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18 MOTHER MS 4 CHILDREN AND SELF Five Bodies With Throats Cut Found by Father in One Room. ry fhr Pirns. MANGUM. Okla., September 29.—The k)Odiee of Mrs. J. A Melton and her Stour children, their throats cut, were Sound lying: close together in one iroom. by J A. Melton, a farmer, when she returned to his home five miles southeast of here late Saturday night. lail were dead. * Officers who investigated the quin tuple deaths said the razor was found 'clasped in one hand of the dead woman. It is their theory that Mrs. Melton slew the children and then took her own life before collapsing beside the bodies of the four. She is said to have been mentally de ranged for some time. Melton left bis home about 2 o'cloc k Saturday afternoon, remaining in Mangum until late that evening, he told officers. A linger print expert from the State reformatory at Granite, called at the scene examined the razor and room, slating afterward that the fingers prints on furitgre ami lb" razm- were those of the dead woman. Mrs. Mellon repeatedly bad de clared to her husband that "somebody was coming to murder us." he told officers. He said he had gone to j Mangum to take his shotgun and leave it with a friend, fearing the woman might attempt to take her i life. Colored wigs of spun glass are be- j Inc used to conceal bobbed hair. i "^aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiw i Lifetime Furniture Endures In tlie Affections of its Possessors Lifetime Furniture mellows, but never grows * I'JTJHir'FN old or tiresome. Rather—years of plcas i ASsJ ant association and satisfactory service enhance its value, i I—Uni1 —Uni Lifetime Furniture endures both in fact and in the affections of its possessors. Life- X time Furniture is built to last your children's children, S’ This Week There Are Some Unusual Dining Room Values Grand Rapids made dining group of ten pieces, in /j 1 "*"**"" | jjh combination walnut and gumwood.... $395 I fi | Berkey & Gay dining group ot ten pieces, in walnut and gumwood $495 Queen Anne type dining group of ten pieces, in com bination walnut f ,. .^295 Italian type dining group, in rare good taste; ten good size pieces $395 t r I , .—— Lifetime Furniture Is More Than A Name . MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D & E • - \ — VATICAN AROUSED BY HERRIOT LETTER Church Circles Hold Premier Is Voicing Anti-Religious Spirit in France. ..r the Aft»o<‘uted Press. ROME. September 29—The reply of M. Herriot, the French premier, to the French cardinals respecting the ! suppression of the French embassy ! to the Vatican is much commented j upon in Home, both inside and out side the Vatican. Authoritative per- i Manages in the Pope's entourage de clare that M. Herriot, under the cloak of liberty, im|>artiality and tolerance j for all forms of w'oraltip, is simply voicing the anti-religious spirit which originated with the Voltaire doi trines and reached Us apex, first during the French revolution and later with anti-clericalism, that dur ing the last century culminated in France with the Combes and ‘laiubet presidencies. Vatican circles charge M Herriot with short-sightedness and ingrati tude. declaring tthat he does not realize, or forgets, the great advan tages France has gained, both at home and abroad, by the support re ceived from the church. The great bulk of the liberals ap plaud M. Herriofs letter, which they i characterize as one of the clearest and most comprehensive presenta tions of a modern lay state on the supreme sovereignty of civil govern ment. permitting no interference by any religion in the management of public affairs, but allowing Hie free development of any < .ult within the I Houses For Sale and Rent' J. LEO KOLB Main 5027 : 923 N. Y. Ave. 1237 ffis. Are. