OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, May 20, 1924, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1924-05-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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- ’ . Ml
Showers and cooler tonight; tomor
row unsettled and cool; moderate
northeast winds.
Temperature for 24 hours ending 2
p.m. today: Highest, 74, at 4:40 p.m.
yesterday: lowest, 58. at noon today.
Pull report on page 25.
Closing N. Y. Stock* and Bonds, Page 24
■\r_. 90 990 Entered as second-class matter
post office Washington. D. C.
Act to Be Administered as
Soon as Needed Appropri
ation Is Made.
Maximum Payment Is Put at
$1,900 —Army of Typists and
Stenographers Required.
Planning to increase its personnel
In Washington by 4.000 employes, the
government machine moved into ac
tion today to place the soldier bonus
* n the hands of world war veterans.
Enacted into law yesterday, when
the Senate, by a vote of 59 to 26, over
rode President Coolidge’s veto, the
bonus act will be administered as
soon as necessary funds can be ap
Estimates on administrative cost j
were being prepared by the Navy De- j
Partment, War Department and Vet- I
erans' Bureau today for submission to !
the bureau of the budget, which, as j
soon as possible, will forward the i
total estimate for the first year to i
Congress, with recommendations. The i
money, already authorized in the i
bonus act, may be provided either by
special act of Congress or by amend
ment to the deficiency bill, now pend
da*v not been decided to
f.o in Deficiency Dili.
The House appropriations commit
tee is expecting to receive from the
bureau of the budget estimates for I
the first year’s administration of the
bonus, the latter part of the week •
and may add them then to the de-j
ficiency bill, which is now being con- i
sidered by the committee.
This was indicated at the Capitol |
today, when it was alse explained i
that the committee had been apprised j
officially of tire possibility of such ex- !
penditures during hearings on the j
regular appropriation bills earlier in |
the session. It was considered more
likely by the appropriation commit
tee that the bonus administration es
timates would be added to the de
ficiency bill than that a special bill
would be drawn. This, however, de
pended somewhat on early arrival of i
i he estimates from the bureau of the j
Preliminary Plans Made.
Preliminary plans for administer- 1
ing the bonus had been worked out:
so thoroughly that the three govern- !
merit agencies charged with that re- j
sponsibillty virtually were ready to
go ahead today, except for the lack
of funds. The forms for application
blanks for use by veterans and the ;
many other papers needed, up to j
the adjusted service certificate, which
will be handed to the veteran, all
have been approved by the authori
ties. Type has been set at the gov- i
eminent printing offiffice. especially I
for the application blanks, which will
be the first needed, and is ready to
go on the presses as soon as the
necessary money and authority is i
Just when these application blanks
will be placed in the hands of vet
erans had not been determined by the
War and Navy departments, today.
They will be distributed by the Post
Office Department, the American
Legion, American Red Cross and
many co-operating patriotic bodies.
Veterans are asked specifically not
to write in to the government {or
these blanks, but to wait until they
are distributed through the desig- 1
nated agencies.
The nucleus of te war-time organ- \
ization of the Red Cross will be put j
In motion to help the veterans ob- !
tain their compensation. At the re- j
quest of the War Department, na
tional headquarters of the Red Cross ]
announced today, instructions have j
gone to the various divisions and |
chapters to be ready to assist in dis- '
tributing blank forms and seeing that j
they are properly filled out. Approx- ]
imately 5.000,000 blanks will be sent I
to the various divisions.
By means of the Red Cross, it was
said, the huge task would be consid
erably simplified and the work expe
Application Covers Pour Pages.
The application blank, it was ex
plained at the War Department today,
is a four-page blank, of business let
ter size, with printing on four pages.
The veteran is asked on this blank to
answer twenty-six questions, which
/ have beeh determined sufficient mate
rial from which the Army, Navy and
Marine Corps officials can look up the ;
official service record in the case.
Plans already are being made to !
take on the more than 4,000 additions
to the personnel here in Washington
to handle the administration of the
At the Civil Service Commission, it
| was announced that preparations had 1
/ been under way for some time, and
J that a large number of clerks have
already been certified for availability.
Adda 4,152 employes.
official reports to the commission
* as to the number of employes which
will be needed by the various agencies
handling the bonus were made public, •
as follows: War Department, 3,309;
Navy Department, 443, and Veterans’
Bureau, 400, totaling 4,152.
