OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, July 19, 1924, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1924-07-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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Fair tonight; tomorrow partly
cloudy; nbt much change In tempera
ture: gentle north winds. Tempera
ture for *4 hours ended at 2 p.tn. to
day: Highest, 78 at 4:15 p.m. yester
day: lowest, 58 at 5 a.m. today.
Full report on page 2.
Closing N. Y. Stocks tad Bonds, Page 10
Vn "OQ OQCI if iteconu *ia»s matin
• ' post oftw Washington D C
Washington Man, Vice Con
sul in Teheran, Attacked
While Taking Pictures.
Two Mistaken for Members of
Hated Sect, State Depart
ment Informed.
A message received today by the
State Department from American Min
ister Joseph S. Kornfeld at Teheran,
Persia, said that Vice Consul Robert
Imbrie died from shock at 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon after having
been fatally kicked and beaten by a
mob. ,
The vice consul and Mclin Seymour,
also an American, had stopped their
carriage to watch a religious demon
stration in the city, the message said,
and were rushed by the mob, who
mistook them for members of a sect
known as the Bahais, against which
the demonstration was directed.
Other Unable to Talk,
Seymour's condition was said to be
«o serious as a result of the beating
he received that he had been unable
io make any statement. Department
officials expect more complete reports
on the incident in the course of the
The attitude of the Persian govern
ment in connection with the murder
of the vice consul will be ascertained
before any steps are taken by the
Washington government.
This announcement was made by the
State Department:
A cablegram from the American
minister at Teheran, Mr. Joseph S.
Kornfeld, dated on the evening of July
18. states that Vice Consul Imbrie suc
cumbed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
to the shock following an assault by
a mob. which practically cut and beat
him to death.
Mistaken by Bahais.
'The minister reports that for some
days throughout the city there had
been denouncements of Bahais, a re
ligious sect, and many religious dem
onstrations. It appears that at 11 a.m.
the vice consul, accompanied by Sey
mour, a prisoner in the consulate,
stopped their carriage ncmmt tis one
of these demonstrations and it was
alleged that the vice consul had taken
“The mob rushed upon him crying
out that he was a Bahais and though
the servant of an American mis
sionary cried out that he was the
American consul, the mob took no
heed of the statement, dragged the
Americans from their carriage and
attacked them savagely. The minister
adds that Seymour’s condition is
grave and that he could make no
statement. ’’
Career T)kt ingnUhcd.
Maj. Imbrie was a native Wash
ingtonian. well known in this city and
Baltimore. He was 41 years of age
and had followed a picturesque and
distinguished career in law, African
big-game hunting, with the French
Army and in the diplomatic service of
the United States.
When murdered by the mob in Te
beran, Maj. Imbrie was on his way to
Tabriz, where he was to have as
sumed his duties, as consul. Among
his experiences in the diplomatic
service was personal receipt of the
declaration of war by Russia on the
United States, when he was Vice Con
sul at Petrograd, and as American
observer at the newly formed Kemal-
Pasha government at Angora, Tur
Maj. Imbrie's most recent sojourn
in this city was for several months
prior to February 20 of this year,
when he departed for his latest dip
lomatic assignment. Maj. Imbrie was
a first cousin of Paul W. Fishbaugh,
of 1701 Q street northwest, where
he had made his home since the death
es his parents when a boy. Maj. and
Mrs. Imbrie were at home here from
July. 1923, until February, 1924, prior
to departure for the east.
Word of the death of Maj. Imbrie
was received by both the State De
partment and by Mr. Fishbaugh from
Mrs. Imbrie, at Teheran. The cable
gram received by Mr. Fishbaugh yes
terday carried only the brief message
that the major had been killed "to
day. ”
Won Military Honors.
Maj. Imbrie was the son of J. R.
Imbrie, connected with Treasury De
partment, and prior to the death of
his parents lived at 925 I street. He
was then taken into the home of his
aunt, Mrs. Mary Fishbaugh, his moth
er’s sister, at 1701 Q street, where he
has since mad« his Washington home,
and where today there remains a pic
turesque collection of military deco
rations and trophies from his travels
in several parts of the world.
