OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, May 22, 1924, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1924-05-22/ed-1/seq-9/

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goeiety 1
(Continued from Eighth Page!
was Washington visiting Mrs.
Jordon in her apartment at
the Rochanbeau, has returned to her
home. She was the guest of Senator
Harris of Georgia in the Senate gal
'enr \° watch the vote on the bonus
bill, in which she was much Inter
Mrs. Leroy W. Herron and her two
daughters. Miss Mabel Audrey Her
ron and Miss Charlotte Virginia Her
ron, left Washington this afternoon
for a western trip which will last un
til July 14. They will go to the Grand
Canyon and Los Angeles, and In the
latter place they will be guests of
Mrs. Herron's sister, Mrs. Paul M.
Bryan. From there they will go to
San Francisco, from where they will
sail to Seattle. On their return trip
they will go to the Glacier National
Park, the Yellowstone, and will stop
in Denver and Colorado Springs.
Mr. John Carleton Beal entertained
at an informal smoker last evening,
when his guests included Mr. Carter
Bealer, Mr. John Luscomb. Mr. Glenn
H. Hahn and Mr. G. Beatty.
The lonic Club will celebrate its
tenth anniversary with a meeting and
dance at Meridian Mansions tonight
at 8 o’clock. After the meeting there
will be about an hour's special en
tertainment, followed by dancing.
The Montrose Kntertainers and the
club quartet have planned an inter
esting program of amusement, in
cluding both song and dance numbers.
The ballroom at Meridian Mansions
has been decorated with springtime
flowers for the event.
Mr. Robert Evans was host to a
company at supper at Le Paradis last
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cicero will
leave for a trip to Europe, sailing
Saturday aboard the Colombo for
Italy. They will visit in different
parts of Italy and will return to their
home at 737 Otis place in August.
Mrs. Eliot C. Lovett of 1845 Kalora
ma road entertained Tuesday at a
bridge tea. The company numbered
twenty-four, and additional guests
joined the company for tea. Assist
ing the hostess were Mrs. Elisha Han
son. Mrs. Robert 11. Lovett, Mrs. T.
C. Lavery, Miss Anne Tuohy, Mrs.
Eugene Adams, Miss Florence Berry
man and Mrs. M. C. Tyler.
Hospital Benefit Card
Party Given Mny 27.
Mrs. P. J. Saffel and the members
of her committee on arrangements
for the bridge and mah-jong party to
be given May 27 for the benefit of
Georgetown University Hospital have
practically completed the preliminary
work. The party, which will take place
on the university campus, if the weather
is fair, or indoors in case of rain, will
be given under the auspices of the
ladies' board of the hospital, the offi
cers of which are: Mrs. Harry V.
Haynes, president; Mrs. George T.
Parker, treasurer; Miss Mary Keli
her, corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Frank E. Duehring. recording secre
tary. and Miss Margaret Mitchell, Mrs.
George Tully Vaughan. Mrs. M. E.
Ailes. Mrs. Nellie E. Fealy, Mrs. Henry
Gower. Mrs. Andrew Mclntyre, Mrs.
.1. Donovan, Mrs. Thomas Stanley and
Mrs. Wilfred Barton, vice presidents.
Miss Emma C. Bosworth and her
fiance. Mr. Eugene F. Martyn, were
guests of honor at a birthday dinner
and dance given by the former's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. McDonnell. jr„ of Riverdale,
Md.. when plans for their coming
nuptials on June 25 were formally
The auxiliary entertainment com
mittee of the Arts Club will be hosts
at a dinner this evening followed by
a program and dance. The program
Is in charge of Miss Tves, Miss Bod
mer and Miss Harris, assisted by
Mrs. Maud Howell Smith. Among
those on the program are Mr. Felix
Mahoney, Mr. Dennis Connell. Mr. J.
They Save
Your Stockings
Your Feet and
Your Pocketbook
Hany Pintilever Shoe wearers hare diß
eaeered that their hosiery wears an umisnaHy
lon* time. The non-rubbing heel of the
Cantilever Shoe does away with friction at
the heel of the stocking.
tTTie natural lines make the
ahoe fit so smoothly that, there
is practically no dialing to
wear out hosiery. By wear
ing (Jantilevers. you will
probably save half the cost of
your shoes through the long
er wear yon get out of your
stockings. That's real econ
omy, isn’t it?