It will be necessary for the Civil
Service Commission to hold examina
tions only for stenographers and
, typists, as, it was said, there already
has been listed a sufficient number of
< lerks. In fact, between 6,000 and
7,000 clerks now are on the rolls.
Examinations are to be held on the
.■-ecoiid Tuesday of each month in
Washington and 600 other places
throughout the United States to get
ihe needed stenographers and typists.
It was emphasized by the Civil Serv
ice Commission that no examinations
will be held for clerks, and none need
Draw Prom Otfccr Bureaus.
li is also proposed by the Civil
Service Commission to offer positions
to persons who will be dropped from
the rolls of other departments which
are reducing their personnel.
The work of the War Department
on the bonus, which will be under
cireotion of Maj. Den. Robert C.
Davis, adjutant general, will take
, place to a very large extent in the
1 huge building designated as "E” near
■ t.th and B streets southwest, where
~ (Continued on Page 4, Column 2.)
May Give Up Post
Veto of Revenue Bill Possible if
Bonus Expense Not Met
Business Will Suffer, President Is
Reported to Feel.
Tax reduction in the United States
will naturally suffer as a result of
the soldiers' bonus bill becoming a
law over his veto, according to an
opinion regarding the passage yes-
I terday of this measure expressed to-
I day by President Coolidge to callers
I with wljpm he discussed this subject.
The President is represented as
j having said that his opinion of the
i various features of the bill and his*
: reasons for opposing It are well
j known by now, inasmuch as they
were published in his message to Con
| gress and in the special message sent
several days ago accompanying his
veto. The President said the bonus
law will affect tax reduction some
what this year and mort and more in
years to come.
Increases National Debt.
I He pointed out that to lift the tax
burden from the shoulders of the public
and from business it would be
; to pay off the national debt, but with
the national debt being increased, as it
will be as a result of this extra load
brought about by the bonua law, tax
reduction must pay the penalty.
President Coolidge is said to have ex
pressed himself as feeling that aside
from the disappointment to millions of
i people who were anticipating a material
reduction in taxes, that business, speak
ing generally, will also suffer. The
| President, however, made it plain that
j his first and special desire was to re
lieve the people and then to help busi
ness. In his opinion the bonus law will
i work in just the opposite direction from
what he thought the people wanted. It
■ will take just so much more from the
production of the people to meet the ex
tra taxes.
May Veto Revenue Bill.
Veto of the revenue bill now in con
ference was forecast at the Capi
tol today in view of previous indica
tions by administration spokesmen
that enactment of the bonus bill
would necessitate disapproval of the
tax-reduction measure by President
I Coolidge. It was recalled that Secre
! tary Mellon in announcing his tax
j reduction plan declared the proposed
cut would be Impossible if the bonus
j was allowed. It was also indicated
| that the action of the Senate yester
; day in repassing the bonus bill over
; the presidential veto also may have
| some effect on the action of conferees,
: who today complete the first week
of work on the measure.
The President has been informed
by tffose cabinet officers whose de
partments will have a direct rela
tionship with the enforcement of the
bonus law that steps were taken to
day in their respective departments
to make ready to meet the demands
created by this legislation.
Condition Today Described as Less
I The condition of Representative I
, John W. Langley of Kentucky was
described as less promising today
after his physician. Dr. Everett M.
Ellison, examined him. The patient
spent a restless night, it was stated,
| and today his heart action was ir
regular and his temperature, pulse
and blood pressure below normal,
while no improvement was noted in
his diabetic condition.
Friends of the congressman were
pleased at what appeared to be a dis
tinct improvement in Mr. Langley’s
condition yesterday afternoon. He
i has been suffering from cerebral
hemorrhage and general nervous col
lapse since his recent return from
Covington, Ky., where he was con
victed on charges of conspiracy in
connection with liquor withdrawals.
Crew to Take Dirigible Up for First
Time Since Accident.
LAKEHURST, N. J.. May 30,—The
dirigible Shenandoah will be givin a
short post-repair flight tomorrow, her
first flight since the night in January
when she battled a storm over New
Jersey and Staten Island after being
torn from her mooring mast in a sev
enty-mile gale.
The Shenandoah has been lightened
to the extent of 3,000 pounds, which
will allow an additional supply of
seven hours' fuel.
Snow in New Tork State.