Educated in Friends School and at
Central High School here, Robert Im
brie was later graduated from Yale,
In a year believed by his friends here
to be 1902. He later took the de
grees of LL. B. at George Washington
and LL. M. at Tale.
Maj. Imbrie lectured before tne
National Geographic Society in
(Continued on Page 2, Column 7.)
By the Associated Press.
CHERBOURG. France, July 19.
The new first-class French subma
rine Requin, the first of six to be
laid down, was launched successfully
Killed by Mob
Secretary of State, in Eng
| land, Says It Affords Relief
for Europe.
Declines to Comment on Results if
Amendments Are Offered to Rep
arations Program.
Bj the Associated Press.
LONDON'. July 19. —Charles E.
Hughes, American Secretary of State,
who arrived in England today on an
unofficial visit, reached London at
10:30 o'clock this morning. Ho was
accompanied here by Frederick A
Sterling, counselor of the American
embassy, and by Consul General
Skinner, who met him at Southamp
The Secretary was met in London
by Ambassador Kellogg and went to
Crewe House, the ambassador's home,
where he received members of the
press and outlined the object of his
visit to England, which he said was
entirely unofficial and personal, and
-mafib- ms president of the Americas'
Bar Association to attend the "ses
sions of the British Bar Association.
When asked regarding the' allied
conference now in progress here Sec
retary Hughes restated and empha
sized the unofficial nature of his visit,
saying he had accepted the Invitation
long before the Da/6'es report was
made. He said be would not take
part in the sessions of the confer
ence. but undoubtedly would meet in
a social way the British and allied
officials attending the conference. He
reiterated that he had no reason to
conceal the approval of the Dawes
plan by Americans. The Secretary
added that at the invitation of the
French bar he would go to Paris on
the conclusion of his visit to Eng
Secretary Hughes was shocked at
the dispatches reporting the killing
of Vice Consul Imbrie in Teheran. He
said he had no official information re
garding the situation there.
Declares American Sentiment Be
hind Report as It Stands.
By the Associated Tress.
SOUTHAMPTON. England. July 19.
—Pressed for his views regarding the
Dawes plan, Charle Evana Hughes,
American Secretary of State, upon his
arrival here todav aboard the Beren
garia, said:
“American sentiment is very strong
ly behind the Dawes report as it now
stands, and we believe that prompt
execution of that report is of the
greatest importance.”
In an interview Secretary Hughes
emphasized that his visit to England
was unofficial and personal. Regard
ing the Dawes report, however, he
"We are very much interested in
having it put into execution. We hope
it will be found possible to have that
effect given to it at an early date.
We consider it affords a sound basis
for the economic recuperation of
Asked whether he considered the
Dawes plan could be modified and yet
have the full effect which he ap
parently hopes from it. Secretary
Hughes replied; “That’s a discussion
into which I'm afraid I can not enter.”
Speaking regarding the forthcom
ing bar association meeting in Eng
land, Secretary Hughes said:
“My visit here is entirely unof
ficial and personal. . I am here as
president of the American Bar As
sociation. Members of this associa
tion are looking forward with pleas
ure to enjoyiqg the hospitality of
their brethern in England. lam sure
the meetings will have a very im
portant Influence in promoting friend
ship-between the two peoples.”
Premier Pachitch Advises King
That Election Be Called.
By the Associated Press.
BELGRADE, Jugoslavia, July 19.
Premier Nikola P. Pachitch today
submitted to the king the resigna
tion of the cabinet and advised that
an election be called.
Premier Pachitch organized the
present cabinet May 21, after he, to
gether with his former cabinet, had
resigned, April 12,
Wc\t Itaittg
Allied Committee Agrees on
Pledge, Removing Obstacles
to. Parley Success.
Accord on Preservation of Ver
sailles Pact Signatories’
Rights Unanimous.
By the Associited Press,
LONDON, July 19.—The committee
of the interallied conference in charge
of sanctions in the event of Ger
many's default under the Dawes
scheme today unanimously agreed to
insure investors in the Ipan to Ger
many of priority on all German re
sources in the event of Germany's
The committee also unanimously
agreed to preserve all the rights en
joyed by the nations which signed the
Versailles treaty. These two issues
stood in the way of the negotiations
of the conference yesterday and the
agreement on them, it is believed,
will expedite the work of achieving
a general agreement, on the Dawes
Hrrriot Applauded.