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1924. laws which protect all citizens, ir respective of their religious opinion. The passage in which Premier Her riot recalls that Hichelieu and Uut arln both held strongly to the need of the state's being independent of church interference is considered a moot effective counter-attack, as well as the reference to Franco protecting Catholicism in the Near East, instead of the church protecting France. Fully 3,500 requests for telephones on file in Hume have not been grunted. li Opmn Until S P.M. Tomorrow, Wednesday A T hurt day J I The Columbia keep to | I ; THEGOAL | m National Bank . ~. m HI tflrlave a fixed opjec- H O tive in mind, and stick H 911 F Street to it—that’s the way 5 a| the successful thrift- ||l ||l Capital and Surplus worker wins out. m IP $500,000.00 C|Our facilities are |1 ||i freely at the disposal of HI Hi open at 8:30 A.M. Dally SCrioUS SavintfS-SC- J ||| count builders. m |H €| Take a dollar or ||| = Si /Sf more from your current 11 |H " pay check and start a IS i== compound interest Columbia savings ac- jSj Sli PAID ON SAVINGS COURt. Jewish Temple Dedicated. Special Dispatch to The Star. CUMBERLAND, Md„ September 29. The dedication of the new temple of > the Beth Jacob Orthodog Jewish Con gregation, on North Center street, took l place Sunday. Addressee were given by Judge Albert A. Doub, Mayer 1 Thomas W. Kocn, Rabbi Morris Baron. Tasker G. Lowndes and Rabbi Charles A. Rubenstein, Baltimore. > • i A merleans are the world’s greatest meat and egg eaters. - I $2.98, S3JO and See Opposite Page for Other Store costume sn P s W |S ed News Tomorrow $1 !_ —* t'oßtume Slips that %| U7 J ' ~' J -_ ' ' ' _ ' 111 ' 1 ———' —are correctly cut and A,7/ I IT pays to A deal at h n ade t o conform I /Syl'iN __ with the prevailing Handsome Beaded i modes for Kail and Bags in the neweat I mm mb II dflSl 1 r. § gorgeous and offec- tajg length and hcm lQ lngß AT K. ST. THE DEPENDABuI Goldesbeie's—Third Floor Tomorrow—A Remarkable Underprice Offering of | S4O and $42.50 Room Size Rugs t Perfect Rug* and Rug* With pmJ- pa*/ Slight Imperfection*. Ail F J in Desirable Room Size* %j J 9 Jf These line rugs —a hundred and more —were bought way below the usual prices. Many are accurate copies of expensive Oriental originals, others are informal, more geometric designs, and there are floral, medallion as well as the most desirable Chi nese patterns. All are- in wanted room sizes. The majority are perfect—some have slight defects which are hardly discernible and will not affect the wearing Included arc the following sizes and fabrics: 9x12-ft. Seamless Axminster and Wilton Velvet Rugs. 9x12-ft. Heavy Seamed Axminster Rugs. 8.3x10.6 Heavy Seamed Axminster Rugs. 8.3x10.6 Seamless Axminster and Wilton Velvet Rugs. $52.50 and $55 Axminster or S3O and $32.50 Velvet and Brussels Wilton Velvet Rugs, $39.75 Rugs, $21.45 These are rugs of the better grade, the majority in Mze 9x12 oxl2-ft. large room-size Smith’s perfect quality Sram- *}• 3 b - v *?.. u V’? th , f ? r , Urg * ro « ms - -Choice of less Velvet and Brussels Rugs, in beautiful floral.‘enema! sedmles* Axminster or Wilton Velvet fabrics, in beautiful color- j . , ■ . ingj*; patterns include oriental, medallion and neat designs. All J an< * medallion designs. Colorings to suit an\ loom in me i | perfect quality. i house. j 1 Gold Seal Gongoleum ' $16.50 Linoleum Rugs SBc Square Yard $5 Japanese Grass Rugs $9.65 aI O Cook s Make l-inoleum Hups. Termed seconds of some size 7.5x1 2 ft for large rooms; all !| *i'ght blur in printing None with ...... , , ~ . with complete border*; handsome ! holes or torn. Full 8 - quarter h.xl'Mt. large room size, heavy, double-warp Japanese ij ■ width. three desirah.e patterns Rugs, green blue and brown, oriental, medallion and neat ™ ..... _ .. stenciled border design >. ngni dnd darK colorings, cork bell when perfect at Sue sq. y,t. filled heavy |, ur lap hack grade. '|* " ' ' “ Sale of Fine Comforts Women’s $3 to $5 at Unusual Savings Fall Low Shoes this timely sale is the result of a special purchase of a maker’s | surplus of high-grade comforts. Housewives should anticipate Strap Pumps. Cut-Outs, Oxfords and Novelties - their