.BROCTON, N. Y.. May 20.—Light
snow fell here today. The film of
white . remained on the ground and
house roofs for some time. Residents
believe it to be the first time In fifteen
years snow has fallen so late in
Admits Envoy Wants to Re
sign Post and Says Resig
nation Will Be Accepted.
Japanese Diplomat Has Asked for
Relief for Some Time, Min
ister Says.
By the Associated Press.
TOKIO. May 20. —Ambassador
Hanihara may be “permitted to re
sign’’ his Washington post shortly,
Foreign Minister Matsui told news
paper men today.
The premier’s statement was made
to a gathering of representatives
of the Japanese press after today's
cabinet meeting, at which ho ad
mitied the subject had been discussed.
The statement was the result of in
sistent inquiries.
The foreign minister stated that
there had been no formal inter
changes between the foreign office
and the ambassador dealing with
the matter, although Tokio officials
have known Mr. Hanihara was de
termined not to remain in the United
States after the Japanese exclusion,
clause in the recently enacted im
migration bill becomes effective.
Foreign Minister Matsui empha
sized that the ambassador’s retire
ment, should it actually become a
fact, would be purely voluntary - .
Says Envoy's Resignation Due to
. Disappointment.
; By the Associated Press.
j TOKIO, May 20.—Foreign Minister
1 Matsui told Japanese newspapers to
i day in his opinion the fundamental
j reason for Ambassador Woods’ resig
j nation was disappointment over
i Congress' passing the Japanese cx
i elusion measure.
Matsui said that “the ambassador
l has the most profound sympathy of
the Japanese nation, whose gratitude
toward him will always be fresh.”
The Asahi reviews Woods' earth
quake relief work and pays a tribute
to his "filial piety” for Insisting upon
his resignation for the sake of his
mother-in-law’s health. The news
paper declares that Woods’ resig
nation indicates disappointment.
Even the Jingo press is joining in
the national tribute to Woods, the ex
pressions of regret over hia resignation
being unanimous.
The Yoro, one of the most outspoken
of the vernaculars In Immigration
editorials, voices its sorrow at the
determination of Mr. Woods to quit hU
post, and sympathizes with the difficult
position in which America's exclusion
legislation has placed him.
Friend to Japan.
The Tamato states that the Japanese
believe that such a good friend of
Japan as Mr. Woods has proved him
self to be can help them when he
returns to America, otherwise the
nation would start a movement appeal
ing to President Coolidge and Woods
himself to reconsider the resignation.
The ambassador, in a statement to
the Associated Press, said:
“Since the immigration question is
virtually settled and the crisis which
it engendered ended I feel that I am
free to yield to family reasons, which
make it imperative for me to resign
my post in Japan.
“The illness of Mrs. Marchand, my
mother-in-law. renders essential the
departure of myself and my family for
America as soon as possible.
T leave Japan with genuine re
gret. especially since it is necessary
for me to give up my work here at
a difficult and critical period in the
history of the relations between
Japan and my country.
Confident of Future.
"We are entering a period of re
adjustment in which many factors in
the intercourse between Japan and
America are undergoing changes. I
am not apprehensive of the nature
of these changes in the long run.
"1 have found among the leaders
of this empire, with whom I have
been In close contact, and among
whom I have found sagacious, far
sighted statesmen, a real desire to
continue in cordial friendship, with
America, and realization that co
operation between the two nations
in maintaining peace in the Pacific
and solving the great problems of
; the far cast is essential to the wel
fare of both.
“I may say that I have found on
the part of the officials of the Japa
nese government, especially Foreign
Minister Matsui. an appreciation of
the difficulty of my position and a
willingness to relieve me of embar
“I consider that In this crisis the
government and people of Japan
have acted with dignity and self
restraint, which promises well, better
indeed than might have been ex
pected, for the continuation of
friendship between Japan and Amer
Coolidge Has Several in Mind for
Woods’ Post.
The resignation of Cyrus E. Woods
as ambassador to Japan has been ac
cepted by President Coolidge.
The President has made no selec
tion, but has several persons in mind
for the post.
Dawes Flan Approval Seen.
BERLIN, May 20.—According to
the Hamburg correspondent of the
Deutsche Zeitung, the Association of
Shipowners learns that the govern
ment intends to approve the Dawes
committee report on reparation im
mediately, without awaiting the de
cision of the Reichstag.
