32 MILK The Health Drink Bottled at the farms this morn ing and served to you at the BELLEVUE FARMS Restaurant Stomm 1332-34-36 G W4WL# Street "Products from Farm JULmtmmmAo to You” The Evans Fish & Crab Co. Os Christfield, Md. F.STAB I.ISIIKU limit Announce Their Opening for Business at No. 3, 11th St. Fish Market All Kinds of Sea Food Wholesale and Iletail Teach Children To Use Cuticura Soothes and Heals " Rashes and Irritations /) 1 Cotlrwrft Soap Htlm Skin (1o»r ■■——l ■ 1111 ll II ll !■ ■!■ WM I—— VOTE The Mah Jong Ballot!! IN Ruction Bridge “The Greatest Auction and Mah Jong Editorial Staff” A New Light on ' “Denials of Major Suit Bids” Every Bridge player should know this new development. ON SALE TODAY 25 cents a copy $2.50 per year At your newsstand or Send Your Subscription to 149 Broachvay, New York PUrC I —. Send f° r pockct-siie Card " ivrr. of Auction Bridge Penalties It | | | PENNY A POUND ;i.o rfi vbst jrau l ;i ' ! Only one Test * for fine Candy r | 'HERE is only one test for fine Candy— that is quality. Quality is always assured at Loft’s. Only the purest and best ingredients are used; the candy is made in the most sani tary factory in the world. An Example: LOFT JEWELS $«.00 Assorted Chocolates • - lb. box The finest candy in the world, bar nose. Presenting Loft Big 3 Special Feature Friday & Saturday, April 4th & sth BUTTER PEANUT BRITTLE the most delicious peanut brittle made finer fresh Virginia and Georgia peanuts —elsewhere 39c a pound—our regular price 29c special Milk Chocolate MARASCHINO CHERRIES fine juicy French cherries covered with that Loft velvety milk chocolate—half pound box—regularly 40c, special - I High Grade CHOCOLATES excellent quality —a goodly variety of vSnds elsewhere 75c * M j I a pound —our regular 59c kind, special 4 All 3 Packages for 99< Additional Specials for Friday and Saturday dQr American Filled Confections, ocr pound.’. )A r Jumbo Jells, per pound box Milk Chocolate Caramels, regular 69c Value.. .... 46c | Chocolate Molasses ’Plantations 29c ts. Chocolate Vanilla Cream Drops, reg. 44c value.. ***** , Milk Chocolate Home-Made Candles EASTER EGGS These make ■ tasty appeal to folks and RABBITS who are true lovers of real quality in I sweets and like the home nade flavor. IO« to 9*5 'hey are cheep at 69c a pound, but I on Friday and Saturday we invite you ■ to try a box at only seas Lofty Ideals c Frequently whole cUnet oi senior hi*h school pupils ecck- f ins first hand knowledfe of J M M W how thinss are dons in the Ms M M Jft bisaer industries, visit the Loft m Jm factories where a thousand kinds of candies are made by M J M the jsost modsm methods. # m ff Loh factories sladly welcome m ty visitors. Ws cannot advertise Jw noneflcctivcly than by having people ace just bow we do it. m |—O’DONNELL’S 1405 H St. N.W. 723 14lh St. N.W. F SL Cor. 12th 604 9th St. N.W. wwWffWWWP KIWANIS CLUB GIVES VISITING NURSES AUTO Fully Equipped Machine and $1,400 Presented to Society at Treasury Today. PRESENTATION IS FOURTH Money Gift to Pay for Salary of Worker for Year. To speed their service to the suffer ing, the Kiwanis Club today pre sented the Instructive Visiting Nurses with a fully equipped automobile. The presentation took place south of the TYeasury Department at 1:30 o’clock, immediately after the reg ular weekly luncheon of the club. Mrs. Whitman Cross, president of the Instructive Visiting Nurse Society, received the gift on behalf of the society from President Harry Kimball and Bake-r Weaver, chairman of the special committee. The Kiwanians also gave J 1.400 to provide for the services of a nurse during a year. Among those taking part in the informal exercises were Mrs. X’ross, Mrs. O. Brown Miller, second vice president; Mrs. David Potter and Joshua A. Evans, treasurer, in behalf of the nurses, and Mr. Weaver, Mr. Kimball, Maynard Burrell and John C. Wineman, in behalf of the ehib. Now Have Four Cars, This makes the fourth and most modern of the automotive facilities now available to the visiting nurses. An anonymous contributor donated one in February. 1923. the Rotary Club donated another in May, 1924. and Dr. John Van Rensselaer donated an automobile some time later. The society's objective is to provide, at a nominal rate, part-time nursing care at the home for pre-natal and post-natal cases, as well as to look after the welfare of delicate children. "When a person can’t pay for services —and there are days when a nurse doesn’t collect more than a quarter in twelve hours —no fee is asked. Need for instruction of women in pre-natal fundamentals of hygiene and the pro motion of health among children are outstanding in the organization’s goal. Washingtonians who can afford it are supporting this work among the persons who cannot afford to pay for services. HEARING ON OPIUM BAN. Physicians Testify on Porter Drug Bill. Hearings on the Porter bill which would prohibit the importation of crude opium for manufacturing, hero in were stated today before the House ways and means committee. Witnesses included Dr. Rupert Blue of the public health service and Dr. Amos O. Squire, chief physician at Sing Sing prison. In practically every line of business in Denmark women enjoy the same nay and equal opportunities with the men. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, IX ’C., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1024. 1 HOW TO TORTURE YOUR HUSBAND. —ByWEJISTER. ( SAV-Etwc.etteKv ) / —. f “7 1 TI«V|E I COMC im H£l?e I VVCU.CU?, i have vcßkcd- j < YOU OC 6oT YOU* Nose HARO f?UT l VEHAO SOMETHING- I „ ( Bur«eo in work . fo* )To work, Fcr.-ihe Mtssus ) 0, I Y w»m J ( <7 x'V Can Cowe akounP anp j * \ \UACK UPOUR Kent S 9 X we've Formishci? rrmccLY. \ C rue sso s amp » get a S Sowe OFOUR RuG5 AF€ Soap I Lot OF SATISFACTION standing \ j Soo?OHeS 0 our°Car. j while it's not tvc most I RealT2me, J I j eyPCNSwc oneeom, is a j 7\V OU£S . a fine jCnamon I ; FigSTCLASS Be>/vr [ 'lc Ten. * hg vvof2l - c> /• m || The king of’em all . . ** , Regularly 45c j| OPK> lUgSBI oeev row.. "IfiillilllllllliM medical officer «.f the American forces in the Philippine* commended by cable orders of Gen. Otis of the War Department. Dr. Heller was a mem ber of the famous Maj. Batchelor’s "Dost Battalion” that fought its way through the hostile wilderness of Duson to the north coast and the| I China sea. The "Dost Battalion,” j I composed of the 24th Infantry and a| i company of native scouts and colored j j troops, marched 310 miles through | i the herat of Duzon in the face of in- I j surrectionists’ ambuscades, and is ■ i credited with having 1 accomplished i j the most hazardous expedition of the I whole Philippine insurrection. BUILDING STRIKE ENDS. LONDON', April .2.—The strike of j workers employed in the construction j of buildings at the Uritteh empire ex- j i position at Wembley has been settled 1 I and the men returned to work this | I afternoon, thu.7 removing fears that! I the exposition opening set for April ; 22. would be delayed. The strike was led by men described 1 . in the Ijondon press as having com- ! i munistic tendencies. The walkout j arose through demands for higher wages. RETREAT TO BE HELD AT MT. CARMEL HOUSE Exercises to Be Conducted Next Sunday by Superior of Car melite Order. tTnder the direction of the Order of Barefooted Carmelites at Catholic Uni versity and the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement at the Mount Carmel National Retreat House, women and girls of various parishes in Washington. Baltimore and other points within the archdiocese will take part in the exer P 1 I QUALITY SERVICE I | STORES | B QUALITY Service Stores arc ready to give you the real PI %T service that makes for pleasant marketing hours—and the Es prices are the lowest consistent with quality. gi PURITY SALT 3 for 25c I 3 fei g BLUE RIBBON BUTTER | j Franco-American Coffee Blended I 111 WASCOTT?'S ALE : 25c 11 I g | GOLD-BO MAYONNAISE | | SNOW DRIFT 11 | [RITTER’S BAKED BEANS, Cm., 9cj B ||f Sharpies* Cream Cheese Dairylea Milk m H WASHINGTON '* “*• 1 I I FLOUR 25c die 97c H I g Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 can . 32c g i m CALIFORNIA Y ™ w PEACHES No Can 2| l9c I j | DEL MONTE PEARS, No. 1\ can, 37c | n Del Monte CHERRIES, No. 2| can, 37c 1 I | SALMON, PINK, tall can . . . 15c | i SARDINES, Imported brand 2 cans, 25c BJ H ARGO SALMON, can . . . . 25c || i g JELLO, pkg 10c H g French Cream Salad Mustard 2 Jars 25c j|j I GARDNERS CAKE, Mb. pkg., 35c | i STRICTLY FRESH EGGS, doz., 28|c S p Fountain Brand HAMS, 1 lb. . 28c g (I Muellers Macaroni, 2 Pkgs., 25c J| Bceresota 0 5 i b “*• flour 29c 55c 99c jg I CORBY’S MOTHER’SJSREAD 100% PURE crises of a “day of spiritual recollp«ction” at the retreat house next Sunday. Very Rev. F’aschasius Heriz, superior of the Carmelites, will conduct the ex ercises, which will begin at 10 am. and continue until 6 p.m. Three sermons will be given and the rest of the time will be spent by the women in prayer and silent meditation Registration of those who will par ticipate began at the retreat house this morning. It was announced that the retrealants will be expected to have attended mass before going to the house Sunday morning. A machine perfected recently will measure the aOO.OOO/JOOth part of one inch. VIEWS ON 0. C. ASKED. Prize Offered for Essays by Mer chants of City. Every one within a radius of twenty-five miles of Washington is eligible to enter the "What-I-Think - About-Washington Advertising” con test, which is to be conducted br the Advertising Club and merchants of Washington the week of April ti. Large cash prizes have been offered by various stores. Three prominent citizens will be chosen to act as judges. The rules governing tie contest will be announced later.