winter needs for warm bed coverings tomorrow. Choice at i! siTio! I ) $4.95 $1.95 Pair * frailo 1 c j i JS. I hi- is one of your best chances to -avc on fall footwear. - oracle / The Styles are tho-e in demand and the assortment i- ample to • * meet practically ail requirements ■ Choice of patent leather, black satin, tan calf, black and brown —" r kid. -uede and dull leather-, Louis. Spanish, military and low Tlfiiial \ ▲ jm. _l\ _ walking heels. All sizes and width- in the lot. s£oo } S > $7:48 Grade ) Grade S ** - , 0 r Hygeia lambswool and eolton filled, with i-overings of sateens, (Rq\T ZX \ TA HOf |AC » C silkolines and fine cambrics. Many with plain colored sateen borders. \IV a V Gil / JLVI <X UCI IC;C7« JOt 72x72 and 72x80 sizes for double beds. $5 Blankets $3.69 pair | $lO and $10.95 Blankets i'if 5,« : . $7.45 finish; 66xS0 double-bed size. 70x8u Fine tirade Wool Blan- 70.. O- 40 f " . -it lan with blue and pink border*. kets, with a mixture of cotton A 4nC v>retODn“S, _k‘}C also Indian designs. Esmond Mil! that adds strength and durahil- Vard-w;.l« Oetonne-, tig!,. a n.l dark floral, bird. ! Blankets, double thick quality; ity. flood heavy weight, in vari- foliage and tapestry design- mill 1, nulls r fall |. .i. •[ ni whi h size 64x78 Inches; used as throws ous color plaids, also white with we will cut the desired number of yards Id a' f.,r drap.-rj.’- . a, or couch covers. blue or pink borders. cushion and furniture .overinps.— t First Floor—Bargain Table ami G»Me»b«rg«—Fourth Floor Fourth Floor.t 59c Colored Poplins \jj . • 49c yard Attractive ranel C curtains 38-lnch Colored Poplins, a rich yarn mercerized quality, with t p T T 1 * t -< ers • r t / , beautiful lustrous finish, shown In rour Underprice Groups at iNavinas of V± to l ? in all wanted shades, also w'hite. c * * An ideal fabric for women's and p— ——— draperies. Wear ‘ “ WC " ““ f ° r Regular $1.50 Regular $3 and Regular $4 and Regular $6 and 89e Ten Ponjee. a silk-and-eot- \ alues at $3.50 Values at $5 Values 57 Values BE---" mc 85c $1.85 $2.85 $3.85 50e Ratinipun, 36 inches wide; yarn mercerised cotton fabric. r . . , , . , , . . With the new crepe weave; all 1 anel Curtains, besides being effective t* »r window drapene-. are durable and inex want ed colors, also 3^ tensive. Only one is used at each window. In tomorrow’s sale we offer 200 new and 1 W 2Sc 6 Lon|elc»th, 36 inches wide; a £ r . act , ive at very unusual savings. They are 2' 4 . 2!. and 3 yard- long. 36 to close woven, soft finish | « X) inches wide, and come in white, ivory and ecru. grade for lingerie AoC Fine quality Scotch Nottingham. Cable Net ami Filet weave-, -bowing patterns that are repro -39c White Cheek Voile, extra ductions of handsomest real laces. Choice of overlook edge and silk or heavy bullion fringe -t\ !e-. I fine, aheer, two-ply qual ch y eckr ilh . whlte . . w . oven 29c Companion Sale of Lace Curtains By the Pair at Lowered Prices ( bleached £oL ____________ __________ 25c White Pajama Checks, 36 Usual $1.50 and Usual $2.50 and Usual $4 and $5 Usual $7 and 58 lof^Lr s L d quality. WOV " n : 18c $1.75 Grades $3.00 Grades Grades Grades 39e White Cannon Cloth, 36 ritb 11 Q d|T» "t Q O grad* 8 . wide '. !*. nen , fln ! Bh 25c Ipl.lo fl.oo Oaidesb«rr'> —First Fleer. __________ _______________ ~ '' 35c Dress Ginghams Housewares at Interesting Savings 25c Yard """ 32 Inches Wide , ' |U» VeaMlem White 62. M Selected l um- checks, stripes and plain Enameled re in hlnetK. I>er Curtain colors. High-grade domestic HIM Alamimam Tea with cover and hail wJUJT *"", T Strefel ere. strong and qualities. Ka’ttU..^n^Tsid trade 1 5-qukrt trade size. ’ $ and bah hand.. $2 .3 9 Outing Flannel, 25c $1.19 $1.29 ; I 36-Inch Outing Flannel, light 1 1, grounds with neat checks, stripes Vk. - ZT B9c Wool Flannel, 69c Baskets, good size. made.* ’ b,n * large No. i* size. 27-inch White Wool Flannel. ««. gn '57/- 4l IO close-woven, soft, finish quality 9oC O/W- for infants' wear. _ 1 1- —■_ ... . Goldonberr'i —First Floor.