The agreement on the preservation
of the rights of the signatories to
the Versailles treaty was a conces
sion to Premier Herrlot of Franco,
and in effect it preserves the right
for separate action on the part of
It enables M. Herriot to live up to the
pledge he gave former Premier Ray
mond Poincare that all the French
rights under the treaty would be
'After the committee in which these
debated issues had been causing de
lay bad reached an agreement the
French premier authorized a state
ment that he was highly pleased with
the progress of the conference.
French Elaborate Formula.
Unofficial .American suggestion on
the matter.6f German defaults, which
were lalcLbefore the committee of the
interallied conference yesterday, led
to thq/elaboration of various .alterna
tive- formulae by the experts, espe
cially by the French, according to the
Daily Telegraph's diploirffitio expert,
who says that the American sugges
tions are ascribed to Owen D. Young,
a member of the Dawes committee.
The Telegraph writer says that the
French formula was drawn up by-
Count Peretti de la Rocca, head of
the economic department of the
French foreign office, and comprised
four articles, the first two of which
combined parts of the French and
British proposals. The third and
fourth, however, are entirely new.
The third article, according to this
authority, was. in effect, that in order
to grant the service of the proposed
Gorman loan and to facilitate its mar
keting to the public, the allies declare
that in the event of sanctions being
employ ed following a German default
they will regard the service of the
loan as enjoying a first mortgage
over all those resources of Germany
which will fall into their possession
or under their control.
Treaty Rights Reserved.
The fourth article, it is said, de
clared that, subject to provisions of
preceding paragraphs, all rights now
enjoyed by signatories of the treaty
of Versailles are reserved.
It was Count de la Rocca's formula
that occupied the first committee yes
terday, according to the Telegraph.
The newspaper adds that general
opinion is favorable to the third ar
ticle. which was discussed at great
length, but there is ooniderable op
(Continued on Page 2, Column 5.)
Detroit Man First Thought to Have
> Been Victim of Heart
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, July 19.—A man be
lieved to have been Victor Petersen
of Detroit, who was thought to have
died of heart disease when his body
was found on a New York Central
train at Poughkeepsie last Wednes
day, today was declared by the police
to have been murdered.
An autopsy disclosed that he had
died of strangulation. His body was
found in the smoking obmpartment
of one of the cars of the Wolverine
.Express by a trainman ten hours aft
er he had boarded the train at De
troit. The police declare that the
murderer must have been another
Papers found in Petersen’s clothes
indicated that he recently had been
to Copper Kettle Forge. Mich. A
Danish passport was found in his
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, July * 19.—Gasoline
was reduced 1 ceqt a gallon today
by the Standard Oil Company of New
Jersey in Maryland, West Virginia,
North Carolina, New Jersey and
Washington, D. C., and half cent in
Virginia and South Carolina. This
makes the tank wagon price 17%
cents in New Jersey, Virginia and
South Carolina and 17 cents in the
other places. The Texas Company,
and the Gulf Refining Company, met
tbe cut. I
\> u '
_____ i
Lieuts. Smith, Wade and Arn
old Return to Brough After
Being Feted.
Rj the* A«so<'iatf<l PrfiM.
LONDON. July 19.—The three mem
bers of the American Army round-the
world flying expedition, who were
guests of honor at the dinner given
by Royal Aero Club last night—
Lieut. Lowell H. Smith, Lieut. Leigh
Wade and Lieut. Leslie I’. Arnold.
Smith's mechanician—returned to the
present headquarters of the flying
party at Brough today to continue
work on the thr.ee planes, which is
progressing satisfactorily.
They were anxious to get away
from the distractions of London and
get as much rest as possible before
they hop off for Kirkwall, after the
machines have been refitted, next
Tuesday or Wednesday, ready for the
long trans-Atlantic leg of their
The dinner given in their honor
by the Royal Aerial Club was a nota
ble gathering of all those prominent
in British aviation circles, including
the Right Hon. Ixtrd Thomson, the air
minister; Sir Hugh Trenchard, chief
of the air staff; Maj. Gen. Sir W. S.
