ' WATCH TROUBLES Consult P A U L S’ 1322 G N.W. The llent in the City on Swiss Watches Prompt Service Reasonable Prices Manhattan Cleaning and Dyeing Co. 5 Shop** Line. 7700-7701 YOUR BODY NEEDS SPRING cleaning: GET ready for spring and summer 1 by giving yourself a thorough j “house cleaning.” Gude’s Pep to- I Mangan contains the iron required for i pure red blood, and the invigorating, j | vitalizing tonic properties to give you , | new "pep," vigor and animation. Get Gude’s and begin to take it right j i away. Watch the improvement in your \ appetite, see how your skm clears up | ; and your cheeks grow rosy, and how j fine you feel in the morning. 1 Your druggist has Gude’s Pepto- Mangan in both liquid and tablets. T7 Takl-t. To see for yourself the r ree I aoiets health-building value of Gude’s Pepto-Mangan, send for free Package. : | M. J. Breitcnbach Co., 53 Warren St., N. If. j Gwde’s pepto-jAfangan Tonic and Blood Enricher uujMirmini- . • \m\\ \i i !■ mi iimumlj—i \ THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, 1). C., TUESDAY, APRIL 1. 1924. floors. Adoption of the amendment, he said, would have made possible elimination of all taxes except the normal and surtax, the tobacco manufacturers!’ and the estate taxes, and also would have allowed a re duction of $391,436,000 on these taxes from their present rates. Before taking up the remaining miscellaneous tax schedules and the estate and gift taxes the committee has asked for estimates on the amount of reductions thus far made in the bill, and the amount of I revenue which must be raised by the measure. Members of both parties, however, expect to conclude work on the bill this week. Other House amendments to the revenue bill again fell under the I pruning knife of the Senate finance j committee yesterday as the rate ■ schedules were taken up. i Kates in the present law for the 1 I axes on produce exchange sales and !<>n drafts and promissory notes were i voted hack into the bill. The House j ways and means committee had cut in half tile tax on sales on produce ex changes of two cents for each SIOO. • which it was estimated would reduce j revenue $1,000,000 annually, and had AVENUE at NINTH® | • /3ti\ Mu o vtm Lines ifr V -Hi I as 8 111 gj*'- • I BM»Q w ' A] TOPCOAT achieves its distinction throng’ll its “lines.” Topcoats arc simple this Spring. You rarely see a belt. You express your individual ity through pattern. And at P-B, there is pattern after pattern —but like good friends, chosen with care. From foreign shores and America’s distinguished makers. i Pay what you care to pay. Domestic makes. S3O to SSO. Foreign makes, SSO to $65. Gabardines, $35 and S4O. „ The Avenue at Ninth 1 '•.NATIONALLY ENOWN STORE®* j Brifnfxm 5 b j i i n . i ■ Wednesday Is Bargain Day At Kinney’s 7th St. Store Only See Our Windows for the Wonderful Shoe Values On Sale This Wednesday Only Npcclal Men'* Oxfords, in black and tan leathers'; Good- \W*S/ K va I year welt soles. Every pair i;5 x—'■ — guaranteed solid leather. All M.n’.n Brown Lace shoes, sizes at English or blucher styles. S 2 98 M«-n‘* Army Last Hlncher. Solid Goodyear welt soles and rub- i leather. All sizes at— her heels at— year welt soles with, rubber Kxtra suecial for this sale s« browing Girin* Patent Strap heels.' All sixes at- of Tovili v£m£ *’“">«-• Broad or narrow to? , » - nn with low heels. Colors Airedale style. ow heel. Sizes 2% to S 2 98 and Jack Rabbit. All sizes at— ‘ al Novelty I' for growing „ Women’* llano turn Comfort girls. Patent leather with Growing Girls Brown Ox- Lace Oxford*, with rubber heels. taupe trimming* Sizes °ti. to ford*. Narrow and broad toe All sixes at— 7. Special ' 1 style. All sizes at- Cl QC «*«> QQ 52.49 sl.vo I $2.98 The *V°»» S hee«lx f— Roy** Brown Lace , of Infant*’ . * Store*. m patent. I all . . ' Tarr Sole /Y—sj smoked elk and tan I *\\ Shoes, English and Semple A \ B leathers. Sizes 3to I *AX blucher .style, with Strap /) /Pf 9at bbe r heels; all Pump*. Wednesday Only $1.98 $1.39 Sizes 4 to S. Wednesday At Our 7th St. Store • dUmem tfummfs repealed the tax on drafts and notes of two cents for each SIOO, which it was estimated would cost the govern ment $2,150,000 annually in revenue. Democrats of the committee agreed on a surtax rate schedule which they will propose as a substitute for the Mellon rates already voted into the bil. by the republicans. Senator Simmons, the ranking demo crat on the committee and author of the schedule, predicted it would re ceive almost unanimous support from the democrats and sufficient republican insurgent votes virtually to assure Us adoption on the floor. The schedule was withheld pending receipt of addi tional estimates as to Its working effect. Killed by Student’s Ante. BOSTON, April I.