OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 29, 1924, Image 12

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1924-09-29/ed-1/seq-12/

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Poll s —“Wlldflower."
Nut since tin- days of "The Lilac
Domino" lias musical comedy, or
ina > li% it is I.otter to call it musical
r<»manee. offered suidi delightful en
tcrtSnrnent throughout as is found
in i - J> W T ildfiower.,” with Kdith Day as
and which Arthur Hammer
st.i|fe is presenting at Poli's this
From the very loginning you arc
(harmed with tin' music of the over
tun. in which the harp is a domi
nant factor, and then follow fem
inine grace, beauty, drollery, pathos
aiaHilmnst the tragedy of love. Otto]
Tl.TrlTach and *>s«ar Ilammerstein, 2d. 1
have interwoven a simple little ro- i
m. iin-e us a peasant girl who is left j
a fortune, provided she can control
her temper for sin months, with
lyries that are gems and musical
features that delight.
Kdith 1 'ay is. us course, irresisti
ble and beautiful, and yet she has
a peppy rival in Kslher Howard, who
offers some of the best feminine
comedy ever seen in Washington in
a musical show. There is much to
make you laugh and yet in your
quieter moments you wonder why.
and there is also much to make
you laugh that is really laughable
either in word or action.
V dash of spice is provided by
Marion and Martinez Kandall with
This Radio Star
Gets 2,000 Love Letters a Day
PUR HAPS not one of Read all about him in the
them has ever seen him October issue of the new
—this ideal Radio lover. Yet magazine “Radio Stories .”
from all over the land let- “Radio Stories' ' is the
ters pour in to him at the first an J ONLY strictly
rule of 2,000 a day. Letters non-technical radio publioa
ftom go Is who aic lonely, tion—the magazine of radio
loveless, despondent—from romance, love, adventure,
j women of the work-a-day thrills. Packed with pic
|| world and the world of fures, stories and articles,
j fashion—girls and women j t brings you face to face
j who hunger for the wins- wit!l your f avo ritc broad
pei ed love of his tender, casting artist. Don’t miss
wooing melodics—the per- ,h e first (OCTOBER)
feet !o\ cr who fills their issue,
waking hours and even en
ters their dreams. Strictly Non-Technical
U A W "W" At All Newsstands
|J ADIO 25.
A Macfadden Publication
Thrills Romance Love Adventure
809 Eye St. N.W., Washington, D. C.
GEO. F. MUTH & CO., Inc.
710 13th St. N.W. Main 6386
a Washington Distributors
i a sort of Hawaiian-Argentine tango
along with graceful acrobatics and
rhythmic charm and an exquisite
waltz number. Marion, by the way,
is very pretty, etc.
Three acts are laid, first, in a
farmyard, a very picturesque one,
with its apple blossoms and moun
tain scenery, in Lombardy. Italy;
then on Lake Como and then back
again to the farmyard, where the
finale comes in a veritable hurricane
of apple blossoms.
Lobby Higgins, a chap with a high
tenor voice, which is employed to
amuse rather than to sing, arid Ber
j nard Oorcey are the male funsters
I and Guy Robertson is the peasant
■ hero and lover of .little Nina Bene
| detto, who suffers and suffers, genu
inely. and gets his bride after all.
A striking feature of the little |
musical show is a male Octet used
in staging and singing “Wlldflower"
and “You Can't Blame a Girl for
Dreaming." which, with “April Blos
soms,” arc gems of the lyrics. And
there is also a song and dance, "Bam
balina." strangely reminiscent of
"The March of the Wooden Soldiers.”
which gets deep down in your mem
ory. The girls of. the ensemble also
are pretty and know their business.
Those who find delight in a really
fine musical show will not miss
"Wlldflower.” for it has all the ele
ments of an outstanding hit.
Keith s —Belle Baker.