Refuse to Drop Johnson.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. May 20.—The
South Dakota delegation to the Re
publican national convention will cast
its votes for Hiram Johnson for Pres
ident, regardless of the senator’s ac
tion, Senator Peter Norbeck, head of
the state delegation, declared in a
.message today.
National Auditor Says Senator Re
ceived No Financial Aid
at Elections.
However. Admits One Local Spent
$6 for Postage.
•l Charges of heavy campaign con
! tributions by the Ku Klux Klan to
! secure the election of Senator May
-1 | field in Texas in 1922 were formally
' { denied on behalf of the Klan today,
j before the special Senate committee
j investigating the contest brought
I against Mayfield by George E. B.
! Pcddy.
| J. E. McQuinn, national auditor of
j the Klan, told the committee his
i books did not show the expenditure
of a cent by the Klan either in the
' senatorial primary or election, which
i j resulted in the choice of
i Mayfield. Seconded by other Klan of-
L | flciala, he spread on the committee
i i table a great mass of official records
i ; which he said would support com
i ipletely his statement.
; j During his examination counsel for
: | the senator declared they were pre
[ pared to prove by other witnesses
that no Klan organization contributed
to the Mayfield campaign fund, al
i though one local in Texas spent $6
for postage in connection with the
Tells of Klan Work.
, J. A. Jett of White Path, Ga., called
to the stand by for Peddy,
told of his former employment by
1 the Klan and was questioned at
length about the attitude of its offi
, cials. At the request of the Peddy
counsel Klan officers who were pres
ent to testify later retired from the
committee room during Jett’s testi
The witness said he was in the
employ of the Klan from Ha organi
-1 zation until last April. Asked what
he knew of the connections of H. W.
Evans. T. J. McKinnon and John D.
Maher, ho said Maher’s activities
were largely to find out about the
purposes of Gaston B. Means, who
was investigating the Klan.
laqvlry Is Limited.
W. F. Zumbrunn. counsel for May
field, objected to an investigation of
the Klan generally and Chairman
Spencer ruled that the inquiry into
the Klan would be confined to Us
activities In Texas in the election of
1922 when Senator Mayfield was a
The interest of the Klan In Senator
Mayfield’s campaign, the witness said,
was “to have a senator who knew the
Klan” would be of value “from a propa
, ganda standpoint.”
Referring to a conversation between
Mrs, Elizabeth Tyler and E. Y. Clark,
Jett said that Clark told her that the
Klan “could afford to give SIOO,OOO for
propaganda’’ toward the election of a
senator, and that Texas seemed to be
the only place where they could at the
time elect one.
Salary Was $-10 Week.
There was a meeting of Klan officials
at the office of H. S. Savage, an officer
of the Klan, in October, 1922, the wit
ness said, at which the Mayfield cam
paign was discussed.
■ Parenthetically, he remarked that he
was on a salary of S4O a week and ex
penses, but made from SSOO to SI,OOO
a week. Senator Neely, Democrat, West
Virginia, said he must have been “graft
ing,” and Jett replied that "all the way
down” people connected with the Klan
were “stealing.”
The witness said $25,000 was given
• N. N. Furney. cashier of the Klan, to
be used in aiding the Mayfield cam
paign. The money was to be largely
used, he asserted, in educating the Klan
to write Mayfield’s name upon the
ballot. The money was given to Furney
by Evans, he said.
. Jett was excused temporarily and
J. E. Quinn, auditor and assistant
cashier of the Imperial Palace of the
Klan, was called to the stand. He
» covered a part of a large table with
. cashier’s books of the organization.
In reply to an inquiry by Luther
Nickels, counsel for Peddy, he assured
. the committee there had been no ad
. justment after the auditing of the
1 Klan books to balance the accounts.
WUarai Explains Items.
Items upon the books which indi
cated “an adjustment” under the re
port of the auditors were explained
by the witness as being merely for
■ the purpose of showing the real lia
bilities of the organization by noting
interest items.
McQuinn replied in the negative
i when asked if he had not been in
structed by officials of the Klan to
refrain from corresponding with lo
cal Klan lodges over the country with
regard to accounts receivable and
notes payable. In this connection,
thirty-seven letters had been sent out
to straighten out the accounts be
tween the Imperial Palace and the
The Income of the national organi
zation was derived, McQuinn said.
■ from commissions frorh the “propa
gation department," money received
▼" (Continued on Page 2. Column 67* ~
Extra Ship Ready
I To Rush Japanese
i Back to U. S. Ports
By the Associated Press.