Brancker. director of civil aviation,
and many leading British pilots.
Kellogg I» Preeeat.
Ambassador Kellogg was there, to
gether with Commander John H.
Towers, assistant naval attache, and
Maj. Howard C. Davison, assistant
military attache of the American em
Lieut. Col. F. K. Mac-Lean of the
air force, who presided, read mes
sages of regret because o 0 inability
to be present from the Duke of York,
the Duke of Atholl, president of the
club. Earl Beatty and the Earl of
Cavan. All of them congratulated
the American airmen on their pluck.
Lieut. Col. John T. C. Moore Braba
zon. one of Great Britain's pioneer
aviators, toasted the guests, and in
a congratulatory speech said the
thoughts of all those Interested in
aviation strayed to the lonely figure
of Maj. A. Stuart McLaren, struggling
against ill luck.
Ambassador Kellogg congratulated
the airmen in behalf of President Cool-
Idge and the American Government and
people. He also congratulated Maj.
MacLaren, saying the prayers and good
wishes of Americans went with him in
his flight, and he hoped and believed it
would be successful.
Smith Given Ovation.
Lieut. Smith was given an ovation
when he arose to reply to the toast.
He asserted that he found one of the
most difficult things in the round
the-world flight was to reply to
toasts. He expressed appreciation for
all the British had done for him and
his companions and apologized for the
absence of three of his colleagues.
••But,” he said, “you will realise
that what we are trying to do is get
through, and if they had come here
we should not get away so quickly.”
Lieut. Smith concluded by propos
ing a toaste to Maj. MacLaren, which
was honored with the greatest en
Flight to Be at Point
of Departure.
Clover Field, on the outskirts of
Los Angeles, Calif., has virtually been
selected as the official terminus for
the Army aa-ound-the-world flight.
Air service officials are known to
strongly favor Clover Field as the
finishing point, although they are
reserving an official decision on the
question until tpe flyers return to the
United States and more definite In
formation regarding weather condi
(Continued on Page 2, Column 1.)
Radio Programs—Page 19.
Davis 9 6 80y 9 Backer
Weighs 260 and
Is 35 Years Old
By the Associated I*ress.
ASBURY PARK. N. J.. July 19
Announcement that John W. Davis.
Democratic presidential nominee,
had received a campaign contribu
tion of a dime from a local 12-
year-old boy, developed the fact
today that the “boy,” Harold
Speer, is 35 years old and t*eighs
260 pounds in his bathing suit.
Mr. Speer said today he always
had voted the Socialist ticket, but
sent the dime for the good luck of
the Democratic nominee.
— .
Threat Received That Force From
Nearby Shaft Will Halt Work
Again Today. '' J
By the Associated Brets.
WILBURTON. Okla., July 10 About
100 miners went to work at the Deegnan
& McConnell coal shaft here today, and
all immediate prospects of a threatened
repetition of disorders that occurred
yesterday at the Kalainta mine at Cam
bria seemed to have been dissipated,
according to Sheriff Austin Parks, who
with five deputies was on guard at the
A threat was conveyed to the em
ployes at the Deegnan & Mcßonnell
mine, who are working on an open-shop
basis, that an invading force from the
neighboring mining community of Harts
horne, 12 miles distant, would descend
upon the mine today and force the sus
pension of work, as was done at the
Kalainla mine yesterday. The invasion,
however, was expected at the opening
hour, 6 o’clock, according to Sheriff
Parks, and after several hours had
passed without any untoward events he
believed that any danger of trouble was
Federals Prepare for Execution of
Maneuver Against Sao
Paulo Rebels.
By the Associated Press, ‘
BUENOS AIRES. July 19.—A mid
night bulletin Issued by the Rio
Janeiro government on the state of
the present Brazilian insurrection
was received by La Nacion. It states:
"Preparations are almost complete
for executing a federal maneuver
against the Sao Paulo government.