Tour feet, however, are the
most precious things that the
•ares. The natural shape and the flexible
arch give you wonderful comfort and keep
your feet young. The arch of the shoe Bts
np snugly to the undereurre of the foot, giv
ing restful support without hampering the
action of the foot museles. The foot has a
chance to build up arch strength through ex
ercise. The well placed, moderate heel in
clines you to toe straight ahead, taking the
strain off the inner and weaker side of the
foot. This prevents flat foot and helps to
correct weak arches.
At the newly reduced prices. Cantilevers
save your pocketbook. We have been able to
lower the prices of all Cantilever Shoes with
out changing their fine quality, because sales
hare Increased to an extent that makes manu
facturing more economical. Cantilevers wear
a long time. They hold their shape and trim
appearance, too. Considering their durability
and their moderate prices, Cantilever Shoes
are probably the best footwear Investment that
any one could make.
There is a fine variety to select from. .Nice
looking oxfords, in a number of styles and
leathers, as well as pretty pumps, tastefully
designed in one-strap, two-strap and twin
strap effects. Trim, graceful lines, qnality
- materials and fashionable colors make these
comfortable shoes a fitting, finishing touch
to yonr Spring and Summer costumes. Widths
AAAA to E.
Oxfords. $9.50 and $lO. (White cloth, *B.l
s trap pumps, $10,50 to $12.50. Boots, $11.50
and $12.50. Men’s shoes, $10.50 to $12.00.
1319 F Street N.W.
(Second Floor Over Young
Men’s Shop)
Special Attention to Men’s Fitting
Brand la sect Bowdar weal atato —-ae
gniffinr --—*
Lewis Moneyway, Miss Anne Ives and
Miss Bodmer.
The Republican Women of Mont
gomery County will give a luncheon
bridge at 1 o'clock Wednesday, May
28, at the Manor Club, the proceeds
to go to the fund for campaign ac
The speaker will be Mrs. Harriet
Taylor Upton, national chairman of
Republican committee.
Those receiving will be Mrs. Ed
ward L. Stock, Mrs. Harry Dawson,
Mrs. O. H. Weller, Mrs. Frederick
Zihlman, Mrs. Galen Tate, Mrs. Wil
liam Tyler Huge, Mrs. Elisna Hanson,
Miss McEweett, Mrs. Chadwick and
Mrs. Charles I. Corby.
Mr. Frank Conway, commandant of
1 ' 1
I llO6 G Street.N.W I
1 S
| The Most Extraordinary Values \
| We Have Offered This Season |
| Smart broadcloth stripes and figured crepes, roshanaras and I 'M |
i canton crepes. Styles for today and all summer. Special, Friday. JL |
| The newest crepes, silks, georgettes, combinations.. .. *25-00 and $29-50 |
| Handsome styles and materials—on sale
| 38 Silk Dresses—Sizes 16 to 40 —Taffetas, satins, cantons and novel- $7,95 I
| ties—were $16.95 to $25.00. Friday at * 1
| 22 Tailored Suits, Mixtures and Pin Stripes—All silk lined—made to slf|,9s |
| sell for $25 to $35, Friday at |
| 21 Tailored Suits—Twills and Fancy Fabrics— Beautiful mixtures —$70,50 i
| made to sell for $39 to $49. Friday at |
= - - ■ - =
I ! ; 1 I
Slashing the Prices of Coats I
| Group of Sport Coats, were $19.95 to $25. $17.95 I
| Friday at |
I Twill Coats and Sport Coats. $71.50 I
| Were $29.50 to $39.50 |
3= - - - - - "■ 1 ■* ■ ■ ■ 1 1 2S
1 Beautiful Silk Hosiery (Onyx Brand), $1 and sl-69 j The New Flannel Vesta, all colors. .$3.98 and 55.00 1
