Society (Continued from Eighth Page.) Thomas Ruffin, to Mr. .Tames G. Hanes will take place at 7 o'clock this even ing in the Italian Garden of the Am bassador Hotel The ceremony will he performed by the Rev. Dr. Ernest M. Stlres, and a dinner and dance will follow in the Louis ballroom of the Ambassador. Mr. Hanes and his bride will sail for Europe tomorrow on the Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Charles X. Van Val kenburgh of Eockport, N. Y.. who have spent the winter in Florida, are guests of their son and daughter-in law. Dr. and Mrs. Hoy D. Van Valken burgh. Dr. and Mrs. Van Valkenburgh liad as their guests over the last week end Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Standish. who were on the way to Florida: Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Moss. Miss Esther Mas* and Mr. Lawrence Moss. VfrW. Emily Newell lllnir Has Son and Daughter Here. Miss Harriet Klair and Mr. Newell Elair arc with their mother. Mrs. Emily Newell Blair, at 820 Connec ticut avenue, for the Easter holidays. Miss Blair is a student at Goucher College and Mr. Newell Blair is at Phillips Exeter, in New Hampshire. Among those who have reserved tables for the authors’ breakfast of the League of American Pen Women at the Hotel Washington April 26 are: Mrs Louis N. Geldert, national president of the league of American Pen Women, two tables; the Political Ntudy Club, two tables: Mrs. Harry Atwood Colman. first national vice president of the league, two tables: Miss Marie C. Redfern. two tables; Mrs. Homer Hoch, two tables; Miss Eliza Pope Van Dyne, two tables; Mrs. Dorothy he Muth Watson, chair man of the composers' group, four tables; Mrs. Bernio Babcock, presi dent of the Arkansas branch, two tables; Mrs. Lent Anderson, an ofli cer of the District branch; Mijs. Har riet Hawley Locher. presidi nt of the District branch; Miss Laura Thorn borough and Mrs H. S. Mulliken. chairmen of the motion picture group: Mrs. Caroline Giltlnan Har low, for the Virginia poets; Mrs. Claude S. Watts, Mrs. Blanche Ray. Mrs. E. M. Wood, Mrs, Charles F. Taylor. Mrs. Edward Nelson Dingley. Fingle reservations have come in an equal number and it is expected that iho salon of nations at the Wash ington Hotel will bo crowded to capacity. Mrs. New bold Morris of New York will arrive April 9 in Washington with a party of friends to spend sev eral days en route to the Hot Springs, Va., for a visit. They will stay at the Hotel Hamilton. The marriage of Miss Fredericka Washburn Wade, daughter of Mrs. Peyton Lisbey Wade, to Mr. John Shaw Billings, will take place Satur day evening, April 19. at Beach Is land, N. C. The ceremony will be performed in the Presbyterian Church there and after May IT Mr. Billings and his bride will be at home at 1808 Connecticut avenue. Mr. Billings, who is a son of Dr. and Mrs. John Shaw Billings of New York, is a graduate of Harvard in the class of 1921 and served in the Ambulance Corps in the early days of the war. later becoming a lieutenant in the air service. He is a grandson of the late John S. gs. who was at one time surgeon general in the Army and later librarian of Congress in Washington. Later he became librarian of the New York Public Library and held the position until his death. Final rehearsals for the tableau which will be produced during the first annuel charity ball to be given by the council of Jewish women, in the Salon des Nations of the Hotel Washington this evening, were held this afternoon. Mrs. Marie Moore Forrest is coaching the tableau, which will illustrate the work of the council. The door committee, which will in clude the executive committee of the iufiair. Mrs. Leonard Schloss, Mrs. Stanley Lansburgh and Mrs. ’David A. Baer, will be augmented by the officers of the council, Mrs. Alexan