Dense fog during the last twelve
hours has hindered the necessary
reconnoltering. but the situation is
favorable. President Bernardes, who
continues to receive manifestations
of support from all parts of the
country, has issued a decree extend
ing the moratorium in the state of
Sao Paulo until July 27.”
By the Associated Press.
PARIS, July 19. — The heat wave,
which has been so distressing to the
Olympic contestants, was broken up
today by a series of violent gales
which wrought havoc throughout
France and Belgium. Heavy seas
caused damage to shipping and loss
of life in the Channel.
j Two French yachts, the Incomprise
and the Eugenia, hoisted signals of
distress and were rescued by tugs.
Twenty fishing smacks are missing
from Ostend and it is feared’ all are
lost. Twenty-six bodies have already
been washed up on the'beach. Ten
more boats are missing from Ports
mouth and fifteen persons are re
ported drowned. .The storm seems to
have blown itself out and better
weather is forecast.
Quake Forms Mew Island.
MOSCOW, July 19.—1 t is reported
that a new island has formed at the
entrance to the Sea of Asev as a
result of the recent earthquake, 1
Associates in World War At-1
tend Slain Major’s Funeral
in Arlington.
On a wooded slope in the World
War section of Arlington Cemetery,
the body of Maj. Samuel H. McLcary,
slain Army officer, was laid at rest
today, while sorrowing relatives sus
tained the courageous young wife- of
the victim of two desperadoes who
shot Maj. McLeary two weeks ago
after he had given them a "lift” in
his automobile. The body of the mur
dered officer arrived in Washington
early today from South Carolina, ac
companied. by Miss Bonnie McLeary,
a sister of the major. It was imme
diately taken to Arlington Cemetery
and, bafhked with flowers, awaited the
coming of the widow and relatives of
the officer.
Military services marked the inter
ment of Maj. with a squad of
soldiers firing three volleys over the
grave anjl “Taps” sounded by a bu
gler from Fort Myer. Funeral serv
ices were said by Chaplain William
Reese Scott of Fort Myer.
Widow la Brave.
Through the impressive final cere
mony over the body of her murdered
husband, Mrs. McLeary. slight and
heavily veiled, showed marked com
posure. Only when the services were
completed and Chaplain Scott had
said the final “Amen" did she give
any indication of breaking down. Sor
rowfully she turned away from the
grave of her husband, murdered by
two men for whom he was doing a
kind act. Mrs. McLeary was not al
lowed to see the body.
Mrs. McLeary was to leave Wash
ington today for Camp Knox, where
Maj. Douglas Cordiner, husband of
her sister, is stationed. Mrs. Mc-
Leary, mother of Maj. McLeary, and
Serena McLeary, another sister, ar
rived in Washington yesterday. The
widow will spend weeks at
Camp Knox and then return to Wash
High Army officers, including many
friends of the major, with whom he
had served in France, attended the
Maj. McLeary, according to a
signed confession by Mortimer N.
King of Canton, N. C., was slain by
King and a companion, with robbery
as the motive, after the Army officer
had picked up the pair on the road
and given them a ride in his auto
mobile. The body was buried along
the road and found day before yes
Warrants Sworn Out for King and
By the Associated Press.
COLUMBIA, S. C., July 19. —Though
Mortimer N. King, who officers say
confessed In Canton, N. C., to the
slaying of Maj. Samuel H. McLeary,
12 miles south of Cheraw, S. C„ on
July 2, was held here in the Richmond
County Jail as a prisoner for the
federal authorities. Sheriff James T.
Grant of Chesterfield County, was ex
pected to arrive here today with a
warrant for his arrest on a charge
of murder.
The Depatment of Justice, whose
agents made the arrest, has been re
quested to rule on the case, to de
termine whether King should remain
in custody of federal officers or be
turned oveV to the state authorities.
Warrants for King and Frank Har
rell, alleged accomplice now sought
•by officers in several counties, were
sworn out at"Cherow late yesterday
by Magistrate J. S. Hartzell, acting
coroner at the inquest, according to
a message from the sheriff of Ches
terfield County.
Identity of a man arrested in Green.