TOKIO, May 20.—1 n order to ac
commodate the great numbers of
Japanese residents of America, who
wish to return to the United States
before the exclusion law becomes
’ effective. July 1. the Nippon Yusen
! Kaisha line has announced that it
is diverting one of its European
liners, the Mishama Marti, from its
Suez run and sending her on a j
special transpacific trip.
The Toyo Kisen Kaislta also is j
altering the schedule of the Korea j
Maru to permit her to reach San ;
Francisco before Julv 1. It is be- i
Ueved these two steamships will j
be sufficient to take care of the I
Japanese unable to obtain passage |
on the regular liners.
G. A. Lyon, Associate Editor of
The Star, to Hand S3OO to
Miss Ruth Newburn.
‘ I
Ceremony to Take Place Before
Student Body.
i Preparations were completed today ;
i for the presentation at 9 o’clock to- 1
morrow morning of The Star’s grand
prize of S3OO to Miss Ruth Newburn,
senior at the Central High School,
who will represent the District of
Columbia in the national oratorical
contest, June 6, at Memorial Con
tinental Hall.
The presentation will be made in
the presence of the entire student
body, and will take place In the r« di
torium at Central High School.
Principal Stephen E. Kramer will
Miss Newburn will give her oration, !
"The Constitution,” with which she |
won first honors in the local zone of
the national contest, having been se
lected last week by the board of
Judges. Justices McCoy, Siddons
and Robb, as premier secondary
school orator in the National Capital.
Presentation of Prise.
Formal presentation of the grand
prize will be made by G. A. Lyon, as
sociate editor of The Evening Star.
Randolph Leigh, national director of
the contest, who arrived here yester
day from New York, will tell briefly
the national aspects of the contest.
Invitations have been sent out to .
the other seven local contestants, the I
faculties and students of the other
schools which competed in the local
zone to attend the presentation to
Principal Hart of the Eastern High
School and Miss Ruth Greenwood of
that institution, who was selected by
the judges as alternate to Miss New
burn, will attend the ceremonies at
the Central School. Other partici
pating schools are making plans to
day to send representatives.
The Washington Chamber of Com
merce has invited Principal Kramer
of the Central High School and Miss
Newburn to attend the meeting of
the chamber tonight at the New Wil
lard Hotel. In the name of the cham
ber President Isaac Cans invited the
sixteen-year-old prize winner to be
the guest of the evening.
Anmkly at Eastern.
In honor of Miss Greenwood the six
teen-year-old alternate, who stands
ready to “fill in” at the national con
test In case of need, an assembly was
held today at the Eastern High
A basket of flowers was presented
to Miss Greenwood, who is the daugh
ter of Representative Greenwood of
Indiana, on behalf of the Home and
School Association and the alumni of
the school. The presentation was
made by Dr. Raymond A. Fisher, pres
ident of the association. Short talks
of congratulation were made by rep
resentatives of the teaching staff, the
alumni and other contestants at
Application for tickets to the na
tional contest at 8:15 o’clock p.m.,
June 6, at Memorial Continental Hall,
when President Cooli.dge will speak,
should be made to Grant Allen, local
contest editor, room 440, The Star
The demand for seats is growing
daily, as-the time for the final contest
draws hear. ’Not only high school
teachers and pupils want seats, but the
interest has extended to all ranks here.
Mr. Leigh took up with D. A. R.
officials the use of the Memorlal_ Co n -
(Continued cm Page -5, Column 3.)
Four-Million-Dollar Estate to Be i
Divided Equally Among
Four Heirs.
Judge's Decision to Delay Believed
to Have Caused Settlement.
! I
The twelve-year litigation over the !
j $4,000,000 estate of Stilson Hutchins, j
i former Washington publisher, who I
' died in April. 1912, ended today with j
| a compromise agreement between the 1
widow, Mrs. Rose Keeling Hutchins;
i the sons, Walter S. Hutchins and Lee
Hutchins, and the granddaughter,
Mildred Rogers Penn, Ramon
A. Penn of Boston, granddaughter of
the deceased. All the litigants with
| drew their opposition to the admis
sion to probate of the will of Mr.