der Wolf, Mrs. Adolph Kahn. Mrs. A. Leibnian and Mrs. Charles Frank. Mrs. Charles Goldsmith and Mrs. K, B. H. Lyon are chairmen of the ticket committee. Mrs. A. Leibman Is chairman of the committee for flowers and cigarettes. Mrs. Taylor Upton, vice chairman of the republican national executive committee, is at home in formally to republican women this afternoon at Stoneleigh Court, from 4 to 6 o’clock. Miss Hartshorne of the Tsuda school, in Tokio, Japan, will be with Mrs. Wallace Radcliffe Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Radcliffe will not receive Thursdays, April 10 and IT, but will resume her afternoons at home after Easter. Statisticians estimate the world uses about 4,6T5,650,000.000 matches a year, or an average of seven matches a day for each individual the world ' over. 11 * Mrs.' Anne Edson || j 1 1 of The McCall Company ||||| t 5 j New York City ] ||| Has come to demonstrate the improved way of home MrLjSgH • | fj sewing - with the remarkable new McCall Printed Pat- *< tem and will give advice on the latest styles and ma- Qj|S?|| < I i&l terials in the Fabric Section, on Second Floor. ; i J Demonstrations 11 A.M. and 3 P.M. Daily ! j This Week Only j 11th Sts. -Service and | Changes in Stations of Army and ISavy Officers Os Interest to Capital ARMY. ! Col. C. A. Romeyn, 2d Cavalry, at ■ Fort Riley, Kan., has been ordered to Boston for duty as chief of staff, 94th j Division, Organized Reserves, s Capt. E. M. George, Quartermaster I Corps, at Fort Bragg. N. C.. has been assigned to duty in the office of the quartermaster general, this city. Lieut. Col. H. L. Landers, Field Ar > . tillery, returning from Hawaii, has ■ been ordered to Charlotte, N. C., for ' duty with the 399th Field Artillery, I Organized Reserves. I Lieut. Col. L. 1,. Smith, Medical , j Corps, nt Walter Heed General Hos ! j pital, this city, and Maj. F. E Winter. - I Medical Corps, tit Fort Omaha, Neb., j have been ordered to the Philippines for duty. j The President lias accepted the J resignation of Capt. John B. Rennet, United States Infantry, to take effect 1 April 30. i First Lieut. K. H. Bailey, Medical ' ! Corps, in this city, has been ordered ' j to Honolulu. Hawaii, for duty. , j Technical Sergeant James J. Fitz r Patrick, 6th Engineers, at Camp Lewis. Washington, lias been trans- I I ferred to the enlisted detachment, nf -1 lice of the chief of engineers. War Department. and Master Sergt. I | George Briggs of that office lias been assigned to the 2d Engineers, Fort f i Sam Houston, Tex. i| Maj. James G. Steese. retired, hits i • been appointed engineer officer of the I 1 board of road commissioners for I I Alaska, vie** Maj. J. <’. Gotwais, Corps 1 I of Engini era, relb ved. r\ Lieut. Col. A. B. Sloan. 15th Infan > try. returning from China, lias been ; | assigned to duty with the TTth Di li vision, Organized Reserves, at New J Vurk city. col John ,1 Toffey, rir.ih Infantry, '■has been assigned to duty in the of . i lice of the chief of infantry. War De j partment. ; Capt. E. o. Hopkins, finance depart ‘ 1 ment. at Fort Sheridan. 111., and Capt. ' j W. N. Skyles, finance department, at ■'Atlanta, da, have been assigned to i duty in the office of chief of finance, ' 1 War Department. • ; Col. M, J. Lenihan, infantry, at the 51 Naval War College, Newport, U. 1, ■ j has been ordered to New York city . j for duty as chief of staff. 12th Army . Corps. ,| First Lieut. Irving Compton. 