S New Broadcloth Stripe Silk OverWouses.. $2.98 | Silk Scarfs, special designs $1,98 and $2.98 =
n* Younr udie»’ shot
| Must Vacate by June 30! |
\ We’re not going to pay the enormous rent increase —so we’re |
RIFICE PRICES, regardless of cost to us. Store opens at 9 a.m. |
i| Here Are Just a Few Ex ample* of the Unheard - |
| of Reductions That Prevail Throughout the Store |
1,, , I
Tub silks and flan- Canton Crepe, Prints, Charmeen, Twill,
I nels; they original- Georgette and Satins. Georgette and Prints. |
I $7.95 «5‘ m : n dsl A.95 «s g T!,d $1 0.95 I
| $17.50. Sale ▼ | $29.75. Sale |||= $39.75. J.£=
price price Sale price
I |
| Sample Silk Coat* SPORT COATS |
i Os the belter kind, j AA v ... . H
6nelym.de. They origi-$dC. 00 Vmy lu,h grmle, ex- Jf 9© I
nally were SBS and 4'J = pertly made. Originally g
I Sport Coats COATS Silk Capes I
H Stylish and well tai- Charmeen and TwilL The new styles. |
lored. They origi- Originally aw pw (-a They sold origi- |
I $1(100 $22.5 ogslo g sl A.OO I
Sale price JL Vr price ... . Sale price A V — 1 — ||
| j SUITS r I I
1 Cl ITTC Os the popular sport SUITS i
I auita mMerids. lAlu , I
| Originally $ | 11,00 Tailored suits of the [0
1 Twill and hairlines. $29.75. Sale £ \J= better I™*!, twill and ||
I Originally $39.75 and priCC hairlines. Originally |
| *45.00. Sale price- , BS9SO ' «• I
I ' $7,50 Hat*, $3.95 pnce ~ • I
| *ls= • Ml and Sport Halt *%2— I
I •TtSS*ss.so . I
I -.I
| All Sales Fined No Charge* No Refund* No Exchange* |
| The Young Ladies’ Shop I
| 1113 G Street N.W. |
the Sons of Confederacy, will make
the presentations at the annual May
ball to be given by the Stonewall
Jackson Chapter, U. D. C., at Ward
man Park Inn tomorrow. Miss Marie
J. McGuire, president of the chap
ter will head the receiving line, being
assisted in receiving by Mrs. Florle
Barr, Mrs. Bertrand Ewell Trents,
Mrs. E. E. Britton, Mrs. Frank Mor
rison. Mrs. Benjamin Soule Gants,
Mrs. H. G. Clay, Mrs. Elizabeth Fred,
Mrs. James F. Johnson, Mrs. Nelson
Webster, Mrs. C. Viola Fellows, Mins
Fanny Adame, Miss Isabel Evans,
Mrs. Tom Baker, Miss Margaret
Hutchison, Mrs. Charles Ellis Bruce,
Mrs. J. C. Trimble and Mrs. W. T.
Nish wltz.
Senator Royal S. Copeland, Mr.
Percy Adams. Capt. MuMann, Mr.
Thomas Mortimer Offutt Mr. Frank
lyn King, Dr. Robert Henderson, Mr.
Carol McGuire, Lieut Jack Blebush,
Mr. J. Clinton Trlbby and Mr. Elkin
Reed will also serve on the reception
committee, which is in charge of
Mrs. Elisabeth Fred.
Additional patronesses are Mrs.
Howard U Hodgkins, Mrs. Royal S.
Copeland. Mrs. Charles J. Bell, Mrs.
C. C. Calhoun, Mrs. John S. Steele,
Mk-s. B. Quynn Dent, Mrs. Kennon
i Vail, Mrs. H. H. (Hassle, Miss Hor
tense Harrison Evans. Mrs. Thomas
; W. Harrison. Mrs. Wallace-Chlswell,
Mrs. Benjamin King, Mrs. E. R. Stitt,
, Mra J. M Stoddart, Mrs. Thomas
Mortimer Offutt Mm Richard Mar
. shall. Mrs. Katherlne-Fuqua, Mrs.
Percy Adams. Mrs. McMann, Mrs. M.
G. Oibbs, Mrs. Elkln-Reed and Mrs.
Edward SteeL
Serving on the young ladles’ com
mittee In charge of Mrs. Bertrand
Ewell Trenls and Mra Frank Morri
son are Mias Theodora Adame. Miss
Dorothy Loomis, Miss Catherine
Loomis, Miss Isabel Furlough, Miss
Caroline Cantner. Miss Anna Butts,
Miss Ruth Nicols, Miss Mary Davis
and Miss Florence Hayward.