Hutchins, dated in 1908, and letters
of administration were granted by
Justice Frederick L. Siddons to
j Thomas M. Glttings. Charles H. Mer
! illat and Myer Cohen and their bond
| was fixed at SIO,OOO.
| According to the terms of the com-
I promise which are gathered from a
deed to the real estate which was re
corded from the widow and heirs to
j the administrators as trustees, Mrs.
| Hutchins is to receive one-fourth of
j the estate and a like amount is to go
I to each of the sons and to the grand
! daughter. It is estimated that each
| share will be slightly in excess of
; $1,000,000. Under the deed the trus
-1 tees are to take possession of the
1 realty, and make sales as quickly as
possible and to distribute the pro
ceeds in proportions named, among
the four beneficiaries. The personal
estate will be distributed at once in
like manner, it was stated.
The compromise was agreed by
Attorneys William G. Johnson, Myer
Cohen and Frank J. Hogan for Lee
Hutchins: by Charles H. Merillat for
Walter S. Hutchins, and by Thomas
M. Glttings and George P. Hoover for
the widow.
The first trial of the contest of the
Hutchins estate established a record
! for a civil proceeding in the District
i court, occupying the total of five
■ months. The will of 1910 was set
aside and on appeal a new trial was
j granted. Mrs. Hutchins then offered
the 1908 will and opposition devel
oped to that. Justice Siddons a few
weeks ago declined to hear the second
contest before the summer recess and
postponed it until October. This is
supposed to have expedited the
agreement among the beneficiaries to
settle their differences.
Multitude Turned Back at Ellis
I Island Seek Entry—Oppose
Southern Europeans.
By Radio to The Star and Chicago Daily
News. Copyright, 1924.
PARIS, May 20.—Disputes arising
in Washington over the Japanese
exclusion provision in the immigra
tion bill call the attention of France to
her own immigration problem, which
resembles in some ways that of the
United States.
Multitudes of foreigners turned
back at ' Ellis Island are trying to
come here to settle. Certan critics
speak with alarm of a veritable
Mediterranean invasion of settlers.
In all frontier provinces the situation
is regarded as disquieting.
France realizes that she' needs
immigrants, but sho wishes to choose
jjetween candidates rather than ac
cept an indiscriminate flood of new
comers. Moreover, she objects to
the principle “once a Roman, always
a Roman.” She wishes to absorb
foreign settlers as fast as possible.
In certain regions, notably Tunis.
Italians try to conserve their original
nationality, and thus avoid service
in the-French army.
Temperance Order to Meet.
John C. Daley Council, Independent
Order Sons of Jonadab, will hold an
open meeting Saturday night at its
lodge roofti, 643 Louisiana avenue,
commencing at 8 o’clock. Grand Chief
John C. Foster, the executive head of
the Grand Council of the order, will
be present and will speak. Several
well known temperance speakers will
also make addresses.
Copeland Execution Delayed.
Justice Hitz, In Criminal Division
1, has postponed the execution of
Herbert L. Copeland, colored, until
October 25 to await the decision of
the District Court of Appeals of an
appeal noted by counsel for the pris
oner from his conviction of murder
in the first degree. Copeland was
convicted of killing Police Lieut. Da
vid Dunlgan in May, 1918.
Half Rule
During Summer to
Start on June 15
Saturday half-holidays for fed
eral and District government em
ployes will start June 15, as has
been the rule for a number of
In making this known unofficial
ly at the White House today, a
spokesman for the President said
that the executive order of June,
19H, declaring that four hours
would constitute a day's work each
Saturday between July 1 to October
1 is looked upon as a continuing
order from year to year, thereby
making It unnecessary for a new
order to be issued each year. The
period of the half holiday, how
ever, was changed several years
ago to run from June 15 to Sep
tember 15.
globelircledTn air
Reach Minato, Closing Final Gap in
World Route Made by Three
Japanese Children Learn American
Songs for Welcome.
By the Associated Pres*.
LONDON'. May 20.—Lieut. Pel
letier Doissy, the French airman,
I who landed at Shanghai today on
| his night from Paris to Tokio.
I damaging his machine in coming
| down, informed Reuter’s Shanghai
correspondent that he did not in
( l en d to continue his flight. The
| abandonment, the message says,
I was due to the accident, which
damaged the engine and propeller
as well as the tail of the plane.
By the Acaociated Pres*.
MINATO, Japan. May 20. The
| American aviators flying around the
I world overcame highly adverse con
ditions today in completing the man's
j conquest of the air by flying from
i Yetorofu Island, in the Kuriles, to
j this little town in northern Japan.