38th . j Infantry, at Fort Douglas. Utah, ha; i , been detailed as military instructor, i South Carolina National Guard, at . i Rock Hill. , I Maj. Frank Moorman. Signal Corps. | has been relieved from duty at the j War Department and ordered to j Camp Alfred Vail. New Jersey, j Maj. M. F. Scanlon, air service, of (the militia bureau. War Department. | has been detailed as assistant mili j I EDMONSTON'S Home of the “Original” FOOT m FORM Boots and Oxfords T| for Men, Women and : : “Quality is Important—-Fit is Imperative” DRESSY /K STRAPS I '\S* I l!l| AND iV Tv •j | i On the Famous N, Foot-Form Lasts JJjjjj EDMONSTON & CO. I (Incorporated) I p Qf»«aoi Advisers and Authorities on * ullCCl AH Eoot Troubles ANDREW BETZ. Manager THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. 1). C, TUESDAY. ’APRIL' 1, 1924. tary attache. Rome, Italy. He will | relieve Maj. J. E. Chancy, air service, j who is assigned to duty in this city. i Capt. C. A. Willoughby. 65th Infan- ! . try. at San Juan, P. R., has been | ' detailed as military attache at Cara- j cas, Venezuela, as the relief of Maj. j C. I. Crockett, general staff, who will ! come to the United States. Lieut. Col. Gordon Johnston, cav > airy, returning from foreign service. | i has been assigned to duty with the 1 Signal Corps at Boston | Capt. E. McL. Cook, Medical Corps, j r at Fort Washington. Md., has been i i ordered to Fort Hancock, N. J., for j , duty. Capt. E. M. Poster, finance depart ment, has been transferred from this j ■ city to Port Sheridan, HI., and Capt. j . D. S. Appleton, 65th Infantry, to the • Army War College, Washington bar- j r racks. , First Lieut. E. 11. Wells. Signal j Corps, at. Camp Alfred Vail. N. J., has j I been detailed as military instructor, ; Georgia School of Technology, at At- ■ lanta. NAVY. Rear Admiral ■W. D. MacDougall j , has been assigned to command of | Training- Squadron 1, fleet base force, j ' Commander Carlos Beau at Quincy, j Mass.; Lieut. Commander Elliott ; ■ Buckmaster, commanding the recelv- | . ing ship at Boston, and Lieut. P. W. Yeatman, at the Navy Department, have been ordered to the Asiatic sta " tion. Commander E. C. S. Parker, com | manding the Hannibal, has been ! ’ ordered to treatment at the Naval ( Hospital, Philadelphia. ’ The resignation of Lieut. James I). . Jacobs at the naval base, Hampton ! Roads. Va.. has been accepted, to j take effect April 28. , Commander F. D. Pryor has been r j transferred from command of the j CHOKERS mad** of jour own material at $5.00. They will l>«» juhl as ttylisb aud good look- I - ! inc a* n new one. WOLF gg 1 Each Meal a Real Treat! BREAKFAST, LUNCH DINNER at the BELLEVUE FARMS i Restaurant 1332-34-3 S Street “Products from Farm to You ’ Kittery to the command of the re ceiving ship at Boston; Commander 11. A. Stuart, from the Navy Depart ment to Cheyenne, Wyo.; Lieut. J. W. Quackenbush, from command of the 0-6 to the recruiting barracks, Hampton Roads; Lieut. L. D. Webb, from Observation Plane Squadron 6 Ito the bureau of aeronautics. Navy I Department; Lieut. B. H. Wyatt, from the naval air station, Anacostia, D. C., to the air station, San Diego, I Calif., and Lieut. C. I). Glover, from i the Wright to the Naval Academy. - • Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued to the | following: John 11. Taylor and Annio Bryant, i Gassaway Miles mid Ella Short, John W. Lloyd of this city and Estelle Jones of Hamilton, Va. Gaby Sears of Now York city and Pauline Raines- of Western Park. Md. , James B. Lindemnn and Mary A. Duvall. ] John W. Tuylor and Eva Bocks, both of Siauntnn. Va i Ambrose Priddy of Manakin, Va.. and Mary i E. Hare of Now Canton, \a. I John H. Scott and Ellon I*e ' 1,1 Sweden a wife's services in the : home have a legal value. Jf 10-Pc. Mahogany Dining Room Suite elt you arc in search of a dining room suite which is not only handsome and attractive, but -XI durably made as well, we are offering such a ( . suite. Consists of Extension Table, Serving Table, Buffet. China Cabinet. 5 Side Chairs and 1 Arm chair. Non would do well to purchase this suite. _ uJtErF..