OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 06, 1924, Image 12

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1924-08-06/ed-1/seq-12/

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Business Man’s Hope of Its
Elimination This Year Goes
La Toilette’s War on Schedule and
President’s Pledge to Protec
tion Discussed.
Events of the past few days in
Washington have dashed the hopes
Os American business men that the
tariff ever can be taken out of poli
tics. It is once more a political foot
bail and promises to continue so to
the end.
The Republicans in the last Con
gress wrote the so-called •■flexible"
provisions into the Fordney-McCum
ber tariff act with the idea of giving
a "scientific" flavor to the various
imposts The President was author
ised to lower or raise the existing
rates as much as 50 per cent, if ad
visable. in order to equalise any
change in the cost of production of
protected articles at home and abroad.
This action was to be predicated upon
a finding of the Tariff Commission,
composed of six members. The Tariff
Commission was supposed to be a
fact-finding body without political
prejudice of any sort, but composed
nevertheless of members of the two
old parties.
Sugar Schedule Storm Center.
The actual working of the law. espe
cially with reference to the sugar
schedule, which is now a storm center,
has nroved to be anything but “scien
tific." The Tariff Commission has split
along partisan lines. It has differed on |
what figures should be obtained, how
they should be obtained and what they
would represent after being obtained.
The “scientific” discussions within the
commission are said to have stopped
just short of Marquis of Queensberry
rules. The chairman of the commis
sion. Mr. Marvin, and the vice chair
man. Mr. Culbertson, have been partic
ularly at outs. Their relations have
been those of two bulldogs meeting as
perfect strangers.
It was not surprising, therefore, that
two totally opposite reports were sub
mitted to the President. Nor will it be
surprising if the President, fully in
formed of the manner in which the
sugar investigation was conducted and
the reports arrived at. either sends
them back to the commission or dis
cards them altogether, and bases his
ultimate conclusions on personal in
quiries. made with the help of Treas
ury and Department of Commerce offi
Pledged to Protection.
President Coolldge has let it be
known again at this time that he is
firmly committed to the policy of a
sufficiently protective tariff. He also
has let it be known that he is a man
whose political views do not change
with the shifting winds, and, there
fore, his tariff ideas are not in for
any sort of reformation during the
coming campaign, or In the next ad
ministration. should he be elected.
Mr. Coolidge, in maintaining the high
tariff principle, feels he is amply
supported by the party platform
adopted at Cleveland.
The President regards the tariff
as an inevitable issue of the cam
paign and is said to welcome it.
Senator La Follette has chosen to de
liver the first blow at the tariff and
has promised to keep the hot shot
pouring at the Republican defenses
from now until election day. Al
though efforts have been made to
Pennsylvania Avenue SeventK Street
shades *
t . ... .....'*
These are not $5 suits. The Palm
Beaches sold on our floors at $15 —the
Mohairs at $lB. This is a wonderful
opportunity if we can fit you. All
broken sizes as listed below:
Palm Beach i.|32|3J|34|35|36|37|38139|40|41|44|46|48150|
Quantity 114 28 48 40 ISU 14 3 8 4[ 1 9\lT2\
Mohairs • -I--I-» •• • 1--T
Quantity |..| 5j40!45|30!15| i\ 2\ 5| l| l|. -I
Stout. ro-l-l-l 21 BjU)| 3|-.| 3~5P7n
Economy—Fourth Floor

show the Progressive candidate that
the sugar tariff is essentially a farm
er tariff, designed to protect the
American growers of cane and sugar
beets against the competition of
cheaper labor in Cuba, Senator La
Follette says he will not let up, but
will fight the sugar schedule to a
Views of Davis Anxiously Awaited.
Mr. Davis' elucidation of his own
tariff views ajid his interpretation of
the party platform adopted at Madi
son Square Garden are awaited with
unusual Interest. In an address to
his fellow West Virginians at the
time they first Indorsed him for the
presidency, Mr. Davis stated that he
believed in a "competitive tariff,"
which should also produce "ample
revenues" for the Government. The
party platform also calls for a tariff
which would permit American com
petition with the other countries of
the world. The phrase "competitive
tariff” has been growing in favor in !