! Foggy weather, which at first seemed
| likely to prevent them from ac
-1 complishing the flight, later cleared
j somewhat. They took off somewhat
! later in the day than their flights
usually have commenced, driving
through to their objective
Whole World Traversed.
The flight to this place, complet
ing a passage of the Pacific by air,
closed the last gap in man's aerial
navigation around the world, Ameri
cans, British and Portuguese having
flown over the Atlantic; British
aviators having flown from England
to Singapore, and Italians having
flown across southern Asia and up
the China coast to Japan, while Brit
ish and Japanese flyers have traversed
the entire stretches of their own
The arrival of the Americans came
as a surprise to many, early reports
that the weather was not suitable
for flying having received general
j This village has been in a state of
j tense expectancy awaiting the ar
-1 rival of the American Army flyers.
| For the last three weeks the vil
| lagers have been elaborately prepar
i ing for the reception of the airmen.
| They even assisted in placing buoys
.j in the bay to aid the aviators in
! landing.
The mayor and city elders, many
j of whom are grizzled fishermen, had
! everything ready to receive the visi
i tors when it was reported that the
i flyers were ready to hop off for this
j place.
I.earn American Songs.
In honor of the Americans the
I school children have learned to sing
"America" and “Columbia, the Gem of
the Ocean." The English words to
these songs were received from Tokio
■ last month.
The governor of Aomori prefecture,
|in which Minato is situated, has
j planned a dinner for the aviators,
j The curious countryside is thrilled by
i the approaching visit of the birdmen.
] and great crow-ds are flocking toward
■ Minato.
Next Jump la 3SO Miles.
From Minato, where the Americans
are expected to stop but briefly, the
next leg of the trip is about 350 miles
down the Pacific coast of Japan's
main island to Kasumigaura, where
the Japanese navy has its principal
aviation station. Kasumigaura is
about fifty miles from Tokio, and the
aviators are expected to make the
railway trip to the capital.
The next hop is about 350 miles to
Kushimoto, next to the last stopping
place in Japan. The last slop of the
flyers in Nippon is on the southern
island of Kyushu, at Kagoshima.
From this point, the airmen will at
tempt the 500-mile journey to Shang
By the Associated Press.
TOKIO, May 20.—A report forward
ed by the destroyer Pope from Yeto
rofu Island today indicated that the
flight of the American round-the
world aviators from Yetorofu, in the
Kuriles, to Minato, in northern Ja
pan, was accomplished after one vain
effort had been made. The report
from Lieut Lowell H. Smith, flight
commander, dealt only with the un
successful effort It said;
“Tried to fly this morning, but
found it impossible owing to fog.
Will attempt tomorrow. Outlook for
tomorrow unpromising.” (Apparent
ly the flying conditions improved lat
er in the day, as the flyers hopped
from Yetorofu to Minato success
Dispatches from Kasumigaura, the
next landing place, state that the
town Is filling up with great crowds
coming from all parts of central and
northern Japan to welcome the
At Kasumigaura, where the Japa
nese navy has its principal aviation
(Continued on Page 2, Column 4.)
Back Sunday Law Here.
By the Associated Press.
AUSTIN, Tex., May 20.—The bill
pending in the Senate regulating
Sabbath observance and work in the
District of Columbia was indorsed
by the Cumberland Presbyterian Gen
eral Assembly today.
“From Press to Home
Within the Hour ”
The Star’s carrier system covers
every city block and the regular edi
tion is delivered to Washington homes
as fast as the papers are printed.
Yesterday’s CircnUtion, 98,770
D. C. Heads Reported Favor
ing $40,000 Reduction in
Funds for Coming Year.
Will Handle 500 Pending Cases,
; Bat Temporarily Drop Those
Appealed to Conrt.
Enjoined by the courts from fur
ther functioning in two cases pend
ing before it, the Rent Commission,
it was learned today, may be dealt
another blow by the District Com
missioners, who are planning to cut
an appropriation of $103,000 requested
by the commission to continue it<=
work under the extension law to
somewhere between 160,000 and $75-
The Commissioners conferred at
length today with officials of the
budget bureau and will hold another
meeting this afternoon, at which it
is expected they will decide how much
of the Rent Commission’s budget to
approve. It is understood the Dis
trict officials take the view that the
extension period is for one year only
and that such requested items as
those for additional equipment and
personnel may be dispensed with.