* 3sß^ GEORGE PUTT CO., Inc. Painting, Paperhanging and Lpholstpring 1325 14th St. N.W. Main 4224 - | —r-Tiiiiiiiwn in mi ij The utmost for your corset money— s% 1 ' "2555” i Spl, 75S |pi|| I II i |Ej» I Two extraordinary values at II | |^r $7.50. Model “2855,” shown above. If (■'. i \-fjjr j, in beautiful pink Brocade, and II S/MB (I model “6544.'’ as pictured at the II ;1 jS'2W ' right in fine pink Coutil. Both II |Hj| \ I Swji have many special style and com- || g t-Sc 1 ' fort features. Let us show you. II I [mb Him Second Floor—The lleoht Co. SI S- IBM TheHechtCo. \ w J X V I 3/oiM.of TalfUm i ? Original and Distinctive I ¥ x I New Spring Styles | | Suits, Coats, Capes, Dresses f ♦j* 2. All Moderately Priced J * *»* r x | Jjyj Tailored Suits | Beautiful Dresses | kj&Sm Topcoats ; % ||||||S[ All New Spring Styles | I f xtr f,sOZ.oo | Special. mseA%J~ == — v Wonderful Showing J / i|M of Handsome | | kjffljf Coats, Suits, Dresses | si''lst T Occasions | ¥ tVe Court Comparisons in | | jl Style, Quality and Value v Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to I the health department in the laat twenty-four hours: Reginald Thompson. 43. Garfield llogpital. Albert I Chaney, 49, Providence Hospital. Joseph B. Wilson, 65, Providence Hospital. Helen Smoot, 18, Potomac river, foot of P S Frank Benton, 40, Garfield Hospital. James VV. Dyre, 56, 510 Butternut st.. Ta- ) koina Park. Mary E. Clements, 88, 3617 10th at. , Hiiliert 1,. Overstreet, 00. 1426 Buchanan st. John S. Harris, 55. 717 10th st. Annie L. Traphagen, 74, 711 3d st. n.e. Elizabeth B. Walker, 01. 137 K. I. ave. n.e. Margaret I. Miller, 22. Sibley Hospital. J ' Mary H. Siebel, 57. 108 It st. n.e. Mary A. Sheehan, 45, the McKinley apta. Helen V. Fitten, 4 months. 458 Md. ave, a.w. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AT COST j PE ARLM AN’S BOOK 933 G St. SHOP Cornelia Gtiffin, 33, Columbia Hospital. Martha Waiters, 40. 1217 Carrollburg at. s.w. Edward G. Root, 17. 234 Oakdale place. Mary Beveley, 45, 1117 4tJ> at. Juniata Gregg, 1, 900 27th at. John L. Glover, 50, Tnberonloaia Uoapital. Iva M. Williams. 18. Tnbereuloals Hospital. Ethel Liverpool, 30, 2400 L at. Women's clubs in the Philippines have a total membership of more than 12,000. ip SC UWOOtI A Sale of Printzess Suits >'o. 5 of a series of $49-50 Printsess sketches * shovin', modes of the y Specially Priced for moment from The . _/ . . T . ■ uecht Co ih%s Very Special Event * Xo matter what you paid your custom tailor, you couldn't get a finer suit. rjrr/ JTJT t € f Read’s hsAll in navy or pC7vfcr. I ti fy /ftiCJiTtfalfim Skinner’s satin lined. M. J.l'K*' JL JllLs Ktr'Ji*/ Plain or hairline striped. _ - jr. Every new znriation in coats. / th at r Sizes for women and misses. iW '4. TEN DOLLARS T3UYS suck "'fineness —suck brilliant origin ality— at “Halm's” tkis Spring, tkat one senses instinctively tke migkty value-giving power of a vast organization! , 2. Pearl or Tanbark Kid. Also in Suede, Satin, m B Lea C th k er Sati "' PM “ t W Cor. 7th 4. Racquet or Tanbark 414 9th St. Suede. Pearl or Tan- T'Lvk bark Kid. Satin. L,Aub ho P 1318 G St. Births Reported. The following births have been reported to (he health department in the lut twenty-four boars: Uiyase* 8. and Chriatinn M. Evans. girl. Fred M. and Klaie llerthrone, boy. James D. and Evelyn 8. Richards, girl. Michael P. and falherine T. Ueldy. boy. Jerry M. and Annie U. Houston, boy. Mrs. K. Palmer is a successful wheelwright In Hammersmith. Eng. Held in Extortion Case. J CHICAGO, April I—Charged with r , having participated in an attempt P ' obtain $30,000 from .John I* Rushnell | Springfield, Ohio, banker, James A j Ryan was held yesterday for re | moral to Cincinnati. Ryan waive. | examination. A final order for his re 1 j mova.l was expected to be issued to 1 morrow. 9