Democratic circles during the past
few years.
But how to make a tariff "competi
tive” or "flexible" when a supposedly
"scientific" commission divides Itself
sharply along political lines and re
sorts to political reasoning and argu
ments is the problem which confronts
the lawmakers.
It was easy enough for the com
mission to agree upon a higher duty
on wheat at a time when compara
tively little wheat was coining into
America and the grain elevators of
this country were filled to overflow
ing. No American interest was af
fected by the change. Neither was
the price of wheat.
But with sugar it is dirrerent. Most
of the sugar consumed in this coun
try is Imported In the raw state from
Cuba and refined along the Atlantic
Coast. The refiners have millions of
dollars invested and are behind the
move to lower the import rates on
raw sugar. The cane growers and
Sure It Can Be Done!
Papering and Painting
Without Inconvenience or dirt, while you arc
eajoyln* your vacation; reasonable
TI4 13th SI. N.W. Main 5373-5374
Excellent opportunity for ag. i
gresaive man to call on Hotel
and Institution trade. A nation- I
ally advertised article of merit.
Only experienced salesman need |
Good Eyesight for i
Good Pictures
If a harmless evening’s
j amusement ends in a head- ;
ache, look to your eyes. You
may Imagine your vision is ac
■ curate —there is only one way
! to be sure.
Have Us Examine
Your Eyes—
and advise you as to their
1 true condition.
| o/nc,
Optometrists Opticians
St Tears at the Same Address
935 F Street
beet farmers say they would be
wiped out if proper protection is re
moved. Sugar Is the one great com
modity which, it Is claimed, could be
raised In America, but isn't. The in
terests on both sides of the question
are extensive, and hence the sugar
schedule always has been one of the
most controversial in a tariff meas
ure. '
President Coolidge has no easy task
on his hands, but it is expected the
farmers and the farm organizations
will flock to his support. Fortunately
for the President, and the tariff ad
vocates. the price of sugar Is lower
than it has been in two years and
there has come no insistent demand
from the public.
(Copyright. 1924.)
I Protests Attack on Stolpce and
Jailing of Two Subjects.
By the Associated Press.
WARSAW, August The Polish
government has sent two notes of
protest to Moscow and the Russian
Soviet legation here. One concerns
the recent attack on the town of
Stolpce, near the Polish border, by an
alleged Bolshevik band, and the other
the continued imprisonment of two
members of the Polish mission in
I - 735 7lh St N.W. . - 735 7th St N.W. ""
Phillip Levy's Mid-Summer
iiilSiSiiSw'gi ft/to Cb7/i
I JAW'' %tvui U£IVV
A* 735 7tK St. there s a first-class furniture store that will save you a neat sum of money on your furniture purchase—it
WK&fiSWliiS you’ll include us in your shopping" when you compare prices. One thing is certain—you’ll find only good furniture in this store
Jm and prices are really less than you d expect. There is no extra charge for credit, should you wish credit, and whether you
/Jr 1-1 ** buy now or later you will find a courtesy here that is refreshing. Welcome.
sale in our Exchange Department ('entirely and dUtinctly separate
our new furniture), where people who can use furniture of that kind T>l C* C*
are ~iad to get it. rull V anity .bedroom Suites at a having
If you are going to need a bedroom suite this year it will pay you to come to the Phillip
Hundreds of families hereabouts have availed themselves of this Levy Store now and buy yours. A full vanity Queen Anne 4-piece American £ 7c
: opportunity to brighten up their homes at less cost. What have you? Walnut Bedroom Suite consisting of bow-end bed, chifforette, dresser and Ip I <X* *
Ask a salesman when by the Store. full vanit y dresser ’ now S oes for onI >’ iOU
Terms, $4 Twice a Month
5 LOO, s trms, il
Comparison Proves These Values the Dest ■
A 3-piece Mahogany-finished Daven- Just now you cam buy a 3-piece cmb’osled 30, 60, 90 DayS SaiHC aS Cash
port Bed Suite, upholster- overstufted tapestry IHing room suite, velour with spring filled
ed in blue and gold velour. £A7 CA wlth fireside chair - win s 21 AQ CA loose cushions and 21 OA CA Take 30. 60 or 90 days to pay for your furniture and get the cash
Opens to full size bed. Ip*/ 1 chair and loose cushion p?[cef at^ k . s .’.. ! hat .. ~ s discount. All sale prices subject to discount if you pay within 90 days
only s63ts, tor only # _ . .