We offer safe Expert craftsmen
storage for your Furs for work upon Furs |»
I J 608 to 614 A, ELEVENTH ST. '
; Tlie Inexpensive Dre ss Department rises |
to its highest achievement tomorrow
v ar iety of group of
1 |
Frocks at a Fraction of their Worth
We have assembled some most extraordinary Dresses in this assortment that is of- If]
3 sered tomorrow. Every one of the modes is representative of a new type —every one r
"j of the Frocks plainly evidences a splendid value that overtops the price. The six ri
sketched above are distinctly typical of them all.
No. 1. Beige No. 2. Navy No. 3. Pow- No. 4 New No. 5. Maize No. 6, Pow
| Silk Broad- an£ j White der Blue Geor- Flowered Crepe de der Blue Geor- ■
cloth, Rimmed Foulardi wit h gette and Lace. w f knVfe Chine, with gette. plaited
in White, but- White Vest. w **h plaited plaiting. Ecru plaited „ apron. and banded in
ton-down-front waists, nbbon laccvokc r? 11 r
i r • i j With tabs on > ■j, , c y „ ’ Lcru lace col- Iream em-
U and finished tie and girdle; three Ecru . . U
g with pockets, collar and side; rosettes c f self lace bands on lar and cuffs, broidered net. g
sls. self-girdle, sls, material. sls. skirt. sls. Black fob. sls. sls.
Second Floor
■ E
[ While They Last—Tomorrow
112 Silk, Wool and Flannel Dresses, being broken lots remaining
2 of some of the most popular selling styles. v/\J 5
Regardless of what they were _
Second Floor
■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ji■■ ■ iTmTaar ■■■ -■ ■!" - ■ 1 ■■■«■«■- ■ ■■■■■■ =r !■
sssss — =S —— =SS= = S ==== = ============= S ======^==============^== == ;
■■■ *■
3 new styles enter the fashion parade
... “Jmtt” ■•»*rrT" 3
“MITZI”: A very new Patent one-strap, with entirely different cut-out
vamp and quarter pattern. Note the practical covered box heel. ||
“JERRY”: A new Patent or Satin creation of decided Parisian tendency. ll* Jj
Vamp and quarter piped with Silver Kid. Note the cut-out instep strap, I 0
extreme short vamp, and high Spanish heel. H
“PEGGY’’: A Patent or White Kid; new. sandal .arrival that has met |
U with instant favor. A unique strap arrangement, extreme short vamp and W \
■ high heel combine to make it most attractive.
(Each style in all sizes, from 2 1 / 2 to 8, AA to C. . r
strMt noor—»ortX ■•OttOS "*

Marriage Licenses.
Uarrlaga Ilcenaaa hare been isioed to the
Benjamin Polan and Rom Becker, both of
Baltimore. Md.
Alfred J. Bille of thia city and Louisa V.
Johnson of Orangeburg, 8. C.
Guy Jones and Loretta Watson.
George W. Brown and Dorothy M. Wheeler,
Arthur Powell and Lyda Green.
William Thornton and Prances Williams. 1
Wallace W. Walton and Thelma W. Phll
petta. both of Richmond. Va.
William D. Campbell and Clare R. Rucker.
Domenico Di Plerro and Lamina Turltto.
Addison B. Akers and E. Ellen Thrift.
Thomas J. Walsh and Edna M Schnabel.
Domenico Pulvlrentl and Sara Itrocato.
Caarlea AJttdcraoo of Roaaland, Va., and
Clara Front of Cbeaapraka Beach, Md.
Ueroy A. Hillman and Theresa A. Gatoa.
Noble Banka and Ellaabeth Donnelly
Irrln Fried aad Ethel Kaakoariu, both of
l Baltimore, Md.
Waller W. Bean and Bertha I'elllna. both
of Fittaburth, Fa.
Where Dignity Asserts.
From the Wenatchee (Wash.) Herald.
When a man says ha can’t find a job
he means he can’t And one that meas
ures up to his* dignity.

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