This week's program at Keith's is
full of good things. Belle Baker has
been entertaining for some years, but
she is now at the very top of her
career as an original character sing
er. She always presents new songs
every season and to isttre their origin
ality Blanche Merrill w rites them for
her, and this makes a lopliner al
ways in demand by managers and
public. Last night her song about a
bootlegger's wife, hauling the hooch
around in a hahy carriage, when mar
ried only a couple of months, scored
a big hit. A couple of the old suc
cesses also had to he given before the
audience would let her go.
The yearn for playlets well acted
is finely met this week with “The
Dast Banquet." with Catherine Cal
vert as the star and a good support
ing company. It concerns a gener
ous woman who sacrifices herself to
save others from their folly, with the
result that her action is misconstrued
and a tear of misery follows. She
j orders a table prepared for a ban
quet on the festive New Year eve and
then the real story comes out with
the assistance of her maid, and all
ends happily. Miss Calvert acts her
part convincingly, her voice, a deep
contralto, adding charm to tho story
of her suffering. At least a dozen
curtain calls announced tho apprcci
When and How You Want It
Too hot when you retire—too cold when you get
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With an Electrol Automatic Oil Burner, you can
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The Electrol Automatic Oil Burner is the perfected
Oil Burner with the added essential feature of en
tirely automatic electric ignition. Clean,quiet, safe
—so safe as to be listed by the Underwriters’ Lab
oratories. Come in and let us demonstrate.
Sole Distributors for Di.tricl of Columbia and Vicinity
t&Plumbinq Equipment and Repairing
Biggs Engineering Co. i
1310 14th St.
ation of the audience and the success
of the little play.
Littlo Billy, vaudeville's tinest
headliner, wins applause with a col
lection of cha racier songs and dances;
Bert Hanlon, a monologist of original
methods, kept the house in laughter
for 20 minutes, and he, with Uttle
Billy, materially helped out Haw
thorne and Cook with their foolish
patter and didoes. The Four
on the horizontal bars with spring
board attachment, offer thrills with
exceptionally daring and accurate
work; Will and Gladys Ahem are far
above the average in entertaining
ability, the stories of the former be
ing new, and both dance well. They
were rewarded with several recalls.
The Gautier's Phonograph Dogs are
well trained and with trick scenery
make their act a big success. Aesop’s
Fables in cartoon with other house
attractions rounded out the bill.
’The Ten Commandments
Production and effects of "The Ten
Commandments” picture, in 60-foot
baggage cars, and special Pullman of
the 25 members of the staff and or
chestra, arrived in Washington yes
terday by the Baltimore & Ohio un
der the guidance of Benjamin H. von
Ottinger, company representative.
and - Frederick Arundel, director of
music and presentation.
The novel spectacle of "staging” a
motion picture will be in progress all
today at the National Theater In
preparation for the notable premier
tonight. Work of altering the Na
tion stage and pit begins at 8 this
morning and requires nine hours'
labor of a largo crew.
A structure extensive as a cyolo
rama and technically known as the
”sha<V"v box” occupies the entire
dimensions back of the proscenium
arch, its purpose being to eliminate
all shadows from the brightly 111
scenes of Bible- miracle and modern
melodrama. The Intensity of light
(Continued on Thirteenth Page.)
Chevy Chase
The Place for Your Home!
Main 8416
Glasses in time Save Eyes
II Eyes Examined
II Glasses Fitted
(Am Gandy. with Joe andthalr—«W.
T°" nr* pr«« In Lifebuoy H..IH.
Beauty Contest)
Ann’s mother says:
“It cleans wonderfully,
and removes from chil- I
dren’s skin the germs
and impurities they are
so apt to pick up in
play. Lives are too
precious to trust to
soaps that do not pro
tect.” Mrs. Gandy is
right. Use
The House
J W PoiltliSDdftt .YrrJ^rt
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o{ Courtesy. g- -_—— F
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m|l —being of master designcrship and dis-
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Fawnskin, Mokine, Oe- Beaver, Muskrat, Skunk,
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A personal visit to our establishment—a careful inspection
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NOTE: Our Establishment is now open for Business every day.
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Sloane Endorsed Merchandise Carries an Assurance of Satisfaction
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