—Dr. Phillip Cas tleman, deputy city health commis sioner and instructor in bacteriology at the Harvard Medical School, died today from injures sustained when he was struck by an automobile last night, driven by Elliott B. Davidson of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., a senior at the Massaouhsetts Institute of Technology. HITS U. S. COAL EXPORTS. I Canadian House Member Proposes \ ‘* All-British Fuel” Insurance. OTTAWA, April 1. —A resolution 1 calling upon the government to ini- ] Hate a policy which would give to the Dominion an ull-Britlsh and Canadian coal supply was moved in the House yesterday by o*. L. Church, conserva tive member for North Toronto. Mr, Church’s motion asked that a duty be placed on coal from the i United States so as to “insure an all- ; British supply for Canada and thus ; afford adequate protection to coal mined and coked under the British j "W HOTEL INN Formerly May: Hotel Phon« Mam 8108-8109 ~ 604-610 9th St. N.W. $7 rooms, $6 weekly. $10.50 rooms. $8: sl4 with toilet, shower and lavatory, $10; 2 in room, 50 per cent more. Rooms Like Mother’s, ( ; ' A New Stach’s Ground Gripper Store ‘ llXclllSivC Selling the World*s Famous Ground Gripper Health Shoe for Ground Men, Women and Children Gripper Very Smart Men’s Modified Ground Cl Gripper, Brown *3llOO or Blue Oxford. Shoppe Sound feet are the foundation of a good physique, provided and insured by wearing Ground Gripper Shoes. Thev give freedom 1315 E St. for imprisoned arches. Th y flex naturally; , j-j . relieve nerve pressure; relieve swollen joints, * Clin* /\ve. corns, bunions. In a word, they lead the world as a health shoe. National Theater Building Wonderful fitting model women’s modi- £z' Washington, • Bed Grou gfim — Black, Brown and JffSSSff D. C. White Pumps. /QUALITY counts most in shoes that must stand Mail Orders Given the hardest knocks. A pair of Ground Grippers Immediate and will last twice as long as ordinary footwear. They # are made of the very best materials that ran be Careful Attention found. Write for Our New Booklet, No. 11 Rugs Wf *™**«“®®**®' *> . CURTAINS I m*. l^aiuifmaNc Bj ends, size 27x54 , , - _ _ _ _ _ ___ white or ecru, full » § in,ll,s - 1316 to 1326 7th St. N.W. width ■■»£ ™n t u.. || Sensational Values In This New Lots Added To Our I Sale of Dresses Sale of Coats | im $ 3 98 SIQ JbA All-Wool Jersey JiL < Jacquard Silks | \ p j-p Glos Silk Trico Knit sls, S2O and $25 Grades! j \jf I |qb|l|k| ella Vella Imitation Women who have seen / S - Oblong Check Crepes these coats not only bought i ll Marigold Glos Silk Crepe ffl k 5 I ■ W <- '••• - s 6prinß numbers> lh <‘ desirable colors plaids, broad stripes, invis- / /Kjk g & an< * tbere are al * f, ' zes in the lot up to ible stripes and plain colors. f» 11 Sr ® AU but not all sizes in every style. All s j Z cs in the lot 16 to 46 and G --// fa g; The savings are considerable, so don't some arc silk lined., others with ® delay. striped satinettc. pf I Wonderful Sale of Easter Silks I I 95c Yard I THE CLOTHS THE COLORS p, 40-Inch All-Silk Crepe de Chine ew Tans 36-Inch All-Silk Messaline Z|* e |^ ew ®* ues sy I 36-Inch Silk Ratine, figured The or^*, s 36-Inch Silk and Cotton Crepe, figured The New Honeydew Imported All-Silk Jap Pongee - The New Peach Ig 1 f U- 25 - Cinderella Wonderfully Stylish Special Sale of j| rfsS™rS n s; Poofpi* Hofc Easter Footwear | \B broidcred. Sixes 2to 6. LiUull/l HCUu New A QC I 85c Otis Children's Spring $ | I' Union Suits, 59c ( m For hoys and B irl.s. Fine t N' Z. » -HCeS B g| check nainsook.fill size*, pj . T Selected from tlio stock | kSj $1.98 VV Omen. S j r~~ J of 10 Os New York s load d* *1 OQ Pul*r style KC nf, in / \ al‘h»K to sell them a lae«* Oxfords. Tans. Macks and patents. fS RU Fine qnalitj Kin? . X\dollar less than usual. All Plain and sport trim. Sizes 3to H. Patent, ')S 14 styles, in an c *. r models. sbai*os, colors and I’dack, Gray and Airedale Sue j \ trimmings, for miss or low and high heels, including Puritan Colo- jS! A „ , \ matron. uial Buckle Pumps. Sizes 3 to 8. Sgil $1 Bungalow . jg J G^ r .°"*n>w?t C ,veu A Worth-While Special In Neatly Printed ii percales, neatly trimmed. Boy*’. All-Wool p erca , es ' Two-Pants Suits I sheer lawn and organdy. ° ig wide tie strings. Patterns for shirts, ■ Thev look like "I olouses, waists, aprons, etc., JP Infants* Long Ju” Ji aL Si