The Commissioners probably will cut
the commission's allowance to pro
vide simply for the salaries of nec
essary clerks and executives.
It was generally conceded today
that Justice Stafford's action yester
day in temporarily enjoining the com
mission from proceeding in two cases
now before it is virtually a death
blow to that body, provided, of course,
the higher courts do not reverse Jus
tice Stafford's ruling.
Will Continue Work.
The Rent Commission will continue
to hear and dispose of the 500 odd
cases waiting on its docket until
prevented by further court orders, or
until its permanent status is made
clear, it was learned at the commis
sion's offices today, although It was
made plain at the same time that the
commission had not had a meeting
to consider the latest phase In the
rent regulation situation here.
Oliver Metzerott, one of the com
misßionors, gave as his personal opin
ion today that the body must go right
ahead, regard!#** of the decision of
the courta Congress has passed a
law extending the life of the com
mission for one year, and the Presi
dent yesterday reappointed the live
commissioners to carry out this law.
The commissioners are sworn to
carry it out, it was emphasized, and
there is nothing else to do. but
go ahead.
There are about 500 cases now pend
| ing. and more are coming in regularly.
|it was stated. Each case will be con
i sidered on its merits as heretofore, but.
I should any of the litigants take the case
j to the courts and have the commission
j enjoined, the body will cease on that
j case and go ahead with the others. In
j the meantime the cases under which
I the commission is enjoined will find
1 their way to the United States Supremo
| Court.
Stafford Mgns Injunction.
President Coolidge yesterday named
j the five present commissioners for an
j other term. They are Richard S. Whaley,
i Mrs. Clara Sears Taylor. -William F.
■ Gude. Oliver Metzerott and Thomas E.
| Peeney, a little while before Justice
1 Stafford signed injunctions restraining
| the commission from proceeding in the
Warren and Norment cases.
Chapin Brown, attorney for the Rent
Commission, was surprised today when
he reached the courthouse to learn that
the injunctions had been signed yester
day by Justice Stafford. Mr. Brown
declared that he did not expect {Tie *
orders to be signed until today, when
it was his intention to file certain ex
ceptions to the finding of the court
and to note in court an appeal on
behalf of the Rent T’ornmission to the
District Court of Appeals.
The lawyer stated that he will pro
ceed with an appeal, but under the
rules of court will now have to serve
a citation on counsel for the plaintiffs
to appear in court on a specified day.
when he will then note the formal
Even should the Court of Appeals
agree to advance the case for argu
ment. it is not considered likely. In
view of the crowded condition of the
appellate docket and the approach of
the summer vacation, that the case
could be heard before next October or
The Rent Commission was tempera
rily enjoined yesterday afternoon by
Justice Stafford of the District Su
preme Court from proceeding with in
quiries into the rentals of properly
owned by Bates Warren at IS6S Co
lumbia road and of premises on New
Hampshire avenue owned by Harrs
Norment and Charles Linkins.
The court decided to restrain the
commission in both cases, although at
a previous hearing it had deferred ac-
I tion on the Norment-Linkins case,
i The plaintiff in each case was r< -
quired to give a bond of SSOO under the
I provisions of the Clayton act, in addi-
I tion to the usual undertaking of $5,000
j required by the court in issuing injunc
: tions. This undertaking with a surety
guarantees to make good any loss or
damage sustained by the members of
the commission or the tenant in the
Norment case by reason of the issuan.-e
of the injunctions. The tenants in the
Warren case were not made parties.
Based on Supreme Court Ruling.
As he feels about the situation in
view of the decision of the Unileo
States Supreme Court. Justice Staf
ford declares that he felt compelled
to issue an Injunction in these cases
and in “every other case of a similar
character that may be presented to
The form of injunction signed by tin
court in the Warren case reads; “This
cause coming to be heard upon, tin
bill and exhibits filed herein, and tin
rule to show cause issued herein, and
the answers of the defendants and ex
hibits to their answers to the said rub
to show cause, and after consideration
of the said bill, exhibits, affidavits, an
swers and other evidence offered, and
after argument by counsel for the re
spective parties, both plaintiff and de
fendants, and the court beipg of the
opinion that an injunction pendente lito
should be issued herein, as prayed, en
joining the Rent Commission of the
District of Columbia from further pro
ceeding with or considering causes 7037
and 6558, now pending before the said
(Continued on I’age 5, ~

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