VUIe, S. C.. on suspicion of being Har
rell remained a mystery through the
night, foot was expected to be estab
• (Continued on Page 2. Ootoim 1.)
“From Press to Home
Within the Hour ”
The Star’s carrier system covers
every city block and the regular edi
tion is delivered to Washington homes
as fast as the papers are printed.
Yesterday's Circulation, 93,559
50-Inch Waistline
Bar to Presidency ,
Senator Tells Boys
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, July 19.—"1f you
would be President of the United
States, don't set fat."
United States Senator Royal S.
Copeland of New York gave this
advice today to 3.000 Boy Scouts
in camp on Bear Mountain. "Keep
your waistline down,” he told the
Scouts, “for the day of the states
man with the fifty-inch girdle is
"The reason is simple,” he con
tinued. "The public now knows
that men are not born fat and
Sthat obesity is due to being too
indifferent to personal welfare to
keep the waistline down. Logi
cally. voters think that if a man
Is too lazy to care for his own
health, he will be too lazy to care
for the public business. So if you
would roll up a big vote, keep
down your waistline.”
Selection of Shaver as Cam
paign Manager Leaves Can
didate Free of Details.
Notification Ceremony at Clarks
burg Will Be First Broad
side of Battle.
By the Associated Press.
en route for Islesboro, Me., July 19.
Having selected his campaign man
ager, Clam L. Shaver of West Vir
ginia, and fixed August 11 as the date
for his formal notification, John W.
Davis was speeding northward today
along the rockbound coast of Maine
in search of solitude in which to
study out his address accepting the
Democratic presidential nomination.
His destination is Seven Hundred-
Acre Island, off itockland, the sum
mer home of Charles Dana Gibson,
whose guests he and Mrs. Davis will
be for the next ten days. Returning
to New York at the end of that time,
he will put his address in writing
before departing for Clarksburg, W.
Va., where the notification ceremonies
will be held, probably on the lawn
at his sister’s home.
Will Open Battle.
In determining upon August 11 as
the date of his official notification of
the action of the New Y’ork conven
tion, Mr. Davis has elected to fire the
first broadside of the 1924 campaign
at least so far as the two major po
litical parties are concerned.
President Coolidge will not be no
tified formally of his nomination un
til a week after the exercises at
Clarksburg. Both ceremonies will
take place at night, so that the vast
radio audience over the country may
listen in without interruption.
Plana for Vacation.
During his stay at the Gibson home,
Mr. Davis will not devote his time
wholly to work. There will be fre
quent rounds of golf and the nominee
may try his hand at deep sea fishing.
That would be sport in rough and
choppy seas, but Mr. Davis is what
is known as a good sailorman, having
known the agonies of seasickness,
but once in his life.
With Mr. Shaver now actively on
the job, the nominee has laid aside,
for the time being at least, the cares
of campaign organization. He has no
engagement to confer with party
leaders, while in Maine, but will, of
course, receive any who may call on
Mr. Davis is accompanied by hi s
(Continued on Page 3, Column 3.)
Empty Craft Found in Long Island
Sound—None of 5 Boys and 2
Girls Could Swim.
By the Associated Press.
FAIRFIELD, Conn., July 19.—Search
of Long Island Sound and the shore
for seven children who put out in a
canoe from St. Marys-by-the-Sea
Thursday afternoon continued today
without result. Hope was practically
abandoned and shore residents were
asked to be on the lookout for the
The canoe in which the children set
out on the rough sea was recovered
yesterday afternoon midway between
here and Port Jefferson. Long Island.
Seats were in position and this at
first led to the belief that the children
might have been picked up.
Five boys and two girls, whose ages
ranged from 8 to 15 years, went on
an outing in the canoe. None could
Mystery of Condor Disappearance
in 1901 May Be Solved.
VICTORIA, B. C„ July 19. —Light on
the mystery surrounding the disap
pearance of the British sloop-of-war
Condor, which left Esquinalt, B. C.,
December 2. 1901, with 104 British
tars aboard and was never heard
from, is believed to have been discov
ered by W. P. Bevan, federal district
engineer for Alberta. Traces of a
lost ship which Mr. Bevan believes
was the Condor have been found In
the sands of Long Beach, on the west
coast of Vancouver Island. The ves
sel Is so covered with sand that it
has been impossible so far to make
certain as to its identity.