Terms, $1,50 Weekly Terms, $2 Weekly Terms, $5 twice a month after purchase.
| 3-burner light house- | ( nstroctiom A a^
_ ~ ‘ • ~ High Grade Period Dining Suites Reduced
«m m U M am m X |Oi 10-piece Queen Anne Period Dining Suite, in 10-piece Tudor Period American Walnut Dining
FHILLI W* V V7Y Qf American Walnut, with 6-foot oblong extension Room Suite, with long 66-mch buffet, oblong ex
* bUI ” V ■ table, buffet, china cabinet, server and 6 genuine cS
735 7th Street N.W. ■ "1“! §179-50 5197.50
Terms Only $lO a Month
Country Place of Abercrombie Bur*,
den, at Syosset, Is Put at
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, August 6—The Prince
of Wales has accepted an Invitation
to occupy the country home of Mr.
and Mrs. Abercrombie Burden, at
Syosset, L 1., during his visit here
next Fall to attend the international
polo matches at Meadowbrook. Mr.
and Mrs. Burden will sail for Europe
today, and will not return until late
The prince will sail for America
aboard the Berengaria, August 23,
and will take up his residence at the
Burden home about September I.
PONTVPOOL. England, August 6.
The Prince of Wales received a rous
ing reception yesterday when he
visited the Welsh National Eisteddfod.
The prince was greeted with musical
honors and initiated into the Bardic
Circle with the customary riles. The
ceremony took place in a great ring
of robed members of the Gorsedd in
Pontypool Park.
Lady Treowen Invested the prince
with the green robe, while an address
of welcome to him was delivered by
the laurel-crowned archdruld.. The
prince was given the Bardic title of
lonweth Dywysog, the same as was
conferred on Edward VII when he
was Prince of Wales.
After the ceremony the prince,
dressed In full regalia, wm invited to
participate in one of the chief events
of the Eisteddfod, namely, the crown
ing of the prize ode winner. The
successful bard was Prosser Rhys of
Aberystwith, Wales, editor of the Welsh
Industrial Magnate Dies.
CHICOPEE. Mass . August 6.—lrving
H. Page, 65, prominent manufacturer,
died yesterday in Tolland. Mass.
Mr. Page had been in poor health
for some time. He was president of
the Stevens Arms and Tool Company,
Stevens-Duryea Automobile Company.
Page-Lewis Arms Company, Page
Needle Company. Page Paper Box
Company and the National Scale
Company, all of this city. Mr. Page
also was a director in several banks
and other Industries of this section.
Just Drive It; That’s All
Superstitious Trainmen Get
Thrills on European Bailroads.
VIENNA, August 6. —The mystery of
the repeated stoppages of the Inns
bruck-Bludenz express, which for
several days in succession halted
after passing a stiff grade at the
Arclerg tunnel, has been solved by
experts. Investigation showed it to
have been caused by the operation of
a delicate automatic brake on the
Hungarian coach which was attached
to the express for the run from
Budapest to Paris.
When this car was uncoupled at
Innsbruck the train went through the
tunnel normally, to the great joy of
the superstitious train hands, who
H Vision Ts Too Precious
—a thin* to endanger by weiring
poor glasses. ACCtTBACY U as
sured when we fill your specialist’*
prescription. Two convenient stores.
Claflin Optical Co. c ,‘* c,S. bW
New Branch Store, 922 14th St.
had been attributing the stoppages to ,
a “hoodoo."
mo g
EST. 1879
Reupholstering Parlor
Suites and Odd Chairs
a Specialty
Chair Caneing
Furniture Repairing
’Nuff Said!
The Best Place and Lowest
Prices, After All
Ask my 20,000 custom-
I ers. I give the service you
have the right to expect.
Packing, Crating, Shipping
Clay A. Armstrong
Drop Postal to
1233 10th St. N.W.
Or Phone Franklin 7483

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