Declares He Can Best Serve
Public Interests by Going
to Independents.
Decision Given to Conference Here.
Opens Campaign in Vir
ginia Tonight.
Senator Burton K Wheeler of Mon
tana. who won national distinction
by his conduct of the Senate Daugh
erty investigation, accepted the vice
presidential nomination on the Da.
Follette independent ticket today and
immediately began his campaign
with a broadside against the polit
ical affiliations of Calvin Coolidg'
and John W. Davis.
"I am a Democrat, but not a Wall
Street Democrat,” he said in a letter
formally accepting the nomination
tendered him by the group of i.a
Follette leaders in conference here
Denounces Both Parties.
The Democratic party, he continued,
had “wantonly abandoned an oppor
tunity for great public service.” and
both it and the Republican party
had "ignored the call of the unor
ganized millions who are the victims
of the present economic disorders.”
Senator Wheeler's acceptance and
his denunciation of the two old-line
parties were embodied in a letter to
William H. Johnston of the Ma
chinists' Union, heading a committee
sent to him by the conference of
La Follette leaders to receive his re
ply to the formal tender of the vies
presidential nomination voted yester
day. The letter follows:
Considers Acceptance Duty.
“After careful consideration I have
concluded to accept the honor your
committee so generously conferred
on me by tendering to me the nomi
nation for Vice President as the run
ning mate of Hon. Robert M. La Fol
lette, candidate for President of the
United States.
“I have had no desire, you know,
to become a candidate for any office
in the approaching election, but have
decided that it is my duty to accept
your call because it appears to me
that by so doing I can best serve the
highest interests of the American
"I regret exceedingly that the Dem
ocratic party in the recent national
convention in New York so complete
ly lost sight of the fundamental prin
ciples of democracy and ignored the
great economic issues of the present
hour. It has wantonly abandoned an
opportunity for great public service
that never before was so clearly
within its rpach and so certain to lead
to success.
"While the farmers of the entire
nation are facing bankruptcy, labor
unemployed, business depressed and
a large majority of our citizens suf
fering from sinister exploitation, the
Republican and Democratic parties in
convention ignored the call of the un
organized millions who are the vic
tims of the present economic disor
ders and chose leaders whose train
ing. whose sympathies and whose
social and political association are
with the great predatory interests.
Raps OioiVp of Davis.
“Every Democratic leader in and
out of Congress has proclaimed the
Democratic Party free from the taint
of Wall Street and has blamed with
some degree of truth, the financial in
terests there, but whose ramifications
extend far beyond, for the corruption
in the Republican administration and
for the discriminatory legislation
against the common people of Amer
ica. What are the people to think
when these same men in convention
assembled, select as the standard
bearer of their party an attorney who
represents these interests, who lives
and associates with them, and who
typifies all that big business stands
for, just as much and just as truly
as does the Republican nominee.
Can't Support Regular*.
“In this situation, I find myself
unable to support either the Repub
lican candidates, who frankly admit
their reactionary standpat policy, or
the Democratic candidate, who may
claim in well chosen phrases that he
is a progressive, but whose training
and constant association belie any
such pretension.
"Between Davis and Coolidge there
is only a choice for conservatives to
make. The uncontrolled, liberal and
progressive forces must look else
where for leaders.
‘This is a time when every one who
claims to be a progressive must show
his colors, must support the candi
daay of Robert M. La Follette and
the genuinely progressive program, or
else forever disclaim any pretense to
progressive political action. It Is our
duty to our country to give to the
progressive and liberal forces of this
Nation an opportunity to express
themselves in the coming election, as
between Coolidge and Davis they arc
| "The issues before the people were
never more pronounced—the cleavage
Is clear cut. The Republican and
Democratic parties deliberately and
solemnly chose the path of indiffer
ence toward, if not support of, the
privileged interests. No one except
those who believe in a government
of special interests can vote for the
presidential nominee on cither the
Republican or Democratic national
“The progressive, forward-looking
(ConUaaed oa Page z, Columa t)

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